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Dance Seduction by Chi "Club Dance King" Szeto After training a ton of men, young and old, I can

tell you that the dance floor is the hardest place in the world to pick up women if you dont know what youre doing. But, it can be the easiest place in the world to meet women if you know the secrets Im about to share with you. You don't have to be a great dancer to get women on the dance floor. Dancing well, and dancing to get girls are two very different skills. What I mean is, you can be a great solo dancer and that will get you attention and some interest. But that in of itself won't seal the deal. When you know how to dance socially with a partner, you'll be better at moving interactions further and faster with women. More important than actual dance skills is coming off as fun, confident, and sexy. Keep in mind, "Presentation Over Skill." Basic things that will improve interactions are to practice eye contact (instead of looking down at the floor) and to smile or smirk (instead of looking nervous or bored like you don't want to be there). 3 Common Mistakes Guys Make on the Dance Floor: -Approaching her from behind in order to start grinding on the girl. This is creepy! Better to get in your target girl's line of view and dance a bit, make eye contact and see if she smiles at you/keeps looking over. That is your cue and opening. From there, you should mosey on over and open her. Be aware of your surroundings and notice women who might be interested in you. This will get you in close enough proximity to give you chances to open them. -Being too gropey or touchy feely. This also comes across as creepy! Not only does this make you seem desperate, it makes women feel uncomfortable. Although I have a dance move entitled, "The Pervert Stare,"1 do NOT grope the lady while dancing as if you're at a strip club. Yes, it feels great to experience that closeness and I would even venture to say that MOST guys do not get enough of it [affection, warmth or sex]. Therefore, when we get a little bit of it while dancing there is a tendency to covet the opportunity and become overtly aggressive.

"The Pervert Stare"

-Not touching the woman enough. These guys are the ones who are scared or lack the knowledge and experience of how to touch a woman. This communicates weakness, disinterest, and lack of sexual confidence. The right amount and type of touch is key to seduction. Take a Bachata or Salsa class in order to gain more experience being in close physical quarters and being more alpha with women. What you want to do is constantly be varying the location, as well as the amount of touch. My buddy, Josh Pellicer, describes it as "TLC"2 - temporary, lingering, and constant touch. Start off with safer places like the shoulder or back. Brief split second touches are good to break the barrier. Build the progression of touching from casual/ friendly to more intimate/sexual. My style on the dance floor is "subtly aggressive". Meaning I am pretty touchy when I'm dancing, but everything I'm doing is smooth so I rarely get resistance even on aggressive moves like "The Fatality"3 and the "Titty Tease"4. . So while I'm not groping the lady, I am touching her in intimate ways that let her know that I'm confident, in control, and interested in her. Although I am touchy, I am not constantly hanging on the lady the whole time we are dancing. Sometimes I dance away from the lady and even push her away using a technique I call "Get off Me"5. This is a method of "Push-Pull" which keeps the sexual tension going. Successful Dance Floor Game. Like any good movie, it takes women on a rollercoaster of emotions: excitement, laughter, fear of loss, anticipation... Your goal is not to be one dimensional (i.e. funny the whole time like a clown or sexy the whole time which can be exciting, but exhausting). Sometimes the interaction should be casual and fun, other times you should turn up the intimacy and connection. A simple way to implement Push-Pull on the dance floor is to do a basic "Step-Touch"6, moving towards the lady at times (building tension), then move back away from her at other times right when it seems like you're about to get close. The efficacy of my moves are that they are teases and not groping. So I may run my hands down her side boob, or touch her inner thigh lightly without groping on the dance floor. This raises anticipation, curiosity, and desire. Once you have built this attraction and the woman is intrigued, they will want to make out with you and will be more likely to go home with you.
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"Touching with TLC" "Fatality" 4 "Titty Tease" 5 "Get Off Me" 6 "Step Touch"

Common Questions/FAQ How do I open or start dancing with women? 1. Have a conversation first. Meet a girl at the bar; talk for a few minutes and then say, "Let's go dance" (grab her hand and lead her to the dance floor). This is highly effective because she's now comfortable with you and assuming there is interest. In most cases, she will go with you even if she doesn't like to dance. 2. Often times you will see girls standing near the dance floor or even on the dance floor looking bored. If you are attracted to one of them, this is a great opportunity to hold out your hand and pursue with a smile. Sometimes I dont have to say anything at all and the lady will take my hand (this works particularly well a salsa clubs), other times I say something very affirmative like, lets go dance or come dance with me"7. "What do I do when she is frigid or tests me on the dance floor?" Men and women need time to warm up in order to let loose on the dance floor. A great way to break the ice and engage your dance partner is to do a silly move like "the robot"8, which is normally my response when she says, "Show me your best move." After we dance a bit, I can tease the girl by pointing at my open hand saying, "You got dollar bills? This shit ain't free!" When you notice they're having fun, jokingly say, "that'll be $80" (with a cocky smile). "How long should I dance to develop attraction?" I would spend about 10-20 minutes on the dance floor (about 2-4 songs). This is enough time to have fun, deepen attraction and connection with your partner. Even if you are great at the Dance Floor Game, don't use it as a crutch and dance the whole night away. Be multidimensional in your game. Use the dance floor to escalate, generate comfort and attraction. Be sure to work on your conversational skills and verbal game because at some point in the night, or your next encounter, you'll have to talk and be interesting off the dance floor.

