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Dear Julie, my name is Simona and I'm italian. I live in Cervia, which is a little town in the north of Italy.

I'm 14 years old and I've got a brother [sister], Andrea, who is younger [older] than me. [oppure--->I've got a brother who is 10 years old] I'm quite tall [se non siete molto alti--->I'm not very tall] for my age and I've got long brown hair. I'm enclosing a photograph of myself so that you can see what I look like. I like animals a lot and I've got 2 beautiful cats called Matisse and Mir. I study at school near my home and I like Maths, Music and Art, but I'm not very good at English. Which subjects do you prefer at school? In my free time I like to play volleyball: my team is called CerviaVolley and we train 3 times a week. I also like to play on my computer and surf on Facebook. Have you got a facebook account? Maybe we could chat together sometimes! That's all for now. Write soon and tell me everthing about you and your family. Hugs and kisses, Simona.

Domande che potete fare

Do you like sports? [ti piacciono gli sport] Which class are you attending? [che classe fai?] What do you do in your free time? [cosa ti piace fare nel tempo libero?] Have you got brothers or sister? [hai fratelli o sorelle?] Do you have any pets? [hai degli animali domestici?]

Cose che potete aggiungere di voi

I always got a lot of homework [ho sempre un sacco di compiti] My mum is an housewife/lawyer/teacher and my father is an electrician/barman/deskman [mia mamma una casalinga/un avvocato/un'insegnante e mio padre un elettricista/un barman/un impiegato] I can't wait to receive your answer [non vedo l'ora di ricevere la tua risposta] I love pizza and McDonald's hamburgers! [adoro la pizza e gli hamburgers di mcdonald] I love pop music and my favourite singer is Justin Bieber [mi piace la musica pop e il mio cantante preferito Justin Bieber] We have a dog/cat called Bal and a lovely, tiny hamster called Pif. [Abbiamo un cane/un gatto di nome Bal e un dolcissimo, piccolo criceto che si chiama Pif]

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