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Cele 3 creiere

Alining them in One mind

- Be more patient
- slow down
- observe
- reduce the noise in the brain
- Respond not react
- Learn to listen
- Promote Ego into Self observer
- See what you want to be seend, and what you do not want to see
- Be aware
- Make conscious choices


1.Importanta corpului in devenirea spirituala

2.Structura corpurilor energetice

- filiera indiana

- filiera tao

3. Centrul energetic al minții Inteligenta Inimii

4.Centrul energetic al inimii Inteligenta Inimii

5.Centrul energetic al abdomenului Inteligenta Harei


10:58 I am an ECOSYSTEM

13:20 Cranial Brain and Central Nervous System

16:17 Gut Brain and Enteric Nervous System

19:55 Heart Brain and Autonomic Nervous System

23:05 Whats the connection here?

25:15 Power of Breath

26:18 3 Brains, ONE Mind

29:10 Now what? Align, Harmonize, Respond!

31:20 Truth

How the power of breath connects our three braisn – cranial brain, heart and gut, into one mind.
This is a story of three characters that live inside of all of us. The adult (living in our brain, sharing
that space with the ego storyteller), the child (living, loving and caring in our heart) and the
adolescent teenager, the high school revolutionary (being brave and living in the gut).

Mind, Body and Soul. What does that really mean? What is that you imagine when you think of a
Mind? Brain instantly comes into view for me and so does the voice in my head, the storyteller.
Somehow, I feel there is more, I actually have a gut feeling about it.

How does the physical body function and communicate, before any though comes in? How are
messages being sent and in which direction? I am aware that I am sometimes guided by my head
only, other times by my heart. I know whe I have the guts to do something, ther is no stopping me.

What is it that comes first? How are messages being sent and in which direction before my
personality and logic in my cranial brain begin creating stories.

Our body is an ecosystem. How do ecosystems within it communicate and how can my personality
participate and truly add to the harmony, instead of looking for separation?

The brain and central nervous system, Gut and the Enteric nervous system, Heart and the Autonomic
Nervous system, Vagus nerve and breath.

Discover some truths about this magical ecosystem, our physical body. Brain and Central Nervous
System, Gut and Enteric Nervous System, Heart and Autonomic Nervous System, Vagus nerve and

How to promote the ego into a SELF observer? The only thing to compare to, self observation. How
to align in order to create a message of compassion, creativity and courage?

I am certainly aware that the ego storyteller lives in my head brain, my cranial brain. This is where
the stories come from and I more often than not simply follow the story that was provided. Even
though, at this point, I have a choice and I can make a decision on whether to follow the story or not.
Regardless if I am successful at it, or not the choice is there. It is from my heart that I am reminded
to just breathe and my gut will say be observant and be brave.

Now even the storyteller ego can be promoted into a self observer. The hearth through breath will
remind me to slow down, to reduce the noise, to make a choice and decide to listen and my gut will
say its ok, participate, create, explore!

3 Brains – 1 Breath – 1 Mind

The Ego – storyteller lives in my cranial brain. Even now, I have a choice and I can make the decision
whether to follow the story or not, and regardless if I am successful or not, the choice is there.

It is from my heart that I am remindede just to breathe and my gut will say be obervant and be

Even the storyteller, the Ego can be promoted into a self observer – the heart,through brain will
remind me to slow down, to reduce the noise and decide to listen.

And my gut will say – it is ok , participate,create, explore

I am aware that thinking, percepttion, cognition and language so come from the brain in the head

My values,emotions, feelings, certainly come from the heart

My intuition, core identity, safety and protection, they come from the gut. I really am more than
my thoughts and my story. I have butterflies in the stomach, we are what we eat, a have a pit in
my stomach...

It really is an ecosystem

We are not aware that the stories come Only from the cranial brain.

How to incorporate what the heart and the gut are also saying into a response to be told by the
spoken word?

Brain ,where the storyteller lives, is observing the world.Information comes through senses and
observation, both outer and inner. This is where logic comes in, reasoning, computing ,planning,
spoken language.

The heart is actually reaching out to the world, both outer and inner. This is where our emotions live,
visions, memories, dreams. We truly dream from the heart and then create visions using our head

Gut, the direct engagement to the world – bothe outer and inner. This is where immunity, instinct
and intuition live. It is very immediate, practica land direct.

So the brain in the head is observing the world, the heart is reaching out to the world and the gut is
engaging with the world.

As I am introducing food and liquid into this body I am directly engaging with the world through my

As I harmonize my three brains in one mind realizing and being aware that we are all in this together,
I was able to fully accept that the initial reactive story that the cranial brain creates is just the
beggining of the proccess. It is not a responsible response. It is just a reaction. I was able to allow
for the creation of time and space to observe what the gut is saying, what is the heart wanting to
say, and only then I dis use the cranial brain to create a response.

