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1 Write twenty-nine thousand four hundred and ninety-one in numerals. 10 Write thirty-seven thousand seven hundred and sixty-seven in numerals.

Write eighty-three thousand five hundred and fifty-six in numerals.

Write five hundred sixty thousand one hundred and twenty-eight in numerals.

Write ninety-five thousand nine hundred and forty-nine in numerals.

Write eight hundred ninety-eight thousand and fourteen in numerals

. 4 Write twenty-five thousand two hundred and eight in numerals. 3 Write two hundred seventy-two thousand one hundred and fifty-four in numerals.

Write fifty-five thousand eight hundred and ninety-three in numerals.

Write eighty-three thousand three hundred and sixty-two in numerals.

Write twelve thousand and one hundred in numerals.

Write six hundred seventy-four thousand nine hundred and fifty-six in numerals.

Write thirty thousand three hundred and eighty-one in numerals. 6 Write fifty thousand two hundred and forty-seven in numerals.

Write twenty-three thousand three hundred and thirty-six in numerals. 7 Write four hundred eleven thousand three hundred and thirty-three in numerals.

Write eighty-six thousand seven hundred and ninety-nine in numerals.


5 8 Write seven hundred seventy thousand three hundred and eighty-seven in numerals.

Write seven million six hundred fiftyfive thousand and sixty-seven in numerals.

Write six hundred seventy-seven thousand seven hundred and seventy-one in numerals.

Write nine million five hundred sixtytwo thousand six hundred and fifty in numerals.


Write two hundred thirty-one thousand eight hundred and eighty-eight in numerals.

Write four million four hundred eightyseven thousand and fifty-five in numerals.

Write four hundred thirty-eight thousand three hundred and eighteen in numerals

Write five million three hundred thirtynine thousand six hundred and thirtyeight in numerals

Write one million seven hundred ten thousand five hundred and six in numerals

Write four million eight hundred eightyseven thousand and eighty-eight in numerals.

Write four million nine hundred fortyone thousand four hundred and eightytwo in numerals.


Write two million seven hundred fortyfour thousand eight hundred and twelve in numerals.

Write one million four hundred thirtytwo thousand three hundred and sixtynine in numerals.


1 1 State the digit value of 1 in the number 21 893. State the digit value of 2 in the number 519 742.

State the digit value of 9 in the number 94 853.

State the digit value of 2 in the number 194 352.

State the digit value of 7 in the number 35 794.

State the digit value of 4 in the number 162 458.

State the digit value of 3 in the number 95 473.

State the digit value of 1 in the number 147 938.

State the digit value of 1 in the number 21 759.

State the digit value of 3 in the number 156 932.

State the digit value of 6 in the number 52 916.

State the digit value of 4 in the number 751 493.

State the digit value of 4 in the number 37 564.

State the digit value of 5 in the number 475 283.

State the digit value of 1 in the number 74 591.

State the digit value of 4 in the number 485 623.

State the digit value of 3 in the number 68 534.

State the digit value of 7 in the number 147 283.


State the digit value of 9 in the number 94 187.


State the digit value of 9 in the number 659 327.


State the digit value of 3 in the number 2 349 617.

State the place value of digit 6 in the number 64 517.

State the digit value of 7 in the number 3 658 741.

State the place value of digit 1 in the number 37 196.

State the digit value of 9 in the number 8 439 721.

State the place value of digit 7 in the number 47 815.

State the digit value of 1 in the number 2 738 451.

State the place value of digit 8 in the number 68 719.

State the digit value of 2 in the number 9 175 324.

State the place value of digit 4 in the number 67 349.

State the digit value of 7 in the number 3 462 817.

State the place value of digit 5 in the number 52 786.

State the digit value of 1 in the number 8 751 436.

State the place value of digit 3 in the number 58 263.

State the digit value of 8 in the number 7 915 826.

State the place value of digit 7 in the number 37 869.

State the digit value of 3 in the number 6 847 953.

