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Shades of Inspiration

Struttin My Stuff Newsletter

May 2013 V o l um e 4 , Is s ue 4

Happy Mothers Day

Guess Whose Birthdays are in May Giving a great big birthday shout out to these famous female names in our history.
Audrey Hepburn-May 4th Pat Carroll-May 5th Ann Davis- May5th Candice Bergen-May 9th Janet Jackson-May 16th Cher-May 20th Grace Jones-May 19th Joan Collins-May 23 Patti LaBelle-May 24th Pam Grier- May 26th Gladys Knight-May 28th .

May is such a fabulous month; for one thing, it is the time of year that we remember our mothers; though they should be recognized each and every day of the year. I am grateful and still love and remember my mother though she is not with me physically. But you know what; she is always near because I carry her with me in my heart. She is always in my thoughts. Not a day goes by that I dont think about her and see her in my minds eye. I think I am a lot like my mother. I see a lot of her in me, so she rubbed off on me and thats a good thing, because my mother was a remarkable woman. A lot of timeless women have rubbed off on me; aunts, grandmothers and my dear sweet mother- in- law. Though they are gone, they left a big impression on me and for this I am very grateful. So, I say to those unforgettable women, Happy Mothers Day. Thank you for touching my life and leaving your mark. You still mean the world to me.

Remember the names? Now think of why are simple famous. Are they Divas or Keep they the tone and positive. what? Occasionally you might need to remind
parents about classroom rules.

Events that took Place in the Month of May

Mothers Day was first observed in 1908. Good Housekeeping magazine published in 1885. Elvis married Pricilla in 1967. Empire State Building opened in 1931. Bonnie and Clyde died in 1934. Joan of Arcs life was taken in 1431. First Lady, Jacquie Kennedy Onassis passed away in 1994. Which of these events stands out the most in your mind? You can put these events in order if you want the challenge.

Winona Rasheed, freelance writer & author of books for children and teens

May in the Past

Down Memory Lane
Okay, everyone once in awhile likes to travel into times past, remembering yesterday rather it was good or bad. If you sit and think about it long enough, you can pull up a lot of memories that you think you lost a long time ago. But, guess what, your mind is like a tape recorder, it remembers everything if you add a little spark to it. Sometimes all you need is something to trigger the memory and it will come rolling back in like the waves on the ocean. And then again, there are those times when you have to dig a little, do some research to find some information that you have plum forgotten about. With that said, I am about to go digging so I can find out what was going on in May of 1970, the year I graduated. You should try it.

A Look into the Past

Yesterday TV Programs

This is what I found and according to History Orb, these events took place in May of 1970. Long and Winding Road became the last hit of the famous Beatle group. Ernie Banks made his 500th home run. Race riots erupted in Augusta Georgia. Thor Heyerdahl crossed the Atlantic Ocean on a reed raft Ra. The National Guard was called in to Kent State University where innocent students died. Earthquake in Peru, took the lives of 70,000 people. Computer floppy disc came into existence and the famous Beatles split up. .

Remembering 1951, because thats the year I was born. Okay, put on your thinking cap and lets go way back. What TV shows entertained us? I must admit, I had to do a little research for this topic and this is what I discovered as far as series go. Im making a small list because of spacing. However, I was greatly surprised to find all the shows listed. The list is long.
I Love Lucy Dragnet Roy Rogers Amos and Andy Red Skeleton Dianah Shore Lawrence Welk Mid Western Hayride and Whats My Line.

I remember these, do you? Can you name more? What was your favorite? Didnt this memory put a smile on your face? My Struttin My Stuff Website.

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