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英語 100 篇精讀匯粹(中級篇)【Type By Simon Lau(8029)】

Passage One (Violence Can Do Nothing to Diminish Race Prejudice)

In some countries where racial prejudice is acute, violence has so come to be taken for
granted as a means of solving differences, that it is not even questioned. There are countries where
the white man imposes his rule by brute force; there are countries where the black man protests by
setting fire to cities and by looting and pillaging. Important people on both sides, who would in
other respects appear to be reasonable men, get up and calmly argue in favor of violence – as if it
were a legitimate solution, like any other. What is really frightening, what really fills you with
despair, is the realization that when it comes to the crunch, we have made no actual progress at all.
We may wear collars and ties instead of war-paint, but our instincts remain basically unchanged.
The whole of the recorded history of the human race, that tedious documentation of violence, has
taught us absolutely nothing. We have still not learnt that violence never solves a problem but
makes it more acute. The sheer horror, the bloodshed, the suffering mean nothing. No solution
ever comes to light the morning after when we dismally contemplate the smoking ruins and
wonder what hit us.
The truly reasonable men who know where the solutions lie are finding it harder and herder
to get a hearing. They are despised, mistrusted and even persecuted by their own kind because
they advocate such apparently outrageous things as law enforcement. If half the energy that goes
into violent acts were put to good use, if our efforts were directed at cleaning up the slums and
ghettos, at improving living-standards and providing education and employment for all, we would
have gone a long way to arriving at a solution. Our strength is sapped by having to mop up the
mess that violence leaves in its wake. In a well-directed effort, it would not be impossible to fulfill
the ideals of a stable social programme. The benefits that can be derived from constructive
solutions are everywhere apparent in the world around us. Genuine and lasting solutions are
always possible, providing we work within the framework of the law.
Before we can even begin to contemplate peaceful co-existence between the races, we must
appreciate each other’s problems. And to do this, we must learn about them: it is a simple exercise
in communication, in exchanging information. ‘Talk, talk, talk,’ the advocates of violence say, ‘all
you ever do is talk, and we are none the wiser.’ It’s rather like the story of the famous barrister
who painstakingly explained his case to the judge. After listening to a lengthy argument the judge
complained that after all this talk, he was none the wiser. ‘Possible, my lord,’ the barrister replied,
‘none the wiser, but surely far better informed.’ Knowledge is the necessary prerequisite to
wisdom: the knowledge that violence creates the evils it pretends to solve.

1. What is the best title for this passage?

[A] Advocating Violence.
[B] Violence Can Do Nothing to Diminish Race Prejudice.
[C] Important People on Both Sides See Violence As a Legitimate Solution.
[D] The Instincts of Human Race Are Thirsty for Violence.
2. Recorded history has taught us
[A] violence never solves anything.
[B] nothing.
[C] the bloodshed means nothing.
[D] everything.

英語 100 篇精讀匯粹(中級篇)【Type By Simon Lau(8029)】

3. It can be inferred that truly reasonable men

[A] can’t get a hearing.
[B] are looked down upon.
[C] are persecuted.
[D] Have difficulty in advocating law enforcement.
4. “He was none the wiser” means
[A] he was not at all wise in listening.
[B] He was not at all wiser than nothing before.
[C] He gains nothing after listening.
[D] He makes no sense of the argument.
5. According the author the best way to solve race prejudice is
[A] law enforcement.
[B] knowledge.
[C] nonviolence.
[D] Mopping up the violent mess.

1. acute 嚴重的,劇烈的,敏銳的
2. loot v.搶劫,掠奪;n.贓物
3. pillage v.搶劫,掠奪
4. crunch v. 吱 嘎 吱 嘎 咬 或 嚼 某 物 ; n. 碎 裂 聲
when it comes to the crunch = if/when the decisive moment comes. 當關鍵時刻來到時。
5. war-paint 出戰前塗於身上的顏料。(美印第安戰士用)
6. come to light = become known 顯露,為人所知
7. sap 剝 削 , 使 傷 元 氣 , 破 壞
I was sapped by months of hospital treatment. 我住院治療幾個月,大傷元氣。
8. mop up 擦去,對付,處理
9. wake 船 跡 , 航 跡
in the wake of sth. = come after 隨某事之後到來。

1. What is really frightening, what really fills you with despair is the realization that when it
comes to the crunch, we have made no actual progress at all.
【結構簡析】when it comes to the crunch = when / if the decisive moment comes.當關鍵時刻
來 到 時 。
2. Our strength is sapped by having to mop up the mess that violence leaves in its wake.
【 結 構 簡 析 】 in the wake of 在 … 之 後 。
3. After listening to a lengthy argument the judge complained that after all this talk, he was none
the wiser.
【結構簡析】none + the + 比較級。固定用法,義:not at all 一點兒也不。EX: After the
treatment, he is none the better.治療後,他並沒有因此見好,(一點兒也不見好)。

英語 100 篇精讀匯粹(中級篇)【Type By Simon Lau(8029)】

4. Knowledge is the necessary prerequisite to wisdom.


1. B 暴力難以消除種族偏見。文章一開始就提出有些國家種族偏見嚴重,而暴力卻是公認
人 可 怕 的 事 件 。
暴 力 製 造 它 假 裝 要 解 決 的 罪 惡 , 是 智 慧 聰 明 的 必 要 前 提 。
A.鼓吹暴力。C.雙方重要人物都把暴力作為合法的解決方案。D. 人類的本性是嗜暴性。
2. B 沒有什麼。第一段中就明確提出整個人類有記錄歷史又長又臭的暴力檔記錄,一點都
沒 有 教 給 我 們 任 何 東 西 。
3. D 在鼓吹法制方面有困難。答案在第二段,真正有理智的人鼓吹法制,遭到同類們的輕
A.人們不聽。B.遭人輕視。C.遭人迫害。這三項都包含在 D 項內。
4. C 聽後無所得。None the wiser 一點也不比以前聰明(這是按字面翻譯)。實際就是 C 項。
5. A 法制。第二段最後一句,如果我們在法律的構架中進行工作,真正的持久的解決總是
事 。

Passage Two (The Tourist Trade Contributes Absolutely Nothing to

Increasing Understanding between Nations)

The tourist trade is booming. With all this coming and going, you’d expect greater
understanding to develop between the nations of the world. Not a bit of it! Superb systems of
communication by air, sea and land make it possible for us to visit each other’s countries at a
moderate cost. What was once the ‘grand tour’, reserved for only the very rich, is now within

英語 100 篇精讀匯粹(中級篇)【Type By Simon Lau(8029)】

everybody’s grasp? The package tour and chartered flights are not to be sneered at. Modern
travelers enjoy a level of comfort which the lords and ladies on grand tours in the old days
couldn’t have dreamed of. But what’s the sense of this mass exchange of populations if the nations
of the world remain basically ignorant of each other?
Many tourist organizations are directly responsible for this state of affairs. They deliberately
set out to protect their clients from too much contact with the local population. The modern tourist
leads a cosseted, sheltered life. He lives at international hotels, where he eats his international food
and sips his international drink while he gazes at the natives from a distance. Conducted tours to
places of interest are carefully censored. The tourist is allowed to see only what the organizers
want him to see and no more. A strict schedule makes it impossible for the tourist to wander off on
his own; and anyway, language is always a barrier, so he is only too happy to be protected in this
way. At its very worst, this leads to a new and hideous kind of colonization. The summer quarters
of the inhabitants of the cite universitaire: are temporarily reestablished on the island of Corfu.
Blackpool is recreated at Torremolinos where the traveler goes not to eat paella, but fish and chips.
The sad thing about this situation is that it leads to the persistence of national stereotypes. We
don’t see the people of other nations as they really are, but as we have been brought up to believe
they are. You can test this for yourself. Take five nationalities, say, French, German, English,
American and Italian. Now in your mind, match them with these five adjectives: musical,
amorous, cold, pedantic, native. Far from providing us with any insight into the national
characteristics of the peoples just mentioned, these adjectives actually act as barriers. So when you
set out on your travels, the only characteristics you notice are those which confirm your
preconceptions. You come away with the highly unoriginal and inaccurate impression that, say,
‘Anglo-Saxons are hypocrites’ of that ‘Latin peoples shout a lot’. You only have to make a few
foreign friends to understand how absurd and harmful national stereotypes are. But how can you
make foreign friends when the tourist trade does its best to prevent you?
Carried to an extreme, stereotypes can be positively dangerous. Wild generalizations stir up
racial hatred and blind us to the basic fact—how trite it sounds! – That all people are human. We
are all similar to each other and at the same time all unique.

1. The best title for this passage is

[A] tourism contributes nothing to increasing understanding between nations.
[B] Tourism is tiresome.
[C] Conducted tour is dull.
[D] tourism really does something to one’s country.
2. What is the author’s attitude toward tourism?
[A] apprehensive.
[B] negative.
[C] critical.
[D] appreciative.
3. Which word in the following is the best to summarize Latin people shout a lot?
[A] silent.
[B] noisy.
[C] lively.
[D] active.

英語 100 篇精讀匯粹(中級篇)【Type By Simon Lau(8029)】

4. The purpose of the author’s criticism is to point out

[A] conducted tour is disappointing.
[B] the way of touring should be changed.
[C] when traveling, you notice characteristics which confirm preconception.
[D] national stereotypes should be changed.
5. What is ‘grand tour’ now?
[A] moderate cost.
[B] local sight-seeing is investigated by the tourist organization.
[C] people enjoy the first-rate comforts.
[D] everybody can enjoy the ‘grand tour’.

1. superb 卓越的,傑出的,第一流的
2. moderate 中庸的,中等的,適度的
3. grand tour 大旅行,指舊時英國富家子弟教育中,到歐洲大陸觀光的旅行,為
4. package tour 由旅行社代辦而費用與路線、日程固定的假日旅遊。也可用 package
5. chartered flight 包機航班
6. set out to do sth. = begin a job with a particular aim 開始做某事,決心/打算做……
7. cosset 寵愛,溺愛,縱容
8. conducted tour = guided tour 有人指導/引到下的參觀,有導遊的旅遊
9. censor 檢查
10. wander off 離開原處/正道,離群,漫步,漫遊
11. quarters 住處,營
12. paella 西班牙什錦飯
13. chip 炸馬鈴薯條(土豆條)
14. amorous 多情的,色情的
15. pedantic 學究式的,賣弄學問的
16. generalization 歸納,概括
17. stir up 惹起,煽動,挑起
18. trite 陳腐的,老一套的

1. What was once the ‘grand tour’, reserved for only the very rich, is now within everybody’s
【 結 構 簡 析 】 within sb.’s grasp. 某 人 理 解 / 瞭 解 , 為 某 人 所 能 抓 到 的 。
2. The package tour and chartered flights are not to be sneered at.
3. They deliberately set out to protect their clients from too much contact with the local
4. The modern tourist heads a cosseted sheltered life.

英語 100 篇精讀匯粹(中級篇)【Type By Simon Lau(8029)】

5. Conducted tours to places of interest are carefully censored.
6. A strict schedule makes it impossible for the tourist to wander off on his own; and anyway,
language is always barrier, so he is only too happy to be protected in this way.
【 結 構 簡 析 】 only too + 形 容 詞 / 分 詞 = very 非 常 。
7. At its very worst, this leads to a new and hideous kind of colonization.
【 結 構 簡 析 】 at one’s worst 在 情 況 最 壞 的 時 候 。
8. Carried to an extreme, stereotypes can be positively dangerous.
【 結 構 簡 析 】 carried to an extreme (to an excess ) 如 果 做 得 過 分 。
9. Wild generalizations stir up racial hatred and blind us to the basic fact.


1. A 旅遊對增進民族瞭解毫無建樹。第二段開始點出,許多旅遊組織直接負責旅遊事宜,
謬、有害,可是旅行社竭力制止,你又怎麼能交上外國朋友呢?這一切說明 A 項對。
2. C 批評。
3. B 吵吵鬧鬧的。
4. B 旅遊的方式應改變。整篇文章(除第一段外)都環繞旅遊方式不理想來進行批評。第
各 具 特 點 , 就 得 改 變 旅 遊 的 方 式 。
A.導遊觀光令人失望。C.旅遊時,你見到的 特性證實了你的先入之見。D.民族模式應當
5. D 人人都能享受大旅遊。大旅行是專指英國富家子弟上學中的一門課程-到歐洲大陸觀
光。不是人人都能享受。這裏用 grand tour 表示人人都能享受類似 grand tour 的一切,甚

英語 100 篇精讀匯粹(中級篇)【Type By Simon Lau(8029)】

問、觀光別的國家。所以說,曾是有錢人專享的大旅行,普通人也能領略。“grand tour”
有 引 號 , 表 明 作 為 比 喻 。

Passage Three (Pop Stars Earn Much)

Pop stars today enjoy a style of living which was once the prerogative only of Royalty.
Wherever they go, people turn out in their thousands to greet them. The crowds go wild trying to
catch a brief glimpse of their smiling, colorfully dressed idols. The stars are transported in their
chauffeur driven Rolls-Royces, private helicopters or executive aeroplanes. They are surrounded
by a permanent entourage of managers, press agents and bodyguards. Photographs of them appear
regularly in the press and all their comings and goings are reported, for, like Royalty, pop stars are
news. If they enjoy many of the privileges of Royalty, they certainly share many of the
inconveniences as well. It is dangerous for them to make unscheduled appearances in public. They
must be constantly shielded from the adoring crowds which idolize them. They are no longer
private individuals, but public property. The financial rewards they receive for this sacrifice cannot
be calculated, for their rates of pay are astronomical.
And why not? Society has always rewarded its top entertainers lavishly. The great days of
Hollywood have become legendary: famous stars enjoyed fame, wealth and adulation on an
unprecedented scale. By today’s standards, the excesses of Hollywood do not seem quite so
spectacular. A single gramophone record nowadays may earn much more in royalties than the
films of the past ever did. The competition for the title ‘Top of the Pops’ is fierce, but the rewards
are truly colossal.
It is only right that the stars should be paid in this way. Don’t the top men in industry earn
enormous salaries for the services they perform to their companies and their countries? Pop stars
earn vast sums in foreign currency – often more than large industrial concerns – and the taxman
can only be grateful fro their massive annual contributions to the exchequer. So who would
begrudge them their rewards?
It’s all very well for people in humdrum jobs to moan about the successes and rewards of
others. People who make envious remarks should remember that the most famous stars represent
only the tip of the iceberg. For every famous star, there are hundreds of others struggling to earn a
living. A man working in a steady job and looking forward to a pension at the end of it has no right
to expect very high rewards. He has chosen security and peace of mind, so there will always be a
limit to what he can earn. But a man who attempts to become a star is taking enormous risks. He
knows at the outset that only a handful of competitors ever get to the very top. He knows that
years of concentrated effort may be rewarded with complete failure. But he knows, too, that the
rewards for success are very high indeed: they are the recompense for the huge risks involved and
if he achieves them, he has certainly earned them. That’s the essence of private enterprise.

1. The sentence Pop stars’ style of living was once the prerogative only of Royalty means
[A] their life was as luxurious as that of royalty.
[B] They enjoy what once only belonged to the royalty.

英語 100 篇精讀匯粹(中級篇)【Type By Simon Lau(8029)】

[C] They are rather rich.

[D] Their way of living was the same as that of the royalty.
2. What is the author’s attitude toward top stars’ high income?
[A] Approval.
[B] Disapproval.
[C] Ironical.
[D] Critical.
3. It can be inferred from the passage
[A] there exists fierce competition in climbing to the top.
[B] People are blind in idolizing stars.
[C] Successful Pop stars give great entertainment.
[D] The tax they have paid are great.
4. What can we learn from the passage?
[A] Successful man should get high-income repayment.
[B] Pop stars made great contribution to a country.
[C] Pop stars can enjoy the life of royalty.
[D] Successful men represent the tip of the iceberg.
5. Which paragraph covers the main idea?
[A] The first.
[B] The second.
[C] The third.
[D] The fourth.

1. prerogative 權力,(尤指)特權
2. chauffeur 受雇開車人,(尤指富人、要人的)司機
3. entourage 隨行人員,伴隨者,近侍;建築物周圍
4. astronomical 龐大的,天文的
5. adulation 奉承
6. gramophone 灌音
7. colossal 巨大的
8. exchequer 國 庫 , 財 源
Exchequer Bond 國庫債券
9. begrudge 感到不快/不滿,忌妒
10. humdrum 平淡的,單調的
11. moan 呻 吟 聲
moan about 發牢騷

1. the prerogative of Royalty 或 the royal prerogative
2. People turn out in their thousands to greet them.
【結構簡析】turn out 露面、集合、出席。EX: A vast crowd turned out to watch the match.大批
觀 眾 到 場 觀 看 比 賽 。

英語 100 篇精讀匯粹(中級篇)【Type By Simon Lau(8029)】

3. The great days of Hollywood have become legendry.
4. By today’s standards, the excesses of Hollywood do not seem quite so spectacular.
5. A single gramophone record nowadays may earn much more in royalties than the films of the
past ever did.


1. B 他們享受一度只屬於貴族享用的一切。第一段集中談了這些:他們走到哪里,成千上
的 Rolls-Royces 汽車、私人直升飛機,高級長官飛機到處走,永遠圍著一批經紀人、報界
2. A 贊成。在第一段最後一句:“他們為他們的犧牲所獲取的報酬難以計算,支付率驚人。
這 是 對 他 們 冒 險 的 補 償 。 這 些 內 容 都 說 明 作 者 贊 成 巨 額 報 酬 。
3. A 在攀登頂峰中存在著激烈的競爭。這在第三段最後一句明確指出:獲取頂尖的流行歌
4. D 成 功 者 只 是 冰 山 的 頂 尖 ― ― 少 極 了 。
5. D 第四段。主旨句是倒數第一、二句,成功的報酬確實很高,這是對其高度風險的還報
補償,如果他成功了,他肯定掙得多。那就是私人事業的根本 /本質。

英語 100 篇精讀匯粹(中級篇)【Type By Simon Lau(8029)】

Passage Four (Examinations Exert a Pernicious Influence on Education)

We might marvel at the progress made in every field of study, but the methods of testing a
person’s knowledge and ability remain as primitive as ever they were. It really is extraordinary
that after all these years, educationists have still failed to device anything more efficient and
reliable than examinations. For all the pious claim that examinations text what you know, it is
common knowledge that they more often do the exact opposite. They may be a good means of
testing memory, or the knack of working rapidly under extreme pressure, but they can tell you
nothing about a person’s true ability and aptitude.
As anxiety-makers, examinations are second to none. That is because so much depends on
them. They are the mark of success of failure in our society. Your whole future may be decided in
one fateful day. It doesn’t matter that you weren’t feeling very well, or that your mother died.
Little things like that don’t count: the exam goes on. No one can give of his best when he is in
mortal terror, or after a sleepless night, yet this is precisely what the examination system expects
him to do. The moment a child begins school, he enters a world of vicious competition where
success and failure are clearly defined and measured. Can we wonder at the increasing number of
‘drop-outs’: young people who are written off as utter failures before they have even embarked on
a career? Can we be surprised at the suicide rate among students?
A good education should, among other things, train you to think for yourself. The
examination system does anything but that. What has to be learnt is rigidly laid down by a
syllabus, so the student is encouraged to memorize. Examinations do not motivate a student to
read widely, but to restrict his reading; they do not enable him to seek more and more knowledge,
but induce cramming. They lower the standards of teaching, for they deprive the teacher of all
freedoms. Teachers themselves are often judged by examination results and instead of teaching
their subjects, they are reduced to training their students in exam techniques which they despise.
The most successful candidates are not always the best educated; they are the best trained in the
technique of working under duress.
The results on which so much depends are often nothing more than a subjective assessment
by some anonymous examiner. Examiners are only human. They get tired and hungry; they make
mistakes. Yet they have to mark stacks of hastily scrawled scripts in a limited amount of time.
They work under the same sort of pressure as the candidates. And their word carries weight. After
a judge’s decision you have the right of appeal, but not after an examiner’s. There must surely be
many simpler and more effective ways of assessing a person’s true abilities. Is it cynical to suggest
that examinations are merely a profitable business for the institutions that run them? This is what
it boils down to in the last analysis. The best comment on the system is this illiterate message
recently scrawled on a wall: ‘I were a teenage drop-out and now I are a teenage millionaire.’

1. The main idea of this passage is

[A] examinations exert a pernicious influence on education.
[B] examinations are ineffective.
[C] examinations are profitable for institutions.
[D] examinations are a burden on students.
2. The author’s attitude toward examinations is

英語 100 篇精讀匯粹(中級篇)【Type By Simon Lau(8029)】

[B] approval.
[C] critical.
[D] indifferent.
3. The fate of students is decided by
[A] education.
[B] institutions.
[C] examinations.
[D] students themselves.
4. According to the author, the most important of a good education is
[A] to encourage students to read widely.
[B] to train students to think on their own.
[C] to teach students how to tackle exams.
[D] to master his fate.
5. Why does the author mention court?
[A] Give an example.
[B] For comparison.
[C] It shows that teachers’ evolutions depend on the results of examinations.
[D] It shows the results of court is more effectise.

1. pernicious 有害的,惡性的,破壞性的
2. knack 竅門,訣竅
3. embark 乘船,登記
4. write off 勾銷,註銷。確認某食物已損失或無效
5. syllabus 教學大綱
6. cram 塞入,把某物塞進,突擊式學習(尤指應考),以注入方式教人
7. duress 威脅,逼迫
8. stack 堆,垛
9. scrawl 寫/畫(的內容不工整,不仔細)潦草的筆跡,七扭八歪的字
10. script 講稿,劇本,腳本,筆試答卷
11. cynical 憤世嫉俗的,自私得為人不齒的
12. boil down 熬濃,濃縮,歸納

1. For all the pious claim that examinations test what you know, it is common knowledge that
they more often do the exact opposite.
2. As anxiety-makers, examinations are second to none.
【 結 構 簡 析 】 second to none 固 定 搭 配 , 義 : 不 亞 於 任 何 人 或 事 物 。
3. induce cramming
誘人採用突擊式學習方式。Cram 盡力塞入,應試突擊學習。EX: cram for a chemistry test.
為應付化學考試而臨時抱佛腳。Cram pupils 以填鴨式教學生。

英語 100 篇精讀匯粹(中級篇)【Type By Simon Lau(8029)】

4. Yet you have to mark stacks of hastily scrawled scripts in a limited amount of time.
5. And their word carries weight.
6. This is what it boils down to in the last analysis.


1. A 考試對教育具有有害的影響。文章第一段就點明:考試是測試記憶的好方法,是測試
2. C 批評的。第一段中作者明確指出,考試方法依舊,不能測出人的能力和水平。第二段

A.嫌惡,厭惡。此答案從意義上說是對的。但語法不通,因為這是個東西,而 is 後要求
3. C 考試。答案在第二段,考試是最終憂慮製造者,那是因為許多事情取決於考試:它們
4. B 培養學生進行獨立思考。第三段第一句話點明:好的教育應該是培養學生自己獨立思
考 。
5. B 作對比,答案在最後一段倒數第二句“審判官裁決後,你有權力上訴,而披閱考卷
更 有 效 的 評 估 人 真 正 能 力 的 方 法 。

英語 100 篇精讀匯粹(中級篇)【Type By Simon Lau(8029)】


Passage Five (Killing in the Name of God Ugandan Deaths Spotlight

Rise of Cults)
How could faith beget such evil? After hundreds of members of a Ugandan cult, the
Movement for the Restoration of the Ten Commandments of God, died in what first appeared to
be a suicidal fire in the village of Kanungu two weeks age, police found 153 bodies buried in a
compound used by the cult in Buhunga, 25 miles away. When investigators searched the house of
a cult leader in yet another village, they discovered 155 bodies, many buried under the concrete
floor of the house. Then scores more were dug up at a cult member’s home. Some had been
poisoned; others, often-young children, strangled. By week’s end, Ugandan police had counted
924 victims – including at least 530 who burned to death inside the sealed church – exceeding the
1978 Jonestown mass suicide and killings by followers of American cult leader Jim Jones that
claimed 913 lives.
Authorities believe two of the cult’s leaders, Joseph Kibwetere, a 68-year-old former Roman
Catholic catechism teacher who started the cult in 1987, and his “prophetess, ” Credonia
Mwerinde, by some accounts a former prostitute who claimed to speak for the Virgin Mary, may
still be alive and on the run. The pair had predicted the world would end on Dec. 31, 1999. When
that didn’t happen, followers who demanded the return of their possessions, which they had to
surrender on joining the cult, may have been systematically killed.
The Ugandan carnage focuses attention on the proliferation of religious cults in East Africa’s
impoverished rural areas and city slums. According to the institute for the study of American
religion, which researches cults and sects, there are now more than 5,000 indigenous churches in
Africa, some with apocalyptic or revolutionary leanings. One such group is the Jerusalem Church
of Christ in Nairobi’s Kawangwara slums, led by Mary Snaida-Akatsa, or “mommy” as she is
known to her thousands of followers. She prophesies about the end of the world and accuses some
members of being witches. One day the brought a “special visitor” to church, an Indian Sikh man
she claimed was Jesus, and told her followers to “repent or pay the consequences.”
Most experts say Africa’s hardships push people to seek hope in religious cults. “These
groups thrive because of poverty,” says Charles Onyango Obbo, editor of the Monitor, an
independent newspaper in Uganda, and a close observer of cults. “People have no support, and
they’re susceptible to anyone who is able to tap into their insecurity.” Additionally, they say,
AIDS, which has ravaged East Africa, may also breed a fatalism that helps apocalyptic notions
take root.
Some Africans turn to cults after rejecting mainstream Christian churches as “Western” or
“non-African.” Agnes Masitsa, 30, who used to attend a Catholic church before she joined the
Jerusalem Church of Christ, says of Catholicism: “It’s dull.”
Catholic icons. Yet, the Ugandan doomsday cult, like many of the sects, drew on features of
Roman Catholicism, a strong force in the region. Catholic icons were prominent in its buildings,
and some of its leaders were defrocked priests, such as Dominic Kataribabo, 32, who reportedly

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studied theology in the Los Angeles area in the mid-1980s. He had told neighbors he was digging
a pit in his house to install a refrigerator; police have now recovered 81 bodies from under the
floor and 74 from a field nearby. Police are unsure whether Kataribabo died in the church fire.
Still, there is the question: How could so many killings have been carried out without
drawing attention? Villagers were aware of Kibwetere’s sect, whose followers communicated
mainly through sign language and apparently were apprehensive about violating any of the cult’s
commandments. There were suspicions. Ugandan president Yoweri Mseveni told the BBC that
intelligence reports about the dangerous nature of the group had been suppressed by some
government officials. On Thursday, police arrested an assistant district commissioner, the Rev.
Amooti Mutazindwa, for allegedly holding back a report suggesting the cult posed a security
Now, there are calls for African governments to monitor cults more closely. Says Gilbert
Ogutu, a professor of religious studies at the University of Nairobi: “When cult leaders lose
support, they become dangerous.”

1. Why did so may Ugandans die in faith?

[A] Many of them were killed for asking for the return of their possessions.
[B] They found the cult’s leaders had cheated them.
[C] They lost faith in cults.
[D] They are willing to die.
2. The main reason of people’s joining the cults is
[A] poverty.
[B] insecurity.
[D] fatalism.
3. What does Mary Snaide Akatsa prophesy?
[A] She prophesies the world will be flooded.
[B] She prophesies the world will be in fire.
[C] She prophesies about the end of the world.
[D] She prophesies he followers should die in faith.
4. Why do some Africans reject Christian Churches?
[A] They feel Christianity is dull.
[B] They reject Christian Churches as Western or non-African.
[C] They are susceptible.
[D] They are dangerous persons.
5. How could so many killing have been carried out without drawing attention?
[A] The cult acted secretly.
[B] The government officials did not see through its dangerous nature.
[C] There were no preventive measures.
[D] People were frightened.

