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January, 2013 AUGUST, 2012 Chief Editor: Sachchida Nand Jha Editor: Yagya Nand Jha

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Mohammed Ajmal Amir Kasab, the Pakistani National and the lone surviving terrorist of 26/11 Mumbai Terror Attacks, was hanged on 21 November 2012 at Punes Yerwada Jail at 7:30 am. The Home Minister of Maharashtra R.R. Patil confirmed that Kasab was hanged. It is quite significant to note that the President Pranab Mukherjee decided to reject Kasabs mercy plea while 14 other petitions till October 2012 were pending and this also included Parliament attack terrorist- Afzal Guru besides other important names. Kasab was a Pakistani militant and belonged to Lashkar-e-Taiba terrorist group. He was born on 13 July 1987 at Faridkot, Pakistan and is 25 years old. Kasab was found guilty in 80 offences which included murder, possession of explosives, waging a war against India and many more. The Supreme Court of India upheld the death sentence of Kasab on 29 August 2012. The defense lawyers on Kasabs side are Defense lawyers Amin Solkar, Farhana Shah and Abbas Kazmi. He was hanged five days before the fourth anniversary of the brutal terror attack on Mumbai that claimed 166 lives and sieged Mumbai for continuous three days. In the top-secret operation, the sole surviving terrorist of 26/11 Mumbai terror attacks Mohammed Ajmal Amir Kasab was hanged till death in Yerwada jail, Pune, on 21 November 2012. Kasab had killed 166 people on 26 November 2008 along with 9 other terrorists from Pakistan. Kasab was the only terrorist who had been captured alive at the scene of the violence. The grainy image of the young man, a gun in his hand and a backpack slung casually over his shoulder, has become an icon of the attack. Kasabs death sentence had been pronounced by a lower court in Mumbai in 2008 and was subsequently upheld by the Bombay High Court in 2011 and Indias top court in August 2012. Earlier this month, his mercy plea his last chance to stay his sentence was rejected by President Pranab Mukherjee. It was a very somber duty that we had to perform, Foreign Minister Salman Khurshid said in a press briefing It could have developed into a simmering sore in our country. Whether Kasabs hanging will prove to be such a potent deterrent is a matter of much debate. As the initial cheers faded, India was almost immediately beset with questions of what, apart from a sense of reprisal for the victims and their families, the execution would accomplish. Kasab was among 10 men who carried out attacks on key Mumbai landmarks on Nov. 26, 2008, including two hotels, a railway station and a Jewish center. Many worry that unless the real masterminds of the attack who are still hiding in neighboring Pakistan are brought to justice, Kasabs hanging will achieve precious little. This man came to die four years ago. His life for the last four years was an in3

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cidental footnote in the trajectory of international terrorism, says Ajai Sahni, executive director of the Delhi-based Institute for Conflict Management. What he has done and what has been done to him has no impact whatsoever on the trajectory of terrorism or on the balance of power between the various players, including the nonstate actors and state sponsors. Indeed, some say Kasabs hanging may even invite more violence from terror groups. Within hours of his death, a senior commander of Lashkar-e-Taiba, the Pakistani militant group accused of masterminding the Mumbai attacks, told Reuters that its former foot soldier is a hero whose death will inspire other fighters to follow his path. If the worst were to come to pass, is India better prepared today than it was in 2008 to handle a domestic terrorist attack? At least some in the government, including former Home Minister and current Finance Minister P. Chidambaram, assert that it is not. Have we done enough to build capacity since the Mumbai terror attacks? Chidambaram told a gathering of top police officials last year. The answer is yes and no. Chidambaram, after he took over as Home Minister following the 2008 attacks, revamped the countrys security architecture by plumping up the police forces, arming them with sophisticated weapons and establishing the National Investigation Agency, a robust investigation bureau aimed at coordinating national efforts against terrorism. The amount of vulnerability remains the same The people we are talking about, with their ideologies, the 4 hanging of a man is not going to have any kind of dampening or freezing effect on them because these are people who are willing to die and kill. What is Terrorism? Terrorism is fundamentally an attack on the state. It may be described as an act of violence, committed against innocent people to create fear, with an underlying political motive. This fear is an intended effect and not merely a byproduct of terrorism. Terrorists are therefore criminals and not so-called freedom fighters. International Terrorism has international or trans-national consequences in which terrorists strike targets outside and beyond their country of origin such as the 11th September World Trade Centre attack or the strikes by Pakistan-based outfits in Jammu and Kashmir (J&K). International Terrorism also implies that such terrorist groups, e.g. JEI, Al Qaida, etc. have an organisation/ network/ linkage in a number of countries. For instance, we have identified terrorists who are nationals from 16 countries, currently operating in J&K. The question is that if collateral damage and casualties from terrorism are inevitable, should the Government have any qualms about swift and ruthless retaliation? THERE ARE two root causes for the entire chaos and terrorism in this world. One is the thirst for earning money and the other is the religious fanaticism. Due to money, people are quarrelling, whereas due to religion, countries are quarrelling. Unless these two root causes are eradicated we cannot achieve world peace. The tree will not die by cutting leaves and branches. It dies only by cutting its roots. There is no use in earning the extra money. Due to excess money, quarrels, mental worries and several other problems arise. Finally, it ends in loss only and not in any profit. You have to leave all this extra money here only and quit this world alone. Your children may lose that money given by you. Such sinful extra money brings problems not only to you but also to your children. Neither you, nor your children will be happy and peaceful. This entire world is the property of God and takes whatever is required from it. This is said in Gita, (Yavanartha). These days, buffet system is followed during feasts. Large vessels contain various food items and people take food from these vessels according to their requirement. Similarly, God created this entire world and you can take the wealth from it according to your requirement. People are not following the same system when they are taking wealth from this world. The peculiarity is that most rich people follow this buffet system in the feasts but do not follow the same when it comes to earning the money. Esavasya Upanishad says that one should return back this extra money to the Lord. Otherwise, the Lord will give the troubles. In buffet system, if one takes extra food in his plate by over ambition and ignorance for a moment, he returns back immediately before starting eating. Veda says that you must return back the extra money for the Gods work if taken by ignorance. If you enjoy the extra money, God will punish you in several ways. In this world, people belonging to any religion think that only their religion is the true religion. They think that the God as described

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in their religion can alone give salvation and the worship of God should be according to their religion only. They also condemn other religions and allure people to convert to their religion. They do lot of work to establish their religion only in the entire world, which shows their ambition. It is just like Alexanders ambition to make the entire world his kingdom. Alexander wanted to extend his kingdom. But, even he returned back after fighting with Porus (Purushotama) on seeing the loss of life in the battle. But, the ambition of religious fanatics does not subside on seeing any amount of loss of life. Religion is backed by spiritual knowledge and religious people are expected to be free from ambition. We can always excuse ambition of any ignorant person like Alexander. International terrorism is not a new phenomenon to the world or to India in particular. The 11th September incident has only demonstrated another facet of international terrorism the tremendous potency of technology and innovation besides the globalisation of economies, which have come to transcend national boundaries. Multi-national corporations and non-state players now have a worldwide reach. These have compromised the authority of the state. Non-state players and black money as well as narcotics trade have acquired power, making some of the terrorist groups (JEI, LTTE & PLO) financially viable and independent. The revolution in information technology (IT) and communication also enables instant transmission of ideas and information at a global level, by the terrorist outfits who can now exploit cyber terrorism as well as the deadly and sophisticated Precision-Guided Missiles (PGMs), and other weapons of mass destruction. The rise of religious fundamentalism has introduced a new ideology which sanctifies Jehad (holy war) and Fidayeen (suicide) attacks. This exploits the situation of backwardness and economic disparity of the frustrated youth of society. Terrorism today, therefore, has been transformed into a transnational, high-tech, lethal and global phenomenon. The response to terrorism needs to be structured accordingly and the decision making process also needs to be modernised. WHAT INDIA SHOULD DO? Long Term Strategy Following from the above understanding of the nature of international terrorism that faces us today, it is clear that a long-term strategy is required to counter terrorism. It has to be comprehensively addressed on all fronts, political, economic, social and military. This strategy needs to be evolved from our national aims and objectives to protect core values. These core values are: Consolidate as a secular, federal democratic state with freedom of speech, equality and justice. Protect sovereignty and territorial integrity. Promote socio-economic growth and development. We must learn from the experience of other nations. However, at the same time, we need to realise clearly that our situation is particular to us and there are no direct lessons to learn except a re-evaluation of our own experience. Our strategy must be realistic and cannot be similar to the US model of worldwide capability or the Israeli strategy of reliance on massive and immediate retaliation, as the respective environment and capabilities are different. While, we can take some useful lessons from the British dealings with the IRA or even the Egyptian policy on eliminating the Jehadis, one principle is clear that whatever responses we adopt, they must not be knee-jerk reactions or evolved in an ad-hoc manner. Political / Diplomatic Strategy International terrorism cannot effectively be fought alone, as has been our experience so far. All nations must join hands to combat it, as is being done for Osama bin Laden and Al Qaida. SCR 1373 must not remain on paper, must be applied and the defaulting nations punished. Pakistan sponsored proxy war must be exposed and international pressure applied. We must highlight more aggressively, the justness of our cause and the support to terrorism by Pakistan, both through state and non-state players, as well as strive to isolate Pakistan in the international community. A strong message needs to be conveyed to Pakistan, that we mean business, demonstrated by deeds/ actions. All steps to convey this must be implemented such as diplomacy, trade, sports and military. We also need to take all covert measures to pay back Pakistan in its own coin, by encouraging internal inadequacies in NWPF, Sind, and along the Durand Line. Internal Strategy Our policy of meeting political / economic aspirations has suc5

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ceeded in many cases through the creation of new states and autonomous councils with limited military containment. However, it has not succeeded where internal support has been potent. We, therefore, need to move from a policy of appeasement and accommodation to firm action, before the problem spreads: Adopt proactive policies to confront the terrorists militarily, and at the roots of terrorist ideology fundamentalists, social evils and sources of terrorism e.g. narcotics / drug trade. Enact effective anti-terrorist laws and legal framework. Modernise and enlarge intelligence networks. Modernise state Police and Para Military Forces in training, equipment and ethos. Economic Dimension Spread the fruits of development more evenly throughout the country. Locate some of the Public Sector Units in the remote areas even if they are non-profit making. Put in a greater developmental effort in the remote, weaker sections of society which, though a stated policy is not visible at present. Reduce demographic displacement resulting in social / ethnic tension such as in Assam and Tripura, through the joint development of sensitive border belts along Nepal, Bangladesh and Myanmar. Enhance our economic and military capabilities so as to widen the gap between India and Pakistan sufficiently, and act as an economic and military deterrence for Pakistan, which would then realise the futility of trying to catch up. 6 Social Environment Promote moderate and secular polity by media, intelligentsia and religious institutions. The path of developing a composite culture as already developed in the Armed Forces may serve as a useful role model. Address the outdated education system of Madrassas by quality modernisation and laying down guidelines for uniform syllabii. We cannot continue to recognise religious education such as those in the Madrassas as an entrance-system for universities. Suitable alternatives have to be created. Upgrade our communication systems so that television and telecommunication spreads to our remote and border areas, which are currently under constant reach of Pakistan propaganda. There should be realistic psychological and information warfare so that the will of the anti-national elements is suffocated and the hearts of the populace are won. Military Strategy We need to clearly spell out our counter terrorism strategy / doctrine. This should tackle the causes and not just the symptoms. I must stress here that J&K is only a symptom of terrorism and NOT the cause. The direction of military strategies should be as under:
The aim of military operations should be to create a secure and suitable environment, so that social, economic and political issues can be addressed effectively. Seeking political solutions to accommodate the aspirations without fully eliminating the terrorists, their structure and support bases only results in a fire fighting situation and actually prolongs terrorism. This results in enormous costs, militarily and economically. The first step should be to buildup the military forces and their capabilities (which are not adequate currently), and thereafter consolidation of these capabilities and finally destruction of the militants. A reactive response is not the answer. A reorientation of armed response is required so as to launch proactive and specific surgical military operations. An important element of a proactive effort is to increase the costs of proxy war to Pakistan, by undertaking Hot Pursuit Strikes across the LoC and into PakistanOccupied Kashmir (POK). The evolution of a superior Intelligence System is imperative. This should encompass human, technical, electronic intelligence, as also modernisation of data processing and dissemination both external and internal. Effective surveillance and management of the borders to check infiltration (International Border/ Line of Control), is also necessary. This should be achieved through technical means of surveillance, backed by highly mobile, specialised forces as Reaction capability rather than the present system, which is manpower intensive. Foreign-based terrorists have to be hit at their bases, training camps and sanctuaries to end the surrogate terrorism or the proxy war by Pakistan. We have to create the means and the will to do this. Special Forces both overt and covert, need to be employed for this task. Imaginative security of our vital installations, nuclear assets and airports. Static posts or piquets are not the answer. Electronic sensors and effective intelligence is the need. Preventive measures against nuclear, biological and chemical (NBC) and cyber-terrorism. The Army is the ultimate weapon of the state and its over-employ-

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ment affects its operational role. The Police and the Para-military should normally handle the internal security. However, they are incapable of fighting a proxy war such as in J&K unless their capabilities are upgraded. March 2011- Kasab wrote to Supreme Court challenging high court s decision 10 October 2011- Supreme Court stayed execution of the death sentence 25 April 2012- Supreme Court reserved its verdict after going through a lot of hearing over two and a half months 16 October 2012- Union Home Ministry recommended to president for rejecting mercy plea of Kasab 5 November 2012- President rejected mercy petition of Kasab 8 November 2012- Maharashtra Government was informed about the decision of President 21 November 2012- Kasab was hanged at 7.30 A.M. in Yerwada Jail, Pune

Ajmal Kasabs Execution Chronology

26 November 2008- Kasab as well as 9 terrorists launched a commando raid in Mumbai 27 November 2008- Kasab caught and arrested 30 November 2008- Kasab confessed before police 16 January 2009- Arthur Road Jail selected for trial of Kasab 20/21 February 2009- Kasab confessed before the magistrate 22 February 2009- Ujjwal Nikam appointed as the Special Public Prosecutor 20 April 2009- Prosecution charged Kasab on 312 counts 6 May 2009- Kasab was awarded death sentence by the trial court 21 February 2011- Bombay High Court upheld the decision of the trial court

The heart of a religious fanatic will not change by any amount of kindness or love expressed in the appeals. Such appeals can only change the heart for a short while. Change in intelligence brought by knowledge based on logic is always

real and permanent. Intelligence (Buddhi) is considered to be the driver of this body, which is like a chariot running by the senses, which are like the horses. If the driver is convinced, the entire chariot along with the horses is in the correct path. The terrorist will not change by love or kindness shown to him. He becomes the terrorist due to the wrong knowledge that enters his brain. He was convinced by that knowledge. That knowledge can be changed only by the right knowledge. A diamond can only be cut by another diamond. Similarly, one type of knowledge can only be replaced by another type of knowledge. Then only, he will be convinced and changed forever. So far, the trials made to change the terrorist are like beating around the bush and therefore, they do not have much effect.

Pankaj Kumar


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Usually when we talk about traditional wushus relevance to modern times, we concentrate on the question how can it help us to improve ourselves and our society? Of course, those of us who love the art easily have a lot to say about that. All we have to do is examine our own experiences. Though details vary from person to person, basically our stories would hit on the same points: Its a great exercise for health and fitness. It builds strength of character and promotes inner growth. It challenges us to awaken and develop those parts of ourselves in which creative abilities and expanded thought exist. The outcome to our acceptance of this challenge is the next chapter in every persons story. As an ethnic art, it provides practitioners a living experience of Eastern philosophy and wisdom. And lets not forget the obvious: it teaches advanced techniques which can be used for high-level combat. Performed correctly, the move8 ments have a power, flow, and depth that is beautiful to watch and fulfilling to perform. One could accurately say that traditional wushu massages the entire person: body (inside and out), mind, and spirit. To an outsider, this must seem too good to be true. But, this isnt the whole story. Practitioners must have the guidance of a true master who transmits the techniques of a pure lineage. For their own part, they must log in many hours of hard work, be willing to face their own errors and limitations, and carry on in the midst of discomfort and uncertainty. They must endure physical, emotional, and mental pain, persevere through frustrations, and struggle with long, boring hours of stance training, basics, and repetitive practice. They must discard many old habits and learn to think, move, act, and react in ways that go against their natural, customary way of doing things. Traditional wushu is very old, as is the culture in which it was born. It is the culmination of centuries of wisdom, experience, testing, and medical knowledge. In contrast, our lives move at a machine-gun pace, with too many things to do, too much information to contend with, and too many changes which have come too quickly. Todays technical innovation makes yesterdays invention obsolete. And events half way around our shrunken globe can affect us with almost the same intensity as if they happened down the block. In this context, a discipline with roots in a strong culture that spans many centuries can be a lifeline of stability, grounding, and peace. But being old doesnt automatically make something better in every way. With the passing of each generation, all areas of lifetraditions, arts, religions, science, fashion, etc.are automatically reevaluated in the light of the current situation and tastes. In addition, no matter how ancient, traditional wushu is a living art. Quite naturally it must continue to evolve and grow. In

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other words, it must be modernized or it will lose its vitality and die. Modernization has to do with examining something, to judge what should be preserved and what discarded. It brings things up to date, improves, and renews something that was slipping away into an unintended retirement. At the same time, modernization can be dangerous. It can kill what it should have revitalized. Weve seen it happen. An older neighborhood, home to hard-working lower-income families, looks tired, rundown. So its redeveloped into blocks of expensive condos for busy professionals. How do we keep from crippling or killing the very thing we are trying to preserve? Before we examine communist Chinas experiment, the so-called modern wushu, its necessary to review some background. As the 19th approached the 20th century, Western industry, commerce, science, politics, and warfare was on the rise, dominating the world and bringing about changes to other cultures. China, an old civilization which for centuries had isolated herself from outside influence, was behind the times. Therefore she suffered greatly at the hands of Western countries and entered this century a cheated, badly beaten, and demoralized nation. Chinas response to this sad state of affairs was to catch up through rapid modernization. Major efforts went into learning from the West. Students were sent overseas for their education and, after their return, were given important positions in government and society. Western science, investment, technology, and the democratic political system were studied and adopted. They rushed to build railroads and freeways, and install electricity, plumbing, gas, and modern conveniences to improve their standard of living. They changed their old military style in favor of modern armaments. They instituted the Western educational system and school structurefrom elementary school to Ph.D. programs. And like many other countries, in the midst of this enormous struggle China went astray. Having lost self-respect and confidence, they began not only to enjoy but also to imitate western music, painting, theater, and other arts. Baseball, tennis, western calisthenics, and other activities replaced their own sports and recreation. They made the mistake of believing that Western culture and standards were superior to theirs. They confused modernization with Westernization.

by Marie Anthony


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India is the largest child labour force market in the world. The problem of child labour is its roots of colossal proportions. The notion that children are being exploited and forced into labour, while not receiving education crucial to development, concerns many people. India is the largest example plagued by the problem of child labour. Current figures of the number of children engaged in child labour in India are not available. This difficulty is attributed to the fact that the Indian Government has been negligent in its refusal to collect and analyze current and relevant data regarding the brutal incidence of child labour. As of 1996, official figures continue to be based on 1981 census figures. The 1981 Indian census reports that there were 13.6 million child labourers in India. Indian government extrapolations of 1981 data place the current number of child labourers at between seventeen and twenty million (Human Rights Watch 1996). This extrapola10 tion seems highly unlikely as The Official National Sample Survey of 1983 reports 17.4 million child labourers, while a study sponsored by the Labour Ministry, concluded that the child-labour force was 44 million. UNICEF cites figures ranging from seventy-five to ninety million child labourers under the age of fourteen. A universal difficulty in obtaining accurate data maybe that individuals fail to report child labour participation during surveys for fear of persecution. The figure for the number of child labourers varies a lot, they are all significantly high when considering that the Child Economic Activity rate for 1980-1991 was 13.5% for males and 10.3% for females. In comparison, other developing countries such as Sri Lanka and Malaysia, have lower activity rates: 5.2% for males and 4.7% for females in Sri Lanka, and 8.9% for males and 6.6% for females in Malaysia. Historical census data shows an overall child work participation rate of 12.69% in 1961 and 7.13% in 1971 . This data is misleading because the definitions of child labour are different in the two censuses , thus a comparison cannot be completely valid The data shows that in a span of twenty years (1961-1981), the proportion of children has not changed significantly. Child labour support the source of income of the poor. A study conducted by the ILO Bureau of Statistics found that Childrens work was considered essential in maintaining the economic level of households, either in the form of work for wages, of help in house hold enter prises or of house hold chores in order to free adult household members for economic activity elsewhere. In some cases, the study found that a childs income accounted for between 34 and 37 percent of the total household income. This study concludes that a child labourers income is important to the livelihood of a poor family. The fact that child labourers

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are being exploited for the same type of work, studies show they are paid less than their adult counterparts. Although 39.5% of employers said that child workers earn wages equal to adults, if the percentage of employers admitting that wages are lower for children are added up, a figure of 35.9% is found. The percentage of the population of India living in poverty is quite high. Poverty has an obvious relationship with child labour, and studies have revealed a positive correlation as such. Poor families need money to survive, and children are a source of additional income. The twin factors (1) poverty and (2) the lack of a social security network form the basis of even the worst type of bonded child labour. For the poor, there are few sources of bank loans, governmental loans or other credit sources, and even if sources are available, few of them living in poverty qualify or they hesitate to go for any loans for fear of bribe may be demanded or fear of penalty if unable to pay the loan. Here enters the local moneylender; for an average of two thousand rupees, parents exchange their childs labour to local moneylenders (Human Rights Watch 1996). Since the earnings of bonded child labourers are less than the interest on the loans, these bonded children are forced to work, while interest on their loans accumulates. A bonded child can only be released after his/ her parents makes a lump sum payment, which is extremely difficult for the poor. Though poverty is one of the basic cause of child labour, it is not the only factor but inadequate schools facility or even the expense of schooling leaves them with little else to do but work. The attitudes of parents also contribute to child labour; some parents feel that children should work in order to develop skills useful in the job market, instead of wasting time in formal education. Since independence, India has committed itself to be against child labour. Article 24 of the Indian Constitution clearly states that No child below the age of fourteen years shall be employed to work in any factory or mine or employed in any hazardous employment. Article 39 (e) directs State policy such that the health and strength of workers ... and the tender age of children are not abused and that citizens are not forced by economic necessity to enter avocations unsuited to their age or strength. These two Articles show that India has always had the goal of taking care of its children and ensuring the safety of workers. The Bonded Labour System Act of 1976 fulfills the Indian Constitutions directive of ending forced labour. The Act frees all bonded labourers, cancels any outstanding debts against them, prohibits the creation of new bondage agreements, and orders the economic rehabilitation of freed bonded labourers by the state . In regard to child labour, the Indian government enacted the Child Labour Act in 1986. The purpose of this act is to prohibit the employment of children who have not completed their 14th year in specified hazardous occupations and processes. This shows that the government of India can make laws against any inhuman activities but cannot implement because many political leaders running the Government themselves own the factories where children are exploited is a fact. A recent advance in government policy occurred in August of 1994, when the then Prime Minister Narasimha Rao announced his proposal of an elimination of Child Labour Programme. This program pledges to end child labour for two million children in hazardous industries as defined in the Child Labour Act of 1986, by the year 2000. The program revolves around an incentive for children to quit their work and enter non-formal schooling: a one hundred rupee payment as well as one meal a day for attending school. Where the funds for this programme will come from was unknown. The government needs eight and a half billion dollars for the programme over five years, and yet about 4 percent of the five-year estimated cost was allocated for child labour elimination programmes in 1995-1996. The problem of illiteracy is also one of the reason of the problem of child labour. It has been observed that the overall condition of the education system can be a powerful influence on the supply of child labour . Dropout rates measured by the Department of Education show that 35% of males and 39% of females dropout. The concept of compulsory education, where all school aged children are required to attend school, combats the force of poverty that pulls children out of school. Policies relating to compulsory education not only force children to attend school, but also contribute appropriate funds to the primary education system, instead of higher education. The problem of child labour still remains even though all of these policies are existent. Enforcement is the key aspect that is lacking in 11

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the governments efforts. No enforcement data for child labour laws are available: A glaring sign of neglect of their duties by officials charged with enforcing child labour laws is the failure to collect, maintain and disseminate accurate statistics regarding enforcement efforts. Although the lack of data does not mean enforcement is nonexistent, the number of child labourers and their work participation rates show that enforcement is existent, but ineffective. The problem of Child labour has social , economical and political faces. It cannot be eliminated by focusing on one determinant, for example education, or by brute enforcement of child labour laws. The government of India must ensure that the needs of the poor are filled before eliminating child labour. If poverty is eradicated, the need for child labour will automatically diminish. No matter how hard India tries, child labour always will exist until the political and bureaucratics are honestly working in this direction. The development of India as a nation is being hampered by child labour. Children are growing up illiterate because they have been working and not attending school. A cycle of poverty is formed and the need for child labour is reborn after every generation. India needs to address the problem by tackling the underlying causes of child labour through governmental policies and with the coordination and cooperation of the NGOs and the enforcement of these policies honestly in true spirit. Without wiping out the causes permanently, we cannot eradicate the typical problem of child labour, the half hearted measures are not sufficient. If we could eradicate poverty. Child labour will automatically say good bye India.

Md. Israr




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Union Government issued New IT Guidelines to stop its Misuse The Union government of India on 29 November 2012 issued new guidelines to stop misuse of a particular section of the Information Technology Act. Under the revised guidelines, the cases dealing with spreading messages of reported hatred by electronic medium will be decided by a senior police officer not below the rank of DCP in rural and urban areas. An IGP rank officer will have to give prior approval for registration of cases relating to section 66(a) of IT Act in metropolitan cities. Communication and IT Ministry sent an advisory to this effect to all the states. The section 66[a] of IT Act provides for a jail term of upto three years making it an offence to send by means of computer resource or communication device any information which is grossly offensive, menacing and causes annoyance or hatred. Union Minister of Finance P Chidambaram Finalised GAAR Amendment venting tax evasion, generated sharp reactions from foreign as well as domestic investors who feared that ungoverned powers to taxmen is going to result in harassment of investors. To look into the concerns a committee was appointed then by the government which was headed by tax expert Parthasarthi Shome Issue relating to retrospective tax amendment on which the Shome Committee had submitted its report, is also under consideration with the drafting going on and it will go to the PMO and then to the Cabinet. The government is keen to get the investment engine ongoing and measures were being taken by the government to create a better climate. President Pranab Mukherjee Launched Low Cost Aakash Tablet 2 The Indian President Pranab Mukherjee on 11 November 2012 in New Delhi launched the new tablet 13

Union Finance Minister P. Chidambaram on 18 November 2012 disclosed that the Amendments to GAAR, the controversial law against tax avoidance through foreign investments, had been finalised.Supporting the fact P. Chidambaram asserted that the amendments to the Chapter 10A of the Income Tax Act which deals with taxation of investments were finalized and it will be sent to the Prime Minister Office (PMO). GAAR (General Anti-Avoidance Rules), which was proposed in 2012-13 budgets with a view to pre-

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Aakash -2 which is an improved version of Indias super- cheap tablet computer on the occasion of the National Education Day which is observed on 11 November 2012 ever year. The new version Aakash 2 come at a price of 1130 Rupees for students, and the first one lakh devices is going to be made available to students of engineering colleges and universities. Ten Thousand Teachers Training Programme - a live video interaction with participants, Clicker applications for real time feedback in country-wide classroom, Daisy Books for differentlyabled students, NCERT content , GNU Khataan accounting package for barefoot accountants in rural areas Scholarship Portal integrated with Aadhar. The basic idea behind launching of cheap Aakash Tablet 2 is to achieve overall growth and development by understanding the importance of enhancing educational participation by all sections of our society. Supreme Court Issued Guidelines to Curb Eve Teasing At the Public Places has been done to monitor as well as supervise the incidents of eve-teasing. This was important because there is no uniform law in order to deal with eve-teasing. The court passed 26-page judgement in which it was mentioned that eve teasing could be curbed with little efforts and the consequences could be disastrous in case it is left unchecked. Also, the court concluded that eve teasing could lead to violation of the fundamental rights which are guaranteed under constitution. The SC laid down these guidelines in its judgement, setting aside verdict of Madras High Court. Madras High Court had reserved the judgement of Central Administrative Tribunal in which it upheld the dismissal of a police cop who misbehaved with a married woman on 9 July 1999. Apart from deputing female police officers in plain clothes, the Union Territories and state governments will also have to install the CCTV in the strategic positions. Also, the sign boards with caution would be exhibited at the public places. Union Government approved an Anti-Piracy Scheme in Audio-Visual Sector The Union Government of India on 27 November 2012 approved a scheme under the 12th Five Year Plan for carrying out an anti-piracy initiative in the audio-visual sector with an allocation of two crore rupees. The new scheme of Information and Broadcasting Ministry aimps to put special focus on piracy on the internet. Under the scheme, the campaign on piracy through audio-visual, internet and print media will be launched. The piracy contin-

Preceding its previous version it is now powered by a processor running at 1 GHz, 512 MB Ram, 7 Inch capacitative Touch Screen and battery which have atleast three hour of working operation. The new Aakash-2 Tablet was developed under the expertise guidance of IIT Bombay with the active support of C-DAC. The company that is rolling out the new Aakash 2 is Datawind and is selling it to government at a price of 2263 Rupees and In turn, the government is subsidizing it by 50 per cent and is going to distribute to students at a price of mere 1130 rupees. The Union Government is also extending its effort to encourage the state governments to chip in by subsidising it further so that the device can eventually be available to students free of cost. It is expected that around 22 crore students are going to get the device across the country in the next five to six years. Some of the new technology-enabled educational applications that can run on Aakash Version 2.0 tablet include 14

Supreme Court on 30 November 2012 issued certain guidelines in order to put a halt to eve-teasing. SC termed eve-teasing consequences disastrous and also directed the government that women cops in plain clothes should be deputed at the public places. The state governments as well as the union territories are ordered by the Supreme Court to depute female police officers in plain clothes at the public places such as metro stations, bus stands, railway stations, shopping malls, beaches, parks, worship places, cinemas as well as public service vehicles. This

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ues to be a key challenge for the Indian film sector and has been a prime reason for the decline of the home video market in the country. The emerging threat to legitimate exhibition of films is illegal download of films available on websites. Union Cabinet Cleared Setting up of 21 Textile Parks Controversy over Clean Chit Given to Rajasthan Atomic Power Plant by IAEA The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) gave clean chit Rajasthan Atomic Power Plant toRajasthan (RAPP) in Rawatbhata. IAEA reviewed the RAPP and gave conclusion of the review on 14 November 2012 after visiting unit 3 and unit 4, leaving the controversial unit 6 of RAPP, Rawatbhata. Over 40 people working at this controversial unit 6 of RAPP were exposed to hazardous tritium on 23 June 2012. 4 maintenance workers exposed themselves to the risks of tritium radiations when they were repairing the faulty pipe in pressurised heavy water reactor (PHWR) of unit 4 on 19 July 2012. It was the same unit that IAEA members paid visit to during their indepth safety review which took place from 29 October 2012 to 14 November 2012. The Operational Safety Review Team, assembled by IAEA which was alleged by antinuclear activists, ignored the fact that heavy tritium leak took place in unit 6 of RAPP plant in 2012. An Operational Safety Review Team (OSART) was led by Division of Nuclear Installation Safety of IAEA. This team included experts from various countries such as Belgium, Finland, Canada, Slovakia, Sweden, Germany, Romania and Slovenia. Antinuclear activists expressed their doubts about safety review of IAEA. These activists also included general secretary of Peoples Union for Civil Liberties (PUCL) (PUCL). The issues of risks of nuclear safety as well as absence of autonomous regulation of atomic power production in India were raised. The activists also said that this jeopardized workers to risks of cancer, leukaemia as well as certain other health issues. The Coal Ministry issued Order for Deduction of Bank Guarantees and deallocation of Coal Blocks The Coal Ministry of India on 17 November 2012 issued orders for deduction of bank guarantees of the D B Power and decided on de-allocation of some coal blocks following a decision made by an Inter Ministerial Group. The Inter ministerial Group after its decision recommended a deduction of the bank guarantee of D B Power to an extent of 5.1 crore rupees. The calculated bank guarantee of the coal controller is to be deducted and deposited with the government. TRAI issued a CAP of 100 SMSs on Concession Rates

The Union Government on 8 November 2012 approved the release of funds for the establishment of 21 integrated textile parks which was sanctioned in the 11th Five Year Plan. The cabinet committee on economic affairs (CCEA), in a meeting held in New Delhi also had committed the government to provide for liability beyond 200 crore Rupees. It was in October 2010 that the CCEA had approved a proposal for setting up additional 21 integrated textile parks utilising the Rs.200 crore left in the 11th plan. The parks were to be implemented during the 11th Five Year plan (2007-2012) under the Scheme of Integrated Textile Parks (SITP) aims at providing private sector investment, generating employment and a create a need-based and product-based world class infrastructure for the industry. The establishment will extend up to 12th Five Year Plan (201217) and envisages a total investment of 819 crore rupees.

