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Pgina 94, WORDS AND PHRASES Means of transport. 1. Coach 2. Motorcycle 3. Plane 4. Train 5. Ship 6. Bicycle 7. Underground PRESENTATION Jim has visited Morocco. Joanna is fraid of by ship. Joanna has never travelled by plane. Joanna has always wanted to visit Morocco. Joanna has never travelled flying. The travel agent doesnt like travelling by ship.

Pgina 95, GRAMMAR A) 1. Has decided 2. Hasnt invited B) 1. Have you ever thougth 2. Have read 3. Have always wanted

Pgina 96, WORDS AND PHRASES: Holiday activities. 1. Go hiking 2. Visit ancient ruins 3. Buy souvenirs 4. Go camping 5. Explore caves 6. Go scuba-diving 7. Sunbathe 8. Taste local food PRESENTATION a. Lumsden Castle b. Bill c. Bill swimming d. Bill e. On the table f. There and ask someone

Pgina 97, GRAMMAR a) 1. have you seen 2. I have 3. Saw 4. Went 5. Did you 6. I did b) 1. Has gone 2. Got 3. Left c) 1. Havent been 2. Has gone

Pgina 98, READING a. b. c. d. Salmon fishing fjords Skiing svartisen White-water rafting hunderfoosen family park. Ski jumping holmenkollen.

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