1. beget 產生,引起,招致
2. cult 祭禮,狂烈的崇拜(者),迷信,邪教

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3. compound 院子,場地
4. strangle 扼死,悶死
5. carnage 殘殺,大屠殺,成堆的屍體
6. catechism 教理問答
7. prophet 預言者,先知
8. on the run 在逃
9. proliferation 擴散,繁殖
10. indigenous 本土的,土生土張的
11. apocalypse (基督教)啟事(錄)《聖經新約》
12. be susceptible 易受人影響
13. ravage 蹂躪,劫掠
14. fatalism 宿命論
15. apocalyptic 預警的
16. icon (東正教)聖像
17. doomsday 世界末日
18. Jerusalem 耶路撒冷,喻:天堂
19. Kenya 肯雅
20. Nairobi 內羅畢,肯雅首都
21. mommy 嬤嬤=mother
22. repent 懺悔
23. Sikh 錫克教(信徒)
24. defrock 免去…聖職的。這裏指:免去聖職的牧師
25. sect 宗教小組
26. pose 提問

1. …the Movement for the restoration of the Ten Commandments of God…
【結構簡析】Ten commandments 十戒,是聖經中上帝再西奈山上給予摩西(猶太人的古
a) have no other god.
b) Do not make or warship idols.
c) Do not take the word of the lord in vain.
d) Keep the Sabbath holy.
e) Honor one’s father and mother.
f) Do not kill.
g) Do not commit adultery.
h) Do not steal.
i) Do not give false evidence.
j) Do not covet another’s property or wife.
【參考譯文】這是烏干達回復上帝十戒運動頭目以上帝的名義在 2000 年屠殺了 924 名信
2. the 1978 Jonestown mass suicide and killings by followers of American cult leader Jim Jones
that claimed 913 lives.

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這是指美國的一個邪教組織――人民聖殿教。1978 年 11 月 19 日教徒在教主 Jim Jones 的

矇騙或脅迫下在圭亞那集體自殺或扼殺(或強制和下 Kool-Aid)或遭襲擊而死。人數高
達 913。此後 Jones 一詞意為殘忍的人。殺人的地點就成為 Jonestown。
3. they are susceptible to any one who is able to tap into their insecurity.
4. drew on features of Roman Catholicism.


1. A 許多人由於要歸還他們的財產而遭到殺害。答案見第二段倒數第二句,這一對邪教領
袖曾預言世界將於 1999 年 12 月 31 日借宿――世界末日來臨。結果並沒有發生,追隨者
B. 他們發現邪教頭目欺騙他們。這只是起因之一,如果發現後不吭聲也許不會遭劫。C.
他們對邪教失去了信任。D. 他們願意去死。
2. A 貧窮。主要原因就是窮。答案見第四段。許多專家認為非洲之艱苦生活促使人民在邪教
幫 助 預 示 可 怕 事 情 即 將 來 臨 的 思 想 紮 根 于 心 靈 。
3. C 她 預 言 世 界 末 日 。
4. B 他們把基督教會視為西方的或非非洲的而拒之門外。見第五段:有些非洲人在把基督
教 會 視 作 西 方 的 或 非 非 洲 的 而 拒 之 門 外 後 皈 依 邪 教 。
5. A 邪教行動神秘。例:第一段中描述的好幾百烏干達邪教組織成員死于初看好像是自殺
性的火焰之中(自焚),在一個場院誘發現了 153 具屍體,在搜查邪教頭目的房子中
又發現了 156 具屍體,許多埋于房子的混凝土地板下面,還有好幾十具從邪教成員家
中挖出,其中有些人被毒死。其他,特別是孩子都是扼殺(窒息而死)。共計 924 人,
至少有 530 人燒死在封閉的教堂裏。倒數第三段,烏干達世界末日邪教一個頭目――免
去聖職的牧師,據說 80 年代中他研究神學,他告訴鄰居他在家挖一個地窖放冰箱。現
在員警發現地板下 81 具屍體,附近一場地 74 具屍體。上述兩例都是神秘殺害,至於要
歸 還 財 產 之 人 更 遭 神 秘 殺 害 了 。

Passage Six (Equality of opportunity in the twentieth Century Has Not

Destroyed the Class System)

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These days we hear a lot of nonsense about the ‘great classless society’. The idea that the
twentieth century is the age of the common man has become one of the great clichés of our time.
The same old arguments are put forward in evidence. Here are some of them: monarchy as a
system of government has been completely discredited. The monarchies that survive have been
deprived of all political power. Inherited wealth has been savagely reduced by taxation and, in
time, the great fortunes will disappear altogether. In a number of countries the victory has been
complete. The people rule; the great millennium has become a political reality. But has it? Close
examination doesn’t bear out the claim.
It is a fallacy to suppose that all men are equal and that society will be leveled out if you
provide everybody with the same educational opportunities. (It is debatable whether you can ever
provide everyone with the same educational opportunities, but that is another question.) The fact is
that nature dispenses brains and ability with a total disregard for the principle of equality. The old
rules of the jungle, ‘survival of the fittest’, and ‘might is right’ are still with us. The spread of
education has destroyed the old class system and created a new one. Rewards are based on merit.
For ‘aristocracy’ read ‘meritocracy’; in other respects, society remains unaltered: the class system
is rigidly maintained.
Genuine ability, animal cunning, skill, the knack of seizing opportunities, all bring material
rewards. And what is the first thing people do when they become rich? They use their wealth to
secure the best possible opportunities for their children, to give them ‘a good start in life’. For all
the lip service we pay to the idea of equality, we do not consider this wrong in the western world.
Private schools which offer unfair advantages over state schools are not banned because one of the
principles in a democracy is that people should be free to choose how they will educate their
children. In this way, the new meritocracy can perpetuate itself to a certain extent: an able child
from a wealthy home can succeed far more rapidly than his poorer counterpart. Wealth is also used
indiscriminately to further political ends. It would be almost impossible to become the leader of a
democracy without massive financial backing. Money is as powerful a weapon as ever it was.
In societies wholly dedicated to the principle of social equality, privileged private education
is forbidden. But even here people are rewarded according to their abilities. In fact, so great is the
need for skilled workers that the least able may be neglected. Bright children are carefully and
expensively trained to become future rulers. In the end, all political ideologies boil down to the
same thing: class divisions persist whether you are ruled by a feudal king or an educated peasant.

1. What is the main idea of this passage?

[A] Equality of opportunity in the twentieth century has not destroyed the class system.
[B] Equality means money.
[C] There is no such society as classless society.
[D] Nature can’t give you a classless society.
2. According to the author, the same educational opportunities can’t get rid of inequality because
[A] the principle ‘survival of the fittest’ exists.
[B] Nature ignores equality in dispensing brains and ability.
[C] Material rewards are for genuine ability.
[D] People have the freedom how to educate their children.
3. Who can obtain more rapid success
[A] those with wealth.

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[B] Those with the best brains.

[C] Those with the best opportunities.
[D] Those who have the ability to catch at opportunities.
4. Why does the author say the new meritocracy can perpetuate itself to a certain extent?
[A] money decides everything.
[B] Private schools offer advantages over state schools.
[C] People are free to choose the way of educating their children.
[D] Wealth is used for political ends.
5. According to the author, ‘class divisions’ refers to
[A] the rich and the poor.
[B] Different opportunities for people.
[C] Oppressor and the oppressed.
[D] Genius and stupidity.

1. discredit 損害,破壞,敗壞(某人的名聲),不可信
2. monarch 國王,女皇,君主政體
3. millennium 千 年
the millennium 千僖年
4. bear out 證實
5. level out (升跌之後)呈平穩狀態
6. meritocracy 英才管理,英才教育,能人統治
7. knack 技巧,訣竅
8. perpetuate 使永久,永存或持續
9. indiscriminate 不加鑒別的,不加分析的,任意的
10. boil down 歸結為……

1. Close examination doesn’t bear out the claim.
2. might is right
3. For all the lip service we pay to the idea of equality, we do not consider this wrong in the
western world.
【結構簡析】lip-service 口惠而實不至。EX: He pays lip-service to feminism but his wife still
does all the housework.他口口聲聲說支援女權主義,但全部家務仍是他妻子的事。
4. In the end, all political ideologies boil down to the same thing: class divisions persist whether
you are ruled by a feudal king or an educated person.

英語 100 篇精讀匯粹(中級篇)【Type By Simon Lau(8029)】


1. A 二十世紀平等的機遇並沒有摧毀階級。文章一開始就對無階級社會的論點進行了反駁:
階 級 確 實 存 在 。 後 面 兩 段 集 中 論 述 了 金 錢 的 作 用 。
2. B 自 然 界 在 分 賦 人 智 慧 和 能 力 是 不 會 顧 及 平 等 。
3. A 有錢的人。第三段一開始就點明:真正的能力、動物般機敏狡猾、技能、善抓機會的訣
功 要 快 得 多 得 多 。
培養成未來的統治者。C.具有最佳機遇的人。D.是 B 和 C 的結合。
4. A 金錢決定一切。新的英才教育在一定程度上永存。沒有錢,上不起私立學校,談不上
機 會 , 更 不 用 說 英 才 教 育 。 有 了 錢 才 能 為 孩 子 創 造 機 會 。
5. A 富人和窮人。縱然作者提及,同樣的教育機會也不可能剷除不平等,因為上天賦予人

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是 為 受 過 教 育 的 農 民 統 治 , 從 這 裏 看 , 作 者 的 class division 指 的 是 A 項 。

Passage Seven (The Most Important of All Human Qualities is a Sense of

Biologically, there is only one quality which distinguishes us from animals: the ability to
laugh. In a universe which appears to be utterly devoid of humor, we enjoy this supreme luxury.
And it is a luxury, for unlike any other bodily process, laughter does not seem to serve a
biologically useful purpose. In a divide world, laughter is a unifying force. Human beings oppose
each other on a great many issues. Nations may disagree about systems of government and human
relations may be plagued by ideological factions and political camps, but we all share the ability to
laugh. And laughter, in turn, depends on that most complex and subtle of all human qualities: a
sense of humor Certain comic stereotypes have a universal appeal. This can best be seen from the
world-wide popularity of Charlie Chaplin’s early films. The little man at odds with society never
fails to amuse no matter which country we come from. As that great commentator on human
affairs, Dr. Samuel Johnson, once remarked, ‘Men have been wise in very different modes; but
they have always laughed in the same way.’
A sense of humor may take various forms and laughter may be anything from a refined tingle
to an earth quaking roar, but the effect is always the same. Humor helps us to maintain a correct
sense of values. It is the one quality which political fanatics appear to lack. If we can see the funny
side, we never make the mistake of taking ourselves too seriously. We are always reminded that
tragedy is not really far removed from comedy, so we never get a lop sided view of things.
This is one of the chief functions of satire and irony. Human pain and suffering are so grim;
we hover so often on the brink of war; political realities are usually enough to plunge us into total
despair. In such circumstances, cartoons and satirical accounts of somber political events redress
the balance. They take the wind out of pompous and arrogant politicians who have lost their sense
of proportion. They enable us to see that many of our most profound actions are merely comic or
absurd. We laugh when a great satirist like Swift writes about war in Gulliver’s Travels. The
Lilliputians and their neighbors attack each other because they can’t agree which end to break an
egg. We laugh because we meant to laugh; but we are meant to weep too. It is too powerful a
weapon to be allowed to flourish.
The sense of humor must be singled out as man’s most important quality because it is
associated with laughter. And laughter, in turn, is associated with happiness. Courage,
determination, initiative – these are qualities we share with other forms of life. But the sense of
humor is uniquely human. If happiness is one of the great goals of life, then it is the sense of
humor that provides the key.

1. The most important of all human qualities is

[A] a sense of humor.

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[B] A sense of satire.

[C] A sense of laughter.
[D] A sense of history.
2. The author mentions about Charlie Chaplin’s early films because
[A] they can amuse people.
[B] Human beings are different from animals.
[C] They show that certain comic stereotypes have a universal appeal.
[D] They show that people have the same ability to laugh.
3. One of the chief functions of irony and satire is
[A] to show absurdity of actions.
[B] to redress balance.
[C] to take the wind out of politicians.
[D] to show too much grimness in the world.
4. What do we learn from the sentence ‘it is too powerful a weapon to be allowed to flourish in
totalitarian regimes?’
[A] It can reveal the truth of political events with satire.
[B] It can arouse people to riot.
[C] It shows tragedy and comedy are related.
[D] It can make people laugh.
5. Who is Swift?
[A] A novelist.
[B] A poet.
[C] A dramatist.
[D] A essayist.

1. devoid 沒有,缺乏
2. plague n.瘟疫,惹人煩惱的人和事 v.給……造成麻煩,痛苦,困難
3. faction 派別
4. comic stereotype 可笑/滑稽的模式
5. commentator (集注)作者,評論員,解說員
6. tinkle n.一連串的丁零聲,電話聲,v.使發出丁零聲
7. fanatic 狂熱者(尤指宗教、政治的狂熱)
8. lop-sided 不均勻的
9. hover 翱翔,盤旋;彷徨
10. somber 低沉的,暗淡的,嚴峻的
11. redress 糾正,補償
12. pompous 自大的,浮誇的
13. arrogant 傲慢的
14. proportion 均衡,勻稱,平衡,比例
15. Lilliputian 微型的,極小的,源自《格列佛遊記》中的小人國裏的人
16. totalitarian 極權主義的
17. regime 政體,政權,統治方式或制度

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1. In a divided world, laughter is a unifying force.
2. Human relations may be plagued by ideological factions and political camps,
3. Certain comic stereotypes have a universal appeal.
4. Charlie Chaplin 查理·卓別林 1889-1977,英國諷刺滑稽劇及電影演員,導演及製片
5. At odds with society 和社會格格不入。
6. Dr. Samuel Johnson 撒繆爾·約翰生,1709-1784,英國辭典編撰者及作家。
7. A sense of humor may take various forms and laughter may be anything from a refined
tinkle to an earth quaking roar.
8. If we can see the funny side, we never make the mistake of taking ourselves too
9. We are always reminded that tragedy is not really far removed from comedy, so we never
get a lop-sided view of things.
10.Take the wind out of sb’s sails 使某人氣餒或洩氣。
11.Swift Jonathan swift 喬納森·思維福特 1667-1745,英國作家,生於都柏林,曾獲牛
津大學碩士,三一學院神學博士學位,1688 年到英國,後加入英國國教會。他同情
12.We laugh because we are meant to laugh; but we are meant to weep too.
【 結 構 簡 析 】 mean to do 是 打 算 或 註 定 要 … , 一 般 用 於 被 動 。


1. A 幽默感。文章一開始就提出人類有別於動物是人有笑的功能,世界紛爭繁雜、人際關

英語 100 篇精讀匯粹(中級篇)【Type By Simon Lau(8029)】

鑰 匙 。
2. C 作者提卓別林的電影的目的是證明某些喜劇模式對全世界都有吸引力。
3. B 使各種事情重新相等和均衡。第三段著重講了這一點。人類在痛苦中掙扎,常處於戰
事 情 荒 謬 可 笑 。
4. A 它 可 以 以 諷 刺 的 手 法 解 釋 政 治 時 間 的 真 相 。
5. A 小 說 家 。

Passage Eight (The Improving Economic Situation In Greece)

Greece, economically, is in the black. With very little to export other than such farm products
as tobacco, cotton and fruit, the country earns enough from ‘invisible earnings’ to pay for its
needed, growing imports. From the sending out of things the Greeks, earn only $285 million; from
tourism, shipping and the remittances of Greeks abroad, the country takes in an additional #375
million and this washes out the almost $400 million by which imports exceed exports.
It has a balanced budget. Although more than one drachma out of four goes for defense, the
government ended a recent year with a slight surplus -- $66 million. Greece has a decent reserve
of almost a third of a billion dollars in gold and foreign exchange. It has a government not
dependent on coalescing incompatible parties to obtain parliamentary majorities.
In thus summarizing a few happy highlights, I don’t mean to minimize the vast extent of
Greece’s problems. It is the poorest country by a wide margin in Free Europe, and poverty is
widespread. At best an annual income of $60 to $70 is the lot of many a peasant, and substantial
unemployment plagues the countryside, cities, and towns of Greece. There are few natural
resources on which to build any substantial industrial base. Some years ago I wrote here:
“Greek statesmanship will have to create an atmosphere in which home and foreign savings
will willingly seek investment opportunities in the back ward economy of Greece. So far, most
American and other foreign attempt have bogged down in the Greek government’s red tape and
shrewdness about small points.”
Great strides have been made. As far back as 1956, expanding tourism seemed a logical way

英語 100 篇精讀匯粹(中級篇)【Type By Simon Lau(8029)】

to bring needed foreign currencies and additional jobs to Greece. At that time I talked with the
Hilton Hotel people, who had been examining hotel possibilities, and to the Greek government
division responsible for this area of the economy. They were hopelessly deadlocked in almost total
differences of opinion and outlook.
Today most of the incredibly varied, beautiful, historical sights of Greece have new, if in
many cases modest, tourist facilities. Tourism itself has jumped from approximately $31 million to
over $90 million. There is both a magnificent new Hilton Hotel in Athens and a completely
modernized, greatly expanded Grande Bretagne, as well as other first-rate new hotels. And the
advent of jets has made Athens as accessible as Paris or Rome – without the sky-high prices of
traffic-choked streets of either.

1. The title below that best expresses the ideas of this passage is
[A] Greek income and expenditures.
[B] The improving economic situation in Greece.
[C] The value of tourism.
[D] Military expenditures.
2. Many peasants earn less than
[A] $60 a week.
[B] $2 a week.
[C] $1 a day.
[D] $10 a month.
3. The Greek Government spends
[A] more than 25%of its budget on military terms.
[B] More than its collects.
[C] A third of a billion dollars in gold.
[D] Less than 25% of its budget on military terms.
4. According to the passage, Greece has
[A] a dictatorship.
[B] a monarchy.
[C] a single majority party.
[D] too much red tape.
5. Greece imports annually goods and materials
[A] totaling almost $700 million.
[B] that balance exports.
[C] that are paid by tourists.
[D] costing $66 million.

1. remittance 匯款(額)
2. wash out 洗掉,取消、告吹、沖掉、筋疲力盡
3. drachma 古希臘銀幣 德拉克馬(現代希臘貨幣單位)
4. lot 份額
5. incompatible 水火不相容的,不能共存的
6. coalesce (政黨)聯合,癒合,接合

英語 100 篇精讀匯粹(中級篇)【Type By Simon Lau(8029)】

7. highlight 光線最強處,最重要部分,最精彩場面
8. margin (成本和售價的)差額,空白,邊緣
9. bog down 陷於困境,使停頓
10. red tape 官樣文章,煩瑣和拖拉的公務程式
11. shrewdness 清明,機靈
12. deadlock 僵局,僵持;使陷於僵局

1. Greece, economically is in the black.
2. With very little export other than such farm products as tobacco, cotton and fruit, the country
earns enough from invisible earnings to pay its needed, growing imports.
3. This washes out almost $400 million by which imports exceed exports.
【參考譯文】這筆錢沖掉了進口超過出口近 4 億美元的差額。
4. So far most American and other foreign attempts have bogged down in the Greek
government’s red tape and shrewdness about small points.
5. They were hopelessly deadlocked in almost total differences of opinion and outlook.
6. And the advent of jets has made Athens as accessible as Paris and Rome – without the sky-
high prices of traffic chocked streets of either.

拖拉、繁瑣也影響國外的投資,雖然早在 1956 年就準備擴展旅遊業,但意見分歧。現在,情
況大變,就旅遊一項年收入由 3100 萬增至 9000 萬美元。

1. B 希臘經濟形式的改善。文章圍繞這一中心而寫。文章一開始就提出希臘出口除了農產
品之外,沒有什麼東西,而無形資產如旅遊、運輸和國外的匯款等可掙得 37500 萬美元。
兩項加在一起來抵消入超赤字近 4 億美元,稍有結餘。第三段指出,希臘是自由歐洲最
窮的國家,許多農民年收入為 60-70 美元。失業現象席捲城市鄉鎮,建立工業基地的
陷於停滯狀態。第四段開始指出 1956 年起開拓旅遊業,不過意見還是分歧。第五斷提出
今天驚人的變化,美麗的歷史古城呈現新貌,就旅遊一項收入由 3100 萬增至 9000 萬美
元 。 旅 館 面 貌 大 變 。
2. B 少於 2 美元一星期。文章第三段第三句:最佳情況,年收入為 60-70 美元使大多數農

英語 100 篇精讀匯粹(中級篇)【Type By Simon Lau(8029)】

民 的 份 額 。 所 以 B 項 最 接 近 年 收 入 。
A.60 美元一星期。C.一天一美元。D.一個月 10 美元。
3. A 百分之 25 以上用於軍事。第二段:雖然四個德拉克馬中有一個用於國防,政府最終還
稍 有 結 餘 ― ― 6600 萬 美 元 。
B.比收入的還多。C.十億金子中的三分之一。D.少於百分之 25。
4. C 單一大黨。第二段:希臘的政府不依靠水火不相容的政黨之間的合作來取得一會的多
數 席 位 , 這 說 明 是 單 一 大 黨 。
5. A 總計幾乎在 7 億美元左右。第一段中提到希臘出口商品價值 28500 萬美元,而進口超
出出口 4 億美元。兩者相加為 6 億 2 千 5 百萬美元,相當於幾乎在 7 億美元左右。
B.和出口平衡。C.由旅遊者支付。D.花費 6600 萬美元。

Passage Nine (The Program-Federal Government Helps Minority

Federal efforts to aid minority businesses began in the 1960’s when the Small Business
Administration (SBA) began making federally guaranteed loans and government-sponsored
management and technical assistance available to minority business enterprises. While this
program enabled many minority entrepreneurs to form new businesses, the results were
disappointing, since managerial inexperience, unfavorable locations, and capital shortages led to
high failure rates. Even 15 years after the program was implemented, minority business receipts
were not quite two percent of the national economy’s total receipts.
Recently federal policymakers have adopted an approach intended to accelerate development
of the minority business sector by moving away from directly aiding small minority enterprises
and toward supporting large, growth-oriented minority firms through intermediary companies. In
this approach, large corporations participate in the development of successful and stable minority
businesses by making use of government-sponsored venture capital. The capital is used by a
participating company to establish a Minority Enterprise Small Businesses that have potential to
become future suppliers of customers of the sponsoring company.
MESBIC’s are the result of the belief that providing established firms with easier access to
relevant management techniques and more job-specific experience, as well as substantial amounts
of capital, gives those firms a greater opportunity to develop sound business foundations than does
simply making general management experience and small amounts of capital available. Further,
since potential markets for the minority businesses already exist through the sponsoring
companies, the minority businesses face considerably less risk in terms of location and market
fluctuation. Following early financial and operating problems, sponsoring corporations began to
capitalize MESBIC’s far above the legal minimum of $500,000 in order to generate sufficient
income and to sustain the quality of management needed. MESBIC’s are now emerging as
increasingly important financing sources for minority enterprises.
Ironically, MESBIC staffs, which usually consist of Hispanic and Black professionals, tend to
approach investments in minority firms more pragmatically than do many MESBIC directors, who
are usually senior managers from sponsoring corporations. The latter often still think mainly in
terms of the ‘social responsibility approach’ and thus seem to prefer deals that are riskier and less

英語 100 篇精讀匯粹(中級篇)【Type By Simon Lau(8029)】

attractive than normal investment criteria would warrant. Such differences in viewpoint have
produced uneasiness among many minority staff members, who feel that minority entrepreneurs
and businesses should be judged by established business considerations. These staff members
believe their point of view is closer to the original philosophy of MESBIC’s and they are
concerned that, unless a more prudent course if followed, MESBIC directors may revert to
policies likely to re-create the disappointing results of the original SBA approach.

1. Which of the following best states the central idea of the passage?
[A] The use of MESBIC’s for aiding minority entrepreneurs seems to have greater potential
for success than does the original SBA approach.
[B] There is a crucial difference in point of view between the staff and directors of some
[C] After initial problems with management and marketing, minority businesses have begun
to expand at a steady rate.
[D] Minority entrepreneurs wishing to form new businesses now have several equally
successful federal programs on which to rely.
2. According to the passage, the MESBIC approach differ s from the SBA approach in that
[A] seek federal contracts to provide market for minority businesses.
[B] Encourage minority businesses to provide markets for other minority businesses.
[C] Attempt to maintain a specified rate of growth in the minority business sector.
[D] Rely on the participation of large corporations to finance minority businesses.
3. Which of the following statements about the SBA program can be inferred from the passage?
[A] The maximum term for loans made to recipient businesses was 15 years.
[B] Business loans were considered to be more useful to recipient businesses than was
management and technical assistance.
[C] The anticipated failure rate for recipient businesses was significantly lower than the rate
that actually resulted.
[D] Recipient businesses were encouraged to relocate to areas more favorable for business
4. The author refers to the ‘financial and operating problems’ encountered by MESBIC’s
primarily in order to
[A] broaden the scope of the discussion to include the legal considerations of funding
MESBIC’s through sponsoring companies.
[B] call attention to the fact that MESBIC’s must receive adequate funding in order to
function effectively.
[C] show that sponsoring companies were willing to invest only $500,000 of government-
sponsored venture capital in the original MESBIC’s.
[D] Compare SBA and MESBIC limits on minimum funding.
5. It can be inferred from the passage that the attitude of some MESBIC staff member toward the
investments preferred by some MESBIC directors can be best described as
[A] disappointing.
[B] Indifferent.
[C] Shocked.

英語 100 篇精讀匯粹(中級篇)【Type By Simon Lau(8029)】

[D] Defensive.

