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I hold equality and liberation very close to my heart.

I would like to be remembered as 

the one that always fought for what was right, to be on the right side of history. I am 
passionate about making sure that when someone walks down the street they are not 
walking in fear because someone might assault them by any definition of the word.  
My life goals are to move somewhere in northern Italy and live in a cottage. I think of 
that place and that “someday“ and just feel so at peace with myself and the world.  
I dream to grow happy and healthy (mentally) 
My peer told me that I fight unbiased. When I am in an argument I think about the 
bigger picture and defend speak with logic and facts. Apparently, according to this 
peer, others do not argue with logic and facts as much. 
Wanting to be an activist of some sort, this skill will come in handy when trying to 
dismantle to patriarchy and eat the rich (lol that was a joke). 
To serve as an activist so that minorities can have a fair chance without being asked of 
their background so the interviewer could make their decision. 
I value seeing helpers and open-minded people because I do not think a person’s 
personal life should affect how you treat them. To do this I will be apart of protests and 
help organize them as well.  
To use my logic in how history has been to women, POC, LGBTQIA, and the less fortunate 
I will inspire people to keep an open mind. 

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