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Ingredient 1. 2. 3. 4. sheet white bread margarine Liquid milk (white or chocolate to taste) Brown Meses (can be replaced with another according to taste eg peanut butter, etc.) 5. Cheese (if you like cheese) How to Make 1. take 2 pieces of white bread then each edge spread with margarine. to spread with margarine plus layers in liquid milk and chocolate sprinkled meses (or butter / cheese / or other content according to taste) apply quite a lot so that later the bread was tasty and not easily burn. once completed proceed to number 2 2. Cups two pieces of white bread, the outer edge Tangkupan spread the bread with margarine evenly.

3. Prepare a gas stove and after a rather hot wajannya then spread with a little margarine, until melted smooth, fairly hot immediately after the insert had to bread pan. 4. wait a few seconds. gas stove if you can not be too large because the bread you might later quickly charred surface. revert back your bread is so tida charred. 5. After plasticity yellowing slightly brown and fragrant romanya lift your buns from pan frying. 6. Do it again from number 1 if you want to make more toast than white bread. 7. For the presentation can be tailored to individual taste, can be added grated cheese or chocolate or whatever liquid according to your taste 8. Enjoy

Roti Bakar

1. 2. 3. 4.


Lembaran roti tawar Margarin Susu cair (putih atau coklat sesuai selera) Coklat Meses (dapat diganti dengan yang lain sesuai selera misal selai kacang dll) Keju ( kalau suka keju)

Cara Membuat 1. ambil 2 lembar roti tawar kemudian masing-masing tepinya diolesi margarin. untuk lapisan dalam diolesi margarin plus ditaburi susu cair dan coklat meses(atau selai/keju/atau isi yang lain sesuai selera) oleskan yang cukup banyak supaya nanti rotinya enak dan tidak mudah gosong. setelah selesai dilanjutkan ke nomer 2

2. Tangkupkan kedua lembar roti tawar tersebut, olesi tepi luar tangkupan roti tawar tersebut dengan margarin secara merata. 3. Siapkan kompor gasnya dan wajannya setelah agak panas kemudian diolesi sedikit margarin, ratakan hingga mencair, setelah lumayan panas segera masukkan roti tadi ke wajan. 4. tunggu beberapa detik. kalau bisa api kompor gas jangan terlalu besar karena roti anda bisa-bisa nanti cepat gosong permukaannya. bolak-balikan roti anda tersebut supaya tida gosong. 5. Setelah keliatan menguning agak coklat dan romanya harum angkat roti anda dari wajan penggorengan. 6. Lakukan lagi dari nomer 1 jika anda ingin membuat lebih banyak roti bakar dari roti tawar. 7. Untuk penyajiannya bisa disesuaikan dengan selera masing-masing, bisa ditambahi parutan keju atau coklat cair atau apa saja sesuai selera anda 8. Selamat menikmati

Prochedure Text

Group 3 Name : 1. Agus Prayoga 2. Lailatul Fithria Islamiyah 3. Razif Ahmad 4. (03) (19) (27) (11)

SMP Negeri 4 Pamekasan 2013-2014

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