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Drug monograph

Generic name: Hyoscine/Scopolamine Brand names: Disprin, loprin, Bayer Aspirin. Pharmacological category: Anticholinergic Agent Indications/uses: To produce amnesia and decrease salivary and respiratory secretions; to produce cycloplegia and mydriasis; prevention of motion sickness; prevention of nausea/vomiting associated with anesthesia or opiate analgesia Mechanism of action: Blocks the action of acetylcholine at parasympathetic sites in smooth muscle, secretory glands and the CNS; increases cardiac output, dries secretions, antagonizes histamine and serotonin Adverse reactions: Ocular: Local irritation, increased intraocular pressure, Blurred vision Respiratory: Congestion Vascular congestion, edema, drowsiness Dermatologic: Dry skin Gastrointestinal: Constipation, xerostomia, dry throat, Dysphagia Miscellaneous: Diaphoresis (decreased) Dermatologic: Increased sensitivity to light Endocrine & metabolic: Decreased flow of breast milk

Warnings/precautions: Use with caution with hepatic or renal impairment since adverse CNS effects occur more often in these patients; use with caution in infants and children since they may be more susceptible to adverse effects of scopolamine; use with caution in patients with GI obstruction; anticholinergic agents are not well tolerated in the elderly and their use should be avoided when possible Pregnancy category: C Dose: Children: I.M., S.C.: 6 mcg/kg/dose (maximum: 0.3 mg/dose) Adults: I.M., I.V., S.C.: 0.3-0.65 mg; may be repeated every 4-6 hours

Reference: lexicomp

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