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Responding to Art: Visit A Local Art Gallery (Or Not)

Taking a class of young children to an art gallery may not sound like such a great idea, with priceless artworks hanging all around it may seem daunting. What about a local alleyway filled with street art? No need to stress about ruining any artworks there. Find an alley way that is continuously being used for street artists to show their works and take your Foundation Year Two students there instead. Once there, ask them how many artworks they can find that they like; whether its the picture itself or the colours used.

Supplies needed: - Local alleyway used for street art or graffiti - Pencils - Sheets of blank paper - Sheet of questions for students to answer

Here are some example questions that you could ask the students: 1. Why do you like this particular piece? What makes it interesting to you? 2. What colours are used in the artwork? 3. What can you see in the artwork? 4. How do you think the artist came up with this piece? After the students have finished the questions, get them to try their hand at drawing the artwork they picked.

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