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519 July 8, 2004 Routing

Nuclear Deterrence, Preventive War,

and Counterproliferation

by Jeffrey Record

Executive Summary

During the Cold War, the principal function lamation of a new use-of-force doctrine calling for
of nuclear weapons was to deter nuclear attack. preventive military action against so-called “rogue
Nuclear deterrence was not considered a tool of states” seeking to acquire nuclear weapons. The
nonproliferation. The primary mechanisms for doctrine reflected a loss of confidence in tradi-
halting the proliferation of nuclear weapons tional nuclear deterrence; rogue states, it was
were the nonproliferation regime established by believed, were irrational and might launch attacks
the Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty (NPT) of on the United States or transfer weapons of mass
1968 and the U.S. extension of nuclear deter- destruction to terrorist organizations. Thus the
rence to states that might otherwise have sought global war on terrorism, highlighted by the pre-
security through the acquisition of nuclear ventive war against Iraq, became as much a war of
weapons. counterproliferation as it was a war on terrorism.
Since the end of the Cold War, and especially The wisdom and necessity of preventive war as
in the wake of the September 11, 2001, al Qaeda a substitute for nuclear deterrence are, however,
terrorist attacks on the United States, the U.S. highly questionable. The evidence strongly sug-
government has reexamined the utility of both gests that credible nuclear deterrence remains
nuclear deterrence and nonproliferation. The effective against rogue state use of WMD, if not
discovery in the wake of the 1991 Gulf War that against attacks by fanatical terrorist organiza-
Iraq, an NPT signatory, had secretly embarked tions; unlike terrorist groups, rogue states have
on a huge nuclear weapons program prompted critical assets that can be held hostage to the
the United States to embrace counterprolifera- threat of devastating retaliation, and no rogue
tion, which consists of a series of nonwar initia- state has ever used WMD against an enemy capa-
tives designed to prevent hostile states from ble of such retaliation. Additionally, preventive
acquiring nuclear weapons and, in the event of war is not only contrary to the traditions of
crisis or war, to destroy such weapons and their American statecraft that have served U.S. security
supporting infrastructure. interests so well but also anathema to many long-
The 9/11 attacks a decade later spawned proc- standing friends and allies.

Jeffrey Record is a former professional staff member of the Senate Armed Services Committee and author of
Bounding the Global War on Terrorism and Dark Victory: America’s Second War against Iraq.
Preventive Introduction resources alone dictates treating such chal-
war can be lenges on a case-by-case basis, and in those
The term “war on terrorism” does not ade- cases where U.S. counterproliferation and
indistinguishable quately capture the true scope of the current counterterrorism interests collide, as they do
from outright administration’s overriding post-9/11 foreign in Pakistan, the former is likely to take a back-
policy objective. In truth, the war on terrorism seat to the latter. Pakistan, though guilty of
aggression and is really a counterproliferation war—the use of rampant proliferation of nuclear technology
has no legal force to prevent the acquisition of weapons of and know-how to the likes of North Korea,
justification. mass destruction, especially nuclear weapons, Iran, and Libya, is considered an indispensable
by state and nonstate entities hostile to the ally in the war against al Qaeda, especially in
United States. the hunt for Osama bin Laden.
It was not just an act of terrorism that Nor is it sensible to claim that circum-
prompted a sea-change in U.S. security policy; stances could never arise that would justify a
it was also what President Bush called the preventive war. It would be foolish to rule out
“crossroads of radicalism and technology,”1 entirely any policy option simply on the basis
that is, the specter of terrorists armed with of its historical association with armed
WMD, that moved the administration to aggression. After all, although deterrence and
embrace the policies explicated in The National preventive war reflect different judgments on
Security Strategy of the United States of America, threat probability and how much risk one is
issued in September 2002. The administration willing to accept, they have the same objec-
justified the U.S. invasion of Iraq on the tive: to protect the United States from cata-
grounds that Saddam Hussein’s suspected strophic attack.
search for nuclear weapons constituted a grave The administration’s security policies raise
and growing danger to the United States, that broader questions that go beyond its politics.
he might have had something to do with the The controversy surrounding specific admin-
9/11 attacks, and that he might transfer istration policy responses to the 9/11 al Qaeda
WMD to al Qaeda. Though all of these claims terrorist attacks on the United States should
remain unsupported by disclosed evidence, not obscure the critical importance of two
and though unanticipated demands on the fundamental questions those responses seek
U.S. military in postwar Iraq reduce prospects to address: the utility of nuclear deterrence
for major U.S. military action against other post-9/11 and the efficacy of preventive war as
WMD-seeking rogue states, the administra- an alternative to nuclear deterrence.
tion remains committed to a policy of coercive Rhetorical confusion of preventive and pre-
counterproliferation in circumstances where emptive military action has clouded discus-
alternative courses of action are not available. sions of the administration’s security policy.
The distinguishing features of this war on The term “preemptive war” refers to the use of
proliferation are (1) the conflation of all ter- force in self-defense against an imminent
rorist organizations and rogue states as an attack. The classic example of preemptive self-
undifferentiated threat, and (2) the substitu- defense is Israel’s military action against
tion, if deemed necessary and feasible, of Egypt, Syria, Jordan, and Iraq in the 1967 Six-
threatened or actual preventive military Day War. But what the Bush national security
action for traditional nuclear deterrence as a strategy calls preemptive war is really “preven-
means of dealing with the threat. tive war” to “act against such emerging threats
To be sure, preventive war is not the only before they are fully formed.”2 As such, pre-
alternative to deterrence. Dissuasion and coer- ventive war can be indistinguishable from out-
cive diplomacy are viable alternatives, a fact right aggression and has no legal justification;
evident in the administration’s approaches to in contrast, preemptive military action under-
nuclear proliferation challenges posed by taken in accordance with strict legal criteria is
North Korea and Iran. Scarcity of military legitimate self-defense.

To substitute preventive war for deter- ently unstable. Nor can one ignore the
rence is to ignore the fact that traditional impossibility of proving the negative. The
nuclear deterrence was directed at states success of deterrence is measured by events
already armed with nuclear weapons and was that do not happen, and one cannot demon-
aimed at deterring their use in time of crisis or strate conclusively that an enemy refrained
war; it was not enlisted as a means deterring from this or that action because of the
the acquisition of nuclear weapons. That task implicit or explicit threat of unacceptable
was, at least until 9/11, left primarily to the retaliation. The argument here is that deter-
regime established by the 1968 Treaty on the rence should continue to be the policy of first
Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons, also resort in dealing with hostile states acquiring
known as the Nuclear Nonproliferation or seeking to acquire WMD and that preven-
Treaty (NPT), and to the U.S. policy of pro- tive war—as opposed to preemptive military
viding nuclear guarantees to allies that might action aimed at disrupting an imminent
otherwise have felt the need to develop their attack—is almost always a bad and ultimate-
own nuclear weapons. ly self-defeating option. Richard K. Betts at
The administration’s security strategy is fur- Columbia University observes that past
ther challenged by the broader question of American arguments for preventive war
whether it is possible over the long run to pre- against the Soviet Union and Mao’s China
To substitute
vent proliferation of WMD on the part of states “proved terribly wrong.”4 preventive war
determined to acquire them. Traditional non- The Bush administration believes that the for deterrence is
proliferation policy implied that nuclear prolif- 9/11 attacks demonstrate a diminished effi-
eration could be contained and treated all pro- cacy of nuclear deterrence. With respect to to ignore the fact
liferation as undesirable despite evidence that it nonstate enemies, especially fanatical terror- that traditional
could be stabilizing as well as destabilizing.3 ist organizations like al Qaeda, deterrence is
Moreover, as the American experience with Iraq clearly inadequate. How does one deter an
has shown, preventive war is a costly and risky enemy with which one is already at war and deterrence was
enterprise subject to the law of unintended con- which presents little in the way of assets—ter- directed at states
sequences. And it is not at all self-evident that ritory, population, governmental infrastruc-
preventive war is necessary, at least against ture, and so forth—that can be held hostage already armed with
states (as opposed to nonstate entities); on the to retaliation? Preventive military action, in nuclear weapons.
contrary, preventive war may actually encour- contrast, is integral to the prosecution of
age proliferation, although the impact of hostilities against state and nonstate ene-
Operation Iraqi Freedom on North Korean and mies; once a war is underway, military action
Iranian attitudes toward nuclear weapons to deny the enemy the ability to fight anoth-
remains as yet unclear. er day is inevitable and imperative, whether
In the final analysis, it is not the mere that “another day” is tomorrow or a potential
presence of WMD in hostile hands—but future war years away. To destroy and disrupt
rather their use—that kills and destroys. is to deny and prevent. Striking first inside a
Accordingly, if their use can be deterred—and war is not an issue. Thus, in the war against al
the evidence suggests that deterrence does Qaeda, having “already been attacked, it is
work against rogue states if not terrorist logical for the United States . . . to strike first
organizations, then deterrence of their use is against al Qaeda and similar groups whenev-
manifestly a much more attractive policy er doing so is militarily feasible and effective,”
option than war to prevent their acquisition. noted Betts before the Iraq War. “The issue
That is not to deny the inherent difficulty arises in regard to states who have not
of maintaining credible deterrence, especially attacked us—at least not yet. This distinction
against adversaries whose culture and values between Iraq and al Qaeda, obscured in
are alien to our own. Deterrence is a psycho- much discussion of this issue, must be clear-
logical phenomenon, and as such is inher- ly maintained.”5

So the questions that the administration’s a highly reliable ability to inflict unac-
post-9/11 strategy must answer are: Does 9/11 ceptable damage upon any single
demonstrate a diminished efficacy of nuclear aggressor or combination of aggres-
deterrence, even against rogue states, and if so, sors at any time during the course of a
what is the evidence? Was Saddam Hussein’s strategic nuclear exchange, even after
Iraq really undeterred and undeterrable? And absorbing a surprise first strike. This
haven’t the invasion and occupation of a can be defined as our assured-destruction
seemingly WMD-less Iraq revealed an exagger- capability.
ation of the benefits of preventive war as a Assured destruction is the very
means of counterproliferation as well as an essence of the whole deterrence concept.
underestimation of its costs? We must possess an actual assured-
destruction capability, and that capabil-
ity also must be credible. . . . If the
Deterrence, United States is to deter a nuclear attack
Nonproliferation, and on itself or its allies, it must possess an
actual and a credible assured-destruc-
Counterproliferation tion capability.9
before 9/11
The key to such a capability was possession
Deterrence, observed Thomas Schelling in of secure retaliatory capabilities—that is, sec-
his classic The Strategy of Conflict, “is concerned ond-strike forces that could “ride out” the
with influencing the choices another party enemy’s first strike and in turn inflict unac-
will make, and doing it by influencing his ceptable damage on the enemy’s homeland.
expectations of how we will behave. It Such capabilities would in essence make the
involves confronting him with evidence for enemy’s first strike an act of national suicide.
believing that our behavior will be deter- Continued McNamara:
mined by his behavior.”6 More specifically,
Colin Gray at the University of Reading in When calculating the force required, we
the United Kingdom argues that deterrence must be conservative in all our esti-
“refers to the effect when a person, institu- mates of both a potential aggressor’s
tion, or polity decides not to take action that capabilities and his intentions. Security
Haven’t the otherwise would have been taken, because of depends on assuming a worst possible
the belief or strong suspicion that intolerable case, and having the ability to cope with
invasion and consequences would ensue from such it. In that eventuality we must be able to
occupation of a action.”7 absorb the total weight of nuclear
With respect to nuclear deterrence, attack on our country—on our retaliato-
seemingly WMD- nuclear strategist Albert Wohlstetter, in his ry forces, on our command and control
less Iraq revealed seminal January 1959 Foreign Affairs article, apparatus, on our industrial capacity,
an exaggeration “The Delicate Balance of Terror,” put it in a on our cities, and on our population—
nutshell: “To deter an attack means being and still be capable of damaging the
of the benefits of able to strike back in spite of it. It means, in aggressor to the point that his society
preventive war as other words, a capability to strike second.”8 would be simply no longer viable in
a means of Secretary of Defense Robert McNamara twentieth-century terms. That is what
explained U.S. policy in 1968: deterrence of nuclear aggression means.
counterprolifera- It means the certainty of suicide to the
tion as well as an The cornerstone of our strategic policy aggressor, not merely to his military
continues to be to deter deliberate forces, but to his society as a whole.10
underestimation nuclear attack upon the United States
of its costs? or its allies. We do this by maintaining It remains unclear whether the Soviet

