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02-08-362 REQUEST BY: SHIPPER:. CONSIGNEE: Booking No: Container No.

Apr 20, 2006.


The undersigned Horacio Avelar, Surveyor of the International Inspection and Surveyors Agency Inc. CERTIFIES That at the request of A.B. FORWARDING it was conducted a survey to the stuffing of a container, being details as follows: 1. 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 2. 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 GENERAL INFORMATION Export: 07005/4 Booking No. Container No. Shipper: Consignee: DETAILS OF THE INSPECTION Date: Apr 20, 2006. Time In: 05.00 am. Place: Address: Address: Qubec, Canada. Kind of Good: Rollos de papel External Marks: TEMBEC SPRUCE FALLS Time Out: 16.30 pm.

SEAL #: 5003117


List of Goods: Rolls

838 Total

Rollos de papel (SIZE) 83.8 (DIAM) 101.60

48 48

21531 21531



La mercanca fue preparada con anterioridad, todos los rollos fueron escaneados para confeccionar la Lista de Empaque y fue verificado el estado fsico de cada uno. La carga estaba bien empaquetada, embalada y puesta adecuadamente en el contenedor, las ltimas 4 estibas fueron amarradas con una cinta metalica para mayor seguridad de la carga. Se tarjaron 48 bultos en 24 estibas de 2 rollos c/u, para el total antes mencionado. Marca Comercial: Tembec, Paper Group.

4. 4.1

ATTACHMENTS Photographic Report

Given in Montreal, Canada, on Apr 20, 2006.

Surveyor: Horacio



Numero del contenedor

Contenedor Cargado

Contenedor sellado

Contenedor cargado y sellado

TERMS AND CONDITIONS. 1.- In case of being proved by the client, with reasonable evidences, to have suffered losses or damages due to a negligent performance of the company, its employees or agents, the company shall compensate the client with the same amount charged for the service provided. 2. - Whether the service provided is connected with a FOG indemnification system service, the client shall be entitled to claim the company for shortages reported at destination providing the client had paid for the charged fees. FOG indemnification rules will apply. 3. - The Company will not be held liable for losses or damages other than those, which are related, to the client and according to the limits.

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