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I Understand By Elizabeth Soto She says I dont understand the sacrifices that have been made for me.

She says I dont understand the meaning behind the flag.

Well, maybe I dont understand it completely. But this I do understand:

I understand my father took an oath to sacrifice his life for his country if needed. I understand that I am privileged because of that oath. I understand that people die every day fighting for my rights. I understand now, more so, that my father could be one of them. I understand why strangers walk up to my father in uniform and say thank you. I understand what is at stake and what my father protects. I understand why we move. I understand why he serves. I understand why he has to sacrifice. I understand that there are so many men and women out there at this very moment Fighting for our right To live.

Maybe she is right. Maybe I dont understand completely.

But I understand enough.

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