1. implement 執行,履行
2. growth-oriented 增長潛力的,有發展性的
3. intermediary company 仲介公司,中間公司
4. venture capital 風險資本
5. entrepreneur 企業家,創業者
6. fluctuation 波動,漲落,起伏
7. pragmatically 實用地

1. Even 15 years after the program was implemented minority business receipts were not quite
two percent of the national economy’s total receipts.
【參考譯文】甚至在這個計畫執行後 15 年,少數民族工業的收入還不到全國總收入的
2. Recently federal policy makers have adopted an approach intended to accelerate development
of the supporting large, growth oriented minority firms through intermediary companies.
3. By making use of government-sponsored venture capital.
4. The MESBIC then provides capital and guidance to minority businesses that have potential to
become future suppliers or customers of the sponsoring company.
【參考譯文】然後再由 MESBIC 向那些少數民族企業提供資金、進行指導。這些企業是有
5. MESBIC – minority enterprise small business investment company
6. MESBIC’s are the result of the belief that providing established firms with easier access to
relevant management techniques and more job-specific experience, as well as substantial
amounts of capital, gives those firms a greater opportunity to develop sound business
foundations than does simply making general management experience and small amounts of
capital available.
【參考譯文】MESBIC 的建立基於這種信念:為已建公司提供方便,使它更容易獲得相
7. The latter often still think mainly in terms of the ‘social responsibility approach’ and thus
seem to prefer deals that are riskier and less attractive than normal investment criteria would

英語 100 篇精讀匯粹(中級篇)【Type By Simon Lau(8029)】

文章主要採用因果以及對比的寫作方法。先點出 SBA 計畫――聯邦政府對少數民族去
也 的 贊 助 ( ) 的 失 敗 及 其 原 因 。
為此,聯邦決策者改變方法,通過仲介公司,建立 MESBIC。由它來幫助少數民族企業
可內部存在問題,MESBIC 的職工和領導者之間的意見分歧,職工的投資觀點更切實
際,而領導者仍從“社會責任的角度”來考慮問題,若不改變,有可能重蹈 SBA 之覆轍。

1. A 運用 MESBIC 來幫助少數民族企業似乎比原來 SBA 的方法更具成功的可能性。文章
一開始就點名 SBA(小型企業管理局)向少數民族企業提供聯邦保證貸款,政府資助
地點不佳、資金短缺而導致失敗的情況很多。其他見難句譯注 1、2、3。總之在 MESBIC 支
從而帶來足夠的收入和保持所需的管理質量。這一切都說明 MESBIC 比 SBA 的成功可
能 性 大 。
B.MESBIC 中的領導者和職工方面在觀點上有著至關重要的分歧。C.經歷了早期管理和
2. D 依靠打工四向少數民族企業投資。見第二段第二句:大公司利用政府資助的風險資本
小 型 企 業 投 資 公 司 ” ( MESBIC )
3. C 預期加入 SBA 項目中的公司的失敗率比實際失敗率低得多。文內沒有直接點出,而是
從(見第一題注釋)SBA 幫助的企業失敗率很高――令人失望,從而推斷 C 項結論。
A.給企業貸款最高期限為 15 年。B.商業貸款對企業來說遠筆管理和技術幫助重要。D.鼓
4. B 為的是引人注意這一實際情況:MESBIC 必須取得足夠的資金才能有效地運轉。這在
第三段最後一句:在經歷了早期財政和運行問題後,贊助公司給 MESBIC 注入的資金
遠遠超過了 50 萬美元的法定最低限額,以獲得足夠的收入並保持所需的管理質量。
MESBIC 現在正成為日益重要的少數民族企業的資金來源。這說明沒有足夠的資金是難
以 有 效 運 轉 的 。
A.擴大討論範圍以包括通過贊助公司投資 MESBIC 的合理性。C.表明贊助公司願意在原
來的 MESBIC 只投資 50 萬政府資助的風險資本。D.對比 SBA 和 MESBIC 最低投資限額。
5. A 失望。文章最後一段 MESBIC 的職工――一般是拉美和黑人專業人員在少數民族公司
的投資上比 MEBSIC 的領導者更切實際。這些高級經理從社會責任角度看問題,會選擇
以公司的業務爆出來評價少數民族企業家及其企業。者充分說明 MEBSIC 的職工對領導
所 青 睞 的 投 資 項 目 不 滿 意 和 失 望 。

Passage Ten (The Importance of Independent Thinking)

英語 100 篇精讀匯粹(中級篇)【Type By Simon Lau(8029)】

No one can be a great thinker who does not realize that as a thinker it is her first duty to
follow her intellect to whatever conclusions it may lead. Truth gains more even by the errors of
one who with due study and preparation, thinks for himself, than by the true opinions of those who
only hold them because they do not suffer themselves to think. No that it is solely, of chiefly, to
form great thinkers that freedom of thinking is required. One the contrary, it is as much or even
more indispensable to enable average human beings to attain the mental stature which they are
capable of. There have been and many again be great individual thinkers in a general atmosphere
of mental slavery. But there never has been, nor ever will be, in that atmosphere an intellectually
active people. Where any of heterodox speculation was for a time suspended, where there is a tacit
convention that principles are not to be disputed: where the discussion of the greatest questions
which can occupy humanity is considered to be closed, we cannot hope to find that generally high
scale of mental activity which has made some periods of history so remarkable. Never when
controversy avoided the subjects which are large and important enough to kindle enthusiasm was
the mind of a people stirred up fro9m its foundation and the impulse given which raised even
persons of the most ordinary intellect to something of the dignity of thinking beings.
She who knows only her own side of the case knows little of that. Her reasons may be food,
and no one may have been able to refute them. But if she s equally unable to refute the reasons of
the opposite side; if she does not so much as know what they are, she has no ground for preferring
either opinion. The rational position for her would be suspension of judgment, and unless she
contents herself with that, she is either led by authority, or adopts, like the generality of the world
the side to which she feels the most inclination. Nor is it enough that she should heat the
arguments of adversaries from her own teachers, presented as they state them, and accompanied
by what they offer as refutations, That is not the way to do justice to the arguments, or bring them
into real contact with her own mind. She must be able to hear them form persons who actually
believe them; who defend them in earnest, and do their very utmost for them. She must know
them in their most plausible and persuasive form; she must feel the whole force of the difficulty
which the true view of the subject has to encounter and dispose of; else she will never really
possess herself of the portion of truth which meets and removes that difficulty. Ninety-nine in a
hundred of what are called educated persons are in this condition; even of those who can argue
fluently for their opinions. Their conclusion may be true, but it might be false for anything they
know; they have never thrown themselves into the mental position of those who think differently
form them and considered what such persons may have to say; and consequently they do not, in
any proper sense of the word, know the doctrines which they themselves profess.

1. The best title for this passage is

[A] The Age of Reason [B] The need for Independent Thinking
[C] The Value of Reason [D] Stirring People’s Minds
2. According to the author, it is always advisable to
[A] have opinions which cannot be refuted.
[B] adopt the point of view to which one feels the most inclination.
[C] be acquainted with the arguments favoring the point of view with which one disagrees,
[D] suspend heterodox speculation in favor of doctrinaire approaches.
3. According to the author, in a great period such as the Renaissance we may expect to find
[A] acceptance of truth [B] controversy over principles

英語 100 篇精讀匯粹(中級篇)【Type By Simon Lau(8029)】

[C] inordinate enthusiasm [D] a dread of heterodox speculation

4. According to the author, the person who holds orthodox beliefs without examination may be
described in all of the following ways EXCEPT as
[A] enslaved by tradition [B] less than fully rational
[C] determinded on controversy [D] having a closed mind
5. It can be inferred from the passage that the author would be most likely to agree with which
of the following statements
[A] A truly great thinker makes no mistakes.
[B] Periods of intellectual achievement are periods of unorthodox reflection,
[C] The refutation of accepted ideas can best be provided by one’s own teachers.
[D] excessive controversy prevents clear thinking,

1. stature 高度,境界,狀況
2. heterodox 不合乎公認的標準的,異端的,異教的
3. tacit 心照不宣
4. refute 反駁
5. adversary 對立面,對手,敵人
6. plausible 善於花言巧語的/辭令的,似乎有理的/有可能的
7. doctrine 教義,學說
8. profess 表示,明言,承認,自稱,信奉

1. True gains more even by the errors of one who with due study and preparation, thinks for
himself, then by the true opinions of those who only hold them because they do not suffer
themselves to think.
[參考譯文] 真理甚至從一個經過恰當研究和準備進行獨立思考的人的錯誤中獲得更多
2. mental slavery 思想禁錮,精神受奴役狀態
3. Never when controversy avoided the subjects which are large and important enough to
kindle enthusiasm was the mind of a people stirred up from its foundation and the impulse
given which raised even persons of the most ordinary intellect to something of the dignity of
thinking beings.
[結構簡析] 這是一句以 Never 否定詞開頭的倒裝句,正常的句序應把 never 放在句中,
形成:the mind of people was never stirred up from its foundations
[參考譯文] 當辯論比開重大課題,重大到足以燃起/激起人們激/熱情的課題時,那麼
4. The rational position for her would be suspension of judgement, and unless she contents
herself with that, she is either led by authority, or adopts, like the generality of the world, the
side to which she feels the most inclination.
[參考譯文] 對她來說理智的立場是停止判斷,而且除非她滿足於這一點,否則,她不

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5. That is not the way to do justice to the arguments, or bring them into teal contact with her own
[結構簡析] do justice to 公平對待,適當處理。 Bring……into contact with  使和……接
[參考譯文] 這不是對正確觀點評價的方法,也不能使自己的思想真正接觸到論點的實
6. She must know them in their most plausible and persuasive form; she must feel the whole
force of the difficulty which the true view of the subject has to encounter and dispose of; else
she will never really possess herself of the portion of truth which meets and removes that
[結構簡析] most plausible and persuasive form 很善於辭令和有說服力形式。  possess
oneself of 獲得,據有,把……占為己有。  them=arguments。 else  否則的話。
7. Their conclusion may be true, but it might be false for anything they know; they have never
thrown themselves into the mental position of those who think differently form them and
considered what such persons may have to say; and consequently they do not, in any proper
sense of the word, know the doctrines which they themselves profess.
[結構簡析] throw oneself into…position 設身處地,使自己處於……位置/地點。


1. B 獨立思考的必要性。見難句譯注1。這裏說明進行獨立思考的人即使犯錯誤,真理也
A. 理性時代。  C. 駁斥的價值。  D. 激發人民的思想。
2. C 熟悉有利於自己不同意/反對觀點的論點。這是作者在第二段講述的重要論點。他認

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A. 具有不能駁斥的觀點。  B. 採取個人感覺最傾向的觀點。D. 停止有利於教條主義

3. B 辯論原則問題。答案在第一段:在思想禁錮的氣氛中,過去,現在可能會產生個別
頂峰時期,必然會討論原則問題,所以選 B 。
A. 接受真理,周經過討論才能接受真理。 C. 過度的熱情。 D. 害怕異端思考。
4. C. 在辯論上,堅定不移。這是一道推斷題,一般講:持有未經檢驗的正統信仰的人
A. 為傳統所奴役。 B. 不怎麼理智。 D. 頭腦閉塞。這種人必然受傳統思想控制,不
5. B. 在思想方面取得成就的時期就是進行非正統反思的時期。見3題注釋。
A. 一個真正的思想家不犯錯誤。 C. 一個人的老師最能提供所接受思想觀點的反駁。
D. 過度的辯論會制止清晰的思考。

Passage Eleven (The Affect of Electricity on Cancer)

Can electricity cause cancer? In a society that literally runs on electric power, the very idea
seems preposterous. But for more than a decade, a growing band of scientists and journalists has
pointed to studies that seem to link exposure to electromagnetic fields with increased risk of
leukemia and other malignancies. The implications are unsettling, to say the least, since everyone
comes into contact with such fields, which are generated by everything electrical, from power
lines and antennas to personal computers and micro-wave ovens. Because evidence on the subject
is inconclusive and often contradictory, it has been hard to decide whether concern about the
health effects of electricity is legitimate—or the worst kind of paranoia.
Now the alarmists have gained some qualified support from the U.S. Environmental Protection
Agency. In the executive summary of a new scientific review, released in draft form late last week,
the EPA has put forward what amounts to the most serious government warning to date. The
agency tentatively concludes that scientific evidence “suggests a casual link” between extremely
low-frequency electromagnetic fields—those having very longwave-lengths—and leukemia,
lymphoma and brain cancer, While the report falls short of classifying ELF fields as probable
carcinogens, it does identify the common 60-hertz magnetic field as “a possible, but not proven,
cause of cancer in humans.”
The report is no reason to panic—or even to lost sleep. If there is a cancer risk, it is a small one.
The evidence is still so controversial that the draft stirred a great deal of debate within the Bush
Administration, and the EPA released it over strong objections from the Pentagon and the Whit
House. But now no one can deny that the issue must be taken seriously and that much more
research is needed.
At the heart of the debate is a simple and well-understood physical phenomenon: When an
electric current passes through a wire, tit generates an electromagnetic field that exerts forces on
surrounding objects, For many years, scientists dismissed any suggestion that such forces might be
harmful, primarily because they are so extraordinarily weak. The ELF magnetic field generated by
a video terminal measures only a few milligauss, or about one-hundredth the strength of the

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earth’s own magnetic field, The electric fields surrounding a power line can be as high as 10
kilovolts per meter, but the corresponding field induced in human cells will be only about 1
millivolt per meter. This is far less than the electric fields that the cells themselves generate.
How could such minuscule forces pose a health danger? The consensus used to be that they
could not, and for decades scientists concentrated on more powerful kinds of radiation, like X-
rays, that pack sufficient wallop to knock electrons out of the molecules that make up the human
body. Such “ionizing” radiations have been clearly linked to increased cancer risks and there are
regulations to control emissions.
But epidemiological studies, which find statistical associations between sets of data, do not
prove cause and effect. Though there is a body of laboratory work showing that exposure to ELF
fields can have biological effects on animal tissues, a mechanism by which those effects could
lead to cancerous growths has never been found.
The Pentagon is for from persuaded. In a blistering 33-page critique of the EPA report, Air
Force scientists charge its authors with having “biased the entire document” toward proving a link.
“Our reviewers are convinced that there is no suggestion that (electromagnetic fields) present in
the environment induce or promote cancer,” the Air Force concludes. “It is astonishing that the
EPA would lend its imprimatur on this report.” Then Pentagon’s concern is understandable. There
is hardly a unit of the modern military that does not depend on the heavy use of some kind of
electronic equipment, from huge ground-based radar towers to the defense systems built into every
warship and plane.

1. The main idea of this passage is

[A]. studies on the cause of cancer
[B]. controversial view-points in the cause of cancer
[C]. the relationship between electricity and cancer.
[D]. different ideas about the effect of electricity on caner.
2. The view-point of the EPA is
[A]. there is casual link between electricity and cancer.
[B]. electricity really affects cancer.
[C]. controversial.
[D].low frequency electromagnetic field is a possible cause of cancer
3. Why did the Pentagon and Whit House object to the release of the report? Because
[A]. it may stir a great deal of debate among the Bush Administration.
[B]. every unit of the modern military has depended on the heavy use of some kind of
electronic equipment.
[C]. the Pentagon’s concern was understandable.
[D]. they had different arguments.
4. It can be inferred from physical phenomenon
[A]. the force of the electromagnetic field is too weak to be harmful.
[B]. the force of the electromagnetic field is weaker than the electric field that the cells
[C]. electromagnetic field may affect health.
[D]. only more powerful radiation can knock electron out of human body.
5. What do you think ordinary citizens may do after reading the different arguments?

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[A].They are indifferent. [B]. They are worried very much.

[C]. The may exercise prudent avoidance. [C]. They are shocked.

1. preposterous 反常的,十分荒謬的,乖戾的
2. leukemia 白血病
3. malignancy 惡性腫瘤
4. legitimate 合法的,合理的
5. paranoia 偏執狂,妄想狂。這裏指:無根據的擔心。
6. lymphoma 淋巴瘤
7. carcinogen 致癌物
8. minuscule 很小的,很不重要
9. consensus 輿論
10. wallop 亂竄,猛衝,衝擊力
11. epidemiological 流行病學的
12. blistering 囉嗦的,胡扯的
13. critique 評論,批評
14. imprimatur 出版許可(官方審查後的),批准

1. Because evidence on the subject is inconclusive and often contradictory, it has been hard to
decide whether concern about the health effects of electricity is legitimate—or the worst kind
of paranoia.
[參考譯文] 由於這問題的證據還不是結論性的,而且常常是矛盾的,所以就難以斷定
2. EPA——U.S. Environmental Protection Agency 美國環境保護署
3. While the report falls short (缺乏,不夠) of classifying ELF fields as probable carcinogens, it
does identify the common 60-hertz magnetic field as “a possible, but not proven, cause of
cancer in humans.”
[參考譯文] 雖然報告沒有把極低頻磁場歸類為可能致癌物,但它確實指出通常 60 赫茲

4. The evidence is still so controversial that the draft stirred a great deal of
debate within the Bush Administration, and the EPA released it over strong objections from
the Pentagon and the Whit House
[參考譯文] 證據爭議性仍然很大,所以報告草案在布希政府內引起巨大的爭辯,而環
5. This is far less than the electric fields that the cells themselves generate.
[參考譯文] 這遠比細胞所產生的電磁場低的多。
6. …and for decades scientists concentrated on more powerful kinds of radiation, like X-rays,
that pack sufficient wallop to knock electrons out of the molecules that make up the human
[參考譯文] 而且幾十年來,科學家專注于更為強大的輻射類別,如X光射線,其聚合

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7. But epidemiological studies, which find statistical associations between sets of data, do not
prove cause and effect.
[參考譯文] 可是流行病學的研究發現,幾組資料在資料方面有所關聯,卻沒有證實其
8. a body of laboratory work 一批研究成果。
9. In a blistering 33-page critique of the EPA report, Air Force scientists charge its authors with
having “biased the entire document” toward proving a link.
[參考譯文] 在長達 33 頁的對環保署檔的十分尖銳的批評中,空軍方面的科學家指責,
10. It is astonishing that the EPA would lend its imprimatur on this report.
[參考譯文] 令人驚訝的是環保署竟然批准許可這份報告的出籠。


1. D 電力對癌症影響的不同觀點。文章一開始就提出了“電會致癌嗎?”這個問題。十多
究竟是理性的,還是杞人憂天。見難句注釋 1。第二段公佈了環保署的報告,見難句注
釋 3。第三段說明:即使有致癌危險也是極微的。但應予以認真對待,進行更多的研究。
而第七段中空軍方面的科學家還沒有被說服(見難句注釋 9),明確提出,我們的評
A. 對致癌因素的研究。 B. 致癌原因方面有爭議的觀點,這兩項根本部隊,和文內電力
毫無關係。 C. 電力和癌症的關係,文中涉及的是電力究竟會不會致癌的兩種觀點,而
2. A. 電和致癌有一定難以確定的關係。答案在第二段第三句,環保署目前的結論是據科
著難以確定的聯繫,見難句注釋 3。
A. 電確實致癌,不對。 C. 有爭議的。說的不夠清楚,爭議什麼。 D. 低頻磁場是一個可
3. B. 現代軍事的任何部門都一直依賴于應用大量應用電子設備。五角大樓和白宮所以反對
文件以證明兩者之間的關係”也在此。見難句注釋 4。所以文內說“角大樓的關注是可
A. 報告會在布希政府內引起大規模的辯論,這是結果。 C. 五角大樓的關注是可以理解
的,這不是原因。 D. 他們有不同的觀點。
4. 磁場力太弱不會產生有害作用。答案在第四段第二,三句,當電流通過電纜,產生磁場,

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B. 磁場力比細胞產生的電磁場弱。只是明確指出的事實。 C. 磁場力對人的健康有害。不
對。 D. 只有更強的輻射才能把人體中的電子擊出來。不對。
5. C. 他們會採取謹慎小心避開電器的途徑。因為他們不可能象 A 項那樣漠不關心。這種問
B. 他們非常擔憂。 D. 他們感到震驚,這兩項都不可能,因為還在爭議中,唯一的途徑

Passage Twelve (Religion and Rationality)

Yet the difference in tome and language must strike us, so soon as it is philosophy that speaks:
that change should remind us that even if the function of religion and that of reason coincide, this
function is performed in the two cases by very different organs. Religions are many, reason one.
Religion consists of conscious ideas, hopes, enthusiasms, and objects of worship; it operates by
grace and flourishes by prayer. Reason, on the other hand, is a mere principle or potential order, on
which indeed we may come to reflect but which exists in us ideally only, without variation or
stress of any kind. We conform or do not conform to it; it does not urge or chide us, not call for
any emotions on our part other than those naturally aroused by the various objects which it unfolds
in their true nature and proportion. Religion brings some order into life by weighting it with new
materials. Reason adds to the natural materials only the perfect order which it introduces into
them. Rationality is nothing but a form, an ideal constitution which experience may more or less
embody. Religion is a part of experience itself, a mass of sentiments and ideas. The one is an
inviolate principle, the other a changing and struggling force. And yet this struggling and changing
force of religion seems to direct man toward something eternal. It seems to make for an ultimate
harmony within the soul and for an ultimate harmony between the soul and all that the soul
depends upon. Religion, in its intent, is a more conscious and direct pursuit of the Life of Reason
than is society, science, or art, for these approach and fill out the ideal life tentatively and
piecemeal, hardly regarding the foal or caring for the ultimate justification of the instinctive aims.
Religion also has an instinctive and blind side and bubbles up in all manner of chance practices
and intuitions; soon, however, it feels its way toward the heart of things, and from whatever
quarter it may come, veers in the direction of the ultimate.
Nevertheless, we must confess that this religious pursuit of the Life of Reason has been
singularly abortive. Those within the pale of each religion may prevail upon themselves, to
express satisfaction with its results, thanks to a fond partiality in reading the past and generous
draughts of hope for the future; but any one regarding the various religions at once and comparing
their achievements with what reason requires, must feel how terrible is the disappointment which
they have one and all prepared for mankind. Their chief anxiety has been to offer imaginary
remedies for mortal ills, some of which are incurable essentially, while others might have been
really cured by well-directed effort. The Greed oracles, for instance, pretended to heal out natural
ignorance, which has its appropriate though difficult cure, while the Christian vision of heaven
pretended to be an antidote to our natural death—the inevitable correlate of birth and of a
changing and conditioned existence. By methods of this sort little can be done for the real
betterment of life. To confuse intelligence and dislocate sentiment by gratuitous fictions is a short-
sighted way of pursuing happiness. Nature is soon avenged. An unhealthy exaltation and a one-

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sided morality have to be followed by regrettable reactions. When these come. The real rewards of
life may seem vain to a relaxed vitality, and the very name of virtue may irritate young spirits
untrained in and natural excellence. Thus religion too often debauches the morality it comes to
sanction and impedes the science it ought to fulfill.
What is the secret of this ineptitude? Why does religion, so near to rationality in its purpose, fall
so short of it in its results? The answer is easy; religion pursues rationality through the
imagination. When it explains events or assigns causes, it is an imaginative substitute for science.
When it gives precepts, insinuates ideals, or remoulds aspiration, it is an imaginative substitute for
wisdom—I mean for the deliberate and impartial pursuit of all food. The condition and the aims of
life are both represented in religion poetically, but this poetry tends to arrogate to itself literal truth
and moral authority, neither of which it possesses. Hence the depth and importance of religion
becomes intelligible no less than its contradictions and practical disasters. Its object is the same as
that of reason, but its method is to proceed by intuition and by unchecked poetical conceits.

1. As used in the passage, the author would define “wisdom” as

[A]. the pursuit of rationality through imagination.
[B]. an unemotional search for the truth.
[C]. a purposeful and unbiased quest for what is best.
[D]. a short-sighted way of pursuing happiness
2. Which of the following statements is NOT TRUE?
[A]. Religion seeks the truth through imagination, reason, in its search, utilizes the emotions.
[B]. Religion has proved an ineffective tool in solving man’s problems.
[C]. Science seeks a piece meal solution to man’s questions.
[D]. The functions of philosophy and reason are the same.
3. According to the author, science differs from religion in that
[A]. it is unaware of ultimate goals. [B]. it is unimaginative.
[C]. its findings are exact and final. [D]. it resembles society and art.
4. The author states that religion differs from rationality in that
[A]. it relies on intuition rather than reasoning .
[B]. it is not concerned with the ultimate justification of its instinctive aims.
[C]. it has disappointed mankind.
[D]. it has inspired mankind.
5. According to the author, the pursuit of religion has proved to be
[A]. imaginative. [B]. a provider of hope for the future.
[C]. a highly intellectual activity [D]. ineffectual.

1. grace 恩賜,仁慈,感化,感思禱告
2. chide 責備
3. sentiment 情感
4. inviolate 不受侵犯的,純潔的
5. intent 意義,含義
6. piecemeal 一件件,逐漸的,零碎的
7. bubble up 起泡,沸騰,興奮

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8. veer 改變方向,轉向
9. abortive 夭折的,失敗的,中斷的,流產的。
10. pale 範圍,界限
11. draught 要求
12. oracle 神諭宣誓,預言,聖言
13. antidote 解毒藥,矯正方法
14. correlate 相互關係
15. dislocate 使離開原來位置,打亂正常秩序
16. gratuitous 無償的,沒有理由的。
17. debauch 使失落,放蕩
18. sanction 支持,鼓勵,認可
19. impede 妨礙,制止
20. ineptitude 不恰當,無能,愚蠢
21. insinuate 暗示
22. remould 重塑,重鑄
23. aspiration 抱負,壯志
24. arrogate 沒來由反把……歸於(to )
25. literal 樸實的,字面的
26. intelligible 可以理解的。
27. conceit 幻想,奇想

1. Yet the difference in tome and language must strike us, so soon as it is philosophy that speaks:
that change should remind us that even if the function of religion and that of reason coincide,
this function is performed in the two cases by very different organs.
[參考譯文] 可是音調和語言的差異必然很快的給我們深刻的印象,就象哲學所說的那
2. Reason, on the other hand, is a mere principle or potential order, on which indeed we may
come to reflect but which exists in us ideally only, without variation or stress of any kind.
[參考譯文] 另一方面,理性知識一種原則或者是潛在的秩序,我們確實可以在此基礎
3. We conform or do not conform to it; it does not urge or chide us, not call for any emotions on
our part other than those naturally aroused by the various objects which it unfolds in their true
nature and proportion.
[參考譯文] 不論我們是否遵循理性,它不會極力或責備我們,除了以事物的本來面目
4. Religion, in its intent, is a more conscious and direct pursuit of the Life of Reason than is
society, science, or art, for these approach and fill out the ideal life tentatively and piecemeal,
hardly regarding the foal or caring for the ultimate justification of the instinctive aims.
[參考譯文] 宗教在其意義上,比社會,科學,藝術更自覺,更直接的追求“理性生活
5. one and all 各個都,全部

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6. Those within the pale of each religion may prevail upon themselves, to express satisfaction
with its results, thanks to a fond partiality in reading the past and generous draughts of hope
for the future; but any one regarding the various religions at once and comparing their
achievements with what reason requires, must feel how terrible is the disappointment which
they have one and all prepared for mankind.
[參考譯文] 處於宗教領域範圍之內的人民也許會說服自己對其結果表示滿意,這要感
7. To confuse intelligence and dislocate sentiment by gratuitous fictions is a short-sighted way of
pursuing happiness.
[參考譯文] 以無理的幻想混淆智力,弄亂正常的情感是一種短視的追求幸福的方法。
8. Thus religion too often debauches the morality it comes to sanction and impedes the science it
ought to fulfill.
[參考譯文] 因此,宗教常常會使它要支持的道德墮落淪喪,並妨礙它應該執行的科學
9. The condition and the aims of life are both represented in religion poetically, but this poetry
tends to arrogate to itself literal truth and moral authority, neither of which it possesses.
[參考譯文] 生活的目標和條件在宗教中詩一般的呈現,但這種詩意往往把宗教所並不


1. C. 一種有目的而又不帶偏見對最佳事物的探索。答案在最後一段,這種愚蠢的秘密是
A. 通過想像力追求理性。 B. 不帶感情的探詢真理。 C. 追求幸福的短視的方法。
2. A. 宗教通過想像力尋求真理,而理性的探索卻運用感情。見難句譯注 3,理性(智)是
B. 在解決人類問題上的宗教是一種無效的工具。 C. 科學尋求逐步解決對人類的問題。
D. 哲學和理性的功能是一樣的。
3. A. 宗教沒有意識(不知道)其最終目的的。見難句譯注 4,說明宗教不管(幾乎不關注)
B. 宗教沒有想像力。 C. 其成果是確切的,最終的。 D. 宗教很象科學和藝術。
4. D. 它激起人類情感。第一段中說“宗教的掙扎與不斷變化的力量似乎促使人追求某種

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A. 宗教依賴於直覺而不是推理。第一段最後一句:宗教也有本能和盲目的一面,在各
行的。 B. 它不關心其本能的目標最終是否真確。 C. 它使人類很失望。
5. D. 無效。第二段開始就點出:我們得承認宗教追求理性生活一直是很失敗(流產了)。
A. 有想像力的。 B. 為未來提供希望的。 C. 是一個高度的智力活動。

Passage Thirteen (Cryptic Coloring)

Cryptic coloring is by far the commonest use of color in the struggle for existence. It is
employed for the purpose of attack (aggressive resemblance or anticryptic coloring ) as well as of
defense (protective resemblance or procryptic coloring ). The fact that the same method
concealment, may be used both for attack and defense has been well explained by T.Belt who
suggests as an illustration the rapidity of movement which is also made use of by both pursuer and
pursued, which is similarly raised to a maximum in both by the gradual dying out of the slowest
through a series of generations. Cryptic coloring is commonly associated with other aids in the
struggle for life. Thus well-concealed mammals and birds, when discovered, will generally
endeavor to escape by speed and will often attempt to defend themselves actively. On the other
hand, small animals which have no means of active defense, such as large, numbers of insects,
frequently depend upon concealment alone. Protective resemblance is far commoner among
animals than aggressive resemblance, in correspondence with the fact that predaceous forms are as
a rule much larger and much less numerous than their prey. In the case of insectivorous Vertebrata
and their prey such differences exist in an exaggerated form. Cryptic coloring, whether used for
defense of attack, may be either general or special. In general resemblance the animal, in
consequence of its coloring, produces the same effect as its environment, but the conditions do not
require any special adaptation of shape and outline. General resemblance is especially common
among the animal inhabiting some uniformly colored expanse of the earth’s surface, such as an
ocean or a desert. In the former, animals of all shapes are frequently protected by their transparent
blue color, on the latter, equally diverse forms are defended by their sandy appearance. The effect
of a uniform appearance may be produced by a combination of tints in startling contrast. Thus the
black and white stripes of the zebra blend together at a little distance, and “their proportion is such
as exactly to match the pale tint which arid ground possesses when seen by moonlight.” Special
resemblance is far commoner than general and is the form which is usually met with on the
diversified surface of the earth, on the shores, and in shallow water, as well as on the floating
masses of algae on the surface of the ocean, such as the Sargasso Sea. In these environments the
cryptic coloring of animals is usually aided by special modifications of shape, and by the instinct
which leads them to assume particular attitudes. Complete stillness and the assumption of a certain
attitude play an essential part in general resemblance on land; but in special resemblance the
attitude is often highly specialized, and perhaps more important than any other element in the
complex method by which concealment is effected. In special resemblance the combination of
coloring, shape, and attitude is such as to produce a more or less exact resemblance to some one of
the objects in the environment, such as a leaf of twig, a patch of lichen, a flake of bark. In all cases
the resemblance is to some object which is of no interest to the enemy or prey respectively. The

英語 100 篇精讀匯粹(中級篇)【Type By Simon Lau(8029)】

animal is not hidden from view by becoming indistinguishable from its background as in the case
of general resemblance, but it is mistaken for some well-know object.
In seeking the interpretation of these most interesting and elaborate adaptations, attempts
have been made along two lines. The first seeks to explain the effect as a result of the direct
influence of the environment upon the individual (G.L.L.Buffon), or by the inherited effects of
efforts and the use and disuse of parts (J.B.P.Lamarck). The second believes that natural selection
produced the result and afterwards maintained it by the survival of the best concealed in each
generation. The former suggestion breaks down when the complex nature of numerous special
resemblances is appreciated. Thus the arrangement of colors of many kinds into an appropriate
pattern requires the cooperation of a suitable shape and the rigidly exact adoption of a certain
elaborate attitude. The latter is instinctive and thus depends on the central nervous system. The
cryptic effect is due to the exact cooperation of all these factors; and in the present state of science,
the only possible hole of an interpretation lies in the theory of natural selection, which can
accumulate any and every variation which tends toward survival. A few of the chief types of
methods by which concealment is effected may be briefly described. The colors of large numbers
of vertebrate animals are darkest on the back and become gradually lighter on the sides, passing
into white on the belly. Abbot H. Thayer has suggested that this gradation obliterates the
appearance of solidity, which is due to shadow. The color harmony, which is also essential to
concealment, is produced because the back is of the same tint as the environment (e. g. earth),
bathed in the cold blue-white of the sky, while the belly, being cold blue-white and bathed in
shadow and yellow earth reflections produces the same effects. This method of neutralizing
shadow for the purpose of concealment by increased lightness of tint was first suggested by
E.B.Poulton in the case of a larva and a pupa, but he did not appreciate the great importance of the
principle. In an analogous method an animal in front of a background of dark shadow may have
part of its body obliterated by the existence of a dark tint, the remainder resembling, e.g., a part of
a leaf. This method of rendering invisible any part which would interfere with the resemblance is
well know in mimicry.

