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The Egypt Centre

Swansea University
Anwen Jones, Jade Gibbs Rosie Holt

What is the Egypt Centre?

Consists of two rooms: The House of Life and The House of Death

There are a number of activities to be chosen from for a specific topic.

Two rooms full of artefacts and lots of information, with information books made for the those to read. Information comes in English and in Welsh.

House of Life
The House of Life shows how the Egyptians lived their everyday lives.
What they wore, such as clothes, jewellery etc. Pots and pans they used for cooking

Activities - House of life.

1. Dressing up as Egyptians.

2. Explorers. 3. Maths and Measuring. 4. Hyeroglyphs

House Of Death
The House of Death focuses on the Mummification of the Egyptians and animals, myths, gods, offerings.

No actual human mummies are on display here, but there are various animal mummies.
The house of death is said to be more popular to children who visit.

Activities - House of Death.

1. Mummification. 2. Food and drink. 3. Weighing of the heart. 4. Gods. 5. Animals.

It is an organised and structured place, but it is also a free flowing system. Very popular. Frequent visits. No lights. Volunteering.

Hands on. Interactive. Better resources. Fun.

Its a great example of Piaget (1967)

All Knowledge is tied to action

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