Union fully accepted the logic of assured barely an effective one. Perhaps deter- Because survival
destruction, which was based on the American rence was even unnecessary because it is the primal
assumption of rational decisionmaking on was impossible to prove whether the
both sides, and on the more specific assump- adversary ever intended to attack in the instinct of states,
tion that the Soviets would, in the face of first place.13 as it is of
nuclear threats, behave reasonably by U.S.
standards.11 What is clear is that until the mid- Thus, it is possible that nuclear weapons had
1960s the United States enjoyed a substantial little or nothing to do with the absence of a states are
superiority in both first- and second-strike NATO-Warsaw Pact war.14 inherently averse
nuclear forces, and that subsequent Soviet On the other hand, it is difficult to imagine
attainment of quantitative superiority in land- that even the hardest of hard-line Soviet deci- to risking their
based first-strike capabilities vis-à-vis the sionmakers ever believed that they could own annihilation.
United States never effectively compromised attack the United States or U.S. allies in
the security of America’s devastating second- Europe without risking the Soviet Union’s
strike capabilities. By the early 1970s a condi- own destruction. Did a credible U.S. nuclear
tion of mutually assured destruction had deterrent have nothing to do with the absence
emerged, prompting American nuclear strate- of war in Europe, where the Soviets enjoyed
gists to assume that neither the United States major—and at times seemingly crushing—con-
nor the Soviet Union “would ever be suffi- ventional military advantages over NATO in
ciently motivated, foolish, ignorant, or inco- Europe? Did it have nothing to do with the
herent to accept the risk of nuclear war; both Soviet Union’s embrace of limited proxy wars
would be rational when it came to calculating as the vehicle for expanding Soviet power and
the potential costs and benefits in the conduct influence in the Third World? Did it have
of their foreign policies.”12 nothing to do with the Soviet back-down dur-
Though some disputed the postulation of ing the Cuban Missile Crisis?
rationality, the fact remains that the Cold Though few have argued that nuclear
War remained cold. From the end of World weapons alone kept the Cold War cold (other
War II to the end of the Cold War, the United theories include balance-of-power considera-
States and the Soviet Union abjured direct tions and the obsolescence of great power
military engagement—nuclear or otherwise— war), it is hard to believe that nuclear
as an instrument of policy against each other. weapons did not matter—that is, that the
Though both constructed vast nuclear arse- threat of instant and unacceptable nuclear
nals and on occasion threatened their use, retaliation had no deterrent effect. Because
they never launched nuclear weapons. survival is the primal instinct of states, as it is
Was there a cause-and-effect relationship of individuals, states are inherently averse to
between the presence of nuclear weapons and risking their own annihilation. Barry Posen
the absence of war? It is easy to assume that a at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology
condition of mutual nuclear deterrence contends that there was a common belief
accounted for the “long peace.” But, as for- among U.S. decisionmakers at the end of the
mer secretary of state Henry Kissinger Cold War “that nuclear weapons deter
(among many others) has pointed out: nuclear attacks on oneself or one’s allies, and
arguably deter conventional invasion of one’s
Since deterrence can only be tested own territory, and to a lesser and more debat-
negatively, by events that do not take able extent, the territory of one’s allies.”15 If
place, and since it is never possible to so, this is no mean accomplishment. But
demonstrate why something has not there is more: nuclear weapons may also
occurred, it became especially difficult deter use of nonnuclear weapons of mass
to assess whether the existing policy destruction. For example, the available evi-
was the best possible policy or just dence suggests that credible nuclear deter-

rence accounted in part for the absence of that he has the will to do what he threatens
Iraqi chemical attacks on Israel, Saudi to do. Nonnuclear deterrence was a signifi-
Arabia, or coalition forces during the Persian cant problem for the United States in the
Gulf crisis of 1990–91.16 years separating defeat in Vietnam and the
That said, nuclear deterrence, like its non- 9/11 attacks. The so-called “Vietnam syn-
nuclear varieties, is a psychological process and drome,” enshrined in the Weinberger-Powell
therefore inherently difficult to manage. Colin doctrine and reinforced by humiliating mili-
Gray astutely points out that “the intended tary evacuations under fire in Lebanon and
deterree is at liberty to refuse to allow his poli- Somalia and by agonizing indecision in the
cy to be controlled by foreign menaces.” In Balkans, conveyed an image of military
other words, “Whether or not the intended power greatly in excess of a willingness to use
deterree decides he is deterred is a decision that it and use it decisively. Both Saddam Hussein
remains strictly in his hands.”17 And his deci- and Osama bin Laden were motivated to
sion may be governed by not only an entirely attack U.S. interests in part out of a low
different set of values than that of the deterrer regard for America’s willingness to sustain
but also a much greater stake in the outcome bloody combat overseas.
of the crisis at hand. Keith Payne at the The apparent success of nuclear deterrence
The foundation National Institute for Public Policy and Dale before 9/11 was conditioned by two factors: it
of successful Walton at Southwest Missouri State University was directed against the use of nuclear
deterrence is observe that the presumption of rationality weapons by states possessing such weapons.
“does not . . . imply that the decision-maker’s Nuclear deterrence did not seek to prevent
the deterree’s prioritization of goals and values will be shared states from acquiring nuclear weapons—it
conviction that by or considered sensible to outside observers. sought instead to prevent their use by holding
Nor does rationality imply that any particular hostage the enemy state’s targetable territory,
the deterrer moral standard guides the selection of goals leadership, industry, military forces, and
means what he and values.” In fact, “rational decision making cities. Nuclear deterrence moreover did not
says. can underlie behavior judged to be unreason- have to concern itself with threats posed by
able, shocking, and even criminal by an observ- nonstate actors armed with weapons of mass
er because that behavior is so far removed from destruction.
any shared norms and standards. Rational With respect to the acquisition of nuclear
leaders with extreme ideological commit- weapons by other states, the United States
ments, for instance, may have goals that appear grudgingly accepted their acquisition by
irrational to outside observers.”18 Johnson selected allies—the United Kingdom; France;
administration decisionmakers in 1965 fatally and more covertly, Israel—but sought to curb
underestimated North Vietnam’s strength of their proliferation in the rest of the world.
interest in the struggle for South Vietnam and The principal vehicles for this policy were the
believed that Hanoi could be brought to heel extension of U.S. deterrence to states that
via a coercive bombing campaign. They failed otherwise might have felt compelled to devel-
to understand that a reunified Vietnam under op their own nuclear arsenals, as well as the
communist auspices was a nonnegotiable war NPT and the subsequent legal and normative
aim for Hanoi and, for that very reason, that regime that rose up around it.
the Vietnamese communists were prepared to The NPT regime is essentially a bargain
make—and made—manpower sacrifices “irra- between nuclear “haves” and “have-nots.” In
tional” in magnitude.19 exchange for foreswearing development of
Additionally, the deterree, whatever his nuclear weapons, the have-nots obligate the
values and priorities, might not regard a haves to provide the knowledge and assistance
deterrent threat as credible. The foundation to develop nuclear energy for nonmilitary pur-
of successful deterrence is the deterree’s con- poses. The NPT also pledges the haves to the
viction that the deterrer means what he says, eventual elimination of all nuclear weapons.

The have-nots, in turn, agree to have their out U.S. possession of large, usable forces.
nuclear programs inspected by the Inter- Allies and enemies alike would have been dri-
national Atomic Energy Agency at self- ven to acquire such weapons: enemies, because
declared sites. The regime and its associated such weapons would then matter; allies, to
nonproliferation efforts, which include vari- protect themselves.”21
ous regional nuclear-free zones, agreements Neither the NPT nor U.S.-extended nuclear
between suppliers to restrict transfer of deterrence guarantees nonproliferation, how-
nuclear- and missile-related technologies and ever. Adherence to the NPT is voluntary; more-
materials to particular potential recipients, over, signatories, such as Saddam Hussein’s
and a U.S. commitment not to use or threaten Iraq, can and have violated its provisions by
to use nuclear weapons against have-not pursuing covert nuclear weapons programs,
states, have enjoyed remarkable success in and, in the case of North Korea, have simply
retarding nuclear weapons proliferation. (To withdrawn from the treaty. Indeed, it was the
be sure, other factors, such as the enormous manifest deficiencies of the NPT regime—that
cost of a nuclear weapons program, account is, the emergence of treaty-signatory rogue
for the low proliferation rate.) Since 1968, only states seeking nuclear weapons—that prompt-
five states have acquired nuclear weapons. Of ed the United States to embrace the concept of
the five, three (Israel, India, and Pakistan) were counterproliferation in the early 1990s and
not signatories to the NPT, and one (South preventive war against Iraq a decade later.
Africa) relinquished its nuclear weapons and The Defense Counter-Proliferation Initiative
joined the NPT. The fifth (North Korea) has was launched by the Clinton administration in
been twice caught cheating on its internation- 1993 and stemmed from President George H.
al obligations and has now entered negotia- W. Bush’s directive to the defense department
tions of an uncertain outcome. Additionally, “to develop new capabilities to defend against
the United States and other like-minded NPT proliferants, including capabilities for preemp-
regime supporters have successfully encour- tive military action.”22 The directive followed the
aged several states (Argentina, Brazil, South discovery, in the wake of the 1991 Gulf War, of
Korea, and Taiwan) to cease work on suspect- an Iraqi nuclear weapons program larger and
ed nuclear weapons programs and other states more advanced than prewar intelligence esti-
(Belarus, Kazakhstan, and Ukraine) to give up mates had projected. The move toward counter-
nuclear weapons they inherited from the proliferation was also facilitated by the disap-
Soviet Union.20 pearance of the Soviet threat, which removed a
The success of the NPT has been reinforced potential check on U.S. freedom of military
by U.S. defense commitments that reassure action overseas.
allies that they can foreswear nuclear weapons Counterproliferation expert Barry Schnei-
without endangering their security. To the der, from the United States Air Force
extent that insecurity is a motive for acquiring Counterproliferation Center, contends that
nuclear weapons, a U.S. defense guarantee the basic difference between nonproliferation
reduces that insecurity to tolerable levels as and counterproliferation is that the former
long as the guarantee remains credible. This “features the velvet glove of the diplomat,”
reassurance has been especially critical for whereas the latter features “the iron fist of the
South Korea, Japan, Taiwan, and Germany, all military.”23 Counterproliferation focuses on Neither the
of which have had the capacity to “go nuclear” protecting U.S. interests and forces in con- NPT nor U.S.-
and would have had the incentive to do so frontations with enemies already armed with
absent the extension of credible nuclear deter- WMD. It encompasses deterrence, sanctions,
extended nuclear
rence by the United States. As Michael Tkacik defensive measures (such as anti-ballistic mis- deterrence
at Stephen F. Austin State University observes: sile defenses and vaccines against biological guarantees non-
“There are many reasons to believe nuclear weapons attacks), and the capacity for, as
proliferation would have been far greater with- Secretary of Defense William J. Perry declared proliferation.

The September in 1995, disabling or destroying enemy WMD Bush administration declared a war on ter-
11, 2001, attacks assets in time of conflict, if necessary through rorism that targeted both terrorist organiza-
counterforce attacks.”24 James J. Wirtz of the tions and so-called “rogue states.” The core of
on the United Naval Postgraduate School, writing in 2000, the postulated threat is the prospective mar-
States prompted characterized counterproliferation primarily riage of terrorism and WMD, especially
as “an effort to use conventional weapons to nuclear weapons, with terrorist organiza-
major changes in deny proliferants military benefits from tions acquiring WMD from rogue states or
U.S. security threatening to use or actually using nuclear rogue states themselves using WMD for pur-
policy. The Bush weapons against U.S. forces or allies.” In his poses of intimidation or aggression. Given
view, as well as that of the Clinton administra- the questionable utility of traditional deter-
administration tion defense department, anticipatory military rence against rogue states and especially ter-
declared a war on action as a tool of counterproliferation would rorist organizations, argues the administra-
terrorism that necessarily be nonnuclear. Given the strength tion, the United States cannot afford to wait
of the taboo against using nuclear weapons, for either to acquire WMD and use them first
targeted both Wirtz contends that it “would be difficult, if against U.S. interests. America must be pre-
terrorist not impossible, to convince an attentive glob- pared to strike first against aspiring WMD
al audience why it was necessary to use nuclear possessors, especially rogue states seeking
organizations and weapons to preserve the international norm nuclear weapons. It was this reasoning that
so-called “rogue against nuclear non-use and proliferation.”25 underpinned the decision to attack Iraq. As
states.” Thus, before 9/11 counterproliferation was Robert Litwak at Georgetown University cor-
viewed primarily as a conventional counter- rectly observes, “The Iraq War [is] the first
force challenge: the threatened or actual use of case in which forcible regime change was the
nonnuclear weapons to deter or prevent a means employed to achieve nonproliferation
nuclear adversary from using nuclear weapons. ends.”27 The war on terrorism is thus also a
Counterproliferation was not taken to include war of counterproliferation, and it is a war,
nuclear first strikes or preventive war aimed at against nonstate terrorist organizations and
stopping a regime from acquiring WMD. rogue states, which administration spokes-
Intra-war attacks on enemy WMD facilities men also term “terrorist states.”28
were envisaged, but not starting a war itself— What commentators have called the “Bush
and certainly not a nuclear war. The common Doctrine” has been explicated in a number of
view was that counterproliferation activities presidential speeches29 and in three major poli-
should remain within the bounds of interna- cy declarations: The National Security Strategy of
tional law, which prohibits military strikes the United States of America (September 2002),
against states not at war except in circum- National Strategy to Combat Weapons of Mass
stances of imminent and indisputable enemy Destruction (December 2002), and National
attack.26 (Thus, the Reagan administration Strategy for Combating Terrorism (February 2003).
condemned the 1981 Israeli preventive air The National Security Strategy declares that
strike on the Iraqi nuclear reactor at Osirak.) If the “U.S. national security strategy will be
radical regimes could not be dissuaded or based on a distinctly American international-
deterred from acquiring WMD, they could at ism that reflects the union of our values and
least be deterred from using them. our national interests. The aim of this strategy
is to help make the world not just safer but
better.”30 President Bush’s cover letter to the
How 9/11 Changed U.S. document states: “The greatest danger our
Security Policy Nation faces lies at the crossroads of radical-
ism and technology. Our enemies have openly
The September 11, 2001, al Qaeda terror- declared that they are seeking weapons of
ist attacks on the United States prompted mass destruction, and evidence indicates that
major changes in U.S. security policy. The they are doing so with determination. The

