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Bad, move forward

to embrace my


s I breath In&Out, I realize that its time to move high no matter

and keep my head up



on. Learn from the Goo&

what. Its time


A new year, a new me. I knew changes had to happen,but I just didnt know when. Its not like I chose to move on, but I had to. Loosing my Grandaddy was part of my shift, he was a role model to me and still is. Losing someone so important in my life is hard to explain and it changed me. I had to be strong not only for my mom but also for my little sister and for the rest of the family. I had to adapt to a new way of living without my grandaddy, also accepting a new school year without my bestfriend Ana. A 5 year friendship is not easily forgotten, same elementary shool and same middle school definetly made us tight, but once we reached high school and i had to go to a different high school i realized that nothing was ever perfect. a life with different goals to aim, shifting from a young girl to a more mature one. Its part of MyShift.


By Paoli Ortiz
et go and let god is a quote that Paoli Ortiz has used all throughout her life. Shes faced with decisions every day, sometimes she will pick the right decisions and sometimes she will pick the wrong ones. Occasionally she becomes scared of making a bad decision that can affect all her life, but at the same time she knows that every new day is another chance to change her life. The outcome is something that lies only on Gods hands. Her family has played an immense role in all of the shifts that she has been through in life, Friends will come and go but my family is here to stay, and I know that they will always be here whenever I need them- Paoli said. She also knows that her granddaddy will always look over her, even though he is gone. My granddaddy is gone physically, he became a memory that equals to a treasure to me- Paoli mentioned. High School has also played a significant role in making a shift in her life. It has helped her to make a shift from a little girl to a mature young lady. Nobody said that it was easy; in fact every time you make a shift in your life, its hard to get accustomed to the new you and the new things you deal with and do. She realized that as a little girl she always wanted to grow up like her big cousins, be able to do what they did and now that its her turn to grow up its a little bit scary, As I grow up, I am able to do more of the tuff that I always wanted to do, but all this also came with more responsibilities from school, my parents, from life. Nobody has an instruction book to live life; every action and decision that you take will mark the path to your shift.

By Paoli Ortiz

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Job # 10617

School duPont Manual High School

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2010 Herff Jones, Inc., All Rights Reserved


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Our sister bond

Paoli and her sister Danayara having fun at the skating rink

Paoli and her sister Danayara have a relationship that maybe other sisters wouldnt be able to compare to. Her sister doesnt tell on her or cries for no reason. Shes very smart, and at an age of 11 she sometimes knows more about certain stuff than Paoli does, I love to help my sister, because whenever I need her she always helps me-Danayara said. Paoli also knows that her sister will always be there for her, Having a sister is like having a best friend you cant get rid of, you know whatever you do she will still be there-Paoli said. The make a good team, Paoli thinks that her sister is helping her to shift her life to the right path.

Our unity, shes more like a sister

More than a cousin, more like a sister describes exactly Paolis and Katias relationship. Being close in age, made them build memories since they were little babies. I have so many memories with her, going to the beach, playing barbies, sleepovers, we did everything together- Katia said. Unfortunately when Paoli moved to the U.S. their relationship changed a little bit. She was like my bestfriend, and now that Im here its a little difficult to maintain the relationship as close as it was, but we still manage to skype and talk on the phone, i love her!Paoli explained. Their journey together hasnt been the greatest, but its important to point that even though many miles pull them apart, they are still very close.

Enjoying a party, Paoli and her cousin Katia decide to take a photo

But forever with me

Paoli and her grandaddy had an amazing relationship, he was a hard working man but always managed to be there when she needed him. Unfortunatelyhe made his shift to a better life on February 14, 2010 Valentines Day. Paoli feels that even though it has been more than a year since he made his shift, she still feels the pain as if it was yesterday. Loosing someone that was so close, is hard to get over. Paoli manages to stay strong, not only for herself but also for her mom. He might be physically gone, but everything that he taught her stills lives in her. My grandaddy is gone physically, but he became a memory that equals a treasure to me -Paoli said. Her grandaddyn is one of the reasons why she wants to accomplish her dream, she wants to make him proud.
Paoli and her family enjoying thanksgiving

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2010 Herff Jones, Inc., All Rights Reserved


Job # 10617

School duPont Manual High School

Odd Page X Process 4-Color (CMYK)

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our friendship

Paoli and irina have been friends since 6th grade, but didnt actually became best friends until 7th grade. Paoli thinks that Irina is a very valuable friend and she can trust her no matter what. Irina is always there for all of us, she never gets into an argument, shes more like the quiet and motherly onePaoli said. However, is unfortunately that Paoli doesnt get to see Irina as often as she would like, they go to the same school but yet dont have classes together. I dont get to see Paoli as often, but I always manage to call her and make sure shes doing alright- Irina said.
Paoli and Irina at the Manual game at Bowlinggreen Ky.

Paoli and Admira writing on the secret book.

