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Samantha Renova Period 2 May 10, 2013 Time management and Goal Setting

Here is a chart that shows some of the activities I do during the day. I do mostly learning which is really good. I also do my chores around the house. I go running to the park sometimes.

time management samantha reynoso

400 350 300 250 200 150 minutes per day 100 50 0 1 activites learning running watching tv on facebook shopping chores

My Goals

My goals are having more time on my chores to help clean around the house. I also should stop watching less TV and a little more learning. I should also do more running than being on facebook, I do lots of watching TV and I really think I should do less. These are my goals and I think I can complete them. My support My support is my mom and dad and the rest of my family. I know that I am also my own support to make myself study more. My mom is another encouragement because shes going to help me finish and complete the stuff I have to do. I always have an encouragement from my dad because he will always be there for me when I need help. My plan My plan is to do more learning because Im to some more learning because I need to catch up to schoolwork. I do lots of cleaning around the house because I do lots of watching TV and help my mom often. I plan do more schoolwork because I got to catch up with my subjects.

My set backs My setbacks are to get through pressure and study instead to going out. My goals of the setbacks are to get through peer pressure. I also have to finish high school and graduate. I have to learn to handle peer pressure with the teacher when they pressure me to do my work.

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