The Telecom Regulatory Authority of India (TRAI) on 5 November 2012 issued a cap of 100 SMSs per day at concession rate. It also fixed a rate of 50 paise per SMS beyond the decided cap. TRAI also ordered the service providers and operators to place a technology to make sure that the unregistered telemarketers are not able to send more than 200 SMSs per hour, from their phone or computer. About TRAI The Telecom Regulatory Authority of India (TRAI) is an independent regulator of the telecommuni15

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cations business in India. It came into existence by the Act of the Parliament on 20 February 1997 and the act was named as Telecom Regulatory Authority of India Act 1997. Its constitution came into effect in 1994, when the Government constituted the National Telecom Policy (NTP) to attract domestic and Foreign Direct Investment in the telecommunication sector. The flooding of investors from domestic market and the international market players resulted in the development of the regulatory body. As a result of this demand, the formation of the Telecom Regulatory Body came up. Union Government Body CCEA lifted Export Ban on Some Milk Products The Union Government body, Cabinet Committee on Economic Affairs (CCEA) on 1 November 2012 lifted the export ban on milk products, especially on whole milk powder (WMP), dairy whitener, infant milk foods and other milk products till March 2013. I n February 2011 to meet the domestic supply of Milk Products the Union government had imposed ban on export of all kinds of milk products that is skimmed milk powder (SMP), whole milk powder (WMP), dairy whitener, infant milk foods, casein and casein products. However the ban was withdrawn in for Casein in April 2012 and for Skimmed Milk Powder (SMP) in June 2012. The decision of withdrawing the export ban was taken in to consideration by CCEA after acknowledging the flush season of milk that started in October which had improved the supply of milk within the country. As per the Government Statis16 tics, there is a stock of 1.12 lakh tonnes of milk powder in the country. As much as 300 lakh kilos of milk per day were procured in the country in September 2012 while sales were to the tune of only 260 lakh kilos per day. EPFO (Employees Provident Fund Organisation) launched its e-Passbook Portal Costal Chain of Static Sensors Positioned along the Coast of Andhra Pradesh A coastal chain of static sensors positioned along the coast of Andhra Pradesh was inaugurated by Ministry of Defence in a ceremony held at Coast Guard District Headquarters in Visakhapatnam on 23 November 2012. The event signified the operationalisation of the network on the East coast. A complete surveillance mechanism along the coast was needed post 26/11 incident. A chain of static sensors were planned to monitor the high sensitive traffic density areas along the coast of India. The coastal surveillance network will provide an integrated picture of all the vessels traversing along the coast. As part of this project, a chain of radar stations along the coast line of Andhra Pradesh were installed by the Ministry of Defence. The Chain of Static Sensors project being steered by the Indian Coast Guard, envisages fitment of high end surveillance gadgets on lighthouses and masts at various locations. SC: Criminal Case cant be dismissed because of Delay The Supreme Court of India on 2nd November 2012 ruled that a criminal case cannot be dismissed merely because of delay in lodging a complaint if the delay has been reasonably explained. A bench of justices P Sathasivam and Ranjan Gogoi noted, the prosecution case cannot be rejected merely on the ground of delay since the complainant has reasonably explained the reasons for the delay. The Supreme Court bench made the observation while uphold-

Employees Provident Fund Organization (EPFO) on 30 November 2012 launched its e-Passbook portal for its members to access their accounts online. The facility will be available on the The members will now be able to download their e-passbook each month, if they are active and Electronic Challan-cumReturn is being uploaded by their employer. The facility, however, will not be available for members under exempted establishments under the EPF Scheme 1952 (as the fund details are maintained by the Trust) and inoperative members. Under the e-Passbook service, only one registration will be allowed against one mobile number, and a member can download the passbook for only one account number under one establishment.

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ing the conviction and the life sentence given to two male and two female members of a Tamil Nadubased Ashram (hermitage) for beating a woman member to death. The murder had taken place on April 8, 2000 when the accused members of the Ashram had gathered together and had beaten the victim to death and later cremated her body. Prosecution had said the woman was murdered as she had threatened to disclose the alleged love affair between two senior members of the Ashram, affiliated to Sri Devi Maha Sannathi Temple at Govardhan Garden in Trichy. The complainant who had witnessed the beating and had also heard the victims cries for help had lodged a complaint with the police nine days after the crime had taken place. The complainant had submitted that there was a delay on his part in reporting the incident as he himself had not seen the murder taking place and had to verify whether such an incident had taken place. 220 FEMA Notices Were Issued By ED in Past Three Years Enforcement Directorate issued 220 notices under Foreign Exchange Management Act in past three years. From 2009 to 2012, Directorate of Enforcement in the action of its investigation had issued 220 show cause notices under the FEMA. These notices were issued in context with the illegal funds transfer in India via illegal medium. The Directorate of Enforcement did not register the cases associated with illegal money flow from external sources in respect to the state government, Minister of State for Finance S S Palanimanickam wrote to Lok Sabha. At present, the provisions of FEMA are quite adequate as well as appropriate on the portion of punishment or penalty. About FEMA functions and related facilities of IGMRI, and develop it as a centre of excellence for the purpose of training in post harvest management of foodgrains and other agricultural commodities. The MOU was signed for a period of five years which is effective from 25th October, 2012. The MOU ideates that CWC will develop IGMRI, Hapur as an institution of excellence to attract overseas participants from SAARC nations, neighbouring countries for training on post harvest management of food grain. Autonomy for the Hills Council in Assam Tripartite Memorandum of Settlement (MoS) was signed for providing autonomy for the North Cachar Hills Autonomous Council in Assam and a special package for speedier socio-economic development of the area. It was signed between Centre, Assam government and both factions of Dima Halam Daogah(DHD). DHD used to be a group with violent activities in the state but gave up violence and resorted to peace for getting into the mainstream of development. Under the MoS, a committee will be constituted to deal with the matters relating to the 6th schedule councils. Under the agreement, the DHD will dissolve as an organization within a reasonable timeframe as a precursor to the government initiating further process to implement the agreed decisions. Global Hunger Report 2012 The report on Global Hunger Index for seventh year was released on 11 October 2012 by the International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI), Welthungerhilfe, and Concern Worldwide. The basic theme of the report for the 2012 Global 17

In India, all the transactions which include foreign currency, also known as foreign exchange were initially regulated by FERA or Foreign Exchange Regulations Act, 1973. Eventually, economic reforms and liberalised scenario took place. The FERA was therefore replaced by FEMA, 1999. FEMA allows only the authorised people to deal with foreign security or foreign exchange. The definition of authorised people can be found in the Act. IGMRI and CWC Signed MoU for Post Harvest Management of Foodgrains Department of Food & Public Distribution under Ministry of Consumer Affairs, and Central Warehousing Corporation (CWC) signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) for creating a Centre of Excellence focusing on capacity building in the areas of post harvest management of food grain by providing training on latest developments to the aspirants internationally. The MOU was signed by S. Gupta, Director of Indian Grain Storage Management and Research Institute (IGMRI), Hapur on behalf of Department of Food & Public Distribution and G. Mathialagan, Director of CWC. As per the Memorandum of Understanding, CWC is going to take over the management of training

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Hunger Index The Challenge of Hunger: Ensuring Sustainable Food Security under Land, Water, and Energy Stresses. IFPRI that calculated the global hunger Index analysed the measures based upon multidimensional angles. The published report have shown a proportional growth in hunger reduction of people worldwide but recorded the progress speed was tragically slow and alarming. has lagged behind in improving its record in Global Hunger Index chart. In the list of 79 countries in the global Hunger Index, India was ranked 65th behind China that was placed at 2nd place position, Pakistan at 57th and Sri Lanka at 37th position. The report also points out the three countries Bangladesh, India and Timor-Leste constitutes to the highest occurrence of underweight children under the age group of five in this case. Indias investments in the schemes are: Mid Day Meal - 11,937 crore rupees Food Subsidy - 60, 573 crore rupees ICDS (Integrated Child Development Services) - 15,850 crore rupees MNREGA (Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Act) - 33,000 crore rupees Whereas the surveys done during 2005-06 proved the health indicators of India to be poor with 36 percent of Indian women during their child bearing age were underweight and 43.5 percent of the children under age of 5 were underweight. Decision of Cauvery River Authority ruled out Decision of the Cauvery River Authority was ruled out by the Prime Minister Manmohan Singh on 8 October 2012. The Prime Minister ordered Karnataka to release 9000 cusecs of water to Tamil Nadu every day, till 20 October 2012. The Cauvery River Authority (CRA) comprises of the Chief Ministers of basin states namely Puducherry, Kerela, Tamil Nadu and Karnataka and is chaired by the Prime Minister itself. The Prime Minister in response to his meet with the Congress Union Ministers namely S.M. Krishna, M. Mallikarjun Kharge and K.H. Muniyappa along with 16 members of Parliament from BJP came to a conclusion that the decision will be made following the findings of the ground reality from the Cauvery Monitoring Committee. The committee is going to meet in the third week of October. As the decision making lies in the hands of the CRA, so the Prime Minister due to lack of mecha-

The report in its findings recorded twenty countries across the world mainly from South Asia and Sub-Saharan Africa to be highly alarming and have highest level of hunger, and showcased the sufferings of millions of poor. As per the report, the nations that had showcased an absolute progress between 1990 Global Hunger Index to 2012 Global Hunger Index were Bangladesh, Angola, Malawi, Nicaragua, Ethiopia, Niger, and Vietnam. Whereas there are 15 countries that have managed to reduce it by 50 percent or more. As per the report, India instead of its fast paced economic growth in past two decades 18

years, which records to more than 40 percent in each country. India was ranked second with 43.5 percent of the children less than five underweight in the list of the 129 countries compared for underweight child, after Timor-Leste. Countries like Ethiopia, Niger, Nepal and Bangladesh followed the chart. The report also complained about the lack and absence of an up-todate data and information in case of India for the ineffectiveness of Indian Governments nutrition relevant social programmes. Indias expenditure on Nutrition-related schemes for 2012-13 states that there is not a problem of resources

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nism cannot make any changes in the award. Rahul Gandhi Appointed Head of INC Coordination Panel for 2014 Lok Sabha Elections The communications and publicity sub-group is chaired by Digvijaya Singh and have former I&B minister Ambika Soni, Manish Tewari, Deepender Hooda, Jyotiraditya Scindia, Rajiv Shukla and Bhakta Charan Das as members. Union Cabinet of India approved the National Pharmaceutical Pricing Policy The Union Cabinet of India on 22 November 2012 passed the National Pharmaceutical Pricing Policy (NPPA). As per the new pricing policy declared by the Union Government, 348 essential drugs would come under price control policy of the nation, which would lead to price reduction of the same. The policy was approved by the Union Cabinet with an objective to bring in a regulatory framework to make sure that the pricing of essential drugs remains under control and are made available in the market at reasonable prices. The approval came in as a response to the deadline of 27 November 2012 set by the Supreme Court of India for finalization of a policy that to without altering or hampering the mechanism for cost-based drug pricing policy in existence. The move would bring down the cost of the drugs to an average of 30 percent as the pricing now would be fixed following the simple average of the rates of all the brands that have more than one percent of market share in the pharmaceutical industry. Following the rules of the policy, the companies will have to take a clearance by NPPA to increase the prices beyond 10 percent on all the 348 drugs enlisted in the new National Pharmaceutical Pricing Policy. The Protection of Children from Sexual Offences Act, 2012 came into Force

Rahul Gandhi, the General Secretary of Indian National Congress on 15 November 2012 was made the head of the Congress Coordination Committee for 2014 Lok Sabha polls. With the appointment of Rahul Gandhi, Senior leaders of Congress Ahmed Patel, Janardan Dwivedi, Digvijaya Singh, Madhusudan Mistry and Jairam Ramesh also included in the members list of the election coordination committee. The formation of Election Coordination Committee was announced by Congress president Sonia Gandhi in the Sanvad Baithak at Surajkund in Haryana. She has also constituted three sub-groups keeping in view the Lok Sabha elections to be held in 2014. The three Sub-Groups areThe first sub group formed look after the key issue of pre-poll alliances, is going to be headed by Defence Minister AK Antony. The manifesto and government programmes sub group, is headed by Antony, and has P Chidambaram, Sushil Kumar Shinde, Anand Sharma, Salman Khurshid, Sandeep Dikshit, Ajit Jogi, Renuka Chowdhary and P L Punia as its members

T h e Protection of Children from Sexual Offences Act, 2012 came into force on 14 November 2012. The Act was passed in the Indian Parliament in May 2012. The Act under its ambit defines child as a person below the age-group of 18 and is gender neutral and have a clear definition for all types of sexual abuses like sexual harassment, penetrative or non-penetrative sexual abuse, and pornography. The Act also has defined the punishments following the kind and harshness of the offence that includes life time imprisonment for heinous crimes of sexual assaults and abuses. The Act under its ambit has tried to set up the standards of International Child Protection rights and has made it mandatory to report the sexual offences against any child. Punishment against the person trying the allegedly defame any person that also includes a child via false information is mentioned in this Act. The Protection of Children from Sexual Offences Act, 2012 has defined the ways to provide a child friendly process of offence reporting to evidence recording, trial and investigations. Section 45 of the Act allows the Union Government to make the necessary changes in the Act, whenever and wherever applicable. The Act has also defined the facts like 19

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qualification and experience of the translators, interpreters, special educators, experts, arrangement for protection and care at times of emergencies and emergency treatment of child as well as the Compensation amount that is payable to any victim of sexual abuse. All the rules have been structured and framed relying upon the Juvenile Act, 2000 for making arrangements in regards to the care and protection of the child, the devised rules of the act also would pay attention to the fact that the child is not re-victimised at time of investigation as well as trial. The Act has also made it clear that under situations in which the child who is being taken for the medical facility on an emergency factor no documentation or magisterial requisition would be demanded before the treatment. The Rules laid down in the Act also had defined the criterion of awarding the compensations by the special court that includes loss of educational and employment opportunities along with disability, disease or pregnancy suffered by the subject as the consequence of the abuse. This compensation would be awarded at the interim stage as well as after the trial ends. Government Nod to Grant Ex-Serviceman Status to the Retired Paramilitary Staffs The Union Cabinet of India on 1 November 2012 gave its nod to grant retired personnel of central police and paramilitary forces the status of ex-Servicemen. The Home Minister of India Sushil Kumar Shinde at an event of paramilitary CISF in Delhi made this announcement making it clear that the hounour was given to the paramilitary forces as they put their life at risk in the line of duty. This announcement would enable more than four lakh retired personnel to avail the welfare benefits available for the ex-servicemen till date. Retired personnel from CRPF, CISF, BSF, ITBP and SSB would be counted among the ex-central police personnel equivalent to the exservicemen recognition of the retirees of the defence forces. The retired personnel of these forces would be reckoned as excentral police personnel. The exservicemen status to the retired personnel of these forces would bring them the benefits in form of canteens and hospital facilities that is run by Government. These personnel would also be recognised while applying for the jobs in Private Sectors as trained and suitable talent.


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Barack Obama won the U.S. Presidential Elections 2012 votes as compared to the 206 votes of Mitt Romney of all the votes de57th quadrennial presidential election for the United States. The two, Obama and Romney won 50 percent and 48.1 percent of votes respectively. 53 members in the Senate were from Democratic Party, whereas 45 are from Republican Party. In the House of Representatives, the lead went in the way of Republican Party with 232 seats and the Democratic Party was successful in securing 191 seats. Mitt Romney tied with the President Obama at 49 percent of the Popular Votes. After the win, Obama declared that the best is yet to come for America and he to take care of the greatest challenges faced by the country he also called for bipartisan support (bipartisanship can be defined as a political situation, where the there exists a context of two political parties, where one of the opposing party finds common grounds by making compromises). The Republican Party has lost four Presidential elections of the six Presidential contests and the two won by them was just with narrow

International/World Current Affairs 2012. Barack Obama, the leader of Democratic Party on 7 November 2012 was re-elected as the President of USA. Obama defeated the Republican Challenger, Mitt Romney in the U.S. Presidential Elections 2012 by winning over 332 22

clared by the Electoral College declared. Obama was successful in getting around 74000 more votes than the competitor, Mitt Romney out of the eight million votes casted during the Presidential Elections. The elections were conducted on 6th November 2012 and this was the

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margins. At the same time, President Obama, by being back has proved that in the period of austerity and crisis also, an incumbent can survive. Swing States President Obama was successful in winning over the eight of the nine swing states including Florida, Ohio, Wisconsin, New Hampshire, Virginia, Colorado and Nevada. He only lost from the seat of North Carolina. Issues Apart from the sluggishness in economic growth, witnessed by the America in past few years there were five main pointers on which debates were done and the Presidential Election was fought and it included Health, Womens Right, Tax, Environment and Same Sex Marriage. One major challenge that lies behind the President, Barack Obama to deal with is to get rid of unemployment as; America registered an unemployment rate of 7.9 percent in October 2012. Indians Ami Bera- the third IndianAmerican in the U.S. House of Representatives. Dr. Ami Bera is third IndianAmerican ever to be elected to the U.S. House of Representatives. The 45 years old Bera took a lead of 184 votes against Dan Lungren, the Republican rival from the seventh Congressional District of California. Before Bera, two Indians to be elected for the US House of Representatives include Dalip Singh Saund in the 1950s and Bobby Jindal was the House member before being elected to be the Governor of Louisiana from 2005 to 2008. Except Dr. Bera, five more Indian-Americans namely Dr. Syed Taj, Dr. Manan Trivedi, Upendra Chivukula and Jack Uppala and Ricky Gill, were candidates, who lost from their seats in the US elections. Except Ricky Gill all the other four were from Democratic Party. Dr. Syed Taj, who was a representative from Democratic Party, is the younger brother of Syed Shahbuddin and he basically belongs from Bihar. He lost in the tough fight against his opponent K Bentivolio from the seat of Michigans 11th Congressional District. Tulsi Gabbard-First HinduAmerican to be in the House in the office with an unemployment rate of 7.4 percent in the country. Obama in the last Presidential Elections of 2008 won 349 votes, which was higher than the votes he secured in the Presidential Elections of 2012. History of US elections of 223 years: In the 223 years history of US Presidential Elections only eight Presidents contesting elections being in the White House lost the elections Presidential Elections in America and its Process Article 2 Section 1 of the US Constitution states that the executive Power of the Nation is vested in a President of the United States of America. He shall hold his Office during the Term of four Years, and, together with the Vice-President chosen for the same Term, be elected, as follows: In USA the executive power is vested on the President, who holds the office for a term of four years with a vice-President, who is elected along with him for the same term. The Process Every state appoints in such a manner that the legislature thereof may direct a number of electors that is equal to the whole number of representatives and senators to which the state if entitled in the congress. No Senator or Representative, holding any office of Profit or Trust under United States can be appointed as an Elector. The Electors meet in their respective state and vote for two persons via ballot of which one person must not be an inhabitant of the same state. A list of all persons voted for must be made and the number of votes to every person by signing 23

Tulsi-Gabbard is the first Hindu-American to enter the U.S. House of Representatives. She defeated the Republican rival K. Crowley from the Hawaii seat in the one-sided contest. Tulsi doesnt belong to the Indian Heritage and is not an Indian. She is a daughter to the Catholic Father Mike Gabbard, who at present is serving as the Senator from the Hawaii State and her mother Carol Porter Gabbard, who is a Hindu is an educator and a business owner in Hawaii. Basic Facts Before Obama, Bill Clinton was the Democratic Party Representative to serve White House for continuous two terms after World War II. Obama is the first President after the wars to be re-elected

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and certifying, the list is then sealed for transmission to the Seat of the Government of United States, which is directed to the Senates President. The President of the Senate opens all the certificates and the votes are counted in presence of the Senates and the House of Representatives. The person, who receives maximum votes, is elected as a President only when, the derived numbers meets the majority mark of the whole number of the electors appointed. In case the results bring out more than one person with majority or an equal number of votes than the House of Representatives can choose by ballot, one of them as the President that to with immediate effect. In case situation occurs, when none of the members have been successful in winning the majority than the House of Representatives can choose any one among the five with highest number of votes as the President. But in this situation, Votes need to be taken by the states and the representation of the states with one vote. The quorum (gathering of the minimal number of members of an organization to conduct business) made for this purpose comprises a Member/Members from two-thirds of the States, along with the Majority of all the States is necessary to a Choice. In case after election of the President, the Person with maximum number of votes is elected as the Vice-President, but in case of two or more persons remains available with the same number of votes, then the Senate is responsible for choosing the VicePresident from them but by the process of Ballot (In 12th Amendment the clause in parentheses was superseded). A Natural born Citizen of United States 24 or a Citizen of the United States at time of Adoption of the Constitution can only eligible to the Presidents Office and the person must have attended the age of thirty-five years, with at least fourteen years of residence in United States. In U.S. the Presidential elections are conducted after every four years and the count of this quadrennial election process started from 1972, on the Election Day that is on the Tuesday that falls in between 2 November to 8 November of the election year. The Next U.S. elections would be held on 8 November 2016 i.e. the Tuesday. Obamas Re-election and its Effects Re-election of Barack Obama as the US President would surely effect the world economy by the decisions which would be taken by him to bring up employment opportunities and take America out of the economic sluggishness. The most prevalent questions that may occur by the time, dust of celebrations sets down, is how Obama would deal with the fiscal cliff and the federal debt. Will the group of policies which includes the increase on tax to cut the massive spending by the Government, which can come into existence by January 2013, in case both the parties, Democratic and Republicans fails to arrive to a conclusion of how to reduce the federal debt. Finding a solution to the fiscal cliff would also be a big challenge to the incumbent President of USA and in case the President fails to answer to the requirements its sure that the US economy that is improving may be dragged back to the mode of recession like the European crisis. Japans Lower House of Parliament the House of Representatives, dissolved

The Japanese Lower House of Parliament-the House of Representatives was dissolved on 16 November 2012, and paved the way ahead to general elections scheduled on 16 December 2012. Takahiro Yokomichi, the Speaker of the House of Representatives read out the imperial decree signed by Emperor Akihito to parliament, which proclaimed the dissolution of the government. Campaigns of the election scheduled for 16 December 2012 would start from 4 December 2012 and in case the ruling Nodas Center-left Party Looses the election, Japan would get its seventh Prime Minister after many years. The Lower House or the House of Representatives in Japan has 480 seats and the party that would win over more than half of the seats in the upcoming elections would lead the country ahead of the crisis situation being faced by the nation and in case any of the parties fails to win majority, Japan will have to face the dramatic syndrome of the coalition government and the future of Japan would then depend on the decisions yet to come. Elections in Japan National Diet of Japans Bicameral Legislature is formed with the two different houses namely the lower house and the upper house. The Upper House is called the

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House of Councillors and Lower House is called as The House of Representatives. Parallel voting system is used for electing the members of both the houses of the Diet in Japan. House of Representatives or the House of Councillors disagree on the decision and if no agreement can be reached by a joint committee meet of both the houses, within ten days (that would not include the recess period), after the House of Representatives (lower house) has made its decision, than under such situation the decision of the House of representatives would be considered as the final decision of the National Diet. The house of representatives includes 480 members in total that is elected for a term of four years. Out of these 480 members 300 members are elected from the single-member constituencies and the rest of the 180 members are elected from 11 multi-member constituencies using the party-list system of proportional representation. To Win majority and form the government, a party needs 241 seats. Articles that allows dissolving of the Lower house Article 54. When the House of Representatives is dissolved, there must be a general election of members of the House of Representatives within forty (40) days from the date of dissolution, and the Diet must be convoked within thirty (30) days from the date of the election. When the House of Representatives is dissolved, the House of Councillors is closed at the same time. However, the Cabinet may in time of national emergency convoke the House of Councillors in emergency session. Measures taken at such session as mentioned in the proviso of the preceding paragraph shall be provisional and shall become null and void unless agreed to by the House of Representatives within a period of ten (10) days after the opening of the next session of the Diet. Article 69. If the House of Representatives passes a non-confidence resolution, or rejects a confidence resolution, the Cabinet shall resign en masse, unless the House of Representatives is dissolved within ten (10) days. Democratic Party of Japan that was ruling the Government for past three years took the decision of dissolving the house due to its recent decision of doubling the taxes and its inability to handle the Fukushima Nuclear Crisis. The decision of dissolving the lower house came at the time, when Japan is struggling to prop-up its economy, plans to re-establish the energy policies are on the way after the Fukushima Nuclear crisis, reconstruction of areas which were devastated by the Tsunami that hit Japan in March 2011 are in process, and re-establishing good ties with China that deteriorated due to territorial dispute on Diaoyu Islands. Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) Director David Petraeus Resigned

Article 6 of Japan states that the Emperor would appoint the Prime Minister of Japan that is chosen by the National Diet and he is also responsible for appointment of the Chief Judge of Supreme Court that is chosen by the Cabinet. Chapter V of the Japanese Constitution states the formation of the Cabinet and resting of executive powers to it, under Article 65 65. It also mentions the process of election of the Prime Minister in the Nation under article 66 and 67 and powers vested to him under the Articles 68 to 75. Article 66 of the Japanese Constitution states that the Cabinet should consist of a Prime Minister, who will be its head and a group of ministers of the state mentioned by law. Both the Prime Minister and the Ministers of State should be the Civilians. To exercise the executive powers, the Cabinet is collectively responsible to the diet. Article 67 states that the Prime Minister would be chosen from the members of the diet following the resolution passed by the diet and this selection process would follow to all other businesses. The Article also explains that in case any of the two houses, the

CIA Director David Petraeus on 9 November 2012 resigned as head of the leading US spy agency shocking the intelligence community. His resignation came on his personal choice after he had engaged in an extramarital affair and acknowledged that he showed extremely 25

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poor judgment. In his letter to the CIA workforce, David Petraeus had asserted that he met with President Barack Obama at the White House on 8 November 2012 and asked, he to be allowed for resignation for some personal reason. The president of US Barack Obama had accepted David Petraeus resignation and praisied him for his work at the Central Intelligence Agency and for leading US troops in Iraq and Afghanistan. It was FBI who had a tip that Petraeus was involved with his Biography Writer, Paula Broadwell and investigated the alleged affair to determine whether it posed a security risk. David Petraeus before taking up as the CIA director post had retired as an Army general after nearly four decades of military service in the United States Army. He served as a director of CIA for a period of 14 months only. He took over the office as CIA Director on 6 September 2011. About Central Intelligence Agency Director The Director of the Central Intelligence Agency serves as the head of the Central Intelligence Agency and reports to the Director of National Intelligence. The CIA directors responsibilities include Collecting intelligence through human sources and by other appropriate means, except that he shall have no police, subpoena, or law enforcement powers or internal security functions; Correlating and evaluating intelligence related to the national security and providing appropriate dissemination of such intelligence; Providing overall direction for and coordination of the collection of national intelligence 26 outside the United States through human sources. Performing such other functions and duties related to intelligence affecting the national security as the President or the Director of National Intelligence may direct. Twenty first ASEAN Summit concluded in Phnom Penh, Cambodia The 21st ASEAN Summit Phnom Penh was held on 18 November 2012 at Peace Palace, Phnom Penh in Cambodia. Prime Minister of the Kingdom of CambodiaSamdech Akka Moha Sena Padei Techo Hun Sen was the Chairperson for the 21st ASEAN Summit Phnom Penh, Cambodia. The head of states of the ASEAN members and the Secretary-General of ASEAN participated in the 21st ASEAN Summit and discussed about things like progress of the Implementation of ASEAN Charter and Roadmap for an ASEAN community. Issues Discussed 1. Follow-up to the 20th ASEAN Summit 2. The Progress Report on the Implementation of Master Plan on ASEAN Connectivity 3. Signed Phnom Penh Statement on the Adoption of ASEAN Human Rights Declaration 4. Exchange of View on Regional and International Issues A Leaders Statement on the establishment of an ASEAN Regional Mine Action Center (ARMAC) was also issued during the summit. Document Signed and Adopted 1. Phnom Penh Statement on the Adoption of the ASEAN Human Rights Declaration 2. ASEAN Human Rights Declaration (AHRD) 3. Concept Paper on the Establishment of an ASEAN Regional Mine Action Centre (ARMAC) 4. ASEAN Leaders Joint Statement on the Establishment of an ASEAN Regional Mine Action Centre (ARMAC) New Secretary General for ASEAN

Le Luong Minh- the candidate from the Socialist Republic of Viet Nam was appointed as t h e upcoming Secretary General for ASEAN for the next five year term by the ASEAN Head of States. The nomination was done on the basis of alphabetical rotation plan for next five year that would start from January 2013 and end in December 2018. ASEAN ASEAN (Association of Southeast Asian Nations) was created on 8 August 1967 at Bangkok, Thailand after ASEAN Declaration (also called Bangkok Declaration) was signed between the Founding Fathers of ASEAN, namely Malaysia, Indonesia, Singapore, Philippines and Thailand. With time 5 more South Asian countries joined the group namely Brunei Darussalam joined on 7 January 1984, Viet Nam on 28 July 1995, Lao PDR and Myanmar on 23 July 1997, and Cambodia on 30 April 1999. Today,

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ASEAN is a 10-member group by now. The group was formed with a basic idea of promoting social progress, economic growth and cultural development between the member nations and talk on the differences in a peaceful manner. Bangladesh Opted out of D8 Summit Scheduled to be Held in Pakistan Bangladesh opted out of the key summit known as D-8 Summit in Pakistan which is scheduled to be held later in November, 2012. Bangladesh opted out because Pakistan refused to apologise for the deeds committed during 1971 war which eventually led to Bangladeshs independence. Bangladeshs foreign minister in an earlier visit of Hina Rabbani, Pakistans foreign minister demanded a formal apology to the Bangladeshs populace. This apology was demanded for the carnage committed by Pakistan Army and also for putting the former political as well as military personalities on trial in then-East Pakistan. Since then, Pakistan has not paid heed to the demand. Now, Bangladesh claims more clarity on this issue. Nepal Elected as a Board Member of the ECOSOC Nepal was elected on 8 November 2012 as a board member of the United Nations Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) f o r a three year term starting from January 2013. Nepal along with seventeen other countries was elected as board members. Nepal was elected with 131 votes out of the total 194 in the UN General Assembly. The fifty-four member ESOSOC is one of the principal organs of the UN which coordinates the economic, social and related work of the UN and its specialized agencies and institutions. France recognised the new Syrian Opposition Coalition France recognized the new Syrian Opposition coalition on 13 November 2012. France has become the first major nation to recognise the newly formed Syrian National Coalition of opposition and Revolutionaries as the legitimate representative of the Syrian people. Arab League has granted Observer status to the bloc while t h e six nation Gulf Co-operation Council has already recognized it. Britain and European Union have stopped short of recognizing the bloc. Britain stated that it wants to see more evidence that the opposition grouping has strong support inside Syria. Meanwhile, Syrian opposition activist groups reported that 31 people were killed across Syria as airstrikes continued along the countrys northeastern border with Turkey. Noor Inayat Khans Bust to be Unveiled at London by Princess Anne Britains Princess Anne unveiled the Bronze Bust of Noor Inayat Khan in London, reckoned to be a heroine of the World War II on 8 November 2012 for the role that she played as a secret agent in the secret mission against the Nazis. The Bronze Bust was unveiled at Gordon Square the place, where Noor Inayat lived at the time. Noor Inayat Khan was worlds first lady radio operator, who was infiltrated in the then occupied France and pass on the information of the allies. She was caught at Dachau Concentration Camp and killed. The decision came up giving an end to the several years of campaign that was run by the Noor Inayat Memorial Trust and also by Shrabani Basu, her biographer, for reviving the memory of the War heroine, who by now was almost forgotten.

This campaign of winning recognition to the forgotten heroine of the World War II was also supported by several Parliamentarians, the British Prime Minister David Cameron and John Bercow, the Speaker of the House of Commons. The rights activist Shami Chakrabarti and filmmaker Gurinder Chadha also supported this campaign. Karen Newman, a London based Artist has sculptured the bust. The Noor Inayat Memorial Trust was successful in raising 60,000 as funds from the Public. About Noor Inayat Khan She was a daughter of American mother, Ora Ray Baker and an Indian Father Hazrat Inayat Khan and was born in Moscow, Russia. She was a descendent to the 18th century ruler of Mysore, Tipu Sultan. At the age of six, she along with her family shifted to London and when occupation opportunities in Paris declined sharply, she being a volWomens Auxiliary Air unteer joinedWomens Force (WAAF) and was in due course, was recruited by the Special Operations Executive (SOE) for secret operations. She was the first women radio operator infiltrate to the Nazi occu27

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pied France as a secret agent. She was caught and killed at the Dachau Concentration Camp and her last word before the death was Liberte. She was posthumously awarded with two awards from France and Britain the Croix de Guerre and the George Cross respectively. Rights of a film on Noor Inayat Khan Zafar Hai and Tabrez Noorani, the two producers have obtained rights of the book Spy Princess: The Life of Noor Inayat Khan by Shrabani Basu in September 2012, in order to create a film. The Review Meeting of the E-9 Countries concluded in New Delhi The three-day review meeting of Ministers of Education and heads of delegation of the E-9 countries comprising India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, China, Brazil, Egypt, Indonesia, Nigeria and Mexico ended in New Delhi on 10 November 2012 with the adoption of the New Delhi Commitment. E-9 nations decided to expand their cooperation in Inclusive, Relevant Quality Education for All. It took stock of the progress towards the Education for All goals and to renew cooperation in consolidating the gains and addressing remaining challenges. The member-states reaffirmed the central role of education in all development endeavours and in promoting peace and social cohesion. E-9 Countries decided to expand their cooperation in the area of Inclusive, Relevant Quality Education for All. They recognised relevance and equity as key dimensions of quality in their future efforts and resolved to address the same by making their education systems more flexible and responsive. 28 T h e three-day review meeting of Ministers of Education and heads of delegation of the E-9 countries comprising India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, China, Brazil, Egypt, Indonesia, Nigeria and Mexico ended in New Delhi on 10 November 2012 with the adoption of the New Delhi Commitment. E-9 nations decided to expand their cooperation in Inclusive, Relevant Quality Education for All. It took stock of the progress towards the Education for All goals and to renew cooperation in consolidating the gains and addressing remaining challenges. The member-states reaffirmed the central role of education in all development endeavours and in promoting peace and social cohesion. E-9 Countries decided to expand their cooperation in the area of Inclusive, Relevant Quality Education for All. They recognised relevance and equity as key dimensions of quality in their future efforts and resolved to address the same by making their education systems more flexible and responsive. Immigration to Britain Witnessed Biggest Fall in 20 Years Immigration into Britain saw the deepest dip in 20 years, the official figures revealed. In 2011, 536000 foreigners migrated to live in UK, which is 42000 lower than in 2010. This drop is said to be the biggest and deepest because immigration dropped down by 61000 during the recession of 1991. Numbers of people entering UK were lowest since the year 2004 when thousands of European workers were permitted to work here. The basic reason why this number sank was because of the dramatic reduction in the number of people coming on student visas. In terms of percentage, the net immigration figure went down by 25 percent from 242000 to 183000. The number of students who come for joining courses in UK colleges sank by 67 percent. In the meanwhile, the students coming down for English Language schools dropped by 76 percent. Nevertheless, the foreign students who go to UK varsities increased by 1 percent. Ministers of UK called this drop as a crucial step towards achieving the aim of government in reducing immigration to what it was in 1990s. India Voted Against UN General Assemblys Resolution to Ban Death Penalties India was one among the 39 other countries that voted on 20 November 2012 against the nonbinding draft resolution of UN General Assembly that proposed for putting an end to death penalty. India voted on the grounds that each and every nation has its own sovereign right in order to determine the legal system. 110 nations voted in the favour, while 36 members withdrew. The non-binding UN resolution called for suspension on the capital punishment with a view to put an end to the death penalty. This was adopted at Third Committee of the General Assembly on 20 November 2012 along with the deals with humanitarian as well as social issues. The resolution of the draft expressed deep concerns over continued applications of death penalties, which is why it calls for establishment of cessation on capital punishment, viewing that the practice would be abolished completely. The resolution called the nations to

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gradually hamper the use of death penalty and not to impose them for offences which are committed by pregnant women or people below 18 years of age. The nations were also called to decrease the offences for which capital punishment is imposed. In the explanation of the non-agreeing vote, India said that every state has its autonomous right for determination of the legal system. Apart from India, other nations that voted against the resolution include China, Korea, Bangladesh, Japan, Iran, Iraq, Pakistan, Libya, Kuwait and US. Over 2/3rd countries of the world have completely abolished death penalty. 97 countries of the world have abolished death penalty for all the crimes. Pakistan Cabinet Ratified the Landmark Visa Pact with India Pakistans Cabinet on 31 October 2012 ratified four recent agreements with India. The major of which is landmark visa pact aimed at facilitating restrictions on several categories of travellers, including senior citizens and businessmen. The meeting was chaired by Prime Minister of Pakistan M Raja Pervez Ashraf who also ratified three other agreements that is going to promote trade between the Pakistan and India. The visa agreement was signed by then external affairs minister S.M. Krishna and Pakistans interior minister Rehman Malik in Islamabad on 8 September 2012. The pact was ready for signing in May 2012 but was held up entirely due to opposition from Rehman Malik, who wanted Indian External Affairs minister to come to Pakistan for signing it. The agreement introduces new categories for group tourist visas and pilgrim visas and relaxes restrictions on travel by senior citizens, businessmen and persons of one country married to a citizen of the other. The two countries are also discussing other measures aimed at boosting bilateral trade and cooperation in new areas like opening of bank branches and cross-border investments. Both the countries asserted they intend to increase bilateral trade to six billion dollars by 2014. US Militarys Ban on Women in most Combat Positions Challenged The American Civil Liberties Union filed a constitutional challenge in a federal court in San Francisco to the US militarys ban on women in most combat positions. The Union argued that women were still barred from more than two hundred thousand frontline roles despite recent relaxations. Approximately, 14500 combat positions had been opened to women under the current defence secretary. The possibility of opening additional roles for women in the US military are being explored. Women have served in the United States Army since 1775. They nursed the ill and wounded, laundered and mended clothing, and cooked for the troops in camp on campaign; services that did not exist among the uniformed personnel within the Army until the 20th Century. Women are an integral part of the US Army. At present, women serve in 91 percent of all Army occupations and make up about 14 percent of the Active Army. Women continue to play a crucial role in current operations and their sacrifices in this noble effort underscore their dedication and willingness to share great sacrifices. Death of Savita Halappanavar Ignited Strong Reactions for Change in Irish Abortion Law Indian origin dentist Savita Halappanavar died in Ireland on 28 October 2012 at the University College Hospital Galway after the doctors refused her abortion despite hers body being sick and weak due to 17 weeks of pregnancy.

