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Yolexis Rodriguez

Mr. Cooper
March 24th, 2009

Lent Journal

Friday March 20, 2009

Hos. 14:2-10, Mk 12:28-34

We should go to God with open hearts and minds. I think that He is willing to forgive anything
as long as we’re truly serious about repenting for what we’ve done. No one else can save us but
ourselves. If we don’t want to make a change in our life, then we really can’t become the “good”
people we want to be.

Saturday March 21, 2009

Hos. 6L1-6, Lk., 18:9-14

God has made us the people that we are today. He can tear us apart but He can heal us spiritually,
physically, and emotionally as well. That’s what He is here for. We should honor and
acknowledge the fact that God is above all. No one in the world, not even a king, could have the
power that He does.

4th Sunday March 22, 2009

Jn. 9:1-41

God can make anything happen. He healed the blind, and cured the sick. Asking for God’s help
shouldn’t be a big deal. In today’s world so many people are too full of pride to ask for help
when they need it. It really shouldn’t be like that at all. God is here to help us live our lives. He
doesn’t want us to suffer.

Monday March 23, 2009

Is 65:17-21, Jn 4:43-54

God can make one man’s trash another man’s treasure. He created the world, as beautiful as it is.
It’s amazing how much power he has. He can literally change the world in a second if He wanted
to. The world itself is just proof of what God can do. So many people take things for granted
when they don’t realize how much God has done for us.

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