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1 13 October 2007 Sabbath Day 11:08AM The Surreal Life of Living in a "City of Judgment" The Year 2007 in Grants

Pass, Oregon When God swept me into HIS plan of salvation for humanity, back on January 16th of 2007, I had no idea what had been occurring "right under my nose". Initially, I just "went to work" on the G.I.E.S. Electrolysis machine, not knowing that my role would be exponentially broader than that machine. As January progressed into March, I was noticing that I was being given tasks that didn't directly relate to the engineering responsibilities of the Electrolysis machine. By the middle of March, it was clear that I would be performing many jobs for God that I had not anticipated. When God showed me the first A380 with my Binoculars up-close it really catapulted me into the twilight zone. I've been there ever since. Beginning on March 16th I started doing "Double Duty". I watched by night, and engineered and notified during the day. The evenings could only be described as "out of this world". After God had me move the camper to the office, it became immediately obvious why. I was shocked as to how much; "in the middle of the night" traffic was utilizing 7th Street. 210-B Evelyn is fronted by North bound 7th Street. God immediately made me realize that these were the Euro Army being lead by Germany, coming over on the A380's. Now that my living quarters were at the office, I was free to stay up all night, every night and get "in the face" of the enemy. This was a very strange situation for me, because I am generally not so BOLD. As the weeks progressed, I repeatedly witnessed fluctuations of the local population. Facing automobiles, on foot, did have its exhilarating moments, but I found myself desiring a conclusion. It seemed like thousands, or even hundreds of thousands of vehicles were using Grants Pass as a commuter route? This was Weird for me, to say the least. Grants Pass has always been know as a City that "rolls up the sidewalks" at night. I really began to question my behavior, spending hours, in the middle of the night, antagonizing hundreds of thousands of drivers and pedestrians. Why was I doing it, and more interestingly why was getting away with it? No one confronted me, and tried to make me stop; strange! I had several encounters with the Police, but none of them made any attempt to discourage my unorthodox behavior. All the Walking, WOW; Isaiah 40 v 31! Psalms 18 v 33, Habakkuk 3 v 19 Another aspect which was occurring in parallel with all this was all the walking I was doing. I had already been doing quite allot of walking prior to

2 January 16th 2007; I guess to prepare me for what was to come. I will not try to chronicalize all my foot travels, since it would be too lengthy. I will outline a typical day according to the Monthly period. January 16th to March 16th In this initial period of time, a typical day would begin around 6:00AM. I would walk down the railroad tracks to the East Part of town. This portion of my journey is about 2 1/2 miles. When I reached Spalding's mill or Gladiola I would head North West to the office. This portion of my trip was likewise about 2 1/2 miles. The whole trip would take me from 45 minutes to an Hour. After getting to the office, I would usually make at least one round trip to town, which is about 18 20 blocks round trip ( 3 to 4 miles). At the end of the day, I would reverse the trip route. When I got to the camper, I usually took at least one trip to Pierce Riffle Park (thats the only restroom I had available to me). Pierce riffle is about 1 1/2 miles from the camper. From Pierce Riffle I would often walk the tracks in the direction of Rogue River, passing savage rapids Dam on the way. This portion is from 4 to 8 miles round trip. The after work walking was mainly for restroom breaks and to see what God had to show me. So, a typical day would include about 10 miles to and from the office, 4 miles to town, and 11 miles after work. I still can't believe it. It adds up to 25 miles a day and I usually went to town more than once from the office and made several trips to Pierce Riffle Park. All that on top of an 8 to 10 hour work day. From March 16th to April 16th After moving the camper to the office, my route changed somewhat. I obviously didn't need to go the Pierce Riffle any longer, but God had other plans for me. In conjunction with what God was revealing to me regarding the Invaders, I was documenting that activity, printing the material and hand delivering it to the public. I also made dozens, if not hundreds of BANNER walks. On these walks, usually from 20 to 45 blocks each, I waved BANNERS to reinforce the written notices God had me write and deliver. A typical day would include walks of at least 100 to 120 Blocks. I'm still amazed. Remember, I'm still putting in an 8 - 10 hour day, and staying up most of the night to BOND with the Invaders. What about my shoes? During the majority of this I used a pair of old brown shoes, I had. They seemed to be made of something indestructible. God obviously kept them going. They were already well worn before January 16th arrived. I had no money to buy new ones, so God kept them together for me. This is just another example of the miraculous occurrences that were included in a typical day of God's work.

3 As Summer Approached May 16th to June 16th I'm doing this all from memory, since it's the Sabbath, so I'll have to revise it later with my notes to correct any chronological anomalies. As near as I can remember May saw two major changes: 1) I started manning the 7th Street light pole and sidewalk 2) The landlord got tired of the camper being parked at the office. As I systematically got God's Banners published and delivered, I was moved that the impact needed to be enhanced further. Waving the Banners on my walks seemed to have and impact, but God moved me to attach the banners (as they changed) to the light pole at the corner of Evelyn Avenue and 7th Street. 7th Street is the main street in Grants Pass going North, connecting with Interstate 5, North and South. Most people leaving downtown normally take 7th street North to get to the freeway. To enhance the postings, I personally manned the Banners and Bonded with the drivers as the drove by. I made quite a spectacle of myself. This activity, I believe was the main reason I was evicted from 210-B following boat nick in May. I continued to do this activity throughout April and May. I even used my Binoculars to look at the A320's and A380's that frequently passed overhead to make sure everyone who saw me knew I was "on to them". After being evicted from 210-B June 16th - August 16th, The Summer of 20071

God's only End - Time Watchman Kenyon Donald Williams

Grants pass, the city of judgment (created 13 October 2007)

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