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Called Meeting of the Board of Directors and

the Architectural Control Committee
February 10, 2009

Bill Haschke opened the meeting at 7:05 p.m., in the home of Ed

Skarnulis, by explaining the purpose of this called meeting: At our annual
meeting on February 7, the allotted time schedule for usage of the Aqua
Water Corporation community room for the 2009 Annual Meeting had
expired, not allowing the usual time to elect officers on the Board. This
meeting was specifically called to elect officers for the next year.
Those present introduced themselves:
John Clark (Board) Jim Mack (Board)
Bill Haschke (Board Al Martin (ACC)
Loretta Hennard (Board) Bruce Martin (ACC)
Wayne Hulshof (ACC) Sue Lane McCulley (Board)
Kirby Kyle (Board) Tom McCulley (ACC)
Ed Skarnulis (Board)

Jim Mack moved, and Loretta Hennard seconded, that Ed Skarnulis be

elected president; agreement was unanimous.

Kirby Kyle moved, and Jim Mack seconded, that Loretta Hennard
continue in her position as secretary; agreement was unanimous.

Loretta Hennard moved, and Jim Mack seconded, that Bill Haschke
be elected as treasurer; agreement was unanimous.

Bill Haschke moved, and John Clark seconded, that Jim Mack be
elected as vice president; agreement was unanimous.

President Ed Skarnulis noted the need to follow Roberts Rules of

Order in all meetings. Also, in matters involving the expenditure of money,
careful notes of actions must be taken. Pine Forest POA’s website must be
updated; and a list of current officers and committee members must be
updated and posted on the website. There was also discussion of the need
for committees (in addition to the ACC), with walking trails and re-cycling
the major topics.

Loretta A. Hennard, Secretary

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