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Khan academy is most known for its collection of videos, so before I go any farther let me show you a little

bit of mantas. So the high pot new is now going to be five. These animals fossils are only found in this area of south America, nice clean band here and with this part of Africa, we can integrate over the surface on the notation usually is a capital of sigma, national assembly, they create the committee of public safety which sound like a very nice committee, notice this is an aldehyde and its an alcohol. The French Into effector and Memory cells. A galaxy, hey theres another galaxy. Oh look, theres another galaxy. And for dollars is there 30 millions plus the 20 millions dollars from the American manufacture if this does not blow your mind and you have no emotion. We now have on the order of twenty two hundred of videos covering everything from basic arithmetic all the way to factor calculus, some other stuff that you saw up there. We have a million students a month using the site watching on the order of a hundred to two hundred thousand of videos a day. But were gonna talk about on this is how were going to the next level, before I do that I want to talk a little bit about really just how I got start it. And some of you all might know about five years ago I was an analyst at a hedge fund, and I was in boston and I was tutoring my cousins in new Orleans remotely, and I started putting the first youtube videos up, really this is kind a nice to have, just kind of supplement for my cousins, something that might, you know, give more pressure or something. And as soon as I put those first youtube videos up something interesting happened, actually a bunch of interesting things. The first was the feedback from my cousins, they told me that they preferred me on youtube than that person. And what you get over the back hand of nature of that? There was actually something very profound there, they were saying that they preferred the automated version of their cousins to their cousins. At first its very honored too if but when you actually think about from their point of view and you make tons of senses. You have this situation where now they can pause and repeat their cousins. Now they can, without feeling like theyre wasting my time, they could, if they have to refuse something that they shouldve learnt a couple weeks ago, maybe a couple years ago. They dont have to be embarrassing and after cousins, they can just watch those videos at their board, they can go ahead at their own time their own place

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