The doctors had refused her abortion on the basis of catholic tenets. Eventually it led to septicemia or blood poisoning that led to her death. Savita suffered miscarriage and when she went to University College Hospital Galway, she was refused abortion saying that there was still the fetal heartbeat. The Irish Law on Abortion Under the Offences against the Person Act 1861, abortion in Ireland has been made as a criminal offense. The laws that govern abortion are undersection 58 and 59 o f Offences against the Person Act 1861. However a person is free to travel to another state to abort the unborn child in case there is harm to the life of a mother. Abortions abroad are also subject to stern conditions. Abortion laws in India As per the laws in India, abor29

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tion can only be performed by the qualified physician under stipulated conditions. These laws are categorized underMedical Termination of Pregnancy (MTP) Act that was enacted in 1971 by Indian Parliament. MTP was effective from 1972 and was amended once in 1975. The act clearly states conditions under which termination of pregnancy is possible and this includes performing abortion on women if life is endangered due to pregnancy. Sex-selective abortions where males are favoured is illegal. US Lifted the Ban Imposed on Imports from Myanmar, before President Obamas Visit to the Nati The decade old ban on most of the imports from Myanmar in the third week of November was scrapped by the United States. The step of scrapping the bans on import of most of the products from Myanmar came ahead of the landmark visit of the U.S. President Barack Obama scheduled on 20 November 2012 to the long isolated nation. With this visit to Myanmar, Obama would turn-up to be the first sitting President of U.S. to visit the country. The ban would still be in existence, on the import of Gems from the country as gems remained a cause for the long race of violence and corruption in m Myanmar. The ban on imports from Myanmar was imposed in 2003 by the U.S. Congress and this scrapping of the ban by worlds largest economy may bring back a huge growth in the Garment industry of Myanmar, as U.S. at a point of time remained one of the largest buyers of cloths from Myanmar. Before this step of U.S. nations like Canada, Australia and the European Union 30 had already suspended virtually all types of sanctions from Myanmar. Japan has forgiven a 3.8 billion dollar debt waiver on the country. IEA: US would become worlds largest oil producer by 2017 The International Energy Agency (IEA) in the second week of November 2012 announced that United States would takeover Saudi Arabia as worlds biggest oil producing nation by 2017. The forecast came up by the Paris based energy agency because U.S. has been drilling more crude oil by using the technology based on hydraulic fracturing of underground shale formations. This drilling activity would make U.S. in times to come as an economy that is self-sufficient in terms of energy within next five years but down the line by 2023, North America would became a net oil exporter in the world. This forecast from the International Energy Agency is a change on its previous prediction in which the agency stated that Saudis would be the worlds leader in oil production up to 2035. At present U.S. imports about 20 percent of oil to meet its energy needs. UK Lifted Travel Advisory on Jammu and Kashmir The United Kingdom on 6 November 2012 lifted its around twenty years old travel advisory for its nationals against travel to Srinagar, Jammu and Ladakh, referring improvements of the security situation in the State. The lifting of travel advisory came to testimony the fact that security situation in Jammu and Kashmir is improved. The UK Foreign office declared on their website that they no longer advise against travel to Jammu and Kashmir or against travel on the Jammu to Srinagar highway. The lifting of Travel Advisory came just before British foreign secretary William Hagues visit to India. The lifting of Advisory is going to encourage more UK tourists to visit and provide a platform for businesses which in turn benefit the local economy of Jammu and Kashmir. UK is the third country to lift the ban on travel to these places in the state after Germany and Japan. Earlier the Country of Japan on 19 October 2012 lifted the advisory while Germany in July 2011 had relaxed travel restriction to Jammu and Kashmir for its National. The travel Advisories were imposed as a result of the outbreak of militancy in the state of Jammu and Kashmir after 1989 and with the abduction of some foreign tourists Parliament of Egypt Passed Draft of the New Constitution The Parliament of Egypt passed draft of their new constitution in which the duties, responsibilities and roles of the legislature, judiciary and executive have been defined. 230 articles of this new constitution were discussed as well as voted upon by Salafist and Islamist MPs at the rushed session of Egyptian Parliament which took place for 16 hours. This was also followed by protests and boycotting. The secular, liberal as well as leftist opposition with the minority Coptic Christians proscribed proceedings of Parliament while discussions and voting was going on. As per the law of Egypt, now the draft would be sanctioned by the President of Egypt- Morsey. It would then be put for referendum from the nation within a month. It

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was concluded that speeding up passing of the draft was important because constitution was the need of the hour urgently in order to have properly-elected Parliament, President for execution of the law as well as an independent judiciary. President Morsey guarded his decisions on the grounds that his decisions were a step for saving the revolution which brought down the regime of Mubarak. In the meanwhile, National Salvation Front- the umbrella of leftist, secular and liberal opposition as well as youth revolutionary movements criticised this decision as illconceived and hastily moved. President Morsey was blamed to impose this constitution. The decision of the Parliament is seen as the effort to block the ruling of court which could have dissolved constitution drafting body completely. The ruling on dissolution of constitution assembly as well as upper house of Parliament was outstanding by the Supreme Constitutional Court. Consequently, possibly this would increase tiff between the opposition as well as the Government because the opposition is continuously demanding fragmenting Presidential diktat which grants comprehensive powers to the existing President. Tenth ASEAN-India Summit Concluded at Peace Palace, Phnom Penh, Cambodia The tenth ASEAN-India Summit that was held at Peace Palace, Phnom Penh, Cambodia concluded on 19 November 2012. The summit was chaired by the Prime Minister of the Kingdom of CambodiaSamdech Akka Moha Sena Padei Techo HUN Sen and attended by the leaders of the ten Member states of ASEAN and the Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh. During the summit the discussions were held on identifying the future course of action on the ASEAN-India relations. Success was achieved in deciding the convening of the ASEAN-India Commemorative Summit scheduled to be held on 20 December to 21 December 2012 at New Delhi, India, the summit will be held to commemorate the 20th Anniversary of the ASEAN-India Dialogue Relations. During the 10th Anniversary of the ASEAN-India summit, 20th Anniversary of ASEAN-India Dialogue Relations was also observed at the Peach Place, Phnom same venue ofPeach Penh. The ASEAN-India Summit for the first time was observed in the year 2002 at Phnom Penh. Marked Commemorative Activities 1. The meeting between Heads of Space Agencies 2. Ministerial level meetings in tourism, environment, agriculture, new and renewable energy, 3. The sending of the Sail Training Ship Sudarshini on an expedition to ASEAN countries Some other commemorative activities on which discussions were held included 2nd ASEAN-India Business Fair and Business Conclave, and the ASEAN-India Car Rally, these would be held during the ASEAN-India Commemorative Summit. Decisions were also made on implementing the Plan of Action and the ASEAN-India Partnership for Progress, Peace and shared Prosperity (2010-2015). These implementations would be followed by the ministers of the ASEAN members and India to contribute in deepening the dialogue relations between the two sides. Excellent works of the ASEANIndia Eminent Persons Group (EPG) in production of a good and concise report was also commended at the summit. Recommendations for further advancements of the partnership to next levels were also evaluated. Security, peace and stability of the region, along with strengthening of the maritime cooperation via existing mechanism of were recognized and stressed upon. Strict management of the recommendations would bring back security, peace and stability in the region at the time when security challenges like sea piracy, vessel accidents, oil spills, terrorism and natural disasters are becoming a threat and challenge to the security of the region. Trade between ASEAN and India in 2011 The trade between the ASEAN and India grew by 43 percent in the year 2011 that amounted to 74.9 billion US dollar that also surpassed the bilateral trade target of 70 billion US dollar. Target for achieving the 100 billion US dollar mark by 2015 for ASEAN-India trade was also identified and set at the summit. Foreign Ministers of all the member nations and India would be working ahead to settle down thing and conclude the ASEAN-India Trade in Services and Investment Agreements before the ASEAN-India Commemorative Summit in December in India. Before this the Prime Minister of India, Manmohan Singh in April 2012 welcomed the adoption of the Declaration on Drug- Free ASEAN 2015 by the ASEAN Leaders at the 20th ASEAN Summit in Phnom Penh.


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India Agreed On Both the parties adopted of the ASEAN Human Rights Declaration at the 21st ASEAN Summit in Phnom Penh, on 18 November 2012. The two parties also emphasized to contribute supports on realization of the ASEAN Community based on the decided rules of law, democracy, promotion and protection of human rights and fundamental freedoms. India will be supporting the ASEAN Community building efforts by Initiative for ASEAN Integration (IAI) in which India will play a role in establishment of the Entrepreneurship Development Centres (EDCs) and Centres for English Language Training (CELTs) in Cambodia, Lao PDR, Myanmar, and Viet Nam. India made a commitment of supporting the Master Plan on ASEAN Connectivity (MPAC) and connectivity with the wider East Asia Region for establishment of the linkage between the ASEAN and South Asia. The announcement also cleared that India-Myanmar-Thailand highway that is backed by the U.S., which would be operational by 2016 and would act as the Gateway for North East India to South-East Asia. The same announcement also cleared the fact of the alternative route that would connect the central or North Myanmar with Guwahati and Hanoi, on which the discussions were made during the trilateral meet between, India, U.S. and Japan. Both the parties, ASEAN and India looked forward for better connectivity of the region via highways and made decisions on early construction of new India-Myanmar-Laos-Viet NamCambodia Highway. It also decided about the extension of the IndiaMyanmar-Thailand Trilateral Highway to Laos and Cambodia. 32 Concerns towards Climate Change and Environment Both the parties during the Tenth ASEAN-India Summit that concluded at Peace Palace, Phnom Penh, Cambodia agreed to work together to respond to the issues of climate change and its impact. They also agreed on strengthening steps to respond to natural disasters that has always remained a issue of concern in the region, like flood and earth quakes. China State Broadcaster Auctioned Prime Time Slot at a Record Price Chinas main state broadcaster, China Central Television (CCTV) in the month of November raised a record 15.88 billion Yuan (US$2.5 billion) by selling prime-time advertising spots for year 2013. As per News paper Global times, Revenue from the closelywatched auction by China Central Television (CCTV) grew more than 11 per cent from a similar auction for year 2012.Analysts is describing the results as encouraging amid a slowdown in Chinas overall economy. The results also highlighted the fact, that the state broadcaster are still dominant in the country despite the growth of social media and the rise of local television stations that have captured viewers with more entertaining programmes. With this, CCTVs leading position in the sector is going to remain unchallenged in the next two to three years. Some Big spenders for the year 2013 includes home appliance giant GOME and spirit makers Wuliangye Group and Kweichow Moutai Co., who are paying a total of more than 1.0 billion yuan for spots during the evening news. CCTV is also planning to list its website as part of a group of domestic listings by state-owned media giants. Since the 1990s, China is propelling state-owned media to stop depending upon government handouts and become profitable through subscriptions and advertising, even though competition is even fiercer with the internet. Social media, such as microblogs similar to Twitter, as well as online news offerings, likes the website operated by Chinese internet giant Sina, are challenging the staid state media for viewers. UN (United Nations) Panel passed N Korea Resolution by Consensus The Social, Humanitarian Cultural Affairs Committee (Commonly referred as third committee of the UN General assembly) of United Nations on 27 November 2012, overseeing human rights issues, unanimously passed a resolution on North Korea. The committee asked North Korea to solve the abduction issue and address human rights abuses. The resolution came before the Third Committee of the General Assembly for the eighth year in a row, but the first time no vote was taken. The Seventh East Asia Summit concluded in Phnom Penh, Cambodia T h e seventh East Asia Summit Summit(EAS) was held at Peace Palace, Phnom Penh, Cambodia, on 19 November 2012. Prime Minister of the Kingdom of Cambodia, Samdech Akka Moha Sena Padei Techo Hun Sen chaired the meeting. The Leaders of East Asia Summit adopted a joint declaration for the 7th East Asia Summit following the regional responses to control Malaria and address the resistance to anti-malarial medicines. The

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Phnom Penh Declaration of the East Asia Summit Development Initiative was also taken on this occasion. Discussions and exchange of views on different regional and international issues was also done between the leaders of the member-nations. Apart from the 10 members of the ASEAN representatives from eight different countries namely Australia, China, India, Japan, New Zealand, Republic of Korea, Russia and United States of America also participated in the summit. Issues Discussed The leaders of the East India Summit discussed on a variety of issues to seek mutual cooperation for growth and to decide the future direction of the member nations. Priority Areas 1. Environment and energy 2. Education 3. Finance 4. Global health issues and pandemic diseases 5. Natural disaster mitigation 6. ASEAN connectivity Phnom Penh Phnom Penh is the capital city of Cambodia and the largest city of the country. It is located on the bank of River Mekong. Phnom Penh is the centre for all types of economic and industrial activities in the nation. Other summits that concluded at Peace Palace 1. 4th ASEAN-U.S. Leaders Meeting Peace Palace, 19 November 2012 2. 15th ASEAN-ROK Summit Peace Palace, 19 November 2012 3. ASEAN Plus Three Commemorative Summit Phnom Penh, Cambodia, 19 November 2012 4. 15TH ASEAN-JAPAN SUMMIT Phnom Penh, 19 November 2012 5. 15TH ASEAN-China Summit Phnom Penh, Cambodia, 19 November 2012 6. 7th East Asia Summit (EAS) Phnom Penh, Cambodia, 20 November 2012


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The 2nd India-China Strategic economic Dialogue held in New Delhi on macro-economic policies, deepening and expanding trade and investment and promoting bilateral in the current global economic situation it was important to raise the level of economic engagement between India and China. The agreements are as following: (i) Cooperation at the global level level: Exchanging views on current global economic and developmental challenges, India and China recognized that as major developing economies, they needed to maintain close coordination and communication to pursue their common interests. Among them is the reform of international monetary and financial systems, stabilizing the volatility in global commodity markets, working towards sustainable development and climate change goals, and ensuring food and energy security. Both countries believe that the ongoing and future cooperation on existing and upcoming issues will greatly enhance mutual trust and expand common interests. 35

The 2nd India-China Strategic Economic Dialogue was held in New Delhi on 26 November, 2012. During the 2nd meeting of the Dialogue, India and China discussed a wide range of topics including greater cooperation at the global level, strengthening communication

cooperation in the financial and infrastructure sectors. The proposals and recommendations made by the five Working Groups were considered during the 2nd Dialogue and directions given for their future activities. India and China agreed that

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(ii) Strengthening communication on macroeconomic policies: Following detailed discussions on the global and national economic situations, the two countries agreed that development growth trends globally have weakened as a result of a number of factors since the onset of the global financial crisis. This included weakening demand in the developed markets, the ongoing Eurozone crisis, lower business confidence, and growing inflationary trends. Both sides seek to maintain continued economic growth while adjusting manufacturing and services, upgrading levels of technologies and skills, while developing the hard and soft infrastructure for encouraging economic growth. The two countries agreed that they would regularly conduct joint studies on issues of mutual interest, focusing on benefits of best practices and information exchanges. (iii) Deepening and expanding trade and investment: With a view to promoting greater economic and commercial engagement, both sides recognized the need to explore potential synergies in areas where the two sides have mutual complementarities, improve trade and investment environments, work towards removing market barriers, enhance cooperation in project contracting, deepen business to business exchanges, improve transportation links, encourage greater bilateral investment and work towards achieving a more balanced and sustainable bilateral trade. 36 (iv) Expanding cooperation in the financial and infrastructure sectors sectors: Both sides have agreed to intensify the cooperation in the financial sector by encouraging financial institutions of the two countries to set up operations in either country to support enterprises of the two countries to establish / expand commercial operations. Both sides agree to undertake studies in related areas including innovative financial methods to support the requirements of priority sectors particularly the infrastructure sector having significant scope for furthering economic development. The main outcomes of the five Working Groups are as follows: (a) In the Policy Coordination Working Group, both countries discussed plan priorities and ways and means of achieving plan targets recently unveiled in their 12th Five Year Plans. They exchanged views on skills development and industrial park development. The two nations also submitted assessment reports on the investment environments in each others country based on the experiences of the enterprises of the two countries and discussed possible solutions to improve the investment environment. India and China also agreed to carry out joint studies on planning cooperation and skills development for employability, and entered into related MoUs. (b) In the Infrastructure Working Group, with its focus on enhancing railway cooperation, both countries exchanged views on the broad policies and plans for railway development in each others country. The two countries also discussed high-speed rail development programme, heavy haul and station development and entered into an MoU to exchange views and other related information in these areas. (c) In the Energy Working Group, India and China briefed each other on the development of the power sector in the two countries, the ongoing cooperation in the power equipment sector, opportunities and challenges in the wind energy sector, the possibility of Chinese power equipment manufacturers setting up service centres in India and relevant policy environment to support the ongoing cooperation, and reviewed the small hydro power workshop that was successfully held in Beijing in October 2012. (d) In the Environmental Protection Working Group, the two nations agreed to enhance cooperation in the implementation of energy efficiency projects through energy service companies (ESCOs), encouraging visits to industrial and manufacturing centres excelling in energy efficient initiatives, cooperate and jointly develop testing protocols and standards and have entered into a related MoU. The two sides also exchanged views on enhancing cooperation in water-saving technologies covering the areas of waste water recycling and water-efficient irrigation systems. (e) In the Hi-Technology Working Group, the two countries

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agreed to enhance cooperation in the Information Technology and Information Technology Enabled Services (IT/ ITES). Both sides also agreed to carry out / support joint studies to better understand the IT/ITES markets of each country and have entered into a related MoU in this area. The two sides also reached a consensus to explore the possibility of working together for developing common standards for digital TV, audio and video codec standards and mobile communication technology. India and China signed the following MoUs: (a) Memorandum of Understanding between the Planning Commission of the Government of the Republic of India and National Development and Reform Commission of the Government of the Peoples Republic of China on Undertaking Joint Studies. (b) Memorandum of Understanding between the Bureau of Energy Efficiency, Ministry of Power, Government of the Republic of India and National Development and Reform Commission of the Government of the Peoples Republic of China on Enhancing Cooperation in the Field of Energy Efficiency. (c) Memorandum of Understanding between the Ministry of Railways of the Government of the Republic of India and Ministry of Railways of the Government of the Peoples Republic of China on enhancing technical cooperation in the railway sector. (d) Memorandum of Understanding between the National Association of Software and Services Companies (NASSCOM), India and the China Software Industry Association (CSIA) on Enhancing Cooperation in the IT/ITES Sector. India and China agreed that the 3rd India-China Strategic Economic Dialogue will be convened in China in 2013. They also agreed that prior to the 3rd Dialogue, the Working Groups would meet to implement the consensus and decisions agreed to by the two sides at the 2nd Strategic Economic Dialogue. What is India-China Strategic Economic Dialogue? Established during the visit to India of Wen Jiabao, Premier of the State Council of the Peoples Republic of China in December 2010, the India-China Strategic Economic Dialogue is aimed at improving macroeconomic policy coordination, promoting exchanges on economic issues and enhancing India-China economic cooperation. The 1st Dialogue had been successfully held at Beijing in September 2011 where the two countries agreed to constitute five Working Groups on policy coordination, infrastructure, energy, environment protection and hightechnology. A working level delegation from China visited New Delhi in March 2012 following which the five Working Groups met in Beijing in the months of August and September 2012. This preparatory work has contributed immensely to the successful deliberations in and outcomes of the 2nd Dialogue. India and Afghanistan Signed Four Cooperation Pacts India and Afghanistan on 12 November 2012 signed four agreements to cooperate in areas of social welfare, fertilizer, coal mining and youth affairs. President of Afghanistan Hamid Karzai was in India on a four day visit from 9 November 2012 to12 November 2012. During his visit a Memorandum of Understanding was signed by External Affair Minister Salman Khurshid and Afghanistan Foreign Minister Zalmai Rassoul under which India will provide grants to Afghanistan to implement small development projects through local bodies, community organisations, charitable trusts and educational institutions. The three other Memorandum of Understanding ( MoU) signed can be listed as The second MoU relates to fertilizer sector and was signed by Salman Khurshid and Afghanistan Minister of Mines Wahidullah Shahrani. The third MoU aims at cooperation in youth affairs which was signed by Indias external affairs minister and Aghanistan Minister of Information and Culture Sayed Makhdoom Raheenis. The fourth MoU was on the development of coal resources and was signed by Indias Coal Minister Prakash Jaiswal and Afghanistan Minister of Mines Wahidullah Shahrani.

Both the countries also decided to intensify the cooperation with a special focus on deepening their economic engagement in areas 37

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ranging from agriculture and small businesses to mining and infrastructure. India and Japan Signed Two Agreements in Tokyo month of November added 22 commodities such as agricultural tools, bicycle, coal and garments in the list of items for border trade with Myanmar to boost the two-way commerce between the neighbours. The new items added and revised in the list of 40 tradable items was confirmed in a public notice by Director General of Foreign Trade which now make the list of 62 Consolidated items. The other new items included are edible oil, electrical appliances, steel products, medicines, tea, beverages, motor cycles and spare parts, semi precious stone, sewing machines and three wheelers/cars below 100 cc. As per Industry led Organisation CII, the bilateral trade between India and Myanmar is expected to double by 2015 from the current level of USD 1.3 billion, on the back of free trade agreement between New Delhi and Asean region.Myanmar is a key member of the 10-nation bloc Asean. About Indo-Myanmar Border Trade It has been seen that bilateral relations between Myanmar and India is considerably improving since 1993, overcoming strains over drug trafficking the suppression of democracy and the rule of the military junta in Burma. The proximity of the Peoples Republic of China gives strategic importance to Indo-Burmese relations. India is one of the largest market for Burmese exports, it is supported from the fact that India is Myanmars 4th largest trading partner after Thailand, China and Singapore, and second largest export market after Thailand, absorbing 25 percent of its total exports. The Indian government had improved air, land and sea routes to strengthen trade links with Myanmar and establish a gas pipeline. The bilateral border trade agreement of 1994 provides for border trade to be carried out from three designated border points, one each in Manipur, Mizoram and Nagaland. India, Britain decided to enhance Cooperation in Cyber Security India and Britain on 8 November 2012 decided to step-up cooperation in Cyber Security during the Foreign Minister level talks of both the nations. Before, this during the Foreign Secretary level talks, the issues discussed was nuclear energy and counter-terrorism. The representatives of both the nations, William Hague the British Foreign Secretary and Salman Khurshid Indias External Affairs Minister after agreeing on the issues of cooperation on cyber crimes, which included cooperation in defining the ways of tackling the cyber crime, bilaterally issued a joint statement on the issues discussed.

The Governments of India and Japan signed the two agreements on 16 November 2012 in Tokyo: The agreements are as following: 1) Agreement between India and Japan on Social Security 2) Memorandum between the Department of Atomic Energy of India and the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry of Japan on Cooperation in the Rare Earths Industry in India.The conclusion and signing of these agreements will further enhance and strengthen the India-Japan Strategic and Global Partnership. India-Japan-US Trilateral Dialogue held in New Delhi Senior officials of the Inda, Japan and USA held their third trilateral dialogue in New Delhi on 29 October 2012 to enhance cooperation on combating maritime security, combating piracy and leveraging their strengths to shape the AsiaPacific architecture. The trilateral meeting was the third of its kind. The first round of talks was held in Washington in 2011 and the second round was held in Tokyo. India Added 22 New Items to promote Indo-Myanmar Border Trade Indian Government in the 38

William Hague, during the bilateral discussions, also supported Indian bid to the membership in four export control regimes looking forward to the time, when India would turn-up to be a permanent seat in the UN Security Council. The Foreign Minister and the Foreign Secretary also discussed Syria Issue. The London Conference on Cyberspace of 2011 was attended

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at Ministerial level from the Indian side and following the results of the conference, both the countries started its first dialogue on cooperation in October 2012. India & Britain upgraded the relationship of strategic partnership in the year 2004 and since then the foreign ministers of both the nations have been working on the areas of common interest in the cyber domain. Hague also supported the United Kingdoms move of meeting the Chief Minister of Gujarat Narendra Modi, demonstrated it as the chance of strengthening Britains ties across the breadth of India. Britain also allowed its citizens to visit Srinagar and Jammu by lifting the ban because of the changed ground realities of the land. Core principles based on Transparency, Freedom and Liberty The officials from both the nations tried to create and define the core principles through interactions to carry on the cooperation on the principles of liberty, freedom of expression, transparency and the rule of law that is applied to the cyber space. To tackle cybercrimes of all types and to boost the confidence of cooperation, the dialogue tried to find the facts of reducing risk of threats from cyberspace to international security. India and Japan Signed Earths Pact on Rare Earth Minerals India and Japan signed an Earths Pact on 16 November 2012 that will enable the latter to import the rare Earth minerals from India. These rare minerals are very important for the Tech-savvy industries of Japan. The pact came as a conclusion despite postponement of IndiaJapan annual summit. As per the signed pact, Japan will be able to import 4000 tonnes rare Earth minerals for a year from India. By signing the pact, Japan has branched out its supply from China for metals which are used in their industries. velopments, coordination in international fora and their bilateral cooperation in the area. The first meeting of the IndiaUK Joint Working Group (JWG) took place in 2004. The next and the 9th meeting of the JWG will be held in the UK in 2013 on mutually convenient dates. India and Sweden Signed Social Security Agreement in New Delhi

Japan now hopes that the pact will reduce its dependency on China for these rare minerals. It is important to note here that Japan is in tiff on the issue of Senkaku islands with China. Apart from this, India-Japan also signed a social security pact. These two pacts which were destined to come into force on the nowcancelled Indian PMs trip were reinforced in Japan. The 8th Meeting of the India-UK JWG on Counter Terrorism held in New Delhi The 8th meeting of the IndiaUK Joint Working Group (JWG) on Counter Terrorism was held on November 20, 2012 in New Delhi. The discussions of the JWG were held in an atmosphere of trust and mutual understanding. The two countries shared their respective threat assessments and informed each other of the measures taken by their governments to strengthen counter terrorism policies and structures. They also discussed the follow up on the Mumbai terror attacks of 26/ 11. The two countries also exchanged views on international de-

India and Sweden signed a social security agreement in New Delhi on 26 November 2012. This agreement will help both the countries in more investment and work opportunities for nationals of India and Sweden. It will also encourage more and more Indians to go to Sweden for employment opportunities and vice versa. Approximately, 156 Swedish companies are operating in India and expressed the hope that this agreement will encourage Swedish people to come in large numbers to India. In fact, India is the first Asian country with which Sweden has signed this type of agreement. The Social Security Agreement will enhance cooperation on social security between the two countries. The Agreement will provide following benefits to Indian nationals working in Sweden: (a) For short term contract up to two years, no social contribution would need to be paid under the Swedish law by the detached workers provided 39

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they continue to make social security payment in India. The above benefits shall be available even when the Indian company sends its employees to Sweden from a third country. Indian workers shall be entitled to the export of the social security benefit if they relocate to India after the completion of their service in Sweden. The self-employed Indians in Sweden would also be entitled to export of social security benefit of their relocation to India. The period of contribution in one contracting state will be added to the period of contribution in the second contracting state for determining the eligibility of social security benefits. There are about 18000 Overseas Indians in Sweden, most of whom are working as professional and self-employed. However, there is a huge potential for Indian workers to take employment in Sweden owing to the huge labour supply gap in the market. As such, a bilateral Social Security Agreement with Sweden is a significant requirement from the futuristic point of view to take advantage of the emerging employment opportunities and to strengthen the trade and investment between the two countries. India has singed similar agreements with Belgium, Germany, France, Switzerland, Netherlands, Luxembourg, Hungary, Denmark, Czech Republic, the Republic of Korea, Norway, Finland, Canada and Japan. RBI and the State Bank of Vietnam signed a Memorandum of Understanding The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) on 16 November 2012 signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with the State Bank of Vietnam (SBV) for promoting greater cooperation and sharing supervisory information, between the two supervisors. The MoU between the two banks was signed at Hanoi, Vietnam in the Headquarters of State Bank of Vietnam and by the Chief General Manager-In-Charge, Department of Banking Supervision, RBIG. Jaganmohan Rao and Chief Inspector, Banking Supervision Agency, SBV- Nguyen Huu Nghia. The Deputy Governor, SBV- Dang Thanh Binh, and Indian Ambassador to Hanoi- Ranjit Rae graced this occasion of signing the MoU.






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National Cancer Institute and a National Cardio Care Centre to be developed at Jhajjar The Union Government of India on 24 November 2012 announced to set up a National Cancer Institute (NCI) and a National Cardio Care Centre (NCCC) at the second campus of All-India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS) in Badhsa village of Jhajjar, Haryana during the inauguration of the Outreach OPD of the AIIMS-II campus spread over 300 acres. This outreach OPD is well equipped with all the facilities and has a capacity of 1000 beds and the first OPD in the nation to provide free medicines to the patients. On this occasion, the Union Health Minister Ghulam Nabi Azad also declared that the AIIMS-II, with a total capacity of 2,100 beds, would be developed as a world-class institute. International bids in form of the Expression of Interest for drafting the master plan was already called on by the ministry. The Proposed National Cancer Institute would be the countrys largest cancer institute with a capacity of 600 beds and facilities of treating almost every form of cancer. South African Government Rolled Out Nelson Mandela Bank Notes the countrys first black President Nelson Mandela marking it as a tribute to him. The Note issued by the South African Reserve Bank, displayed the 94-year-old anti-apartheid icons smiling face. Also, the earlier images of one of the five big animals featured on the old bank notes lion, leopard, rhino, buffalo

The South African Reserve Bank on 6 November 2012 rolled out new bank notes bearing the face of

and elephant will be retained on the reverse of the note. Nelson Mandela is currently living out his 41

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retirement in his childhood rural village of Qunu in the Eastern Cape Province. Nelson Mandela held office between 1994 and 1999 and he is the first black face to appear on South African money. Mallya gets lifeline, loses Royal Challenge Following completion of these agreements, Mr. Mallya will continue as Chairman of USL, and UBHL. He will work with Diageo to build the USL business in India. Open offer to buy 26 % stake Since these agreements trigger the Securities and Exchange Board of Indias takeover code, Diageo will launch an open offer to buy 26 per cent stake from the public at Rs.1,440 a share. The open offer will cost Diageo Rs.5,441 crore. Shareholders need to approve this proposal. On completion of this process, Diageo will hold a total of 53.4 per cent stake in USL with an aggregate cost of Rs.11,166.50 crore. It is completely a win-win for both. I am personally very happy that finally the dream has come true, UB Group Chairman Mr. Mallya said in a conference call with journalists from London. He made it clear that the money generated from this deal would not be utilised to revive Kingfisher Airlines as had been widely speculated. I have now done what I think is best for my spirits business and, of course, we will also address the needs of Kingfisher Airlines, but these will be done separately for the good of the company and its stakeholders, Mr. Mallya added. I have had a long association with Diageo and, therefore, I am confident that this winning partnership with Diageo provides USL with the best possible platform for future growth, he said. I am delighted to remain part of that journey as Chairman of USL as we work together to build continued value for the shareholders of USL and UBHL, Mr. Mallya said. Family jewel? He denied that he sold his family jewel (USL) I have not sold my family jewel, only embellished them, he said. Diageos COO Ivan Menezes said the acquisition USLs shareholding was fully aligned with the companys strategy to build its presence in the worlds faster growing markets besides enhancing its position as the worlds leading premium drinks company. He said UB groups manufacturing and distribution capabilities and Diageos marketing and brand building capabilities would be a unique combination. As a result of the agreements, we will be well positioned to take the growth opportunities presented by a spirits market where growth is driven by the increasing number of middle-class consumers. The combination of USLs strong business with the capabilities which Diageo brings as the worlds leading premium drinks company will ensure that USL continues to lead the industry in India, Paul S. Walsh, Chief Executive of Diageo, said in a statement. Diageo has asked the UB group to release all security interests over USL shares to be acquired by it. Good News Analysts said this was the best Mr. Mallya could have done. He is pushed to the wall to sell stake and there is no other choice. The deal is in line with market expectation and he fetched more money than expected. It is good for the company, said market analyst Ambarish Baliga. The entire deal is expected to complete in early 2013. Diageo will fund the acquisition through existing cash resources and debt.

