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TEXT : JONAH:1-3 Many of us get on the wrong train and go the opposite way instead of the right way.

Jonah4:2, many of us take these wrong paths because we do not understand the purpose of God for our lives. The Ships We Get On Wrongly. 1. Relationships: Many of us have relationships whereby, their characters take you away from the path of God. What is your relationship with God? John1:18. 2. Friendships: Who are your friends? Are they godly? Friends have great influences on us whether we like it or not. Job24:17, Proverbs18:24. Some friends have very negative impacts on others. Friendships can take you away from God. You need to watch who you choose as a friend. 3. Fellowship: Not everywhere called a church is the right place for you. Wherever sin is condoned is the wrong place to be. We need to make sure we are not influenced by the wrong fellowship. 4. Citizenship: people tell all types of lies because they want to be accepted into the country. 5. Showmanship: Luke 20:45-51, are you in church just to show up or are you there because you desire God? What ship are you on now?

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