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Fieldwork Risk Assessment Form 2 You should read your department's code/codes of practice on fieldwork safety before completing

this form. The purpose of this risk assessment is to identify possible causes of harm and measures needed to avoid these - before an accident occurs. How to calculate the level of risk A hazard is anything with the potential to cause harm e.g a fall from height - perhaps a few feet from a stepladder or a considerable distance from a cliff edge. The risk is the likelihood that an unplanned event involving the hazard will occur. The likelihood reduces in proportion to the precautions taken - training, safety equipment, planning, maintenance, etc. Give the risk a 13 rating (1-very unlikely, 2-quite likely, 3-almost certain to occur). The level of risk is the product of the likelihood and the possible severity of outcome. Give the possible severity a 1-3 rating (1-trivial small cuts bruises, 2- hospital treatment and/or off work for over three days, 3- death or serious injury/illness). A product of 1-3 is a low risk and possibly no more precautions are required. A product of 6-9 is a high risk and the activity should cease immediately. A product of 4 is a medium risk and further precautions should be taken to reduce it. By carrying out a risk assessment, you can direct attention and resources where they are most needed to prevent injuries or illhealth. The five steps to carry out a risk assessment are : 1. Identify the hazards - find out about the site, the work, where you will be staying, how you will be travelling etc. 2. Identify who might be harmed and how - think about risks to yourself and others in your team. People with health problems, disabilities or lacking experience in fieldwork may be at greater risk and need extra protection. Think about harmful effects of your work on the environment and how these can be minimised. 3. Evaluate the risks (likelihood) and risk level (likelihood x severity) taking into account the present precautions and consider if and how the risk levels of harm can be reduced (if they need to be) - i.e what extra arrangements, equipment and training etc. will help to avoid accidents or illness? 4. Record your findings - on the risk assessment form below. This assessment should form the basis of safe working practices and local rules. Dont just fill in the form and forget it - make sure everyone in your team knows about the risks and how to avoid them. 5. Review and revise your assessment where necessary - you should do this when there are significant changes in materials, equipment, work methods, location or people involved. Assessments should also be reviewed if there are accidents, near-misses or complaints associated with the work.

FIELDWORK RISK ASSESSMENT FORM Project.................A2 Media FilmThis Isnt Hollywood ........................... School: Sheldon School Dates: From............22/2/13................................. To............22/2/13....................... Location(s) of work .........Chippenham Tescos underground Car park............

HAZARDS Physical hazards (e.g. extreme weather; mountains and cliffs, quarries, marshes and quicksand; fresh or seawater)

RISK LEVEL(High, medium, low) Medium

Biological hazards (e.g. poisonous plants; aggressive animals, soil or water micro organisms; insects) Low

Chemical hazards (e.g. pesticides; dusts; contaminated soils; chemicals brought into site) Low

Man-made hazards (e.g. electrical equipment; vehicles, insecure buildings; slurry pits; power and pipelines) High

Personal safety (e.g. lone working, attack on person or property. If abroad consider possible political instability, banditry etc - Check F.O. advice on the country here.) Medium

Environmental impact (e.g. rubbish; pollution; disturbance of eco-systems) Low

Other hazards (specify)

Fight scene, Cars in underground car park, putting Shaun in the boot.

Present steps taken to minimise risks identified above (e.g. procedures; equipment; clothing; skills training; information) Additional measures required: Emergency procedures (e.g. first aid, survival aids, communication) Emergency Contacts999

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