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How to drive one hundred billion high-speed rail business in Nanning


50 years, Nanning railway development at an alarming rate, Nanning City's economic development has played a significant role, but also greatly shorten the Nanning and other cities as well as from neighboring countries to facilitate the country and foreign investors to invest in Nanning. South Canton Railway is expected to completed in December 2013, from Nanning to Guangzhou from the current 14 hours to 3 hours compressed within. It will help through Guangdong provinces in southwest China and the world to strengthen the links with Hong Kong and Macao.

Some time ago it was rumored that the good news of Nanning City, the city will vigorously build six high-speed railway, which is more convenient for the residents of the surrounding cities to Nanning investment home, and even more encouraging is that in the next couple of years, not only Nan Liu express railway to start construction, as well as the new 5-speed railway through Nanning to start construction in the future

Nanning Nanning 1.5 hours up around major cities in the region adjacent; 4 hours to Guangzhou, Guiyang, Kunming, Changsha; 6 hours available to Chengdu, Chongqing; 8 hours to go to Beijing, Shanghai. Express Railway will bring new people to the convenience and benefits.

[Span] build "1.5 hours economic circle" According to the railway sector in 2008 adjusted our long-term railway network plan, located in Nanning City, Nanning railway hub, east Pearl River Delta, north of the southwest, south of North Bay, facing Southeast Asia, in the South, Southwest Economic Circle and the ASEAN Economic Circle joint, is the only western coastal capital city, is to connect the southeast coast and southwest inland most convenient access to the sea and the major transport hub. Nanning City, efforts to build China - ASEAN logistics, commerce, manufacturing base, information, transport hub and financial center has a very important role.

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