United States will not allow those efforts to ness and eagerness to acquire WMD, especial-
succeed. . . . America will act against such ly nuclear weapons, which are believed not to
emerging threats before they are fully be for defensive purposes. In his January 2003
formed.”31 But the ability to so act requires State of the Union address, the president
unchallengeable military power. Thus in his declared:
June 1, 2002, speech at West Point, the presi-
dent declared: “America has, and intends to Today, the gravest danger in the war on
keep, military strengths beyond challenge— terror, the gravest danger facing America
thereby making the destabilizing arms races of and the world, is outlaw regimes that
other eras pointless, and limiting rivalries to seek and possess nuclear, chemical, and
trade and other pursuits of peace.”32 The biological weapons. These regimes could
National Security Strategy reiterates: “Our forces use such weapons for blackmail, terror,
will be strong enough to dissuade potential and mass murder. They could also give
adversaries from pursuing a military buildup or sell those weapons to terrorist allies,
in the hopes of surpassing, or equaling, the who would use them without the least
power of the United States.”33 hesitation.37
The administration thus defines the threat
as extremism plus unprecedented destructive The president subsequently spoke of Saddam
The two most
capacity. “When the spread of chemical and Hussein’s Iraq: threatening
biological and nuclear weapons, along with aspects of rogue
ballistic missile technology—when that Year after year, Saddam Hussein has
occurs,” said the president at West Point, “even gone to great lengths, spent enormous states are their
weak states and small groups could attain a sums, taken great risks to build and inherent
catastrophic power to strike great nations. keep weapons of mass destruction. But
Our enemies have declared this very intention, why? The only possible explanation,
and have been caught seeking these terrible the only possible use he could have for and eagerness to
weapons. They want the capability to black- those weapons is to dominate, intimi- acquire WMD.
mail us, or to harm us, or to harm our date, or attack. With nuclear arms . . .
friends.”34 Secretary of Defense Donald Saddam Hussein could resume his
Rumsfeld subsequently spoke of a “nexus ambitions of conquest in the Middle
between terrorist networks, terrorist states, East and create deadly havoc in that
and weapons of mass destruction . . . that can region.38
make mighty adversaries of small or impover-
ished states and even relatively small groups of Deputy Secretary of State Richard Armitage
individuals.”35 had asserted that rogue states’ “unrelenting
The administration identifies three threat drive to possess weapons of mass destruction
agents: terrorist organizations with global brings about the inevitability that they will be
reach, weak states that harbor and assist such used against us or our interests.”39 Vice
terrorist organizations, and rogue states. Al President Dick Cheney, speaking of Iraq in
Qaeda and the Taliban’s Afghanistan embody August 2002, declared: “Simply stated, there
the first two agents, respectively. Rogue states is no doubt that Saddam Hussein now has
are defined as states that brutalize their own weapons of mass destruction [and that] he is
people, disregard international law and threat- amassing them to use against our friends,
en their neighbors, seek to acquire WMD for against our allies, and against us.”40
purposes of aggression, sponsor terrorism A key feature of the administration’s pos-
around the world, reject human values, and tulation of the threat is its assertion that
hate the United States and everything it Cold War concepts of deterrence and con-
stands for.36 The two most threatening aspects tainment are insufficient to deal with WMD-
of rogue states are their inherent aggressive- seeking rogue states and are irrelevant

against terrorist organizations. In his West weapons.”43 The National Security Strategy
Point speech, President Bush declared: declares simply: “We cannot let our enemies
strike first.”44 In a September 2002 CNN inter-
For much of the last century, America’s view, National Security Advisor Condoleezza
defense relied on the Cold War doc- Rice claimed that the risk of waiting for con-
trines of deterrence and containment. clusive proof of Saddam Hussein’s determina-
In some cases, those strategies still tion to acquire nuclear weapons was too great
apply. But new threats also require new because “we don’t want the smoking gun to
thinking. Deterrence—the promise of become a mushroom cloud,”45 a metaphor the
massive retaliation against nations— president subsequently repeated.46
means nothing against shadowy ter- Complementing The National Security
rorist networks with no nation or citi- Strategy of the United States of America is the
zens to defend. Containment is not National Strategy to Combat Weapons of Mass
possible when unbalanced dictators Destruction, which embraces counterprolifera-
with weapons of mass destruction can tion to combat WMD use, strengthened non-
deliver those weapons on missiles or proliferation to combat WMD proliferation,
secretly provide them to terrorist allies. and consequence management to respond to
WMD use. The document declares that rogue
He added: states do not regard WMD as weapons of last
resort, but rather as “militarily useful weapons
We cannot defend America and our of choice intended to overcome our nation’s
friends by hoping for the best. We can- advantages in conventional forces and to deter
not put our faith in the words of us from responding to aggression against our
tyrants, who solemnly sign non-prolif- friends and allies in regions of vital interest.”47
eration treaties, and then systematical- With respect to counterproliferation, it
ly break them. If we wait for threats to declares, “We must enhance the capabilities of
fully materialize, we will have waited our military, intelligence, technical, and law
too long.41 enforcement communities to prevent the
In his January movement of WMD materials, technology,
The National Security Strategy states that dur- and expertise to hostile states and terrorist
2002 State of the ing the Cold War the United States “faced a organizations.”48 It also calls for “capabilities
Union address, generally status-quo, risk-averse adversary. . . . to detect and destroy an adversary’s WMD
the president But deterrence based only on the threat of assets before these weapons are used.”49
retaliation is less likely to work against lead- Interestingly, the National Strategy to Combat
warned: “The ers of rogue states more willing to take risks, Terrorism declares, “We require new methods
United States of gambling with the lives of their people, and of deterrence” because rogue states “have
the wealth of their nation.”42 demonstrated their willingness to take high
America will not In discussing the threat the president also risks to achieve their goals, and are aggressive-
permit the stressed its urgency. Less than two months ly pursuing WMD and their means of delivery
world’s most after the 9/11 attacks, he declared: “We will as critical tools in this effort.” As a conse-
not wait for the authors of mass murder to quence, the “United States will continue to
dangerous gain weapons of mass destruction.” In his make clear that it reserves the right to respond
regimes to January 2002 State of the Union address, the with overwhelming force—including through
president warned: “Time is not on our side. I resort to all of our options—to the use of
threaten us with will not wait on events while dangers gather. I WMD against the United States, our forces
the world’s most will not stand by, as peril draws closer and abroad, and friends and allies.”50
destructive closer. The United States of America will not The administration’s willingness to use
permit the world’s most dangerous regimes to force to stop rogue states from acquiring
weapons.” threaten us with the world’s most destructive WMD—a euphemism for nuclear weapons—

was demonstrated by its decision to launch a enough insurance against what it regards as a Preventive war is
war against Iraq to prevent that country from catastrophic threat, i.e., a nuclear, chemical, or an alternative
some day confronting the United States with biological 9/11. Even if such a threat were of
“a mushroom cloud.” It is no less evident in the low probability, its consequences would be so to nuclear
administration’s widely reported interest in horrific as to justify preventive military action. deterrence,
new nuclear weapons technologies designed to Accordingly, the administration has pur-
destroy suspected rogue states’ subterranean chased additional insurance in the form of a
although both
nuclear program facilities. Absent nonviolent policy of preventive war. policy options
options for stopping rogue state acquisition of Preventive war, however, is to be clearly seek to protect
nuclear weapons, there are essentially only two distinguished from preemptive military
ways to prevent it: overthrow the offending action. The latter is officially defined as “an the United States
regime and replace it with a regime that does- attack initiated on the basis of incontrovert- from catastroph-
n’t have WMD ambitions, or launch counter- ible evidence that an enemy attack is immi- ic attack.
force strikes at the offending regime’s WMD nent.”53 Preemption is justifiable if it meets
facilities. Both involve preventive military Secretary of State Daniel Webster’s strict cri-
action and entail considerable risk. teria, enunciated in 1837 and still the legal
Reported administration interest in small standard, that the threat be “instant, over-
nuclear “bunker-busting” munitions is consis- whelming, leaving no choice of means or no
tent with administration determination to moment of deliberation.”54 Under these
halt rogue state acquisition of nuclear exceptional circumstances, preemption has
weapons by any means necessary.51 Though legal sanction because, as Chris Brown at the
the United States has yet to strike a rogue London School of Economics points out,
state’s suspected nuclear facilities (outside the “the right to preempt is . . . an extension of
context of a war already underway), the very the right of self-defense.”55 An enemy army
development of such munitions reflects a pol- massing on or approaching one’s borders in
icy determination to obtain “capabilities to a self-evidently threatening way and within
detect and destroy an adversary’s WMD assets the context of extreme political hostility
before these weapons are used.”52 However, invites preemption. Though preemption is
like the launching of preventive war, the actu- rare, the preemptive motive was a powerful
al use of these weapons in an “out-of–the- force behind the rush to war of Germany,
blue” strike could have severely negative long- Russia, and France in July 1914; Chinese
term strategic consequences for the United intervention in the Korean War in 1951; and
States. Preventive war and nuclear strikes are the Israeli attack on Egypt in 1967.56 In each
inherently dangerous policy options. case the preempting party faced, or had very
good reason to believe that it faced, an
impending enemy attack.
Preventive War as a In contrast, preventive war is “a war initi-
Substitute for Deterrence ated in the belief that military conflict, while
not imminent, is inevitable, and that to delay
Preventive war is an alternative to nuclear would involve greater risk.”57 Harvard’s
deterrence, although both policy options seek Graham Allison has captured the logic of
to protect the United States from catastroph- preventive war: “I may some day have a war
ic attack. If one has no confidence in deterring with you, and right now I’m strong and
an adversary’s future use of WMD, and if one you’re not. So I’m going to have the war
cannot compel him to abandon the search by now.”58 In December 1912 chief of staff of
means short of war, then preventive war the German Army Helmut von Moltke
becomes the least unattractive option. The opposed a diplomatic solution to a Balkan
Bush administration does not believe that crisis at hand because he believed that
nuclear deterrence provides the United States Germany’s military power was peaking vis-à-

vis that of France and, especially, Russia, United States. More generally, preventive war
which was rapidly modernizing its army and reasoning is consistent with the administra-
expanding its railroad system. “I believe war tion’s declared determination to keep U.S.
to be inevitable, and the sooner the better,” military forces strong enough to dissuade
he said.59 David Frum and Richard Perle adversaries from pursuing a military buildup
(both at the American Enterprise Institute) in the hopes of surpassing or equaling the
make the same argument a century later: power of the United States.
“Why let an enemy grow stronger? By waiting Preventive war is thus prompted, not by a
. . . we forfeit the initiative. We cast away the looming enemy attack, but rather by long-
opportunity to act at a time and place of our range calculations about power relation-
choosing and gamble our security on future ships, and it is attractive to states that believe
circumstances that may or may not be favor- themselves to be in decline relative to a rising
able to us.”60 adversary. Preventive war assumes that con-
Dale Copeland at the University of Virginia flict with the rising state is inevitable, and
argues that preventive war is “typically initiat- therefore striking before the military balance
ed by dominant military powers that fear sig- worsens becomes imperative. Thus, the
nificant decline.”61 Indeed, Copeland points Japanese in 1941 not only assumed the
Preventive war out that the basic argument of the literature inevitability of war with the United States
assumes that on preventive war is that “states in decline fear but also the necessity to attack before
conflict with the the future” and “worry that if they allow a ris- America’s growing rearmament tipped the
ing state to grow, it will either attack them military balance hopelessly against Japan.
rising state is later with superior power or coerce them into The Japanese were well aware of America’s
inevitable, and concessions that compromise their security.”62 enormous latent military power and felt
Better, therefore, to attack the rising state compelled to strike before it was fully mobi-
therefore striking while the military balance is still unfavorable lized. On the eve of Pearl Harbor, Japanese
before the to it, than to wait to be dominated. Steven Van naval and air power was unrivaled in East
military balance Evera at MIT contends that an “impending Asia; France, Britain, and the Netherlands
power shift . . . creates a one-sided incentive: were no longer in a position to defend their
worsens becomes the declining state wants an early war, while empires in the region; and the Soviet threat
imperative. the rising state wants to avoid war until after to Japan had vanished with Hitler’s invasion
the power shift. Specifically, the declining of Russia. Never again would Japan enjoy
state strikes ‘preventively,’ launching war now such a favorable military position relative to
to prevent later conflict under worse circum- her enemies in East Asia.64
stances.”63 Though one can question Copeland’s the-
This reasoning is consistent with the sis that the perceived necessity for preventive
rationale behind the U.S. invasion of Iraq. war is the root cause of all major great power
The Bush administration believed that wars, preventive wars are certainly far more
Saddam Hussein had a reconstituted nuclear numerous than preemptive military actions.
weapons program that would have armed Indeed, notes Richard Betts, “preventive wars
Iraq with a nuclear arsenal that could have . . . are common, if one looks at the rationales
permitted it to challenge U.S. military of those who start wars, since most countries
supremacy in the Persian Gulf or even attack that launch an attack without an immediate
the United States. This reasoning also provocation believe their actions are preven-
explains Saddam Hussein’s military passivity tive.”65 Preventive war is thus hard to distin-
and acceptance of U.N. weapons inspections guish from aggression, which explains why it,
before the U.S.-Iraq war of 2003. Given Iraq’s unlike preemption, has no legal sanction. As
lack of a nuclear deterrent and the decrepi- foreign policy analyst David Hendrickson at
tude of its conventional military forces, Colorado College observes, preventive war “is
Saddam wasn’t about to pick a fight with the directly contrary to the principle that so often

was the rallying cry of American internation- crisis completely missed this particular Soviet
alism in the twentieth century,” during the motive because they believed in minimal
first half of which “doctrines of preventive deterrence and rejected the idea of a winnable
war were closely identified with the German nuclear war. “The trouble was,” notes Robert
and Japanese strategic traditions.”66 Kagan at the Carnegie Endowment for
International Peace, “that Khrushchev did not
Cuban Missile Crisis think as they did and did not believe in mini-
The Cuban Missile Crisis is instructive mal deterrence. He believed that nuclear war
with respect to America’s traditional aversion was possible, that it could be won, and there-
to preventive war. This most dangerous of fore that nuclear superiority mattered very
Cold War confrontations stemmed from the much. . . . What he wanted was a credible
American reaction to a Soviet move that nuclear force that would paralyze the
threatened an abrupt alteration in the strate- Americans and prevent them from using their
gic nuclear balance. Analyses of Soviet nuclear threat to prevent Soviet advances
motives for surreptitiously placing medium- around the world.”70 In the end, the adminis-
range and intermediate-range nuclear mis- tration, at considerable risk of nuclear war,
siles in Cuba in 1962 vary, but most agree that nonetheless employed coercive diplomacy to
a major motive was a perceived opportunity force withdrawal of the missiles.
to reverse the Soviet Union’s profound and A notable aspect of the crisis from its onset
humiliating inferiority in intercontinental- was President Kennedy’s pronounced aver-
range nuclear weapons.67 In October 1961 the sion to a military solution notwithstanding
Kennedy administration had dispelled the the contrary opinion of all of his military and
myth of Soviet nuclear superiority—the prod- most of his civilian advisers, who favored air
uct of an effective Kremlin campaign of strikes against the missile sites, an invasion of
strategic deception—by publicly revealing a Cuba, or both. Given America’s crushing
huge and growing numerical advantage in global nuclear superiority and conventional
land-based intercontinental ballistic missiles, military supremacy in the Caribbean, there
submarine-launched ballistic missiles, and was little chance of a successful Soviet-Cuban
long-range bombers that gave the United defense of the island, and an invasion would
States “a second-strike capability which is at eliminate both the missiles and a Castro
least as extensive as what the Soviets can deliv- regime whose removal had become a Kennedy
er by striking first.”68 Technically reliable obsession. President Kennedy nonetheless
Soviet medium-range and intermediate-range opted for a coercive diplomatic solution. He
missiles in Cuba—the latter capable of strik- was convinced that the crisis was pregnant
ing almost the entire continental United with the potential for miscalculation that
States—would be more than the functional could prompt uncontrollable escalation into
equivalent of unreliable intercontinental mis- a U.S.-Soviet nuclear exchange.
siles deployed in the Soviet Union and would But there was another argument against
greatly increase the weight of a first strike. At direct U.S. military action against Cuba that A notable aspect
the time, the United States had a 4-to-1 by all accounts influenced the president and of the Cuban
advantage over the Soviet Union in ICBMs those of his advisers who favored diplomacy
and a 17-to-1 superiority in deliverable war- over war. It was believed that an American Missile Crisis
heads and bombs against the Soviet Union.69 attack would be analogous to the Japanese was President
A rising nuclear state thus sought a short-cut surprise attack on Pearl Harbor and as such, in
to undermine an unfavorable nuclear bal- the words of Undersecretary of State George
ance. Ball, would be “contrary to our traditions . . . pronounced
Some Kennedy administration members would cut directly athwart [what] we have aversion to a
of the executive committee of the National stood for during our national history, and
Security Council established to deal with the condemn us as hypocrites in the opinion of military solution.

