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CHAPTER 9: CHILDREN NEEDS TO DEVELOP THEIR SKILLS Need for a democratic movement Sometimes children need to have some

time alone for themselves without the helping hand of an adult. This is to develop their skills on how they would respond alone in the changes within their environment and on how theyre going to deal with it independently. Although it is given that a child must obey , still adults must be familiarity inorder for a child to have the capacity to do their own decision making but there are still times that an adult must leave a child during work alone. Behavioral Consequences Behavioral consequences is a way of bringing out or urging children to make decisions out of certain acts. Relating to a democratic scenario where freedom is essential, a child has the ability and the right to choose whatever they want. Lucinda and Pierre in the sandpit. This shows that every choice you make there is an equivalent result and responsibility you must carry. Reward and punishment. With every good a child gets a reasonable benefit but with every bad act has a price to pay. Children feel good when they know they have numerous choices but still having that boundary. Choices and consequences. This freedom within limits. Providing them of their rights but knowing when to stop or how far they can go. Natural Consequences Developing a chils behavior with no interference. Logical Consequences Where a person can and is required to intervene. Acknowledging: mutual rights, mutual respect and mutual responsibility. A child must see the logic in every inappropriate behavior. On the other hand this has become an option to hostile caregivers. Method for logical consequences: Use an I message Provide acceptable choices Allow the child to choose If misbehavior repeated. FOLLOW THROUGH AGAIN.

Consequences or timeout? This is the time and space needed by children to feel calm, relaxed or just have a sense of fresh air. An example would be to remove or send them away when making inappropriate behavior. An alternative approach is to make the child feel welcome and noticed, to help the child feel good. With careful planning caregiver can be responsible in improving and developing the child with of course values or lessons for every unacceptable behavior.

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