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副 詞 子 句
1. 副詞子句=從屬連接詞+完整子句 (S+V---)---放在句首
命 逗點隔開,放在句尾沒有逗點隔開。置於主要子句之中,
亦即:(1) 主要子句〜副詞子句
(2) 或副詞子句〜,主要子句
題 (3) S,副詞子句,V----
2. 不能共存的連接詞有哪些﹖
3. 副詞子句常可簡化成下面三種句型:
→(1) 介詞片語
焦 (2) 不定詞片語
(3) 分詞構句

1. Because (Since / As) (因為)---,so (所以) ---
2. Although (=Though) (雖然) ---,but (但是) ---
3. Unless (除非) ---,or (否則) ---
註:① though (although) 與 but 或 however 不可連用,但可和
yet 連用。
例:1. Because I am very tired, so I’d like to stay home. (X)
Because I am very tired, I’d like to stay home. (O)
I am very tired, so I’d like to stay home. (O)

2. Although he is poor, but he is very happy. (X)

Although he is poor, he is very happy. (O)
He is poor, but he is very happy. (O)
Although he is poor, yet he is very happy. (O)

3. Unless you tell the truth, or you can not go. (X)
Unless you tell the truth, you can not go. (O)
If you tell the truth, you can not go. (O)
Tell the truth, or you can not go. (O)
Tell the truth, otherwise, you can not go. (O)
Tell the truth. Otherwise, you can not go. (O)

1. Although I usually don’t like American food, but I like hot dogs
(A) (B) (C)
very much.

2. Although they invested much money in their company, however,

(A) (B)
they lost a great deal when their factory burned down.
(C) (D)

3. Since she was not interested in classical music, so she decided not
(A) (B) (C)
to go to the concert.

4. You do better work than this, you won’t pass the exam.
(A)Although (B) Unless (C) If (D) When
例:1. If+子句 → in case of +受詞(N / V-ing----) (如果;萬一)
=in the event of
2. because +子句 → because of +受詞(N / V-ing----)
3. as soon as +子句 → on (upon)+受詞(N / V-ing----)(一---就)
4. though +子句 →in spite of +受詞(N / V-ing----)(雖然---)
=although =despite
※但注意 in spite of 或 despite 不可接 that 的名詞子句,必須先接
the fact 後再接 that-N.Cl.即可。此時 that 子句作 the fact 的同位語

1. Navada has a limited water supply light rainfall.

(A) because its (B) is it because
(C) is because its (D) because of its

2. Bill still came to school for the midterm exam, in spite of he had a
(A) (B) (C)
very high fever.

3. Because of , the baseball game has been postponed.

(A) the heavy rain (B) it is raining
(C) there is much rain (D) rainy

4. Fire, call 119.

(A) In case (B) If (C) In case of (D) In the event

5. Upon hearing the bell ring, .

(A) the students departure was hasty
(B) our departure was hasty
(C) the classroom was filled immediately
(D) we departed hastily

(一) 時間(time)類 (下面的 O=受詞,指動名詞或名詞)
→① when (=as)+子句 (當---時)
② whenever (=every time) +子句 (每當---; 無論何時)
※③ while +子句 (在---期間; 當---時) cf. during+O (名詞---)

④ as soon as +子句 (一---就---)

=the moment / directly / immediately +子句
cf. no sooner----than---- (一---就---)
hardly (或 scarcely)---when (或 before)--- (一---就---)
⑤ before +子句 / O (在---之前)
⑥ after +子句 / O (在---之後)
⑦ until (till) +子句 / O (直到---時為止)
⑧ since +子句 / O (自從---)
⑨ by the time +完整子句 (到---時; 在---之前)

※ 必考觀念研究:
(1) (直到---才---) ---not---until +子句 / O
=Not until +子句 / O ---+倒裝句 (be / 助 V+S)
=It is not until +子句 / O + that +敘述句
(2) since →+① N (或某時間) +V-ing---
② +一段時間+ago
③ S+V (過去式)

(1) ever since 是加強用法 (表過去到現在一直---; 打從---起就一直)
→常與「現在完成式=have / has+Vpp」或「現在完成進行式=
have / has been+V-ing---」連用
(2) 注意上面 before, after, since, until 四個字除了做連接詞接子句
(3) 表「時間」或「條件」的副詞子句,其連接詞有:when, after,
before, until / till, as soon as, unless, if →此副詞子句表未來時要
(4) ① 在 as soon as 之後常用「過去式」,而在 no sooner, hardly 和
scarcely 之後則常用「過去完成式」。
② As soon as 也可以引出一個指「未來時間」的子句,但
No sooner---than--- 則否。
→但注意如 no sooner, hardly 和 scarcely 用於子句的句首時,主詞

1. My brother will meet me at the train station when I will arrive there.
(A) (B) (C) (D)

2. They weren’t able to find the book that they needed even after looked
(A) (B) (C) (D)
several days.
3. After Jim finished writing his report, and he decided to watch a
(A) (B) (C) (D)

4. Before examined the body, the police closed off the area to
(A) (B)
reporters trying to find out who had been killed.
(B) (D)

5. After Bill sent in his application forms to several U.S. graduate

to hear whether they would admit him or not.
(A) schools and waited (B) schools and waiting
(C) schools, he waited (D) schools, to wait

6. it rains, Mrs. Bakely’s elbows ache.

