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Instructional Planning Grid TEKS- student will understand how to divide wholes into fractions Objective- student will

demonstrate 1/2, 1/4 and 1/8 using a Kit Kat chocolate bar Assessment Evidence Big Understanding

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Fractions can be used to divide things equally

Students will create a real life scenario word problem question using fractions. They will also answer that question fully using illustrations and explanations. Opening Hook- Kit Kat Chocolate BarWould you like a piece? Instructional Strategies/Student Activities 1. The content material will be delivered visually, auditory and kinesthetic 2. TLW actively listen to the lecture 3. TTW demonstrate fractions using a Kit Kat chocolate bar by breaking them into sections that correspond to either 1/2, 1/4, and 1/8 4. TLW work on their assignment, in groups of 4, that consists of the concept of fractions 1/2, 1/4, and 1/8 by breaking a Kit Kat chocolate bar into the appropriate fraction. 5. TLW create and answer his/her own question fully, using real life scenarios.

Materials/ Resources Kit Kat Bar, PowerPoint presentation Paper and pencil for the assessment

Grouping Patterns- whole group for lecture, groups of 4 students for demonstration, individual assessments. Ending, Summary/Reflection Today we learned about fractions. We reviewed the definition of fractions and also reviewed the 1/2. We introduced the 1/4 and 1/8. We were successfully able to split the Kit Kat chocolate bar into equal parts, in order for each student to have a fair share. We can use fractions in everyday life without us even knowing about it. When we share part of our food, candy and sometimes toys for example, the mathematical explanation can be explained using fractions.

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