Dealing a shot of good news, international liquor major Diageo, on Friday, announced its decision to acquire 53.4 per cent stake in Vijay Mallya-owned United Spirits Ltd. (USL) for Rs.11,166.50 crore. Diageo announced from London that it had entered into agreements with United Breweries (Holdings) Ltd. and USL to acquire 27.4 per cent stake in USL for Rs.5,725 crore at Rs.1,440 a share. Shares of USL closed at Rs.1,343.25 on Thursday. UB Holding and associate companies will sell 19.3 per cent stake to Diageo and a large part of this money will directly go to UB Holdings, which will de-leverage its balance sheet. The board of directors of USL has cleared a proposal to make a preferential allotment of USL shares, amounting to 10 per cent of the companys enlarged share capital, to Diageo at Rs.1,440 a share. The proceeds from this will go into clearing a part of USLs debt of Rs.8,300 crore. After this stake sale, the UB Holdings groups shareholding in USL will come down to 14.9 per cent. 42

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Diageo and MR. Mallya have entered into a MoU to form a 50:50 joint venture which will own United National Breweries traditional sorghum beer business in South Africa. They are also considering the possibility of extending this joint venture to maximise opportunities in Africa and Asia (excluding India). USL shares closed with a gain of 1.22 per cent at Rs.1359.70 on the BSE. United Spirits brands include Royal Challenge, Directors Special, Signature whisky; Black Dog scotch and White Mischief in vodka. Cabinet Committee on Economic Affairs approved 9.5 percent Stake Disinvestment in NTPC The Cabinet Committee on Economic Affairs (CCEA) approved the disinvestment of 9.5 percent Government Stake in the Maharatna PSU-National Thermal Power Corporation (NTPC) on 22 November 2012 from its holding of 84.50 percent. The disinvestment would be done through the stock exchanges following the SEBI Rules, via an offer for sales of the shares. The equity disinvestment of NTPC would bring back a sum of about 13000 crore rupees. With this disinvestment the governments holding on NTPC would fall down from present 84.5 percent to 75 percent, which will adhere to the minimum public shareholding norms that was stipulated by the Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI), the market regulators. The recorded paid-up equity capital of NTPC on of 31 March 2012 under administrative control of the Ministry of Power was 8245.46 crore rupees. NTPC NTPC-the National Thermal Power Corporation is a Public Service Undertaking Company engaged in power generation that came into existence in the year 1975 to accelerate the rate of power generation in India. In the Forbes Global 2000 ranking list of the Worlds biggest companies NTPC was ranked at 337th position in 2012. Karnataka in the month of October. The Sultanate of Oman banned import of eggs and chicken from India for second time in 2012 and this ban is going to affect the economic conditions of the poultry farmers of India as this ban would have an impact on a third of poultry export from India. Oman resumed the import of Poultry Products from India after a ban that lasted for five months in the last week of September. The previous ban was made in effect of reports of bird flu witnessed in Bihar. GAIL and RSPCL signed an Agreement of Joint Venture on Gas Supply Pipeline Project The GAIL Gas Limited and the Rajasthan State Petroleum Corporation Limited (RSPCL) signed an agreement of Joint Venture on 5 November 2012 to lay down the natural gas supply pipeline in the state. Both the bodies will together formulate a long-term plan on commercial, domestic as well as industrial consumption of the gas. The agreement was signed by GAIL Gas Limited Chief Executive Officer J. Vasan and Ajitabh Sharma Managing Director of RSPCL in presence of C.K. Mathew, State Chief Secretary. The joint venture would help in supply of pollution free LPG, CNG and LNG to consumers of different categories and would also be responsible for development of the CNG stations on the road sides of the state and national highways. The project would also supply the gas required by the industrial units that is coming up on the Delhi-Mumbai industrial corridor. The transport, supply and distribution of gas would be carried after getting ap43

At present NTPCs generating capacity is 39674 MW and by 2032 it is expected that the company would have a capacity of 128000 MW. Oman Banned Import of Eggs and Chicken from India

The Sultanate of Oman on 10 November 2012 issued an official decree banning the import of eggs and chicken from India. Oman that is the biggest egg export market of India issued the ban following the recommendations of the World Organisation for Animal Health about the outbreak of bird-flu was confirmed by the Government run Turkey Farm at Hesaraghatta,

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provals from the Petroleum & Natural Gas Regulatory Board. Moodys downgrades ArcelorMittal rating to speculative Moodys, on Tuesday, downgraded ArcelorMittals long-term credit rating by one notch to Ba1, putting it into speculative or junk territory, saying the deterioration in steel markets means the company can no longer reduce its debt enough to keep an investment grade mark. The downgrade reflects the deterioration in global steel markets over the last six months, said Moodys, pointing to the company posting its worst performance in three years last quarter. ArcelorMittal, the worlds top steelmaker, had an operating loss and its gross debt rose in the third quarter. As a result, the amount of debt reduction the company must realise in order to hold a Baa3 rating is so large as to be unachievable... said Steve Oman, Senior Vice-President and lead analyst for the EMEA steel industry at Moodys. The Baa3 rating is the lowest investment-grade rating at Moodys. Air India on course for a turnaround in April. Various financial and operational restructuring currently underway would accrue substantial benefits and the airline seems determined to turn EBITDA positive by March 2013, said AI officials. On-time performance in the first half improved to 85 per cent from below 80 per cent in the first half last year. For domestic, it was 89 per cent (78 per cent) while international was 81 per cent (78 per cent). Passenger load factor improved to 70.9 per cent with the domestic services contributing substantially, the requirement being 69.5 per cent. AI has achieved a network yield of Rs. 4.31 per passenger km, with domestic yield of Rs. 6 and an international yield of Rs. 3.5, which is comparable with other full service carriers. On fleet utilisation, AI achieved an average utilisation of 10.9 hours for its Airbus fleet as compared to 10.50 hours set in the turnaround plan. The wide body fleet hit 13 hours utilisation as against 14 hours set in the turnaround plan. The number of passengers in November showed a substantial increase, with an average of 46,300 passengers flying daily, of which 66 per cent were domestic passengers. Productivity Linked Incentives have been abolished from July 1 and the airline has taken steps to operationalize the engineering and ground handling businesses with the appointment of SBI Caps as its advisors. Towards monetizing its real estate assets, DTZ has been appointed as global real estate consultant. The objective is to monetize Rs 500 crore a year with a target of Rs 5,000 crore in 10 years. The IT system has been upgraded. A voluntary retirement scheme (VRS) has been finalized at the board level and has been submitted to the ministry of civil aviation for approval. VRS is targeted at 5,000 surplus employees. With 20,000 employees to be shifted to the ground handling and engineering businesses, the effective strength of the parent company would come down substantially. The objective is to have an aircraft to employee ratio of 1:100, an official said. Route rationalisation continues to be a significant part of our strategy to return to profitability. In the first half, domestic services contributed surplus of Rs.200 crore as compared to Rs.57 crore loss in the first half of last year. 65 per cent of the domestic routes contributed to higher yield, said S Venkat, Director-Finance, Air India. Through various cost reduction measures, AI has been able to bring down cost by nearly Rs.600 crore in the first half, officials said. The restructuring of working capital loan and non-convertible debenture issue will bring down AIs interest burden substantially. AIs short term loans will come down to Rs. 4,500 crore from Rs. 22,500 crore. Reserve Bank of India asked Banks not to Provide Loans for Purchase of Gold

Air Indias (AI) performance in the first half of the current fiscal indicates that the national carrier is on track to meet the various norms laid down in the turnaround plan that were approved by the government 44

The Reserve Bank of India, in its notification released on 19 November 2012 directed banks not to provide loans to its customers for purchase of all types of gold, which

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includes primary gold, jewellery, bullion, gold coins, units of Gold Exchange Traded Funds (ETF) and units of gold mutual funds. The order was directed for discouraging people from getting involved in speculative activities. The notification from the Reserve Bank of India also directed the banks not to grant advances against gold bullion to traders or dealers, as such advances would be utilised with the purpose of offering finance for gold purchase at auctions and speculative holding of stocks and bullion. This notification allowed the banks to provide finances to the jewelers for their general working capital requirements. The decision of RBI came up in response to the suggestion of the working Group constituted after the announcement if the Monetary Policy Statement of April 2012. The working group suggested that the banks are not permitted to finance purchase of any type of gold other than the working capital. This decision of RBI came up in response to the significant growth in the imports of the gold in past few years that has created pressure on the current account deficit. The Gold imports of India in 2011-12 stood up at 60 billion dollar. Civil Aviation Ministry approved New Traffic Rights to Indian Carriers The Civil Aviation Ministry in the first week of November 2012 approved new traffic rights to Indian carriers for the next three seasons to expand international air travel out of the country. The new cities include Rome, Madrid, Barcelona, Sydney, Melbourne, Nairobi, Al Najaf in Iraq, Moscow, Zurich, Macau, Tashkent and Ho Chi Minh City. Air India and its subsidiary Air India Express got their number of weekly flights enhanced. Air India has also got the rights for the first time to fly on sectors like Delhi-Rome-Madrid/Barcelona, Delhi-Moscow, Delhi-Sydney/ Melbourne, Mumbai-Nairobi and Mumbai-Al Najaf. The allocation of flight traffic rights is expected to give a major boost to Indian carriers and spur growth in the civil aviation sector. The move will also enhance connectivity from various Indian cities to international destinations. It will also enhance competitiveness among airlines and is expected to bring down fares. Opening of several new international sectors and progressive increase in number of flights will also give a fillip to the domestic tourism sector which will result in overall economic growth of the country. Government decided to digitize Cable TV Network in Thirty Eight Cities CAG hits back at RIL, British Gas Upset at the repeated failure of Reliance Industries Limited (RIL) to submit for audit records and information relating to the Krishna Godavari D6 block, the Comptroller and Auditor-General has asked the Petroleum Ministry to withhold all approvals to the Mukesh Ambaniowned company, except in emergency situations. The government auditor has also asked the Ministry not to clear the plans of British Gas (BG) for exploration projects as it had also failed to submit information and records relating to the Panna-MuktaTapti gasfields. Sources in the government said that soon after M. Veerappa Moily took over as Petroleum Minister this month, following the unceremonious exit of S. Jaipal Reddy, the CAG wrote to the Ministry, pointing to the continuous failure of the two companies to submit the records it had sought. The CAG, in its communication, has pointed out that every effort was being made to thwart the audit by the constitutional body, and one after another obstacle was created in the conduct of a smooth audit till 2011-12. Both RIL and BG are shying away from providing information and have adopted an indifferent attitude to the CAG, resulting in the audit coming to a standstill, the sources said. Furthermore, the sources said, the CAG asked the Ministry to immediately direct RIL to submit all records pertaining to the KG D6 block for audit up to 2012, as any increase in capital expenditure would have an adverse impact on the governments interest. Till the time RIL and BG submit the relevant 45

The Union Government of India on 6 November 2012 decided to digitise Cable TV network in thirty eight cities, spread over 15 States, by 31 March 2013 in the second phase of digitisation. Earlier, the digitization was completed in Delhi, Mumbai and Kolkata on the 31October 2012, while in Chennai the deadline was extended till the 9 November 2012 by the Madras High Court.

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records for audit and cooperate with the CAG, their approvals should be held back except in emergency circumstances, it said. Earlier this month, the CAG strongly objected to the restrictive conditions laid down by RIL for an audit, which, it said, impinge upon the basic mandate, rights and obligations of the CAG to conduct an audit and report the results to Parliament. In a letter to Petroleum Secretary G.C. Chaturvedi on October 26, two days before Mr. Reddy was shunted out of the Ministry, the CAG said the conditions were unacceptable, and the CAGs (Duties, Powers and Conditions of Service) Act, 1971, gave it unfettered right and would override all conditions sought to be imposed on the audit process. In it, the government auditor listed the conditions laid down by RIL: audit be restricted to accounting books and records; audit of the years that were time-barred be subject to the consent of the operator; audit report be submitted to the Ministry and not Parliament; audit be subjected to confidentiality arrangements between parties to the production-sharing contract; and the CAG be bound not to use the information acquired during the audit for any other audit under the Act. It would not be possible for us to conduct audit under such restrictions imposed by the operator [RIL], A.M. Bajaj, Principal Director of Audit, Economic and Service Ministries, said in the letter. The CAG said it reserved the right to undertake an independent audit of the entire process of award of hydrocarbon blocks by the Ministry under Section 16 of the CAGs Act as profit petroleum is a non-tax 46 revenue credited to the Consolidated Fund of India, and this would involve examination of all records (including those of the operator) that are relevant to our audit. This Section gives us an unfettered right and will override all conditions sought to be imposed on our audit process. SEBI allows trading of ETFs in SLB segment pact cost over the past six months is less than or equal to 1 per cent, SEBI added. With the introduction of the ETFs in the SLB segment, there would be wider participation as well as increased volumes. Further, SEBI has introduced a roll-over facility wherein the lender, who is due to receive securities in the pay-out of an SLB session, may extend the period of lending and similarly a borrower, who has to return borrowed securities in the payin of an SLB session, may, through the same SLB session, extend the period of borrowing. Roll-over shall be available for three months, that is, the original contract plus two roll-over contracts. SEBI, however, said that netting between borrow and lend position would not be permitted. Core Sectors of Indian Economy Grew By 6.5 Percent in October 2012 Eight core sectors of the Indian Economy grew by 6.5 percent, the eight-month high in October 20122013 in comparison to 0.4 percent in same time period last year, the official data revealed on 30 November 2012. The sectors which weight approximately 38 percent in Index of Industrial Production (IIP) increased by seven-month high in September by 5 percent and 2.3 percent in August. However, the growth of core sector is not dependent on the data of industrial production. For instance, inspite of the higher growth in core sector, the industrial production contracted around 0.4 percent in September. A lot of things are dependent on the capital goods segment which showed consistent contraction. The official data revealed that the eight

The Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI), on Thursday, allowed liquid Index Exchange Traded Funds (ETFs) eligible for trading in the Securities Lending and Borrowing (SLB) segment. Earlier, SEBI had allowed only securities traded in the Futures & Options (F&O) segment for lending and borrowing of securities. Securities lending is a loan of securities by a lender to a borrower for an agreed period. The lender earns lending fee on securities lying idle, and the objective of the lender is to maximise returns on the portfolio. Borrowers objective would be to use SLB to cover shortages and reverse arbitrage. SEBI has also stipulated that position limits for SLB in respect of ETFs would be based on the assets under management of the respective ETF. ETF shall be deemed liquid provided the Index ETF has traded on at least 80 per cent of the days over the past six months and its im-

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main industries of the Indian economy- steel, electricity, coal, crude, cement, natural gas, refinery products and fertilisers grew 3.7 percent in initial seven months of 2012-2013 fiscal year against 4.3 percent in the same period in 20112012 fiscal year. Output of the coal showed regular growth with 10.9 percent. However, on the monthly basis, it was lower when compared with 21.4 percent in September. Refinery products, steel as well as cement contributed towards the strong economic growth with 20.3 percent, 5.9 percent and 6.8 percent respectively. Natural gas as well as crude oil remained in contractionary zone. Crude oil witnessed a fall in the growth consecutively for fifth month at 0.4 percent in comparison to 1.7 percent in September. Production of natural gas on the other hand, decreased by 14.9 percent. In September as well, it decreased 14.8 percent. Production of natural gas has continued to contract for more than a year now. Initially, in February 2012, all these sectors grew at a faster speed of 6.9 percent. The production of cement decreased from 13.8 percent in September to 6.8 percent. Generation of electricity, on the other hand increased by 5.2 percent after this segment saw a decrease in previous three months. Fertilisers indicated positive growth of 2 percent after 5.7 percent growth in September. Income Ceiling for LIG raised by Union Government of India The Union Governmentof India on 15 November 2012 decided to raise cap on the annual income which is required for qualification for the benefits under the present housing schemes for the Low Income Groups (LIG) as well as Economically Weaker Sections (EWS). This step on the part of the government will provide benefit to 20 lakh people. The Ministry for Housing and Urban Poverty Alleviation (HUPA) raised the income criterion for EWS housings from 60000 Rupees per year initially to 1 Lakh Rupees now. This clearly indicates that people with household income below 1 Lakh Rupees will be able to avail benefits of EWS housing scheme. Likewise, the income bar for LIG category has been raised to 2 lakh Rupees now. This decision will be implemented during the 12th Five Year Plan. Instructions have been given to the state governments as well as the banks so that the decision could be implemented effectively. People will now be able to get benefits under the Rajiv Awas Yogna (RAY) (RAY)a n d EWS Housing Schemes. Additionally, the Union Minister added that they have the target of including 20 lakh people under this plan. It is the big step because more people would qualify for the home loans now. Definition of Economically Weaker Sections (EWS) People falling within the income limit set by the Ministry of Urban Development fall under the category of Economically Weaker Sections (EWS). Ministry of Urban Development revised this income ceiling from Rs. 3,300 to Rs. 5,000. This income ceiling has been made applicable to loans for Interest Subsidy for Housing the Urban Poor Scheme (ISHUP) as well as Housing and Urban Development Corporation (HUDCO). Government of India announced Minimum Support Price for Cotton

The Union Government on 2 October 2012 announced a revised Minimum Support Price (MSP) for cotton and this would help in inducing stabilisation in cotton price. Cotton has witnessed a sharp decline in the past and remained operational round about its minimum support price. After the review meet conducted on 2 October 2012, by the Union Textiles Minister, Anand Sharma the revisions were done. The decided minimum support price of medium staple cotton has gone up to 3600 rupees per quintal from initial rate of 2800 rupees. Similarly, the MSP for long staple cotton has gone up to 3900 per quintal from 3300 rupees. This rate is fixed for the fiscal year 201213. The Cotton Advisory Board has declared that the estimated production of cotton in the country for this year would be about 334 lakh bales, out of which the national consumption would record to 260 lakh bales. The surplous 70 lakh bales would be available for exports purposes. The government has formulated a contingency plan to procure 90 lakh bales of cotton under MSP operations in the season of cotton production in the year 201213. To carry on with this procurement process, it has also 47

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operationlised 288 procurement centers across all the nine cotton growing states of the nation. The working capital requirement was raised to 15000 crore rupees by the Cotton Corporation of India (CCI) for operationlisation of the MSP fixed. To control the MSP plan a special MSP cell has also been created at the CCIs corporate office and it is headed by the A. Chokalingam, Director Marketing. To alleviate the distress of farmers from NAFED and CCI, the government would be taking serious steps for price stabilization and operationlisation of the MSP decided. Criteria of Selection of Procurement Centers Centers that would cross the expected arrivals of 50000 quintals of cotton It should have an existence of market yard that is functional Weighbridge should be available in the market Ginning and pressing factories must be available in proximity to the center, with availability of facilities for fire fighting Amul loses TRIX to U.S. giant tual Property Appellate Board had directed Registrar of Trademarks to cancel Amuls registration of TRIX trademark. A Division Bench of Chief Justice Bhaskar Bhattacharya and Justice J. B. Pardiwala, in a recent judgment, dismissed the petition filed by Kaira District Co-operative Milk Producers Union Ltd., owner of Amul, seeking cancellation of trademark TRIX registered in favour of U.S. food giant General Mills. Amul, 35 years after registering the trademark and after General Mills entry into Indian market as late as in 1995, had questioned the U.S. firms right over TRIX. Gujarat Co-operative Milk Marketing Federation (GCMMFL), which markets milk and milk products under Amul brand under a licence from the petitioner, registered TRIX (coined from the word TRICKS from the concept of appearing and disappearing tricks as in magic show) as a trademark in 1977. In 1986 we launched a chocolate under TRIX trademark. We advertised it in a manner that it was so tasty that the chocolate bar just disappears/melts in mouth quickly, according to the petition. However, Amul stopped using TRIX in 1987. The U.S. food giants subsidiary, General Mills India Pvt. Ltd., came into existence in 1995. In 2005, it applied for registration of trademark TRIX claiming that in various countries it was holding the same trademark since 1910. Since Amul already owned the trademark, General Mills Indias application for registration was rejected. Meanwhile, the U.S. firm made a foray into the Indian market by introducing a snack under the trademark DIP-TRIX. At the same time, Amul also planned a re-launch of its TRIX brand for a wafer-chocolate, which was introduced in 2007. This led to a legal battle between the two giants. Amul objected to unauthorised use of TRIX by General Mills. The U.S. giant challenged Amuls claim over TRIX by filing a rectification application with Intellectual Property Appellate Board (IPAB), Ahmedabad. On July 16, 2012, the IPAB directed the Registrar of Trademarks to cancel Amuls right over the trademark. The dairy brand challenged the boards verdict in the HC, arguing that IPAB had erred in its ruling. Rectification application could not have been allowed as there was use of its registered trademark TRIX in December 2005 by AMUL leading to sale in May 2007 (of wafer chocolates) that is during the statutorily required period of non-use for a period of five years and three months before the date of rectification application, it said. However, the Bench did not find any error with the boards conclusion. India, China to step up infrastructure cooperation

The Gujarat High Court has refused to set aside an order which cancelled Amuls registration of its trademark TRIX, on which a U.S. firm has claimed its right. In July this year, the Intellec48

Chinese officials said on Tuesday that next weeks Strategic Economic Dialogue (SED) in New Delhi

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would help both countries deepen cooperation on investment and infrastructure projects, with one of the largest-ever delegations of Chinese officials set to travel to India for the November 26 talks. Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson Hua Chunying told reporters that representatives from Chinese government agencies, enterprises and financial and research institutions will travel to New Delhi, with a view to stepping up communication and coordination of macro-economic policies, and deepening and expanding mutually beneficial cooperation in investment, infrastructure, high technology, energy conservation and environmental protection. The delegation will be led by Zhang Ping, who heads the National Development and Reform Commission (NDRC), the top planning body. He will chair the talks along with Montek Singh Ahluwalia, Deputy Chairman of the Planning Commission. Officials said close to 200 Chinese officials will travel to India, including representatives from the NDRC, Ministry of Commerce, the Foreign Ministry, Ministry of Railways and State-run companies. Rail corridors At the first round of the SED in Beijing in September 2011, both sides discussed cooperation in railways, which might pave the way for Chinese involvement in Indias plans to set up high speed-rail corridors. Sources said top officials from CNR, one of Chinas biggest railway companies that has played a key role in Chinas high-speed rail expansion, will travel to New Delhi next week. Besides railways, separate working groups on infrastructure, energy, environment and high-tech sectors will meet during the November 26 dialogue in New Delhi. Officials said the idea behind the SED was to go beyond trade issues and look at the bigger picture and macro-level cooperation. Trade issues will not be the focus of the SED a separate Joint Economic Group dialogue headed by Commerce Ministers of both countries discusses bilateral trade issues, officials said. As a new leadership in China takes over, officials here have stressed their desire to expand trade and commercial engagement with India an issue that found prominence at Mondays meeting between Prime Minister Manmohan Singh and Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao in Cambodia. Ms. Hua, the Foreign Ministry spokesperson, said both leaders had agreed to seize the opportunities of development and to stepup cooperation in infrastructure. The Chinese government, she said, will continue to encourage reputable Chinese enterprises to invest in Indian projects. Chinese officials stress that the leadership transition will not affect ties with India, and that there will be continuity in all areas, whether related to political, military or trade issues. Government officials who handle foreign policy and trade have not stepped down at the recently concluded National Congress, during which the Communist Partys top leadership retired. Officials in government will continue serving until March, when the Parliament meets to appoint new officials. Mr. Wen, the Premier; Mr. Zhang, head of the NDRC; and State Councillor Dai Bingguo, the Special Representative on boundary issues, will all continue in office until March. Union Coal Ministry decided to deallocate Four Coal Blocks allotted to 15 Firms

The Union Coal Ministry in the fourth week of November 2012 decided to deallocate four coal blocks allotted to 15 firms, including JSW Steel and Bhushan Steel and Strips. The four coal blocks are as following:- Gourangdih ABC coal block in West Bengal, New Patrapara coal block in Orissa, the Lalgarh coal block in Jharkhand and north Dhadu coal bloack. The ministry also asked the Monnet Ispat to deposit a bank guarantee of 62 crore rupees. The Gourangdih ABC coal block in West Bengal was allotted to Himachal EMTA Power Ltd and JSW Steel Ltd. The Coal Ministry in its letter to the company stated that it has decided to forfeit 50 per cent of the Bank Guarantee related to the development of coal block as per the recommendation of Inter-Ministerial Group. The Ministry also decided to deallocate New Patrapara coal block in Orissa and to return the full bank guarantee amount without any deduction.The Coal Ministry in another letter to Monnet Ispat said that the Bank Guarantee as calculated by Coal Controller is to be deposited by the allottee company within one month from the date of letter failing which the block may be deallocated. In case of Domco 49

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Smokeless Fuels, the Ministry decided to deallocate the Lalgarh (North) coal block in Jharkhand. With regard to North Dhadu coal block jointly allocated to four firms, the Ministry has decided to deallocate the North Dhadu coal block in addition to the forfeiture of full bank guarantee. Union Cabinet of India cleared Proposal for Spectrum Sharing The Union Cabinet of India on 8 November 2012 approved levy of about 31000 crore rupees as onetime spectrum charge to be implemented on all incumbent telecom operators like Bharati Airtel, Vodafone, Idea and others. The proposed charges had been implemented to create a level ground between the old players and the new players of the telecom sector. The Finance Minister of India P Chidambaram declared that the recommendations of the EGoM (Empowered Group of Ministers) was cleared and the GSM operators would have to pay for the airwaves that they hold beyond the 4.4 MegaHertz, the price determined at the auction and the operators holding more than 6.2 mega hertz airwaves would have to pay a retroactive fee from July 2008 onwards. The CDMA operators would have to pay for the airwaves that they hold beyond 2.5 Mega-Hertz as per the validity of the permits offered to them. Retail Inflation in India rose to 9.75 percent in October 2012 The data on retail inflation was released by the Government of India on 11 November 2012. The retail inflation in India rose to 9.75 percent in the month of October 2012 after being measured on the 50 scale of Consumer Price Index (CPI). The retail inflation was marginal as it witnessed a rise of 0.02 percent of the noted rise of 9.73 percent in the month of September 2012. The rise in rural India the consumer price inflation rose to 9.98 percent from the 9.79 percent recorded in September 2012. The inflation in urban India was recorded to be 9.46 percent in October from 9.72 percent recorded in the previous month. Reaching close to the double digit mark, the inflation witnessed the maximum price rise on Sugar that rose at 19.61 percent per year and was followed by edible oil and fat which saw a rise of 17.92 percent, whereas pulses and cereal grains witnessed a rise of 14.89 percent. Prices of vegetable grew by 10.74 percent in October 2012, and the rates of meat, eggs and fished went up by 12.18 percent. Costs of cloths, beds and footwear went up by 10.47 percent year after year. All India Provisional General (all groups) the CPI numbers for the month of October 2012 for urban, rural and combined level were recorded as 122.6, 126.7 and 124.9 respectively. Japan to fund multi-billion dollar CBIC project soon that Japan is backing are the DelhiMumbai Industrial Corridor (DMIC) and the Dedicated Freight Corridor (DFC). The announcement of the CBIC project has led to considerable enthusiasm among most south Indian states with Andhra Pradesh wanting its extension to Krishnapatnam port and Karnataka asking for the inclusion of Chitradurga with the State government planning to set up a manufacturing hub between Chitradurga and Tumkur. Kerala is the only south Indian State which has so far not expressed a desire to be included in the project, according to government sources. The feasibility study for the CBIC is likely to be financed from a 184 billion yen Official Development Assistance (ODA) from Japan which will also fund the second phase of the DFC. This was conveyed by Japanese Prime Minister Yosihiko Noda during his second meeting in as many days with Prime Minister Manmohan Singh on the sidelines of the Association of South East Asian Nations (ASEAN) summit and related meetings with its dialogue partners, including India. New Delhi is putting immense faith in CBIC, heralding a renewed round of industrialisation in the south, with T. K. A. Nair, Adviser to Dr. Singh, regularly reviewing its progress. The project was first made public during the India-Japan annual summit in 2010. The project will initially focus on Phase-II of the Chennai Outer Ring Road, Chennai-Bangalore Expressway, modernisation of airports in Chennai, Bangalore and Sriperumbudur and ports in Chennai and Ennore, in addition to a highspeed rail link between Chennai,

Japan has said it will soon announce funding for the multi-billion dollar Chennai-Bangalore Industrial Corridor (CBIC), the third mega project that will be quarter-backed by Tokyo. The other two projects

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Bangalore and the Avadi rail link. Simultaneously, State governments and the Centre will deliberate on easing customs procedures and enhanced use of IT and automation. According to official sources, the Prime Minister welcomed the ongoing projects under the ODA but emphasised that Indias priority was investment by Japanese business in infrastructure projects such as the Delhi Metro which other cities wanted to emulate. This is the same message he gave to Chinese Prime Minister Wen Jiabao on Monday. Rare earths After Dr. Singhs visit was put off, the two countries on November 16 signed an MoU on rare earths and inked a pact on social security. The pact of rare earths too was first publicly aired during the 2010 summit. It is a fall-out of tensions between Japan and China which led to Beijing clamping down on rare earth exports to Tokyo. India signed 70 million US Dollar loan agreement with World Bank Government of India on 22 November 2012 signed a 70-million US Dollar loan agreement with World Bank for financing the Karnataka Health Systems Development as well as Reform Project. Primary objective of this project is improvisation of public-private collaboration, health services delivery and financial aid for vulnerable groups and underserved in Karnataka. The agreement was signed by the Joint Secretary, Department of Economic Affairs and India Operations Advisor of World Bank in New Delhi. The components of the project include: Strengthening present health programs of the Government of India Innovations in the health financing as well as service delivery Project management, evaluation as well as monitoring Additional financing of this project is scheduled to be implemented till 31 March 2016. Economic Growth Declined in July-September Quarter of 2012-2013 Fiscal Year The economy of India grew just by 5.3 percent in July-September quarter of fiscal year 2012-2013, revealed the Central Statistical Organisation. The economy dropped down the rate of growth because of poor performance of the agriculture as well as manufacturing sectors and it is persistently indicating slowdown signs. In the previous fiscal year, the gross domestic product (GDP) had grown by 6.7 percent in the same quarter. In the first quarter of 20122013, the economy had grown by 5.5 percent. By the end of the July-September quarter, i.e., on 30 September 2012, the manufacturing sector had grown marginally by just 0.8 percent in comparison to 2.9 percent in the same quarter last year, the Central Statistical Organisation revealed. The output of the farm sector expanded merely 1.2 percent in this quarter in 2012-2013 financial year in contrast to 3.1 percent in same quarter last year. The economic growth for the time period of AprilSeptember in this financial year is 5.4 percent in contrast to 7.3 percent in previous fiscal year. In this quarter in the present fiscal year, hotels, transport, communications as well as trade showed slow pace at 5.5 percent in comparison to 9.5 percent last year in the same quarter. The construction sector showed signs of improvement where the growth was 6.7 percent as against 6.3 percent last year. Apart from this, the rate of growth in certain service sectors such as real estate and insurance was 9.4 percent as against 9.9 percent in last years quarter. Finance Minister of India P. Chidambaram concluded that the only way to overcome the situation was through increased production as well as innovation. Petrol Price in India slashed by 95 Paise due to fall of Prices in International Market

Petrol Prices in Indian market on 15 November 2012 was slashed by 95 paise per litre. The decision came up as a result of the fall in oil prices in the International Market. The Indian market witnessed a second slash in the rates of petrol since 9 October 2012, in October there was a cut of 56 paise per liter in the price of petrol. This slash in the petrol prices would bring down the prices of petrol in different states of the country and would vary from state to state due to the difference in the state and local taxes of different states. With this fall in rates of petrol in Delhi went down to 68.19 51

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rupees to 67.24 rupees per litre. In Mumbai the price went down by 1.20 rupees and the petrol there would cost 73.53 rupees per litre, in Chennai the price went down to 70.57 rupees from 71.77 rupees. Kolkata saw a slash of 1.19 rupees per litre in the petrol prices and it would be available to the consumers at a rate of 74.55 rupees per litre. Global Gasoline Rates helps in creating a benchmark in fixing the price of petrol in the domestic market. The gasoline rates also witnessed a fall in rates globally but declined and non-stagnant value of Rupees against the US dollar and would have an impact on the petrol prices in the coming future. The volatility of Rupees against the value of exchange rates of US dollar is being closely monitored to get out of the uncertainties about the direction in which future decisions would head towards. The Union Government of India in June 2010 deregulated the prices of petrol by offering freedom to the oil companies for fixing the petrol rates following the costs prevalent in the international market. But this deregulation in the petrol prices also had no impact in getting the Indian Oil Companies in getting out of the losses with which they are overburdened and this happened because of the buckling political pressure on the oil companies to have a check on curbing growing inflation in Indian market. Retail Inflation in India rose to 9.75 percent in October 2012 The data on retail inflation was released by the Government of India on 11 November 2012. The retail inflation in India rose to 9.75 percent in the month of October 52 2012 after being measured on the scale of Consumer Price Index (CPI). The retail inflation was marginal as it witnessed a rise of 0.02 percent of the noted rise of 9.73 percent in the month of September 2012. The rise in rural India the consumer price inflation rose to 9.98 percent from the 9.79 percent recorded in September 2012. The inflation in urban India was recorded to be 9.46 percent in October from 9.72 percent recorded in the previous month. Reaching close to the double digit mark, the inflation witnessed the maximum price rise on Sugar that rose at 19.61 percent per year and was followed by edible oil and fat which saw a rise of 17.92 percent, whereas pulses and cereal grains witnessed a rise of 14.89 percent. Prices of vegetable grew by 10.74 percent in October 2012, and the rates of meat, eggs and fished went up by 12.18 percent. Costs of cloths, beds and footwear went up by 10.47 percent year after year. All India Provisional General (all groups) the CPI numbers for the month of October 2012 for urban, rural and combined level were recorded as 122.6, 126.7 and 124.9 respectively. RBI revises definition of infra lending infrastructure lending, which would make sectors and sub-sectors eligible for infrastructure lending by banks and financial institutions with immediate effect. The exposure of banks to projects under sub-sectors which were included under the RBIs previous definition of infrastructure as per the circular of November 30, 2007, but not included under the revised definition, will continue to get the benefits under infrastructure lending till the completion of the projects. However, any fresh lending to those sub-sectors from the date of this circular will not qualify as infrastructure lending, the RBI said in a notification to all banks and financial institutions. The Government of India had notified a master list of infrastructure sectors/sub-sectors in March 2012 to avoid multiplicity of definitions among various regulators which gives rise to confusion and difficulties. The sectors and sub-sectors come under revised infrastructure lending are: Transport: Roads and bridges, ports inland waterways, airport, railway track, tunnels, viaducts, bridges, including supporting terminal infrastructure such as loading/ unloading terminals, stations and buildings, urban public transport (except rolling stock in case of urban road transport). Energy: Electricity generation, electricity transmission, electricity distribution, oil pipelines and oil/ gas/liquefied natural gas (LNG) storage facility (including strategic storage of crude oil) and gas pipelines, including city gas distribution network. Water and sanitation: Solid waste management, water supply pipe lines, water treatment plants,

The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) on Tuesday revised the definition of

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sewage collection, treatment and disposal system and irrigation (dams, channels, embankments and the like) and storm water drainage system. Communication: Telecommunication (fixed network) including optic fibre/cable networks which provide broadband / internet and telecommunication towers. Social and commercial infrastructure: Educational institutions (capital stock), hospitals (capital stock), including medical colleges, para medical training institutes and diagnostics centres and three-star or higher category classified hotels located outside cities with population of more than one million.



