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Introduction ....................................................................................................................................2 1. Present simple tense ............................................................................................................3 1.1 Forms of Present simple tense ............................................................................................3 1.1.1 Affirmative statements ...............................................................................................3 1.1.2 Negative statements ...................................................................................................4 1.1.3 Interrogative statements .............................................................................................4 2. Future Simple Tense.............................................................................................................5 2.1 Forms of Future simple tense .............................................................................................6 2.1.1 Affirmative statements ...............................................................................................6 2.1.2 Negative statements ....................................................................................................6 2.1.3 Interrogative statements .............................................................................................7 3. Past simple tense .....................................................................................................................7 3.1 Forms of Future simple tense ..............................................................................................7 3.1.1 Affirmative statements ...............................................................................................7 3.1.2 Negative statements ...................................................................................................8 3.1.3Interrogative statements ..............................................................................................8


Speak English these days is very important because the English language is one of the most widely spoken languages in the world. And to speak this language is necessary dominate the present simple tense, future simple tense and future simple tense. Whit this job we can improve our English and we hope that the reader will evaluate this job and our work to help us to improve some aspects.

1. Present Simple Tense

The simple present says that something was true in the past, in the present, and will be true in the future or can expresse habitual actions, or general truths. Examples: I always eat a salad for lunch. Does the sun rise in the east or in the west? Our planet moves round the sun.

1.1 Forms of Present Simple Tense 1.1.1 Affirmative Statements In the positive statements, we add an -s to the infinitive of third person singular or when the subject is I, you, we, or they, use the simple form of the verb. If the subject is he, she, or it, add s or es to the simple form of the verb. Examples: We go to school at 06:30. Johnny Live in London. Guilda usually walks to the store. He Studies in the afternoon She goes to sleep at 22:00.


Negative statements

In negative statements is formed by verb do/does + not + simple form. Examples: Johnny doesnt speak English. He doesnt live in Dubai. Mozambicans usually dont eat soup for breakfast. She doesn't go to the theatre very often. The students dont like read books.


Interrogative Statements

We make the interrogative of the simple present tense with verb do (does for he, she, it) and the infinitive of the verb. Examples: Do you come every day? Does Johnny smoke? Do you want to dance? Do you like dogs? Does your pet gorilla bite?

Also we make the interrogative of simple present tense using wh-questions lets see some examples. Examples: Where do you live? Why does he smoke?

Where does she live? Why does she teach English? Where do you come every day?

2. Future Simple Tense

In English the Future Time is expressed in a number of ways. The most common are with will and be going to. See examples from the following sentences. Examples: I will finish my homework in two hours. She will graduate next year. It will rain a lot next week. Will Johnny come to Jills farewell party? I will not travel to England next month. Generally it is used to express an action which has not occurred yet and will occur after saying or in future. For example, I will go to zoo tomorrow, in this sentence the person intend for tomorrows visit to zoo. In short, these sentences express actions which will be done in future. The Auxiliary verb will is used in sentence. 1st form of verb or base form is used as main verb in sentence. Now lets see the cases in sentences.

2.1 Forms of Present Simple Tense 2.1.1 Affirmative Statements The affirmative statements are formed by Subject + auxiliary verb + main verb (present participle) + object or Subject + will + (1st form of verb or base form +ing) + object. Example: They will move to Nacala. John will keep dropping his towel on the floor after a bath. I will visit my grandma at hospital. I will buy a computer tomorrow. Jesus will come one day.

2.1.2 Negative Statement To form a negative statement of future simple tense Subject + auxiliary verb+ not + main verb (present participle)+ Object. Example: She wont break up with Kevin. I will not buy a computer tomorrow. I will not travel to England next month. We will not build a house. We won't sleep together


Interrogative Statements (Affirmative and Negative)

The interrogative Statements are formed by Auxiliary verb + subject + main verb (present participle) + object or by Auxiliary verb+ not + subject + main verb (present participle) + object. Examples: Who will help me finish this chocolate cake? Wont David put on his new coat? Will she work out a solution? Will she not dance?

3. Simple Past Tense

The simple past expresses an action in the past taking place once, never, several times. It can also be used for actions taking place one after another or in the middle of another action. For irregular verbs, use the past form and for regular verbs, just add ed.

3.1 Forms of Present Simple Tense 3.1.1 Affirmative Statements The structure for Affirmative Statements in the past simple tense is: Subject + past form of verb + object.

Examples: Johnny completed his course three weeks ago. He visited his parents every weekend.

He came in, took off his coat and sat down. I was in London two years ago I talked to her yesterday.


Negative statements

To form a negative sentence we can use following this structure: Subject + did + not + base form of verb + object. Examples: I didn't play football. She didn't understand the question. He didnt like dirty places. I didn't go to the market. They did not stay at the party the entire time.


Interrogative Statements

The structure for question sentences in the past simple tense is: did + subject + base form of verb + object. Examples: did you study French? Did you play Football? Did I speak? Did you live in Tokyo when you were a kid? Did I go to the School?


During realization of this job was possible understand when we can use the present simple tense, future simple tense and past simple tense. With this knowledge we can apply when we are communicate with people that use this language. We hope that this job have good approach and the job is used as source of this discipline.


WALDEMAR, Giovana; English Grammar: theory and practice; 1o Edition; New York; Rideel Publishers; 2006, March 25, 2013, March 28, 2013.

THOMPSON, Anthony; Basic English Grammar; 1o Edition; London; 2002.



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