(A) Always (B) Sometimes (C) Whether (D) Often

7. They left the theater afterwards the movie was over and went
(A) (B) (C) (D)

8. My mother is so old-fashioned that every time when I say

(A) (B) (C)
hard words, she scolds me.

9. I went to see the zoo during I stayed in Bangkok.

(A) (B) (C) (D)

10. “When can the doctor see me?”

“As soon as he from the hospital.”
(A) will be back (B) will get back (C) gets back (D) back

11. “Under what condition will he go?”

“As far as I know, he won’t go unless Jean .”
(A) go (B) will go (C) goes (D) went

12. I visited him did I realize how ill he was.

(A) Not until (B) Only (C) In case (D) No sooner

13. They have the opportunity, more and more women take
their vacation away from home.
(A) Unless (B) Unfortunately (C) Although (D) Whenever

14. Fred’s salary is still only NT$15,000 per month, even though he
(A) (B) (C)
worked for this company since 1986.

15. John was worried about the cost since last week, when he heard prices
(A) (B) (C)
were rising.

16. Ever since the Civil War, the status of women was a live social.
(A) (B) (C) (D)

(二) 條件 (condition) 類
(1) if +子句--- (假如---)
(2) unless +子句--- (除非---) (=if----not---)
(3) so (as) long as +子句--- (只要---) (=if only)
(4) once +子句--- (一旦---)
(5) 注意下面是 if 的同義字
① provided (that) +子句--- (如果---; 在----的條件下)
② on condition (that) +子句--- (如果---; 在----的條件下)
③ suppose / supposing (that) +子句--- (如果---)
④ in case →假如 (=if) (以防萬一)

1. You cannot expand your vocabulary if you read regularly materials

(A) (B) (C)
written in English.

2. 如果我不在家,你可以打這個電話號碼。
You may call this number I am not at home.
(A) in order that (B) in any case (C) so that (D) in case

3. You should insure your house there’s a fire.

(A) when (B) if (C) in case (D) because

4. I would like to try you agree to give me a free hand. (複選)

(A) provide (B) provided (C) as long as (D) whether (E) if

5. John is my best friend, I’ll feel much happier unless he comes with us.
(A) (B) (C) (D)

6. You do better work than this, you won’t pass the exam.
(A) Although (B) Unless (C) If (D) When

(三) 原因或理由 (cause or reason) 類

(1) because / as+完整子句--- (因為) cf. because of +N
(2) since (因為----;既然----)
→ since 作「既然」的同義語有 now that 和 seeing that
→ since 作「自從----起」解,常用現在完成式(或現在完成進
(3) not----because +完整子句--- (並不因---而不---)
(4) not that A but that B (不是因為 A 而是因為 B)
(5) in that +子句 (在這點上;因為) (=because)
(6) The reason why (或 that)+子句---is that-N.CL. (---的理由是因為
→① 注意 is 後用 that,不可用 because。
② 此句型中 why 或 that 也可省略。

1. Because the approaching typhoon, the government announced that

(A) (B) (C)
schools and offices would be closed.

2. The reason he has been such a success is because he never gives up.
(A) (B) (C) (D)

3. We should not despise a man he is poor.

(A) if (B) when (C) because (D) why

4. I am ready to marry you, see that you are a good man

(A) (B)
descended from a noble family
(C) (D)

5. I was late for school this morning. It was not that I overslept but
(A) (B) (C)
because the bus was late.

6. The communication of a criminal’s sentence differs from pardon

Reduces the terms of punishment rather than excuses
the criminal completely.
(A) In that (B) that it in (C) in that it (D) that in

7. The reason I am late is I had a flat tire.

(A) being (B) because (C) why (D) for (E) that

8. I am interested in Thai culture, I often go to Thailand.

(A) Because (B) For (C) Although (D) Why

(四) 讓步 (concession) 類
(1) Though / Although +完整子句--- (雖然---)
(2) =N / adj / +as / though +S+V--- (雖然---)
例: 1. Scientist as he is, Mr. Lee always adheres to his religious faith.
=Although he is a scientist, ---
2. Strange though this may sound, this really happened a couple
of days ago.
=Though this may sound strange, ---
3. Rich as he is, I don’t envy him.
=Although he is rich, ---
(他雖富有,我(也) 不忌妒。)
(3) whether A or B (不論是 A 或 B)
例: Whether you’re young or old, you can still enjoy sport.
(4) no matter +疑問詞---=疑問詞-ever (無論---)
如: no matter what =whatever (無論什麼---)
No matter how =however (無論多麼---)

例: 1. Whatever you may do (=Although you may do this, that, or

anything), do it carefully.
=No matter what you do, do it carefully.
2. However pretty she is (Although she is pretty),
I won’t marry her.
=No matter how pretty she is, I won’t marry her.
【注意】① Even 常被中國學生誤用為表示退讓的附屬連接詞,正
確的用法應該使用 even though 或 even if (即使---)
(=although 雖然)
② while 除作「當---時」外,也可作「雖然---」解
例: While he is good at grammar, he is bad at speaking.