From the end of the world.”71 The president’s influential weapons if the nuclear balance shifted to its
World War II brother, Attorney General Robert F. Kennedy, clear advantage. This in turn suggested a con-
also opposed a military strike because, he said, viction that war, if it came, would be simply
until the early “it would be a Pearl Harbor type of attack.”72 the product of military vulnerability rather
1950s there were By the sixth day of the 13-day crisis, President than a political crisis. The Americans project-
Kennedy himself was referring to the air ed their own logic onto the Soviets: after all,
calls within the strike–invasion option as “this particular Pearl if even Americans could consider launching a
national security Harbor recommendation.”73 war solely on the basis of perceived military
establishment for The Pearl Harbor analogy was, of course, trends, would not the Soviets almost certain-
questionable given the recklessness and mag- ly be prepared to do so?
war to prevent the nitude of the Soviet provocation in Cuba. An As early as January 1946, just five months
Soviet Union aversion to besmirching America’s reputation after Hiroshima and Nagasaki, General Leslie
from acquiring by launching what the Kennedy brothers Groves, wartime head of the Manhattan
believed to be the functional equivalent of a Project, wrote a memorandum that raised the
nuclear weapons. Pearl Harbor attack nonetheless played a issue of preventive war. “If we were ruthlessly
major role in the nonviolent resolution of the realistic, we would not permit any foreign
crisis.74 power with which we are not firmly allied, and
in which we do not have absolute confidence,
Preventive War and the Soviet Union to make or possess atomic weapons,” he wrote.
Although the concept of preventive war “If such a country started to make atomic
against another state for the purpose of alter- weapons we would destroy its capacity to
ing relative power trends is incompatible make them before it had progressed far
with America’s strategic tradition, the use of enough to threaten us.”77
such a strategy was once considered vis-à-vis Over the next seven years senior Air Force
the Soviet Union and later, Communist leaders, including generals “George Kenney,
China. From the end of World War II until Curtis LeMay, Thomas Power, Nathan
the early 1950s there were calls within the Twining, Thomas White, and Hoyt Vanden-
national security establishment, especially berg all privately expressed sympathy for pre-
among the military leadership, for war to ventive war, and official Air Force doctrine
prevent the Soviet Union from acquiring manuals continued to support preventive war
nuclear weapons.75 From 1945 to 1949 the ideas.”78 In August 1950 Navy Secretary
United States enjoyed an atomic weapons Matthews gave a speech in which he called for
monopoly and throughout the 1950s a a “war of aggression” against the Soviet Union;
crushing superiority in deliverable nuclear Americans should become “aggressors for
weapons. Proponents of preventive war, peace,” he said.79 A month later Major General
which included the British philosopher Orville Anderson, commandant of the Air War
Bertrand Russell, the mathematician John College, told a newspaper reporter that, given
Von Neumann, U.S. Secretary of the Navy the authority to do so, he would order a
Francis Matthews, senior U.S. Air Force lead- nuclear strike against fledgling Soviet atomic
ers, and even Winston Churchill, assumed capabilities. “Give me the order to do it and I
that war with the Soviet Union was probable, can break up Russia’s five A-bomb nests in a
even certain, and that America’s nuclear week,” he said. “And when I went to Christ, I
supremacy would inevitably erode as the think I could explain to Him why I wanted to
Soviet Union exploded its first bomb and do it now before it’s too late. I think I could
went on to build a nuclear arsenal.76 explain to Him that I had saved civilization.
Preventive warriors also believed that the With it [the A-bomb] used in time, we can
Soviet Union sought nuclear weapons for immobilize a foe [and prevent] his crime
purposes of blackmail and aggression and before it happened.”80 These comments
that Moscow would not hesitate to use those prompted President Truman to fire Anderson

and publicly denounce preventive war. “We do action that would at best postpone—not pre-
not believe in aggression or preventive war,” he vent—China’s eventual acquisition of nuclear
said in a radio broadcast. “Such a war is the weapons.84
weapon of dictators, not of free democratic
countries like the United States.”81 Preventive War and Iraq
Indeed, preventive war against the Soviet The feasibility of a preventive war against
Union remained just an idea because both Iraq in 2003 was not an issue. Iraq was polit-
Truman and Eisenhower rejected it—Truman ically isolated and militarily helpless—it had
on moral and political grounds, and Eisen- neither nuclear weapons nor competitive
hower (who briefly considered preventive conventional forces. The United States had
war) because he believed that the postwar no superpower rival and enjoyed global mili-
tasks of occupying and administering a tary primacy. It could overthrow the Iraqi
nuclear war–devastated Soviet Union were regime, directly attack Iraq’s suspected
beyond America’s resources.82 Reinforcing WMD facilities, or both.
Truman’s and Eisenhower’s rejection of pre- Yet the ease with which Operation Iraqi
ventive war was America’s conventional mili- Freedom toppled Saddam Hussein’s dictator-
tary weakness vis-à-vis the Soviet Union. ship in the spring of 2003 was strategically
According to Copeland, a war with the Soviet misleading. The American war on Iraq and its
The ease with
Union would be a war with a state whose ongoing aftermath exemplify the risks and which Operation
massive conventional military forces could penalties of preventive war, especially preven- Iraqi Freedom
swiftly overrun Europe, forcing the United tive war aimed at regime change. First, the war
States “to fight a long war from England, the exposed a massive U.S. intelligence failure, toppled Saddam
Azores, and North Africa. Given these dis- which suggests the United States cannot sus- Hussein’s
tances, and given the strong Soviet air- tain a strategy of anticipatory self-defense
defense system, it would be difficult to because such a strategy presumes—indeed,
dictatorship in
achieve a decisive victory.”83 rests upon—near perfect knowledge of enemy the spring of
capabilities and long-term intentions.85 2003 was
Preventive War and China This was not the first U.S. intelligence fail-
The lure of preventive war—this time ure with respect to Iraqi WMD. During the strategically
against China—returned briefly during the run-up to the first American war with Iraq, misleading.
early 1960s. Military action against China’s the intelligence community greatly underesti-
fledgling nuclear weapons program was seri- mated the scope and status of Iraq’s nuclear
ously considered within the Kennedy adminis- weapons program.86 Twelve years later, after
tration. The president and his national securi- the second U.S. war with Iraq, Center for
ty adviser, McGeorge Bundy, believed that a Strategic and International Studies military
nuclear China would be intolerable because analyst Anthony H. Cordesman contended
possession of nuclear weapons would embold- that, “the United States and Britain went to
en Mao Zedong to commit blackmail and war with Iraq without the level of evidence
aggression. President Lyndon B. Johnson sub- needed to provide a clear strategic rationale
sequently rejected proposals for preventive for the war and without the ability to fully
strikes for a variety of reasons, including con- understand the threat that Iraqi weapons of
fidence in the U.S. nuclear arsenal to deter any mass destruction posed to U.S., British, and
Chinese first-use of nuclear weapons, belief Australian forces.” Though there were other
that China sought nuclear weapons primarily reasons advanced for going to war with Iraq,
for reasons of deterrence and prestige, and fear the absence of any discovered Iraqi WMD,
that China might retaliate against U.S. bases continues Cordesman, “is a definitive warn-
and allies in East Asia. President Johnson was ing that . . . intelligence and targeting are not
simply not prepared to risk a potentially open- yet adequate to support grand strategy, strat-
ended war with China for the sake of military egy, and tactical operations against prolifer-

ating powers or to make accurate assess- Plan of Attack, the account of the George W.
ments about the need to preempt.”87 Bush administration’s preparation for war
Conservative commentator George F. Will against Iraq by Washington Post correspondent
contends that the “failure . . . to find, or Bob Woodward, the Central Intelligence
explain the absence of, weapons of mass Agency had only four human sources of intel-
destruction that were the necessary and suf- ligence inside Iraq, all of them serving in gov-
ficient justification for preemptive war” ernment ministries peripheral to the search
places the “doctrine of preemption—the core for WMD.)92 Indeed, if the U.S. intelligence
of the president’s foreign policy . . . in jeop- community completely missed the boat on
ardy.”88 (It is worth noting that during the Iraq’s WMD capabilities, by what means could
Cuban Missile Crisis, U.S. intelligence failed it hope to divine the inherently more difficult
to detect the presence in Cuba of nearly 100 to determine issue of Iraq’s intentions?
Soviet battlefield nuclear missiles, which the The bottom line is that an effective strate-
Soviet commander in Cuba had been granted gy of counterproliferation via preventive war
authority to fire in defense of the island from requires intelligence of a consistent quality
an American invasion. Thus a U.S. invasion and reliability that may not be obtainable
of Cuba—favored by the Joint Chiefs of Staff within the real-world limits of collection and
and key civilian advisers to President analysis by the U.S. intelligence community.
Kennedy—could have unwittingly initiated a In addition to exposing an embarrassing
nuclear war.)89 U.S. intelligence failure, the second war
Obtaining an accurate picture of a secretive against Iraq entangled the United States in a
enemy’s capabilities and intentions is an costly and open-ended insurgent conflict
inherently difficult and risk-prone challenge, that threatens Iraq’s reconstruction as well as
and the process of intelligence collection and the U.S. ability to deal effectively with major
analysis can be fatally compromised by politi- military contingencies that might arise else-
cal pressures to reach desired conclusions. where. Prewar expectations of a swift and
Some believe such pressures were exerted in clean decapitation of the Ba’athist leadership
2002–03 to inflate the scope and imminence and its ready replacement by a government of
of the Iraqi WMD threat.90 One thing, howev- Iraqi exiles, of functioning government min-
er, seems certain: there was a dearth of reliable istries, security forces, rapidly restored high
human intelligence inside Iraq that could have output oil production, readily available elec-
provided a more accurate picture of the threat tric power, and—above all—an absence of
An effective than simply the supposition that Saddam insurgent violence, did not materialize.93 The
Hussein must have resumed work on the result has been a war that never really ended
strategy of coun- banned WMD program after his expulsion of and a continuing commitment of blood and
terproliferation U.N. inspectors in 1998. Indeed, argues treasure that may prove difficult to sustain
Cordesman, “the only definitive way” to deter- politically over the long haul.94
via preventive war mine the presence and scope of a secret WMD Removing the old Stalinist-model regime
requires program “is to have a reliable mix of redun- in Iraq was always going to be easier than cre-
intelligence of a dant human intelligent sources within the sys- ating a new, reformed government, especially a
tem or as defectors.” Unfortunately, the stable democratic one. The abrupt and utter
consistent quality United States “has never claimed or implied it collapse of the old regime has confronted the
and reliability had such capabilities in any proliferating United States with the Herculean task of
country, and the history of U.S., British, [and democratic state-building from scratch in a
that may not be U.N.] efforts to deal with Iraq makes it country in which the old Sunni Arab ruling
obtainable by the painfully clear . . . that most Iraqi defectors and minority continues to resist pacification and
U.S. intelligence intelligence sources outside Iraq made up in which an enfranchised Shi’ite majority
information, circulated unsubstantiated could produce an Iraq hostile to U.S. security
community. information, or simply lied.”91 (According to interests in the Islamic world. American polit-

ical successes in post-1945 Germany and change the world for the better, and we The establish-
Japan provide little instruction for U.S. policy- don’t need to go out of our way to ment of a large
makers responsible for Iraq. The German, accommodate alliances, partnerships,
Japanese, and international circumstances of or friends in the process, because that American
1945 are not analogous to today’s Iraq and would be too constraining. [But relying military presence
world. Perhaps most importantly, uncondi- almost solely on ad hoc] coalitions of
tional surrender by governments whose deci- the willing is fundamentally, fatally
in an Arab
sions to surrender were politically accepted by flawed. As we’ve seen in the debate heartland may
the German and Japanese people—a circum- about Iraq, it’s already given us an have opened a
stance absent in Iraq—meant that there was image of arrogance and unilateralism,
little or no postwar resistance to U.S. rule.95 and we’re paying a very high price for new front for
Third, the decision to attack a country that that image. If we get to the point where Islamist
was neither at war with nor posed a credible everyone secretly hopes the United terrorists.
threat to the United States alienated key States gets a black eye because we’re so
friends and allies (including France, Germany, obnoxious, then we’ll be totally ham-
Canada, and Mexico), who may not have been strung in the war on terror. We’ll be like
necessary to successfully prosecute the war Gulliver with the Lilliputians.97
but could have greatly contributed to postwar
peacekeeping operations and reconstruction In the British historian Sir Michael Howard’s
efforts. As a result, the United States was view:
doomed to a “go it alone” strategy where a
“coalition of the willing” did not translate into An explicit American hegemony may
a “coalition of the capable.” appear [to the administration] prefer-
To be sure, Operation Iraqi Freedom able to the messy compromises of the
destroyed a despicable regime and opened the existing order, but if it is nakedly based
door to the possibility of democratic gover- on . . . military power it will lack all
nance in an Arab heartland. But it also raised legitimacy. Terror will continue, and
questions about U.S. willingness to consider worse, widespread sympathy with ter-
allied and world opinion or to restrain the ror. But American power placed at the
employment of its unprecedented military service of an international community
power, the perpetuation of which is a declared legitimized by representative institu-
goal of The National Security Strategy. We have “a tions and the rule of law, accepting its
special obligation to rest our policies on princi- constraints and inadequacies but con-
ples that transcend the assertions of prepon- tinually working to improve them: that
derant power,” wrote Henry Kissinger in is a very different matter. [The United
September 2002. “World leadership requires States] must cease to think of itself as a
acceptance of some restraint even on one’s heroic lone protagonist in a cosmic
actions to ensure that others exercise compara- war against “evil,” and reconcile itself
ble restraint. It cannot be in either our nation- to a less spectacular and more hum-
al or the world’s interest to develop principles drum role: that of the leading partici-
that grant every nation an unfettered right of pant in a flawed but still indispensable
preemption against its own definition of system of cooperative global gover-
threats to its security.”96 Brent Scowcroft, nance.98
President George H.W. Bush’s national securi-
ty adviser, is even more troubled: Fourth, the establishment of a large
American military presence in an Arab heart-
Part of the Bush administration believes land may have opened a new front for
that as a superpower we must take Islamist terrorists. Terrorism in Iraq was a
advantage of this opportunity to state monopoly under Saddam Hussein, who