1. The black and white stripes of the zebra are most useful form
[A]. hunters. [B]. nocturnal predators
[C]. lions and tigers. [C]. insectivorous Vertrbrata
2. Aggressive resemblance occurs when
[A]. a predaceous attitude is assumed.
[B]. special resemblance is utilized.
[C]. an animal relies on speed.
[D]. an animal blends in with its background.
3. Special resemblance differs from general resemblance in that the animal relies on
[A]. its ability to frighten its adversary. [B]. speed.
[C]. its ability to assume an attitude. [D]. mistaken identify
4. The title below that best expresses the ides of this passage is
[A]. Cryptic coloration for Protection. [B]. How Animals Survive.
[C]. The uses of Mimicry in Nature. [D]. Resemblances of Animals.
5. Of the following which is the least common?
[A]. protective resemblance. [B]. General resemblance.

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[C]. Aggressive resemblance. [D]. Special resemblance.

1. cryptic 隱藏的,保護的
cryptic coloring 保護色,隱藏色
2. predaceous 食肉的,捕食其他動物的。
3. vertebrate 脊椎動物門
4. tint 色澤,色彩
5. zebra 斑馬
6. Sargasso 果本馬尾藻
7. twig 嫩枝
8. lichen 地衣
9. flake 一片
10. gradation 等級,層次,分等
11. obliterate 塗抹,擦去,使消失
12. larva 幼蟲,幼體
13. pupa 蛹
14. mimicry 模仿,擬態
15. nocturnal 夜間發生的,夜出的
16. insectivorous 食蟲的
17. procryptic 有保護色的,保護性的

1. …the rapidity of movement which is also made use of by both pursuer and pursued, which is
similarly raised to a maximum in both by the gradual dying out of the slowest through a
series of generations.
[參考譯文] 追捕動物和被追的動物也利用快速的動作。這種快速的運動同樣是通過幾
2. Protective resemblance is far commoner among animals than aggressive resemblance, in
correspondence with the fact that predaceous forms are as a rule much larger and much less
numerous than their prey.
[參考譯文] 保護性模仿遠比侵犯行模仿要普遍得多,這是和下述的情況想配合的:食
3. The effect of a uniform appearance may be produced by a combination of tints in startling
[參考譯文] 在驚人的對比中,色澤的綜合可能產生外形一致的效果。
4. …their proportion is such as exactly to match the pale tint which arid ground possesses
when seen by moonlight.
[參考譯文] (這裏指斑馬的黑白條)比例正好和在月光下觀看貧瘠土地所具有的蒼白
5. In these environments the cryptic coloring of animals is usually aided by special
modifications of shape, and by the instinct which leads them to assume particular attitudes.
[參考譯文] 在這些環境中,動物的保護色常常得到特定的形狀變化和本能的協作,這

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6. Complete stillness and the assumption of a certain attitude play an essential part in general
resemblance on land; but in special resemblance the attitude is often highly specialized…
[參考譯文] 絕對靜態和採取一般姿勢在陸地的一般模仿中起很大作用,而在專門模
7. Thus the arrangement of colors of many kinds into an appropriate pattern requires the
cooperation of a suitable shape and the rigidly exact adoption of a certain elaborate attitude.
[參考譯文] 因此許多類顏色排列成恰當的模式/形式,要求把合適的外形和嚴格的採
8. The cryptic effect is due to the exact cooperation of all these factors; and in the present state
of science, the only possible hole of an interpretation lies in the theory of natural selection,
which can accumulate any and every variation which tends toward survival.
[參考譯文] 保護效果是由於所以這些因素確切合作而形成。根據目前科學水平,唯一

狀姿勢之協作,使其看起來像客觀環境中的某物,某種身份 mistaken identify.

1. B. 夜間活動的食肉動物。見難句譯注 4,斑馬的黑白相間顏色的比例正好和月光下所見
A. 捕獲者。 C. 獅子和老虎。 D. 食蟲的脊椎動物
2. A. 在裝成捕食其他動物的姿勢時。
B. 應該專門模仿。 C. 動物依賴速度。 D. 動物和背景混在一起。
3. D. 搞錯/認錯了動物(身份)(mistaken identify 認錯了人之義)。見第一段最後一句話,
A. 用以嚇走它的對手(敵人)的能力。 B. 速度。 C. 採用某種姿勢的能力。
4. C. 自然界模擬的運動。文章一開始就點命保護色迄今為止生存鬥爭中最常用的一種顏色,
常用於進攻和防衛。保護色常和其他措施相配合,首先提到速度,見難句譯注 1。然後
A. 為了保衛的保護色。 B. 動物是如何存活下來。 D. 動物之模仿性。
5. C. 進攻性(侵犯性)模仿。見難句譯注 2。
A. 保護色模仿。 B. 一般性模仿。 D. 專項模仿。

英語 100 篇精讀匯粹(中級篇)【Type By Simon Lau(8029)】

Passage Fourteen (Pageants)

Pageants are usually conceived on a fairly large scale, often under the auspices of some local or
civic authority or at any rate in connection with local groups of some kind. This sometimes means
that there is an allocation of funds available for the purpose of mounting the production, though
unfortunately this will usually be found to be on the meager side and much ingenuity will have to
be used to stretch it so that all performers can be adequately clothed.
Most pageants have a historical flavour as they usually come about through the celebration
of the anniversary of some event of historic importance, or the life or death of some local worthy.
Research among archives and books in the public library will probably prove very useful and
produce some workable ideas which will give the production an especially local flavour. From the
first economy will have to be practiced because there are usually a great number of people to
dress. Leading characters can be considered individually in the same way as when designing for a
play; but the main body of the performers will need to be planned in groups and the massed effect
must be always borne in mind.
Many pageants take place in daylight in the open air. This is an entirely different problem
from designing costumes which are going to be looked at under artificial lighting; for one thing,
scenes viewed in the daylight are subject to many more distractions. No longer is everything
around cut out by the surrounding darkness, but instead it is very easy to be aware of disturbing
movement in the audience of behind the performers. Very theatrically conceived clothes do not
always look their best when seen in a daylight setting of trees, verdant lawns and old ivy-covered
walls; the same goes for costumes being worn in front of the mellow colors of stately homes. The
location needs to be studied and then a decision can be made as to what kinds of colors and
textures will harmonize best with the surroundings and conditions and then to carry this out as far
as possible on the funds available.
If money is available to dress the performers without recourse to their own help in the
provision of items, it is best to arrange for all the cutting and pinning together of the costumes to
be done by one or two experienced people than to be given out to the groups and individuals for
completion. When there is little or no money at all, the garments need to be reduced to the basic
necessities. Cloaks and shawls become invaluable, sheets and large bath towels and bath sheets are
admirable for draping. Unwanted curtains and bed spreads can be cut to make tunics, robes and
skirts. These are particularly valuable if they are of heavy fabrics such as velvet or chenille.
Colors should be massed together so that there are contrasting groups of dark and light,
this will be found to help the visual result substantially. Crowds of people gathered together in a
jumble of colors will be ground to look quite purposeless and will lack dramatic impact.
The use of numbers of identical head-dresses, however simply made, are always effective
when working with groups. If these are made of cardboard and painted boldly the cost can be
almost negligible. Helmets, hats and plumes will all make quite a show even if the costumes are
only blandest or sheets cleverly draped. The same can be said of the use of banners, shields and
poles with stiff pennants and garlands—anything which will help to have a unifying effect. Any
kind of eye-catching device will always go with a flourish and add excitement to the scenes.

1. The main idea of this passage is

[A]. Pageants. [B]. Costumes on the stage.

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[C]. Costumes for pageants. [D]. How to arrange a pageant.

2. It can be inferred that the most important factor in costume design is
[A]. money. [B]. color. [C]. harmony [D]. texture
3. Why will much ingenuity have to be required in costume design?
[A]. Because pageants take place in daylight in the open air.
[B]. Because different characters require different costumes.
[C]. Because the colors and textures must be in harmony with the setting.
[D]. Because an allocation of the funds available is usually rather small.
4. Why do most pageants have a historical flavour?
[A]. Because most pageants take place for celebration.
[B]. Many pageants take place for amusement.
[C]. A lot of pageants take place for religion.
[D]. Because pageants usually take place for competition.

1. conceive 設想,想像
to be conceived 設想好的,構思好的
2. under the auspices of 在……的主辦下
3. meager 貧乏的,不足的
4. mount 登上,製作,上演
5. flavour 風味,風格,情趣
6. archive(s) 檔案(館)
7. distraction 使人分心的事
8. ivy 常春藤
9. mellow 柔和的
10. recourse (to) 依賴,求助於
11. drape 覆蓋,披上
12. invaluable 無價的,非常貴重的
13. tunic (古時)長達膝蓋的外衣,穿在盔甲上的戰袍
14. chenille 繩絨絨(織品)
15. jumble 混亂,搞亂
16. pennant 細長三角旗
17. garland 花環,花冠

1. This sometimes means that there is an allocation of funds available for the purpose of
mounting the production, though unfortunately this will usually be found to be on the meager
side and much ingenuity will have to be used to stretch it so that all performers can be
adequately clothed.
[結構簡析] 複合結構。That 是主句的賓語從句,從句後再有從句。
[參考譯文] 這種情況,有時就表示有一個可用於演出目的資金配額。遺憾的是配額一般
2. Most pageants have a historical flavour as they usually come about through the celebration of

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the anniversary of some event of historic importance, or the life or death of some local
[結構簡析] 主從句
[參考譯文] 大多數露天演出都帶有歷史情調,因為這些戲一般是通過慶祝某個重大的
3. This is an entirely different problem from designing costumes which are going to be looked at
under artificial lighting; for one thing, scenes viewed in the daylight are subject to many more
distractions. No longer is everything around cut out by the surrounding darkness, but instead
it is very easy to be aware of disturbing movement in the audience of behind the performers.
[結構簡析] 複合結構:主句 this is 後有定語從句,which 修飾 costumes。從句中又套從
[參考譯文] 這和人為燈光下看的設計服裝完全不一樣。首先,白天看到幕景易於受許多
4. Very theatrically conceived clothes do not always look their best when seen in a daylight
setting of trees, verdant lawns and old ivy-covered walls; the same goes for costumes being
worn in front of the mellow colors of stately homes.
[結構簡析] 並列句,中用分號隔開。第一句中有 when seen 連詞+過去分詞,實質起從
[參考譯文] 設計出的非常具有戲劇性效果的服裝,在光天化日,有樹木,有綠茵茵的
5. If money is available to dress the performers without recourse to their own help in the
provision of items, it is best to arrange for all the cutting and pinning together of the costumes
to be done by one or two experienced people than to be given out to the groups and
individuals for completion.
[結構簡析] 條件句,主句為邏輯主句,注意中間兩個被動不定式。To be done by, than to
be given out, 這裏的 than 起連詞作用。
[參考譯文] 如果有錢可以為演員著裝而不用求助自己供應種種物件,那麼最好把所有


1. C. 露天演出的服裝。第一段末尾已經點明,“一般認為露天演出規模宏大,常常是由某
A. 露天演出。 B. 舞臺劇裝(包括劇場)。 D. 如何安排露天演出;涉及面或大或小,

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2. C. 和諧。服裝設計中最重要的因素是和諧。這一點在幾段中都提到,第二段最後一句“
A. 錢。錢要考慮。出前兩段外,第三段最後一句,講完和諧後,也提到“盡可能以能到
不能列為最重要因素,有錢沒有錢都得以服裝協調為主。 B. 顏色。
D. 織品。同樣都的服從和諧這一前提。
3. D. 因為能得到資金的配額都很少。第一段最後一句話,見第一題譯注。
A. 因為在光天化日下演出。 B. 因為不同演員要求不同服裝。 C. 顏色和織物必須和
4. A. 因為大多數露天演出都是為紀念慶祝。第二段第一句“露天演出一般都是某個具有
B. 許多露天演出是為了娛樂。 C. 許多露天演出是為了宗教。 D. 因為露天演出一般

Passage Fifteen (The Second Wave of Feminism)

The statistics I’ve cited and the living examples are all too familiar to you. But what may not be
so familiar will be the increasing number of women who are looking actively for advancement of
for a new job in your offices. This woman may be equipped with professional skills and perhaps
valuable experience, She will not be content to be Executive Assistant to Mr. Seldom Seen of the
Assistant Vice President’s Girl Friday, who is the only one who comes in on Saturday.
She is the symbol of what I call the Second Wave of Feminism. She is the modern woman who
is determined to be.
Her forerunner was the radical feminist who interpreted her trapped position as a female as
oppression by the master class of men. Men, she believed, had created a domestic, servile role for
women in order that men could have the career and the opportunity to participate in making the
great decisions of society. Thus the radical feminist held that women through history had been
oppressed and dehumanized, mainly because man chose to exploit his wife and the mother of his
children. Sometimes it was deliberate exploitation and sometimes it was the innocence of never
looking beneath the pretensions of life.
The radical feminists found strength in banding together. Coming to recognize each other for the
first time, they could explore their own identities, realize their own power, and view the male and
his system as the common enemy. The first phases of feminism in the last five years often took on
this militant, class-warfare tone. Betty Friedan, Gloria Steinem, Germaine Greer, and many others
hammered home their ideas with a persistence that aroused and intrigued many of the brightest
and most able women in the country. Consciousness-raising groups allowed women to explore
both their identities and their dreams—and the two were often found in direct conflict.
What is the stereotyped role of American women? Marriage. A son. Two daughters.

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Breakfast. Ironing. Lunch. Bowling, maybe a garden club of for the very daring, non-credit
courses in ceramics. Perhaps an occasional cocktail party. Dinner. Football or baseball on TV.
Each day the same. Never any growth in expectations—unless it is growth because the husband
has succeeded. The inevitable question: “Is that all there is to life?”
The rapid growth of many feminist organizations attests to the fact that these radical
feminists had touched some vital nerves. The magazine “Ms.” was born in the year of the death of
the magazine “Life.” But too often the consciousness-raising sessions became ends in themselves.
Too often sexism reversed itself and man-hating was encouraged. Many had been with the male
It is not difficult, therefore, to detect a trend toward moderation. Consciousness-raising
increasingly is regarded as a means to independence and fulfillment, rather than a ceremony of
fulfillment itself. Genuine independence can be realized through competence, through finding a
career, through the use of education. Remember that for many decades the education of women
was not supposed to be useful.

1. What was the main idea of this passage?

[A]. The Second Wave of Feminist. [B]. Women’s Independent Spirits.
[C]. The Unity of Women. [D]. The Action of Union.
2. What was the author’s attitude toward the radical?
[A]. He supported it wholeheartedly. [B]. He opposed it strongly.
[C]. He disapproved to some extent. [D]. He ignored it completely.
3. What does the word “militant” mean?
[A]. Aggressive. [B]. Ambitions. [C]. Progressive. [D]. Independent.
4, What was the radical feminist’s view point about the male?
[A]. Women were exploited by the male.
[B]. Women were independent of the male.
[C]. Women’s lives were deprived by the male.
[D]. The male were their common enemy.

1. trapped 被誘入圈套的,陷阱
2. servile 屈從的,奴隸的,奴性的
3. dehumanized 使失去人/個性的
4. pretension 要求,權利,藉口
5. look beneath 看到下面
6. band together 緊密團結在一起
7. explore 探索,考察
8. phase 階段,方面,形式
9. class-warfare 階級鬥爭
10. hammer home 硬性灌輸
hammer home an idea into sb. 硬向某人灌輸某種觀念
11. intrigue 使著迷,密謀,用詭計取得
12. stereotype 固定不變的,陳規舊習的
13. attest 證明,證實,表明

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14. chauvinist 沙文主義者,男子至上主義這

15. moderation (政治,宗教上)穩健中庸,緩和
16. fulfillment 臻于完善,發揮潛在能力
17. sexism 性別歧視(常指其實婦女)
18. be independent of 獨立於……之外,不受……控制/支配

1. She will not be content to be Executive Assistant to Mr. Seldom Seen of the Assistant Vice
President’s Girl Friday, who is the only one who comes in on Saturday.
這是作者杜撰的名字,含有諷刺內涵。Mr. Seldom Seen 很少見到的先生。說明公司很難
[參考譯文] 她不會滿意做“很少見”先生的助手,也不願做助理副主席的星期五姑娘,
2. Men, she believed, had created a domestic, servile role for women in order that men could
have the career and the opportunity to participate in making the great decisions of society.
[結構簡析] she believed 形式上插入語,實際 Men 句是它的賓語從句。In order that 義:
[參考譯文] 她認為男人為婦女創制了一個持家操勞的奴隸角色,為的是男人可以獲得
3. Thus the radical feminist held that women through history had been oppressed and
dehumanized, mainly because man chose to exploit his wife and the mother of his children.
Sometimes it was deliberate exploitation and sometimes it was the innocence of never looking
beneath the pretensions of life.
[結構簡析] 兩句句子。前一句的賓語為主從句,後為並列句。
[參考譯文] 於是,激進女權主義者認為綜觀歷史,婦女一直是被壓迫被奴役,被非人
4. Betty Friedan, Gloria Steinem, Germaine Greer, and many others hammered home their ideas
with a persistence that aroused and intrigued many of the brightest and most able women in
the country.
[參考譯文] Betty Friedan, Gloria Steinem,Germaine Greer,以及其他許多激進女權主


1. A. 第二次女權運動的浪潮。在第一段,一般性描述之後(見難句譯注 1),作者畫龍點

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B. 婦女的獨立精神。這只是女權運動中部分內容。 C. 婦女團結。第三段一開始就提到
D. 團結運動。
2. C. 有點不贊成。這在最後兩段表現的最為明顯:“許多女權運動組織迅速發展證明這些
激進爭取女權的人觸到了某些活躍的神經。(非常活躍)。Ms 雜誌就在《生活》停刊那
A. 他全心全意的擁護。 B. 他強烈反對。不完全如此。 D. 他完全忽視不顧。
3. A. 好鬥的。(鬥爭性強的)。第三段第三句:“在最近 5 年中女權運動首要方面常常具
B. 野心的。 C. 進步的。 D. 獨立的。
4. D. 男人是她們共同的敵人。第三段:“激進女權運動分子在緊密團結中找到了力量。第
A. 婦女為男人們所剝削。這在第三段中講到,見難句譯注 3。這是婦女觀點中具體內容
之一。也是為什麼說男人及制度是她們共同敵人的原因之一。 B. 婦女不受男人支配。
C. 男人剝奪了女人生活。

Passage Sixteen (Crime in Computer)

New and bizarre crimes have come into being with the advent of computer technology.
Organized crime to has been directly involved; the new technology offers it unlimited
opportunities, such as data crimes, theft of services, property-related crimes, industrial sabotage,
politically related sabotage, vandalism, crimes against the individual and financially related
Theft of data, or data crime, has attracted the interest of organized criminal syndicates. This is
usually the theft or copying of valuable computer grogram. An international market already exists
for computerized data, and specialized fences are said to be playing a key role in this rapidly
expanding criminal market. Buyers for stolen programs may range from a firm’s competitors to
foreign nations.
A competitor sabotages a company’s computer system to destroy or cripple the firm’s
operational ability, thus neutralizing its competitive capability either in the private or the
government sector. This computer sabotage may also be tied to an attempt by affluent investors to
acquire the victim firm. With the growing reliance by firms on computers for their recordkeeping
and daily operations, sabotage of their computers can result in internal havoc, after which the
group interested in acquiring the firm can easily buy it at a substantially lower price. Criminal
groups could also resort to sabotage if the company is a competitor of a business owned or

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controlled by organized crime.

Politically motivated sabotage is on the increase; political extremist groups have sprouted on
every continent. Sophisticated computer technology arms these groups with awesome powers and
opens technologically advanced nations to their attack. Several attempts have already been made
to destroy computer facility at an air force base. A university computer facility involved in
national defence work suffered more than $2 million in damages as a result of a bombing.
Computer vulnerability has been amply documented. One congressional study concluded that
neither government nor private computer systems are adequately protected against sabotage.
Organized criminal syndicates have shown their willingness to work with politically motivated
groups. Investigators have uncovered evidence of cooperation between criminal groups and
foreign governments in narcotics. Criminal groups have taken attempts in assassinating political
leaders…. Computers are used in hospital life-support system, in laboratories, and in major
surgery. Criminals could easily turn these computers into tools of devastation. By sabotaging the
computer of a life-support system, criminals could kill an individual as easily as they had used a
gun. By manipulating a computer, they could guide awesome tools of terror against large urban
centers. Cities and nations could become hostages. Homicide could take a now form. The
computer may become the hit man of the twentieth century.
The computer opens vast areas of crime to organized criminal groups, both national and
international. It calls on them to pool their resources and increase their cooperative efforts,
because many of these crimes are too complex for one group to handle, especially those requiting
a vast network of fences. Although criminals have adapted to computer technology, law
enforcement has not. Many still think in terms of traditional criminology.

1. How many kinds of crimes are mentioned in the passage?

[A]. 7. [B]. 8. [C]. 9. [D]. 10
2. What is the purpose of a competitor to sabotage a company’s computer?
[A]. His purpose is to destroy or weaken the firm’s operational ability.
[B]. His purpose is to weaken firm’s competitive capability and get it.
[C]. His purpose is to buy the rival’s company at a relatively low price.
[D]. His purpose is to steal important data.
3. Which of the following can be labeled as a politically motivated sabotage of a computer
[A]. Sabotage of a university computer.
[B]. Sabotage of a hospital computer.
[C]. Sabotage of computer at a secret training base.
[D]. Sabotage of a factory computer.
4. What does the author mean by “Homicide could take a new form”?
[A]. There is no need to use a gun in killing a person.
[B]. Criminals can kill whoever they want by a computer.
[C]. The computer can replace any weapons.
[D]. The function of a computer is just like a gun.

1. bizarre 奇怪的

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2. vandalism 破壞,故意破壞文化,藝術的行為
3. cripple 使癱瘓,削弱
4. fence 賊市,髒品買賣處
5. neutralize 使成為無效
6. affluent 富裕的
7. recordkeeping 記錄存貯
8. havoc 浩劫,大破壞
9. resort to 求助於,借助於
10. motivate 作為……的動機,激發
11. extremist 過激分子,極端主義分子
12. sprout 萌發迅速發展
13. awesome 令人驚懼的,引起敬畏的
14. vulnerability 易受攻擊,脆弱
15. devastation 劫持,破壞
16. hospital life-support system 醫院的生命維持系統
17. hit man 職業兇手(殺手)
18. pool 集中(資金)合辦,入股
19. criminology 犯罪學,刑事學

1. Organized crime to has been directly involved; the new technology offers it unlimited
opportunities, such as data crimes, theft of services, property-related crimes, industrial
sabotage, politically related sabotage, vandalism, crimes against the individual and
financially related crimes…
[結構簡析] 句子很長,都是簡單句,中間有分號隔開,後面是舉例。
[參考譯文] 有組織犯罪團夥也直接參與:電腦新技術較為犯罪提供了無限的機會,如
2. An international market already exists for computerized data, and specialized fences are said
to be playing a key role in this rapidly expanding criminal market.
[結構簡析] 並列句,and 作對比連接詞用。
[參考譯文] 一個電腦資訊的國際市場已經存在,而專門從事髒品交易的市場據說在迅
3. A competitor sabotages a company’s computer system to destroy or cripple the firm’s
operational ability, thus neutralizing its competitive capability either in the private or the
government sector.
[結構簡析] 主謂賓補結構,後跟 thus+從句表示結果。
[參考譯文] 競爭對手破壞一個公司的電腦系統為的是摧毀或削弱公司的操作運行能力 ,
4. The computer opens vast areas of crime to organized criminal groups, both national and
international. It calls on them to pool their resources and increase their cooperative efforts,
because many of these crimes are too complex for one group to handle, especially those
requiting a vast network of fences.
[結構簡析] 兩句話。前一句為主謂賓,後一句為主從句,從句內採用 too…to 句型,後

英語 100 篇精讀匯粹(中級篇)【Type By Simon Lau(8029)】

[參考譯文] 電腦為國內和國際有組織犯罪集團開闢了犯罪的廣泛領域。它要求它們集中


1. B. 8種,具體罪行。見難句譯注1。
2. B. 他的目的是削弱公司競爭力進而得到它。答案見難句譯注2及第二段第二句起:“電
A. 削弱公司運轉能力。   C. 在相當低的價格上買進對手的公司。這兩個選項都只是
破壞目的的一個方面。  D. 偷竊重要資料,文內沒有講。
3. C 破壞秘密訓練基礎。這可以標以政治目的的破壞電腦。
A. 大學   B. 醫院    D. 工廠。 這三個地方都難以和政治直接相連,第三段
的基地和真正相連的可能性最大,所以選 C.
4. B. 犯罪可以通過電腦任意殺人。答案在第五段:“犯罪集團曾採取步驟暗殺政治領袖。
A. 殺人不需要用槍。這話太籠統,不用槍,用什麼。用毒藥,用刀?  C. 電腦可以取
代任何武器。      D. 電腦的功能就像槍,錯誤的。

Passage Seventeen (A Strong Stock Market)

The increase in the margin rate from 50% to 70% was not an attempt to stem any rampant
speculation on the part of the public—actually the market seemed technically quite strong, with
public participation essentially dignified—but rather an attempt by the Federal Reserve Board to
preserve the sound underpinnings that existed in the market. Naturally, such a move had a
momentarily chilling effect upon prices but if the FRB had been preoccupied with undue
speculation, the increase might have been to the 80% or even 90% level. Such an increases in the
margin rate is a confirmation of a strong stock market and since 19…,such increases have resulted
in interim market highs over twelve months later. Obviously, there could be no guarantee that this
would once again be the case, but if history is any guideline—and if business and corporate
earnings were to continue on the same course—continued optimism over the outlook for the stock
market would seem more prudent than pessimism.