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A Biological Battery converted into an appropriate electrochemical impulse. Deep inside the ear, the cochlea perceives the frequency of the vibration. It maintains a gradient of potassium and sodium ions across a delicate membrane via a system of pumps and channels. This natural battery, which makes neurotransmission of sound possible, generates a net positive voltage. Researchers have known about the existence of this endocochlear potential (EP) for decades, but had not devised ways of using this voltage without interfering with the mammals hearing, says Konstantina Stankovic, otologic surgeon at Massachusetts Eye and Ear Infirmary, medical lead of the collaborative team. What we have is both a conceptual and technological breakthrough. New electrodes and new electronics had to be developed to make safe harvesting possible, she says. Prof. Anantha Chandrakasans group at Massachusetts Institute of Technology designed the chip to extract current from the ear, keeping in mind the many physiological constraints. In the prototype, the harnessed power drives a wireless sensor that can monitor the value of the EP. A radio transmitter relays data to the clinician who uses the numbers to gauge the ears condition. Though our ear functions on EP ranging from 70-100 millivolts, this voltage is not enough for electronic implants. Since the power from the source is so small, we accumulate energy on a capacitor. Once the capacitor fills up, it can drive a higher power electronic circuit, says Chandrakasan. We power a 2.4 Gigahertz radio in this case. But transistor-based electronics need hundreds of millivolts to start. A wireless receiver on the integrated circuit gets a short burst of radio waves to kick-start the system. The setup, implanted in the ear of a guinea pig, could transmit data for five hours without compromising normal hearing. Design optimization and more testing lie ahead.

Plugging into sources of energy within our body such as heat, internal motion or metabolites to power implanted medical devices has long been the goal of biomedical engineers. Now researchers based in Cambridge, Massachusetts have demonstrated that a sensing device embedded in the ear can be powered by the ears own electrochemical battery. Our auditory mechanism picks up external sounds and sends information to the brain in the form of neural signals. When the sound wave hits the ear, the eardrum vibrates in response. This mechanical energy must to be 54

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Thus far, we have demonstrated feasibility of sensing the EP, powered by the EP, says Stankovic. But we are eager to couple this energy-harvesting chip to a variety of molecular and chemical sensors to sense the inner ear and its environment and identify the most promising biomarkers relevant for the ultimate human application. The device cannot power multichannel cochlear implants or hearing aids as yet. But Charley C. Della Santina, professor of Otolaryngology and biomedical engineering at Johns Hopkins University, who is unconnected to the research team, points out that there is a real need for a system that can monitor the EP in animal models of Menieres disease an inner ear disorder that affects balance and hearing. And, this device, he says, may just fit the bill. Plus, the data collected in vivo could transform our understanding of how the mammalian ear works, says Stankovic. The paper that describes the findings appears in the latest issue of Nature Biotechnology. Farmers can save and earn more through vermi technology field itself as it is an easy option. But over time this practice makes the land barren and kills several beneficial organisms that aid good growth. Cost reduction And today with the cost of fertilizers hitting the roof it will be advisable if farmers can effectively use these wastes to make some sort of manure like vermicompost and put it back to the soil. By doing so expenses can be reduced and soil fertility be upgraded, says Dr. V. Kantharaju, Programme Coordinator, Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Gulbarga, Karnataka. A group of farmers from different villages were selected and given training by the KVK staff on vermi composting methods. Awareness The farmers were also made aware on the importance of natural farming through vermicomposting methods and how this could help them cut down expenses in buying fertilizers. Since this method helped them save some money several farmers willingly took it up. Also the income obtained from such activity can be reinvested by the farmer in enhancing his farm resources and infrastructure for higherreturn. He can go for crop diversification and better income, says Dr. Kantharaju. For farmers, seeing is believing. When they heard about other farmers doing well in this line, they started visiting our KVK office and expressed willingness to try the same. Today we have been able to help such farmers in setting up their own small vermicomposting units and manufacture their own inputs, says Dr. Kantharaju. Loan A dryland farmer, Mr. Shivanand in the region who underwent a similar training, started his own unit in small way. In due course, with help from KVK staff, he got a loan of Rs.4 lakh from a local bank. I constructed 48 pits from the loan amount and today am able to produce 100 tonnes of compost a year. 50 tonnes was used for my personal use and the remaining sold at Rs.300 per quintal. The worms were also sold for Rs. 300 a kg, says the enterprising farmer. Production doubled Within a year he doubled his production to nearly 200 tonnes. He also started to enrich his compost with neem cake, Trichoderma, Pseudomonas, Rhizobium, and Azospirillum. The farmer also developed a diversified cropping pattern using the vermicompost from his own unit. He planted papaya in five acres, musk melon in one acre, and cucumber in some remaining area. With continuous guidance from the expert team who periodically visited him, he earned Rs. 3 lakh from papaya, Rs. 1.5 lakh from water melon, Rs. 1.5 lakh from musk melon, and Rs. 1 lakh from cucumber. He constructed a new home, purchased land worth Rs. 5 lakh from the income. He has also employed about 10 permanent and temporary labour to look after the daily work in the production unit. Better revenue The success of Mr. Shivanand spread like wild fire and several people are visiting his farm to learn how he has been able to succeed in terms of revenue. Window closes on new theory of particle physics On November 12, at the first day of the Hadron Collider Physics Symposium at Kyoto, Japan, researchers presented a handful of 55

Whatever be the crops, after harvesting the residue left in the field poses a major problem as removing it requires manpower and money. In some places farmers simply burn the dried leaves, stalk in the

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results that constrained the number of hiding places for a promising new theory. Members of the team from the LHCb detector on the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) experiment located on the border of France and Switzerland provided evidence of a very rare particle-decay. The rate of the decay process was in fair agreement with an older theory of particles properties, called the Standard Model (SM), and deviated from the new theory, called Supersymmetry. Theorists have calculated that, in the Standard Model, this decay should occur about 3 times in every billion total decays of the particle, announced Pierluigi Campana, LHCb spokesperson. This first measurement gives a value of around 3.2 per billion, which is in very good agreement with the prediction. The result was presented at the 3.5-sigma confidence level, which corresponds to an error rate of 1-in-2,000. While not strong enough to claim discovery, it is valid as evidence. The particle, called a B_s meson, decayed from a bottom antiquark and strange quark pair into two muons. According to the SM, this is a complex and indirect decay process: the quarks exchange a W boson particle, turn into a top-antitop quark pair, which then decays into a Z boson or a Higgs boson. The boson then decays to two muons. This indirect decay is called a quantum loop, and advanced theories like Supersymmetry predict new, short-lived particles to appear in such loops. The LHCb, which detected the decays, reported no such new particles. At the same time, in June 2011, the LHCb had announced that it had spotted hints of supersymmetric particles at 3.956 sigma. Thus, scientists will continue to conduct tests until they can stack 3.5 million-to-1 odds for or against Supersymmetry to close the case. As Prof. Chris Parkes, spokesperson for the UK participation in the LHCb experiment, told BBC News: Supersymmetry may not be dead but these latest results have certainly put it into hospital. The symposium, which concluded on November 16, also saw the release of the first batch of data generated in search of the Higgs boson since the initial announcement on July 4 this year. The LHC cant observe the Higgs boson directly because it quickly decays into lighter particles. So, physicists count up the lighter particles and try to see if some of those could have come from a momentarily existent Higgs. Still early days These are still early days, but the data seems consistent with the predicted properties of the elusive particle, giving further strength to the validity of the SM. Dr. Rahul Sinha, a physicist at the Institute of Mathematical Sciences, Chennai, said, So far there is nothing in the Higgs data that indicates that it is not the Higgs of Standard Model, but a conclusive statement cannot be made as yet. Scientists, however, are disappointed as there are fewer channels for new physics to occur. While the SM is fairly consistent with experimental findings, it is still unable to explain some fundamental problems. Commenting on the results, Dr. G. Rajasekaran, scientific adviser to the India-based Neutrino Observatory being built at Theni, asked for patience. Supersymmetry implies the existence of a whole new world of particles equalling our known world. Remember, we took a hundred years to discover the known particles starting with the electron. With each such tightening of the leash, physicists return to the drawing board and consider new possibilities, apart from hoping that the initial results arent accurate enough. We now plan to continue analysing data to improve the accuracy of this measurement and others which could show effects of new physics, said Campana. Researchers Created a Paper-Thin Fabric to Stop Bullets

Researchers fabricated an allnew paperthin bullet-proof super material, which has the capability to self-assemble into alternating rubbery as well as glassy layers in the second week of November. The nano-material has the ability to translate into the safety beyond the vests. These technological advancements could be used for protective coating for the jet engine turbine blades as well as the satellites. Scientists from Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) as well as Rice University created the special textures which had the ability to stop bullets from lab. This special texture known as structured polymer composite can reassemble into rubbery layers and alternating glassy layers. According to the Rice University, while the ballistic tests were performed, on this material at MITs

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Institute for Soldier Nanotechnologies, a 9 millimetre bullet could be stopped by the 20 nanometre-thick layers. Nevertheless, the most challenging task was to test the material effectively in lab. An innovative testing methodology was also introduced by the MIT-Rice, where tiny glass beads were shot at this material. Despite being too small in size (millionth of a meter), they projected the bullet impacts. If the layers of materials are looked under the scanning electron microscope, they appear like the corduroy. The researchers also assumed that projectile hit the target at least 2000 times more rapidly than the falling of an apple from one metre, but with much less force. Malaria vaccine trial on African infants disappointing and 37 per cent in the case of severe malaria. In the case of older children (5 to 17 months), reported last year, the protection offered was nearly 56 per cent in the case of clinical malaria and about 47 per cent for severe malaria. The efficacy against severe malaria in both the groups combined was nearly 35 per cent. Totally, 6,537 infants were studied. The current data on infants is also lower than what was seen in the Phase II trial results from three of the 11 centres. The protection against clinical malaria was 61.6 per cent. According to Nature, nearly 60 per cent of clinical malaria cases were reported from just two of the 11 sites. The trial is being conducted in 11 centres across seven countries in Africa. What then could have caused a severe drop in the protection efficacy? One of the possibilities could be the severity of malaria transmission. The Phase II results were from three centres that had only low to moderate malaria transmission. In the case of the Phase III, it also included centres that had high malaria transmission. The real implications of vaccine protection in high malaria transmission areas will be clear when the complete data is analysed in 2014 after a 30-month follow-up. What is more disappointing is the drastic reduction in efficacy during the 12-month follow-up period. The efficacy was higher at the beginning than at the end of the follow-up period found the study, published a few days ago in The New England Journal of Medicine . If the protection efficacy does wane with time, several factors may make younger infants more vulnerable than older children, the paper suggests. Possible reasons What then could be the possible reasons for the disappointing protection levels seen? One could be the lower protection in areas that had higher malaria transmission. Another could be the difference in immune response between the infants and the older children included in the trial. Evidence favouring this was earlier seen during the trial. The co-administration of other vaccines along with the malaria vaccine could be another. Finally, the presence of maternal antibodies in infants could have played a role in protecting them (both the vaccine and control groups) from malaria, thereby reducing the differences seen in the two groups. The vaccine has been developed primarily for infants and children in sub-Saharan Africa. The reasons are obvious: of the 216 million cases of malaria and 6,55,000 malaria-related deaths in 2010, a majority of deaths took place in African countries. Even as many newspapers went overboard last year based on results from the older age group, the 2011 Editorial accompanying the paper in The New England Journal of Medicine explicitly stated: there does not seem to be a clear scientific reason why this trial has been reported with less than half the efficacy results available. The 2011 paper concluded with a rider that the vaccine has the potential to have an important effect on the burden of malaria in young African children. The rider was: the vaccine efficacy among younger infants and the duration of protection will be critical to determining how this vaccine could be used effectively to control malaria. 57

The results of the Phase III trial of the malaria vaccine RTS,S/AS01 are greatly disappointing. The efficacy of the vaccine in preventing clinical and severe malaria in infants aged 6 to 12 weeks is much less than what was expected. In fact, the level of protection offered is nearly half of what was reported last year in older children (5 to 17 months). Vaccine efficacy The vaccine efficacy (in infants aged 6-12 weeks) was about 31 per cent in the case of clinical malaria

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Target 2014 In that sense, the latest results do dampen the high spirits seen last year. The last word is yet to be pronounced. One has to wait till 2014 when the complete data is analysed and the outcome is known. Only then can it be said with any certainty if the vaccine will indeed be included for use in the African countries as per WHO recommendations. WHO had taken the unusual decision last year when it had recommended its use in the African countries as early as 2015. Why do crabs walk sideways? Crabs are chiefly marine, but some are terrestrial for long periods. Although they are capable of locomotion in all directions, crabs tend to move sideways. The swimming crabs have the last pair of legs flattened to form paddles. The body of the forward walking crabs is slightly longer than it is wider in contrast to side-walking crabs, in which the width of the body is typically greater than the length. Laterally walking crabs are characterized by certain features peculiar to their direction of movement. One feature is that legs on one side of the body pull, while those on the other side push. They accomplish these movements by using joints which allow flexion and extension. A second feature is that these crabs produce different gaits and phase relationships in leading and trailing legs. It appears that, mechanically, these laterally moving crabs may be pulling with the leading legs to a greater extent than pushing with the trailing legs. However, forward-walking crabs may move differently. They may predominantly produce move58 ments about joints which allow a leg swing forward and backward that is to promote and remote. Furthermore gaits and phase relationship of legs on opposite sides of the body may not differ in forward-walking crabs. This is because the contralateral legs can share equally the load of the body. The angles of movement about the joints during antero-posterior movement will be greater in forward-walking crabs than the sidewalking crabs. Similarly the angles of movement about the joints which permits lateral movement will be greater in side-walking crabs than the forward-walking crabs. Management of citrus leaf miner The citrus leaf miner is a major pest of citrus nursery and remains active from March to November. It causes injury to the citrus group of fruits such as lime, lemon, oranges and pomelo. Caterpillars of this insect feed on leaves by making shiny silvery serpentine mines. The damage distorts the leaves, and the growth of the seedling is arrested as the photosynthesis is adversely affected. The mined leaves turn pale, dry and finally fall down or dry on the branches. The mining injuries serve as foci of infection for the cause of citrus canker, a bacterial disease. The adult moth is a tiny (3mm) silvery white moth with heavily fringed wings. The female attaches 40-120 transparent eggs singly on the leaves and tender shoots. Within five days they hatch to produce pale yellow and legless larvae which mine into the leaf tissues making a long serpentine convoluted mine. Larval duration is 5 to 10 days. Mature larvae spin cocoons for pupation in such a way that the margin of the leaf lamina is turned over to protect the pupa underneath. Pupal stage lasts for 5-25 days. Entire life cycle is completed in 12-55 days. There are 9 to 13 overlapping generations in a year. Some management strategies are : Collect and destroy the infested leaves. Prune heavily the affected parts during monsoon. Avoid frequent irrigations and split doses of nitrogenous fertilizers. As the larvae are inside the mines, these cannot be easily killed by insecticidal application. However, application of some systemic insecticides will combat the infestation to certain extent. Spray any one of the following insecticides: Dimethoate 30EC, profenofos 50EC, monocrotophos 36WSC, quinalphos 25EC at 2ml/litre of water, acephate 75SP at 2g/litre of water or imidacloprid 200SL at 375ml/ha. The spray should be aimed at young leaves only. A second spray should be given after 10 days or apply 5 per cent neem seed kernel extract , 3 per cent neem oil suspension or 2.5 per cent neem cake extract. The larvae and pupae are attacked by natural parasitoids that should be encouraged by avoiding frequent application of toxic insecticides. Researchers Developed New Tool for Keeping Your Email Spam-Free Researchers from the Concordia University in the third week of November 2012 proposed statistical structure for filtering the spam which can efficiently and swiftly block the unnecessary messages in the inbox of your email account. Researchers had conducted a full-fledged study for various spam filters while preparing the efficient

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and new one. According to researcher Ola Amayri, the new approaches of the spam filtering can adapt to active nature of the spams. It can also handle the tricks of spammers accurately by knowing the informative patterns which are extracted automatically from content, both images as well as text of spams. As of now, the only focus of email spam filteration was that on the text content and not on the images. to eat cooked food while our closest cousins, the great apes did not know how to use fire and ate everything raw. They claim that this sudden and large increase in brain size was an important event in human evolutions thanks to the use of fire. Why do they claim so? We humans have the largest brains in comparison to our body size. Our brainto-body ratio is far higher than that of the other primates. We have as many as 86 billion brain cells or neurons, compared to just 28 billion in the great apes. This is a giant step in evolution. How and why this sudden expansion came about has been a nagging question. And brain consumes a lot of energy to operate. After skeletal muscles and the liver, it is the brain that consumes most of our metabolic energy. Though it is only about 2 per cent of the total body mass, it consumes 20 per cent of the total body metabolic rate. In other primates, the number is just 9 per cent. To maintain such an energy-expensive organ, the amount of food we need to eat, or more precisely the number of calories we need, is huge indeed. The needs The greater the need for calories, the greater the time needed for feeding. This means more time spent on foraging for food and greater time needed for ingestion and digestion, plus of course the calorie content of the diet. And the amount of calorie intake depends on the number of hours spent on feeding and digestion. It has been estimated that gorillas spend about 10 hours a day for feeding themselves. And it is estimated that as they do so, their total body mass goes up to 120 kg or so. The metabolic cost of maintaining such a size of body is estimated by what is known as the Kleiber scale as 70 x (body mass){+0}{+.}{+7}{+5}kilocalories per day. Since brain cells consume a lot of energy, this puts an upper limit to the brain size of an ape. Its brain can grow only if it feeds continuously the whole day. It is here that raw versus cooked food argument comes in. Dr. Richard Wranghan of Harvards Peabody Museum estimated the energetic consequences of raw food and of cooked in his paper in the November 29, 2011 issue of PNAS (Incidentally both this paper and that of the Brazilian duo are downloadable free). He and his group decided to compare the weight gain of mice fed on raw meat (lean beef) versus cooked meat, and likewise fed on raw tuber (sweet potato) versus pounded, cooked and whole, or cooked and pounded. They found that mice that ate cooked meat gained weight (this gain was not attributable to differences in food intake or activity levels); likewise with processed tuber over raw tuber. Cooked food was seen to be more digestible and also helped in killing pathogens present in the raw samples. He thus writes that adoption of cooking would have helped ancestral humans thrive. Meat and tubers have been eaten by us for over 2 million years. And when we learnt how to make and tame fire, cooking was born. And cooking increases the nutrient content and energy intake in the consumer. Dr. Wrangham published in 2010 a book entitled: Catching Fire: How Cooking Made us Human. Here he points out that as our hominid ancestors started cooking and eating, their digestive track shrunk and brain enlarged. 59

When the tricks are being used in combined format, spam filters become helpless to curtail these messages since they focus on one of the content- either images or text but hardly on both of them. Majority of the previous researches had their focus on textual content associated with the spams. According to Amayri, by keeping into consideration the patterns from the images as well as text, a new filtering method for spams was discovered. How cooking helped us become brainier The internet is abuzz over a recent paper in the October 22{+n}{+d}issue of Proc. Natl, Acad, Sci.US ( PNAS ) by Drs Fonseca-Azevedo and HerculanoHouzel of Brazil. These two ladies have claimed that the enormous increase in the brain size in humans came about because humans began

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Pointed out The Brazilian ladies build on this point. They point out that the energy intake in cooked food is higher than in raw. And that it costs about 6 kilocalories per day to operate a billion neurons. In a typical daily intake of about 1800 kilocalories, 20 per cent or 360 kilocalories go to operate our brain. Given these numbers, one can see the value of eating cooked food. In order to get 1800 kilocalories per day on raw food, a human weighing 70 kg would have to spend over 1618 hours eating! Cooking thus not only would have let early homo erectus gain time away from foraging and eating, but also to think more using the greater brain size he would have gained! Azeredo and Herculano-Houzel thus make a logical case when they say that cooked diet may have been a major positive driving force to the rapid increase in brain size in human evolution. Comments on the web As expected, the internet is full of comments and criticism on the above two papers. People who prefer to eat raw food (not just plants, fruits and nuts) have written about how they are perfectly healthy, happy and brainy with raw food; others points out that even this raw is processed in one way or the other if it is meat or fish (marinated, fomented). But such arguments miss the main point, namely, how evolution would have been helped by the use of fire and cooking in providing greater energy and nutritive values, at a crucial time period when several other factors would also have acted to help the emergence of homo erectus, and then on to homo sapiens like us who use our brains 60 to think back in time on how we got our brains this big. Now, lipstick created from squid skin tional quality standards laid down for such category of products, she said. Normally, lipsticks contain butylated hydroxyl toluene, Nylon G, Ferric Oxide, Polyethelene and Titanium dioxide which are used to give different shades. These chemicals can cause allergy and even cancer, she said. Stating that there would be no odour, Dr Femeena said food grades can be used to give flavours to it to make it more acceptable. The squid lipsticks will have a shelf life of 15 months. Cost wise, also they would not be heavy on the pocket and would be 10 per cent less than the products available in the market, she said, adding there are plans to commercially launch the product. Martian dust akin to Hawaiian volcanic soil

Turning waste to wealth, scientists of the Fisheries Research Institute here have developed a lipstick using reddish brown spots from squid skin to give different hues instead of the normally used chemicals. Squid skin has reddish brown spores called chromatophores which have been isolated and used as natural pigment in the lipsticks, a senior scientist who along with her team has developed the lipstick, said. We extracted the chromatophores and studied their characteristics which were then used as colourant for the lipstick, said Dr Femeena Hassan, Senior Scientist, Quality Assurance and Management Division of Central Institute of Fisheries Technology (CIFT). Instead of artificial colours, the colourants extracted from squid skin can be used for lipsticks. Different shades were developed using this pigment and they were screened for consumer acceptance applying hedonic scale method. Quality assessment The newly-formulated lipstick was subjected to physical, chemical and microbiological quality evaluation, she said. The product was compared with commercially available lipstick brands and the new product she claimed was found to have superior properties. The new product also met with the na-

NASAs Curiosity rover which completed its first soil analysis on Mars has found minerals on the Red Planet similar to weathered basalt volcanic soils in Hawaii. X-ray diffraction image of first Martian soil sample showed the presence of crystalline feldspar, pyroxenes and olivine mixed with some non-crystalline material similar to volcanic soils in Hawaii. The minerals were identified in the first sample of Martian soil ingested recently by the rover, NASA said. Curiosity used its Chemistry and Mineralogy instrument (CheMin) to obtain the results, which are filling gaps and adding confidence to earlier estimates of

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the mineralogical makeup of the dust and fine soil widespread on the Red Planet. We had many previous inferences and discussions about the mineralogy of Martian soil, said David Blake of NASA Ames Research Center in Moffett Field, California. Our quantitative results provide refined and in some cases new identifications of the minerals in this first X-ray diffraction analysis on Mars, Blake said. The identification of minerals in rocks and soil is crucial for the missions goal to assess past environmental conditions. Each mineral records the conditions under which it formed. CheMin uses X-ray diffraction, the standard practice for geologists on Earth using much larger laboratory instruments. This method provides more accurate identifications of minerals than any method previously used on Mars. X-ray diffraction reads minerals internal structure by recording how their crystals distinctively interact with radiations. Our team is elated with these first results from our instrument. They heighten our anticipation for future CheMin analyses in the months and miles ahead for Curiosity, said Blake. During the two-year prime mission of the Mars Science Laboratory Project, researchers are using Curiositys 10 instruments to investigate whether areas in Gale Crater ever offered environmental conditions favourable for microbial life. How do citrus fruits like lemon/orange reduce vomiting sensation when smelled? Usually the vomiting sensation is associated with nausea. The list of causes of nausea and vomiting is endless. Some odor can make one person vomit while it might not affect another person at all. Drugs for the treatment of certain diseases, such as cancer, can cause nausea and vomiting. People with migraines always experience this. Common infections or equilibrium disturbance, such as motion sickness can also be a cause. Pregnancy often brings on periods of nausea. It is otherwise called as morning sickness. Nausea and vomiting may also be psychological in origin. Some people vomit under such conditions of emotional stress as family arguments, academic tests, airplane travel, and some high-stress situations. In addition, some eating disorders are characterized by self-induced vomiting. There are some simple treatments to reduce any discomfort due to nausea and vomiting. One such treatment is, smelling the citrus fruits (lemon). Limonene, an essential oil present in lemon has a refreshing smell, which prevents the onset of nausea. This essential oil is produced in specialized glands found more in the rind of these fruits. It has been found that this essential oil has certain physiological effects. These include brain stimulation, anxiety-relieving sedation and antidepressant properties as well as increasing cerebral blood flow. So it is better to put some lemon essential oil into a handkerchief and keep it in our pocket or hand bag. When we feel a bout of nausea coming on, we should wipe our nose to breathe the essential oil. It is also better to consume little amount of lemon juice. Though lime is acidic in nature, it has an alkalizing effect in our body. It is this nature of lemon which makes it stomach friendly and prevents nausea, heart burns, indigestion and vomiting. Citronella, the essential oil present in the lemon grass imparting the characteristic refreshing aroma, can also prevent nausea and vomiting. Lemon grass tea is an excellent drink and helps to cleanse the bowel and flush out toxins in the system. Thus the lemons serve as super inexpensive agents for natural calming effect that can reduce nausea, and can leave us feeling clean and refreshed. Significance of Martian Methane

In the last week of October, the Mars rover Curiosity announced that there was no methane on Mars. The rovers conclusion is only a preliminary verdict, although it is already controversial because of the implications of the gass discovery (or non-discovery). The presence of methane is an important sign to indicate that life may have existed in the planets past. The interest in the notion was increased when Curiosity found signs that water may have flowed in the past through Gale Crater, the immediate neighbourhood of its landing spot, after finding sedimentary settlements. The rovers Tunable Laser Spectrometer (TLS), which analysed a small sample of Martian air to come to the conclusion, had actually detected a few parts per billion of methane. However, recognising that the reading 61

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was too low to be significant, it sounded a No. In an email to this Correspondent, Adam Stevens, a member of the science team of the NOMAD instrument on the ExoMars Trace Gas Orbiter due to be launched in January 2016, stressed: No orbital or ground-based detections have ever suggested atmospheric levels anywhere above 50 parts per billion, so we are not expecting to see anything above this level. At the same time, he also noted that the 50 parts per billion (ppb) is not a global average. The previous detections of methane found the gas localised in the Tharsis volcanic plateau, the Syrtis Major volcano, and the polar caps, locations the rover is not going to visit. What continues to keep the scientists hopeful is that methane on Mars seems to get replenished by some geochemical or biological source. The TLS will also have an important role to play in the future. At some point, the instrument will go into a higher sensitivity-operating mode and make measurements of higher significance by reducing errors. It is pertinent to note that scientists still have an incomplete understanding of Marss natural history. As Mr. Stevens noted: While not finding methane would not rule out extinct or extant life, finding it would not necessarily imply that life exists or existed either. Apart from methane, there are very few bulk signatures of life that the Martian geography and atmosphere have to offer. Scientists are looking for small fossils, complex carbon compounds and other hydrocarbon gases, amino acids, and specific minerals that could be suggestive of biological processes. 62 While Curiosity has some fixed long-term objectives, they are constantly adapted according to what the rover finds. Commenting on its plans, Mr. Stevens said, Curiosity will move up Aeolis Mons, the mountain in the middle of Gale Crater, taking samples and analyses as it goes. Curiosity is not the last chance to look more closely for methane in the near future. Development of the ExoMars Trace Gas Orbiter (TGO), with which Mr. Stevens is working, is under way. A collaboration between the European Space Agency and the Russian Federal Space Agency, the TGO is planned to deploy a stationary Lander that will map the sources of methane and other gases on Mars. Lord of the Rings volcano erupts waiting for an eruption and instead this came out of nowhere. The mountain in the centre of the North Island was dormant for more than a century until August this year, when a massive blast ripped a new vent in its side and hurled boulders the size of cars more than two kilometres. While officials said the latest eruption was minor by comparison, they still closed a number of roads for a time and warned aircraft to stay away from the area. The three volcanoes of the national park do not threaten population centres, with the nearest town Taupo some 80 km away, but they have proved deadly in the past. An eruption at Mount Ruapehu in 1953 caused New Zealands worst rail disaster when it trigged a massive mudslide that washed away a bridge, causing a passenger train to plunge into the Whangaehu River with the loss of 151 lives. Further north from the park, Mount Tarawera erupted in 1886 with a death toll estimated at 120-150. New Zealand lies on the socalled Pacific Ring of Fire, where the Earths tectonic plates collide, making it a hotspot for volcanic and earthquake activity. Local resident Clint Green said the latest eruption was pretty spectacular. All of a sudden a towering black plume just began erupting very quickly, skyrocketing up, he told Radio New Zealand. At first I didnt believe what I was seeing. Airline services suffered only minor disruptions and all roads were open again by Wednesday evening. But officials said the park around the volcano would remain closed for at least five days in case of further eruptions. Unlike August, there were no flying rocks, the GNS spokes-

A New Zealand volcano used as a backdrop to The Lord of the Rings films erupted on Wednesday, spewing a column of ash three km above the North Island, scientists said. Volcanologists said Mount Tongariro rumbled to life at 1:25 pm (0025 GMT), in a five-minute burst that briefly closed roads, put aviation authorities on high alert and sent nearby hikers scrambling for safety. It was completely unexpected, there were no warning signs beforehand, a spokeswoman for official monitoring service GNS Science told AFP. We were watching (neighbouring volcano) Ruapehu

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woman said. This was basically just ash being expelled into the atmosphere, but we dont know what could happen next. Locals were told they could expect light ashfall over the next few days and were advised to stay indoors with windows and doors sealed. Scientists warned about increased volcanic activity in the area this week, saying that neighbouring Mount Ruapehu is in danger of erupting as pressure built in a subterranean vent. GNS said it was impossible to know if the rumblings at Mount Ruapehu and the surprise eruption at Mount Tongariro were linked. Biggest Ever Black Hole Discovered in the Small Galaxy NGC 1277 Astronomers claimed that they have discovered the biggest ever black hole in the small galaxy called NGC 1277 which is situated around 250 million light years away from our planet. This galaxy constitutes the mass equal to 17 billion suns. The biggest ever black hole sits in the NGC 1277 galaxy in Perseus constellation. This gigantic black hole forms around 14 percent of the mass of host galaxy. When compared with the 0.1 per cent of the usual black hole, this massive black hole adds the mass which is equal to 17 billion suns. The NGC 1277 galaxy as well as many others would alter the theories about how these galaxies and black holes evolve. This galaxy is merely 10 percent of the mass as well as size of the Milky Way, the galaxy in which Earth is situated. Even though the size of NGC 1277 galaxy is small, but the gigantic black hole which sits in the galaxy is 11 times wider as the orbit of Neptune around the Sun. A team member of the discovery at The University of Texas at Austin claimed that the galaxy is almost the black hole and possibly this was the first object in the genre of galaxyblack hole systems. Apart from this, the gigantic black holes were also observed in huge blobby galaxies known as ellipticals. Astronomers observed that at the moment there were three mechanisms which explained association of black holes with the properties of their host galaxies. However which of these theories best explains the association is still under confusion. The primary issue is the lack of proper data. Astronomers merely have the mass of less than 100 black holes found in the galaxies. However, measuring the mass of black holes is time consuming and cumbersome at the same time. Consequently, the astronomers have developed HobbyEberly Telescope Massive Galaxy Survey in order to know about the galaxies which are worth following up. Astronomers studied about 700 galaxies out of 800 using their telescope. which can virtually affect the whole population. The discovery identifies the variant which can determine when a person will die. The research is said to be surprising and is going to help in planning the medical treatments. This research will also help in analyzing the medical condition of the weak patients. According to the researchers, there is a biological clock within us which can help in regulating various aspects of the human biology as well as behavioral patterns and these include times when a person can perform brilliantly, their preferred sleeping patterns as well as timing of the psychological processes. This biological clock can also influence timings of the medical events such as heart attack and stroke. It has been found that earliness or lateness of the biological clock within the body can be inherited. Experiments on animals suggest that this earliness or lateness can also be influenced by certain kinds of genes. In the research, wake-sleep patterns of people were compared along with their genotypes. The researchers found out single nucleotide (nucleotides are responsible for making the basic units of RNA and DNA molecules) near the gene known as Period 1. At this site, around 60 percent people have nucleotide base A or Adenine and 40 percent have G or Guanine. There are two pairs of chromosomes in the individuals, which is why there are around 36 percent chances of two As, 16 percent having two Gs and 48 percent having both As and Gs at the site. It is this genotype which affects the pattern of each person. For example, people with A-A genotype usually wake up one hour earlier 63

Gene Discovered That Identifies Your Time of Death Researchers at the Division of Neurology, University of Toronto in third week of November discovered the common gene alternate which can influence the time you wake up every morning as well as the time of the day when you are most likely to die. In the research, the scientists identified that variant of the gene