effectively repressed the Islamist community. Iraqi security forces have essentially left the
With the fall of his regime and subsequent United States holding the military manpower
emergence of an insurgency against coalition bag in Iraq under inherently manpower-inten-
forces and reconstruction targets, however, sive counterinsurgent circumstances. Obvi-
Iraq could become a strategic opportunity ously, U.S. forces in Iraq and their rotation
for al Qaeda and al Qaeda–inspired terrorists. base back in the United States are not readily
“The foreign fighters who have crossed available for other contingencies such as, for
into Iraq from Syria, Iran and Palestine to join example, a war in Korea. Indeed, U.S. military
Hussein loyalists in attacks on American sol- preoccupation with Iraq restricts America’s
diers know how much is at stake,” concluded freedom of military action elsewhere—likely a
Harvard’s Michael Ignatieff in September relief to North Korea, Iran, and other rogue
2003. “Bloodying American troops, forcing a states fearing preventive American military
precipitate withdrawal, destroying the chances action. Whether U.S. ground forces, especially
for a democratic Iraq would inflict the biggest the Army, can sustain current commitments
defeat on America since Vietnam and send a in Iraq and elsewhere overseas remains to be
message to every Islamic extremist in the seen and has been a matter of considerable dis-
region: Goliath is vulnerable.”99 A month ear- cussion within the defense community. Calls
Critics of the lier, in the wake of a terrorist attack on the for increases in the size of the active-duty
decision to attack U.N. headquarters in Baghdad, Harvard Army were countered by assurances that new
Iraq argue that University terrorist expert Jessica Stern con- technologies and force employment doctrine
cluded that the United States “has taken a offer a substitute for a larger Army.104 By late
war with Iraq was country that was not a terrorist threat and April 2004, however, it was clear that U.S. force
a diversion from turned it into one.” How ironic it would be, deployments were inadequate to handle rising
she noted, that a war against Iraq initiated in insurgent violence, which among other things
the war on the name of the global war on terrorism ended prompted several coalition members to
terrorism. up creating “precisely the situation the admin- announce withdrawal of their troop contin-
istration has described as a breeding ground gents. Stateside rotation of selected deployed
for terrorists: a state unable to control its bor- U.S. Army units was postponed and plans
ders or provide for its citizens’ rudimentary were drawn up to send fresh troops quickly to
needs.”100 Vincent Cannistraro, former CIA Iraq.105
director of counterterrorism operations and Strategically, the greatest opportunity cost
analysis, believes that “we’ve created the condi- of Iraq may be the war on terrorism, especially
tions that have made Iraq the place to come to its homeland security component. Critics of
attack Americans.”101 Indeed, by the end of the decision to attack Iraq include Brent
2003, there was evidence of an al Qaeda deci- Scowcroft; former secretary of state Madeleine
sion to divert men and resources from its Albright; former CIA director Stansfield
insurgent war against U.S. forces in Afghan- Turner; and former U.S. senator Gary Hart,
istan into an expanded campaign against who co-chaired the U.S. Commission on
American and reconstruction targets in National Security in the 21st Century. They
Iraq.102 argue that war with Iraq was a diversion from
Fifth, there is the matter of opportunity the war on terrorism because it was al Qaeda,
costs. All wars of choice entail opportunity not Iraq, that perpetrated the 9/11 attacks,
costs. In the case of Iraq those costs have been and because the international opposition to a
substantial. Militarily, the invasion and its U.S. preventive war against Iraq threatens
aftermath have severely taxed U.S. land power, cooperation in defeating al Qaeda. They reject
especially the U.S. Army, including its reserve the administration’s threat conflation of al
component forces.103 Unexpected insurgent Qaeda and Iraq and believe that war against
warfare, a scarcity of international troops, and and reconstruction of the latter would con-
the absence of readily available and reliable sume resources and strategic attention better

focused against those who killed 3,000 and just as dangerous as in its pre–September
Americans on 9/11.106 11 incarnation” because the West’s “counter-
The administration has asserted that terrorism effort . . . perversely impelled an
Saddam Hussein was “an ally of al Qaeda” already highly decentralized and elusive
and that the Iraqi dictator’s removal was “a transnational terrorist network to become
crucial advance in the campaign against ter- even harder to identify and neutralize.”108
rorism” and a “victory in the war on terror The long-term effect of Operation Iraqi
that began on September 11, 2001.”107 If this Freedom on the nuclear behavior of other
were so, one would expect that the destruc- rogue states is also unclear. North Korea
tion of the Saddam Hussein regime would remains defiant and apparently determined
have had an adverse effect on al Qaeda and al to expand its nuclear weapons program. Iran
Qaeda–inspired terrorist organizations. In has agreed to more intrusive inspections by
fact, the evidence to date, though admittedly the International Atomic Energy Agency, but
incomplete, suggests that events in Iraq have those inspections might be insufficient to
had little if any negative effect on either uncover a well-hidden program. Libya’s
Islamic terrorism in general or al Qaeda oper- December 2003 revelation that it had an
ations in particular. Al Qaeda and al active nuclear weapons program seems to
Qaeda–inspired bombings continued in Iraq have been motivated largely by factors other
and spectacular mid-March 2004 bombings than forcible regime change in Iraq, includ-
in Madrid (killing 200 people) brought to ing program failure, a disastrous economy,
power a new Spanish government commit- and a longstanding desire to end Libya polit-
ted to withdrawing Spanish forces from Iraq. ical and economic isolation.109 Pakistan has
As a state sponsor of terrorism, Saddam confessed to an unprecedented record of
Hussein’s Iraq was always dwarfed by Iran, nuclear proliferation, transferring over a 15-
Syria, and Pakistan, and there was never an year period (1989–2003) nuclear technolo-
Iraqi analog to the mountains of Saudi gies, equipment, and know-how to North
money dedicated to funding the propagation Korea, Iran, and Libya. Pakistan’s complicity
of an extremist Wahhabi version of Islam. in what amounted to a nuclear arms bazaar
Al Qaeda, though clearly damaged by the was discovered almost by accident as a result
disruption of its Afghan base and the subse- of evidence from Libya following that coun-
quent death or capture of leading operatives, try’s public decision to give up its WMD and
continued to recruit manpower, and conduct permit U.S. and other foreign inspectors to
and inspire post–Iraq War terrorist attacks verify that decision.110
on coalition- and reconstruction-linked and Finally, the Iraq War demonstrates the
other targets in Saudi Arabia, Turkey, and inherent tendency of preventive war to
Iraq itself. Al Qaeda’s impressive regenerative become a self-fulfilling prophecy. Because if,
powers, a function of the fact that it is as as Richard Betts observes, “the rationale for
much a political movement as it is a terrorist preventive war is that conflict with the adver-
organization, portends a counterterrorist sary is so deep and unremitting that war is
war of years, even decades—quite the oppo- inevitable, on worse terms than at present, as North Korea
site of the three weeks it took U.S. military the enemy grows stronger over time,”111 hav-
forces to topple Saddam Hussein. Indeed, in ing that war now rather than later becomes remains defiant
the wake of Saddam’s fall, the International irresistible. Never mind that few things in and apparently
Institute for Strategic Studies issued a report international politics are inevitable; because
declaring that, notwithstanding the loss of the United States believed that war with Iraq
determined to
its infrastructure in Afghanistan and perhaps was inevitable, it became so. expand its
one-third of its leadership, al Qaeda is “now These considerable political and military nuclear weapons
reconstituted and doing business in a some- penalties of preventive war against Iraq
what different manner, but more insidious might have been worth risking had Saddam program.

There is no Hussein posed a clear and present danger to abstract cause that he would sacrifice
evidence to the United States. As yet, however, there is no his grip on power or his own life to
disclosed evidence that Saddam Hussein had advance that cause. 112
suggest that reconstituted Iraq’s nuclear weapons pro-
Saddam Hussein gram, transferred or intended to transfer Indeed, neither Saddam Hussein nor any
WMD to al Qaeda or any other terrorist orga- other rogue state regime has employed WMD
was anything nization, or even retained stocks of chemical against enemies capable of utterly devastating
other than munitions. retaliation. They have threatened to use them
successfully Indeed, there is no evidence to suggest that against such enemies, just as the United States
Saddam Hussein was anything other than suc- and the Soviet Union exchanged nuclear
deterred and cessfully deterred and contained during the 12 threats during the Cold War, but they have
contained during years separating the end of the Gulf War and never used them. Saddam Hussein used chem-
the 12 years the launching of Operation Iraqi Freedom. ical weapons against helpless Kurds and
Unlike fanatical, shadowy terrorist organiza- Iranian infantry in the 1980s and threatened
separating the tions, which are relatively undeterrable if not in 1990 to make Israel “eat fire” should Israel
end of the Gulf undefeatable, Saddam Hussein—who always attack Iraq, but when war came in 1991 and he
loved himself more than he hated the United faced credible threats of nuclear retaliation,
War and the States (even to the point, in contrast to his two the Iraqi dictator refrained from employing
launching of sons, of meekly submitting to his own capture his massive chemical weapons arsenal against
Operation Iraqi by U.S. forces)—ruled a state, and states con- coalition forces or Israel.
tain such assets as territory, population, If Saddam Hussein was effectively deterred
Freedom. armed forces, and governmental and econom- from using WMD against enemies capable of
ic infrastructure that can be held hostage to inflicting unacceptable retaliation, he was also
unacceptable U.S. retaliation. Both Saddam most unlikely even to have contemplated
Hussein and Osama bin Laden do hate transferring such weapons to organizations
America. But this shared hatred, noted the that were not so deterred. There is wide agree-
Naval Post Graduate School’s Jeffrey Knopf ment on this point among those who have
before the Iraq War, “implies an assumption studied the Iraqi dictator. “The idea that
that all evil individuals will act alike, meaning Saddam Hussein would develop weapons of
the analogy creates an expectation that mass destruction and then give them to al
Saddam will act on his hatred for the United Qaeda is staggeringly farfetched,” contends W.
States in the same way that bin Laden did.” On Andrew Terrill, one of the U.S. Army’s leading
the contrary: experts on Saddam. “Saddam remained in
power for 20 years partially because of his
Saddam Hussein’s position is very dif- unwillingness to trust even family members
ferent. Saddam is the ruler of a state and more than circumstances dictated. It would be
has influence over others only by virtue completely out of character for him to trust an
of being a state leader. Territory is there- enemy like Osama bin Laden to take control
fore essential to him. If he ceases to con- of these weapons, and then implement
trol Iraqi territory, he becomes nothing. Saddam’s agenda in a way that leaves the Iraqi
Moreover, Saddam’s primary goal is to regime blameless.”113
maximize his personal power, with the The conflation of rogue states and terrorist
secondary goal of creating a dynasty he organizations—especially Saddam Hussein’s
can pass on to his sons. . . . The threat he Iraq and Osama bin Laden’s al Qaeda—into an
poses is an old-fashioned kind: a lust for undifferentiated threat was a strategic error of
power so great it leads to an expansion- the first order because it ignores critical differ-
ist program for his states. Despite a very ences between the two in character, political
real animus toward the United States, agendas, and vulnerability to U.S. military
he is not so fanatically devoted to any power, that is, susceptibility to deterrence via

credible threats of retaliation. Although few their development.115 Both the effectiveness
dispute the inherent difficulty of deterring ter- and wisdom of such weapons, however, have
rorist attacks by suicidal fanatics, deterrence been strongly questioned.116 Scientists are
directed against the use of WMD so far split on whether weapons can be developed
appears to have worked against rogue states. that could do the job without excessive collat-
Deterrence, when it works, is certainly cheaper eral damage. Opponents of mini-nukes fear
than preventive war waged for rogue-state that development and testing of a new catego-
regime change. ry of nuclear weapons would undermine both
the NPT regime and the Comprehensive Test
Mini-Nukes Ban Treaty, which all nuclear powers (includ-
The alternative of preventive military ing the United States, which has not ratified
strikes aimed at destroying a rogue state’s the treaty) have observed since 1998. There are
nascent nuclear weapons programs would also fears that mini-nukes could blur the criti-
consume less time and force than regime cal distinction between nuclear and conven-
change. They would not entail assumption of tional weapons.117 Opponents such as Joseph
the risks inherent in postattack occupation Cirincione, former nuclear arms control nego-
and reconstruction of the rogue state. It is tiator and now director of the Carnegie
hardly surprising, therefore, that an adminis- Endowment’s Non-Proliferation Project, also
It is hardly
tration prepared to employ forcible regime point out that their actual use “would cross a surprising that
change as a tool of counterproliferation is also threshold that has not been breached since the an administra-
interested in developing military technologies Truman administration. That in turn would
capable of “taking out” suspected nuclear encourage other nations to develop and use tion prepared to
weapons facilities. Those would have to nuclear weapons in a similar manner. That’s employ forcible
include “bunker buster” weapons capable of not in the United States’ national security
penetrating and destroying subterranean facil- interests.”118 Representative Jack Spratt (D-
regime change is
ities, because rogue states have learned that SC) warns that the United States cannot “con- also interested in
deep underground burial of their nuclear tinue to prevail on other countries not to developing
weapons facilities may be the best protection develop nuclear weapons while we develop
against preventive military strike.114 new tactical applications for such weapons military
The technical question is whether bunker and possibly resume testing.”119 Sam Nunn, technologies
busters themselves would need to be nuclear former U.S. senator and chairman of the capable of
weapons to achieve the desired effects on Senate Armed Services Committee, believes
deep underground facilities. If so, then their that developing new nuclear weapons “is very “taking out”
use almost certainly would provoke much damaging to America’s security interests suspected nuclear
stronger international condemnation than because . . . it sets back our efforts and our
that which has so isolated the United States moral persuasion effectiveness to move the
on the issue of preventive war against Iraq. It world away from nuclear weapons.”120 A Cato facilities.
would probably not matter a whit if the Institute analysis by Charles V. Peña con-
weapons employed were “mini-nukes” of low cludes:
yield and employed in a fashion that mini-
mized collateral damage. A terrible line Ultimately, mini-nukes could under-
would be crossed; not since 1945 has a mine deterrence and make the United
nuclear weapon been detonated in war, and States less secure, especially when com-
since then near universal opprobrium has bined with a policy of preemptive regime
helped prevent their use. change. If rogue states believe that the
The administration has nonetheless dis- United States has a nuclear capability
played a keen interest in such weapons; that it is willing to use preemptively,
indeed, an administration review of U.S. leaders of those countries may feel they
nuclear posture reportedly recommended have nothing to lose by striking first at