英語 100 篇精讀匯粹(中級篇)【Type By Simon Lau(8029)】

The margin increase underscored the good rise that stocks had enjoyed for the previous year—
and the fact that a 50% rate was maintained as long as it was pointed up the fact that the rise was
mainly conservative in that it was concentrated in the blue chips for the most part. In past
Investment Letters we have voiced the thought that speciality stocks could outperform the general
market from this point. We continue to believe that this could be the case. For example, steel
stocks tend to sell at certain fixed price/earnings ratios. Below a certain ratio they are considered
good value—above a certain ratio, overpriced. If a company produces a unique product it is far
more difficult for market analysis to place a numerical ratio upon the company’s earnings. We
have also contended in the past Letters that the stock market reflects mass psychology as well as
the business outlook. When investors—both the public and the institutions—are nervous and
pessimistic they definitely hesitate to buy stocks: they seek low price/earnings multiples and high
yields. These same investors—when they are in an optimistic frame of mind—become for less
preoccupied with yields and more wiling to pay a premium(high p/e multiples) for accelerated
growth. If the public’s attitude towards the auto industry is any measure, then this period seems to
have been one of optimism.

1. The title that best expresses the ideas of this passage is

[A]. A Time to Sell Stock. [B]. A Strong Stock Market
[C]. Raising the Margin Rate [C]. Price/earnings Ratio in Steel
2. When investors are pessimistic what do they do?
[A]. They look to the FRB for help. [B]. They buy steel
[C]. They buy automobile stocks. [D]. They look for high yields.
3. Why does the writer believe that speciality stocks could outperform the general market?
[A]. Because analysis have difficulty in deciding upon a fixed price/earnings ratio.
[B]. Because the activity had been limited to blue chips.
[C]. Because the rise was conservative.
[D]. Because of the FRB action.
4. When investors are optimistic, what do they do?
[A]. They look for accelerated growth. [B]. They buy speciality stocks.
[C]. They look for high yields. [C]. They are more prudent.

1. margin rate 保證金率,邊際比率
2. rampant 無約束力,猖獗的,蔓延的
3. stem 遏制
4. stem from 滋長,源自
5. underpin 加強……基礎,支持
6. underpinning 支持物,基礎(建築物下的)
7. preoccupy 先占,使專心於,吸引住
8. undue 過分的,非法的,不適當的
9. interim 間歇;暫時的,間歇的
10. guideline 方針,指導路線
11. underscore 在……下面劃線,強調
12. point up 加強,強調

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13. bluechip 蘭籌股票

14. blue-chip 蘭籌的
15. outperform 在使用上勝過
16. overprice 將……標價過高
17. numerical ratio 數率,數字比率
18. earnings 收益,利潤,收入
19. contend 競爭,堅決主張,爭論
20. premium 傭金,酬金

1. The increase in the margin rate from 50% to 70% was not an attempt to stem any rampant
speculation on the part of the public—actually the market seemed technically quite strong,
with public participation essentially dignified—but rather an attempt by the Federal Reserve
Board to preserve the sound underpinnings that existed in the market.
[ 結 構 簡 析 ] 是 not…but 句 型 , 兩 個 破 折 號 中 間 是 插 入 成 分 ; 中 插 入 一 個 帶
with+N+participle 短語
[參考譯文] 保證金率從 50%增長到 70%,並不是想要遏制群眾方面猖獗的投機,而是
2. Obviously, there could be no guarantee that this would once again be the case, but if history is
any guideline—and if business and corporate earnings were to continue on the same course—
continued optimism over the outlook for the stock market would seem more prudent than
[結構簡析] 複合句。中間有插入語 if clause, 進一步說明條件。
[參考譯文] 顯然,不可能保證這種情況再次出現(情況再是這樣)。可是,如果歷史具
3. The margin increase underscored the good rise that stocks had enjoyed for the previous year
—and the fact that a 50% rate was maintained as long as it was pointed up the fact that the
rise was mainly conservative in that it was concentrated in the blue chips for the most part.
[結構簡析] 這句句子內有四個 that clause:第一個 that 是 good rise 的定語從句。第二個
和第三個 that 都是 the fact that 句型。但第二個 the fact that 中,as long as it was, 指頭一年,
pointed up 是謂語。第四個是 in that 連詞,義:因為。


1. B. 強勁證券市場(強市)。見難句譯注 1 和第一段第三句:“那種保證金率的增長有力
的鞏固了強勁證券市場。從 19……年起,這種增長導致一年來股市屢創新高。
A. 買出股票的時候。 C. 提高保證金率。 D. 鋼的市盈率。這三項都不對,它們只是文

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2. D. 他尋找高業績(即公司的產量或投資收益)。見文章倒數第三句:“當投資者——
A. 他們尋求聯邦儲備委員會的幫助。 B. 他們買進鋼材。 C. 他們買進汽車股票。
3. A. 因為在決定定價/利潤比上難以分析。見第二段第二句:“在過去的投資保證上我們
B. 因為股市活動受蘭籌股所限。 C. 因為行情上升保守。這兩項見難句譯注 3。
D. 由於聯邦儲備基金會的行動。
4. A. 他們尋求加速的增長。見文章倒數第二句:“同樣是這些股民,當投資者(對股市

Passage Eighteen (The Military Is In)

Things have really changed. Not only is the military standing tall again, it is staging a
remarkable comeback in the quantity and quality of the recruits it is attracting. Recruiters, once
denounced by antiwar students as “baby killers” and barred from campuses, are welcomed ever at
elite universities. ROTC (Reserve Officer’s Training Corps) programs, that faltered during the Viet
Nam era, when protesters were fire bombing their headquarters, are flourishing again. The military
academies are enjoying a steady increase in applications.
Certainly, the depressed economy has increased the allure of the jobs, technical training and
generous student loans offered by the military. Students know that if they go in and become, say,
nuclear weapons specialists, they can come out and demand a salary of $60,000 a year. Military
salaries, while not always competitive with those paid for comparable jobs in the private sector,
are more than respectable, especially considering the wide array of benefits that are available: free
medical service, room and board, and PX (Post Exchange) privileges. Monthly pay for a recruit is
$574; for a sergeant with four years services it is $906; for a major with ten years’ service it is
$2,305. The services’ slick $175 million-a-year advertising campaign promising adventure and
fulfillment has helped win over the TV generation. Kids are walking down the school hallways
chanting ‘Army, Navy, Air Force, Marines,’ just like in the commercials. And many military
officials feel that the key difference is the enhanced patriotism among the nation’s youth. There is
a return to the view that the military is an honorable profession. The days of a judge telling a
miscreant to join the Army or go to jail are over. Recruiting for all four services combined is
running at 101%of authorized goals. And the retention rate is now so high, that the services are
refusing some re-enlistment applications and reducing annual recruiting target.
The military academics are also enjoying halcyon years, attracting more and better-qualified
students. Compared to private colleges, where tuition and expenses have been climbing sharply,
the service schools are a real bargain: not only is tuition free, but recruits get allowances of up to
$500 a mouth. It is reported 12,300 applicants are for the 1,450 positions in this year’s freshman
class. Military academies are now just as selective as any of the best universities in the country.
Nationwide, ROTC enrollment exceeds 105,000,a 64% increase over the 1974 figure. In the

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mid 70’s, the ROTC students refused to wear their uniforms on campus because they suffered all
sorts of ridicule, if they did. Now if they wear them to class no one looks at them twice. To them,
Viet Nam is ancient history, something the old folks talk about.

1. What is the main idea of this passage?

[A]. The Military is in [B]. The Military is up
[C]. The Military is down [D]. The Military is on
2. What was the attitude of the students in 1970’s towards the military?
[A]. Approval. [B]. Indifferent. [C]. Distaste. [D]. Scolding.
3. The phrase “come out” is closest in meaning to
[A]. “become visible”. [B]. “begin to grow”.
[C]. “be made public”. [D]. “gain a certain position”.
4. Which one of the following is NOT mentioned as a reason to attract students.
[A]. Free tuition. [B]. Spacious room.
[C]. Considerate allowance. [D]. Technical training.
1. stage a comeback 再度走紅,捲土重來
2. standing tall 站得高
3. babykiller 殺嬰犯人
4. denounce 譴責
5. elite 傑出的,名牌的
6. ROTC=Reserve Office’s Training Cope (美)後備軍官訓練隊
7. falter 動搖不定,躊躇不前
8. flourish 繁榮興旺
9. allure 誘惑
10. come out 進入社交界,揚名
11. the wide array 一大批,一大半
12. PX=Post Exchange 陸軍消費合作社
13. sergeant 中士
14. major 少校
15. slick 聰明的,非常好的,吸引人的
16. hallway 門廳,過道
17. chant 單調重複的說話(唱歌)
18. miscreant 無賴,惡棍
19. retention rate 繼續服役率,服役期滿不退役的比例
20. real bargain 好買賣,十分划算

1. The services’ slick $175 million-a-year advertising campaign promising adventure and
fulfillment has helped win over the TV generation.
[ 結 構 簡 析 ] 句 子 的 主 語 是 campaign. 這 裏 指 大 規 模 的 廣 告 ( advertising
campaign )。Promising 修飾 campaign。
2. The days of a judge telling a miscreant to join the Army or go to jail are over.
[參考譯文] 由法官判一名無賴不去當兵就得坐牢的日子過去了。

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3. And the retention rate is now so high, that the services are refusing some re-enlistment
applications and reducing annual recruiting target.
[結構簡析] so …that 句型。
[參考譯文] 超役留隊率現在很高,所以各個軍種都要拒絕一些再入伍申請,並降低年


1. A. 軍隊又吃香了。To be in 有“流行,時髦”之義。全篇文章圍繞這一點而寫。文章一開
B. to be up 有“完了,完畢,上漲”等義。 C. to be down 有“消沉,落魄,下降”等
義。 D. to be on 有“上演,開著”等義。這裏都講不通。
2. C. 厭惡。答案在第一段第二句“招兵人員曾一度被反戰學生譴責為‘殺嬰犯’而拒之校
的人向部隊投擲燃燒彈,如今又興旺起來。”最後一段第二句“ 70 年代中期,後備軍
官訓練隊學生不願在校內穿制服,因為穿了就遭到各種嘲笑。”這些都說明 70 年代,
A. 贊成, B. 漠不關心, D. 漫駡,都不對。
3. 獲得地位。To come out 有 to gain certain position 獲得(名次,地位)之義,也有 appear,
to be seen (出現,看得見)之義。這裏的上下文,只能是 D. 第二段第二句“學生們知
道,要是參軍,當上譬如核武器專家,他們就能揚名並可要求 6 萬美元年薪。”
A. 看得見, B. 開始成長, C. 公開。
4. B. 寬敞的房間。
A. 免學費。 C. 相當高的津貼。 D. 技術培訓,都提到過。第二段開始“可以肯定,
直急劇上升,相比之下,上軍事院校確實便宜,不僅學費全面,新生每月還可拿 5 百

Passage Nineteen (Creative Process of Works)

The great question that this paper will, but feebly, attempt to answer is , what is the creative
Though much theory has accumulated, little is really known about the power that lies at the
bottom of poetic creation. It is true that great poets and artists produce beauty by employing all the
powers of personality and by fusing emotions, reason, and intuitions. But what is the magical
synthesis that joins and arranges these complex parts into poetic unity?

英語 100 篇精讀匯粹(中級篇)【Type By Simon Lau(8029)】

John L.Lowes, in his justly famous “The Road to Xanadu,” developed one of the earliest
and still generally acceptable answers to this tantalizing question. Imaginative creation, he
concludes, is a complex process in which the conscious and unconscious minds jointly operate.
“There is…the deep well with its chaos of fortuitously blending images; but there is likewise the
Vision which sees shining in and through the chaos of the potential lines of Form, and with the
Vision, the controlling Will. Which gives to that potential beauty actuality.”
The Deep Well is the unconscious mind that is peopled with the facts, ideas, feelings of the
conscious activity. The imaginative vision, an unconscious activity, shines through the land of
chaos, of lights and shadows, silently seeking pattern and form. Finally, the conscious mind again,
through Will, captures and embodies the idea in the final work of art. In this way is unity born out
of chaos.
Though there can be no absolute certainty, there is general agreement that the periods in the
development of a creative work parallel, to some extent, Lowes’ theory of Well, Vision, Form, and
Will. There are at least three stages in the creative process: preparation, inspiration, work.
In a sense, the period of preparation is all of the writer’s life. It is the Deep Well. It is the
Deep Well. It is especially a period of concentration which gives the unconscious mind an
opportunity to communicate with the conscious mind. When remembrance of things past reach the
conscious level of the writer’s mind, he is ready to go on with the process. Part of this preparation
involves learning a medium—learning a language, learning how to write, learning literary forms.
It is important to mot here that form cannot be imposed upon the idea. Evidence, though sparse,
shows that the idea gives birth to the form that can best convey it. It is the Vision, according to
Lowes, ” which sees shining in and through the chaws of the potential lines of from … ”

1. When remembrance of things past reach the conscious level, the post has reached the stage
[A]. Well. [B]. Vision. [C]. Form. [D]. Will.
2. Which of the following statements is TRUE?
[A]. The form determines the subject matter.
[B]. The idea determines the form.
[C]. Vision makes beauty an actuality.
[D]. A writer is unconscious when he prepares his work.
3. The word “fortuitously” in the third paragraph means
[A]. accidentally. [B]. luckily. [C]. thoroughly. [D]. potentially.
4. The remembrance of things past is carried on in the
[A]. Deep Well. [B]. Vision.
[C]. Chaotic lights and shadows. [D]. Conscious mind.
1. fuse 融化,結合
2. intuition 直覺
3. Xanadu 是一個非常美的,田園詩般的地方。美國詩人 Sanul T Coleridge 還根據
這地方寫了一首詩,“Kubla Khan” 忽必烈汗(即元世
4. John L. Lowes 1876——1945 年美國學者,批評家及教師
5. tantalizing 引起好奇心的,可望不可及的,逗人得

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6. fortuitous 偶然的,幸運的
7. parallel 相應於
8. sparse 稀少,稀疏
9. synthesis 綜合,綜合法

1. …by employing all the powers of personality and by fusing emotions, reason, and intuitions.
[參考譯文] 運用個人(品格)的全部力量,把情感,理智和直覺融會貫通結合在一起。
2. …still generally acceptable answers to this tantalizing question.
[參考譯文] 現在仍然是眾所接受對這些可望不可及問題的答案。
3. There is…the deep well with its chaos of fortuitously blending images; but there is likewise
the Vision which sees shining in and through the chaos of the potential lines of Form, and
with the Vision, the controlling Will. Which gives to that potential beauty actuality.
[結構簡析] 注意介詞短語和定從。With its chaos…, 是修飾 deep well. Which sees shinning
定語從句修飾 Vision. And 後的 with the vision, 卻是狀語。Which gives 又是定從,修飾
[參考譯文] 有……那充滿了混亂的偶然交織在一起的形象的深靜;但同樣也有那洞察
4. lights and shadows 藝術上有 light and shade 明和暗。這裏也是指明和暗。

文章論述“創作過程”。開門見山就提出“什麼是創作”。主要是引用了羅斯的 Road to
Xanadu 一書來說明創作過程。首先是創作的源泉,洞察分辨,最後意志賦予寫作。

1. D. 意志。第三段倒數第二句“最終又是意識的思維,通過意志,在其最終的藝術作品
A. 源泉,來源,顧名思義,也是最初的東西。 B. 洞察力,視覺。 C.形式。這三項選
擇在第二,三段集中說明,見難句譯注 3 及第四題答案。
2. B. 思想觀念決定形式。這在最後一段倒數第四句:部分準備工作涉及學習媒介——學習
A. 形式決定主題。 C. 形象使美變得真實。 D. 作者在準備寫作時處於無意識狀態。
難句譯注 3 和第四題答案都說明了這三項選擇是不對的。
3. A. 偶然的。
B. 幸運的,fortuitously 一詞確實有幸運的之義。但這裏上下文含義是 A,見難句譯注 3。
C. 徹底的,透徹的。 D. 潛在的,可能的。
4. A. 深井(深層的源泉)。見難句譯注 3 和第三句“深層的源泉是無意識思維,內中塞滿

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B. 視覺,是在探索表現形式。 C. 雜亂的光亮和陰影,明面和暗面。 D. 有意識思維

Passage Twenty (NCB in Interpol)

The organization known to the world as Interpol has sometimes been described as an outfit of
chisel-jawed gimlet-eyed crime fighters who put their lives in jeopardy every working hour. Less
flatteringly, Interpol has also been described as a huge filing cabinet, stuffed with clerks choking
on their own statistics.
As with most generalities, there is some truth in both statements. There are, certainly, some
grim battlers of crime to be found working with Interpol. There are, just as surely, those drones
shuffling mountains of paper whose cheeks are sallow from indoor life. Consider the charisma of
the name alone: INTERPOL, the international police force. Continents leaped in a single bound,
oceans crossed in the space of a breath, villains watched by eyes that never sleep. Surprisingly, a
lot of it happens almost that way.
Four groups coordinate and direct the activities of Interpol. One of them is the National
Central Bureaus, or NCBs, bodies designated by the member nations to serve as their link with
Interpol. These are the front-line troops, the action people. IN the United States, the Treasury
Department is the National Central Bureau. In the United Kingdom, it is Scotland Yard; the
Questura in Italy and the Melbourne City Police in Australia. Because police organization varies
from country, the NCBs were established to act as the one special group to handle Interpol chores
and unsure maximum cooperation between nations. Each NCB is usually an official government
body with police powers if a country has only one central police authority, that body becomes the
National Centre Bureau. Of course, any service appointed as an NCB is bound to its nation’s law
and authority and retains its national title.
Each NCB is connected by radio to the regional station for its geographic zone. The regional
stations are connected to the Central Station in France. The radio network is versatile. Network
stations can monitor the Central station or any regional station. Because of this messages can be
broadcast to more than one station at a time. A coding system determines the urgency of each
message so that those with high priority can be given precedence. Besides, other communication
tools, such as radio-teleprinters and phototelegraphy equipment. Permit rapid transfers of
fingerprints and photographs. Sometimes ever more advanced technology is employed. When the
police all over the world were looking for a Canadian named George Leray, they turned to the
Early Bird Satellite. Leray had led his gang on a daring holdup of a Montreal bank and gotten
away with $4 million. Scotland Yard broadcast Leray’s photo to the world by satellite. An
American who saw the picture in Florida recognized Leray as a man who was living on a yacht in
Fort Lauderdale under an assumed name. The police were alerted and arrested Leray.

1. What is the best title for this passage?

[A]. The Function of the Interpol. [B]. The Quality of the Interpol.
[C]. The Organization of the Interpol. [D]. The Rapid Development of the Interpol.
2. The organization of this passage is
[A]. general to specific. [B]. cause and effect.
[C]. comparison and contrast. [D]. development.

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3. The sentence “stuffed with clerks choking on their own statistics” in the first paragraph is
closest in meaning to
[A]. a lot of employees busying in their work.
[B]. many office workers busying with various documents.
[C]. crowded with office workers busying with their own collected data.
[D]. workers busying in their own information.
4. Which is the easiest tool to communicate?
[A]. Satellite. [B]. Radio.
[B]. Teleprinter. [D]. Phototelegraphy.

1. Interpol 國際刑警組織
2. outfit 全班人馬,有組織團體
3. chisel-jawed 儀錶英俊的
4. gimlet-eyed 目光銳利的
5. jeopardy 危險
6. flatteringly 奉承
7. choke 悶死
choking on their own statistics 被自己的統計數字弄的喘不過氣來
8. as with most generalities 和大多數籠統說法一樣
9. grim 冷酷的
10. drone 懶漢,懶洋洋的人
11. shuffle 反復挪動,亂翻,洗(紙牌)
12. charisma 超凡的魅力
13. National Central Bureaus 國家中心局
14. Treasury Department 財政部(美)
15. Questura 警察局(意)
16. Melbourne 墨爾本警察局
17. chore 日常零星工作
18. to be bound to 受……的約束,義務,一定……
19. geographic zone 地區,地帶
20. versatile 有多方面用途的
21. radio-teleprinter 無線電印表機
22. phototelegraph 傳真
23. daring 大膽的
24. holdup 搶劫
25. alert 使警惕,使處於待命狀態

1. The organization known to the world as Interpol has sometimes been described as an outfit of
chisel-jawed gimlet-eyed crime fighters who put their lives in jeopardy every working hour.
Less flatteringly, Interpol has also been described as a huge filing cabinet, stuffed with clerks
choking on their own statistics.
[結構簡析] 兩個句子都是被動語氣,都有分詞短語。前一句 known 修飾 organization,後

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一句 stuffed 修飾 cabinet.
[參考譯文] 聞名於世的國際刑警組織長被描述成一群儀錶英俊,目光犀利和罪犯鬥爭
2. There are, certainly, some grim battlers of crime to be found working with Interpol. There are,
just as surely, those drones shuffling mountains of paper whose cheeks are sallow from indoor
[結構簡析] 這是兩個句子,都是引導詞 there 句型。
[參考譯文] 這裏肯定能見到和罪犯鬥爭的冷酷無情的鬥士在國際刑警組織工作,同樣
3. Continents leaped in a single bound, oceans crossed in the space of a breath, villains watched
by eyes that never sleep.
[結構簡析] 這是省略句。正常句型應該是 Continents are leaped in…,Oceans are crossed
in…, villains are watched by …。
[參考譯文] 大洲可一步跨過。大洋可以在轉眼之間越過,壞蛋可以由日夜不眠的眼睛緊
4. These are the front-line troops, the action people.
[參考譯文] 這些人是前線軍,具體行動的人(執行人)。

組織的一般介紹,後面是具體到 NCB,組成國際刑警組織四個部門之一——國家中心局是

1. C. 國際刑警組織。上面文章大意已經說明介紹國際刑警組織,其職能性質只是附帶涉及。
A. B. 不對。 D. 迅速發展,文章沒有涉及。
2. A. 文章是一般到具體的組織結構。
B. 因果 和 C. 對比。 不對。 D. 展開,任何文章都得展開。
3. C. stuff=crowd 辦公室擠滿了工作人員,忙於分析處理收集來的資訊和資料。見難句譯
注 1 參考譯文。
A. 有許多雇員忙於工作; B. 許多辦公室人員忙於各種文件; D. 忙於自己資訊的工
人。 這三項都沒有。
4. B. 無線電通訊。縱然第四段內提及種種手段:衛星,無線電,印表機,傳真電報。但無線
在特殊情況下運行,如快速傳送照片,指紋等。所以 A. 衛星, C. 無線電印表機, D. 傳真

Passage Twenty-one (The Result of the Falling US Dollar)

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Like a ticking time bomb, the falling dollar has grabbed the attention of Japan and West
Germany, forcing them to consider adopting economic polices the United States advocates. The
U.S. government wants the dollar to fall because as the dollar declines in value against the yen and
Deutsche mark, U.S. good becomes cheaper. U.S. companies then sell more at home and abroad,
and U.S. trade deficit declines. Cries for trade protection abate, and the global free-trade system is
Then, the cheaper dollar makes it cheaper for many foreign investors to snap up U.S. stocks.
That prompts heavy buying from abroad—especially from Japan. Also, if the trade picture is
improving, that means U.S. companies eventually will be more competitive. Consequently, many
investors are buying shares of export-oriented U.S. companies in anticipation of better profits in
the next year or so. But that is a rather faddish notion right now; if corporate earnings are
disappointing in interest rates, the stock market rally could stall.
Improving U.S. competitiveness means a decline in another’s competitiveness.
Japan and West Germany are verging on recession. Their export-oriented economies are facing
major problems. Japan is worried about the damage the strong yen will do to Japanese trade. West
Germany is also worried. Share prices in Frankfurt plummeted this past week. Bonn is thought to
be considering a cut in interest rates to boost its economy.
Could the falling dollar get out of hand? If the dollar falls too far, investors might lose
confidence in U.S. investments—especially the government bond market. The money to finance
the federal budget and trade deficits could migrate elsewhere. Inflation could flare up, too, since
Japanese and German manufacturers will eventually pass along price hikes—and U.S. companies
might follow suit to increase their profit margins. The U.S. federal Reserve then might need to
step in and stabilize the dollar by raising interest rates. And higher interest rates could cause the
U.S. economy to slow down and end the Wall Street Rally.
Worried about these side effects, Federal Reserve chairman Paul Volcher has said the dollar
has fallen far enough. What is the equilibrium level? Probably near where it is or slightly lower. It
all depends on when the U.S. trade deficit turns around or if investors defect from U.S. Treasury
Bonds. “It requires a good deal of political patience on the part of the U.S. Congress,” says Dr.
Cline, “And there must be an expectation of patience on the part of private investors. The chance
are relatively good that we will avoid an investor break or panic.”

1. What is the main idea of this passage?

[A]. The impression of the falling U.S. dollar.
[B]. The result of the U.S. falling dollar.
[C]. The side effect of U.S. falling dollar.
[D]. Japan and West Germany are worried about U.S. falling dollar.
2. What does the word “rally” mean.
[A]. prosperity. [B]. decline. [C]. richness. [D]. import.
3. Why are Japan and West Germany worried about the falling dollar?
[A]. Because the falling dollar may cause inflation in their countries.
[B]. Because it may force them to sell a lot of U.S, stocks.
[C]. Because it may do damage to their trade.
[D]. Because it may make Japanese company less competitive.
4. If dollar-falling got out of hand, and the U.S. Federal Reserve might step in , what would

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[A]. The prosperity of the U.S. economy would disappear.
[B]. The U.S. economy might face serious problems.
[C]. Investors might lose confidence in U.S. investments.
[D].Inflation could flare up.