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than the people with genotype GG. Those with A-Gs genotypes wake up in middle. Expression of Period 1 gene remained lower in brains as well as white blood cells of individuals with G-G genotype than with A-A genotype, but only in day. Virtually, all the physiological processes include a circadian rhythm which means that these occur in the certain parts of a day. There is a circadian rhythm of the death as well and it has been found that people will most likely die in morning hours, especially around 11 am on an average. Power of invisible technology the maxim it is not the iPad versus the other tablets; its the iPad versus tablets. The secret of the iPads spell-binding success lies in the field of invisible technology, an area which designers and businessmen have exploited to get past the simple fact that innovation in technology is fast outstripping consumer comprehension. The goal of invisible technology is very similar to that of the doorknob phenomena. Everybody uses a doorknob at least once a day, but the only time you realize you are using one, is when it stops working. A common complaint of Microsofts Windows operating system is that it constantly demands attention, with numerous tiny features screaming out distracting the user from the task at hand. Contrast this to Apples OS X or iOS and the fundamental differences in design philosophy becomes apparent. In the tech-world, while good tools are unobtrusive, great tools are invisible. That humans interact with tools at nearly every moment of their lives, would be stating the obvious. Mature areas of technology, however, have become so optimized that users no longer think about their individual interactions with them. Heat generation, for, instance has been around for so long that one doesnt have to stop to think about ones stoves user interface. Cars are similarly invisible, at least in the basic no-frills model. The original iPad was not a trailblazer in its openness, features, or its screaming capabilities. Indeed, the Samsung Galaxy Tab and newer contenders such as the Google Nexus 7 are far better in these categories. When media commentators and analysts exclaim that Apples products just work, what they really mean is that the products have become nearly invisible. The academic-turned-designer Don Norman once spoke about how, at one time, people could actually buy a kitchen motor that would attach to a number of useful devices such as mixers and blenders. When motor technology advanced, however, motors disappeared becoming just an implicit part of other devices that we consider for their primary function and not for the fact that they contain motors. That desideratum get the job done and then be unobtrusive is how the iPad wowed its target market. It is no surprise that Mr. Norman has been with Apple since the Macintosh was first developed. However, the competition is learning quickly from the tablet graveyard with Google, Microsoft and Samsung determined to catchup to the invisible standard, while playing to their own strengths. Google in specific is not likely to forget the spectacular failure of Motorolas Xoom, which when initially launched to counter the original iPad, came with a steep learning curve. It consequently fell flat at retail. True to their words, however, the market looks ready to be shaken up with the arrivals of the Nexus 10 and Surface in the coming months. However, even as the tablet revolution leaves the general consumer behind as more bells and whistles are constantly added, the move towards invisible technology will be a cornerstone in driving future products. DNA study unravels secrets of bactrian camels Scientists in China said on Tuesday they had sequenced the DNA of the wild bactrian camel, a

It is said that Afghanistan is the graveyard of empires. The past one year has showed us that the tablet market is no less forgiving, with the bodies of HP, Motorola and RIM having washed up on shore. Pricingpremium strategies and market vagaries aside, the question of why the tablet market is really the iPad market offers an interesting perspective on the underlying technology dynamics that are at play. The issue with Android-based tablets, which so far have had the best shot at the throne, is that to the average user, they dont seem as nice as the iPad. Apples remarkable advancements in design and multi-touch capacitive technology (which is why the touch seems just right) have resulted in the iPad becoming the golden standard. Thus 64

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threatened species with an extraordinary ability to survive in extreme conditions. The genetic code o f Camelus bactrianus ferus reveals 20,821 genes, many of them providing the metabolic tools to cope with days without food and water and a diet based on tough desert vegetation. Bactrian camels are descendants of even-toed ungulates which diverged from a common ancestor around 55-60 million years ago, they found. Colorado Boulder. This means that Grand Canyon might have been there at the time of dinosaurs as well. In the previous estimates of the age of Grand Canyon, it was found that it was 5-6 million years old depending upon the age of gravelwashed downstream by the Colorado River. Researchers nevertheless believe that it was created around 70 million years ago when dinosaurs had existed on Earth. The researchers made use of radioactive decay as well as thermal dating in order to find out the age of Grand Canyon. In the study, the radioactive decay of thorium as well as uranium atoms was exploited into the helium atoms in phosphate mineral called apatite. The helium atoms remained locked inside the apatite grains when they cooled and contracted to surface when Grand Canyon was carved. Hotness of the apatite determined that fewer helium atoms were there within it, which enabled researchers to find out thermal history of this area. The temperature variations at the shallow levels under the surface of Earth are influenced by the topography and this in turn enabled the team of researchers to find out about the important natural excavation of this wonder of the world. The research found out that Grand Canyon was carved to around some hundred metres of the modern depth around 70 million years back. Chinese Scientists unveiled the Secret of Bactrian Camels by DNA Study Scientists of China on 13 November 2012 found the DNA of Wild Bactrian Camel, which is actually an endangered species. The endangered species has a capability to live even in the extreme conditions. Scientifically also known as Camelus bactrianus ferus, the genetic code of this species unveiled 20821 genes. A lot of these genes facilitate Bactrian camel with the metabolic tools which allow it to go for days without water and food. It is possible for the species to go on a diet which is based on the tough vegetation. Scientists found that even-toed ungulates are the predecessors of Bactrian camels, both of which have evolved from the common ancestor some 55 to 60 million years ago. The study revealed that the camel has astonishing salt tolerance as well as atypical immune system. This Bactrian camel can be found in the Northwestern China as well as Southwestern Mongolias deserts. In these regions, the camels withstand bitter cold and fierce heat, very little grazing as well as dryness. Camels can consume more salt than the sheep or cattle and also have two times higher blood glucose level. Still they do not develop health issues such as hypertension and diabetes. These camels make exceptional heavy-chain antibodies, which remains a special interest for the pharmaceutical engineers. Strategies to control thrips in groundnut In the recent past, thrips menace has drastically increased on groundnut crops grown all over Tamil Nadu. Thrips are small insects and they appear on groundnut crop both in vegetative and flowering stage. Female lays 60-70 single eggs into young tissues of the plant. The nymphal and pupal periods last 5 days each. The adults are pale cream in colour. They are soft bodied and have highly fringed wings. 65

The DNA book could shed light on the camels remarkable salt tolerance and unusual immune system, said the study, published in the journal Nature Communications . Wild bactrian camels live in the deserts of northwestern China and southwestern Mongolia, where they endure fierce heat and bitter cold, aridity and sparse grazing. Camels consume eight times more salt than cattle or sheep and have twice the blood glucose levels of other ruminants, yet do not develop diabetes or hypertension. They also make unique disease-fighting proteins called heavy-chain antibodies, which interest pharmaceutical engineers. US Grand Canyon Is Actually 65-70 Million Years Old: Researchers US Grand Canyon, one among the seven natural wonders of world, is in reality 65 million years old than what was thought, revealed a study conducted by the University of

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Unique feeding The thrips desap the plant with their unique feeding apparatus and also transmit the deadly bud necrosis virus that impedes plant growth. Nymphs and adults tear the surface of the leaflets and suck the oozing sap resulting in white patches appearing on the lower surface of the leaves and distortion of young leaflets. The injury results in development of dull yellowish-green patches of the upper leaf surface and brown coloured (necrotic) areas on the lower surface. Severe infestations cause bronzed appearance of leaf with curling and stunting of plants. High temperature with low rainfall favours multiplication and transmits groundnut bud necrosis virus. Management methods Uproot and destroy severely infected plants. Remove the alternative host plants. Mulching would check the damage during the early stage of the plant. Setting up of blue sticky traps at rate of 12 per hectare in the field will check the thrips population. Apply safe chemical insecticides at recommended doses only if the population crosses 10 thrips per plant. Application of ecofriendly pesticides viz., neem oil or pungam oil at 2ml/ha will be very effective. Spraying of fipronil 5 per cent SC at 1.500-2.000ml/ha or thiacloprid 21.7 per cent SC 125ml/ ha or thiamethoxam 25 per cent WG at 40g/ha or dimethoate 30 EC at 2 ml per litre of water at 25, 45 and 60 days after sowing will protect the crop from thrips menace. Citizen science projects take root in India The practice of science is largely seen as the privilege of a few 66 scientists working within the limitations of a research institute or university. But not any more! Thanks to Citizen Science initiatives even nonscientists may experience a taste of scientific research today. Citizen Science is when people make their own voluntary contributions to the progress of science from home. The advent of the Internet has made possible the active participation of a large number of people in areas like astronomy, ecology and particle physics all over the world. National Centre for Biological Sciences, Bangalore, (NCBS) is spearheading two such projects within India Migrantwatch and Seasonwatch. and leaves come out. The plan is to build up baseline data based on decade after decade of observations. This would help study changes in the seasons based on changes in flowering pattern. Not just adults, but school children, many of them, have been recruited into this programme. Now there are more than 300 people in Seasonwatch, about 250 of whom are children. Pied Crested Cuckoo The Pied Crested Cuckoo migrates from Africa to India every year. (There is also a resident population in Karnataka and Tamil Nadu. The migrant birds come to Central and Northern India.) There are legends that this bird marks the arrival of monsoon; there is widespread belief that the monsoon follows within a definite number of days after the first sighting of the bird. This was verified by collating observations made by the members of Migrantwatch for four years, which included the first sighting and the onset of the monsoons. The findings indicated that while the birds arrive just before the monsoon, the number of days between the sighting and the onset of the monsoon is not fixed from year to year. It is possible that the birds use the wind that sets in on the east coast of Africa and are likely riding on the wind in their journey to India. The citizen scientists were able to affirm this by analysing the observations over a four-year period. The findings may actually make a research paper. Seasonwatch In India, there is little ecological data about the seasons prior to 1950s. While there is a lot of input from meteorological studies, there

M i g r a n t w a t c h (www.migrantwatch .in) was set up in 2007. The participants in this activity identify migrant birds and note down the first sighting and feed it into the online database. This requires skill in identifying birds, and so the target group consists of birdwatchers. They are contacted through email groups and nature clubs in a straightforward manner. However, the organizers soon realized that there was a better way to reach out to non-specialists all over the country, and that was by studying plants. After all, everyone knows to identify at least five different plants. This led to the start of Seasonwatch, a programme in which the participant identifies a tree and observes it every week to note down when the flowers, fruits

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is less information about changes in seasonal cycles of plants. The only one of its kind is a 20-year study done in Mudumalai, in the Western Ghats. In this study, the change in vegetation was monitored. It may be noted that there is no significant baseline work on climate and seasons from the ecological angle. S e a s o n w a t c h ( workaddresses this lacunae it builds up baseline data about the flowering and fruiting of trees which can be put in the public domain. The advantage of these two programmes is twofold says Suhel Quader, head of Citizen Science, NCBS: they help in adding to the scientific knowledge base and also change us as citizens to care about the environment and develop a relationship with what is around us. I hope many more people come forward, including children, so that 20 years from now we will understand and love nature better. Seasonwatch and Migrantwatch are largely in English and Malayalam. The next step is to translate the pages into local languages. But that is not all; for the benefit of people challenged in using the Internet, the organisers are planning to take the programme mobile using smartphones and mobiles in collecting data. So really the whole exercise is a case in point that technology can be used to bring together people in the most creative way possible. NASAs Mercury-orbiting probe discovered ice on the planet Scientists of NASA have discovered a huge mass of ice at Mercurys North Pole on 29 November 2012. Mercury is the planet closest to the Sun. These findings come from the Mercury-orbiting probe of NASA, Messenger. Frozen water is found in the North Pole regions of Mercury which are always found in shadows and mainly affects the craters. It is supposed that the south pole of mercury also has ice but there is no hard and fast data which supports this. Messenger orbits closer to the North Pole than South Pole. Scientist from the Johns Hopkins University opined that if all this is added, the total amount of ice comes out to be 100 billion to 1 trillion metric tons. The only thing that is uncertain is how deep it lies. It is thought that the ice is approximately 1.5 feet or 0.5 metres deep or possibly, around 65 feet deep as well. The amount of ice found at Mercury is enough to bury the area the size of Washington D.C. by around 2.5 miles deep. Mercury. But it is evidence that Mercury might support life, considering the presence of water on its surface. Over the years, Mercury has also become a subject of astrobiological interest. About Messenger Messenger was launched back in 2004. It is a NASA spacecraft orbiting around Mercury. The observations through NASAs Messenger will continue in the next year as well. Research on Paralysis Cure through Olfactory Ensheathing Cells Cambridge University researchers reversed in the third week of November 2012, the paralysis process in dogs after injecting them with the cells which grow on the lining of the nose. This research has opened up new aspirations for the paralysis cure in humans as well. Researchers believe that this will be crucial for the human patients with spinal injuries who had lost bowel or bladder control as well as sexual function. The research was conducted on the pets which had suffered from spinal injuries that prevented them in using the back legs. Researchers are especially optimistic as this would help in the treatment of humans as well. According to the researchers, this is the first study to test the transplant in reallife injuries instead of the lab animals. The olfactory ensheathing cells, removed from the lining of the nose of dogs were grown as well as expanded for various weeks in the lab. Out of the 34 pet dogs, 23 of them had these cells transplant in their injury site. Rest of the dogs, were injected with neutral fluid. The dogs which received transplant displayed a great improvement. They 67

The radar measurements analysed from Earth had suggested existence of ice on Mercurys poles for two decades. Because of the Messenger, the results have been confirmed now. The water, it seemed, came from impacting comets and possibly even the asteroids. Ice was found at Mercurys surface and also buried under the dark organic material. It is very important to note that presence of ice on Mercury does not necessarily indicate that there is a possibility of life on

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were walking on treadmill with harness support. The other group of dogs did not regain the use of the back legs. The co-author of the study, Professor Robin Franklin believes that the findings are very exciting because it is the first time that significant improvements can be seen in severely damaged spinal cord. It is also believed that this technique can restore some movement at least in the human patients with the injuries of spinal cord. The technique could also be used with the drug treatments in order to promote the nerve fibre regeneration as well as bio-engineering in order to replace the damaged neural networks. Researchers believe that transplanted cells can regenerate the nerve fibres around damaged spinal cord regions. This was what helped the dogs regain usage of the back legs as well as coordinate the movements with the front limbs. What are olfactory ensheathing cells? Olfactory ensheathing cells are the kind of glial cells which are found in nervous system. These are the neural crest cells which participate in guidance as well as growth of the main olfactory neurons. Olfactory ensheathing cells exist in the Peripheral Nervous System (PNS) as well as Central Nervous System (CNS) portions, i.e., olfactory epithelium and bulb. Bionetwork of Bacteria Live in Belly Button US researchers from North Carolina State University in the second week of November found that the navel, also known as belly button can harbour the bionetwork of bacteria which is quite similar in biodiversity to the rainforests of the world. 2368 such species of the bac68 teria were found out of which 1458 are absolutely new for science. Among the 60 individuals who were studied, merely eight of the species were frequent in around 70 percent people. These eight species are called oligarchs. Nevertheless what remains doubtful is what factors determine about the kind of species found in the people. Researchers have looked at various factors such as ethnicity, age and sex and none of these can predict as to which species of bacteria will live in a person. The project was launched by the researchers in part in order to investigate claims made over recent years about collection of the organisms on human skin which makes the first line of protection against the pathogens. Researchers are aware of the fact that the immune system will not function properly in the absence of these microorganisms. Total Solar Eclipse seen in Northern Australia The eclipse started at the time of dawn and casted its shadow in an area of about 150 kilometers in the Northern Territory of Australia sweeping across the east to the South Pacific after crossing across the northeast tip of the country. This eclipse was partially visible from the eastern half of Australia, East Indonesia, Papua New Guinea, New Zealand and southern parts of Chile and Argentina. Started just after the dawn, the eclipse casted its 150-kilometre shadow in Australias Northern Territory, crossed the northeast tip of the country and was swooping east across the South Pacific, where no islands are in its direct path. A partial eclipse was visible from east Indonesia, the eastern half of Australia, New Zealand, Papua New Guinea and southern parts of Chile and Argentina. Totality of the darkness, that happens at the peak of the eclipse lasted just for two minutes in some parts of Australia, where it was visible. Solar Eclipse The Solar Eclipse occur when the moon crosses between the Sun and the Earth blocking the sun completely or partially. This celestial event can occur only on the day of a new moon when, the sun and the moon lies in conjunction to each other when seen from the earth. Soybean plants at Chernobyl produce fertile seeds The environmental impact of radiation at Chernobyl continues to interest many researchers. There are only very limited studies on plants. Chernobyl accident led to contamination of large tracts of land. There have been a few molecular analyses of plants grown in

A total Solar Eclipse was seen in Northern Australia on 14 November 2012. The darkness of the eclipse was at its peak for 2 minutes. Number of scientists, amateur astronomers and tourists gathered together on the hill tops and the beautiful beaches of Great Barrier Reef to have a look on of the celestial phenomenon. The total solar eclipse left a large part of the Continents North Eastern part into sudden darkness.

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the radio-contaminated Chernobyl area, and there is as yet no broad understanding of the mechanisms that underlie survival, Dr. Katarna Klubicova and coworkers from the Slovak Academy of Sciences, Slovakia reported in the October 2012 issue ofPLoS ONE , an open access journal. tive field located 5 km from the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant (CNPP), near the village Chystogalivka, and in a control field established directly in a non-radioactive area in the town of Chernobyl. The soil in the radioactive field contained 20,650 Bq /kg of Cs-137 and 5180 Bq/ kg of Sr-90 and in the nonradioactive field 1414 Bq/ kg of Cs137 and 550 Bq/ kg of Sr-90.( In a Bq of radioactivity one disintegration occurs every second). The dry weight of mature soybeans harvested from the radioactive Chernobyl area was only 63 per cent of those harvested from the non-radioactive area. Total oil content in mature dry seeds harvested from the radioactive area decreased to 20 per cent from 25 per cent in the seeds harvested from the nonradioactive are. Soybeans from the radioactive Chernobyl area were smaller, contained less oil, and were fertile. The Abundances for 211 proteins were characterised during soybean seed development in non-radioactive and radioactive Chernobyl areas. .... the study showed that biochemistry of soybean seed development in radio-contaminated Chernobyl area is altered the specific way that resulted into the smaller seeds with less oil ... , Dr Martin Hajduch, co-author and Senior Scientist, Slovak Academy of Sciences responded to an e-mail query. The researchers observed that relatively larger amounts of Sr-90 got transferred from soil to plant compared with Cs-137. This is due to different biochemical properties of these two radio-nuclides that are still not well understood, he added. In the case of both contaminated and control fields, Sr-90 got concentrated in the shoot system for both control and contaminated (550 Bq/kg to 1720Bq/kg (3 times) for control;5180Bq/kg to54,000 Bq/kg (9.5times) for contaminated. How do you explain this? Dr Hajduch thus responded to the query: The biochemical pathways of radio-nuclides within the plants are still not well understood. Different levels of Sr-90 and Cs-137 accumulation in soybean are due to different biochemical properties of these radio-nuclides. Will the energy absorbed from Sr-90 by the seeds during their storage dramatically affected its behaviour during its growth during the second generation? There was probably some minor effect of accumulated radioactivity on the seeds during the storage. However the effect was not big, because mature seeds are not biologically active tissue. This is also documented by the fact that seeds were able to germinate, he clarified. Scientists measured Cs-137 and Sr-90 in the shoot system (entire plant without roots and seed pods) and in the seeds. They found that the shoot system accumulated more radioactivity than seeds. This may be natures scheme to resist further damage by limiting accumulation of radioactivity in seeds. In an interesting study published in PLoS ONE Journal in 2009, Dr Sher Ali and his co-workers from the National Institute of Immunology, Delhi showed some evidence that while natural background radiation may be responsible for varying alterations, it leaves the DNA of the vital germ line intact. Natures inexplicable schemes save all living things from extinction. 69

Researchers found that in spite of the magnitude of the Chernobyl nuclear accident, local flora continues to grow and reproduce in the radioactively contaminated soil. Although there has been more than 80 years of research addressing the effects of ionizing radiation on plants, the ongoing success of plants in the Chernobyl area was not anticipated, the researchers added. These researchers who have been pioneers in the field, analyzed protein abundance in mature seeds harvested from first generation soybean plants grown in radioactive and non-radioactive plots in the Chernobyl area . They reported that the plants adapted very well to the contaminated environment ( Journal of Proteome Research , 2009).This study was described i n The Hindu on July 23, 2009. There was evidence suggesting that the plant adapts itself to heavy metal stress and protects itself against radiation damage. Plants mobilise seed storage proteins to adjust to increased levels of ionising radiation. Researchers planted soybean plants since 2007 in a radioac-

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Seas rising 60 % faster than UN forecast Sea levels are rising 60-per cent faster than the UNs climate panel forecast in its most recent assessment, scientists reported on Wednesday. At present, sea levels are increasing at an average 3.2 millimetres (0.125 inches) per year, a trio of specialists reported in the journal Environmental Research Letters . This compares with a best estimate by the UNs Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) in 2007, which projected that by today, the rise would be 2 mm (0.078 inches) per year. The new figure converges with a widely-shared opinion that the world is heading for sea-level rise of around a metre (3.25 feet) by centurys end, co-author Grant Foster of US firm Tempo Analytics told AFP. I would say that a metre of sea level rise by the end of the century is probably close to what you would find if you polled the people who know best, Foster said. The investigation, led by Stefan Rahmstorf of Germanys Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research (PIK), gauged the accuracy of computer simulations that the IPCC used in its landmark Fourth Assessment Report in 2007. New Drug Discovered that can Halt Cancer from Multiplying Scientists in the last week of November 2012 developed a new drug called Aflibercept for stopping the cancerous cells from multiplying. The new drug compels the cancerous cells to sleep which in turn stops them in multiplying. The drug is said to trick the tumours for becoming inactive by swapping the molecular switches in cancer structure so that there is no multiplica70 tion of the cancerous cells. The drug had shown positive results in UK, where scientists performed trials on the patients. The patients had shown significant life extension. There were over 1400 patients involved in the trial and some of these were also suffering from advanced bowel cancer. These patients with advanced bowel cancer had already gone through chemotherapy which prolonged their life by two years. Scientists believe that the drug would be useful across a wide range of cancers in the future studies. Aflibercept in comparison to the conventional drugs had statistically better survival benefits for treating bowel cancer which had spread even after initial treatment. Aflibercept is usually given as 30-minute infusion with chemotherapy. As of now, it is found in US only. Europe would soon approve the drug for cancer treatment. Scientist decoded the Reason for Albert Einstein Being a Genius A study led by Scientist and Evolutionary Anthropologist, Dean Falk of Florida State University revealed in the Month of October that the Physicist Albert Einsteins brain had an extraordinary prefrontal cortex - unlike those of most people which may have contributed to his remarkable genius. It was on Einsteins death in 1955 that his brain was removed and photographed from multiple angles with the permission of his family and was sectioned into 240 blocks from which histological slides were prepared. The researchers came to conclusion after studying 14 newly discovered photographs of Einsteins brain, which was preserved for study after his death. The research concludes that the brain was indeed highly unusual in many ways as it was compared to 85 normal human brains and, in light of current functional imaging studies, interpreted its unusual features. It was found that the overall size and asymmetrical shape of Einsteins brain were normal but the prefrontal, somatosensory, primary motor, parietal, temporal and occipital cortices were extraordinary. The study was published in the journal Brain and it also published the roadmap to Einsteins brain prepared in 1955 by Dr Thomas Harvey to illustrate the locations within his previously whole brain of 240 dissected blocks of tissue, which provides a key to locating the origins within the brain of the newly emerged histological slides. Scientist Developed a Device that allow Heartbeat to Power Pacemaker Scientists had developed a new device that uses energy from a beating heart to power a pacemaker, which can eradicate the need for surgeries to replace the depleted batteries. The experimental device converts energy from a beating heart to provide enough electricity to make a pacemaker running. After conducting test it was suggested that the device could produce 10 times the amount of energy needed. The researchers at the Department of Aerospace Engineering at the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor tested an energy-harvesting device that uses piezoelectricity electrical charge generated from motion. The approach is a challenging technological solution for pacemakers, because they require only small amounts of power to operate. Pacemakers device is replaced ev-

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ery five to seven years when their batteries run out which is quite costly and inconvenient. With the invention of such new technology many patient are spared with many operation which are conducted in order to transplant new batteries. Animals are bigger in colder climates turning to Earth on 20 November 2012 from the International Space Station (ISS) from Russian Soyuz capsule after having spent 4 months in the orbit. She touched the grasslands of Arkalyk, Kazakhstan after living months in the orbit. This was the perfect landing for Williams as well as flight engineers Aki Hoshide and Yuri Malenchenko, when they touched down earth in the chilling expanses of Kazakhstan from the Russian Soyuz capsule. Boron management in cole crops Boron is an essential micronutrient and plays a important role in fertilization and flowering process. Synthesis It has been known to be constituent of plants since 1857. Facilitating pollination and fruit set is considered to be the most important function of boron besides its role in the synthesis of amino acids and protein metabolism. Boron increases the translocation of sugar in plants and increases the rate of transport of sugars (which are produced by photosynthesis in mature plant leaves) to actively growing regions It plays an important role in both structural and functional integrity of plasma membranes. Integrity and functionality of plasma membranes are ensured with adequate supply of boron. Boron is involved in nitrogen fixation and it is required for growth and development of vascular tissues. It accelerates nitrogenous activity through effective nodule development for nitrogen fixation. Cole crops (those which grow well in temperate climate like cauliflower and cabbage) have high boron requirement and its deficit is high in acidic soils. These crops develop crack, corky stem, petioles and midribs. In crops like Knol Khol (Kohl rabi), cracking will be seen and as a result these vegetables will not fetch a market value. In cauliflower it appears as small water soaked areas in the centre of the curd. Later, the stem becomes hollow with soaked tissue surrounding the walls of the cavity.

Animals living near colder climates are bigger in size because being heftier allows them several benefits like reducing body heat loss, researchers said. For most species of vertebrates, body mass increases the closer you get to the poles. The bigger you are, the more fat you can store to help you get through the winter. For many types of animals, it pays to be bigger in the colder climates that exist at high latitudes and altitudes. Heftier animals have a smaller surface area-to-volume ratio, which helps reduce heat loss a pattern known as Bergmanns Rule. A more massive organism has a smaller surface area-to-volume. Another reason is that the bigger you are, the more fat you can store to see you through the winter of colder climates. More nutritious foods also fuel bigger body size closer to the poles. Sunita Williams Returned Back on Earth after 4 Months in Orbit The Indian-American Sunita Williams, 47, set the record by re-

After they landed, helicopters rushed towards them for assistance because the capsule parachuted downwards around 35 km from planned destination because of the procedural delay. Their return has wrapped a 127-days space sojourn since they were launched in space from Baikonur Cosmodrome, Kazakhstan on 15 July 2012, including the 125 days aboard ISS. Williams has a total span of 322 days in space during two long-duration missions. Initially, she served at ISS as an Expedition 14/15 flight engineer from 9 December 2006 to 22 June 2007. Sunita Williams also has the record for highest spacewalking time for the female astronauts. She has in all 50 hours and 40 minutes spacewalking time. There are three more Expedition 34 flight engineers- Nasa astronaut Tom Marshburn, Russian Federal Space Agency cosmonaut Roman Romanenko as well as Canadian Space Agency astronaut Chris Hadfield scheduled to be launched from Baikonur on 19 December 2012 for 5-months stay.


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Brown rot In more advanced stage, pinkish or rusty brown areas develop on the surface of the curd and hence, it is also known as brown rot or red rot. Affected curd develops a bitter taste. It can be controlled by application of borax or sodium tetra borate at 20 kg ha. In case of acute deficiency, foliar spray of 0.25 to 0.50 per cent solution of boric acid is advocated. SRI system revives popularity of paddy cultivation Paddy cultivation requires a lot of water. In fact the years production of paddy depends to a large extent on the seasons rainfall and any delay or failure in the monsoon has a direct impact on the paddy yield. As scientists we face a great challenge in motivating a farmer and sustaining his interest in continuing paddy cultivation with less amount of water, using techniques like Systematic Rice Intensification (SRI). For this we need to identify enterprising growers in respective districts who are optimistic and ready to try, says Mr. M.Devanathan, programme co-ordinator, Thirur KVK, Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, Thiruvallur, Tamil Nadu. Personal interest Though today SRI technique has established increased yield and helps farmers get a better income there are some pockets where farmers still have not accepted it. We take a personal interest for those farmers having some inhibition and try to make them aware through interactions with others who have successfully done it, and impress upon them to try it out, he says. 72 A. Venkattahiri, a farmer, has nearly 13 acres in Ramakuppam village in the region. Initially the farmer was growing paddy under the common conventional method along with some other crops. He was not willing to accept this simple and effective technology having his own doubts on its effectiveness. On one of their regular visits, the KVK staff met him and impressed upon him to try SRI. Though initially reluctant, the farmer was willing to try it since we promised him that he would get a better yield and income. And today the farmer does not regret taking to SRI as he has got a net income of more than Rs. 1 lakh from his two and half hectares in less than four months in which he carried out SRI. Previously he was able to earn a little over Rs. 50,000 using conventional methods. regret not taking to SRI earlier, says the farmer. Practically under this method the cost of cultivation has come down. The seed requirement for an acre is only 3 kg, whereas under conventional methods I used to sow 30 kg of seeds for eight cents. Plant protection is easy and less expensive. The incidence of pest and disease also seems to be low. No rat menace Most important, rat menace is practically absent in SRI planted fields due to the square system of planting the seedlings. I noticed that the grain panicles are quite dense and tillers are more in number, explains the farmer. The KVK constantly kept guiding and motivating him. Right from supplying leaf colour charts to providing the different machines on time they saw to it that the farmer got all the necessary inputs on time. Sourcing is difficult Though the Government has made available certain devices like cono weeder and markers (devices required for this type of cultivation) at a subsidized cost for farmers through the different KVK offices to encourage SRI cultivation, many farmers find it difficult to source the devices on time as there is a good demand for them. One needs to wait for some weeks to be able to get the machines. In such cases farmers lose patience and decide to grow the crop under the conventional method. If they are able to get the devices on time then I am sure like me many would start adopting SRI, he says confidently. At a time when paddy growing is fast becoming un-remunerative for many paddy growers across the State, people like Mr.Venkattahiri serve as motivation for others. Earning nearly Rs. 1 lakh from an hectare in three and half months is no longer a fairy tale. In fact today nearly 200 hectares in Poondi region have come under SRI cultivation after seeing the financial success of Mr. Venkattahiri, according to Mr. Devanathan. The Tamil Nadu Agricultural University has also uploaded a detailed visual presentation on SRI cultivation, methods, inputs, irrigation schedule etc at http:// Scheme The state government through a world bank scheme called TNIAMWARM is presently supplying six bags of urea, three bags of superphosphate, one bag of potash and eight kg of any seed variety free of cost for cultivating SRI in one hectare. Interested farmers need to

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approach the respective KVK offices in their region with relevant land documents to avail this benefit. Scientists decoded how flu viruses replicate within Infected Cells Scientists in the fourth week of November 2012 decoded how flu viruses replicate within infected cells, which could be used in the development of potent vaccines. The study done by the scientists explained the flu virus replication machinery. Scientists used advance molecular biology and electron-microscopy techniques to see one of influenzas essential protein complexes in detail. They focused on influenzas ribonucleoprotein (RNP). RNPs contained the genetic material of virus and the special enzyme that is required by the virus to replicate itself. Any influenza virus contains eight RNPs in its core. RNPs are important to the viruss ability to survive and spread in its hosts. Each RNP contains a single protein which is the coding gene of the RNA-based viral genome. The viral RNA segment is coated with protective viral nucleoproteins and its structure resembles a twisted loop of chain. The free ends of this twisted loop are held by a flu-virus polymerase enzyme, which is entrusted with two important tasks of viral reproduction-1) making new viral genomic RNA 2)making the RNA gene-transcripts that will develop into new viral proteins. It would be interesting to know how the flu polymerase and the rest of the RNP interact. The only flu RNPs reproduced in the laboratory, were shortened versions whose structures didnt match those of native flu RNPs. Still, Scientists developed a test-cell expression system which produced all of the protein and RNA components required to make full-length flu RNPs. The discovery enabled Scientists to analyse molecular samples more easily. New Genes found that explain Vulnerability of Women against Arthritis treatments for the condition. The scientists have already found three genes which can be targeted for drugs and this leaves 43 more genes with drug development potential. This was the first time when genetic association was established between X chromosome, which is found in the females and arthritis. What is rheumatoid arthritis? RA or rheumatoid arthritis is the systematic and chronic inflammatory health condition which affects various organs as well as tissues, but mainly it attacks the flexible joints. Around 1% of population of the world is suffering from RA and women are 3 times more susceptible to the condition than men. Mostly the onset of this condition is between 40-50 years. Nevertheless people can be affected by RA at any age. Arthritis is caused because of environmental and lifestyle factors like pregnancy, smoking as well as infections but the genetic makeup of a person is also said to influence a persons vulnerability to the disease. NASA launched Space Station Alert Service to Make People Aware about the ISS

Scientists at Arthritis Research UK Epidemiology Unit found out in second week of November, 2012 about 14 new genes which cause rheumatoid arthritis. This adds to the already identified 32 genes which cause the disease. The discovery will help the scientists explore new treatments for this condition. Also, this discovery will help the scientists know why women are more susceptible to the disease than men. According to the scientists, these genetic findings will help in dividing the patients to smaller groups with similar rheumatoid arthritis. This will further help in disease management as well as allocation of the therapies. The scientists will consider how even the minor genetic changes can alter normal biological process to cause the disease. A study conducted by the scientists identified the genes which were specific to the Xchromosome of the females and this explains why women are 3 times more vulnerable to arthritis than men. The study will have a huge impact on developing the clinical

The US Space Agency, NASA on 2 November 2012 launched a new service in which people can receive text messages on their 73