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Dance Approaches Funny Dance Moves "The Robot"

"How long will it take me to be good at the Dance Floor Game?" This depends on many factors such as how good you are now, how good you want to be, how fast you learn, how often you take class, and how often you practice. I see improvements in ALL of my students, even within the first hour. Some students take 4 hours to become proficient while others take 40. Mindset: Before you go out or when you first get to the club, set an intention to have a great night, to meet people, and to have fun. If you are learning the game then go out with the intention to learn and improve your skill set. Have that mindset and exude confidence that you are a sexy, attractive beast that women are into. Carry and project the right aura of energy and people around you will notice. Approach Anxiety: This is natural and I've found it is well combated by momentum. Momentum means the more times you approach, you realize the result is never as bad as your mind imagined. So don't hesitate more than 3 seconds when you see a woman you like. Otherwise, your target lady may leave, go to the bathroom, or get approached by someone else. Motivation: Negative motivation works better for me over positive motivation. For example, negative motivation would be asking yourself "What's worse, the temporary pain of rejection or being alone for the rest of your life?" Positive motivation would be to tell yourself you can do it and imagining the interaction going well. Use whichever works best for you. The beauty of the Dance Floor Game is that you can get instant attraction and create high value through dancing. Getting yourself out on the dance floor, regardless of your skill level is a sign that you are confident, adventurous, and fun. It is also a shortcut to breaking the touch barrier and getting physical with women. Whereas in most typical dates, you have to create opportunities for physical interactions. "Why Should I Learn to Dance?" Women relate dancing ability to skills in bed. All of the variations on dance that I teach (changing speed, intensity, combinations) are synonymous to skills you use to become a master in the bedroom. Hence, learn to dance. Women will notice you more and you will increase your opportunities to meet and attract women.

Moreover, dancing will become fun and is a great escape/hobby that helps you build confidence. If you make a women dance like she wants you to, she'll want you. Touching women sensually while dancing and/or dancing sexually gets women thinking about fucking you. It is socially acceptable, public foreplay that if executed correctly, will get you more attraction and "closes". If you don't attempt to push her buttons she'll think you're another lame guy who doesn't go after what he wants. "Dancing is a vertical expression of a horizontal desire" -Robert Frost You can't escape and avoid dancing all of your life. As my friend DJ Fuji says, Even if you don't meet women at clubs, at some point in your life you will be in a situation like a wedding, bar, or party where a girl will want to dance with you. If you don't seize the moment and opportunity for fun, it reflects negatively on you and your level of confidence. You will lose ground with the lady or lose her to another guy who is more fun and is a more confident dancer. Notice I didn't say a better dancer, just a more confident dancer. Don't miss out on these opportunities and don't let your fear control you. Handling Rejection: Rejection and failure in the game should be used for learning and growth. Your efforts are only a failure if you don't learn anything from your experiences. The most successful people in the world are the ones who have put their egos on the line and failed the most. Biography With over 20 Million views and 20,000 subscribers, Chi "Club Dance King" Szeto is the MOST popular club dance and dance seduction expert on the Internet at From Los Angeles to London, Hong Kong and Dubai, he travels internationally to teach and perform. Chi was featured on the Tonight Show with Jay Leno as an Internet sensation! He has danced with Kaba Modern, and toured globally for Top Asian Pop artists such as Jay Chou and Lee Hom Wang. Trained in Hip Hop under many of the Jabbawockeez, Chi is currently training with Que Rico Dance Company in Bachata, and has been trained in Salsa by World Champion couple Junior and Emily Alabi.

Chi has spent years creating and perfecting this new Dance Seduction genre using simple techniques to help you become confident being sexual and sensual with any woman instantly. Chi's Dance Syllabus Includes: Musicality: How to count the music, and hear the beats and rhythms Proper body position: Learn what muscles you need to engage so you don't look too stiff, or conversely too noodley. Basic movements: Look good dancing by yourself to attract a partner at a bar, club, party, or wedding. No crazy choreography to memorize. How to dance with a partner: Variations so you don't look or feel like you're doing the same thing over and over again; so you and your partner don't get bored. Basic to advanced upper and lower body coordination. Dance Seduction: Not only the movements, but the psychology of how to turn a woman on while dancing. Learn the "Dance Attraction Formula"- How to be fun, confident, and sexy while dancing. Discover dance openers, kiss closes, and how to transition on and off dance floor. The Club Dance King is available Internationally for private/group/webcam lessons Skype: ClubDanceKing Voice: 001.323.393.3875 For FREE videos and articles on openers, kiss closes, boner etiquette, go NOW to and enter your name and email.

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