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3 Notes
Monitoring Earthquakes

The Seismograph
A seismograph measures earthquakes waves Its drum will vibrate and the pen will move back and forth Seismograms are the record of the earthquake waves made by the seismograph

Instruments that monitor faults

1. Tiltmeters: measures tilting or raising of the ground using liquid to see if it is level 2. Creep Meters: wire stretched across a fault to measure the horizontal movement of the ground 3. Laser-Ranging Deivces: uses laser beam to detect horizontal fault movement 4. GPS satellites: measure changes in elevation as well as horizontal movement along faults using satellites

Chapter 5 Earthquakes

Using seismographic data

Scientists use data to 1. Map faults: through seismic waves scientist are able to detect faults 2. Monitoring Changes Along Faults 3. Trying to Predict Earthquake: look at old records and seeing where the activity is to predict if more earthquakes will happen

Chapter 5 Earthquakes

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