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I am here to share my experiences in getting into TCS so that my experiences may be of some benefit to u. The written test consisted of 3 sections-verbal, quantitative aptitude and critical reasoning. The interview consisted of 3 rounds-Technical, MR, HR. VERBAL:This section consists of synonyms n antonyms n passages with sentences to be filled in between. some of the synonyms I remember are 1.TERSE 2.INIMICAL 3.FOSTER 4.FLORID 5.BEDECK 6.REMISS 7.REPELLENT 8.PREPERCUSSION 9.PRECARIOUS antonyms are:10.SYNERGY 11.CHAGRIN 12.DISSUADE almost all of the words are from 750 wordlist of Barrons 12th edition quant section is fully from previous papers available in this website critical reasoning consists of 3 passages they were from model papers of barrons 12th edition 1.A PASSAGE ON BROWNS AND REDS 2.A PASSASGE ON "ALL JS ARE KS..." 3.A PASSAGE ON DECIDING WHO IS MALE N WHO IS FEMALE The technical n MR interview were at once n he asked whether he could call me with my surname n when I said "yes" he tested whether i love my name or not. some more details abt my family n then he asked qns from power systems(EEE),C,digital n i was selected for hr round In HR round he started with my waiting from the morning n I said waiting for what we like gives happiness. He asked what do u like ?-interviews? n i said "i like getting placed in TCS" n next qns r why TCS, abt my percentage, short term n long term goals n my readiness to sign the service bond for 2 years. The results were out in the night n i was very much excited to get placed in my dream company-TCS.

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