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Chapter 1.

4 Topography A ______________________________ is a map that shows ______________________________________________ of an area They use symbols to show the land as if you were _______________________________ on it from above Map makers use contour lines to represent several things including: 1. ________________________________________ 2. Relief 3. Slope A contour line connects points of equal elevation. ___________________________ is the change in elevation from one contour line to another contour line. The intervals are usually the same, such are 20 meters. See example

Looking at the map, you can tell that if you go up 10 contour lines, then you will be at an elevation of 200 meters Usually every___________________ contour line is known as an ______________________- a dark heavier line that is labeled with the different elevation in rounded units Topographic maps have many uses- geologists use them to see what kind of ______________________________an area is. You could even use it to plan a hike or to assess and area you may go to visit

How to read topographic maps First you must familiarize yourself with the maps _____________________ and scale Scale: Topographic maps are usually _________________________ scaled maps, that way you can see all the ________________________ and feature of the area Symbols: Mapmakers use all sorts of symbols to represent features of the land- for instance a school could look like a box with a flag on it. Interpreting contour lines: When contour lines are closely placed together, that indicates _______________________________ While widely spaced lines represent ____________________________ areas or a gentle slope A contour line that is a complete ___________________________and no other lines in it represents a __________________________________, but a loop with dashed lines in it shows a depression or a hollow area in the ground. ________ shaped contour lines represents valleys and ridges

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