1. ticking 滴答作響的
2. grab 抓住
3. abate 減弱
4. snap up 爭購,搶購
5. heavy buying 大量買進
6. export-oriented 以出口為方向的
7. in anticipation of 期待,預期
8. faddish 一時流行的
9. spree 無節制的瘋狂行為
10. buying spree 狂購亂買
11. plummet 垂直落下,驟然跌落,暴跌
12. stall 停滯
13. verge 處於……邊緣
14. verging on recession 正處於衰退的邊緣
15. boost 振興,吹捧
16. bond market 債券市場
17. flare up 突然閃耀,發火,爆發
18. hike 提高,增加
19. follow suit 照著做,跟出同花色的牌
20. profit margin 利潤幅度
21. step in 介入
22. rally 繁榮
23. equilibrium 平衡,均勢
24. defect 逃跑,開小差
25. break or panic 崩潰或大恐慌

1. cries for trade protection 貿易保護的呼聲
2. the global free-trade system 全球自由貿易體系
3. that is a rather faddish notion right now 只是一時流行的概念
4. get out of hand 失控
5. What is the equilibrium level? Probably near where it is or slightly lower. 什麼是平衡水平?
6. trade deficit 貿易赤字,貿易逆差。


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就會停頓。“ 後面兩段是這兩段負效應的進一步論證。

1. B. 美元下跌的結果。全篇文章都講的美元下跌的後果。
A. 美元下跌的印象。 C. 美元下跌的副作用,均不對。 因為還講述了有利的一面。
D. 日本的、西德擔憂美元下跌,這只是其中的部分內容。
2. A. 繁榮。第五段“美元下跌是否會失控:如果美元下跌過多,投資者可能會失去對美
B. 衰退。 C. 富有。 D. 出口,都不是 rally 之含義。
3. C. 因為下跌對他們貿易有損害。第三段“改善美國競爭力意味著其他國家的競爭力下
A. 美元下跌會使他們國家通貨膨脹。沒有正式提到, 內涵只是貿易帶來的其他具體問題。
B. 它可能迫使他們賣掉許多美國股票。 D. 這可能使日本競爭力下降。問題是提出
4. A. 美國經濟繁榮消失,見第 2 題答案 A 的注釋。
B. 美國經濟可能面臨嚴重問題。太籠統。 C. 投資者可能對在美國投資失去信心。這
不是美國聯邦儲備委員會介入後發生之事。 D. 通貨膨脹全面爆發。這也是介入之後果。

Passage Twenty-two (Pantomime)

Pantomimes like pageants, need to be very well planned, and it is essential that initial
organization should begin many weeks in advance of the production date. Pantomimes are nearly
always divided into separate scenes, very often taking place in different countries or even in
different centuries. It is therefore necessary that there should be an overall unity of design
culminating in the grand finale. This latter is really just an excuse for visual effects, and for once
the performers become merely cloths hangers on which to put elaborate garments.
The scene should be discussed at some length with the producer so that the background,
which is decided upon, does not present impossibilities for the provision of costumes within the
budget or insuperable making problems for the wardrobe. Because of the large numbers of
costumes needed full use must be made of the cheapest materials available, such as tarlatan (thin,
stiff, open-weave muslin) nets and inexpensive cottons and taffetas. Very often it is possible to

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pick up goods that have been substantially reduced in price as cheap lines either in the big stores
or on stalls in street markets.
Costumes for pantomimes need to be imaginative, gay and fairly bold in conception—this
does not mean that they need to be garish. Usually in one scene there needs to be the flavor of
what is newest at the moment in clothes. It is always a good idea to make use of a modern
gimmick and to point it in some way if this can be conveniently fitted into the scheme. The
audience comes to pantomime to have the eye feasted as much as for any other purpose, thus
making a great chance for the designer to excel. Because of the very varied audience to be catered
for there must be costumes to please patrons of all ages and delight the eyes of toddlers, teenagers,
parents and grandparents.
Usually there is the chance for some country scene involving merry-making peasants in
ginghams, stripes of chintzes. There may be a military or naval routine or some number
emphasizing precision and calling for trim slick costumes. There is certain to be a ballet which is
to look fairy-like or romantic and pretty and which may well need either classical or romantic
tutus. The finale, which must be the most spectacular of all, is often set in a ballroom or palace
where all the characters come together to make their final bows; and it is for this scene that the
glitter of sequins and jewels, the sparkle of tinsel, the gold and silver materials and the waving
plumes should be saved.
It may be helpful to examine the different characters and the various scenes in which they
are likely to appear. They remain much the same in all pantomimes; the flavor varying according
to the setting—so that a s\dash of the Orient, or the particular feeling of a historical epoch is added
to the standard costume.

1. Which word can best describe the final scene in pantomime?

[A]. Spectacular. [B]. Beautiful. [C]. Romantic. [D]. Sparkling.
2. What is the best title for this passage?
[A]. How to Gain Success of a Pantomime.
[B]. The Most Important Factors in a Pantomime.
[C]. Pantomime needs to have a very-well.
[D]. How to Make Preparation for a Pantomime.
3. What does paragraph two imply?
[A]. It implies actor and actress outnumber costume.
[B]. It implies costume costs too much.
[C]. It implies the funds available is on meager side.
[D]. It implies a good plan is necessary for a pantomime.
4. The success of a pantomime lie in
[A]. well-planned preparation. [B]. excellent actors.
[C]. brilliant costume. [D]. harmony.

1. culminate 達到頂點,達到最高潮
2. insuperable 不可逾越的,不可克服的
3. tarlatan 薄紗,塔拉丹
4. taffeta 花花綠綠的塔夫綢,襯綢

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5. gimmick (魔術師道具等)暗機關,
6. garish 裝飾(物) 鮮豔奪目的,俗不可耐的
7. gingham 方格花布
8. stripe 條紋布,斜紋布
9. chintz 擦光印花棉布
10. slick 光滑的,打扮漂亮的,華而不實的,討人喜歡的
11. tutu (芭蕾舞女演員)短裙
12. sequin 裝飾服裝用的圓形小金屬片
13. tinsel 金銀絲織品,閃亮裝飾品

1. This latter is really just an excuse for visual effects, and for once the performers become
merely cloths hangers on which to put elaborate garments.
[結構簡析] for once= for just once 就這一次
[參考譯文] 後者確實就是為了視覺效果,就這一次,演員成了僅僅是套上精緻衣服的
2. Usually in one scene there needs to be the flavor of what is newest at the moment in clothes.
It is always a good idea to make use of a modern gimmick and to point it in some way if this
can be conveniently fitted into the scheme.
[結構簡析] 兩句句子。To make use of 利用,to point 強調。
[參考譯文] 一般說來,在一幕裏,需要有當時服裝上最新款式和風格。如果便於和演出
3. The audience comes to pantomime to have the eye feasted as much as for any other purpose,
thus making a great chance for the designer to excel。
[結構簡析] 注意後面 thus making…的譯法。
[參考譯文] 觀眾來看默劇,不僅為了大飽眼福,還有其他目的。這就給了設計者展示才

1. A. 最後一幕非常壯觀。文章內兩處提到,第一段第二句“默劇幾乎總是分成獨立的幾
B. 美麗的。 C. 浪漫的。 D. 燦爛的,都只是壯觀中之一部分。
2. D. 如何為默劇做好準備工作。文章一開始“默劇,像露天演出劇一樣,需要很好策劃 ,
A. 如何獲取默劇的成功,文中提得很少但準備的目的是獲得成功。 B. 默劇的最重要
的因素。 C. 默劇需要一個很好的設計,都是準備工作中提及的部分內容。
3. C. 隱射能得到的資金很少。第二段“劇幕場景應和舞臺監督進行詳細的討論。這樣決定

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以 C 正確。
A. 演員認輸超過了服裝數。 B. 服裝太貴,文中都沒有提到。也不是第二段的內涵。
D. 默劇需要一個好計畫。一開始就點明,不用隱射。
4. A. 充分計畫好的準備工作。如果沒有計劃,其他三點都談不上。因為
B. 優秀演員。 C. 華麗的戲裝。 D. 和諧,都四計畫內考慮的因素。

Passage Twenty-three (Women and Fashions)

Whenever you see an old film, even one made as little as ten years ago, you cannot help
being struck by the appearance of the women taking part. Their hair-styles and make-up look
dated; their skirts look either too long or too short; their general appearance is, in fact, slightly
ludicrous. The men taking part in the film, on the other hand, are clearly recognizable. There is
nothing about their appearance to suggest that they belong to an entirely different age.
This illusion is created by changing fashions. Over the year, the great majority of men have
successfully resisted all attempts to make them change their style of dress. The same cannot be
said for women. Each year a few so- called top designers in Paris or London lay down the law and
women the whole world over rush to obey. The decrees of the designers are unpredictable and
dictatorial. This year, they decide in their arbitrary fashion, skirts will be short and waists will be
high; zips are in and buttons are out. Next year the law is reversed and far from taking exception,
no one is even mildly surprised.
If women are mercilessly exploited year after year, they have only themselves to blame.
Because they shudder at the thought of being seen in public in clothes that are out of fashion, they
are annually black-mailed by the designers and the big stores. Clothes, which have been worn,
only a few times have to be discarded because of the dictates of fashion. When you come to think
of it, only a women is capable of standing in front of a wardrobe packed full of clothes and
announcing sadly that she has nothing to wear.
Changing fashions are nothing more than the deliberate creation of waste. Many women
squander vast sums of money each year to replace clothes that have hardly been worn. Women,
who cannot afford to discard clothing in this way, waste hours of their time altering the dresses
they have. Hem-limes are taken up or let down; waist-lines are taken in or let out; neck-lines are
lowered or raised, and so on.
No one can claim that the fashion industry contributes anything really important to society.
Fashion designers are rarely concerned with vital things like warmth, comfort and durability. They
are only interested in outward appearance and they take advantage of the fact that women will put
up with any amount of discomfort, providing they look right. There can hardly be a man who
hasn’t at some time in his life smiled at the sight of a woman shivering in a flimsy dress on a
wintry day, or delicately picking her way through deep snow in dainty shoes.
When comparing men and women in the matter of fashion, the conclusions to be drawn are
obvious. Do the constantly changing fashions of women’s clothes, one wonders, reflect basic
qualities of fickleness and instability? Men are too sensible to let themselves be bullied by fashion
designers. Do their unchanging styles of dress reflect basic qualities of stability and reliability?
That is for you to decide.

英語 100 篇精讀匯粹(中級篇)【Type By Simon Lau(8029)】

1. The main idea of this passage is

[A]. New fashions in clothes reflect the qualities of women.
[B]. New fashions in clothing are created solely for commercial exploitation of women.
[C]. The top designers seem to have the right to creating new fashion.
[D]. Men have the basic quality of reliability.
2. Why do the general appearance of actresses look ludicrous?
[A]. Because they want their appearance in the fashion.
[B]. Because the top designers want them to follow the fashion.
[C]. Because the top designers want them to make fashion.
[D]. Because the top designers want them to lead the fashion.
3. Why are women mercilessly exploited by the fashion designers?
[A]. They love new fashion. [B]. They love new clothes.
[C]. They want to look beautiful. [D]. They are too vain.
4. What are fashion designers interested in?
[A]. Outward appearance. [B]. Comfort.
[C]. Beauty. [D]. Durability.

1. dated 過時的
2. decree 法令,命令
3. dictatorial 專制的,惟我獨尊的
4. arbitrary 任意的,專橫的
5. take exception (at) 生氣,發怒
6. take exception to (against) 對……提出異議
7. dictates (pl) 意旨,命令,指令
8. squander 浪費
9. hem 褶邊,折縫,鑲邊
10. flimsy 薄的,沒有價值的
11. dainty 雅致的,講究的
12. fickle 易變的,輕浮的
13. bully 欺負
14. lay down the law (制定法律)這裏指服裝設計師發號施令或定出條條框框

1. lay down the law 制定法律。這裏指:發號施令或定出條條框框。
2. Next year the law is reversed and far from taking exception, no one is even mildly surprised.
[參考譯文] 第二年,條例又反過來,人們遠沒有生氣,甚至連稍稍的驚訝都沒有。



英語 100 篇精讀匯粹(中級篇)【Type By Simon Lau(8029)】

1. B. 創制新時裝就是對婦女的商業性剝削。答案遍及全文。也有幾段突出描述。如:第二段
A. 時裝反映婦女的秉性。這是在最後一段結論中提及,不是中心思想。 D. 男人具有可
靠性的基本素質。不對。 C. 高級設計師似乎有權創造新款式。這是作者在批評設計者。
2. D. 因為高級設計師請她們領導時裝潮流。只是常識,設計師新穎服裝的推出,首先是
A. 他們要打扮入時,這只是演員的一方面。 B. 隨大流。 C. 作作樣子。都是不對的。
3. D. 他們太好虛榮。這在文章的好幾段內都提到。如第一題中的第二段,三段,四段的參

A. 她們愛新時尚; B. 她們愛新衣服; C. 她們想瞧著美。這三項只是虛榮的部分組成。
4. A. 外觀。答案在第五段“沒有人認為時裝工業為社會作過真正的貢獻。時裝設計師很少
B. 舒適。 C. 美,時裝不一定美。 D. 耐穿。

Passage Twenty-four (A Smuggling Syndicate)

The smuggler in many ways is just another international businessman and his turnover would do
credit to many international corporations. His business happens to be illegal and risky, but look at
the stakes involved: $5 billion worth of heroin smuggled into the United States each year, and $1.5
billion in gold passing annually along smuggling pipelines to India and Indonesia, to France and
Morocco, to Brazil and Turkey. Perhaps half of all the watches made in Switzerland reach their
eventual wearers by some back door. Most of this illicit trade is carried on with all the efficiency
of any multinational company. Entirely legitimate businesses, such as a travel bureau or an import-
export agency, are also often fronts for smuggling organizations. One of the world’s largest gold
smugglers also owned and operated the franchise for a leading make of British cars in a small
Middle Eastern country. He made a good profit from both activities.
A smuggling syndicate operates much like any other business. The boss is really a chief
executive. He makes all the plans, establishes international contacts, and thinks up the smuggling
routes and method but remains aloof from actual operations. He is aided by a handful of managers
looking after such specialties as financing, travel (one reason why many smuggling syndicates
find it handy to have their own travel agency), the bribing of airline or customs officials, and
recruitment of couriers, or mules as they are called. There may also be someone in charge of local
arrangements in the countries to which the smuggled goods is going.

英語 100 篇精讀匯粹(中級篇)【Type By Simon Lau(8029)】

Another similarity between legitimate business and its illegal counterpart is price fluctuation.
Just as the prices of products traded legally vary with quality and market conditions such as supply
and demand, so do the prices of goods go up and down in the smuggling trade. Consider the price
of drugs. Heroin and cannabis, in whatever form or by whatever name, cone in several grades,
each with a going price. The wholesale price at which big dealers sell to big dealers is less than the
street price. When the authorities are successful in reducing the supply buy seizures, the price of
all grades rises.

1. The main idea for this passage is

[A]. The Comparison between Legitimate Business and Its Illegal Counterpart.
[B]. The similarities between Legitimate Business and Smuggling.
[C]. Smugglers May Make Great Profit from Both Activities.
[D]. The Boss in Smuggling Syndicate is a Chief Executive.
2. When is the price going down?
[A]. The quality of the foods and market condition are not very well.
[B]. The quality of goods and market condition vary.
[C]. Unbalance between supply and demand.
[D]. The price of other goods fluctuates.
3. It can be inferred that a smuggler
[A]. may make plan and establish international contacts.
[B]. is a real boss.
[C]. may make money in different ways .
[D]. may sell other goods.
4. One of the best ways smugglers usually take is
[A]. to set up multinational companies.
[B]. to engage in illegal businesses only.
[C]. to make legitimate businesses as fronts for smuggling organizations.
[D]. to make good profits from both activities.

1. turnover 營業額
2. do credit to 增光於某人/某物
3. stake 下在投機生意上的股本,賭注
4. smuggling pipeline 走私線路
5. speciality 專業部門,公司
6. recruit 招募,添補(新兵)

1. The smuggler in many ways is just another international businessman and his turnover would
do credit to many international corporations.
[結構簡析] 並列句
[參考譯文] 走私者在許多方面就像一個國際商人,而他的營業額確為許多國際公司增

英語 100 篇精讀匯粹(中級篇)【Type By Simon Lau(8029)】


1. B. 合法商業和走私的相似性。是這篇文章的中心思想。它是通過對比方法說明這種相似
A. 合法商業和非法商業比較。不對。 C. 走私者可以從兩種活動中謀取利潤 和 D. 走
2. A. 貨物質量和市場情況不好。第三段第二句“正如合法商業按質論價和按市場供需價
B. 貨物質量和市場變化。這並不一定跌價,也可能上升。 C. 供需不平衡。並沒有說明
供大於求,和跌價無關。 D. 其他商品價波動。這不一定下跌。所以 B,C,D 都不對。
3. D. 可能會賣其他貨品。題目是推斷,(infer)。從第一段最後一句“世界上最大走私黃
A. 制定計劃,簽定合同。 B. 走私商是真正的老闆。 C. 以不同的方式賺錢,都
4. C. 以合法商業掩護他們走私是走私商經常採用,也是最佳的方法之一。
A. 多國公司。 B. 只從事非法商貿,這並不是最佳方法。 D. 從兩方面賺錢,並不是方

Passage Twenty-five (Exploration of the Titanic)

After resting on the ocean floor, split asunder and rusting, for nearly three-quarters of a century,
a great ship seemed to cone alive again. The saga of the White Star liner Titanic, which struck an
iceberg and sank on its maiden voyage in 1912, carrying more than 1,500 passengers to their
death, has been celebrated in print and on film, in poetry and song. But last week what had been
legendary suddenly became real. As they viewed videotapes and photographs of the sunken
leviathan, millions of people around the world could sense her mass, her eerie quiet and the ruined
splendor of a lost age.
Watching on television, they vicariously joined the undersea craft Alvin and Jason Jr. (J.J.) as
they toured the wreckage of the luxury liner, wandering across the decks past corroded bollards,
peering into the officer’s quarters and through rust-curtained portholes. Views of the railings
where doomed passengers and crewmembers stood evoked images of the moonless night 74years
ago when the great ship slipped beneath the waves.

英語 100 篇精讀匯粹(中級篇)【Type By Simon Lau(8029)】

The two-minute videotape and nine photographs, all in color and shot 12,500ft.under the
North Atlantic, were a tiny sample of 60 hours of video and 60,000 stills garnered during the
twelve-day exploration. They are released at a Washington press conference conducted by Marine
Geologist Robert Ballard, 44, who led the teams from the Wood Hole Oceanographic Institution
that found the Titanic last September and revisited it this July.
Recounting the highlights of what has already become the most celebrated feat of underwater
exploration, Ballard revealed some startling new information. His deep-diving craft failed to find
the 300-ft. gash that, according to legend, was torn in the Titanic’s hull when the ship plowed into
the iceberg. Instead, he suggested, the collision had buckled the ship’s plates, allowing water to
pour in. He also brought back evidence that the ship broke apart not when she hit bottom, as he
had thought when viewing the first Titanic images last September, but as she sank: the stern,
which settled on the bottom almost 1,800ft. from the bow, had swiveled 180 on its way down.

1. What is the best title for this passage?

[A]. New Information about the Sunken Ship.
[B]. Exploration of the Titanic.
[C]. To watch the Videotape.
[D]. To explore the Titanic with High Tech.
2. How did the viewers feel when watching the videotape?
[A]. They felt rather sad, and felt they themselves took part in the exploration.
[B]. They felt keenly for it.
[C]. They felt rather bad about it.
[D]. They felt out of spirits.
3. When did the great ship sink?
[A]. In 1912.
[B]. She sank in its maiden voyage in 1912.
[C]. She sank in its second voyage in 1912.
[D]. She sank in its first voyage in 1912.
4. What did Robert reveal at a press conference?
[A]. He revealed some startling information.
[B]. He said nothing.
[C]. He complained the exploration was very hard.
[D]. He revealed the success of their work.

1. split asunder 向不同方向裂開,散開
2. saga 英雄傳說,冒險故事
3. maiden voyage 處女航
4. celebrate 讚美,慶祝。這裏指大肆宣傳
5. leviathan 巨型遠洋輪
6. eerie 可怕的,怪異的
7. splendor 美妙的景象
8. vicariously 產生共鳴的,代理的
9. luxury liner 豪華巨輪

英語 100 篇精讀匯粹(中級篇)【Type By Simon Lau(8029)】

10. bollard 系攬柱

11. porthole 舷窗
12. railing 欄杆
13. evoke 喚起,引起,(招)魂
14. still 靜物攝影照片
15. garner 收集,積累
16. highlight 最精彩場面,最重要部分
17. feat 功績
18. gash 裂縫
19. hull 船體
20. plow into= plough into 撞上,幹勁十足的投入
21. buckle 使彎曲
22. stern 船尾
23. bow 船頭
24. swivel 旋轉

1. The saga of the White Star liner Titanic, which struck an iceberg and sank on its maiden
voyage in 1912, carrying more than 1,500 passengers to their death, has been celebrated in
print and on film, in poetry and song.
[結構簡析] 被動語態,中插定語從句 which struck 和分詞短語 carrying more than 都是修
飾 liner.
[參考譯文] 白星級定期輪班泰坦尼克號於 1912 年的首航中因撞上冰山而沉沒,船上一
2. Watching on television, they vicariously joined the undersea craft Alvin and Jason Jr. (J.J.) as
they toured the wreckage of the luxury liner, wandering across the decks past corroded
bollards, peering into the officer’s quarters and through rust-curtained portholes.
[結構簡析] 主從句,主句前有分詞短語 watching, 修飾主句中的 they (觀眾),而從句
中(as)they 是指 Alvin 和 Jason Jr. 後面的分詞短語都是說明從句中的 they。
[參考譯文] 觀眾們看著電視,就像親臨其境似的參與深水工作船阿爾文號和機器人探
3. Views of the railings where doomed passengers and crewmembers stood evoked images of the
moonless night 74years ago when the great ship slipped beneath the waves.
[結構簡析] 主從句,主句中定從 where 修飾 railings。
[參考譯文] 看到那些欄杆使人想起七十四年前就在這艘巨輪沉入汪洋的那個暗無星月
4. He also brought back evidence that the ship broke apart not when she hit bottom, as he had
thought when viewing the first Titanic images last September, but as she sank: the stern,
which settled on the bottom almost 1,800ft. from the bow, had swiveled 180 on its way down.
[結構簡析] 結構複雜。That clause 是 evidence 的同位語。That 從句中用了 not…but 句型。
Not 句中為主從句加狀從 as he had though …,but 句中為主從句,中插入定語從句
which settled 修飾 the stern。

英語 100 篇精讀匯粹(中級篇)【Type By Simon Lau(8029)】

[參考譯文] 他還帶回證據說明船不是撞在海底時斷裂的,而是在下沉時斷裂的。船尾下


1. D. 用高技術探測泰坦尼克號。第一段最後一句“當世界上千百萬人觀看這艘沉沒巨輪
在被大西洋 12500 英尺深處拍攝的,它們只是十二天探測期間拍攝的 60 小時錄影帶和
60000 靜物照中的一小部分。這些錄影帶和照片是 44 對的海洋地質學家羅伯特巴拉德領
A. 有關沉船的新消息。這只是羅伯特在記者招待會上宣佈的一條消息。作為標題不合適。
B. 探測泰坦尼克號,接近標題,但沒有 D 確切。 C. 看錄影帶。
2. A. 他們黯然神傷,有身臨其境在探測之感。見第 1 題中第一段最後一句注譯和難句譯注
B. 他們很同情這艘船; C. 他們感到不愉快。 D. 他們感到很消沉。這三段文內都沒有
3. B. 她於 1912 年首航中沉沒。見難句譯注 1。
A. 1913。 C. 1912。第二次航行。 D. 1913 年首航。這三項都不對。
4. A. 他宣佈一個驚人的消息。見最後一段第二句起:“他的探潛工作船沒找到泰坦尼克
認為與冰山相撞造成船體彎曲變形,使海水大量湧入船內”後面譯文見難句譯注 4。
B. 他沒有說什麼。 C. 他抱怨探測工作非常艱難。 D. 他宣佈探測成功。這三項文內

Passage Twenty-six (Sensory Evaluation of Food)

A Polish proverb claims that fish, to taste right, should three times—in water, in butter and in
wine. The early efforts of the basic scientists in the food industry were directed at improving the
preparation, preservation, and distribution of safe and nutritious food. Our memories of certain
foodstuffs eaten during the World War II suggest that, although these might have been safe and
nutritious, they certainly did not taste right nor were they particularly appetizing in appearance or
smell. This neglect of the sensory appeal of foods is happily becoming a thing of the past. Bow, in
the book “Principles of Sensory Evaluation of Food,” the authors hope that it will be useful to
food technologists in industry and also to others engaged in research into problem of sensory
evaluation of foods. An attempt has clearly been make to collect every possible piece of
information, which might be useful, more than one thousand five hundred references being
quoted. As a result, the book seems at first sight to be an exhaustive and critically useful review of

英語 100 篇精讀匯粹(中級篇)【Type By Simon Lau(8029)】

the literature. This it certainly is, but this is by no means is its only achievement, for there are
many suggestions for further lines of research, and the discursive passages are crisply provocative
of new ideas and new ways of looking at established findings.
Of particular interest is the weight given to the psychological aspects of perception, both
objectively and subjectively. The relation between stimuli and perception is well covered, and
includes a valuable discussion of the uses and disadvantages of the Weber fraction of differences.
It is interesting to find that in spite of many attempts to separate and define the modalities of taste,
nothing better has been achieved than the familiar classification into sweet, sour salty and bitter.
Nor is there as yet any clear-cut evidence of the physiological nature of the taste stimulus. With
regard to smell, systems of classification are of little value because of the extraordinary sensitivity
of the nose and because the response to the stimulus is so subjective. The authors suggest that a
classification based on the size, shape and electronic status of the molecule involved merits further
investigation, as does the theoretical proposition that weak physical binding of the stimulant
molecule to he receptor site is a necessary part of the mechanism of stimulation.
Apart from taste and smell, there are many other components of perception of the sensations
from food in the mouth. The basic modalities of pain, cold, warmth and touch, together with
vibration sense, discrimination and localization may all play a part, as, of course, does auditory
reception of bone-conducted vibratory stimuli from the teeth when eating crisp or crunchy foods.
In this connection the authors rightly point out that this type of stimulus requires much more
investigation, suggesting that a start might be made by using subjects afflicted with various forms
of deafness. It is well-known that extraneous noise may alter discrimination, and the attention of
the authors is directed to the work of Prof. H. J. Eysenck on the “stimulus hunger” of extroverts
and the “stimulus avoidance” of introverts.

1. The reviewer uses a Polish proverb at the beginning of the article in order to
[A]. introduce, in an interesting manner, the discussion of food.
[B]. show the connection between food and nationality of food.
[C]. indicate that there are various ways to prepare food.
[D]. impress upon the reader the food value of fish.
2. The reviewers appraisal of “Principles of Sensory Evaluation of Food” is one of
[A]. mixed feelings. [B]. indifference
[C]. high praise. [D]. faint praise.
3. The writer of the article does not express the view, either directly or by implication, that
[A]. sharply defined classifications of taste are needed.
[B]. more research should be done regarding the molecular constituency of food.
[C]. food values are objectively determined by an expert “smeller”.
[D]. temperature is an important factor in the value of food.
4. The authors of the book suggest the use of deaf subject because
[A]. deaf people are generally introversive.
[B]. the auditory sense is an important factor in food evaluation.
[C]. they are more fastidious in their choice of foods.
[D]. All types of subjects should be used.


英語 100 篇精讀匯粹(中級篇)【Type By Simon Lau(8029)】

1. preservation 保鮮,保存
2. sensory appeal 感官的魅力
3. be provocative of 脫穎而出
4. exhaustive 詳盡的,無遺漏的
5. discursive 推論的
6. be provocative of 引起……爭論/興趣等的
7. crisp 有力的,有勁的
8. perception 感覺,知覺,直覺
9. modality 方式
modality of taste (味)感覺到
10. discrimination 鑒別力
11. localization 地區性,定位
12. merit 值得……,有……價值
13. crunchy 嘎吱作響的
14. extraneous 外部的
15. extrovert 外向性格的人
16. introvert 內項性格的人

1. although these might have been safe and nutritious, they certainly did not taste right nor were
they particularly appetizing in appearance or smell.
[結構簡析] in appearance or smell 應譯成:色或香。
[參考譯文] 雖然這些飯菜可能是安全又有營養,但是肯定味不正,特別是在色,香上
2. This it certainly is, but this is by no means is its only achievement, for there are many
suggestions for further lines of research, and the discursive passages are crisply provocative of
new ideas and new ways of looking at established findings.
[結構簡析] 複合句。This 指前一句內容:書既詳細又是對有關食品學的文字做了十分有
用的評論……。 Be provocative of 引起……爭論或興趣。
[參考譯文] 確實如此,可是這並不是書的唯一成就,因為書內有許多關於進一步研究
3. The relation between stimuli and perception is well covered, and includes a valuable
discussion of the uses and disadvantages of the Weber fraction of differences.
Weber fraction 為 Ernest Heinrich Weber 所著,他生於 1795 年,死與 1878,是德國生理
[參考譯文] 書中詳細論及刺激和感覺的關係。還包括了一篇很有價值的討論文章:談論

多,對今後研究有新建議; 對已有成果有新關點。第二段,從客觀到主觀的論述味覺,嗅

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1. A. 以有趣的方式開始介紹食品討論。文章一開始,評者就用“波蘭有一諺語說,魚,要
B. 表明食品和國籍的關係。 C. 表明有各種準備食品的方法。 D. 加深讀者對魚的價
2. C. 評價高。評論者當然對此書評價極高,這是序言的必然途徑。貶的就是批評文章了。全
3. C. 食品價值由專家的嗅覺客觀決定。這和第二段後半段的內涵有聯繫。他說,味道可分
A. 需要明確無誤的味覺分類。酸,鹹,辣就是味覺的分類。 B. 有關食品分子構成進行
更多研究。文內也講到有關分子電子態應進一步研究。 D. 溫度是食品評價中的一個因
4. B. 聽覺在食品評價中是一個重要因素。這在第三段內提到。除了味覺和嗅覺外,口中食
痛苦折磨的 病人作起點研究。眾所周知,外部的雜訊會改變分辨力和注意力。“這說明
B. 聽覺在食品評價中起著重要作用。是對的。
A. 聾子一般是內項的。 C. 他們在選擇食品時很挑剔。 D. 各種物體都應當應用。都

Passage Twenty-seven (Analysis and Interpretation of the News)

The newspaper must provide for the reader the facts, unalloyed, unslanted, objectively selected
facts. But in these days of complex news it must provide more; it must supply interpretation, the
meaning of the facts. This is the most important assignment confronting American journalism—to
make clear to the reader the problems of the day, to make international news as understandable as
community news, to recognize that there is no longer any such thing (with the possible exception
of such scribbling as society and club news) as “local” news, because any event in the
international area has a local reaction in manpower draft, in economic strain, in terms, indeed, of
our very way of life.
There is in journalism a widespread view that when you embark on interpretation, you are
entering choppy and dangerous waters, the swirling tides of opinion. This is nonsense.
The opponents of interpretation insist that the writer and the editor shall confine himself to the
“facts”. This insistence raises two questions: What are the facts? And: Are the bare facts enough?

