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Script for FMP Year 2

INT. flat night

A POV shot flows someone with rubber gloves walking into a

bedroom. There is young woman standing in a room. The intruder
aggressively Clenches his hands upon seeing the woman. The
intruder moves in on the young woman with hands in position to
Cuts away outside the flat with woman screaming. End scene.
In a study very young man is sitting at a desk. He talking to
someone on the phone. There knock at the door.
Ian JR
Enter (In a commanding voice)

A blonde woman enters the study. Ian Jr slams down the phone.
Ian Jr
What an Infuriating fool. (In a harsh tone.)

Sorry. What is it?

The secretary
There two police here. They say they want question about the
deaths Henry, Ben, and Elizbeth (she said remorsefully gulp).

Ian Jr
Bring them and fetch Simon. (In an uncertain voice)
The secretary leaves and returns with two men. The first one
was older man in around 50 bolding and greying hairs. The
second was much younger man, rough looking and unrefined.
The first man held up a card.
DCI Carlson Woodrow
DCI Carlson Woodrow and DC Nigel Watson. Mr decker we have
some questions to ask you concerning the death Elizbeth scout.
I thought I had already answered the questions about.
More evidence has been uncovered.
I be candid with you multiple members of archaeological team
have died in mysterious and violent circumstances. We find
your lake of concern questionable.

Three months ago, I made the discovery of a lifetime. I

uncovered the remains of legendary warrior and. And the
discovery of
DCI Woodrow
Tell us about this legend.
Ian JR
Roughly 1150-year Vikings were revenging British Isles. The
most brutal of them was Kol scorch skull. Son of Ivar the
boneless, sacker of Dublin, the revere Kent and massacrer of
Mercia. They say Norse pagan gods which he worshipped gave him
supernatural powers. Making invisible in battle.
In year 871 after the battle of Ashdown. Which was first major
victory against Vikings. King Ethelred 1st king before Alfred
the great would send Wessex greatest warrior Cedrick wolf. He
gifted a sword which belong to king Offa of Mercia. But the
origin dates back far further. It……
DCI Woodrow
Please. Sir, get to the point. (He said

Woodrow crossed his arms. Watson paused from tacking notes.

Well basically Cedrick tracked down Kol and would slay him in
single combat. Kol’s body and positions would be taken Wessex.
Were he was eventually buried outside buried in a town called
Wimborne. Where I discovered the remains and relics of Kol
scorch skull. (Pride and in conceding in a voice.)
Woodrow sighed pleased that story was over. Or so he thought.
DCI Woodrow
That’s good we know the legend now.
That’s not the end of the story.
Woodrow face crumpled up in his hands.
The legend says he has returned serval times across the
centuries. To seek revenge England. 1000s of strange and
mysterious have been committed by him. King John, Black beard
and Jack ripper they were all him. But each time he returned,
so has Cedrick. Eternally obeying his king’s command.

Is that the end.
Ian JR
Yes. Yes, is it. But I’m left wondering.
Why did know legend Kol scorched skull.
DCI Woodrow
I think member of your team has gone crazy and think they’re
this Viking. Or is trying use the legend to scare everyone so
they steal artefacts.
I want to ask your staff some questions.
Ian JR
We are at your disposal. (He said proudly)
End scene.

INT. Corridor

A man with long black hair study attention in shing grey

corridor. He long wearing black fleys in order to. This was
DCI Woodrow
So, your Simon.
DCI Woodrow
DCI Woodrow reached out hands. In response Simon tucked his
hands into pockets. He gave off uncomfortable look.
I'm sorry DCI I suppose I'm a bit of a germaphobe.

Woodrow with
All our staff are ready to be interviewed.
Excellent, then we shall begin.
End scene.

INT. Storage Room

Woodrow is seating at rectangular wood table. At the other
side of the table is a member of the archaeological team.

So, you are Doctor Bill. Lewis Billman, head researcher.
DR Lewis Billman
Have you seen any suspicious behaviour. Concerning staff
activities, mannerisms, and actions

Simon. Don't know what's been going on with him recently. Ever
since we discovered Kohl's bones he's changed. No one can have
a conversation anymore You never talks about the artefacts and
where to find more rare relics belonging to Kol.

Quick cuts
--- Man in chair, sayings Simon.
--- Woman in chair, saying Simon
--- Man in chair, saying Simon
End scene.
INT. Study Evening
DCI Woodrow, detective Nigel Watson, Ian Heart and Simon
were all in Ian study. Woodrow had summoned Simon in order
tell him, taking to him station. So, he could interrogate
Simon more fully.
Several of your fellow archaeologists Have been saying you've
displayed strange behaviour over last few months. I think best
we go down to the station for formula discussion about your
activities. Nigal.
Woodrow gave his subordinated. The young detective Watson got
out his cuffs. Watson then moved toward Simon.
Simon’s facial expression change. The muscles on his face
relaxed. A cold look came over him.
So be it.
Simon eyes turn deep red. Simon reached into the air. A second
there was red flash. A sword appeared in Simon’s hand.
Ian Heart Junior
Everyone stunned by the will I be the strange turn of events.
The revelation officer off guard.
But how can his be.
I’ve returned, like I always do.
Kol thrust at Nigel. Nigel tried jump away. But it was too
late. The sword struck Nigel’s chest. A moment later Nigel’s
body fell to the ground dead.
No (Woodrow screamed)
Any further resistance will be dealt in the same way. Now Ian
my dear friend. You tell me where my helmet is. Since I
started to recover what's my right you hide it. Now you will
tell where it is. Tell me now.

