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O[ectve General


4. Quack (n.)
5. Quadruped (n.) 6. Quasi (n.) 7. Quandary (n.)

(untrained doctor)-A person who dishonesdl, claims to har-e knowledge of a subject is called a quack.

feet)-A cow is a usefuL quodruped. (to a certain extent)-lndian Constitution is quasi-federal. (in a fix, dilemma)-Most of the snrdents are in a quandary about their future plans after they have completed their
(having four education.

8. Quest (n.) 9. Quell (n.J

10. Quintessence 11. Quarantine 12. Quash

(search)-He left home at a very early age in quest of a job.


crush)-India must deal with the militants with


iron hand to quell anti-national activities.


(perfect example, paragon)-Everybody admires her because

she is the quintessence of benevolence.


(period of separation)-She was admitted to quarantine ward to avoid the danger of spreading of viral fever in the hospital. (set aside, strike doum)-The High Court quashed the verdict

(v.) (v.)

of the lower court.

13. Quench

(satisfy)-Sheneededwaterurgentlyto quenchherthirstwhen
she returned from college.


(adj.) (n.)

fun of her.

she has a queer way of

talking, everybody makes

15. Qualms

[feeling of doubt (right or wrong)] The hardened criminals are the last to feel quolms while committing cruel deeds. (peace)-Once the haven of quierude Kashmir Valley is now a place haunted by terrorism.

16. Quietude (n.) 17. Quirk

(n.) (odj.) (adj.) (adj.)

(a strange act)-One can call his misfonune just a quirk of fate. (generous)-He has not been successful in life because of his
qurxotic ideas. (questioning)---The quizzical remarks often made by Rohit are appreciated by his friends.

18. Quixotic 19. Quizzical

20. Quermlous

(fretful)-His querrulous behaviour has made him unpopular

r,vith his friends.

1. Reprieve

(n.) (n.)

(temporary stay)-The lawyers got him repieve when he was granted bail and released fromjail.
(necessary requirement)-Hard work and honesty are requisite

2. Requisite

to success in life.

3. Rampart (n.)

(defensive wali)-The Prime Minister declared from the ramparts of the Red Fort that sovereignry of India is inviolable.

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