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As to the first query. Consider how a so-called “factual” story cones about. The reporter collects,
say, fifty facts; out of these fifty, his space allotment being necessarily restricted, he selects the
ten, which he considers most important. This is Judgment Number One. Then he or his editor
decides which of these ten facts shall constitute the lead of the piece (This is important decision
because many readers do not proceed beyond the first paragraph.) This is Judgment Number Two.
Then the night editor determines whether the article shall be presented on page one, where it has a
large impact, or on page twenty-four, where it has little. Judgment Number Three.
Thus, in the presentation of a so-called “factual” or “objective” story, at least three judgments
are involved. And they are judgments not at all unlike those involved in interpretation, in which
reporter and editor, calling upon their general background, and their “news neutralism,” arrive at a
conclusion as to the significance of the news.
The two areas of judgment, presentation of the news and its interpretation, are both objective
rather then subjective processes—as objective, that is, as any human being can be. (Note in
passing: even though complete objectivity can never be achieved, nevertheless the ideal must
always be the beacon on the murky news channels.) Of an editor is intent on slanting the news, he
can do it in other ways and more effectively than by interpretation. He can do it by the selection of
those facts that prop up his particular plea. Or he can do it by the pay he gives a story—promoting
it to page one or demoting it to page thirty.

1. The title that best expresses the ideas of this passage is

[A]. Interpreting the News. [B]. Choosing Facts.
[C]. Subjective versus Objective Processes. [D]. Everything Counts.
2. Why does the writer of an article select ten out of 50 available facts?
[A]. Space is limited. [B]. His editor is prejudiced.
[C]. The subject is not important. [D]. He is entering choppy and dangerous.
3. What is the least effective way of “slanting” news/
[A]. Interpretation. [B]. His editor is prejudiced.
[C]. Placement. [D]. Concentration.
4. Why should the lead sentence present the most important fact?
[A]. It will influence the reader to continue.
[B]. It will be the best way to write.
[C]. Some readers do not read beyond the first paragraph.
[D]. It will gratify the editor.

1. unalloyed 純粹的,沒有雜物的
2. unslanted 無偏見的,不歪曲的
3. scribble 胡寫,亂寫;粗製濫造的文章
4. manpower draft 人力徵用,券集
5. economic strain 經濟緊張,壓力
6. embark on 開始,從事
7. choppy 波浪滔滔的,變動頻繁,紊亂
8. query 疑問,質問
9. come about 發生

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10. allotment 分配
11. beacon 信標,燈塔,烽火
12. murky 陰暗的,(霧等)濃的
13. prop up 給……撐腰,支持
14. demote 使降級。相應詞 promote
15. news neutralism 無傾向性新聞,新聞中立主義
16. lead (新聞等)導語,提要

1. This is the most important assignment confronting American journalism—to make clear to the
reader the problems of the day, to make international news as understandable as community
news, to recognize that there is no longer any such thing (with the possible exception of such
scribbling as society and club news) as “local” news, because any event in the international
area has a local reaction in manpower draft, in economic strain, in terms, indeed, of our very
way of life.
[結構簡析] 主從句,句中連用三個不定式,是實際的主語,也就是 this 的內容。後跟賓
[參考譯文] 美國報界面臨最重要的兒女物是向讀者講清今日存在的問題,使國際新聞
2. There is in journalism a widespread view that when you embark on interpretation, you are
entering choppy and dangerous waters, the swirling tides of opinion.
[結構簡析] the swirling…是說明語。
[參考譯文] 報界有一種普遍存在的觀點:當你從事解釋新聞的工作(對新聞進行解釋
3. And they are judgments not at all unlike those involved in interpretation, in which reporter
and editor, calling upon their general background, and their “news neutralism,” arrive at a
conclusion as to the significance of the news.
[結構簡析] 句中有定語從句 in which 修飾 interpretation. 定從中 calling on 分詞短語作伴
隨狀態,修飾 reporter and editor。
[參考譯文] 這些判斷評價就像解釋新聞多涉及的判斷一樣。在這裏,記者和編輯要動用
4. The two areas of judgment, presentation of the news and its interpretation, are both objective
rather then subjective processes—as objective, that is, as any human being can be. (Note in
passing: even though complete objectivity can never be achieved, nevertheless the ideal must
always be the beacon on the murky news channels.)
[結構簡析] a note in passing 義;順便說一句,附帶的談一下。
[參考譯文] 這兩個判斷領域:提供新聞內容和解說新聞領域可不是主觀過程,而是客


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1. A. 解釋新聞。文章雖提及兩個領域(見難句譯注 4),但重點在解釋(見難句譯注 2)。
(見難句譯注 3 not at all unlike…及難句譯注 4 are both objective rather than…)
B. 選擇事實。這只是提供新聞中一個具體步驟。 C. 主觀對客觀過程。也是一個具體方
面(見難句譯注 4)。 D. 一切都要算在內。涉及面太廣,文內沒提及。
2. A. 版面空間有限。第四段三句:“舉例說,記者收集 50 條新聞事實。他從 50 條中選出
10 條他認為是最重要的新聞,因為他的版面空間分配必定有所限制。”
B. 他的編輯有偏見。不對。 C. 他的文章主題不重要。不對。 D. 他進到了波浪滔天的
危險水域(見難句譯注 2)。這是講新聞解釋。
3. A. 解說。最後一段最後三句:“如果編輯想要歪曲新聞,他可以採用其他辦法,遠比解
B. 選材。 C. 定位。 D. 集中。
4. C. 有些讀者不讀一段以下的問心,這是常識。有的讀者就讀大標題。
A. 它將影響讀者繼續讀下去。 B. 這是最佳的寫作方法。 D. 這會使編輯高興。

Passage Twenty-eight (Chemistry and Biology)

About a century ago, the Swedish physical scientist Arrhenius proposed a low of classical
chemistry that relates chemical reaction rate to temperature. According to his equation, chemical
reactions are increasingly unlikely to occur as temperature approaches absolute zero, and at
absolute zero, reactions stop. However, recent experiment evidence reveals that although the
Arrhenius equation is generally accurate in describing the kind of chemical reaction that occurs at
relatively high temperature, at temperatures closer to zero a quantum-mechanical effect known as
tunneling comes into play; this effect accounts for chemical reactions that are forbidden by the
principles of classical chemistry. Specifically, entire molecules can tunnel through the barriers of
repulsive forces from other molecules and chemically react even though these molecules do not
have sufficient energy, according to classical chemistry, to overcome the repulsive barrier.
The rate of any chemical reaction, regardless of the temperature at which it takes place,
usually depends on a very important characteristic known as its activation energy. Any molecule
can be imagined to reside at the bottom of a so-called potential well of energy. S chemical reaction
corresponds to the transition of a molecule from the bottom of one potential well to the bottom of
another. In classical chemistry, such a transition can be accomplished only by going over the
potential barrier between the well, the height of which remain constant and is called the activation
energy of the reaction. In tunneling, the reacting molecules tunnel from the bottom of one to the
bottom of another well without having to rise over the barrier between the two wells. Recently
researchers have developed the concept of tunneling temperature: the temperature below which
tunneling transitions greatly outnumber Arrhenius transitions, and classical mechanics gives way

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to its quantum counterpart.

This tunneling phenomenon at very low temperatures suggested my hypothesis about a cold
prehistory of life: formation of rather complex organic molecules in the deep cold of outer space,
where temperatures usually reach only a few degrees Kelvin. Cosmic rays might trigger the
synthesis of simple molecules, such as interstellar formaldehyde, in dark clouds of interstellar
dust. Afterward complex organic molecules would be formed, slowly but surely, by means of
tunneling. After I offered my hupothesis, Hoyle and Wickramashinghe argued that molecules of
interstellar formaldehyde have indeed evolved into stable polysaccharides such as cellulose and
starch. Their conclusions, although strongly disputed, have generated excitement among
investigators such as myself who are proposing that the galactic clouds are the places where the
prebiological evolution of compounds necessary to life occurred.

1. The author is mainly concerned with

[A]. describing how the principles of classical chemistry were developed.
[B]. initiating a debate about the kinds of chemical reaction required for the development of
[C]. explaining how current research in chemistry may be related to broader biological
[D]. clarifying inherent ambiguities in the laws of classical chemistry.
2. In which of the following ways are the mentioned chemical reactions and tunneling reactions
[A]. In both, reacting molecules have to rise over the barrier between the two wells.
[B]. In both types of reactions, a transition is made from the bottom of one potential well to
the bottom of another.
[C]. In both types of reactions, reacting molecules are able to go through the barrier between
the two wells.
[D]. In neither type of reaction does the rate of a chemical reaction depend on its activation
3. The author’s attitude toward the theory of a cold prehistory of life can best be described as
[A]. neutral. [B]. skeptical.
[C]. mildly positive. [D]. very supportive.
4. Which of the following best describes the hypothesis of Hoyle and Wickramasinghe?
[A]. Molecules of interstellar formaldehyde can evolve into complex organic molecules.
[B]. Interstellar formaldehyde can be synthesized by tunneling.
[C]. Cosmic rays can directly synthesize complex organic molecules.
[D]. The galactic clouds are the places where prebilogical evolution of compounds necessary
to life occurred.

1. Arrhenius equation 阿雷尼厄斯方程式
2. Arrhennius (Svante August) 1859——1927 瑞典理化學家。 1903 年獲諾貝爾化
3. quantum-mechanical effect 量子機械效應
4. quantum mechanic 量子力學

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5. tunnel 挖隧道。這裏指貫穿勢壘
6. tunnel through, onto 穿到……進到,貫穿
7. repulsive 排斥
8. activation energy 活化能量
9. formaldehyde 甲醛
10. polysaccharide 多糖醇,聚合酶
11. cellulose 纖維素
12. starch 澱粉
13. galactic 銀河的,巨大的
14. come into play 開始活動/起作用

1. However, recent experiment evidence reveals that although the Arrhenius equation is
generally accurate in describing the kind of chemical reaction that occurs at relatively high
temperature, at temperatures closer to zero a quantum-mechanical effect known as tunneling
comes into play; this effect accounts for chemical reactions that are forbidden by the
principles of classical chemistry.
2. Specifically, entire molecules can tunnel through the barriers of repulsive forces from other
molecules and chemically react even though these molecules do not have sufficient energy,
according to classical chemistry, to overcome the repulsive barrier.
3. Recently researchers have developed the concept of tunneling temperature: the temperature
below which tunneling transitions greatly outnumber Arrhenius transitions, and classical
mechanics gives way to its quantum counterpart.


1. C. 說明現在化學研究如何能和更廣泛的生物學領域有關。最後一段基本上都是談與生化
冷處,溫度一般只有 K 的幾度光景,有相當複雜的有機分子形成。宇宙射線可能激發諸
A. 描述經典化學定理如何發展。 B. 開展一場有關生命進化所需的那種化學反應的
辯論。 C. 搞清楚經典化學定理所固有的模糊點。
2. B. 兩類反應中,都有一個從一個勢阱底部到另一個勢阱底部的躍遷。見第二段第三句起

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A. 兩類反應中,反應中的分子都需跨越兩阱間的欄柵。 C. 兩類反應中,反應中的分
子都能穿過兩阱之間的位壘。 D. 兩類反應中,沒有一種化學反應的速率取決於能
量活化。 這三項都不對, 見上文。
3. C. 有點肯定。 見第 1 題答案注釋譯文。因為證實了作者之假設。
A. 中立。 B. 懷疑的。 D. 非常支持。
4. A. 星際甲醛分子可以進化到複雜的有機分子。見第 1 題 C 答案注釋譯文。
B. 星際甲醛分子可以通過貫穿勢壘方式加以綜合。 C. 宇宙射線可以直接綜合複雜的
有機分子。 D. 大塊雲團是生命所需複合物前生物進化發生的地方。這三項也可從第
1 題 C 答案注譯譯文看出其錯誤點。

Passage Twenty- nine (Men Are Carrying on a Sex-fight)

This is supposed to be an enlightened age, but you wouldn’t think of if you could heat what
the average man thinks of the average woman/ Women won their independence years ago. After a
long, bitter struggle, they now enjoy the same educational opportunities as men in most parts of
the world. They have proved repeatedly that they are equal and often superior to men in almost
every field. The hard-fought battle for recognition has been won, but it is by no means over. It is
men, not women who still carry on the sex war because their attitude remains basically hostile.
Even in the most progressive societies, women continue to be regarded as second-rate citizens. To
hear some men talk, you’d think that women belonged to a different species!
On the surface, the comments made by men about women’s abilities seem light-hearted. The
same tired jokes about women drivers are repeated day in, day out. This apparent light-heartedness
dose not conceal the real contempt that men feel for women. However much men sneer at women,
their claims to superiority are not borne out by statistics. Let’s consider the matter of driving, for
instance. We all know that women cause far fewer accidents than men. They are too conscientious
and responsible to drive like maniacs. But this is a minor quibble. Women have succeeded in any
job you care to name. As politicians, soldiers, doctors, factory-hands, university professors,
farmers, company directors, lawyers, bus-conductors, scientists and presidents of countries they
have often put men to shame. And we must remember that they frequently succeed brilliantly in
all these fields in addition to bearing and rearing children.
Yet men go on maintaining the fiction that there are many jobs women can’t don Top-level
political negotiation between countries, business and banking are almost entirely controlled by
men, who jealously guard their so-called ‘rights’. Even in otherwise enlightened places like
Switzerland women haven’t even been given the cote. This situation is preposterous! The
arguments that men put forward to exclude women from these fields are all too familiar. Women,
they say, are unreliable and irrational. They depend too little on cool reasoning and too much on
intuition and instinct to arrive at decisions. They are not even capable of thinking clearly. Yet
when women prove their abilities, men refuse to acknowledge them and give them their due. So
much for a man’s ability to think clearly!
The truth is that men cling to their supremacy because of their basic inferiority complex.
They shun real competition. They know in their hearts that women are superior and they are afraid
of being beaten at their own game. One of the most important tasks in the world is to achieve
peace between the nations. You can be sure that if women were allowed to sit round the
conference table, they would succeed brilliantly, as they always do, there men have failed for

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centuries. Some things are too important to be left to men!

1. What does the first sentence imply?

[A]. It is not really an enlightened age. [B]. It is different from an enlightened age.
[C]. It is the same as an enlightened age. [C]. It is like an enlightened age.
2. Why do men carry on the sex war against women?
[A]. Because of their inferiority. [B]. Because they shun real competition.
[C]. Because of their claim to supremacy. [D]. Because they still look down upon women.
3. The “fiction” is closest in meaning to
[A]. Novel. [B]. Man-made idea. [C]. False idea. [D]. Story.
4. What is the main argument men have raised against women?
[A]. Women are lack of cold reasoning. [B]. They depend on intuition too much.
[C]. They are unreliable and irrational. [C]. They are too still look down upon women.

1. conscientious 認真的,真心實意的
2. maniac 瘋狂的,瘋子
3. preposterous 反常的,荒謬的
4. quibble 狡辯,摸棱兩可

1. the inferiority complex 自卑情緒,指一種由自悲感引起的複雜心理狀態,對應詞是
the superiority complex 自高情緒
2. So much for a man’s ability to think clearly! 這是對男人想清楚能力的諷刺,譯文應根據
[參考譯文] 男人想清楚的能力可真大啊。
3. But this is a minor quibble.
[參考譯文] 這是一個小小的狡辯。
4. They have often put men to shame.
[參考譯文] 她們經常使男人無地自容。


1. A. 這確實不是一個啟蒙時代。(1)這是第一句話語氣和言詞傳遞出來的內容。“這個時
B. 不同於啟蒙時期。 C. 這時代跟啟蒙時代一樣。 D. 這時代象個啟蒙時期。這三項都

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2. C. 他們對至高無上權威的追求。答案在最後一段“事實是由於男人們基本的自卑情緒,
A. 因為他們自卑。 B. 因為他們躲避真正的競爭。 D. 因為他們仍然輕視婦女。
3. C. 錯誤觀點。Fiction 本意為“虛構”,此處上下文決定此義:“可是男人們繼續堅持這
A. 小說。 D. 故事。這是 fiction 兩種基本含義,這裏不對。 B. 人為思想。文中沒有這種
4. C. 他們不可信,不理智。答案見第三段“他們把婦女排除這些領域之外,所提出的論點
A. 他們缺少冷靜的推理。 B. 他們太依賴於直覺,這兩項只是本段中用以解釋“不可
信,不理智的。” D. 他們太認真。這是在第二段總提到的內容“我們都知道婦女引

Passage Thirty (Fingerprints)

The search for latent prints is done in a systematic and intelligent manner. Investigators develop
techniques to locate traces of fingerprints at a crime scene. The basic premise in searching for
latent prints is to examine more carefully those areas, which would most likely be touched by
persons who have been on the scene. The natural manner in which a person would use and place
his hands in making an entrance or exit from a building or in handling any object is the key to the
discovery of latent prints.
Where a forced entrance has been made, latent prints are likely to be found on any surface
adjacent to or at that point. Any object with a smooth, non-porous surface is likely to retain latent
prints if touched. Fingerprints on rough surfaces are usually of little value. If the fingermark does
not disclose ridge detail when viewed under a reading glass, the chances are that its value in
identification is nil when photographed. Where fingermarks are found, it will be necessary for the
investigator to compare them against the ones of persons having legitimate access to the premises
so that the traces might be eliminated as having evidentiary value if they prove to be from these
persons. Places to search for prints on an automobile are the rear view mirror, steering wheel hub,
steering column, windshield dashboard and the like.
Dusting of surface may be done with a fine brush or with an atomizer. The whit powders used
are basically finely powdered white lead, talc, or chalk. Another light powder is basically
Chemist’s gray. A good black powder is composed of lampblack, graphite, and powdered acacia.
Dragon’s blood is good powder for white surface and can be fixed on paper by heating. In
developing latent prints, the accepted method is to use the powder sparingly and brush lightly. Do
not use powder if the fingermark is visible under oblique lighting. It can be photographed. A good
policy for the novice is to experiment with his own prints on a surface similar to the one he wishes
to search in order to determine the powder best suited to the surface. Fingerprints after dusting
may be lifted by using fresh cellulose tape or commercially prepared material especially designed
to lift and transfer dusted latent fingerprints.
In addition to latent prints, the investigator must not overlook the possibility of two other types

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of fingerprint traces: molded impression and visible impression. Molded impressions are formed
by the pressure of the finger upon comparatively soft, pliable, or plastic surfaces producing an
actual mold of the fingerprint pattern. These can be recorded by photograph without treating the
surface, is usually most effective in revealing the impressions clearly. Visible impressions are
formed when the finger is covered with some substance which is transferred to the surface
contacted. Fingers smeared with blood, grease, dirt, paint, and the like will leave a visible
impression. If these impressions are clear and sharp, they are photographed under light without ant
treatment. Ordinarily, prints of this type are blurred or smeared and do not contain enough detail
for identification by comparison. However, they can not be overlooked or brushed aside without
first being examined carefully.

1. What is the best title for this passage?

[A]. Visible impressions. [B]. Moulded impressions.
[C]. Fingerprints. [D]. Latent fingerprints.
2. How many fingermarks are mentioned in this passage?
[A]. 2. [B]. 3. [C]. 4. [D]. 5.
3. Which type of fingerprints is most likely to retain?
[A]. Latent fingerprints. [B]. Visible impressions.
[C]. Moulded impressions. [D]. Clear fingerprints.
4. How many ways are there to develop fingerprints?
[A]. 2. [B]. 3. [C]. 4. [D]. 5.

1. latent print 潛在指紋
2. premise 前提
3. non-porous 無孔的,不滲透的
4. ridge 脊,隆起部
5. nil 無,零
6. premise 房屋及其附屬部件
7. rear view mirror 後視鏡
8. steering wheel hub 駕駛盤
9. steering column 轉向柱
10. windshield 擋風玻璃
11. dashboard 儀錶盤,擋泥板
12. atomizer 噴霧器
13. talc 滑石
14. lampblack 燈黑,燈煙
15. acacia 阿拉伯樹膠,金合歡膠
16. dragons blood 龍血樹脂,麒麟血
17. sparingly 少量的,節約的
18. novice 新手,初學者
19. cellulose tape 纖維帶,指紋膠帶
20. lift 提起,拿起。這裏指取下指紋。
21. molded impression 模性壓痕

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22. visible impression 可見壓痕

23. pliable 柔韌的,柔順的
24. smear 搽上,塗汙,弄得模糊不清

1. The basic premise in searching for latent prints is to examine more carefully those areas,
which would most likely be touched by persons who have been on the scene.
[結構簡析] 句子長是因為有兩個定語從句:which 和 who; which 修飾 areas; who 修飾
[參考譯文] 搜尋潛手印的基本前提是:要非常仔細的檢查那些最可能為曾到過現場的
2. If the fingermark does not disclose ridge detail when viewed under a reading glass, the
chances are that its value in identification is nil when photographed.
[結構簡析] 條件句,主從句中都有一個 when +過去分詞句型。第一個直接緊跟從句,第
[參考譯文] 假如指印在放大鏡下觀察時沒有顯露隆起部分的細節(不顯露指紋紋理) ,
3. Where fingermarks are found, it will be necessary for the investigator to compare them
against the ones of persons having legitimate access to the premises so that the traces might be
eliminated as having evidentiary value if they prove to be from these persons.
[結構簡析] 複合句,前面是主從句, where…it will be necessary, 從句 so that 中又有一
個條件句,if they …。
[參考譯文] 如果發現了指印,檢查人員就必須把發現的指印和有權進入房屋的人的指
4. A good black powder is composed of lampblack, graphite, and powdered acacia. Dragon’s
blood is good powder for white surface and can be fixed on paper by heating. In developing
latent prints, the accepted method is to use the powder sparingly and brush lightly. Do not use
powder if the fingermark is visible under oblique lighting. It can be photographed. A good
policy for the novice is to experiment with his own prints on a surface similar to the one he
wishes to search in order to determine the powder best suited to the surface.
[結構簡析] 句子長,因為表語中有形容詞短語 similar to , 而 to 的賓語又有一個省略
which 的定從 he wishes to search.. 此外副詞短語 in order to … 的賓語也有一個修飾的分
詞短語 best suited.
[參考譯文] 對新手來說,最好的辦法就是用自己在類似於他想要搜索的表面上的指印


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1. C. 指印,不管哪一種。
A. 可見壓痕。 B. 模性壓痕。 C. 潛指印,都屬於指印。所以最佳的標題應是指印。
2. B. 三種指印,即:潛指印,模性和可見壓痕。
3. A. 潛指印。因為潛指印隱秘,又是作案人無意中留下不易為人發現和破壞。其價值性從
B. 和 C. 見第四段“一定不要忽略其他兩種類型的指印痕:模性壓痕和可見壓痕的可能
細節證據。” D. 清楚指印,沒有這個專門名稱。
4. A. 兩種。第三段第四句起“在顯影指印時,公認的方法是用少許粉末,輕輕拂掃。如果

Passage Thirty-one (The Causes of European Separation in 16th Century)

For a thousand years and more, the people of Europe had fought about many things, but they had
been united in believing one thing: that there existed a single “Holy, Catholic and Apostolic
Church” of which the Bishop of Rome, under the title of the Pope, was the visible and
recognizable head in succession to St. Peter. But in 1517 a German monk, Martin Luther,
challenged certain Catholic teachings and renounced his obedience to the papacy. Others had
followed him, including Henry VIII.
Thus Europe was divided in every which way, the southern and eastern two-thirds still Catholic,
the northern and western one-third what was coming to be called Protestant, though English-ruled
Ireland solidly Catholic and the Spanish-ruled Netherlands, particularly the northern part
approximating to modern Holland, grew increasingly Protestant; while in virtually every country,
whether officially Catholic or Protestant, those of the contrary faith fiercely attempted to convert
their neighbors and equally fiercely resisted their neighbor’s attempts to convert them. For this
there was no simple, friendly solution to be reached on the principle of live-and-let-live. Each
party believed that it had hold of the truth, the only truth that mattered, the one that led to eternal
salvation, and its adversaries clung to falsehood which must necessarily head to eternal
damnation: not only for themselves but for all who should permit them to survive and infect others
with their errors. Toleration, even reasonable discussion, was impossible. God and the devil could
not mix. Just as Elizabeth was to ardent Catholics that Jezebel, so to earnest Protestants the Pope
was “that wolfish bloodsucker,” and their Catholic fellow-creatures mad dogs, toads and other
such vermin to be cleansed off the face of the earth.
These feelings, dangerous enough in themselves, were made more so by questions of
geography and money. The Catholic countries bordering on the Mediterranean were by far the
richest. From the beginning of the Middle Ages the Republic of Venice had controlled the trade
routes to the East, bringing the wares carried out of Persia, China and the Indies by camel to her
depots in Syria and reloading them in her high, gorgeously painted vessels for transshipment to

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Italy and beyond. Since the end of the fifteen century, first Portugal by sailing round Africa to
India, then Spain by the discovery of America, had likewise been in a position to bring for sale to
Europe all the rare and wonderful things for which Europe longed—silks and precious woods,
sugar and spices, gold and silver, works of exquisite art and strange animals from peacock to
tigers. In 1494, two years after Columbus’s first voyage to America, Pope Alexander VI had
divided the unexplored world beyond the seas between Spain and Portugal as reward for their
enterprise and to keep them from fighting. The other countries had respected this division so long
as they remained Catholic.

1. The best title for this passage is

[A]. The History of Europe in 16th Century.
[B]. The Religious History of Europe in 16th Century.
[C]. The Causes of European Separation in 16th Century.
2. What does we learn from the passage?
[A]. The Pope had the supreme power in religion before reform.
[B]. The Pope had the greatest power in every thing outside religion.
[C]. The Pope was the real king in Europe then.
[D]. The Pope was the real ruler in Europe then.
3. What did the sentence “The other countries had respected this division so long as they
remained Catholic” imply?
[A]. It implied this division could not be respected long.
[B]. It implied this division would not face a challenge.
[C]. It implied this division would be respected forever.
[D]. It implied the power of the Pope would never decline.
4. Which of the following is not mentioned as a cause to deepen the dangerous feelings?
[A]. Money. [B]. Geology. [C]. Religion. [D]. Geography.

