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Allison Kagay

19 March 2013

Bird Feeder

C. Gray

The theme for this month is march and I wanted to use as much on birds as possible. I had performed this project once before and thought it was a fabulous match.

This project build s a child hands on skills. They will learn about a species very common to them. They will see exactly what it eats and see as time progresses how much food that bird actually takes from the feeders.


Yes, I had all the material prepared and organized ahead of time, all the children have to do is bring their pine cone to the table.

Yes. This project was my most favorite, so of course I showed enthusiasm throughout the entire activity. I
Yes, the children loved this activity. The idea of having them use an item that they found on their own made it even more enjoyable in their eyes.

Yes, by giving the children freedom while making the feeders only strengthens their comprehension skills. They followed my instructions and modified their cones in the way they wanted.

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