About a year ago, Paoli and her best friends (Irina and Ana) decided to make a secret book to keep up with the memories that they are building as they are young. They hope to still be best friends when they are older and hope to look at the book and laugh at it together. This book is very important for them; no one else is aloud to see it or write in it. Every weekend they switch the book, they get to write in it all week, then give it to the other one on the weekend. The only reasonwhy we dont let other people look through the book is because in it we write secrets

Our recorded memories

and everything that we feel at the moment. We feel as if we

are the only ones that can see itIrina said. This book shows the shift throughout their friendship.

hroughout your life you meet a lot of people, most come and go, but the real ones stay no matter the distance that separates them, no matter how many arguments they have, no matter how many people want to separate them. Paoli feels lucky to have friends that she can actually identify herself with. It is very rare to find real friends now in days, thats why I appreciate and love the friends that I have -Paoli Said. Her definition of a Best friend is someone that always tries to be there whenever you need her, someone that you are able to trust without doubt, and someone that is able to put a smile on your face when it seems almost impossible to. Ana and Irina are Paolis best friends, she has known them for over 5 years and they are still going strong! One interesting thing about all

my friendship

three of them is that they are all foreign; Irina is from Russia, Ana is from Colombia, and Paoli is from Mexico. They can relate to each other pretty well, as well as learn from each other. They spend the weekends together, either over eachothers houses or a girls night out at the movies. There is nothing that can stop them from being together; if they were not able to hang out, they would stay all night talking on the phone. Paoli feels blessed to have their friendship because she knows that they have helped her to make many of the shifts that she has made throughout her life, I always go to them when I have to make an important decision, they guide me- Paoli explained. She hopes to build many more memories with them 100 memories, 200 jokes, 300 great times, 400 secrets, 1 reason: Best friends.

Our friendship to the nex level

Paoli and Ana have known each other since 6th grade, thats five years of friendship. They have been through many ups and down but their friendship has never came to an end. I Remember when Paoli and I got into

a HUGE argument because of a he said/ she said, we didnt talk for months, but luckily we are better than ever and we dont listen to immature stuff like that anymore Ana explained. Paoli feels closer to Ana than Irina, even though Irina also goes to Paolis school and Ana goes to a different school there is just something about Paoli and Anas friendship. Ana and Paoli are very similar; they both speak Spanish and have about the same customs, maybe thats one of the reasons that pulls them together. It is a little weird how Ive had more fights with Ana than Irina but yet I feel closer to her Paoli said. They have definitely been through a lot together, but the road is still long, they have allot more to go through. Friends inspire you to become your best and still love you when youre at your worst

Paoli and her bestfriend Ana smiling for the camera at the ice-skating rink.


her personal opinion

Without my phone i wouold not feel safe, I use it at all times- Admira explained. She hangs out alot with her friends so her dad

always calls her to make sure she is ok and she doesnt need anything, As a father I think that giving our kids cell phones is very helpful, but we still have to watch them to make sure they dont text too much or use it too much to the point were they dont take care of their priorities like schoolRizo llJaljevic said (Admiras dad). A phone can help alot, but you have to make sure that it doesnt interfere with your main priorities.


one wince she was starting to go out with her friends more often. It was a normal day; Paoli was at basketball game with her friends Ana and Irina. When the game was over, they decided to go outside and wait for Irinas parents who were going to pick them up. However, Ana and Irinas cell phones were dead and they were not able to call Irinas parents to tell them that the game was over, everyone was freaking out. Luckily Paoli had her cell phone and she was able to call her parents and tell them to pick them up. This is when I realized that having a cell phone was essential- Paoli said. A cell phone can help you out in a situation like this; Paoli feels that is a device that everyone needs.

What if you didnt have a cell phone? How would you communicate with your parents if you were in danger? About two years ago, when Paoli was only thirteen years old she got her first cell ph one. Her parents felt as if it was the right time for them to give her

As generations pass by, technology gets better and better and of course new computer, new cell phones and other new technological devices come out. The need for these devices seems to also be growing, Paoli thinks that in the generation that she now lives in having the latest cell phone or the latest computer is essential, not only because it looks better but also because they work better. My cell phone is something I cant live without: - Paoli said. Cell phones have become very important in the life of most of the teenagers around the world.

my existance

Back than, when kids got out of school it used to be the loudest time of the day, all I see are heads down looking at their cell phone- (duPont Manual teacher) Mrs. Rich said. A cell phone has its good and bad sides like everything does. It can help out when trying to communicate with someone, or it can also cause you a car accident. Teenagers dont think about it too much, their in their own little world, but the cell phone definitely helps them to shift their minds and communicate with one another at any time of the day no matter the distance.


Not everything about the cell phone is good. There is many accidents caused over it. When people are not responsible enough to not answer a cell phone while they are driving, even death can strike them. My cousin Katie was a victim of this, its sad that hey realize the dangers after something happens to them, or some other people dont even get the chance to Ana explained. Paoli

thinks that at this age many teenagers ignore the consequences of a cell phone because they dont think that something is going to happen to them, however it happens to everybody. And the consequences not only affect you, but the ones around you.



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