1. Apostolic 羅馬教皇的,使徒的
2. in succession to 繼承,接班
3. Martin Luther 馬丁·路德 1483——1546 德國宗教改革家
4. teachings 教義
5. renounce 拋棄,擯棄,否認
6. papacy 羅馬教皇職位/制度,這裏指羅馬教皇
7. cling to 堅持
8. damnation 詛咒,永遠的處罰
9. bloodsucker 吸血鬼
10. depot 倉庫,補給站
11. gorgeous 華麗的,燦爛的,輝煌的
12. spice 香料
13. enterprise 事業,業績,功勳

1. Thus Europe was divided in every which way, the southern and eastern two-thirds still

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Catholic, the northern and western one-third what was coming to be called Protestant, though
English-ruled Ireland solidly Catholic and the Spanish-ruled Netherlands, particularly the
northern part approximating to modern Holland, grew increasingly Protestant; while in
virtually every country, whether officially Catholic or Protestant, those of the contrary faith
fiercely attempted to convert their neighbors and equally fiercely resisted their neighbor’s
attempts to convert them.
[結構簡析] every which way. 四面八方,散亂。這裏指四分五裂。EX : Railroads cross the
country in every which way. 鐵路四通八達,縱橫全國。
[參考譯文] 就這樣歐洲四分五裂:東南部 2/3 仍然是天主教,西北部 1/3 是後來被稱為
2. Each party believed that it had hold of the truth, the only truth that mattered, the one that led
to eternal salvation, and its adversaries clung to falsehood which must necessarily head to
eternal damnation: not only for themselves but for all who should permit them to survive and
infect others with their errors.
[結構簡析] believed 有兩個賓語從句,用 and 連接。第一個賓語從句 that it had hold of the
truth 中,the only… the one…都說明 truth,是它的同位語。And 後的賓語從句省略了連詞
that,句中有定語從句 which must 修飾 falsehood,後面的 who 定從修飾 all.
[參考譯文] 每一派都認為他掌握了真理,唯一的至關重要的這裏,通向永恆獲救解脫 ,
3. Just as Elizabeth was to ardent Catholics that Jezebel, so to earnest Protestants the Pope was
“that wolfish bloodsucker,” and their Catholic fellow-creatures mad dogs, toads and other
such vermin to be cleansed off the face of the earth.
[結構簡析] 注意 just as…so …句型,so 後是部分倒裝。To cleanse off 消減,清除出。
Jezebel 耶西別古代以色列國王亞哈的妻子,殘忍淫蕩。後指無恥放蕩的女人,胭脂虎。
[參考譯文] 就像伊莉莎白女王對狂熱的天主教徒來講那是個耶西別;對基督教徒來說

這是一篇論述“宗教改革後的歐洲形勢”的文章。(16 世紀歐洲的情況)。作者從三方面

1. D. 16 世紀歐洲分裂的因素。上面文章大意中作者是從三方面論及其分裂。見難句譯注 1
A. 歐洲史。 B. 歐洲宗教史。這兩項涉及面更廣。 C. 宗教改革對 16 世紀歐洲的影響。

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2. C. 在改革前,羅馬教皇是歐洲真正的帝王。這在第一段中有明確的敍述“一千多年來,
公認領袖。可是,1517 年德國僧侶,馬丁·路德向某些天主教教義提出挑釁,拒絕服從
A. 在改革前,羅馬教皇在宗教上具有至高無上的權利。似乎很有道理。實際上,教皇雖
第三題談。 B. 教皇在宗教之外的許多事情有著最高的權利。是明顯不對的。 D. 教皇
是那時歐洲的真正統治者。Then 一詞可以指改革前後。
3. A. 這種分割不可能長期得到尊重。最後一段的最後兩句話“1494 年,哥倫布首次遠航
天主教,他們就會尊重這個瓜分。”as long as 是一個條件。一旦這個條件不存在,那就
不會再尊重。另一方面也說明教皇不僅管宗教,見第 2 題 A 注釋,因此並不正確。
B. 不會面臨挑戰。 C. 永遠得到尊重。 D. 教皇權力永不衰退。
4. B. 地質學。其他三項:
A. 錢。 C. 宗教。 D. 地理位置。都提到。

Passage Thirty-two (The Young Generation)

Old people are always saying that the young are not what they were. The same comment is made
from generation to generation and it is always true. It has never been truer than it is today. The
young are better educated. They have a lot more money to spend and enjoy more freedom. They
grow up more quickly and are not so dependent on their parents. They think more for themselves
and do not blindly accept the ideals of their elders. Events which the older generation remembers
vividly are nothing more than past history. This is as it should be. Every new generation is
different from the one that preceded it. Today the difference is very marked indeed.
The old always assume that they know best for the simple reason that they have been around a
bit longer. They don’t like to feel that their values are being questioned or threatened. And this is
precisely what the young are doing. They are question the assumptions of their elders and
disturbing their complacency. Office hours, for instance, are nothing more than enforced slavery.
Wouldn’t people work best if they were given complete freedom and responsibility? And what
about clothing? Who said that all the men in the world should wear drab grey suits and convict
haircuts? If we ruin our minds to more serious matters, who said that human differences can best
be solved through conventional politics or by violent means, who said that human difference can
best be solved through conventional politics or by violent means? Why have the older generation
so often used violence to solve their problems? Why are they so unhappy and guilt-ridden in their
personal lives, so obsessed with mean ambitions and the desire to amass more and more material
possessions? Can anything be right with the rat-race? Haven’t the old lost touch with all that is
important in life?
These are not questions the older generation can shrug off lightly. Their record over the past
forty years or so hasn’t been exactly spotless. Traditionally, the young have turned to their elders
for guidance. Today, the situation might be reversed. The old—if they are prepared to admit it—
could learn a thing or two from their children. One of the biggest lessons they could learn is that

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enjoyment is not ‘sinful’. Enjoyment is a principle one could apply to all aspects of life. It is
surely not wrong to enjoy your work and enjoy your leisure; to shed restricting inhibitions. It is
surely not wrong to live in the present rather than in the past or future. This emphasis on the
present is only to be expected because the young have grown up under the shadow of the bomb:
the constant threat of complete annihilation. This is their glorious heritage. Can we be surprised
that they should so often question the sanity of the generation that bequeathed it?

1. Which of the following features in the young is NOT mentioned?

[A]. Better educated. [B]. More money and freedom.
[C]. Independence. [D]. Hard work.
2. What so the young reject most?
[A]. Values. [B]. The assumption of the elders.
[C]. Conformity. [C]. Conventional ideas.
3. Why do the young stress on the present?
[A]. They have grown up under the shadow of the bomb.
[B]. They dislike the past.
[C]. They think the present world is the best.
[D]. They are afraid of destruction.
4. What can the old learn from the young generation?
[A]. Enjoyment is not sinful. [B]. People should have more leisure time.
[C]. Men might enjoy life. [D]. One should enjoy one’s work.

1. reminder 使共回想起某事的東西,提示者
2. complacency 自鳴得意,自滿情結
3. take leave 擅自,任意,隨意
I took leave to consider this matter settled. 請原諒我認為這事已經解決了。
4. conformity 與……一致,遵從
5. guilt 有罪,內疚
6. ridden (ride 的過去分詞)受……支配的,受……壓迫
7. guilt-ridden 負罪感
8. amass 積累,積聚
9. a rat-race 激烈的競爭
10. shrug off 對……聳肩表示不屑一理,輕視,擺脫
11. spotless 無污點的,純潔的
12. shed 擺脫,拋棄
13. annihilate 殲滅
14. bequeath 贈送,把……傳給後代
15. sanity 頭腦清醒健全

1. convict haircut. Convict 義:罪犯。罪犯和短髮兩字合在一起為“囚犯理的髮式”。但在
後面只能譯成“剪成像罪犯似的短髮呢”。本義有 haircut 義:修理整齊的短髮。整齊劃

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一表示紳士派的工作人中作風正派,認真負責,一絲不苟的精神。作者用了 convict 罪


1. D. 艱苦工作。這在第一段中第四句“青年一代受了更好教育,有大量的錢話,有更多
A. 受更好的教育。 B. 更多的錢和自由。 C. 獨立性。這三項均提及到。
2. C. 順從。第二段集中講到這一點。“因為老人們經常認為自己懂得多,理由就是他們經
A. 價值。 B. 長者的設想。 D. 傳統習俗觀念。都是具體的某一點。
3. A. 他們在炸彈的陰影下成長。第三段倒數第四句起“由於年輕人是在炸彈戰爭的陰影
B. 他們不喜歡過去。 C. 他們認為現世界是最好的。 D. 他們害怕破壞。
4. A. 享受不是犯罪。這在第三段中間“老年人——如果他們準備承認的話——可以從他
B. 人們應有更多的閒暇。 C. 人可以享受生活。 D. 一個人應當享受工作。

Passage Thirty-three (Importance of a Computer)

As citizens of advanced but vulnerable economies, we must either relentlessly increase the
quality of our skills or see our standard of living erode. For the future, competition between
nations will be increasingly based on technological skill. Oil and natural resources will still be
important, but they no longer will determine a nation’s economic strength. This will now be a
matter of the way people organize them selves and the nature and quality of their work. Japan and
the “new Japans “of East Asia are demonstrating this point in ways that are becoming painfully

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obvious to the older industrial countries.

There is simply no way to rest on our past achievements. Today’s competition renders obsolete
huge chunks of what we know and what forces us to innovate. For each individual. Several careers
will be customary, and continuing education and retraining will be inescapable. To attain this
extraordinary level of education, government, business, schools, and even individuals will turn to
technology for the answer.
In industry, processing the information and designing the changes necessary to keep up with the
market has meant the growing use of computers. The schools are now following close behind.
Already some colleges in the United States are requiting a computer for each student. It is
estimated that 500,000 computers are already in use in American high schools and elementary
schools. Although there is an abysmal lack of educational software, the number of computers in
schools expands rapidly.
The computer is the Proteus of machines, as it takes on a thousand forms and serves a thousand
functions. But its truly revolutionary character can be seen in its interactive potential. With
advanced computers, learning can be individualized and self-paced. Teachers can become more
productive and the entire learning environment enriched.
It is striking how much current teaching is a product of pencil and paper technology. With the
computer’s capacity for simulation and diverse kinds of feedback, all sorts of new possibilities
open up for the redesign of curriculums. Seymour Papert, the inventor of the computer language
LOGO, believes that concepts in physics and advanced mathematics can be taught in the early
grades with the use of computers. On every-day level, word-processing significantly improves the
capacity for written expression. In terms of drill and practice, self-paced computer-assisted
instruction enables the student to advance rapidly—without being limited by the conflicting needs
of the entire class. In short, once we learn to use this new brain outside the brain, education will
never be the same.
Industry, faced with the pressures of a rapidly shifting market, is already designing new
methods to retrain its workers, In the United States, a technological university has been set up to
teach engineering courses by satellite. And the advances in telecommunications and computational
power will dramatically expand the opportunities for national and international efforts in
education and training.
Without romanticizing the machine, it is clear that computers uniquely change the potential
for equipping today’s citizens for unprecedented tasks of the future. Particularly in Europe and the
United States, innovation will be the basis for continued prosperity. New competitors are emerging
to challenge the old economic arrangements. How successfully we respond will depend on how
much we invest in people and how wisely we employ the learning tools of the new technology.

1. What is the decisive factor in future competition between nations?

[A]. Oil. [B]. Technological skill.
[C]. Natural resources [D] Education
2. The main idea of this passage is
[A]. Knowledge of a Computer. [B]. Importance of a Computer.
[C]. Function of Knowledge. [C]. Function of Technology.
3. Why does further study become indispensable?
[A]. People want to so more jobs.

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[B]. People want to attain this extraordinary level of education.

[C]. People would not rest on the past achievements.
[D]. What we know becomes obsolete.
4. The word “Proteus” is closest in meaning to
[A]. flexibility. [B]. diversity. [C]. variety. [D]. multiplicity.

1. relentlessly 始終不懈的
2. obsolete 過時的,大量的,絕大部分的
3. chunk 大塊,大量的,絕大部分
4. abysmal 無底的,極端的
5. Proteus 希臘神話中海神,能隨意變化。這裏指 flexible, 靈活多變
6. take on 顯現,顯示
7. LOGO=logotyre 標識語,作為標誌的語言
8. rapidly shifting 瞬息萬變的
9. romanticizing 使浪漫化,使幻想化

1. With the computer’s capacity for simulation and diverse kinds of feedback, all sorts of new
possibilities open up for the redesign of curriculums.
[參考譯文] 由於電腦能進行類比和提供各種反饋,它就為從新設計學校的課程開闢了
2. In terms of drill and practice, self-paced computer-assisted instruction enables the student to
advance rapidly—without being limited by the conflicting needs of the entire class.
[結構簡析] 句子結構為主謂賓補,前後各用一個介詞(短語),前 in term of , 後
[參考譯文] 就練習和實踐來講,借助自行規定速度的電腦輔助的指令使學生突飛猛進
3. Without romanticizing the machine, it is clear that computers uniquely change the potential
for equipping today’s citizens for unprecedented tasks of the future.
[結構簡析] 邏輯主語句。句前有一狀語成分,without +分詞+名詞的句型。
[參考譯文] 不必用浪漫主義的手法來形容電腦,我們可清楚看到,它是獨一無二的改


1. B. 工藝技術。這在第一段就講到“在未來,國與國之間的競爭越來越以工藝技術為基礎。

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A. 石油。 C. 自然資源,這兩項不是決定性因素。 D. 教育。文內教育作為改革的
是直接參與競爭。可參看第 2 題的答案及譯注。
2. B. 電腦的重要性。整篇文章都顯示了這一點。第三段“工業上,資訊處理和制定必要的
A. 電腦知識。 C. 知識的功能。 D. 技術功能,這三項只是電腦重要性中涉及到
3. D. 因為我們知道的一切變得陳舊。第二段頭幾句話“我們決不能吃老本,當今的競爭
A. 人們要做更多工作。文內沒有提到。 B. 人們要到達非同一般的教育水平。這是目
的,不是原因。 C. 人們不能吃老本。這話並沒有完全講清楚全部原因。
4. A. 靈活多變。 Proteus 一詞,原義是指希臘神話中變幻無常的海神,普羅狄斯,他可以

Passage Thirty-four

(The Relationship between Brain Process with Mental Experience)

By 1950, the results of attempts to relate brain processes to mental experience appeared rather
discouraging. Such variations in size, shape, chemistry, conduction speed, excitation threshold,
and the like as had been demonstrated in nerve cells remained negligible in significance for any
possible correlation with the manifold dimensions of mental experience.
Near the turn of the century, it had been suggested by Hering that different modes of sensation,
such as pain, taste and color, might be correlated with the discharge of specific kinds of nervous
energy, However, subsequently developed methods of recording and analyzing nerve potentials
failed to reveal any such qualitative diversity. It was possible to demonstrate by other methods
refined structural differences among neuron types; however, proof was lacking that the quality of
the impulse or its conduction was influenced by these differences, which seemed instead to
influence the developmental patterning of the neural circuits. Although qualitative variance among
nerve rigidly disproved, the doctrine was generally abandoned in favor of the opposing view,
namely, that nerve impulses are essentially homogeneous in quality and are transmitted as
“common currency” throughout the nervous system. According to this theory, it is not the quality
of the sensory nerve impulses that determines the diverse conscious sensations they produce, but,
rather, the different areas of the brain into which they discharge, and there is some evidence for
this view. In one experiment, when an electric stimulus was applied to a given sensory field of the
cerebral cortex of a conscious human subject, it produced a sensation of the appropriate modality

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for that particular locus, that is, a visual sensation from the visual cortex, an auditory sensation
from the auditory cortex, and so on. Other experiments revealed slight variations in the size,
number, arrangement, and interconnection of the nerve cells, but as for as psychoneural
correlations were concerned, the obvious similarities of these sensory fields to each other seemed
much more remarkable than any of the minute differences.
However, cortical as diverse as those of red, black, green and white, or touch, cold, warmth,
movement, pain, posture and pressure apparently may arise through activation of the same cortical
areas. What seemed to remain was some kind of differential patterning effects in the brain
excitation: it is the difference in the central distribution of impulses that counts. In short, Brain
theory suggested a correlation between mental experience and the activity of relatively
homogenous nerve-cell units conducting essentially homogeneous impulses through homogeneous
cerebral tissue. To match the multiple dimensions of mental experience psychologists could only
point to a limitless variation in the spatiotemporal patterning of nerve impulses.

1. Up until 1950, efforts to establish that brain processes and mental experience are related
would most likely have been met with
[A]. vexation. [B]. irritability. [C]. discouragement [D]. neutrality
2. The author mentions “common currency” primarily in order to emphasize the
[A]. lack of differentiation among nerve impulses in human beings.
[B]. similarities in the views of the scientists.
[C]. similarity of sensations of human beings.
[D]. continuous passage of nerve impulses through the nervous system.
3. Which of the following theories is reinforced by the depiction of the experiment in lines 16—
[A]. Cognitive experience manifested by sensory nerve impulses are influenced by the area of
the brain stimulated.
[B]. Qualitative diversity in nerve potentials can now be studied more accurately.
[C]. Sensory stimuli are heterogeneous and are greatly influenced by the nerve sensors they
[D]. Differentiation in neural modalities influences the length of nerve transmissions.
4. It can be inferred from the passage that which of the following exhibit the LEAST qualitative
[A]. Nerve cells. [B]. Nerve impulses.
[C]. Cortical areas. [C]. Spatial patterns of nerve impulses.

1. mental experiences 精神感受
2. discharge 釋放
3. negligible 微小的,可以忽略不計的
4. manifold 多種多樣的,多方面
5. neuron 神經元/細胞
6. neural (中樞)神經的(系統)
7. qualitative diversity 質的多樣性,量變的

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8. disprove 反駁,反證
9. homogeneous 相似的
10. sensory nerve 感覺神經
11. cortical 外皮的,皮質的
12. cerebral cortex 大腦皮層
13. locus 地點,區域
14. psychoneural 精神神經
15. heterogeneous 異源的,異種的,異體的
16. spatiotenporal 時空的

1. Such variations in size, shape, chemistry, conduction speed, excitation threshold, and the like
as had been demonstrated in nerve cells remained negligible in significance for any possible
correlation with the manifold dimensions of mental experience.
[ 結 構 分 析 ] 句 型 為 such…as 可 as 具 有 關 係 代 詞 作 用 , 此 處 作 從 句 中 had been
demonstrated 的主語。
[參考譯文] 神經細胞中所顯示的諸如在尺寸,形狀,化學,神經脈衝中傳導速度,激
2. It was possible to demonstrate by other methods refined structural differences among neuron
types; however, proof was lacking that the quality of the impulse or its conduction was
influenced by these differences, which seemed instead to influence the developmental
patterning of the neural circuits.
[參考譯文] 有可能用其他辦法來顯示神經類型之間細微的結構差異。可是,缺乏證據證
3. In one experiment, when an electric stimulus was applied to a given sensory field of the
cerebral cortex of a conscious human subject, it produced a sensation of the appropriate
modality for that particular locus, that is, a visual sensation from the visual cortex, an auditory
sensation from the auditory cortex, and so on.
[結構分析] 主從句。後面跟解釋性同位語:that is ……。
[參考譯文] 在一個實驗中,當電刺激作用於有意識的人體大腦皮層的某個感覺部位,
4. Other experiments revealed slight variations in the size, number, arrangement, and
interconnection of the nerve cells, but as for as psychoneural correlations were concerned, the
obvious similarities of these sensory fields to each other seemed much more remarkable than
any of the minute differences.
[參考譯文] 其他實驗揭示了神經細胞在尺寸,數目,排列和相互聯結上的細微變化。可
5. In short, Brain theory suggested a correlation between mental experience and the activity of
relatively homogenous nerve-cell units conducting essentially homogeneous impulses through
homogeneous cerebral tissue.
[參考譯文] 總之,大腦理論說明精神感覺和相對相似的神經細胞單位的活動有關係。這

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文章是對“大腦神經活動和精神感受關係的探討。”採用時空寫法。先從 1950 年,探索兩

1. C. 令人失望。答案見文章的第一句話“到了 1950 年,大腦活動過程和精神感受有關係
A. 令人惱火。 B. 激怒。 D. 中立。 均不對。
2. A. 在人的神經脈衝中缺少變異(差別)。Common currency 本義是一般通用。這裏的上
B. 科學家觀點上的相似性。 C. 人類感覺相似性。 D. 神經脈衝連續不斷通過神經
系統。這三項和 common currency 無關。
3. A. 受刺激的大腦部位影響感覺神經脈衝所顯示的認知感受。在第二道題譯文下面“根
衝在大腦中釋放的不同部位決定,並且有證據證明這一論點。”見難句譯注 3。
B. 現在對神經潛力的質量變化可以進行更精彩的研究。 C. 感官刺激是異源的,並
深受它們所產生的神經感覺(感受器)的影響。 D. 神經形態上的差異影響神經傳
4. B. 神經脈衝。這在第 2 題答案 A 中譯注(即第二段)已有明確的答復。“神經脈衝在質
A. 神經細胞。見難句譯注 2,“有可能用其他辦法來顯示神經細胞類型之間細微的結構
差異。” C. 外皮區域(部位)。 D. 神經脈衝空間模式。見難句譯注 5 和本文最後
異。”這說明,它不是 “Least qualitative variation.”

Passage Thirty-five (Exploration on the Origin of Continents)

The origin of continental nuclei has long been a puzzle. Theories advanced so far have generally
failed to explain the first step in continent growth, or have been subject to serious objections. It is
the purpose of this article to examine the possible role of the impact of large meteorites or
asteroids in the production of continental nuclei. Unfortunately, the geological evolution of the
Earth’s surface has had an obliterating effect on the original composition and structure of the
continents to such an extent that further terrestrial investigations have small chance of arriving at
an unambiguous answer to the question of continental origin. Paradoxically, clues to the origin and
early history of the surface features of the Earth may be found on the Moon and planets, rather
than on the Earth, because some of these bodies appear to have had a much less active geological
history. As a result, relatively primitive surface features are preserved for study and analysis. In

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the case of both the Moon and Mars, it is generally concluded from the appearance of their heavily
cratered surfaces that they have been subjected to bombardment by large meteoroids during their
geological history. Likewise, it would appear a reasonable hypothesis that the Earth has also been
subjected to meteoroid bombardment in the past, and that very large bodies struck the Earth early
in its geological history.
The large crater on the Moon listed by Baldwin has a diameter of 285 km. However, if we accept
the hypotheses of formation of some of the mare basins by impact, the maximum lunar impact
crater diameter is probably as large as 650km. Based on a lunar analogy, one might expect several
impact craters of at least 500km diameter to have been formed on Earth. By applying Baldwin’s
equation, the depth of such a crater should be about 20km. Baldwin admits that his equation gives
excessive depths for large craters so that the actual depth should be somewhat smaller. Based on
the measured depth of smaller lunar crater. Baldwin’s equation gives the depth of the zone of
brecciation for such a crater as about 75km. The plasticity of the Earth’s mantle at the depth makes
it impossible to speak of “bracciation” in the usual sense. However, local stresses may be
temporarily sustained at that depth, as shown by the existence of deep-focus earthquakes. Thus,
short-term effects might be expected to a depth of more than 50km in the mantle.
Even without knowing the precise effects, there is little doubt that the formation of a 500-km
crater would be a major geological event. Numerous authors have considered the geological
implications of such an event. Donn et al. have, for example, called on the impact of continent-
size bodies of sialic composition to from the original continents. Two major difficulties inherent in
this concept are the lack of any known sialic meteorites, and the high probability that the energy of
impact would result in a wide dissemination of sialic material, rather than its concentration at the
point of impact.
Gilvarry, on the other hand, called on meteoroid impact to explain the production of ocean
basins. The major difficulties with this model are that the morphology of most of the ocean basins
is not consistent with impact, and that the origin and growth of continents is not adequately
We agree with Donn at al. that the impact of large meteorites or asteroids may have caused
continent formation, but would rather think in terms of the localized addition of energy to the
system, rather than in terms of the addition of actual sialic material.

1. A mare basin is
[A]. a formula for determining the relationship between the depth and width of craters.
[B]. a valley that is filled in when a spatial body has impact with the moon or the earth.
[C]. a planetoid (small planet) created when a meteorite, upon striking the moon, breaks off a
part of the moon.
[D]. a dark spot on the moon, once supposed to be a sea, now a plain.
2. The writer does not believe that
[A]. an asteroid is larger than a meteorite.
[B]. material from space, upon hitting the earth, was eventually distributed.
[C]. the earth, at one time, had craters.
[D]. ocean were formerly craters.
3. The article is primarily concerned with
[A]. the origin of continents.

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[B]. the relationship between astral phenomena and the moon.

[C]. differences of opinion among authoritative geologists.
[D]. the relationship between asteroids and meteorites.
4. Sialic material refers to
[A]. the broken rock resulting from the impact of a meteorite against the earth.
[B]. material that exists on planets other than the earth.
[C]. a composite of rock typical of continental areas of the earth.
[D. material that is man-made to simulate materials that existed far back in geological history.

1. meteorit 隕石,隕星
2. asteroid (火星和木星軌道間)小行星
3. obliterate 除去,消減……痕跡
4. crater 火山口,隕石坑
5. mare 海,(也指月亮,火星上的)陰暗區
6. impact 撞擊
7. impact crater 隕石坑,撞擊火山
8. brecciate 合成角礫岩
the zone of brecciation 角礫岩地帶
9. mantle 地幔
10. stress 應力
local stress 局部(本身)應力
11. sialic 矽鋁的
12. probability 概率,可能性
13. disseminate 傳播,分散,浸染
14. morphology 組織,結構,形態(學)
15. astral 星(星狀體)的

1. Unfortunately, the geological evolution of the Earth’s surface has had an obliterating effect on
the original composition and structure of the continents to such an extent that further
terrestrial investigations have small chance of arriving at an unambiguous answer to the
question of continental origin.
[結構簡析] 句中用 such…that 句型。
[參考譯文] 遺憾的是,地球表面的地質變化對大陸原始結構和組成起了抹煞的作用。這
2. In the case of both the Moon and Mars. It is generally concluded from the appearance of their
heavily cratered surfaces that they have been subjected to bombardment by large meteoroids
during their geological history.
[結構簡析] in the case of 就……說,至於……,論到。
[參考譯文] 拿月亮和火星來說,一般都從它們表面嚴重的隕石坑得出結論:它們在其
3. Two major difficulties inherent in this concept are the lack of any known sialic meteorites,

英語 100 篇精讀匯粹(中級篇)【Type By Simon Lau(8029)】

and the high probability that the energy of impact would result in a wide dissemination of
sialic material, rather than its concentration at the point of impact.
[結構簡析] that clause 是 high probability 的說明同位語。
[參考譯文] 這一概念本身固有的兩大難點是缺乏任何已知的矽鋁隕石和下列現象的高


1. D. 是月球上的一個黑點,一度認識是海,現在知道是平原。Mare basin 海盆地。詞義本
身說明 D 項對。另一方面,第二段開始提及“鮑德溫所列出的月球上最大的隕石坑直徑
為 285 公里。可是,如果我們接受了某些由於撞擊而形成海盆地的結構假設,那麼月球
上最大隕石坑的直徑可能有 650 公里大。”這裏都說 mare basin 指的是月球上隕石坑。這
就排除了 A,B,C 三個選項。
A. 是測定隕石坑深度和寬度的公式。 B. 當某一天體或地球撞擊時填入的深谷。
C. 當隕星撞擊月亮時,撞掉的部分月亮而形成小星體。
2. D. 海洋是原來的隕石坑。倒數第二段“另一方面,Gilvarry 用隕星撞擊來解釋海洋盆地
A. 小行星大於隕星。 B. 來自太空的材料,在撞擊地球時,均勻分佈。 C. 地球
一度有過隕石坑。這三項明顯不對, 談不上相信不相信。
3. A. 大陸起源。這在文章一開始就點明“大陸核起源長期以來一直是個謎。進展到現在的
是要研究大隕星或小行星的撞擊在地球核生成中可能起的作用。”另見難句譯注 1。
B. 星際現象和月球的關係。 C. 權威地質學家意見分歧。 D. 小行星和隕星之間的
4. C. 地球大陸地區特有的岩石構成。第三段第三句:“舉例說,Donn et al.提出大陸區域
大小的,矽鋁結構的天體撞擊形成最初的大陸塊的設想。”其他見難句譯注 3。
A. 由於隕星撞擊地球形成破碎的岩石。 B. 存在於地球之外其他星球的材料。 C.


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