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Coleshill Sixth Form United Kingdom

Fade In: EXT. ALLEY. NIGHT. VICTIM lying on the floor with a sheet covering him. CHIEF DETECTIVE is standing near. Enters VILMONT.

CHIEF We got the call an hour ago, the police say they arrived and he was dead. VILMONT Do we have a name? CHIEF Richard. Theres serious bruising to the wrists and arms which shows signs of struggle and 3 stab wounds to the back. He must have died slowly, and painfully. VILMONT walks over to the body (CHIEF turns around) VILMONT kneels down by the body, and slightly lifts the cover and stares at the face for a while. VILMONT covers the body back up. CHIEF walks over to VILMONT. VILMONT stays kneeled as if too disheartened to stand. VILMONT (Avoiding eye contact at the chief) Richard Dawson. Hes my wifes cousin, a good friend of mine. CHIEF Oh (look of despair). Look I think you should go home. VILMONT No I want to help...I need to help. CHIEF No! Look Im sorry but you know the rules. Family or friends and you cant get involved. VILMONT stands up and begins to walk away

CHIEF Vilmont wait. Taking one quick look over his shoulder. Vilmont looks and speaks directly to his watch. VILMONT Get me all the evidence on the Dawson case. WATCH But sir. VILMONT Just do it! WATCH Yes sir.


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