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Effective leaders and managers inspire cooperation personal decision by creating faith in common understanding faith in the probability of success , faith in the ultimate satisfaction of personal motives and faith in the integrity of common purpose.

Originality. Integrity. Courage.

Define and lead the social and ethical, as well as the competitive, mission of organizations. Build and sustain relationships with stakeholders. Talk with stakeholders, showing interest and concern for others need beyond the economic and utilitarian dimensions. Demonstrate collaborations and trust in shared decision making and strategy sessions. Show awareness and concerns for employees and other stakeholders in the policies and practices of the company.

Ethical blindness Ethical muteness Ethical incoherence Ethical paralysis Ethical hypocrisy Ethical schizophrenia Ethical complacency

LESS ETHICAL Manipulator (end-justifies -means ethic) Bureaucratic Administrator (rule ethic) Professional Manager (social contract Ethic)


Transforming Leader (personal ethic)

CEO Pay: Excessive or Earned?

CEO Evaluation.


Four elements that shape ethical culture :

Ethical Leadership Supervisor Reinforcement Peer commitment to ethics Embedded Ethical Values







A corporations culture is the shared values and meanings its members hold in common, which are articulated & practiced by an organisation. Corporate culture is transmitted through :
The values and leadership styles that the leader espouse and practice. The heroes and heroines that the company rewards and holds up as models. The rites and symbols that organisation value. The way that organizational executives and members communicate among themselves and their stakeholders.

Traits and Values of strong Corporate Cultures

Have widely shared philosophy Value the importance of people Have heroes (president & products) that symbolise the success of the company. Celebrate rituals which provide opportunities for caring and sharing for developing a spirit of oneness and we-ness. From the stakeholder management view, organisational system are aligned along the purpose , ethical values ,and mission of the company.

Also , individuals and teams in ethical cultures demonstrate a tolerance and respect for individual differences, compassion , ability to forgive and accept , and freedom and courage to do the right thing in a questionable situation. the effect of enterprise wide cultural approach is very significant and the misconduct reduces by threefourth.

High Ethics Companies

Mark Partin gave 4 principles based 25 high ethics high profit companies he studied
Principle 1 : High ethics firms are at ease interacting with diverse internal & external stakeholder. Principle 2 : High ethics firms are obsessed with fairness. Principle 3 :In high firms responsibility is individual rather than collective , individual assume responsibility for the firms action the high ethics firm sees its activities as having a purpose , a way of operating that members of the firm.

Weak Cultures
Companies that reinforce secrecy, hidden agendas , and physical settings that isolate executives from managers and employees status over human concern often are cultures in trouble. Signs of week culture include the following: An inward focus A short-term focus Morale and motivational problems Emotional outbursts Fragmentation and inconsistency Clashes among subcultures Ingrown subcultures

Dominance of subculture values No clear values or beliefs Many beliefs Different beliefs Destructive or disruptive cultural heroes Disorganized or disruptive daily routines

Leading and Managing Strategy And Structure

A corporation s strategy is propelled & supported by its people stakeholder s ,culture & moral contributions to its communities, customers & society. An organisation s influences legality ,morality, innovation and competitiveness in the following ways :
Strategy sets the overall direction of business activities. Strategy reflects what management values and prioritizes . It mirrors managements ethics and morality. Strategy sets tone for business transactions.

Organisational Structure
Decentralised structures with little or no coordination & central policy & procedures encourages immoral activities. Unrealistic , short term & bottom line profit quotas add pressure on employees to commit unethical actions. Overemphasis on number driven financial incentives encourages shortcuts Amoral organisation & work unit cultures can create an env. That condones illegal & immoral action.

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