1. Even Paul was very busy, he drove me to the airport in his car.
(A) (B) (C) (D)

2. , knowledge is more valuable.

(A) As money is necessary
(B)That money is necessary
(C) Necessary as money as

3. Jean insisted on leaving the hospital even .

(A) she was able to walk hard
(B) though she hardly able walking
(C) hard to walk
(D) though she was hardly able to walk
【提示】be hardly able to+Vrt (幾乎不能---)

4. “The new city hall is ugly.”

“ you like it or not, it is too late to change it.”
(A) Whether (B) Wither (C) Unless (D) However

5. , perseverance is its own reward.

(A) However difficult the task may be
(B) However the task may be difficult
(C) However difficult may be the task
(D) Whatever difficult the task may be
6. “ Bad weather never bothers me.”
“ Yes, I am always happy what the weather is like.”
(A) whichever doesn’t matter (B) however
(B) no matter
【提示】句尾有介詞(like 像),故受詞是 what

(五) 目的 (purpose) 類
(1) so that / in order that +S+may / can / will +Vrt (為了---)
=(in order) to +Vrt---
(2) lest +S+(should) Vrt (以免; 以防; 唯恐---) (should 可省略)

【注意】so that 除了表「目的」外,也可表「結果」。口語中 that

常被省略,作「因此; 所以」解 (=so)。
例: I slept well, so that I felt much better afterward.

1. As the tanker entered the port, four crewmen were isolated

they might not spread the cholera germs which they were suspected
to carry.
(A) lest (B) unless (C) in case (D) so that

2. Public transportation in Tainan is inadequate, owning a

car is a necessary for many people.
(A) in addition (B) as if (C) so that (D) nevertheless

3. He told his wife as little as possible least she spread the news
(A) (B) (C)
all over town.
(六) 結果 (result) 類
(1) so--- that +完整子句--- (如此---以致於---)
(2) such---that +完整子句--- (如此---以致於---)
註: ① so→可接 1. adj, 2. adv, 3. adj+a / an+可數單數名詞
② such→可接 1. a / an+(adj) +可數單數名詞
2. (adj) +不可數單數名詞
3. (adj) +複數名詞
③ so many +複數名詞 (如此多的----)
so much +單數名詞
=such a lot of +名詞(單 / 複)

1. I have met such many people in the last few days that I can’t remember
(A) (B) (C)
all of their names.

2. There were so much people trying to leave the burning building that
(A) (B) (C) (D)
the police had a great deal of trouble controlling them.

3. This is so an ugly chair that I am going to give it away.

(A)(B) (C) (D)

(七) 情態 (manner) 類
(1) as if / as though +完整子句--- (好像---)
(2) as +完整子句--- (如同---; 照---地)
例: Do as you like. (隨你的意思去做。)
(3) as +子句(A) , so+子句-(B) (A 正如 B)
(此句型重點強調在於 B 句,即 B 隨 A 變。B 句可用倒裝句或
例: As you treat me, so I will treat you
1. Just as God forgives the offenses of men, men must forgive
the faults of their fellowmen.
(A) so (B) as (C) that (D) what

2. you sow, so shall you .


3. When in Rome, do the Romans do.

(A) what (B) as (C) so (D) that

(八) 比較 (comparison) 類
用以連接比較子句的附屬連接詞,主要有 as (如同) 和 than (比)。
(1) 一看到 than 出現時→前面必有比較級。
(2) 一看到 as 或 so 出現時→後找原級的字。
(3) 加強比較級→前加 much / even / far / a lot 任一。
(4) the+比較級,the+比較級 (愈---愈---)

1. I get to know him, the more I like her.

(A) The much (B) The more (C) The most (D) If more

2. The photographs of Mars taken from the satellites are than

those taken from the earth.
(A) clear (B) clearly (C) much clearer (D) more clearer

3. She is , if not taller than her sister.

(A) as tall as (B) so tall (C) as tall (D) tall

4. Be careful when you use that pair of scissors. It is .

(A) light as a feather (B) slippery as an eel
(C) heavy as lead (D) sharp as a razor
(E) as difficult as possible

(九) 限制或範圍 (limit 或 extent) 類

(1) as far as I know (就我所知)
(2) as far as---S---be concerned (就----而言)
(→be V 隨前面主詞調整)

1. As far as I am , it’s quite all right for you to leave early.

(A) consulted (B) regarded (C) concerned (D) bothered

2. As as I know, he is a good teacher.

(A) long (B) near (C) soon (D) far

(十) 對比 (contrast) 或場所 (place) 類

(1) while (而) 和 whereas (而) 等引導表示對比(contrast) 的子句。
(2) where (在----地方) 和 wherever (任何地方) 引導表示場所的副

1. is not a common practice in Asia, it is generally considered

part of one’s attire in the West.
(A) Whereas wear a perfume (B) Where wearing perfume
(C) Wherever wearing perfume (D) Whereas wearing perfume

2. there is a will, there is a way.

(A) If (B) Where (C) Unless (D) When

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