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phones, whenever the International Space Station would come over their house. The service was launched during the celebration of 12th anniversary of astronauts living and working on the orbiting lab. The message would make people aware in finding out the International Space Station (ISS) as people yet are unaware about the location of ISS in the sky also about the fact that after sun and moon, it is the third brightest object present in the sky. The Spot the Station facility would be available across the world as the trajectory of the station carries more than 90 percent population on earth. The Spot the Station Service would provide people information about the location of the ISS in the sky. About International Space Station (ISS) search that cannot be performed in any other way. While small unmanned spacecraft can provide platforms for zero gravity and exposure to space, space stations offer a long term environment where studies can be performed potentially for decades, combined with ready access by human researchers over periods that exceed the capabilities of manned spacecraft. Makemake, the Massive Dwarf Planet of Solar System Has No Atmosphere from Instituto de Astrofisica de Andalucia, CSIC, Spain in the third week of November 2012 discovered that the distant drawf planet called Makemake, which is 2/3rd that of Pluto in size does not have atmosphere. Planet makemake revolves around sun in its distant route which lies away from Pluto. This distance is closer to sun than Eris, the massive dwarf planet in entire solar system. In the previous observations it was found that Makemake was quite like the fellow dwarf planets which compelled some astronomers to believe that it had atmosphere, maybe like that of Pluto. But in the new study it was discovered that Makemake does not have significant atmosphere. The team that carried out the study combined the observations from three telescopes- New Technology Telescope, Very Large Telescope and TRAPPIST (TRAnsiting Planets and PlanetesImals Small Telescope) at European Southern Observatorys La Silla and Paranal observing sites in Chile. The new observations of the team will add many more details to discover about Makemake. The details will include finding the size more precisely and estimating the density of the planet. Scientists Developed Test to Detect schizophrenics Scientists developed a near to 100 percent accurate test to detect schizophrenics, by simply checking their gaze. Apparently schizophrenics can be checked just by implying some simple viewing tests. The tests brought out ninetyeight per cent accuracy in distinguishing between those with and without schizophrenia. This path breaking research was done by researchers at Aberdeen University. They found that people with schizophrenia showed well-documented deficits in the ability to track slow moving objects smoothly with their eyes. The study was led by Dr Philip Benson and Professor David St Clair which involved a range of eye tests and the volunteers were asked to track slow moving objects slowly with their eyes, inspect a variety of everyday scenes and given instructions to keep a steady gaze on a single unmoving target. Why certain zones are prone to railway accidents So what caused the 11 railway accidents involving express trains in 2010 alone, and why has there been a sudden spurt in accidents during recent years? A paper published this year in Physica A , a reputed international journal, has in a very scientific way identified the reasons behind these. Aside from clearly establishing the well-known cause the disproportionate increase in railway traffic compared with infrastructure it has also identified zones that are insufficient to handle the congestion and reasons for this. The paper is based on statistical analyses of data drawn from the Indian Railways website, and is authored by Saptarshi Ghosh,

International Space Station (ISS) that looks similar to Venus is mainly visible in the sky during dusk and dawn at the time, when only moon is visible in the sky. It is a habitable satellite made and placed on the lower earth orbit by the Scientists, and can be seen in the sky with naked eyes without using telescope or any other device. The International Space Station Acts as a platform and environment for scientists to conduct research in the space, which cannot be performed by any other means. The ISS provides a platform to conduct scientific re74

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Avishek Banerjee and Niloy Ganguly of Complex Network Research Group (CNeRG) in the Department of Computer Science and Engineering, IIT Kharagpur. The authors have identified two main reasons for the 2010 accidents. First, railway traffic has grown disproportionately to railway infrastructure, particularly railroads and routes. Second, there are serious flaws in the scheduling of trains on some routes. So much so that the Railway system would not be able to handle the traffic on certain routes if all trains were to run as per schedule. Hence, the Railways resort to making trains wait at signals, leading to long delays in trains runtime. This is alarming, as the system intentionally introduces the possibility of human error and/or system failure leading to accidents. The 11 accidents were due to derailments or collisions between express trains or some sort of failure of the railway system itself. Incidentally, eight of the 11 accidents took place in a zone which they call the Indo Gangetic Plain (IGP) a north-eastern belt. This is no coincidence, as the statistical analysis by the authors clearly identifies the reason. They find that the IndoGangetic Plain hosts some of the most traffic-intensive segments of rail routes seven out of the 20 that they consider high-traffic. Comparing data gathered from 1992 to 2010 from trains at a glance, they conclude that this is because the infrastructure such as railway lines and tracks have not grown over the years, whereas the number of trains has increased manifold. They identify the most risk-prone trunk segment as the Delhi-Tundla-Kanpur one and identify the Vishakhapatnam -Vijayawada trunk segment from the southern zone as the safe standard based on the empirical evidence that it has not had any accident so far. How sound is the rationale behind keeping the south zone route as a safe standard? Is it not better to keep an absolute value on safety? In an email to The Hindu , Niloy Ganguly noted: It will definitely be better to use an absolute standard, but we do not know of any such standard for IR. Note that there have been derailments/collisions even in South India in 2012. Hence, some segments in South India also seem to be nearing the risky zone. This means that the condition of IGP is even worse than what we had estimated in our paper (since the safe standard itself is no longer very safe). Another parameter is the headway, or time lapse between two trains as they cross the same point. The possibility of two trains coming dangerously close to one another increases as the headway reduces. They found two segments clearly coming out as risk-prone segments the Delhi-Kanpur segment and the Ahmedabad-Surat segment. The Vishakhapatnam-Vijayawada segment has a much higher headway and is therefore safer, relatively speaking. Of the two lower headway segments, the Ahmedabad-Surat segment has trains with low headway running throughout the day, whereas in the case of the DelhiKanpur segment, trains get bunched up in the early hours. Runtime delays of trains on these segments were also studied. While 20 per cent of the trains on the Delhi-Kanpur segment were delayed by more than one hour, only about three per cent of the trains on the Vishakhapatnam-Vijayawada segment were delayed to that extent. The delays reflect the high degree of congestion and frequent waiting of trains at the signals, and hence a possibility of an accident. They also analysed traffic congestion at a fine-grained level by undertaking a simulation of the traffic flow according to the IR schedule. The authors modelled the block system followed by Indian railways. A railway track is divided into block sections (of about 4-8 km) such that when one train is occupying a block, no other train is allowed to enter that block on the same track. Signals or stations at the end of the block control the traffic. From the simulation, it became apparent that there would be more than two or three trains in one block quite frequently in the IndoGangetic Plain if all trains were to run as per schedule and not stopped by signals. Now, while some blocks have three tracks, most of the IR blocks have only two tracks and so can accommodate at most two trains. So this indicates that the infrastructure is not sufficient to handle the traffic and this is only being managed by stopping trains and delaying them beyond the scheduled time. Why is a choke required in a tube light and not in a CFL? Both conventional fluorescent lamps (usually 4 feet long) and compact fluorescent lamps CFLs ( much smaller both in length and diameter of the tube) used in lighting applications are low pressure mercury vapour discharge lamps. These lamps generate light by the process 75

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of fluorescence (accomplishing conversion of invisible ultra-violet, UV to visible light) by electrical discharge-passage of electricity through gaseous-vapour medium along the column of the tube. When electrical discharge could strike the column of the tube, lot of invisible UV radiation having wavelength dominantly at 254 nm is generated. This UV radiation when strikes the white coating inside the tube made of fluorescent material- phosphors gets converted to visible light with wavelengths in the region of 400-700 nm through the process of fluorescence. The electrical resistance of the discharge column of the tube increases with dimensions and decreases with miniaturization of lamp dimensions. For a conventional fluorescent lamp, the ballast used is a choke which essentially a leak transformer (made of bulk coil windings) which momentarily produces an inductive kick in the form of high voltage (approximately 1000 volts) so that the electrical discharge could be struck along the column of the tube. So in a conventional fluorescent lamp the role of the choke is to initiate the electrical discharge process. Once the discharge is struck it can be sustained through the drop in electrical resistance of the column. But CFLs, being smaller in dimensions offering much lower electrical resistance do not require such bulky chokes. Instead the discharge in CFLs is initiated by much compact electronic circuits integrated into the CFL holder. Usually these electronic ballasts are small oscillator circuits producing high frequencies (approximately 10 kilo Hertz) facilitating flicker free quick start of lamp as electrical discharge strikes faster at such high frequencies. 76 How do mobile touch screens work? whole setup. An electrical current runs through the two layers while the monitor is operational. When a user touches the screen, the two layers make contact exactly at that spot. The change in the electrical field is noted and the coordinates of the point of contact are calculated by the processor. Once the coordinates are known, a special driver translates the touch into something that the operating system can understand, much as a computer mouse driver translates the movements of a mouse into a click or a drag. The change in the electrical current is registered as a touch event and sent to the controller for processing. In the capacitive system, a layer of an electroconductive material (most often indium tin-oxide) that stores electrical charge is placed on the glass panel of the monitor. When a user touches the monitor with his finger, some of the charge is transferred to the user, so the charge on the capacitive layer decreases. This decrease is measured in circuits located at each corner of the monitor. The computer calculates, from the relative differences in charge at each corner, exactly where the touch event took place and then relays that information to the touch screen driver software. Resistive touch screen panels are generally more affordable but offer only 75 per cent clarity and the layer can be damaged by sharp objects. One advantage of the capacitive system over the resistive system is that it transmits almost 92 per cent of the light emitted from the monitor, whereas the resistive system transmits only about 75 per cent. This gives the capacitive system a much clearer picture than the resistive system. Also, the capacitive sys-

Mobile phones may use two types of input devices. In regular mobile phones, a keypad type of device is used, which is mounted separately from the screen of the cellphone. Whereas in touch screen cellphones, a touch screen is a cellphone display screen that also acts as an input device. The touch screens are sensitive to pressure; a user interacts with the mobile applications by touching pictures or words on the screen. Most mobile phone keyboards are basic in that they use a tactile surface you are accustomed to touching, and underneath is a basic rubber peg (black dot) which travels some depth until it encounters resistance in the form of the actual keyboard surface which is sometimes called a bubble board. This is basically a semi-circle of aluminium shaped in the form of a dome and provides that springing effect of key and feedback on your finger when you press down and the button regains its at-rest shape and normal position. Touch screen technologies used in mobile phones include resistive, capacitive and surface-wave based system. The resistive system consists of a normal glass panel that is covered with conductive and resistive metallic layers. These two layers are held apart by spacers, and a scratch resistant layer is placed on top of the

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tem has a very long life (about 225 million clicks). Device Developed to Imitate Dogs Nose for Detecting Explosives Dogs are known for their olfactory sense. Imitating the same sense, scientists from the University of California in the third week of November 2012 designed the nanotech chip that can smell presence of the molecules from a bomb within a few seconds. According to the researchers, this nanotech chip is portable, absolutely sensitive and accurate which can smell the vapours from the explosives as well as other substances. This could become very common in future just like the smoke detectors found in the public places. Researchers who were led by professors Martin Moskovits and Carl Meinhart designed the detector which makes use of the microfluidic nanotechnology in order to imitate biological mechanism used behind canine scent receptors. This device is not just very sensitive for tracing the amount of specific vapour molecules but can also tell about specific substances besides the similar molecules. The device has been designed with the similar or even better sensitivity just like the nose of the dogs. Results of the study depict that this device can also detect the airborne molecules of the 2, 4-dinitrotoluene, mainly the vapours which emanate from the TNT-based explosives. Algorithm Developed for Controlling Computer Cursors with the Thoughts Researchers from Stanford who were led by the scientists of Indian origin, in the third week of November 2012 claimed the development of fastest as well as most reliable mathematical algorithm which can help the disabled trick the computer cursors with the thoughts. The speed, accuracy as well as natural movements of the algorithm are those like the real arm. Researchers have developed the system for ReFIT, the algorithm for the brain-implantable prosthetic systems. This can help in greatly improving the accuracy as well as speed of the neural prosthetics which can control cursors of the computers. The findings will help in improving the prosthetic system performance as well as robustness in the paralysed. The system works by relying on the sensor which is actually implanted in the brain. This sensor is responsible for recording the action potentials in the neural activity from the range of electrode sensors. It then sends the data to the computer. Scientist Decoded a Gene that Gives Humans an Edge over Apes Researchers of University of Edinburgh discovered a new gene miR-941 known asmiR-941 miR-941, which explains the evolution of humans from the chimpanzees. The gene is found only in human beings. It appeared in humans after they evolved from apes. This gene played a very important role in the development of a human brain. The gene could be used for knowing how humans learnt the usage of languages as well as tools. University of Edinburgh researchers compared this gene to 11 more mammals species which included gorillas, chimpanzees, rats as well as mice. The research will help us know the answer to most commonly asked question- what is it that differentiates humans from others. Previous studies which differentiated humans and apes established the fact that evolutionary genetic benefits enable humans to live much longer than the apes, while also making them susceptible to ailments such as heart disease, dementia as well as cancer. miR-941 is the first of its kind gene and scientists believe that the gene has certain specific purpose in human body. Scientists discovered Bacteria that can Line up to Create Live Wire Scientists on 8 November 2012 revealed about the discovery of a special type of bacteria in the Ocean with abilities of combining together for the formation of the long conducting nano wire cable for transportation of electrons and capturing the oxygen available at the surface for carrying out the metabolic activities. The live wire is made of the living biological cells, not from any type of metal or alloy that is generally used in making of the wire. A group of scientists along with Christain Pfeiffer reported about the discovery of this special type of bacteria with abilities of cooperate and multiply at times of threats to overcome the problems. Same DNA but different gene expression Humans share over 90 per cent of their DNA with their primate cousins. However, the expression or activity patterns of genes differ across species in ways that help explain each species distinct biology and behaviour. U.S. shale gas drives up exports of unused coal A report by researchers at the University of Manchester has concluded that whilst the U.S. is burning less coal due to shale gas pro77

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duction, millions of tonnes of unused coal are being exported to the UK, Europe and Asia. Benefits of leisure-time physical activity Leisure-time physical activity is associated with longer life expectancy, even at relatively low levels of activity and regardless of body weight. Life expectancy gains of as much as 4.5 years were seen. Saliva research to save endangered sea lions Studying zoo animals is a perfect opportunity to research on how saliva can signal stress, health risks, and illness in the human body, and apply this research to endangered species such as seals, as well. Solar energy funnel taps more sunlight A solar energy funnel that takes advantage of materials under elastic strain enables harnessing a broader spectrum of sunlights energy to produce electricity says Nature Photonicsjournal. Sun emits a mid-level flare On November 13, the sun emitted a mid-level solar flare. Solar flares are powerful bursts of radiation, which can disturb the atmosphere in the layer where communications and Global Positioning System signals travel. Trigger for earths last big freeze Scientists have found conclusive evidence that flood waters from melting of the enormous Laurentide Ice Sheet flowed north into the Arctic first down the Mackenzie River valley. Skeleton of a mammoth found A near-complete skeleton of a 78 mammoth which lived between 200,000 and 500,000 years ago has been found near Paris. Climate change will alter Greenlands face Using a regional climate model and the output of three global climate models, researchers at The City College of New York predict how climate change would change the face of Greenland over the next century. River floods predicted using new technology Scientists have developed a tool for gauging and managing the dangers of floods in specific river zones and are now using it to provide real-time forecast of the dangers of river floods. Why Antarctic sea ice cover has increased NASA and British Antarctic Survey scientists have reported that marked changes to Antarctic sea ice drift caused by changing winds are responsible for observed increases in Antarctic sea ice cover in the past two decades. Genetic traits affected in turkey evolution The genetic traits affected by the variation between todays domestic turkeys and their wild ancestors are body size and breast muscle development features that determine whether a consumer will buy the turkey. How blue-green algae harvests sunlight An international team of biologists has identified both the enzyme and molecular mechanism critical for controlling a chameleon-like process that allows blue-green algae to maximize light harvesting for photosynthesis. New strategy to visualise fingerprints A new approach for identifying and making fingerprints on paper readily readable has been developed. It produces a negative of the fingerprint image and is nearly independent of the composition of the sweat residue left behind on the paper. New, more natural lens inspired by human eye Researchers have created a new artificial lens that is nearly identical to the natural lens of the human eye. This innovation may provide a natural performance in implantable lenses to replace damaged human eye lenses. Australia to strengthen lead in solar energy Australian government will fund 3. 3 million AUD for The Skills Development Program of solar technology to reinforce Australias leadership in this field, the Minister for Resources and Energy Martin Ferguson said. Finding clues to disease resistant watermelons An international consortium of scientists has published the genome sequence of watermelon. This could accelerate watermelon breeding towards a more nutritious, tastier and more disease resistant fruit. Mummy unwrapping promoted Egyptology Public unwrappings of real mummified human remains by both showmen and scientists heightened the fascination, but also helped develop the growing science of Egyptology, says a Missouri University historian.

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Owl study aims to mitigate aircraft noise Owls have the uncanny ability to fly silently, relying on specialised plumage to hunt in acoustic stealth. Researchers are studying the owls wing structure to better understand it and apply that information to design of aircraft. Life found in sub-zero Antarctic lakes brine Where there is water there is life even in brine beneath 60 feet of Antarctic ice, in permanent darkness and sub-zero cold. Lake Vida, in East Antarctica hosts some newly discovered microbes, says PNAS journal. Carbon buried in the soil rises again Scientists have identified a source of carbon emissions. While erosion can bury carbon in the soil, acting as a carbon sink, the sink is only temporary. About half of such carbon will be re-released within about 500 years. Increasing efficiency of wireless networks Two professors at the University of California, Riverside have developed a new method that doubles the efficiency of wireless networks and could have a large impact on the mobile Internet and wireless industries. Mars, Earth had similar early building blocks A team of scientists studied the hydrogen in water from the Martian interior and found that Mars formed from similar building blocks to that of Earth, but that there were differences in the later evolution of the two planets. Grapefruitmedication interactions increasing The number of prescription drugs that can have serious adverse effects from interactions with grapefruit is increasing, yet many physicians may be unaware of it, states an article in the Canadian Medical Association Journal . Additional Kepler data now being released The Space Telescope Science Institute U.S., is releasing 12 additional months worth of data meticulously collected by NASAs Kepler Mission, one of the most prolific planet-hunting endeavours ever conceived. Mosquitoes fail at flight in heavy fog conditions Mosquitoes have a reduced wing-beat frequency in heavy fog, but are able to generate sufficient force to lift their bodies, even after dew deposition. They are unable, however, to maintain an upright position needed for flight. Columbia Glacier will stop retreating in 2020 The wild and dramatic cascade of ice into the ocean from Alaskas Columbia Glacier, one of the fastest moving glaciers in the world, will cease around 2020, according to a study by the University of Colorado Boulder. Bacteria talk to each other and human cells Bacteria can talk to each other via molecules they themselves produce. This is important when an infection propagates. Now, researchers are showing how bacteria control processes in human cells the same way. Stroke recovery using marine algae product A new study using brevetoxin2, a compound produced naturally by marine algae, stimulated nerve cell growth and plasticity in mouse neurons. Treatment for stroke may not be far off. Evidence of a mid-life crisis in great apes Chimpanzees and orangutans can have a mid-life crisis just like humans, a study suggests. Well-being follows a U shape high in youth, old age and low in middle age. Massive black hole inflates giant bubble Some black holes actively accrete matter, part of which is ejected in a narrow stream of particles, and travels at nearly the speed of light. When the stream slows down, it creates a tenuous bubble that can engulf the entire galaxy.


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Ricky Ponting Retired resent the Hobart Hurricanes this season. About Ricky Ponting Ricky Ponting nicknamed as Punter was the Captain for the national team of Australia in both test and one day segment of Cricket from 2004 to 2011 and 2002 to 2011 respectively. He made his international debut in one day cricket on 15 February 1995 against South Africa and in Test on 3 December 1995 against Sri Lanka. He played his last one day match against India on 19 February 2012 and test match on 3 December 2012 against South Africa before giving an end to his international career in Cricket. Honorary Membership of the Order of Australia for Sachin Tendulkar Sachin Tendulkar the Indian Cricketer on 6 November 2012 received the honorary membership of the Order of Australia by Simon Crean, Minister for Regional Australia, Regional Development and Local Government and Minister for the Arts at a function organised at Taj Lands End at Mumbai, India.On this occassion Sachin recieved a medal and a stump painted by an Australian. With this honour Sachin has now joined the list of non-Australian cricketers to be honoured with the membership of Order of Australia along with Brian Lara, Clive Lloyd and Gary Sobers. West Indies won the Bangladesh Test Series

The Cricketer and Former Captain of the Australian Cricket team, Ricky Ponting on 3 December 2012 announced his retirement from International Test Cricket. The decision of retirement came after Australia lost the third test match against South Africa by 309 runs on 3 December 2012 at Perth. The first and second test matches at Brisbane and Adelaide resulted in a draw during the South Africa Tour to Australia 2012. Ponting will continue playing for Tasmania and in the Australian Domestic T20 Tournament the Big Bash League, where he would rep-

West Indies on 25 November 2012 won the second match of the test series against Bangladesh at Sheikh Abu Naser Stadium and sealed the series with 2-0. Tino Best the West Indies paceman claimed 81

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his career best six-wicket haul to help the team win the match against the competitors, which was followed by the five wicket haul in the first test against Dhaka. With this defeat Bangladesh faced its 65th defeat in the 75 tests played till date, since the time it got recognition as aq test playing nations 12 years back. The list of defeat also includes 34 defeats by an innings. After marking this major win in the test series, West Indies would be playing five one-day internationals followed by a twenty20 international match. Only Indian to Score Three Triple Tons in First-Class Cricket Ravindra Jadeja became first Indian and only eighth batsman in the first-class cricket history of world to score three triple-centuries in the unbeaten 320 runs against Railways in the Ranji Trophy Group A match on 2 December 2012 in Rajkot. With the help of Jadejas innings, Saurashtra reached the giant score of 534 for six in their first innings on second day of 4-day combat. Jadeja had scored 303 against Gujarat in his first match of this season and eventually the second triple century and third as well to become the only Indian batsman to reach this podium. There are five other Indian batsmen who have scored two triple centuries in their first-class cricket and these are VVS Laxman, Wasim Jaffer, Virender Sehwag, Vijay Hazare and Raman Lamba. With his triple century, Jadeja has joined the league of seven other non-Indians who have reached this landmark and these are Mike Hussey, WG Grace, Graeme Hick, Sir Don Bradman, Wally Hammond, Bill Ponsford and Brian Lara. During the 82 match, Jadeja, the left-handed batsman hit 28 fours and 7 sixes during his 11-and-a-half-hour game in which he played 491 deliveries. With this, he added 274 for the unbreakable 7th wicket partnership with Kamlesh Makvana. International News Agencies Boycotted India England Test Series wide having sight of far fewer images taken by press photographers. Life Ban Lifted on Mohammad Azharuddin

International news agencies on 15 November 2012 boycotted the high-profile Test series between India and England which began with its first test in Ahmedabad to protest against the restrictions imposed by the BCCI on some photo agencies covering the tour. The major International agencies Thomson Reuters, Agence France-Presse and Associated Press decided to suspend reports from the tour as well as pictures. Also, as per the release issued by the News Media Coalition (NMC), the press Association, National Agency in the United Kingdom is not going to supply Photographs. The international news agencies are basically protesting against providing pictorial or text coverage of the tour. It is being seen that agencies distribute thousands of images as part of their editorial coverage to the enjoyment of fans, the curious and sponsors of teams, such as Nike and Sahara. The lock-out of photographic agencies by the Board of Control for Cricket in India (BCCI) would result in cricket fans world-

The Andhra Pradesh High Court on 8 November 2012 lifted the life ban from playing Cricket on Mohammad Azharuddin which was imposed by Board of Control for Cricket in India (BCCI) in Year 2000. The life ban on Mohammad Azharuddin came after he was found involved in the betting scandal and the match-fixing episode as per the BCCI three-member committee, comprising its erstwhile president A C Muthaiah and two vicepresidents Kamal Morarka and K M Ram Prasad. Overturning the BCCI decision, the bench of Justice which was comprised of justices Ashutosh Mohanta and Krishna Mohan Reddy gave relief to Azharuddin allowing his appeal challenging the order of a local court. The bench of Justice agreed with the argument of Azharuddins counsel K Ramakant Reddy that there is no evidence against him. Azharuddin made his debut for India in 1984-85 and played his final international match in June 2000.Mohammad Azharuddin was stranded on 99 Test appearances due to the ban. He had made 6215 runs in test matches at an average of 45.03 after bursting on the scene in 1984-85 with centuries in each of

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his first three Tests. In One-Day Internationals, he scored 9378 runs and hit seven hundreds across 334 matches. Mohammad Azharuddin in his 49 years of age is currently a member of parliament from Moradabad constituency in Uttar Pradesh. South-African Sportsman of the Year 2012 South African fast bowler Vernon Philander on 4 November 2012 at the South African Sports Awards ceremony in Sandton named Sportsman of the year beating two Olympic gold medallists for the award. The top title of Sports Star of the Year went to Olympic gold-medallist swimmer Chad Le Clos who had won gold in the mens 200m butterfly at the London Olympic Games 2012. 27 Years old Vernon Philander made huge public impact since his Test debut in 2011 and he is now ranked the number two bowler in the world only behind his fellow teammate Dale Steyn. Earlier in 2011, Hashim Amla had won the award and was nominated again this year. Vernon Philander is the fastest player to take 50 Test match wickets in more than 100 years of cricket history and the phenomenal thing is that he has done it in his debut year of Test match cricket. He was named Man of the Match in South Africas Test victory at Lords this year in 2012when the Proteas claimed the No.1 ranking in Test match cricket. with 6-4, 7-6 (0), 3-6, 6-3 in the 3 hours and 52 minutes game, on the hard court of Pragues O2 Arena, during the final fifth rubber of the Davis Cup. ATP Tour Masters Title Indian Tennis Player Mahesh Bhupathi and Rohan Bopanna on 4 November 2012 won their first ATP World Tour Masters 1000 title together defeating Pakistans AisamUl- Haq Qureshi and Netherlands Jean- Julien Rojer by 7-6(6), 6-3 in the final of the BNP Paribas Masters in Paris. The pair Mahesh Bhupathi and Rohan Bopanna won 142500 in prize money and had also claimed 1000 ATP Doubles Team Rankings points, while their opponent and Barclays ATP World Tour Finals qualifiers Aisam-Ul- Qureshi and Jean- Julien Rojer claimed 69780 prize money and 600 points. Mahesh Bhupati, till date, had won 16 ATP World Tour Masters 1000 trophies, while for Bopanna it his second shield. Also, together for Bhupati and Bopanna it is their second title of the year 2012. Earlier they had won the Dubai ATP event in March 2012 and ended runners-up at Cincinnati and Shanghai. In 2011, Rohan Bopanna and Aisam- Ul- Haq Qureshi won the Paris title.

Radek Stepanek has created a history by his name after winning the Davis Cup final as he became the first man ever aged 30 or above to win the decisive rubber in 100 years. With this win, the Czech Republic lifted the Davis Cup for the first time after winning independence in 1993. Before this in the year 1980 it lifted the trophy under Czechoslovakia flag by the team led by Ivan Lendl. With this win the Czech Republic turned-up to be the first nation that won the Hopman Cup, Fed Cup and Davis Cup in one year. ATP World Tour Final 2012 The Spanish pair of Marcel Granollers and Marc Lopez on 12 November 2012 defeated the Indian duo of Mahesh Bhupathi and Rohan Bopanna in the Mens Doubles title clash of the ATP World Tour Finals in London. In the final match, the fifth seeded Indian duo went down fighting in a tight three-set game, 57, 6-3, 3-10. Meanwhile, Serbias World Number One Novak Djokovic has bagged the Mens Singles trophy. Djokovic defeated World Number Two Roger Federer of Switzerland in straight sets, 7-6, 7-5, in the final match played early this morning.

Daimler Purchased full control of Mercedes One Motor Racing Team

Davis Cup 2012 The Czech Republic on 18 November 2012 won the 100th Davis Cup 2012 finals, after defeating Spain by 3-2 in the finals. Radek Stepanek of Czech Republic outclassed Nicolas Almagro of Spain

Daimler, the German Luxury Carmaker purchased 40 percent stakes of the Mercedes Formula One Motor Racing Team owned by the Abu Dhabi sovereign wealth fund Aabar Investments in the third week of November 2012. With this pur83

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chase the teams full control went into the hands of Daimler. The amount of purchase of the 40 percent stake remained undisclosed. The deal of selling out the stakes of the formula 1 team now awaits regulatory approval. The Two companies Daimler and Aabar came together into motor racing in 2009 after they purchased Brawn GP, the then World Champion and re-launched it the next season with the name, Mercedes. At present Mercedes stands at fifth position in the 12team Formula One Standings. Team Mercedes has signed a three-year deal with the former world champion Lewis Hamilton, who would be driving for the team in the next season. Youngest Triple Champion in Formula One History Sebastian Vettel of Germany, the Red Bull driver became youngest triple champion in the history of Formula One on 25 November 2012 by finishing 6th behind Jenson Button in the Brazilian Grand Prix. Vettel, 25 got himself involved in opening lap collision and made very little damage to his Red Bull car in the run in rain-swept conditions at Interlagos circuit. The only title rival of Vettel was two-time champion Spaniard Fernnando Alonso who finished in the second position in his Ferrari. However he had pre-race 13 points deficit while Vettel won the title by merely three points. Vettel was the third driver in the history of Formula One to win three consecutive titles. Others who have done this before are Michael Schumacher and Argentine Juan Manuel Fangio. The Red Bull team of Vettel took the third constructors championship in the sequence on 18 84 November 2012 in Texas and finished with 281 points while Alonso with 278 points. Mahi Racing Team India About Superbike Race The Superbike race first started in year 1970 when super bike race is held in many countries mainly in USA and Australia. At that time the races were of large capacity bike of up to 1100cc and were strictly limited to four stroke machines. But soon the grand prix bikes arrived in the states which were accompanied and later replaced by 700 and 750 two stroke, three or four cylinder machines.

Indian cricket team Captain M.S. Dhonis Superbike championship team on 7 November 2012 changed its name from MSD R-N Racing Team India to Mahi Racing Team India and had signed two new members. The two new members that had been signed up are world champion Kenan Sofouglu and former world champion Fabien Foret. Sofouglu is a driver from turkey and had won the championship three times in 2007, 2010 and the recently-concluded season with the Kawaski team after the Portuguese Grand Prix. While, Fabien Foret is a driver from France and is a 2002 World champion. At the end of 2008, he had 24 podium finishes under his name which includes 11 wins and 12 pole positions. The riders are going to test the Kawasaki Ninja ZX-6R machines during the official winter testing season. Earlier named MSD R-N Racing Team India, the Indian skippers team competed in the 600cc class in 2012, becoming Indias first FIM world superbike championship team. The Budh International Circuit is hosting the superbike world championship event in March 2013, leading to a rush in interest for Indias first bike racing team, involving Dhoni, who had passion for speed and bike.

World Billiards Championship Title

Indian Billiards Player Pankaj Advani won seventh World Billiards Championship title after comprehensively beating defending champion and seasoned Englishman Mike Russell in the finals of World Billiards Championship 2012. The event was scheduled at the Northern Snooker Centre in Leeds, England where Pankaj scored 1895 points and Russell managed to score only 1216 points losing to Pankaj Advani. Pankaj was on steady rhythm since the beginning of the match and got on track with first break of 147 points followed by 298 points to obtain a lead of 450 points. Russel, on the other hand fearlessly replied with a break of 397 narrowing the deficit to just 60 points. In session 2, Pankaj maintained the same rhythm and kept his attack scoring breaks of 100+ in almost every visit he played where as Russell could manage only breaks of 243 and 120

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during the second session play. The win came after Pankaj had choosen to play the World Championships in Leeds with avoiding playing International Championship on the Professional Snooker tour. Prior to this title Pankaj had also won World Professional Billiards title in the year 2009 and it was a case of history repeating itself because Pankaj had beaten Mike Russel with 2030-1253 in the finals of the World Professional Billiards Championship in 2009 at the same venue. The win also marks the eighth overall world title for Pankaj and it is his seventh title in billiards. the 2002 FIFA World Cup held in South Korea and Japan, Luiz Felipe Scolari led the Brazilian side as its coach, the team which was declared the winner of the tournament. His recent recruitment at the position of coach would give him a time of 18 months to guide the Brazilian Football Team to win the next World Cup at its home. He would be guiding the team during the FIFA Confederations Cup that is scheduled to be organized in June 2013 in Brazil. made it to the elite group of the worlds top-100 players in the latest ranking. The title was previously held by Jeev Milkha Singh, who broke the record in 2006 at the age of 34 with Jyoti Randhawa following him in the same year when he was also aged 34. As per the latest Official World Golf Ranking (OWGR), Bhullar had jumped 10 ranks on the back of a tied-18 finish in the $7 million WGC-HSBC Champions in China to take the 98th position in the world. Only Jeev Milkha Singh is ahead of Bhullar currently, and is placed at 95 in the OWGR. The next best placed Indian is Anirban Lahiri ranking 234 on the list. Gaganjeet Bhullar is currently in Singapore, where he is going to play the $6 million Barclays Open. In Year 2012, Gaganjeet Bhullar had won the Yeangder Tournament Players Championship on 17 September 2012 which was followed by his win over the Venetian Macau Open in the month of October.

V. Dinesh Reddy appointed as the President of IHF V. Dinesh Reddy, the DirectorGeneral of Police for Andhra Pradesh has been appointed as the New President of the Indian Hockey Federation (IHF) on 7 November 2012. Dinesh Reddy replaced R.K. Shetty after he resigned from the post. Reddys elevation to the post happened because he was the senior most Vice-President of the organization after R.K. Shetty and would be at the post till next elections of the federation takes places. Indian Olympic Associations Electoral College has also released a list for elections that is scheduled for 25 November and Indian Hockey Federation (IHF) was allowed to vote attend the meetings scheduled in the future for the elections, but would not be allowed to vote in the elections. Hockey India (HI) would be placing three representatives who are eligible for Voting during the elections.

Luiz Felipe Scolari appointed as the Coach of Brazil

Asian Kabaddi Championship

The Brazilian Football Confederation (CBF) on 29 November 2012 appointed Luiz Felipe Scolari as the Coach of Brazilian Football team. Luiz replaced Mano Menezes who was sacked from his position in the third week of November 2012. Luiz Felipe Scolari would be leading the team as its coach also during the 2014 FIFA World Cup scheduled to take place in Brazil. Before this in

Youngest Indian on Golfer List Indian Golf Player Gaganjeet Bhullar became the First Indian who

Pakistan on 6 November 2012 was declared champion of the Asian Kabaddi Championship after Indian team walked out from the field in a protest against the referees decision of penalizing the Indian Coach. The Pakistani team was leading the game by 40 points against 31 points scored by the Indian side. The protest by the Indian 85

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players came after the Coach of Indian side; Goormel Singh was shown a green card after continuously disturbing the finals in protest of decision of the referee. World Youth Chess Championship M. Mahalakshmi and R. Vaishali from Chennai on 19 November 2012 won Gold at the World Youth Chess Championship in Slovenia. Arvindh Chithambaram (Under-14 Open) from Madurai and Girish A. Koushik (Under-16 Open) from Mysore won Silver Medals in the championship. G.K. Monnisha (under-14) and Savant Riya (Under-12) secured Bronze at the Championship for India. R. Vaishali was successful in securing her position in under-12 girls honours. Arvindh Chithambaram lost gold after losing the tie-up with the American Troff Kayden by a tie-break score at the end of the 11-round event. N Priyanka Won World Youth Chess Championship committed blunders by running into the time trouble, but despite losing there she bagged the title. She has become the fifth one to bag the title from Andhra Pradesh in the under10 category after P. Hari Krishna, K. Humpy, Ch. Moineesh and Sahajasree. On her victory, Global Chess Academy director, District Sports Development Officer as well as Krishna District Chess Association secretary congratulated her.

