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Grade Level:


Strategy: FIND

Prepared By:

Daphnie Peterson

PurposeGive students a strategy to help determine the place value of digits in numbers representing 10 or greater (Mercer & Mercer, 2001). OverviewUse a place value mat and base 10 blocks to represent the value of each digit in a multidigit number. Teacher Guide

Education Standards Addressed

Standard 1- Number sense, properties and operations

MA10-GR.2-S.1-GLE.1- The whole number system describes place value relationships through 1,000 and forms the foundation for efficient algorithms

Student Guide/


I will describe the strategy of FIND 2 F- Find the columns I Insert the ts N- Name the columns (by place value) D2- Determine the place value of the individual digits. Using the EMMO projector I will work through the strategy with the students. F- find the spaces between each digit. I write a t in the spaces between each number. N start with the last digit write in proper column on mat. D- determine the place value of the individual number. I will be walking around listening to the language of the students making sure they have an understanding the use of the strategy.

Students will be able to use this strategy to identify the place value of any given number 9/10 times or with 90% accuracy.

Materials Needed Paper Pencil Base ten blocks Place value mat EMMO projector

Information (Give and/or demonstrate necessary information)

Students will share their work with other table partners to share their findings.

Verification (Steps to check for student understanding)

Assessment Informal assessment will be done. I will be checking to be sure students are using the strategy correctly and look for concrete understanding of place values of multidigit numerals by giving each group a mystery number to figure out. Vocabulary Decimal point, flexible, number names, compare, hundred, tens, ones, addition, increase , decrease, unit

Other Resources (e.g. Web, books, etc.) CDE website Colorado department of health

Activity (Describe the independent activity to reinforce this lesson)

Classroom management will be key in this instruction. Students will be working in pairs and noise level could get high. Set expectations prior to group activity. Some students may need to be challenged with larger numbers increasing the place value mat. Did this activity bulid upon their prior knowledge? Did the groups work well together? Was more time needed? What would I do differently..


Did everyone in the group pull their weight of the work? Was the activity well received? What would they change about the lesson

Additional Notes Sections of this lesson may need to be taught over the course of several days. Have students use this when larger numbers are being introduced.

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