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d100 Arcane Books d100 adj 1 midnight 2 raven 3 crimson 4 vermilion 5 viridian 6 eternal noun book tome grimoire

treatise album bible contents low-level spells, uncommon magical energy theory on creating hybrids pantheistic apologetics declarations from petty gods on protection scrolls some notes on the language of the apes mid-level spells, common crude drawings of nightmare beasts chronicle of the insectoid ruler of an imaginary land on curing pipeweed common demonology pictures of famous sorcerors musings on the fair split of treasure suggestions on 'dealing with' witches wards & circles heraldry of magical houses list of undiscovered cities wand construction low-level spells, common archaeological notes & sketches notes on arcane torture obsessive theories regarding interbreeding chickens and pigs incomplete history of the future meditation techniques ostentatious designs for a flying castle elemental lore, fire high-level spells, uncommon giantish phrasebook navigational charts postulations on goblin fecundity letters from a madman to himself

7 timeless 8 forgotten 9 memorial

compendium encyclopaedia writing(s)

10 insidious 11 nefarious 12 diabolic(al) 13 demoniac 14 empyrean

papyrus illuminations codex woodcuts lithograph(s)

15 noneuclidean 16 celestial 17 arcane 18 byzantine 19 extraordinary 20 wonderful 21 poisoned 22 necromantic

chapbook scrawl(s) incunabulae commentary essays poems tract sextodecimo

23 anomalous 24 alchemistic 25 thaumaturgic

dissertation text rhymes

26 irrational 27 paranormal 28 eerie 29 hidden 30 uncanny 31 supernatural 32 subterranean

theorems chronicle notebook work(s) workbook fictions dictionary

d100 Arcane Books partial secrets of lichdom fairy-tales precognitive poems hangover cures obscure demonology fencing-manual for wizard duels mid-level spells, uncommon catalog of demiplanes, real and imagined astrology & horoscopes golem construction, a common type anti-halfling racist propaganda occult metallurgy sketches of famous landmarks all about cryptids half-finished dungeon maps dream interpretation blasphemous tattoo designs variety of spells, all levels, obscure elemental lore, earth recipes for special paints and chalks sorcerous diary raising and breeding flailsnails notes on magical plants golem/construct construction, a rare type catalog of 'ghosts I have known' notes on dopplegangers & mimics arcane dentistry blasphemous limericks guide to an invented language potion recipes maudlin nostalgia ancient history on the seduction of dryads ethnography of the damned sketches of decadent fashion

33 numinous 34 wyrd 35 lunatic 36 visionary 37 preposterous 38 otherworldly 39 ghostly

tablet(s) volume folio manual handbook version manuscript

40 transcendental 41 astral

cookbook duodecimo

42 mendacious 43 corrosive 44 umbral 45 cherished 46 recondite 47 esoteric 48 transmundane 49 ethereal 50 relinquished 51 elemental 52 misbegotten 53 imaginary

library passages folio ephemeris vade mecum livraison abecediary vorarium enchridion gospel pseudepigrapha reader

54 burning 55 broken

circular guide

56 enigmatic 57 acroamatic

scroll(s) primer

58 cryptic 59 forsaken 60 universal 61 62 63 64 draconian quasielemental abandoned pandimensional

lexicon bull libretto roll(s) correspondence field guide atlas chartbook libram epistle

65 seeping 66 sovereign 67 nocturnal

d100 Arcane Books some thoughts on impossible topology philosophical musings elemental lore, water sorcerous cryptography legal arguments low-level spells, obscure names of things forgotten autobiography of an immortal notes from vivisections military strategy elemental lore, obscure explosives tales of the astral seas love poetry summoning formulae history of a dead world travel to a distant planet care and feeding of hippogriffs ribald sketches faerie lore hypothetical wedding toasts lyrics to drinking songs elemental lore, air condemnation of something pedestrian (trees, pants) childhood memories necromantic lore exhaustive listing of regional noblewomen, rated for skill in the boudoir cannibalistic recipes alchemical formulae high-level spells, common lycanthrope hunting interviews with the undead brain-maps of dead wizards

68 beloved 69 anagogic 70 bloody 71 obliviated 72 profound 73 questing 74 veiled 75 abstruse 76 impossible 77 phantasmagoric 78 puissant 79 howling 80 strange 81 wicked 82 psychotic 83 antediluvian 84 screaming 85 enlightening 86 adulatory 87 almighty 88 baleful 89 unnatural 90 bizarre

portfolio thesaurus diary annual secret(s) pamphlet collection octavo graphic(s) apocrypha anthology verses gazetteer phrases law(s) manual concepts intelligence quarto remarks opuscule wisdom monograph

91 unwritten 92 raving 93 potent

memories paeans opus

94 hollow 95 malignant 96 unauthorized 97 taboo 98 corpulent 99 wailing 100 murderous

collection argosy mysteries commands discoveries omnibus labyrinths

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