the United States (knowing that waiting that if a state desired to pursue nuclear
means certain defeat). If they possess weapons ambitions by other means—a parallel
WMD and are willing to give those clandestine program, for example—it would
weapons to terrorists—because being either not sign the nuclear Nonproliferation
dead men walking reduces or removes Treaty (NPT), or its activities would be detect-
all previous restraints to work with ter- ed by national intelligence systems of other
rorists—then the United States will be states.”122 The inadequacies of the NPT regime
vulnerable to potentially catastrophic were dramatically exposed by the post-Gulf
attacks that can neither be deterred nor War I discovery of the surprising scope and sta-
adequately defended against.121 tus of Iraq’s secret nuclear weapons program,
which in turn prompted the United States to
There is also the possibility that preven- embrace counterproliferation. Counterprolif-
tive attacks on rogue state nuclear weapons eration is a necessary complement to nonpro-
facilities would not be conclusive, certainly in liferation—in any war with a rogue state armed
comparison to regime change. Bad intelli- with or seeking to acquire nuclear weapons,
gence could direct the strikes against the the United States must be prepared, depending
wrong or bogus targets. But even reliable on the circumstances at hand, to preempt their
intelligence might not be enough. The 1981 use and destroy their supporting facilities with
Israeli attack on the Iraqi nuclear complex at counterforce attacks. Carolyn James at Iowa
Osirak neither dissuaded nor prevented Iraq State University of Science and Technology
from continuing to pursue the development observes that counterproliferation “recognizes
of nuclear weapons. On the contrary, the that nonproliferation has failed to halt the
attack literally drove Iraq’s program under- spread of nuclear technology and equipment,”
ground and increased Saddam Hussein’s and seeks “to augment nonproliferation by
determination to become a nuclear weapons adding protection from nuclear armed adver-
state. The Osirak attack also convinced the saries.”123
Iranians to disperse and bury much of their The real issue, however, is whether the
nuclear program. So even a successful pre- United States should initiate wars against
ventative attack that eliminates a short-term rogue states to prevent their acquisition of
threat would not necessarily prevent that nuclear weapons. The United States did so
threat from emerging over the longer-term. against Iraq and has declared a use-of-force
Indeed, it might even create a more urgent doctrine that includes preventive war as a
motivation for the threat to materialize. means of counterproliferation that in turn
Finally, there is the unavoidable and over- serves the stated goal of perpetual global mil-
For the United riding political question: Would any American itary primacy.
president actually launch a nuclear attack on a Military primacy is of course a necessary
States preventive nonnuclear state with which it was not at war? prerequisite for preventive war. For the
war can rarely if United States, however, preventive war can
ever be a more rarely if ever be a more attractive policy
Deterrence Reconsidered choice than deterrence—unless one has com-
attractive policy pletely lost confidence in deterrence. Yet that
choice than The nuclear nonproliferation regime and seems to be just what has happened. The ter-
the U.S. extension of deterrence to potential rorist attacks of 9/11 persuaded the Bush
deterrence— nuclear weapons states have unquestionably administration that nuclear deterrence was
unless one has retarded the proliferation of nuclear weapons. of little use against fanatical nonstate terror-
completely lost But the regime’s safeguards were not designed ist organizations and insufficient to prevent
to stop determined states from cheating. “The rogue states from using WMD, including
confidence in underlying assumption,” observes former nuclear weapons, against the United States.
deterrence. UNSCOM chief inspector David Kay, “was The view is that such weapons are, for both

terrorist organizations and rogue states, intervention by outside powers or that could In the case of
weapons of first choice rather than last put at risk the cities of any regional state pro- Iraq, Iran, and
resort, and therefore that anticipatory U.S. viding bases for these forces, it could deter an
military action is the safest policy response. intervention.”125 Anthony Blinken at the other Gulf states,
While there is general agreement that a sui- Center for Strategic and International Studies nuclear weapons
cidal enemy is exceptionally difficult (if not contends that “Putting military preemption
impossible) to deter or dissuade, rogue state at the heart of national security policy signals
regimes have displayed an overriding determi- America’s enemies that their only insurance motives include
nation to survive and therefore to accommo- policy against regime change is to acquire deterrence of
date the realities of power. They may in fact WMD as quickly as possible, precipitating the
seek nuclear weapons for the same basic rea- very danger Washington seeks to prevent.”126 another regional
son that other states have: to enhance their Indeed, the underlying objective of preven- power, strategic
security (as of course they themselves define tive war as a means of counterproliferation equality with
it). A. F. Mullins at the Lawrence Livermore may well be to prevent rogue states from deterring
National Laboratory asks: the United States. This objective certainly sup- Israel, and
ports the declared goal of perpetuating U.S. deterrence of
Why do countries seek to acquire global military primacy; the president has stat-
nuclear weapons? Not for reasons ed that rogue states seek nuclear weapons “to
intervention by
markedly different from those that drive attempt . . . to prevent us from deterring [their] outside powers.
them to seek conventional weapons: to aggressive behavior.”127 Rogue state posses-
defend against or to deter attack; to sion of nuclear weapons is thus seen as a
compel submission or perhaps to carry threat not so much to the United States itself
out an attack; or to play a self-defined but rather to the U.S. freedom of military action
role in the international system (i.e., to necessary to sustain U.S. global military primacy.
gain status or prestige, either in the con- (Not surprisingly, missile defenses—which are
text of an alliance or in regional or glob- a significant component of the administra-
al politics).124 tion’s defense policy—are also seen to enhance
U.S. freedom of action by denying rogue states
The assumption that rogue states seek the ability to hold U.S. cities hostage and
nuclear weapons solely for offensive purposes thereby deter U.S. use of force against rogue
(coercion, blackmail, attack) serves the argu- states.)128
ment for preventive war against them, but it International relations theorist Robert L.
ignores the deterrent/defensive functions Jervis at Columbia University, writing on the
those weapons also perform, as well as the eve of the Iraq War, concluded that “it is clear-
record of rogue state non-use of WMD ly a mistake to jump from the fact that
against hated enemies capable of inflicting Saddam is evil to the conclusion that his pos-
unacceptable retaliation. That record demon- session of WMD threatens the United States
strates that deterrence has worked. In the case and world peace,” and then asked the follow-
of Iraq, Iran, and other Gulf states, nuclear ing two questions: “Would Saddam’s nuclear
weapons acquisition motives include deter- weapons give him greater influence in the
rence of another regional power (a powerful region, especially in the face of resistance by a
motive for blood enemies Iraq and Iran vis-à- much more powerful United States? Could
vis each other), strategic equality with Israel, these weapons do anything other than deter
and deterrence of intervention by outside an unprovoked attack on him?”129 Jervis con-
powers, especially (in the post-Soviet era) the cluded that, “Absent an American attack, the
United States. It is eminently plausible, as U.S. should be able to protect itself by the
Mullins observes, that “a Gulf state might combination of the credibility of its threat to
believe that, by obtaining a nuclear capability retaliate and Saddam’s relatively low motiva-
that could put at risk the forces deployed for tion to strike.”130 Of course, the United States

did attack Iraq in 2003, but Saddam Hussein on the United States or U.S. interests over-
had no nuclear weapons, or even, it seems, seas was inevitable and acted accordingly.
chemical weapons, to fire or not to fire, thus Again, according to Gray:
leaving a critical question unanswered. We do
know, however, that he withheld use of his [The United States] has no practical
ample stocks of chemical munitions against choice other than to make of deterrence
Israel and coalition forces in the Gulf War all that it can be, albeit in some seem-
under clear threat of nuclear retaliation. ingly unpromising situations. If this
For the United States, whose nuclear capa- view is rejected, the grim implication is
bilities are not in doubt, credibility—an evi- that the United States, as sheriff of the
dent willingness to use those capabilities as world order, will require heroic perfor-
threatened—has always been the challenge of mance from those policy instruments
effective deterrence, and credible deterrence charged with cutting-edge duties on
can be difficult to maintain even against the behalf of preemptive or preventive mili-
most rational of adversaries. “American theo- tary operations. Preemption or preven-
ry and practice of deterrence,” argues Colin tion have their obvious attractions as
Gray, “is prone to commit the cardinal error contrasted with deterrence, at least
The challenges of confusing rationality with reasonableness.” when they work. But they carry the risk
of sustaining He continues, perhaps with pre–Iraq War of encouraging a hopeless quest for
credible administration characterizations of Saddam total security. In order for it to be sensi-
Hussein and other rogue-state leaders as ble to regard preemption as an occa-
deterrence must “mad” and “unbalanced” in mind: sional stratagem, rather than as the
be judged against operational concept of choice, it is
A recurring theme in U.S. public dis- essential that the United States wring
the risks and course is that of the rationality or irra- whatever effectiveness it can out of a
penalties of tionality of a particular foreign leader- strategy of deterrence.132
preventive war. ship. While genuinely irrational leaders
do exist from time to time, meaning Interestingly, Condoleezza Rice, just a year
people who cannot connect means pur- before she became National Security Advisor,
posefully with ends, their occurrence is voiced confidence in deterrence as the best
so rare and their longevity in power is so means of dealing with Saddam Hussein’s Iraq
brief, that they can be ignored. The and other rogue states. In January 2000 she
problem is not the irrational adversary, published an article in Foreign Affairs in which
instead it is the perfectly rational foe she declared “the first line of defense should
who seeks purposefully, and rationally, be a clear and classical statement of deter-
to achieve goals that appear wholly rence—if they do acquire WMD, their weapons
unreasonable to us. American strategic will be unusable because to use them would
thinkers have long favored the fallacy bring national obliteration.” She added that
that Rational Strategic Persons must rogue states “were living on borrowed time”
think alike.131 and that “there should be no sense of panic
about them.”133
But panic there was in the wake of the 9/11
Conclusions terrorist attacks, and the administration’s
demotion of deterrence was a product of that
The challenges of sustaining credible panic. Unfortunately, the combination of dis-
deterrence must be judged against the risks paraged nuclear deterrence and manifest
and penalties of preventive war, which have obsession with rogue state acquisition of
been on display ever since the United States nuclear weapons may actually diminish U.S.
convinced itself that a horrific Iraqi assault security by further encouraging rogue states

to go nuclear. Administration statements and containment as relics of the 20th centu- Preventive
actions magnify the attractiveness of nuclear ry thus do a disservice to U.S. national war cannot
weapons to rogue states and suggest an easily security. They make it less likely that the
deterrable United States. America “is raising United States would consider using perpetuate U.S.
the political and strategic value of prolifera- these tools when they might be effective, military primacy
tion of WMD,” argues Gray. “If the world was even though these tools might help the
in any doubt as to the importance of WMD, country avoid some of the costs and
indefinitely, nor
U.S. policy has resolved that uncertainty. . . . risks associated with war. . . . However can it stop every
American officials need to try to avoid feeding much the world has changed [since foreign state that
the foreign perception that the most reliable 9/11], the requirements for making
way to ensure nonintervention in regional sound policy decisions have not. wants them from
affairs by the United States is to become a Inferences drawn from a single past obtaining nuclear
nuclear weapons state.”134 On the other hand, event cannot substitute for proper poli- weapons.
a credible threat of regime change à la cy analysis—no matter how recent and
Operation Iraqi Freedom could persuade traumatic the event, and no matter how
some rogue state regimes that the better secu- compelling the lessons of that event feel
rity option lies in remaining a nonnuclear in its aftermath.136
weapons state. Much has been made of
Colonel Moammar Gaddafi’s acknowledge- The reality is that the long-term national
ment of Libya’s programs to develop nuclear, security of the United States is far better served
chemical, and biological weapons and invita- by a policy that concentrates on deterring the
tion to the International Atomic Energy use of nuclear weapons by rogue states than by
Agency, CIA, and other organizations to a policy that concentrates on preventing, by
administer and verify the elimination of force if necessary, their acquisition. Preventive
Libya’s WMD. Though driven by a variety of war is no solution. It cannot perpetuate U.S.
motives, common sense would suggest that at military primacy indefinitely, nor can it stop
least the timing of his decision was influenced every foreign state that wants them from
by events in Iraq.135 obtaining nuclear weapons.
Belittling nuclear deterrence not only
encourages selection of the far more problem-
atic and dangerous alternative of preventive Notes
war but also does an injustice to the continu- 1. The White House, National Security Strategy of the
ing potency of nuclear deterrence, especially United States of America (September 2002), p. 1.
against nascent nuclear rogue states. A handful Hereinafter National Security Strategy.
of primitive atomic weapons does not pur-
2. Ibid., p. iii.
chase, nor should it be allowed to purchase,
immunity from thermonuclear Armageddon. 3. See William C. Martel, “Proliferation and Prag-
It is hard to disagree with Jeffrey Knopf’s con- matism: Nonproliferation Policy for the Twenty-
clusion: First Century,” in Deterrence and Nuclear Proliferation
in the Twenty-First Century, ed. Stephen J. Cimbala
(Westport, CT: Praeger, 2000), pp. 103–18.
Those who seek to write epitaphs for
deterrence and containment do so pre- 4. Richard K. Betts, “Suicide from Fear of Death?”
maturely. Analysis of the relevant logic Foreign Affairs (January/February 2003), p. 40.
and evidence shows that rogue states 5. Richard K. Betts, “Striking First: A History of
are not necessarily beyond the reach of Thankfully Lost Opportunities,” Ethics and
deterrence, even in a world where they International Affairs 17, no.1 (Spring 2003): 22.
might be tempted to use terrorist net-
6. Thomas C. Schelling, The Strategy of Conflict
works to conduct a sneak attack. Those (Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 1960),
who sweepingly dismiss deterrence and p. 13. For a superb exposition of deterrence theory,