I do not want to react. None of us really do. What happened is that I separated the role of the self
observer from the rest of me. I promoted my ego into the amazing self observerit really is and gained
awareness to be what I want to be, and only then, do what I want to do

My physical body is an ecosystem. I am an ecosystem. An ecosystem, within an ecosystem, within an

ecosystem, operating under the laws of physics, chemistry, biology,etc.

All our orgens, connected through nerves, etc are a network. Micro into macro, and macro into
micro. There are more bacteria in the gut (the ecosystem of bacteria) than there are cells in our

The connection between these ecosystems is very strong, science discovers that.
In the brain ,neurons play an important role – the ecosystem of Central nervous system.Neurons
have the amazing ability to gather and transmit electrochemical signals.They are the key to

During the electrochemical proccesses used by neurons for signaling , brain tissue generates electric
fields when it is active.When large number of neurons show syncronized activity, the electric field
that they generate can be large enough to detect outside the skull using electroencefalogragy EEG.

 Emotions feeling of excitement or nervousness can cause the familiar crunching in the  the so-called
butterflies in your stomach feeling that got brain works in both Direction we know that gastro
intestinal GI problems in creating Styles and stress. We also know that stress can make GI problems
worse logical treatment techniques can help ease GI distress and with an improvement of the cat
came and improvement of mental well-being as well.

Number one avoid processed foods in sugar number to eat probiotics for healthy fats do mushrooms
onions mushrooms berries and seeds are a Daily Mail if you know the cocaine and sugar Xzibit nearly
identical stimulation of the brain is soaking driving in order to make them more digestible and
nutrition has been abandoned and convenient method of mass producing food in order to improve
movement memory cognitive function and helps protect your phone. 

You know where does the heart come into play Here additionally the communication between the
Head and the Heart has been approached from a rather one-sided perspective with scientists focused
primarily on the chart responses to the communication between the heart and the Brain actually it is
Dynamic on going to a dialogue in each organ is in the other Sponge that the heart communicates to
the brain in four major way to the transmission of nerve impulses biochemically by hormones and
neurotransmitters by physically and energetically to electromagnetic field interaction.

Neurologically chemically and physically, energetic. 

Communicational along all these conduits signifficantly affects the brain activity. the messages that
are sent to the brain also affect performance

The ancient cultures say that the heart is the orgab of truth, , so the heart tells you the truth about
how you fee land what you think is right or wrong.

. Did you know when you lie for example your heart rate tends to speed up?

now communication is possible and made possible via another ecosystem. Now we know about the
Central nervous System CNS. we also know about the Enteric nervous System. And here. we
introduce another one Autonomic nervous system Ans. with two major branches The Syphathetic
Nervous System SNS and the Parasympathetic nervous System PNS These are all ecosystems within
an ecosystem working together in harmony to create an even bigger system. 

The descending activity from the brain in the head via the sympathetic and parasympathetic
branches af the ANS is integrated into the heart s nervous system along with signals arising from the
sensory neurons in the heart that actually detect pressure, heart rate ,heart rhytm and hormones.
The heart brain as it is commonly called or Intrinsic Nervous Cardiac System is an intricate network
od complex ganglia , neurotransmiters,, proteins and support cells. The same as those of the brain in
the head .The heart brain neural circuitry enables it to act independently of the cranial brain, to
learn, to remember, make decisions and even fee land sense.

Anger causes increased sympathetic activity, while many relaxation techniques increase
parasympathetic activities. What is the connection here? Connection here is Vagus nerve and
communication is constant using same neurotransmiters. Serotonin bringsin the upper brain well
being and in the lower brain regulation of the immune system. Dis you know that 95% of the
serotonin is produced in the gut? And through blood goes to hypothalamus for regulation of
emotions. In terms of heart-brain communication is generally well-known that the efferent meaning
descendent pathways in the Autonomic Nervous System are involved in the regulation of the heart.
However it is less appreciated that the majority of the fibers in the Vagus Nerve are actually afferent.
They are ascending in nature.

Actually most of these acsending neural pathways are related to the heart and the Cardiovascular
system, then to any other organ. This means the heart sends more information to the brain, than the
brain sends to the heart. When your heart receives signals from the brain via the Sympathetic nerves,
it pumps faster and when it receives signals through the Parsympathetic nerves it slows down. The
neural communication pathways interacting between the heart and the brain are responsible for the
HRV Heart Rate Variability. The language of the heart. How do we use the vagus nerve? What is the

Most fascinating discovery is that the majority of th information actually travels up th vagus nerve.
Up from gut, to the heart to the head brain. Not the other way around! Before any story telling, any
sort of thinking what sort of tools to utilize to harmonize these two organs, these three networks,
these 3 brains, tapping being one of them and kinestethics another, or even gaining awareness as to
what the individual roles are, there is something so simple, so basic are we all take it for granted!

