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Dear Diary, Today I was playing volleyball and my team won the game.

One girl spiked the ball right to me. My brain received the stimulus and sent it to my peripheral nervous system to slide on my knees and bump the ball. When it was my turn to serve, my parietal lobe recognizes that Im going to serve the ball and tells the motor neurons to do what I remember about serving volleyballs. My heart beats quickly due to my brain stem. The volleyball goes over the net and Im excited because Im usually really bad at serving. During the game I get distracted for a second by some movement in the corner of my eye and when I look back at the net I see a ball coming at me. It was too close for me to even think, so my autonomic division caused me to block my face, which is a reflex I tend to do when a ball comes towards me at a fast speed. I lost a point for my team and the part of my brain called the frontal lobe made me feel like I let everyone down. I get into ready position, which is on my feet, which my cerebellum controls. When I hit the ball when I see it coming towards me, I use my somatic division. At first I see the ball coming towards me. My sensory neurons tell my brain about the stimulus. Then I use my brain to tell me what to do about the stimulus. Then the signal travels through my central nervous system and down my spinal cord to my legs, which go down to hit the ball. When I see the ball fall to the ground on the other teams side of the net, my occipital lobe tells me that we have earned a point. Also, when I hear my team screaming my temporal lobe tells me that we have won the game and begin to celebrate.

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