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table of contents

introduction event 1
story 1...................................................... story 2...................................................... story 3...................................................... ................................................................. 0 0 0 0 0 0 story 1...................................................... story 2...................................................... story 3...................................................... 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

event 2

It all started in a bar. Actually, it started on an airplane and then bloomed into this wonderful thing in a bar; Beggars Banquet to be exact. We wanted to make Mid-Michigan a more creative and enterprising place. And so, Fiction 440, our very own flash fiction series in Lansing, was born. Our goal is to make the literary and creative community in Lansing more accessible; to get people involved and sharing their work. Fiction 440 gives people an opportunity to write creatively. All we ask for is a full story in 440 words or less. There are only a few restrictions: no poetry and no excerpts. The story behind the 440 word limit is a mystery even to the creators. It may be the price of a beer at the time, or a play off of the Twitter character limit. Either way, its the perfect length for a short story; long enough to write a complete story and short enough to read aloud in a social setting. We invite writers of all kinds to participate as we are always open to new members. There are no requirements or qualifications to be a part of our community. The writers are all given the same prompt; three words, or maybe a quote from literature that has to be included in their stories (hint: look at the chapter titles.) Once the story is written and submitted, everyone meets to share their work. Our readings are not literary competitions. There are no prizes handed out for best story or most creative. We are here to share, not judge. We want to inspire people to express themselves and their ideas through stories. Each event is held at a social watering hole in the Lansing area. Bars are a crucial aspect of Fiction 440. Social gatherings help communities thrive. We have our meetings in bars because it allows us to share with each other as well as the surrounding bar flies. We also get to drink beer. This book is an anthology of our past events. Each chapter contains stories from a single event. It starts with the prompt and from there you can see all the different places people take these words in their stories. Its our way of showing you the vibrant community we have here in Lansing. We hope these words inspire you to create and express yourself, whether it is through Fiction 440 or another outlet. So grab a drink and start reading! Cheers! If you are interested in writing for or attending a Fiction 440 series, check out our website,, or find us on Facebook by searching Fiction 440.

banana sunday
by chris vanwyck
Vince had been called a lot of things. But this took the cake. Bananas? Really? He had never considered himself a fruit before, he chuckled, but if he had, it would have been something more exotic like a persimmon, or perhaps a kumquat, for crying out loud. Stupid hick, likely doesnt even know what a kumquat is. Probably thinks we have troops stationed there, he thinks, as another chuckle escapes into the ether. But these thoughts he keeps to himself. Voicing them in this crowd could earn one an unscheduled trip to the hospital. New Yorkers are known for their attitudes, but what had happened to civility in society? Ah, well, after all these years he still enjoyed the thrill of haggling with the vendors at the Sunday marketplace. He had been coming down here for what seamed like forever, first with his grandfather as a young boy. Having recently become a grandfather himself, he looked forward to the day when he would introduce his grandson to the fine art of street negotiation, a cherished family tradition. Silently amused, and preoccupied by the ferocity of the delivery of this personal affront, he didnt notice the frenetic improbability that was starting to unfold behind him. A bicycle messenger and his parcel (an oversized thermos of liquid nitrogen on its way to a lab at Sloane-Kettering) had just become one with a produce vendors cart with a force usually reserved for particle acceleratorsa physics analogy truly appropriate for the bizarre chain reaction set off by this unwanted union. The cacophony of the collision broke his spell and, as he turned searching for the source, the only thing his brain had time to process was the color yellow. A flash-frozen, liquid nitrogen-enhanced banana struck him at high velocity in the middle of the forehead, knocking him unconscious. When he awakened and regained his bearings, he paused, looking at his reflection in the side of the black sedan, upon which he had unceremoniously come to rest against when he had fallen. The produce vendor, his momentary adversary, was now offering him a hand, helping him back to his feet. As the confusion of the situation subsided, a smile once again graced his face as he enjoyed the sweet irony of the mark left upon his head.

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