State the place value of digit 1 in the number 26 814.


State the digit value of 9 in the number 2 549 836.


State the place value of digit 7 in the number 53 279.


State the place value of digit 1 in the number 953 142.

State the place value of digit 5 in the number 8 741 259.

State the place value of digit 3 in the number 971 368.

State the place value of digit 1 in the number 9 274 613.

State the place value of digit 3 in the number 986 132.

State the place value of digit 8 in the number 9 128 456.

State the place value of digit 5 in the number 835 792.

State the place value of digit 2 in the number 4 691 327.

State the place value of digit 8 in the number 751 832

State the place value of digit 8 in the number 1 648 953.

State the place value of digit 9 in the number 279 318.

State the place value of digit 6 in the number 1 586 392.

State the place value of digit 6 in the number 537 168.

State the place value of digit 2 in the number 1 279 438.

State the place value of digit 9 in the number 498 326.

State the place value of digit 9 in the number 8 296 143.

State the place value of digit 8 in the number 813 659.

State the place value of digit 9 in the number 5 467 982.


State the place value of digit 7 in the number 156 783.


State the place value of digit 1 in the number 8 591 274.



Round off 29 403 to the nearest thousand.

Round off 388 102 to the nearest hundred thousand.

Round off 46 523 to the nearest ten thousand.

Round off 592 358 to the nearest ten thousand.

Round off 14 488 to the nearest ten thousand.

Round off 740 905 to the nearest hundred.

Round off 18 491 to the nearest ten thousand.

Round off 226 773 to the nearest hundred thousand.

Round off 28 720 to the nearest ten.

Round off 792 181 to the nearest hundred.

Round off 57 058 to the nearest hundred.

Round off 172 977 to the nearest thousand.

Round off 89 932 to the nearest thousand.

Round off 414 934 to the nearest hundred.

Round off 77 415 to the nearest thousand.

Round off 12 735 to the nearest ten thousand.

Round off 61 703 to the nearest thousand.

Round off 346 973 to the nearest hundred.


Round off 75 809 to the nearest ten.


Round off 768 144 to the nearest ten thousand.


Round off 3 045 109 to the nearest ten.

Round off 8 113 542 to the nearest ten.

Round off 6 123 855 to the nearest hundred.

Round off 4 490 487 to the nearest hundred thousand.

Round off 4 175 988 to the nearest hundred.

Round off 6 174 565 to the nearest thousand.

Round off 7 862 314 to the nearest ten thousand.

Round off 5 372 987 to the nearest hundred.

Round off 6 103 945 to the nearest thousand


Round off 7 865 925 to the nearest ten.



Partition 50 820.

Partition 14 109.

Partition 10 206.

Partition 88 370.

Partition 60 909. 3 Partition 30 270.

Partition 30 834.

Partition 50 440.

Partition 45 900.

Partition 40 880.

Partition 60 370.

Partition 35 770.

Partition 15 300.

Partition 35 004.

Partition 60 572.

Partition 50 079.

9 9 Partition 12 060.

Partition 93 090.


Partition 43 003.


1 Write 91 221 in words. 6 Write 50 630 in words.

Write 36 681 in words. 7 Write 46 415 in words.

Write 12 348 in words

Write 54 918 in words.

Write 28 329 in words.

Write 93 271 in words.

Write 44 322 in words. 10 Write 76 057 in words.


Write 425 053 in words.

Write 46 967 in words.

Write 660 489 in words.

Write 281 177 in words.

Write 838 222 in words.

Write 916 214 in words.

Write 677 370 in words.

Write 236 411 in words.

Write 725 855 in words.


Write 221 766 in words.


Write 3 545 253 in words.

Write 1 796 764 in words.

Write 5 432 340 in words. 7 Write 4 781 868 in words.

Write 4 826 041 in words. 8 Write 9 262 746 in words.

Write 4 599 183 in words.

Write 1 525 493 in words.

Write 1 699 325 in words.


Write 7 020 951 in words.


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