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All 3 characters walk onto the set smiling. All: Hello!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

We are here broadcasting from our home town!! Emma: My name is pluffalufagus Parker: My name is tuffalufagus Caroline: And my name is fluffalufagus Caroline: And were here to sell you All: UNSTOPPABLE TUNES! Emma: Never ending Joy Parker: This addicting new product is sold out at every single store it hits! Caroline: And were here to sell it to you now! Emma: Look at this stranger who we give the unstoppable tunes headphones to. Scene 2: go into a car and goes into moving traffic Parker: Hello stranger would you like to try unstoppable tunes? Mr. Biddle: Sure kids!!! Caroline: here you go!!! DJ Pluffalufagus blast it up! Emma: wikiwikiwikiwiki

Mr. Biddle: AHHHHHHHHHHHH {SCREEMS} it wont stop!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Parker: duhh thats the point. Caroline: it will never stop! Emma: he. Is. Screeming. With. Joy. All: BUY IT NOW!! For a low price of $399.99 Caroline: And pay an extra $59.99 for background dancers!! Parker: If you go for this once in a lifetime offer ALL: do not turn it now Parker: you will get a free copy of our album called neverending kitty joy! ALL: buy it now!!!!!!!!!!!!

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