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ROMANAROBEROSE PURIJOESELEE BALINALFREDO CANLASELLA MACE MARTINEZALEC JAN DELACRUZIRA CAMILLE JAMEROLYNETTE ALAIZA CHAVESMARIEL SARABIAPAULA VICENTEHERO DIMASALANGPATRICK RABANESJAY-C BERNARDOPAUL LEGUTANNINA ROTONISCENE 1- AT THE HOSPITAL NARRATOR: Its hard for a mother to raise her child alone right? So here is a role play that will melt your hearts, get ready for the amazing presentation of group ______. *Joan at the labor room* Nurse 1: Now PUSH! Joan: I cant take this anymore! FOR GOD SAKE! *catching some breathe* Nurse 1: Push harder! COME ON! Joan: Arghhhhh! I cant take this anymore! GOD PLEASE HELP ME! *breathe deeply* Nurse 1: ONE MORE! PUSH PUSH PUSH! Joan: *lose consciousness* Nurse 2: Shes now awake, let us tell her the good news. Nurse 1: Congrats maam, a new bouncing baby boy was born! Joan: Look, hes so cute! Am I right? Nurse 3: Yes, Hes cute! Sorry for this question but wheres the father of your baby?

Joan: Hes dealing with a case, in fact hes innocent with that lawsuit. Nurse 1: Im pretty sure that your husband is so excited to see your baby. Hes so cute and fluffy! Joan: I cant wait to see my husband our cute little bouncing baby boy. NARRATOR: Joan laughs giggly and smiled at her baby. *Pouring rain* (SOUND EFFECT) NARRATOR: When I leave the hospital, it will be cold out. Maybe raining. Joan: Thank god I have this green cape! Oh yes! Can I forgot you my little baby? Here, Ill wrapped you in a soft piece of cloth to warm you up. NARRATOR: And because David was not around, Joans friends are the one who picks her up in the hospital. Robert: Theres Joan. Christi, help her out. *Christi jumps off to the car and help Joan through her belongings* Christi: Oh hi there you little cutie patootie. *touches the babys nose* SCENE 2- AT JOANS HOUSE. (FLASHBACK) Joan: Were home baby. Sorry for this messy house. I know it doesnt fit for you, I really really felt sorry. *Puts the baby beside her* Good night. Sweet dreams *kisses the babys forehead* SCENE 2- THE MILITARY NARRATOR: Joan thinks about the crazy stretch of time last July when they were all sitting around in the dust and sun, waiting for the federal marshals to come and pick up David. *JOAN 4 MONTHS PREGNANT, Looking at David, David looks back to Joan then smile* NARRATOR: Friends came and went it droves, each trying in their own stumbling way to say a simple message to David. Friend 1: Good bye David, may GOD bless you. David: Thank you ________ Friend 2: God bless you David, take care. David: *smiles* Thank you.

Friend 3: Hey David, dont forget our friendship huh. Take care David, good luck on your journey. David: I wont. *SMILES* I promise. All right! Too much. Brother, Im ready! *Friend 1, 2, 3(AND OTHERS) Laughter, Hugs David. (LOUD MUSIC AND EATING OF SOME STUFFS, DRINKING BEVERAGES)* *David goes to Joan, holds her hand and say good bye* David: take care of our baby, I know its not easy to raise a child alone. But this thing is for the future of our family. *Joan hugs David* David: I must go. *Walk off through the room, Joan waving at David* SCENE 3- THE BAD DREAM. *TERRIBLE FIGHT* Joan: So hi there Mr. LAZY! David: wait, what? LAZY? I work hard for our family and you are calling me MR. LAZY? YOU DONT DO THAT TO ME! Joan: Im sick and tired of your fibs David. SICK AND TIRED! David: A moment ago MR. LAZY, then now a FIBBER? What are you up to? Im telling fibs on you? *threw up a milk* David: What the? Are you crazy? ARGHHHH! *Tries to slap Joan* *PIPIGILAN* David: Let me go you fools! Joan: Oh, darling David! Everything will be alright. *Joan, trying to touch Davids face, David put away his face out of Joans face* David: In your face Joan. Anonymous: No. Were not fools, you are the fool! Joan: Oh, darling David! Everything will be alright. *Joan, trying to touch Davids face, David put away his face out of Joans face*

David: In your face Joan. *Grips got tightened* David: Just let me go! Youll pay for this Joan! YOULL PAY! SOON! SCENE 4- THANK GOD IT WAS ONLY JUST A DREAM NARRATOR: She wokes up and have a bad dream. Joan: Thank god it was only just a dream! Phew. *looks at the clock* Joan: Ohh, its only 4 oclock. *Joan staring at the dark, biting her lips* Joan: The whiteness of the sheets and gowns, the smell of antiseptic, the squeaking of the nurses shoes coming and leaving, the pale green walls. The doctor with his mask on, me working, working. NARRATOR: The little wrinkled face. How long before the first yell? Will I get to hold it right away? Will it be healthy? Will I get to feed it once before it gets the hospital formula? And back again to the start, over and over, and around and around until, with the light of dawn, my frenzy abated like the outgoing tide and I fell into a exhausted sleep. *couple of weeks passed* Joan: So Ill begin my Lamaze childbirth course. Now I know the breathing techniques, exercises and how to recognize different stages of labor and what to do in each. NARRATOR: The one who gave commands to Joan is Christi and her doctor. Christi: Youre making this thing for the sake of your baby. Maybe the classes will make some of the more obscure fears. *Joan starts the breathing exercises, lying on the floor, panting like a puffed-up blowfish* Joan: FOR MY BABY! HAHAHAHA. Christi: Thats right Joan, Its good for the baby when you laugh. NARRATOR: As I sit here and write, I can look out the east. It is evening, and the sky is very light blue, with pink angel hair strewn across it in lavish wisps. Joan: I wish David was writing a letter for me. NARRATOR: the sky over his prison is big. Big and open and clean and eternal. Davids like that too. Hes six foot three and his eyes are blue as crystal air at the oceans edge.

SCENE 5- David is in jail. General: David, I chose you to go on a war. David: But sir, I cant. General: why you cant? David: my wife is 4 months pregnant. I cant leave her now. General: So youre not going to obey my command? Am I right. David: but sir. General: No more buts. David: Its a senseless war. THATS ALL. NARRATOR: and because David disobey his masters command. He was putted in jail. The word, after what weve done to it, is barely fit for a cockroach to live in. It gasps for air and is dying. To state facts about the condition of mankind becomes hackneyed and boring, and we lose patience with hearing them. Not because they arw not true, but because they are not real to us. They seem to be thing s out of our control. The truth is simply that we are living in the most violent, reckless, and deadly era the world has ever known. And we, the human race, have chosen to be blind as snakes , as stubborn as asses and dumber than cows. And yet to look into the eyes of any man who is open and vulnerable for as much as one second, the world seems to turn suddenly into an unmapped ocean of innocence , hope, and beauty. A World in which man recognizes that he has a choice to live his life. He does not have to be a snake or a cow , but a whole person. If those moments can be nurtured , understood, and built upon rather than fearfully labeled and swept away, then this is truly hope for mankinds survival and the birth of brotherhood. The odds? Against. Then the risks? High. The reason to bother? The joy is living and watching the flowering of love. I cannot resist the urge to bring forth one more small yager. May God each me the art of loving and grant my child a gift of.

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