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VERITAS Enterprise Consulting Services APAC VCS Cheat Sheet

VERITAS Cluster Server Commands

VCS Operations
Start VCS Start VCS stale Force start VCS Start VCS on a single node Stop VCS on all nodes Stop VCS & leave apps running Stop local node Stop local node & evacuate service groups Stop local node & leave apps running Stop a system Stop a system & evacuate service groups Stop a system & leave apps running Show VCS status Show a group status Show a status summary Open cluster configuration Save cluster configuration Save & close cluster configuration Verify cluster configuration Start VCS Java GUI hastart hastart stale hastart force hastart onenode hastop -all hastop all force hastop local hastop local evacuate hastop local force hastop sys system_name hastop sys system_name evacuate hastop sys system_name force hastatus hastatus group group_name hastatus summary haconf makerw haconf dump haconf dump makero hacf verify config_dir hagui cd /etc/VRTSvcs/conf/config;hacf verify . hastatus group mygroup hastop sys myserver hastop sys myserver evacuate hastop sys myserver force



Cluster Operations
Display cluster information Display a cluster attribute haclus -display haclus value attribute haclus value ClusterName



System Operations
List cluster systems Display a system attribute Add a system Delete a system Freeze a system Thaw a system Display the state of a system Display a systems node id Force a system to start hasys -list hasys display system_name hasys add system_name hasys delete system_name hasys freeze system_name hasys unfreeze system_name hasys state system_name hasys nodeid hasys force system_name hasys force myserver hasys display myserver hasys add mynewserver hasys delete myserver hasys freeze myserver hasys unfreeze myserver hasys state myserver



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13 June 2003

VERITAS Enterprise Consulting Services APAC VCS Cheat Sheet

User Operations
Add a user with Guest access Add a user with Cluster Admin access Add a user with Operator access Add a user with group administrator access Add a user with group operator access Modify a user Delete a user Display a user

hauser add username haclus modify Administrators add username haclus modify Operators add username hagrp -modify service_group Administrators -add username hagrp -modify service_group Operators -add username hauser update username hauser delete username hauser -display hauser add myname

haclus modify Administrators add myname haclus modify Administrators add myname hagrp -modify mygroup Administrators -add myname hagrp -modify mygroup Operators -add myname hauser update myname hauser delete myname

Service Group Operations

List groups Display group state Clear group faults List group resources List group dependencies Display a group Online a group Offline a group Switch a group Flush a group Freeze a group Thaw a group Enable a group Disable a group Enable group resources Disable group resources Add a group Delete a group Modify a group Remove group dep hagrp -list hagrp state group_name [sys system_name] hagrp clear group_name [-sys system_name] hagrp resources group_name hagrp dep group_name hagrp display group_name [sys system_name] hagrp online group_name sys system_name hagrp offline group_name sys system_name hagrp switch group_name to system_name hagrp flush group_name sys system_name hagrp freeze group_name hagrp unfreeze group_name hagrp enable group_name [sys system_name] hagrp disable group_name [sys system_name] hagrp enableresources group_name hagrp disableresources group_name hagrp add group_name hagrp delete group_name hagrp modify group_name attribute value hagrp unlink parent_group child_group hagrp link parent_group child_group relationship Relationship: Create a group dependency online local soft online local firm online global soft online global firm online remote soft offline remote soft offline remote firm offline local hagrp state mygroup [sys myserver] hagrp clear mygroup [-sys myserver] hagrp resources mygroup hagrp dep mygroup hagrp display mygroup [sys myserver] hagrp online mygroup sys myserver hagrp offline mygroup sys myserver hagrp switch mygroup to myserver hagrp flush mygroup sys myserver hagrp freeze mygroup hagrp unfreeze mygroup hagrp enable mygroup [sys myserver] hagrp disable mygroup [sys myserver] hagrp enableresources mygroup hagrp disableresources mygroup hagrp add mynewgroup hagrp delete mynewgroup hagrp modify mygroup AutoStart 0 hagrp unlink mygroup mynewgroup hagrp link mygroup mynewgroup online local soft



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13 June 2003

VERITAS Enterprise Consulting Services APAC VCS Cheat Sheet

Resource Operations
List resources Display resource state Clear resource faults hares -list hares state res_name [-sys system_name] hares clear res_name [-sys system_name] hares display res_name Display a resource hares display group group_name hares display sys system_name Display resource dependencies Online a resource Offline a resource Offline propagate a resource Probe a resource Add a resource Delete a resource Modify a resource Create a resource dependency Delete a resource dependency hares dep res_name hares online res_name sys system_name hares offline res_name sys system_name hares offprop res_name sys system_name hares probe res_name sys system_name hares add res_name res_type group_name hares delete res_name hares modify res_name attribute value hares link parent_res child_res hares unlink parent_res child_res hares state myres [-sys myserver] hares clear myres [-sys myserver] hares display myres hares display group mygroup hares display sys system_name hares dep myres hares online myres sys myserver hares offline myres sys myserver hares offprop myres sys myserver hares probe myres sys myserver hares add myres mytype mygroup hares delete myres hares modify myres device qfe3 hares link myres mynewres hares unlink myres mynewres



Resource Type Operations

List resource types List resources of a particular type Display a resource type Add a resource type Delete a resource type Modify a resource type hatype -list hatype resources res_type hatype display [res_type] hatype add res_type hatype delete res_type hatype modify res_type attribute value hatype resources mytype hatype display [mytype] hatype add mynewtype hatype delete mynewtype hatype modify mytype OnlineRetryLimit 2



Agent Operations
List agents Display agents Start an agent Stop an agent haagent -list haagent display [agent_type] haagent start agent_type sys system_name haagent stop agent_type sys system_name haagent display [myagent] haagent start myagent sys myserver haagent stop myagent sys myserver



LLT & GAB Operations

Display llt links Display llt stats Display llt links Display llt system name Display gab config Display gab ports lltconfig a list lltstat lltstat -nvv lltstat -H gabconfig l gabconfig -a



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13 June 2003

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