Ian is there any weapons nearby? (He whispered)
Ian Jr turns his head point eyes at head table on other side
of the room.
Ian Heart Jr
I’ll distract him (He whispered)
Ian moved closer to Kol. Woodrow started slow walk to table
Ian had indicated to.
Ian Heart Jr
Kol, I’ll tell you where your helmet is. On one condition. You
promise not to harm me or any member of my team.
I agree to your terms. Now tell me, where my helmet.
Ian Heart junior
Stay tuned next it's here in my office.
Already searched the office and found nothing.
Ian Heart JR
I have a special hiding spot for it.
He gestured to a cupboard near his desk.
Ian Heart Jr
There's a false back to one of the compartments. Come I’ll
show you.
He gestured to Kol for him to follow him. Ian then opened the
door to the cupboard. He reached around inside he found. A few
minutes later produced a helmet from the Viking. In such good
condition as if had been forged yesterday.
Happiness flashed over Kole's face. As if he was staring at a
long-lost family member they just been really reunited with. A
blow from head then then struck him.
Arashhha (Kol cried out of pain)
Kol fell to one knee. He was his side where he'd been struck.
I'm putting you under arrest.
That’s not going to happen.
Kol raised to his feet. Still with a look of anguish from the
attack. Raised a hand to Ian Jr temple. Ian dropped to ground.
He raised his sword, in a position to strike back at Woodrow.
I take it you've used this word before.
Yes, I've been fencing for decades.
Good, at least you'll be some sport.

Woodrow was first one who Went to attack. Who drew swung his
sword at Kol. Kol parried blow away and swag his sword at
Woodrow. Who drew retreated backwards. Cole then went on the
offensive. Slagers, stabs and thrusts flowed as Woodrow was
forced to retreat out of how to be in study. Until finally Co
Haden way wanted him.
Woodrow getting tired because Kol’s relentless offensives.
Woodrow was used to the traditional art of fencing. Not the
savagery of Viking swordsmanship. Kol gripped his fit both
hands and raised his sword above his hands. Then he struck.
Woodrow went to counter. But this is what Kol wanted. The
blades meet. The din of the great clash of metal on metal
followed. The two blades were almost at hilt on hilt. Kol
pulled back is blade. Then launched a series of attacks that
penetrated through opponent’s defences. Woodrow dropped his
sword. Woodrow then fell to his knees. Kol came up behind him.
Kol raised his sword. The sword come down on Woodrow’s back.
End scene.

Ian JR

INT. Study Night

Ian slow awake from slumber.
What Happened (he moaned)

He found himself surrounded by carnage. Turned over boxes and

the contents littered the flow. He rose to feet and left the
INT. Corridor
He found the body DCI Woodrow slumped over in the corner of
the room dead. Ian JR picked sword.
He knew now what he had to do.
End scene.

INT. Garage night

A garage door opens, and Ian entered the garage. He looked

around for a couple seconds. Analysing the room, trying to
remember where you left something. Now he saw it. On the far
side of the garage where was it was a dark purple blanket.
There was something rounded underneath. He lifted the object
and placed it down in an area of the garage which was
relatively clean. He unbundled the blankets. The shiny
metallic glow of a mediaeval helmet shined in the light. But
this was more than just a mediaeval helmet This was the helmet
of Cedric of Shaftesbury. There was part of the legend of Kol
that he didn’t tell police officers. It was about how Cedric
had returned over centuries. In order for Cedric to return an
individual had to put the hand on Cedric’s helmet and give up
control their body temporarily to him.
Ian JR
I hope this is worth it.
He slowly lowered his body toward the mediaeval helmet. He
placed his hand right on the Cedric’s helmet. There was white

Ian body was now wearing Cedric’s helmet. Cedric now was
control Ian’s body. Ian body was 7 feet tall now.Cedric eyes
turned a deep pale blue.
End scene.

Ext. Field Dawn

In a grass field between two small grassy hills Kol stood
motion in his homes. He was now wearing his helmet. He was
performing the incantations for Norse ritual.
Cedric was on hill, overlooking area Kol was performing the
ritual. Cedric slid down the slope of the hill.
So, you have return from your sleep as well.
Indeed. I see you still harm your hosts taking them over.
That’s reason your wearing gloves isn’t.
Shall we get this over with.
This time my host is stronger than yours. (He said
The clash began. Cedric struck at Kol. Kol was initially able
to defend himself the slashes and stabs at him. But Kol was
starting to be overwhelmed. Cedrick was fasting, stronger, and
his sword was superior. Cedric stopped his offensive. Thinking
he was getting weak; Kol swung his sword at Cedric. But was
what Cedric wanted. Instead blocking swung his sword at hilt
of Kol’s sword. The sword went out his. Kol was open
invulnerable now. Cedric thrust his sword into Kol. Kol fell
to the grass field. Cedric stood over his Kol’s body, looking
down on him. His eyes were still open. But they changed back
to the brown of Simon. It was over.
There was flash. Ian had returned to his body. The Cedric’s
helmet dispersed. Ian’s body returned to its normal height.
The only remnant of Kol that remained was his sword. Ian
looked at the sword.
Ian JR
For a rainy day.

The End.

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