see Glenn H. Snyder, Deterrence and Defense: Toward (Carlisle Barracks, PA; Strategic Studies Institute,
a Theory of National Security (Princeton, NJ: U.S. Army War College, August 2003), p. 13.
Princeton University Press, 1961). For one of the
best assessments of U.S. reliance on deterrence dur- 18. Payne and Walton, p. 172.
ing the Cold War, see Alexander George and
Richard Smoke, Deterrence in American Foreign Policy 19. In April 1995 the Democratic Republic of
(New York: Columbia University Press, 1974). Vietnam announced that Communist losses during
the “American period” of the Vietnam War
7. Colin S. Gray, “Deterrence and the Nature of (1954–73) totaled l,100,000 dead, a figure that pre-
Strategy,” in Deterrence in the 21st Century, ed. Max sumably included 300,000 missing in action. (Hanoi
G. Manwaring (Portland, OR: Frank Cass, 2001), also estimated 2,000,000 civilian dead.) The military
p. 18. dead represent 5 percent of the Communist popula-
tion base during the Vietnam War of 20,000,000
8. Albert Wohlstetter, “The Delicate Balance of (16,000,000 in North Vietnam and 4,000,000 in
Terror,” Foreign Affairs (January 1959), p. 213. those areas of South Vietnam effectively controlled
by the Communists). No other major belligerent in
9. Robert S. McNamara, The Essence of Security the 20th century sustained such a high military
(New York: Harper and Row, 1968), pp. 52–53. death toll proportional to its population. A 5 per-
cent loss of today’s U.S. population of almost
10. Ibid. 300,000,000 would equal about 15,000,000 dead.
See Encyclopedia of the Vietnam War: A Political, Social,
11. Keith B. Payne questions both assumptions in and Military History, ed. Spencer C. Tucker (New
The Fallacies of Cold War Deterrence and a New York: Oxford University Press), p. 453; Jeffrey
Direction (Lexington, KY: University Press of Record, The Wrong War: Why We Lost in Vietnam
Kentucky, 2001). (Annapolis, MD.: Naval Institute Press, 1998), pp.
36–37; and John E. Mueller, “The Search for the
12. Keith B. Payne and C. Dale Walton, “Deterrence ‘Breaking Point’ in Vietnam: The Statistics of a
in the Post-Cold War World,” in Strategy in the Deadly Quarrel,” International Studies Quarterly
Contemporary World, An Introduction to Strategic (December 1980), pp. 507–11.
Studies, ed. John Baylis, James Wirtz, Eliot Cohen,
and Colin S. Gray (New York: Oxford University 20. See James E. Doyle and Peter Engstrom, “The
Press, 2002), p. 169. Utility of Nuclear Weapons: Tradeoffs and
Opportunity Costs,” in “Pulling Back from the
13. Henry Kissinger, Diplomacy (New York: Simon Nuclear Brink: Reducing and Countering Nuclear
and Schuster, 1994), p. 608. Threats,” ed. Barry R. Schneider and William L.
Dowdy (London: Frank Cass, 1998), pp. 39–59; and
14. John Mueller argues that the absence of great George Perkovich, “Bush’s Nuclear Revolution,”
power warfare since 1945 has little to do with Foreign Affairs (March/April 2003), pp. 2–3.
nuclear deterrence and everything to do with a
growing recognition, bolstered by the experience 21. Michael P. Tkacik, The Future of U.S. Nuclear
of two world wars, of war’s futility and obnox- Operational Doctrine: Balancing Safety and Deterrence
iousness. See his Retreat from Doomsday: The in an Anarchic World (Lampeter, U.K.: Edwin
Obsolescence of Major War (New York: Basic Books, Mellen Press, 2003), p. 72.
22. Barry R. Schneider, Future War and Counterpro-
15. Barry R. Posen, “U.S. Security Policy in a Nuclear- liferation: U.S. Military to NBC Threats (Westport,
Armed World, or: What If Iraq Had Had Nuclear CT: Praeger, 1999), p. 45.
Weapons?” Security Studies (Spring 1997), p. 4.
23. Barry Schneider, “Military Responses to
16. See ibid., pp. 18–21; Mark Gaffney, “Will the Proliferation Threats,” in Schneider and Dowdy,
Next Mid East War Go Nuclear?” in The Saddam p. 306.
Hussein Reader, Selections of Leading Writers on Iraq, ed.
Turi Munthe (New York: Thunder’s Mouth Press, 24. William J. Perry, Annual Report to the President
2002); Lawrence Freedman, The Evolution of Nuclear and the Congress (Washington: Department of
Strategy, 3rd ed. (New York: Palgrave, 2003), pp. Defense, 1995), p. 73. Emphasis in original. For
448–51; and W. Andrew Terrill, “Chemical Warfare an informative outline and assessment of the
and ‘Desert Storm’: The Disaster that Never Clinton administration’s counterproliferation
Came,” Small Wars and Insurgencies (Autumn 1993), policy, see Barry R. Schneider, Future War and
pp. 263–79. Counterproliferation, U.S. Military Responses to NBC
Proliferation Threats (Westport, CT: Praeger, 1999),
17. Colin S. Gray, Maintaining Effective Deterrence pp. 45–62.

25. James J. Wirtz, “Counterproliferation, 44. National Security Strategy, p. 15.
Conventional Counterforce and Nuclear War,” in
Preventing the Use of Weapons of Mass Destruction, ed. 45. Quoted in Scott Peterson, “Can Hussein Be
Eric Herring (Portland, OR: Frank Cass, 2000), Deterred?” Christian Science Monitor, September 10,
pp. 6, 9. 2002.

26. See ibid., pp. 162–64. 46. “We Will Prevail,” p. 196.

27. Robert S. Litwak, “Non-proliferation and the 47. The White House, National Strategy to Combat
Dilemmas of Regime Change,” Survival (Winter Weapons of Mass Destruction (December 2002), p. 1.
2003–04), p. 7.
48. Ibid., p. 2
28. See for example, The White House, “President
Bush Addresses the Nation in Prime Time Press 49. Ibid., p. 3.
Conference,” press release, April 13, 2004, www. 50. Ibid., p. 3.
51. See William Arkin, “Nuclear Warfare: Secret
29. The most extensive compilation of George W. Plan Outlines the Unthinkable,” Los Angeles Times,
Bush’s public speeches and informal remarks on March 10, 2002; Jean Du Preez, “The Impact of the
9/11, the war on terrorism, and U.S. policy regard- Nuclear Posture Review on the International
ing WMD is the National Journal’s “We Will Nuclear Nonproliferation Regime,” Nonproliferation
Prevail”: President George W. Bush on War, Terrorism, Review (Fall–Winter 2002), pp. 67–81; Amy F.
and Freedom (New York: Continuum Press, 2003), Woolf, The Nuclear Posture Review: Overview and
which covers presidential statements from Emerging Issues (Washington: Congressional Re-
September 11, 2001, through May 26, 2003. search Service, Library of Congress, January 31,
2002); Andrew Koch, “U.S. Panel Urges Radical
30. National Security Strategy, p. 1. Nuclear Strike Balance,” Jane’s Defense Weekly,
October 22, 2003,
31. Ibid., p. iii. e200310202257 00.html; Julian Coman, “Penta-
gon Wants ‘Mini-Nukes’ to Fight Terrorists,”
32. “We Will Prevail,” p. 161. London Sunday Telegraph, October 26, 2003; and
33. National Security Strategy, p. 30.
52. The White House, National Strategy to Combat
34. “We Will Prevail,” p. 159. Weapons of Mass Destruction, p. 3.

35. Donald Rumsfeld, “The Price of Inaction Can 53. DoD Dictionary of Military and Associated Terms,
Be Truly Catastrophic,” Asahi Shimbun (Japan), Joint Publication 1-02 (Washington: Department
September 10, 2002, of Defense, April 12, 2002), p. 33.
54. Quoted in Michael Elliot, “Strike First,
36. National Security Strategy, p. 14. Explain Yourself Later,” Time, June 24, 2002, www.,9565,265
37. “We Will Prevail,” p. 216. 536.00.html. Webster was referring to an incident
in 1837 in which Canadian forces attacked a U.S.
38. Ibid., p. 219. ship, the Caroline, above Niagara Falls, believed to
be conveying supporters of a rebellion against
39. Quoted in Kevin Whitelaw and Mark Mazzetti, British rule in Canada. The British claimed to
“Why War?” U.S. News and World Report, October 14, have acted in self-defense, a claim that Webster
2002, rejected, proclaiming his dictum on preemption.
whywar.htm. Emphasis added.
55. Chris Brown, “Self-Defense in an Imperfect
40. Quoted in Derrick Z. Jackson, “Still No Mass World,” Ethics and International Affairs 17, no. 1
Weapons, No Ties to 9/11, No Truth,” Boston (Spring 2003): 2.
Globe, December 17, 2003.
56. See Dan Reiter, “Exploding the Powder Keg
41. “We Will Prevail,” pp. 159–60. Myth: Preemptive Wars Almost Never Happen,”
International Security (Fall 1995), pp. 5–34.
42. National Security Strategy, p. 15.
57. DoD Dictionary of Military and Associated Terms, p.
43. “We Will Prevail,” p. 108. 336.

58. Quoted in David Sanger, “Beating Them to House During the Cuban Missile Crisis, ed. Ernest R.
the Prewar,” New York Times, September 28, 2002. May and Philip D. Zeilkow (Cambridge, MA:
Belknap Press of the Harvard University Press,
59. Quoted in Donald Kagan, On the Origins of War 1997), p. 235.
and the Preservation of Peace (New York: Random
House, 1995), p. 185. 72. Ibid., p. 127.

60. David Frum and Richard Perle, An End to Evil: 73. Ibid., p. 244.
How to Win the War on Terror (New York: Random
House, 2002), p. 25. 74. See Donald Kagan, pp. 515–19; and Sheldon
M. Stern, pp. 62, 104, 151–56., 164, 168, and 254.
61. Dale C. Copeland, The Origins of Major War
(Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press, 2000), p. 3. 75. See Trachtenberg, pp. 100–152; and Scott D.
Sagan, “The Perils of Proliferation: Organization
62. Ibid., p. 4. Theory, Deterrence Theory, and the Spread of
Nuclear Weapons,” International Security (Spring
63. Stephen Van Evera, The Causes of War, Power 1994), pp. 66–107, especially pp. 77–85.
and Roots of Conflict (Ithaca, NY: Cornell University
Press, 1999), p. 73. 76. See Trachtenberg, pp. 103–105; and Sagan,
pp. 77–80.
64. See ibid., pp. 89–94; John Toland, The Rising
Sun: The Decline and Fall of the Japanese Empire 77. Quoted in Trachtenberg, p. 100.
1936–1945 (New York: Random House, 1970), pp.
3–148; Saburo Ianega, The Pacific War: World War II 78. Sagan, pp. 78–79.
and the Japanese 1931–1945 (New York: Pantheon
Books, 1978), pp. 129–52; and Christopher 79. Quoted in Trachtenberg, p. 117.
Thorne, The Far Eastern War: States and Societies
1941–45 (London: Unwin, 1985), pp. 15–22. 80. Orville A. Anderson, quoted in Allen Rankin,
“U.S. Could Wipe Out Red A-Nests in a Week,
65. Betts, “Striking First,” p. 19. Gen. Anderson Asserts,” Montgomery Advertiser,
September 1, 1950.
66. David C. Hendrickson, “Toward Universal
Empire: The Dangerous Quest for Absolute 81. Excerpted from “Text of Truman’s ‘Report to
Security,” World Policy Journal (Fall 2002), pp. 7, 1. the Nation’ on Korean War,” New York Times,
September 2, 1950.
67. See, for example, Donald Kagan, pp. 437–565;
Marc Trachtenberg, History and Strategy (Princeton, 82. Trachtenberg, 139–41.
NJ: Princeton University Press, 1991), pp. 234–60;
Copeland, pp. 186–208; McGeorge Bundy, Danger 83. Copeland, p. 172.
and Survival: Choices about the Bomb in the First Fifty
Years (New York: Random House, 1988), pp. 84. For the authoritative account of the U.S.
415–20; Graham Allison and Philip Zelikow, response to China’s bid to become a nuclear
Essence of Decision: Explaining the Cuban Missile Crisis, weapons state, see William Burr and Jeffrey T.
2nd ed. (New York: Addison Wesley Longman, Richelson, “Whether to ‘Strangle the Baby in the
1999), pp. 78–109; and Sheldon M. Stern, Averting Cradle’: The United States and the Chinese
“The Final Failure”: John F. Kennedy and the Secret Nuclear Program, 1960–64,” International Security
Cuban Missile Crisis Meetings (Stanford, CA: Stanford (Winter 2000/2001), pp. 54–99.
University Press, 2003), pp. 21–22.
85. See Joseph Cirincione, Jessica T. Matthews, and
68. Statement of Undersecretary of Defense George Perkovich with Alexis Orton, WMD in Iraq:
Roswell Gilpatric, October 12, 1961, quoted in Evidence and Implications (Washington: Carnegie
Donald Kagan, p. 491. Endowment for International Peace, January 2004).