Breath! Breath is life! Breathe in, breathe out. Breath it allows for creation of time and space in order
to harmonize these brains. The Trinity that is inside us al land that is talked about throughout history.
From ancient cultures to religious teachings to science of today.

How do we harmonize rhese three brains? Breath. Diafragmic breathing also reffered to slow
abdominal breathing – belly breath. Is something you can do anytime and anywhere to instantly
stimulate your vagus nerve and lower stress responses associated with the fight or flight mechanism

What else can stimulate the vagus nerve? Gargling, laughter, cold showers and fully chewing your
food. Meditation!

How about this idea that there three brains and this network communicating and all three playing a
significant part in forming one mind?

Let us go back to the question of why is a brain a brain? What do all these three organs have in
common? They have their own intrinsic nervous system, they have neurons, the have the whole
range of capabilities in order to do complex adaptative preccesses. They can take on information.
They can preccess it, they can store it, they can change it and they can adapt. Basically all three can
learn. Andi f it can learn , it is a brain! The first one of the three brains is the obvious one. It is the
cranial brain , and the master of proccesses such as thinking, perception and cognition. It recognizez
thing, makes meaning of them, creates narratives and masters language. Head based language
sounds like this I think, I reckon, I understand.
The second one is the heart. Ask a person where they feel an emotion and their hand will land
directly above their heart. Nobody gestures to their elbow. We know intrinsically that this is the
place that proccesse deep emotions. What else is the domain of the heart brain? Here lie our values
along with the proccess of emoting. The proccess of valuing and the way we feel about relations
Heart based language centers about I feel or about the expressions of the deep emotions or values
that lie in the heart brain. Dis you know that 80% of dopamine is produces in the heart?

The third one is in the gut. Here we find out our core identity. What ism e? Who ism e? This is the
domain of the gut brain. It is also responsible for safety and protection. Our gut is extremely
important in upholding our immune system. But it also takes care of self preservation, fear, anxiety,
mobility, and action. Gut based language says things like – it takes guts or let us do this.

What prevets these three brains from working together? Some of it ist hat one or two of these brains
override the others. It ist hat simple! Different people will have different leaning as to which of these
three brains dominate us the most. The heart, the brain, the gut. It is a neural network.The neural
networks will grow the more we use them. How do we become more aware of of all three an duse

Listen to the stories created by all three and use them. Harmonize and grow them?

As the story created by the head brain comes in we can recognize this is the beggining of the
neurological proccess and start allowing for creation of time and space for the complete message
and a response to be formulated by following this sequence. The ego is now observer. The best one
and not a story teller The task ist o observe and report observations. Nothing more. We need to get
into the autonomic balance by deep diafragmatic breathing at an even rate. This affects the
sympathetic and the parasympathetic nervous system. We can use Heart Rate Variability , the
language of the heart to get awareness of what is happening. We can do this inside a minute with
the just even breathing to get to autonomic coherence. This is now actually affecting th biology and
the chemistry of the physical body. A lot of oxygen is coming in and changing the chemistry. . Next,
we start stepping away from the story that the head brain created initially to start the whole
proccess. This is about recognizing that it is just a story, a narrative. Ego is not involved in the story.
Ego is observer. By going to our heart and introducing thoughts of gratitude to the head brain , we
can create different stories that are now starting to affect the elctricity of the heart. Now we have
just chenged the chemistry and electricity of the physical body and the heart brain and the head
brain are talking. Ego is observing Mind is at work here. Following this, we check in and listen to the
signals between the heart brain and the gut brain. And there is a sequence that makes a difference.
Check in with what your heart really wants and values. And what you gut wants to say. Separate from
the old story from the past. What does your head brain really think here and now?, based on the
communication between all three brains ?

What emergeshere is that the Master of language , the hed brain will create a truer language pattern.
. Once we are aligned using our mind, we start experiencing the emergence of a higher level of
consciousness as these three neural networks can better express themselves. It will show up in
Compassison from the heart, creativity from the head and courage from the gut.

Difficulty in harmonizing these three neural brains is at the root of psychosomatic conflicts and
disease. In order to have a good amount of overall energy and vitality, the three brains must work in
synergy and balance. Raising themselves to a state of overall coherence.

Let us breathe. Let us Harmonize!

A truer language pattern and a higher level of consciousness will emerge as I align my MIND using

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