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Zachary Shuler

Ms. Raymond

English 1102-E02

February 18, 20L3

Creative Story

tn the year 1.812 in a country called England, there wqs a

lived with


little girl named Mary that KAe# 1e;r./*- **P- M'swsguy named William which is her father. A few years earlier her mom passed

away from a really bad fever that had worked its way through their village. Their village only

help contribute to make the village work. Maq/s iob was to walk to a well which is located


about a mile away from the village. Mary would make this walk two times a day to brin
back to the people of the village and

to her father to use in his blacksmith shop.

One day when Mary was making the trip to the well she

coutO@omething off

in the

horizon and didn't think anything about it and continued on her way to the well. As she walked
on the objects kept getting bigger and bigger until she was surrounded by men on horses. The men were knights that worked for the queen and they had been sent to retrieve William.


Knights asked Mary where her father was, she proceed to tell them he was working and they

then demanded that she must go with them. Mary agreed and got on a horse and rode back into the village.

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