69. Sheldon M. Stern, pp. 21–22. 86. See David Albright and Mark Hibbs, “Iraq and
the Bomb: Were They Even Close?” and “Iraq’s
70. Ibid., p. 511. See also Bundy, pp. 418–20. Nuclear Hide-and-Seek,” Bulletin of Atomic Scientists,
Bundy concedes: “We simply did not think about March 1991 and September 1991, respectively. For
the nuclear balance this way, and we gave wholly a broader assessment of U.S. intelligence and net
insufficient attention to the possibility that assessment weaknesses in 1990–91 in determining
Khrushchev might think differently” (p. 419). Iraqi military capabilities, including weapons of
mass destruction programs, see Anthony H.
71. Quoted in The Kennedy Tapes: Inside the White Cordesman and Abraham R. Wagner, The Lessons of

Modern War, Part IV: The Gulf War (Boulder, CO: 1977); John W. Dower, Embracing Defeat, Japan in the
Westview Press, 1996), pp. 278–372. Wake of World War II (New York: W.W. Norton and
Company, 1999); Conrad Crane and W. Andrew
87. Anthony H. Cordesman, The Iraq War: Strategy, Terrill, Reconstructing Iraq: Insights, Challenges, and
Tactics, and Military Lessons (Washington: Center Missions for Military Forces in a Post-Conflict Scenario
for Strategic and International Studies, 2003), p. (Carlisle Barracks, PA: Strategic Studies Institute,
425. U.S. Army War College, February 2003), pp. 13–18;
Douglas Porch, “Occupational Hazards, Myths of
88. George F. Will, “The Bush Doctrine at Risk,” 1945 and U.S. Iraq Policy,” The National Interest
Washington Post, June 22, 2003. (September 2003), pp. 25–47; “Occupation
Preoccupation: Questions for John Dower,” New
89. See Sheldon M. Stern, p. 280; and Allison and York Times Magazine, March 30, 2003, p. 9; and
Zelikow, pp. 215–16. James Webb, “Heading for Trouble,” Washington
Post, September 4, 2002.
90. See Cordesman, pp. 441–47; Robin Cook,
“Iraq’s Phantom Weapons and Iran,” New 96. Henry Kissinger, “The Custodians of the
Perspectives Quarterly (Summer 2003), pp. 28–30; World?” San Diego Union-Tribune, September 8,
Stephen Fidler, “Did Intelligence Agencies Rely 2002.
Too Much on Unreliable Data from Iraqi Exiles?
Or Did Politicians Exaggerate the Evidence 97. Quoted in James Kitfield, “Fractured
Presented to Them?” Financial Times, June 4, 2003; Alliances,” National Journal, March 8, 2003, p. 721.
Walter Pincus and Dana Priest, “Analysts Cite
Pressure on Iraq Judgments,” Washington Post, July 98. Michael Howard, “Smoke on the Horizon,”
5, 2003. Carl Hulse and David E. Sanger, “New Financial Times, September 8, 2002.
Criticism on Prewar Use of Intelligence,” New York
Times, September 29, 2003; Barton Gellman and 99. Michael Ignatieff, “Why Are We in Iraq?” New
Walter Pincus, “Depiction of Threat Outgrew York Times Magazine, September 7, 2003, p. 71.
Supporting Evidence,” Washington Post, August 10,
2003; and Seymour M. Hersh, “Selective 100. Jessica Stern, “How America Created a
Intelligence,” New Yorker, May 12, 2003. Terrorist Haven,” New York Times, August 20,
91. Cordesman, p. 428.
101. Quoted in John Walcott, “Some in
92. Bob Woodward, Plan of Attack (New York: Administration Uneasy over Bush Speech,”
Simon and Schuster, 2004), p. 107. Philadelphia Inquirer, September 19, 2003.

93. See Cordesman, pp. 493–515; David Rieff, 102. Sami Yousafzai, Ron Moreau, and Michael
“Blue Print for a Mess,” New York Times Magazine, Hirsh, “Bin Laden’s Iraq Plans,” Newsweek,
November 2, 2003; George Packer, “War after the December 15, 2003. Also see Robert C. Paddock,
War,” New Yorker, November 24, 2003; Peter Slevin Alissa J. Rubin, and Greg Miller, “Iraq Seen as Al
and Dana Priest, “Wolfowitz Concedes Errors in Qaeda’s Top Battlefield,” Los Angeles Times,
Iraq,” Washington Post, July 24, 2003; Thomas L. November 9, 2003.
Friedman, “Bad Planning,” New York Times, June
25, 2003; Trudy Rubin, “Bush Never Made Serious 103. See “The Thinning of the Army,” New York
Postwar Plans,” Philadelphia Inquirer, June 26, 2003; Times, December 29, 2003; and An Analysis of the
and Guy Dinmore, “Political Fallout over Iraq U.S. Military’s Ability to Sustain an Occupation of Iraq
Rattling Washington,” Financial Times, June 25, (Washington: Congressional Budget Office),
2003. September 3, 2003.

94. See Jeff Record, “Is the War on Terrorism 104. See Frederick W. Kagan, “War and
Sustainable?” Proceedings (December 2003), pp. Aftermath,” Policy Review (August and September
44–46. 2003); John Hendren and Chris Kraul, “More
Troops Needed, Analysts Insist,” Los Angeles Times,
95. For examinations of U.S. postwar occupation August 20, 2003; Robert Schlesinger, “Rumsfeld,
policies in Germany and Japan and their usefulness Army Leaders in Discord,” Boston Globe,
as analogies to postwar Iraq, see Jeffrey Record, September 1, 2003; Mark Thompson and Michael
Dark Victory, America’s Second War with Iraq Duffy, “Is the Army Stretched Too Thin?” Time,
(Annapolis, MD: Naval Institute Press, 2004); September 1, 2003; Glenn Kessler and Mike Allen,
Americans as Proconsuls: U.S. Military Government in “Rumsfeld: No Need for More U.S. Troops,”
Germany and Japan, 1944–1952, ed. Robert Wolfe Washington Post, November 3, 2003; Edward N.
(Carbondale, IL: Southern Illinois University Press, Luttwak, “So Few Soldiers, So Much to Do,” New

York Times, November 4, 2003; and Tom Squitieri, Times, January 23, 4004; Stephen Fidler, Roula
“Push is on for Larger Military,” USA Today, Khalaf, and Mark Huband, “Return to the Fold:
December 12, 2003. How Gadaffi was Persuaded to Give Up His
Nuclear Goals,” London Financial Times, January
105. Farnaz Fassihi, “Early U.S. Decisions on 27, 2004; and Martin Indyk, “The Iraq War Did
Iraq Now Haunt American Efforts,” Wall Street Not Force Gadaffi’s Hand,” Financial Times,
Journal, April 19, 2004; Thom Shanker and David March 9, 2004.
E. Sanger, “Pentagon Drafts Iraq Troop Plan to
Meet Violence,” New York Times, April 21, 2004; 110. Gaurav Kampani, “Proliferation Unbound:
and “Another Nation to Pull Iraq Troops,” Los Nuclear Tales from Pakistan,” Center for
Angeles Times, April 21, 2004. Nonproliferation Studies, Monterey Institute of
International Studies,” February 23, 2004,
106. See Brent Scowcroft, “Don’t Attack Iraq,”; Leonard
Wall Street Journal, August 15, 2002; Madeleine K. Weiss, “Pakistan: It’s Déjà Vu All over Again,”
Albright, “Where Iraq Fits in the War on Terror,” Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists (May/June 2004), pp.
New York Times, September 13, 2002; Garyn Hart, 52–59; Sharon A. Squassoni, Weapons of Mass
“A Detour from the War on Terrorism,” Destruction: Trade between North Korea and Pakistan
Washington Post, March 9, 2003; and Novelda (Washington: Congressional Research Service,
Sommers, “War on Terror Taking a Back Seat, Ex- March 11, 2004); Henry Sokolski, “Proliferation
CIA Boss Says,” Newport News Daily Press, Pass: Stopping China and Pakistan in Their
December 4, 2003. Three different studies have Nuclear Tracks,” National Review online, March 16,
made this same argument: Charles V. Peña, “Iraq: 2004,
The Wrong War,” Cato Policy Analysis no. 502, ki200403160842.asp; Shubash Kapila, “Pakistan’s
December 15, 2003; Cirincione, Mathews, and Imperatives for Nuclear Weapons Proliferation: An
Perkovich, with Orton; Jeffrey Record, Bounding Analysis,” South Asia Analysis Group Paper 928,
the Global War on Terrorism (Carlisle Barracks, PA: February 17, 2004,
Strategic Studies Institute, U.S. Army War 928.html; and Seymour Hersh, “The Deal,” New
College, December 2003), and Jeffrey Record, Yorker, April 20, 2004,
“Threat Confusion and Its Penalties,” Survival able/?fact/040308fa_fact.
(Summer 2004).
111. Betts, “Striking First,” p. 18.
107. Speech by President George W. Bush on the
cessation of combat operations in Iraq, aboard 112. Jeffrey W. Knopf, “Misapplied Lessons? 9/11
the USS Abraham Lincoln, at sea of the coast of San and the Iraq Debate,” Non-Proliferation Review
Diego, May 1, 2003,” reprinted in “We Will (Fall-Winter 2002), pp. 53, 56.
Prevail,” pp. 259–63. In a September 2002 press
conference, President Bush declared, “You can’t 113. W. Andrew Terrill, interview with the author,
distinguish between al Qaeda and Saddam when December 8, 2003.
you talk about the war on terrorism. They’re both
equally as bad, and equally as evil, and equally as 114. For a description of such deeply buried facili-
destructive,” adding that “the danger is that al ties and the difficulties of attacking them, see Eric
Qaeda becomes an extension of Saddam’s mad- M. Sepp, “Deeply Buried Facilities: Implications for
ness and his hatred and his capacity to extend Military Operations,” Occasional Paper no. 14
weapons of mass destruction around the world.” (Maxwell Air Force Base, AL: Center for Strategy
Quoted in Mike Allen, “Bush: Hussein, Al Qaeda and Technology, May 2000).
Linked,” Washington Post, September 26, 2002.
115. See Arkin; Woolf; and James Kitfield, “The
108. Strategic Survey 2002/2003 (London: Pros and Cons of New Nuclear Weapons,”
International Institute for Strategic Studies, National Journal, August 9, 2003, p. 2566. See also
2003), p. 9. William Matthews, “U.S. Eyes Nuclear Answer to
Buried Targets,” Defense News, February 24, 2003;
109. See Gregg Easterbrook, “If the Bomb Is So William Matthews, “Former USAF Chief: Small
Easy to Make, Why Don’t More Nations Have It?” Nukes Would Deter,” Defense News, June 9, 2003;
New York Times, January 4, 2004; Bruce Fein, Charles D. Ferguson and Peter T. Zimmerman,
“Libya Bows, But . . . ,” Washington Times, January 6, “New Nuclear Weapons?” Monterey Institute of
2004; Patrick E. Tyler, “Libyan Stagnation a Big International Studies, Center for Nonprolifer-
Factor in Qaddafi Surprise,” New York Times, ation Studies, May 28, 2003; Koch; and “The
January 8, 2004; Joseph Cirincione, “The World Bush Administration’s Views on the Future of
Just Got Safer: Give Diplomacy the Credit,” Nuclear Weapons: Interview with NNSA
Washington Post, January 11, 2004; Flynt Leverett, Administrator Linton Brooks,” Arms Control
“Why Libya Gave Up on the Bomb,” New York Today (January/February 2004), pp. 3–8.

116. See ibid.; Robert W. Nelson, “Lowering the Proliferation: A Look at the Persian Gulf,” in
Threshold: Nuclear Bunker Busters and Schneider and Dowdy, p. 148.
Mininukes,” in Tactical Nuclear Weapons: Emergent
Threats in an Evolving Security Environment, ed. Brian 125. Ibid., p. 163.
Alexander and Alistaire Millar (Washington:
Brassey’s, 2003), pp. 68–79; Carl Levin and Jack 126. Anthony J. Blinken, “From Preemption to
Reed, “Toward a More Responsible Nuclear Engagement,” Survival (Winter 2003–2004), p. 37.
Nonproliferation Strategy,” Arms Control Today
(January–February 2004), pp. 9–14; and Perkovich. 127. National Security Strategy, p. 15.

117. See, for example, Sidney Drell, James Goodby, 128. Charles V. Peña, “Missile Defense: Defending
Raymond Jeanloz, and Robert Peurifoy, “A America or Building Empire?” Cato Foreign
Strategic Choice: New Bunker Busters versus Policy Briefing no. 77, May 28, 2003.
Nonproliferation,” Arms Control Today (March
2003), pp. 8–10; and du Preez, pp. 67–81. 129. Robert L. Jervis, “The Confrontation between
Iraq and the US: Implications for the Theory and
118. Quoted in Kitfeld, “The Pros and Cons of Practice of Deterrence,” European Journal of
New Nuclear Weapons.” International Relations 9, no. 2 (2003): 319.

119. Quoted in Joseph Cirincione, “How Will the 130. Ibid., p. 320.
Iraq War Change Global Nonproliferation
Strategies?” Arms Control Today (April 2003), p. 6. 131. Gray, Maintaining Effective Deterrence, p. vii.

120. Quoted in George Edmonson, “No New 132. Ibid., p. 10.

Nukes to U.S. Arsenal, Nunn Urges,” Atlanta
Journal-Constitution, December 17, 2003. 133. Condoleezza Rice, “Promoting the National
Interest,” Foreign Affairs (January/February 2000),
121. Charles V. Peña, “Mini-Nukes and p. 61.
Preemptive Policy: A Dangerous Combination,”
Policy Analysis no. 499 (Washington: Cato 134. Gray, Maintaining Effective Deterrence, p. 34.
Institute, November 19, 2003), p. 13.
135. See Frederick W. Kagan; Hendren and Kraul;
122. David A. Kay, “Detecting Cheating on Schlesinger; Thompson and Duffy; Glenn Kessler
Nonproliferation Regimes: Lessons from Our Iraqi and Mike Allen, “Rumsfeld: No Need for More
Experience,” in Schneider and Dowdy, pp. 20–21. U.S. Troops”; Luttwak; and Squitieri; and W.
Andrew Terrill, Middle East specialist at the
123. Carolyn C. James, “Iran and Iraq as Rational Strategic Studies Institute of the U.S. Army War
Crisis Actors: Dangers and Dynamics of College, unpublished assessment provided to the
Survivable Nuclear War,” in Eric Herring, p. 62. author in January 2004.

124. A. F. Mullins Jr., “The Logic of Nuclear 136. Knopf, p. 65.

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