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DATE: 2/5/2023
PRODUCER: Joshua Morgan
FILM TITLE: The time walkers

Crew member Contact No. Time on Location:
(name and role): set/location
Chris rogers 07481 469104 00:00-02:00 Outside lift and the media

camera man

Joshua Morgan 00:00-02:00 The class room , in the lift, outside of
the lift and media condor
Producer, director and writer

Cast Cast Character Contact Number Time on set
No (from/to)
Ben lomas the foe 00:06-00:16

Joshua Morgan The student and future student 00:00-02:00

Jonty spence the police man

Outside the lift

Equipment Required: Props / Special Items

Camera tripod

Shoot Details / Schedule:

Time(s) Action Scene No. Cast No.
00:00-00:06 The lift door opens and the student exits. The student 1 1
says, “I hope I’m back”. long shot
00:06-00:16 The student walks down the corridor. The student 2 2
knocks a classroom door. A gruff voice says “enter” in
response. median and wide shot
00:16-00:30 Student enters a classroom. The student asks, “this may 3 2
sound like a strange question, what year is this”? . The
foe says “It’s you”. The student says “what”.
00:30-45 Student rushes for the lift 4 1
wide shot
00:45-50 Student pushes lift button 5 1
Extreme close up
00:50-01:15 The student is drinking alcohol and his arrested a 6 2
policeman. The student districts the policeman and runs
Long shot and median shots
01:15-01:130 Student walks down corridor Until he reaches the lift. 7 1
Tracking shots and median shots
01:30-01:40 The Student exist lift. The student walking down the 8 1
corridor into a class .The student trips up
01:40-01:50   9 1
The future student says “You always were at
the bottom of the class. Or should I say
I say we”. Student says It can’t be.

The future student says

“It’s time for you to go home The code to
return to 2023 1-2-1-1-1 up up down”.
Student says “It means I can go home”.

01:50-02:00 Student exists lift and lift door closes . 10 1


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