Asian Jr Weightlifting Saikhom Mirabai Chanu, the female Weightlifter from India won three bronze medals for Indian Team on the opening day of the 19th Junior Women Asian Weightlifting Championships in Yangon in Mynamar. To win and secure medals she lifted 168kg in the 48kg weight category one each in snatch (74kg), clean and jerk (94kg) and total (168kg). Mirabai, got selected for the event after lifting 163kg in the trials and had managed an additional five kg more during the main event. Mirabai was fifth in 48kg weight category in the last edition of the tournament in Pattaya (Thailand). She had earlier clinched gold in the dame category during the seventh National Youth (Girls) Weightlifting Championships held at Itanagar, Arunachal Pradesh in year 2011.

IOC suspended Indian Olympic Association The International Olympic Committee (IOC) suspended the India Olympic Association (IOA) on 4 December 2012 and eventually this might also lead to IOA ban from Olympic movement. IOA ban from Olympic would result in consequences such as: No funding from IOC No officials from India would be invited by IOC to any events such as Paralympics and Olympics No India athlete would be allowed competing under Indias flag; but could be permitted competing under IOC flag Commonwealth Games Federation as well as The Olympic Council of Asia might also go with the trend which would lead to similar sanctions in case of Commonwealth Games as well as the Asian games IOC suspended IOA because India was following the Sports Code of government in the IOA elections, which is against the Olympic Charter. IOC declared that following of Sports Code of government is actually the interference of the government in the Olympic Movement.

Womens World Championship Crown Anna Ushenina of Ukraine on 1 December 2012 won the Womens World Championship Crown of Chess at Khanty-Mansiysk, Russia after defeating Antoaneta Stefanova of Bulgaria in first set of tie-break game. Anna won the title along with 60000 US dollar for the efforts made by her to win the Chess championship. In 2013 Anna would be playing the next world championship against Chinese Yifan Hou, which is a part of new cycle in Womens World Championship. 86

Asian under 10 girls chess champion Nuthaki Priyanka bagged youth chess t h e world championship at Maribor, Slovenia on 18 November 2012. She completed with 9.5 points of 11 rounds. Priyanka completed her game against US-based Wang Annie in 38 moves. She is the 5th standard student of Mustabada Sports and Educational Academy. She became the second girl to win the title from Hyderabad after Koneru Humpy who bagged her title in 1997. V.R. Bobba, the noted coach provided training to Priyanka. In the middle of the game, the Hyderabadi girl

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Suspension of IOA from Olympics came just before the Election Day. IOA officials declared that the elections would go as planned and scheduled. IOA has been holding the elections on direction by the Delhi high court which had asked this body to conduct its polls as per the Sports Code and its own constitution.IOA decided this after it put down the bid of IOA to send the 2-member delegation for explaining its scenario. It was already evident that the suspension was in the line because of the development in run-up to these elections. After sending various letters to IOA, asking it to follow the Olympic Charter, IOC warned for the first time regarding suspension on 23 November 2012. Then it gave the second warning of suspension to IOA on 28 November 2012. It is worth noticing that the decision of IOC was welcomed by several former as well as current sportspersons. They believed that suspension was an opportunity of cleaning the hassles in IOA. Four-Year Ban for Felony Athletes under New WADA Code World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) proposed that athletes found guilty of the serious doping felonies will be suspended for 4 years from 2015. However no specific rules were made for banning the wrong-doers from Olympics. At present, the athletes who are found guilty of their first main doping felony are put on 2-year ban followed by a life ban in case of successive positive tests. WADA proposed in its second draft of2012 WADA code that there will be an introduction of longer ban for the offenses which include Human Growth Hormone (HGH), anabolic steroids as well as trafficking and masking agents. This draft was reviewed from 17 November 2012 to 18 November 2012. The draft has doubled the suspension length for the offenders and has also widened anti-doing oragnisations scope to impose the lifetime bans. Nevertheless, in the draft there is no consideration to the former International Olympic Committee (IOC) rule in context with the Olympic participation. This rule was ruled in refusal with WADA Code back in 2011 by the Court of Arbitration for Sport (CAS), the highest sports court. As per the IOC rule which was introduced in 2008, in case the athletes were suspended for six months or more than that, participation in next Olympic Games was banned. According to the new WADA Code draft, there has also been an inclusion of the proposal about the prohibited substances or techniques which are contradictory to the sports spirit or health of an athlete. This proposed draft will also go for review between November 2012 and March 2013, after which it will be presented to WADA Foundation Board before preparation of the final draft. NADDP Suspended 11 Athletes for Two Years on Charges of Doping The National Anti-Doping Disciplinary Panel (NADDP) on 5 November 2012 suspended all the 11 athletes for two years, who were tested positive with methylhexaneamine (MHA) in the run-up of the last Commonwealth Games. The decision came-up after a twenty five months long hearing process and the suspension would be in effect from the date of decision making. The panel hearing into the case also ordered disqualification of all the records and results by their name recorded from the date of sample collection, it would also include omission of all the consequences that included forfeiture of all the points, medals and prizes. Following the provisions of Article 10.8 of the National Anti-Doping Agency (NADA) and the code of World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) which is yet not applied in the hearing procedures of Indian disciplinary, would mean the loss of Bronze Medal in the 96 kilogram freestyle category of Wrestling from wrestler Mausam Khatri, which he won in the 2010 Guangzhou Asian Games. The additional disqualification of results from sample collection date, under Article 10.8 of the National Anti-Doping Agency (NADA) rules and the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) Code, hitherto not applied in Indian disciplinary hearing procedures, will mean that wrestler Mausam Khatri will lose his bronze medal in the 96kg freestyle category in the 2010 Guangzhou Asian Games. Under the same provisions, swimmer Richa Mishra would lose all the 16 medals that include 11 Gold in the National Games February 2011 held at Ranchi along with the other five Gold won during National Swimming Championships held in October 2012 at Pune. Others, against whom the hearing were carried on and whose name were included in the suspension orders include six wrestlers out of which Rajeev Tomar is an Arjuna Awardee and rest five are Sumit Sehrawat, Joginder Singh, Gursharanpreet Kaur including Mausam Khatri. The list also have name of two athletes namely 87

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Saurabh Vij and Akash Antil along with three swimmers and they are Amar Muralidharan, Jyotsana Pansare and Richa. The disciplinary panel that was hearing into the case included retired judge Dinesh Dayal and former Asian badminton champion Dinesh Khanna and Dr. N.K. Khadiya disqualified the evidence presented to establish deviations in proceedings of the laboratory and other agencies involved in the processes. IAAF World Athletes of the Year 2012 Usain Bolt won the IAAF World Athlete of the Year Award 2012 for the fourth time and United States sprinter Allyson Felix won womens World Athlete of the Year Award 2012 on 24 November 2012 during the IAAFs 100th Anniversary Celebration. The Jamaican sprinter Bolt had won for defending his gold medals in the 100 and 200 meter races of the summers Olympic Games, he also won the same award previously in 2008, 2009 and 2011. Bolt managed to be ahead of United States hurdler Aries Merritt and Kenyan runner David Rudisha to win the award. Zealand shot putter Valerie Adams and British heptathlete Jessica Ennis were the other finalists of the Women award segment, who also were the gold medalists in London Olympics. In 2003, Bolt and Felix won the Rising Star awards for the most promising young athletes of the year. United States hurdler Aries Merritt was successful in winning the Inspiration Award for his season and the award included a gold medal and a world record in the 110meter hurdles. David Rudisha won the Performance of the Year award for his record-setting gold medal run in the 800 meters; he was the winner of the Athlete of the Year in 2010. Keshorn Walcott, Javelin thrower of Trinidad and Anthonique Strachan sprinter of Bahamas won the Rising Star awards.

Allyson Felix managed to secure her Gold medal in the London Olympics in the 200 meter race. Before this she managed to settle down with the Silver in the Beijing Olympics in the year 2008. New


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Indira Gandhi Peace Prize 2012 Trust with an international jury chaired by Prime Minister Manmohan Singh. The Indira Gandhi Prize is being awarded to Ellen Johnson Sirleaf for serving as a n example and inspiration to women in Africa and beyond and for ensuring the return of peace, democracy, development, security and order in Liberia. Ellen Johnson Sirleaf who is the 24th President of Liberia was commended by the jury for her strong interest in the consolidation and improvement of Liberias relations with India. She was risen to the Presidency becoming the first elected female head of state of the African continent. Ellen Johnson Sirleaf took over office as the President of Liberia in 2006 acquiring a legacy of distrust, disharmony and mismanagement. She had successfully restored financial health her country which was on the verge of fiscal breakdown. About Indira Gandhi Peace Prize The Indira Gandhi Peace Prize is the prominent award given annually by the Government of India to individuals or organizations in acknowledgment to resourceful efforts toward promoting international peace, development and a new international economic order; ensuring that scientific discoveries are used for the larger good of humanity, and enlarging the scope of freedom. The prize carries a cash award of 25 lakh Indian rupees and a citation. To be eligible for consideration it is mandatory to have a written work published. The 2011 recipient of Indira Gandhi Peace Prize was Ela Bhatt the Founder Sewa ofSewa Sewa, Self-Employed Womens Association of India. Moortidevi Award for 2010 The Vice President of India M. Hamid Ansari on 16 November 2012 presented the Moortidevi Award for 2010 to eminent Urdu scholar Gopi Chand Narang for his outstanding work on Urdu Ghazal aur Hindustani Zehan wa Tehzeeb at a function organized by 89

Liberian President and Nobel laureate Ellen Johnson Sirleaf on 19 November 2012 was chosen for 2012 Indira Gandhi Prize for Peace, Disarmament and Development for being an inspiration to women and ensuring return of peace and democracy in her country. The award is set up by Indira Gandhi Memorial

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Bhartiya Jnanpith. Gopi Chand Narang revived Urdu language in India through his writings and he is one of the foremost theorist, literary critic and Urdu scholar of our country. His perceptive writings have helped Urdu criticism becoming more contemporary. It is befitting that his long academic life of excellence has been felicitated by conferring the Moortidevi award on him. About Gopi Chand Narang cism), later he remained the president of the Sahitya Akademi, Indias National Academy of Letters, 2003 to 2007. He was also on the editorial board of Akademis journal, Indian Literature. About Moortidevi Award Moortidevi Award is named in the memory of Moortidevi, mother of Sahu Shanti Prasad Jain, founder of Bharatiya Jnanpith. This Award is presented for a reflective or intellectual work, which underlines and expresses Indian philosophy and cultural heritage based on wider ideals and human values. It is conferred on the litterateur who is alive. As far as the selection Process is concerned Nomination forms are invited from hundreds of scholars, thinkers and writers of different languages. These forms are presented before the selection board, which is authorised to include any more names to the list. The writer is awarded an amount of Rupees two Lakh, a citation plaque, a Saraswati Statue, a srifal and a shawl. Indira Gandhi Prize for Peace, Disarmament and Development towards elimination of hunger. He has also brought inclusive growth in his country. He was awarded for advocating stronger ties among the developing economies as well as for the signal contribution for India-Brazil partnership. About Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva

Gopi Chand Narang is an Indian scholar of Urdu language and literature, an eminent Urdu writer, scholar, critic and linguist. He is author of many books in Urdu, Hindi and English. Gopi Chand Narang received many awards from the governments of India and Pakistan and many literary organizations worldwide. He was awarded Padma Bhushan in 2004. He taught in many universities in India and participates in literary conferences around the world. He was awarded the Sahitya Akademi Award in Urdu 1993 for Sakhtiyaat, Pas-Sakhtiyaat aur Mashriqi Sheriyaat (Literary criti90

The former President of the Federative Republic of Brazil, Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva was awarded with Indira Gandhi Prize for Peace, Disarmament and Development on 22 November 2012 at Rashtrapati Bhavan by President of India, Pranab Mukherjee. Lula was conferred with the award for his contribution

Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva was appointed as the president of Brazil on 1 January 2003. Lula, the former President of the Federative Republic of Brazil is the transformative figure of the country. He contributed towards the cause of IndiaBrazil better relationship and partnership. Lula received number of medals, awards and recognition. He had received awards and medals like Brazilian Order of Merit, Mexican Order of the Aztec Eagle, Naval and Aeronautical Merit, Norwegian Order of Royal Merit and many more. Lula is the most renowned Brazilian President. In 2006, President A.P.J Abdul Kalam conferred him with Jawaharlal Nehru Award for International Understanding. Lula left the office on 1 January 2011 after serving two terms as the president. About the Indira Gandhi Prize for Peace, Disarmament and Development. Every year, Indira Gandhi Prize for Peace, Disarmament and

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Development is awarded to person or an organisation that works towards enlargement of scope of freedom as well as enrichment of human spirit. The award is conferred upon the person or an organisation irrespective of race, religion, nationality or other aspects. It consist of award worth 2.5 million Rupees as well as trophy alongwith citation. Malala Yousafzai awarded with Bravery Award by World Peace and Prosperity Foundation Malala Yousafzai, on 19 November 2012 awarded by World Peace and Prosperity Foundation for her bravery and commitment to education for girls in adverse conditions in Swat, Pakistan. She was shot in the head by Taliban, and had become the face of Pakistans struggle against the Taliban. She is now being treated and on the road to recovery at a Queen Elizabeth Hospital, England. The Deputy High Commissioner of Pakistan to the UK, S Zulfiqar Gardezi received the award on her behalf at the Cholmondeley Room of the House of Lords. The other recipients of award included a Bishop of London, a distinguished British Muslim Psychiatrist, a distinguished Turkish academic and MP, and eight year old Josh Altman, European Chess Bronze medalist. On 9 October 2012 Malala Yousafzai, was shot in the head and neck by the Tehrik-i-Taliban Pakistan (TTP) while she was returning home. She was attacked for speaking up against the Taliban and advocating girls education. Earlier, United Nations declared November 10 as Malala Day in honour Malala Yousafzai, for advocating girls education. Indira Gandhi National Award an award ceremony at the Rashtrapati Bhavan in New Delhi. With the presentation of the awards, President Pranab Mukherjee called for concerted efforts by the government, private and voluntary sectors for the development of the weaker and vulnerable sections of society. He had also asserted that the Government of India, through its programmes and policies has engineered a major directional change in public policy by its focus on inclusive development. The eighth Award for 2005 was jointly given to two winners, Mizoram Hmeithai (Widows) Association and Peoples Forum, Bhubaneswar. The Mizoram Hmeithai (Widows) Association works to provide aids and relief to widows and destitute women and hundreds of abandoned orphan children. While, The Peoples Forum, Bhubaneswar was awarded for its landmark services in the rescue and rehabilitation of hundreds of mentally ill women and for its exemplary work with women in distress. The ninth Award for the year 2006 was awarded to Sumangali Seva Ashram of Bangalore whose prime focus is to work for education and development of deserted, orphan and needy children and to provide socio-economic opportunities for development of women. Whereas, the tenth Award for the year 2007 was awarded to the Snehalaya of Ahmednagar for its distinctive work in the rehabilitation of women of red light areas and for other destitute women. About Durgabai Deshmukh Award The Durgabai Deshmukh Award for womens development was constituted in 1997 by Central 91

Lyricist and well known poet Gulzar on 31 October 2012 awarded with Indira Gandhi National Integration Award by congress President Sonia Gandhi. The award was given on the eve of 28th death anniversary of the late Prime Minister Indira Gandhi who was assassinated on 31 October 1984. Marking the event, Prime Minister Manmohan Singh congratulated the poet for the award and asserted the fact that Gulzar Sahab is real talent and a great personality who is spreading the message of peace and brotherhood in the country. Gulzar had written some charismatic lyrics for songs like Raah pe rehte hain, Do deewaane shehar mein, Hazaar raahen mud ke dekhi, Tujhse naraaz nahin zindagi and Mera kuchh saamaan. He is a versatile lyricist and had also shown his magic in new age songs like Kajra re and Beedi jalaile and had used his poetic talent for late filmmaker Yash Chopras Film Jab Tak Hai Jaan as well. Earlier, Gulzar was awarded Sahitya Akademi Award in 2002 and the Padma Bhushan in 2004 for his contribution to the arts. Durgabai Deshmukh Awards President of India Pranab Mukherjee on 5 November 2012 presented the Durgabai Deshmukh awards for womens development for the years 2005, 2006 and 2007 at

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Social Welfare Board which is an autonomous organization of the Ministry of Women and Child Development, Government of India. The award is basically given to honour nominee in the memory of its founder chairperson Dr. Durgabai Deshmukh. About Aishwarya Rai Bachchan The youngest Indian Actress to win Padmashree in 2009. Padmashree is the fourth highest civilian award given by the Union Government of India She is the first Indian Actress to be among the jury members at Cannes She made her debut in the Indian film industry with Mani Ratnams Tamilo Film Iruvar in 1997 pointed as its first Goodwill Ambassador in the year 2009. It is an international charity established to provide free Cleft lip and palate surgery to children across 76 different developing countries Gavaskar conferred with Col. CK Nayudu Lifetime Achievement Award Sunil Gavaskar, the Former Captain and legendary opener of Indian Cricket Team on 21 November 2012 was conferred with BCCIs prestigious Col. CK Nayudu Lifetime Achievement Award at the BCCI Annual Awards Function 2011-12. Sachin Tendulkar, Virat Kohli and V.V.S. Laxman were also felicitated at the award ceremony. The Lifetime Achievement Award given to Gavaskar carried a citation, trophy and a cheque for 25 lakh Rupees and he received this award from the BCCI president N. Srinivasan. Sachin Tendulkar was honoured at the occasion with a gold-plated bat for scoring the century of centuries in international cricket. Kohli was chosen as the Best Indian International Player of the year at the award ceremony. About Col. CK Nayudu and the Lifetime Achievement Award

The award is presented to an organisation which has made outstanding or innovative contribution to womens welfare and empowerment and has at least 5 years of working experience in the field. The award carries an amount of Rs. 5 lakhs, a citation and a shawl. French Award The Knight of the Order of Arts and Letter The Aishwarya Rai Bachchan on 1 November 2012 was conferred with the Knight of the Order of Arts and Letters (Chevalier dans lOrdre des Arts et des Lettres) by the French Ambassador to India Franois Richier. She was awarded on behalf of the French Authorities. She was conferred with the award for the contributions made by her to Indian and World Cinema and the developments in Indo-French cooperation in art, culture and the most important one, Cinema. Late Habib Tanvir, Nandita Das, Raghu Rai, Shahrukh Khan, and Upamanyu Chatterjee are few more Indians who had been conferred with this prestigious French award. 92

Has received two Best Actress Awards at Filmfare for her films Hum Dil De Chuke Sanam in 1999 and Devdas in the year 2002 In the year 2012, she was appointed as the goodwill ambassador for UNAIDS To promote eye donation in India, she was appointed as the brand ambassador for the Eye Bank Association of Indias nationwide campaign She became the brand Ambassador for Pulse Polio in 2005 a mission established by the Union Government of India for polio eradication from the country To raise awareness about the main goals and priorities of the United Nations poverty alleviation efforts, she was appointed as the spokesperson for the International Year of Microcredit For Smile Train, she was ap-

Col. CK Nayudu or Cottari Kanakaiya Nayudu was the first captain of Indian Cricket Team in Test Matches, and he played the first class cricket for India till 1958. The ruler of Holkar in 1923 conferred him

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with the honour of Colonel in Holkars Army at Indore. Nayudu was appointed as the first captain of Indian team for its first test tour of England in 1932 after the previously appointed captain and vicecaptain of the team, Maharaja of Porbandar and Ghanshyamsinhji of Limbdi respectively were out of the series due to health problems. Col. CK Nayudu Lifetime Achievement Award is the highest-revered award for captaincy and lifetime achievement in Indian Cricket. WISE Prize Dr Madhav Chavan was awarded the WISE prize, which is known as the Nobel prize for Education. He was felicitated on 13 November 2012 at the WISE summit in Doha, the capital of Qatar. The international award not only felicitated the person himself, but also recognized his efforts to provide lessons in literacy and numeracy for less fortunate and disadvantaged children and adults in India. The award is decided upon by an international jury, which includes the the US Librarian of Congress, Dr James Billington; the president of Peking University, Prof Zhou Qifeng; former UN high commissioner, Mary Robinson and the chairman of WISE, Dr Abdulla bin Ali Al-Thani. Dr Madhav gave himself up for the cause of social activism and starting helping uneducated slum dwellers in Mumbai in the late 80s once he returned to India after studying in the United States. After having worked with Unicef and the city authorities, he devised a method for providing lessons for huge number of people at low cost. Dr Madhavs charity, Pratham, also carried out lessons in temples and offices and recruited volunteers from the local community. His work expanded and went forth to other cities and states to become the largest non-governmental education provider for deprived children in India. International Newspaper Colour Quality Club Membership The Hindu in third week of November 2012 was awarded with the Membership of the International Newspaper Colour Quality Club (INCQC) - popular global recognition of print quality of the year 2012 to 2014. The recognition was given to Hindu for its performance standards in the printing facility available at Coimbatore of Kasturi & Sons limited, the owner company of Hindu. A total of 192 newspaper participated in the 10th INCQC in four different categories among which the Hindus nomination was in the first category for coldest offset printing, in which it was successful in compiling and standing with the stringent standards mentioned to pass the test. The award was announced during the World Publishing Expo 2012 held at Frankfurt, Germany from 29 October to 31 October 2012 by the WAN-IFRA World Association of Newspapers and News Publishers Publishers. The facilities at the Coimbatore center of the Hindu Printing Press are fitted with high speed, double-width press. About the Award The Program of awarding the newspapers for the print quality after examining the same on scientific standards systematically was started by IFRA in the year 1994. The points for selection for the nominated newspapers in the category is done after examining the aesthetic values and parameters followed while printing. Newspapers that maintain consistency on all the defined standards are chosen and declared members of the exclusive Colour Quality Club. The initiative of IFRA helps in ensuring the fact that the readers of newspaper may get a high quality product with attractive print standards. For selection of the newspaper, the experts at Germany evaluated the quality of the newspaper and its visual impact on the base standard fixed by IFRA and that i s ISO 12647-3. The set standard describes the quality of the processes and materials used in printing. CSI-Nihilent e-Governance Award for Excellence The Computer Society of India (CSI) on 22 November 2012 adjudged Ministry of External Affairs Passport Seva Project as the most significant e-Governance initiative of the Government of India undertaken during 2011-12. The final selection for the award was done after a multistage evaluation, which included field visits to Passport Seva Kendras. The Computer Society of India is the largest association of IT professionals in India. It joined hands with Nihilent Technologies in the year 2002 to institute CSI-Nihilent e-Governance Awards for recognising successful efforts in application of ICT for good governance. The Ministry of External Affairs is improving governance in Passport Offices by focusing on citizen-centricity, service orientation and transparency. The intended benefits to common man are service provisioning in a transparent manner within defined service levels, closer and larger number of access points for services, easy availability of a portfolio of on-line services with real93

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time status tracking and enquiry, availability of good public facilities at PSKs and an effective system of grievance redressal. The award is a clear recognition that enhanced usage of ICT as envisioned in the Passport Seva Project has brought about transformation in the functioning of the Passport Offices and delivery of public service to citizens. Kyoto Prize Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak shifted the critical theory of deconstruction into political and social dimensions, and had applied a sharp scalpel to intellectual colonialism which is being reproduced in our heavily globalised modern world, said the Foundation. Gayatri Chakravorty exemplifies what intellectuals today should be, through her theoretical work for the humanities based on comparative literature and her devotion to multifaceted educational activities. Also, U.S. computer scientist Ivan Sutherland, regarded as a father of computer graphics, won the Advanced Technology Prize while Japanese molecular biologist Yoshinori Ohsumi was awarded the Basic Sciences Prize. Each laureate received a diploma, a 20K gold Kyoto Prize medal and a cash gift of 50 million ($630,000). NETPAC Award at Kolkata Film Festival The Chinese film, 11 Flowers on 17 November 2012 won the Network for the Promotion of Asian Cinema (NETPAC) Award a t 18th Kolkata International Film Festival. Festival The film won the best film award in Asian Select category-the only competitive category in Kolkata International Film Festival. A total of 13 films from 12 12 Asian Countries were selected to compete for the award of this category. The film directed by the acclaimed filmmaker Wang Xiaoshuai describes the backdrop of the Cultural Revolution in form of a semi-autobiographical story of the rural Guizhou Province.

Renowned literary critic and educator Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak on 10 November 2012 was awarded the prestigious Kyoto Prize in Kyoto. Kyoto Prize was instituted by the Inamori Foundation. It honours those personalities who had significantly contributed to the scientific, cultural and spiritual betterment of mankind. Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak, is professor at Columbia University in the U.S. She won the award in the Arts and Philosophy category for her deep thinking on humanities against intellectual colonialism in relation to globalisation.

Wang Jinchun and Wenqing Liu are the lead stars of the film. The NETPAC award is now a part of 44 film festivals of 28 different countries across five continents. 13th Annual Greentech Environment Award Indian Oils Mathura Refinery was awarded the Platinum Award in the 13th Annual Greentech Environment Awards. The award was felicitated on 31 October 2012. Mathura Refinery was awarded in regard to the companys outstanding achievements and contribution to apt implementation of environmental friendly technologies and methodologies. Greentech Awards is a key component that values the need of environmental management in business sustainability.


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Barack Obama and moving beyond centuries of racial, sexual, marital and religious tradition. Barack Obama is the Americas first black president who had won the election by convincing voters to stick with him as he tries to reignite strong economic growth and recover from the worst recession since the Great Depression of the 1930s. Obama scored narrow wins in Ohio, Wisconsin, Iowa, Pennsylvania and New Hampshire - all states that Romney had contested - while the only swing state captured by Romney was North Carolina. Pollsters were expecting a tie after the Presidential debates and surveys, but in the ultimate analysis Obama got over 300 votes but not anywhere near his 2008 score of 349. Ranjit Sinha Ranjit Sinha, IPS officer of 1974-batch Bihar cadre on 3 December 2012 acquired the office as new CBI director. Ranjit Sinha, 59, who was holding the designation of director general Indo-Tibetan Border Police, succeeded A.P. Singh who retired from the CBI office on 30 November 2012. Sinha will have two-year duration as the CBI director. He had served in CBI agency initially as the DIG and joint director as well.

President Barack Obama won re-election on 6 November 2012 overthrowing a severe challenge from Republican Mitt Romney resisting concerns over his handling of economy and anxiety over the future. The President Barack Obama had secured over 270 votes in the Electoral College which was needed to win the race. He was re-elected for a second term in the White House securing another four years in which he will try to fulfil the promise that greeted his election in 2008. The victory of Barack Obama indicated the unchanging triumph of a new, 21st-century America: multiracial, multi-ethnic, global in outlook

Sinha accepted that there were challenges which the agency needed to face and these included lack of proper manpower, Letters Rogatory execution delays as well as delays in the forensic field. During his tenure, he would try solving 95

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and addressing these issues. Sinha accepted the prestigious designation with a greater sense of responsibility. He believed that the faith in CBI would be strengthened under his guidance and supervision. Alok Joshi & Asif Ibrahim Alok Joshi, senior IPS officer of 1976 batch from Haryana cadre is scheduled to be appointed as the new Research and Analysis Wing (RAW) chief and Syed Asif Ibrahim is cleared to be the next Intelligence Bureau director. Appointments Committee of the Cabinet (ACC) cleared Alok Joshis name as the RAW chief to succeed Sajeev Tripathi, the 1973-batch UP cadre IPS officer. Alok Joshi, apart from being the 1976 batch IPS officer has also served in IB as well as Haryana Police. His main operations were in Nepal and Pakistan. Apart from Alok Joshi, Amitabh Mathur, a 1977 batch IPS officer was also a strong contender for the post of RAW chief. He has now been shifted to Aviation Research Centre (ARC). Ibrahim, 59, is a 1977 batch IPS officer from Madhya Pradesh cadre. He will take over as the officer on special duty on 1 December 2012. This is the procedure that will help him in smoothly acquiring power from present director. He will be taking over from Nehchal Sandhu, who will retire on 31 December 2012. Ibrahim is veteran of IB operations directorate. Till 2011, he was IB station chief in London. Ibrahim was also the first person to have clear understanding about the Indian Mujahideen movement within organisation. He has also served IB in handling various operations, cyber security, Maoists as well as Kashmir. Ibrahim was also the Private Secretary to Madhavrao Scindia 96 and Mufti Mohammed Sayeed. Ibrahim will enjoy a two years fixed tenure starting from 1 January 2013. Significantly, appointment of Ibrahim as the new IB chief led to shifting of four senior officers. The present second-in-command R.N. Gupta has been shifted to the position of Cabinet Secretariat as OSD and V. Rajagopal has shifted to Joint Intelligence Committee. Ibrahim is first Muslim to rise to prestigious post of the IB after independence. Rafael Benitez Chelsea Football Club on 22 November 2012 officially announced the appointment of Rafael Benitez as their new interim manager. Rafael Benitez who is the former Liverpool manager is going to replace Roberto Di Matteo who was sacked on 21 November 2012. Rafael Benitez is 52 Years old and became Chelseas ninth manager since Roman Abramovich was the first owner in 2003. Rafael Benitez joined Liverpool from Valencia in 2004 and won the Champions League in 2005, as well as reaching the final in 2007, before leaving Anfield by mutual consent in 2010. He has been out of work since he was sacked by Inter Milan in December 2010. He spent just six months in charge of the Series A club despite winning two titles - the Club World Cup and Italian Super Cup. Tony Hall Royal Opera House chief executive Tony Hall on 22 November 2012 was appointed as director general of the BBC (British Broadcasting Corporation). Tony Hall is due to take up his post in early March 2013 when acting Director General Tim Davie steps down. Tony Hall is replacing George Entwistle, who resigned on 10 November 2012 over the corporations reporting of child sex abuse. Tony Hall who is 61 years old, was director of BBC news, and was a candidate for the top job in 1999 when Greg Dyke secured the position. Hall is a former BBC employee, having worked there for 28 years. He was head of BBC News and Current Affairs between 1996 and 2001. Tony Hall went off to run the Royal Opera House for 11 years, taking over an organisation that was itself in crisis. Under his tenure, the Opera House tried to shed off its elitist image, by hosting televised public performances outdoors in Trafalgar Square and elsewhere. Xi Jinping

The Communist Party of China (CPC) on 15 November 2012 declared Xi Jinping as the new General Secretary of the Partys sevenmember Politburo standing committee. The 59 years old, Xi Jinping is the son of the former politburo and vice premier. Xis selection as the new leader, the Communist Party of China has marked the end of Hu Jintaos ten year term as the General Secretary of the Party, but he will continue as the President till March 2013, the month when the Chinese Parliament would meet. Li Keqiang, the second-ranked member of the Politburo standing committee would take over as Premier in March 2013 after Wen Jiabao will step down from his position.

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Shanti Gandhi Shanti Gandhi, a great-grandson of Mahatma Gandhi was elected to a State Assembly in the United States during the general elections held on 6 November 2012. 72 Years old Shanti Gandhi contested as a Republican Party candidate and had defeated his Democratic rival Theodore Ted Ensley by nine percentage point for the Kansass 52nd Assembly District. Shanti Gandhi is son of late Saraswati Gandhi, wife of Mahatma Gandhis grandson - the late Kanti Lal. Shanti Gandhi, who was a cardiovascular and thoracic surgeon retired in 2010 from Stormont-Vail Hospital at Topeka City in the Kansas State. He had received 6413 votes as against Ensleys 5357 to win the elections which was held on 6 November 2012 for the States, as per the results declared by the Kansas Secretary of State. Shanti Gandhi went US in the year 1967 as a medical graduate from University of Bombay. Scott Flemming Scott Flemming was appointed as the head coach of the mens National Basketball Team in the third week of November 2012 by the Basketball Federation of India (BFI). Flemming has served as the assistant coach in NBA Development League of Texas Legends, often working as the head coach for present as well as future NBA players. He was also designated as coach and athletic director at Mount Vernon Nazarene University in Ohio. Flemming has a total record of 397"226 with the Cougars. Flemming is excited for the head coach position. The former India head coach of basketball teamKenny Natt will keep playing advisory role with BFI while keeping an eye on the mens as well as womens teams. He will now be the Director of Basketball at IMG Academy in Florida. Partners at the IMG Reliance played a crucial role in bringing Flemming to India. Chitra Ramkrishna Chitra Ramkrishna on 26 November 2012 was appointed as the Managing Director and CEO of the National Stock Exchange (NSE). Her appointment to the position would come to effect from 1 April 2013, for a period of five years from the date of joining. Chitra Ramkrishna would be replacing the Managing Director and CEO of NSE Ravi Narain. Chitra Ramakrishna at present serves NSE as its Joint Managing Director and has been associated with it since the time of its inception. The present MD and CEO of NSE Ravi Narain was appointed as the Vice-Chairman of NSE and he would be taking on the office from 1 April 2013. At present Ravi Narain is serving NSE as its Managing Director and CEO. Jeff Zucker The former NBC Universal chief Jeff Zucker has been named president of CNN Worldwide on 29 November 2012. Jeff Zucker is going to lead a large and profitable news organization with 23 separate businesses worldwide that has come to be defined by problems at the flagship U.S. network, particularly in prime time. He will succeed outgoing CNN chief Jim Walton starting in January 2013. Zucker started his 25-year career with NBC as a researcher for NBC Sports coverage of the 1988 Summer Olympic Games and rose to president and chief executive officer of NBC Universal. He was named executive producer of Today in January 1992; under his eight-year leadership, the program was the most-watched morning news show and the most profitable program on television.

Balasaheb Thackeray Balasaheb Keshav Thackeray died on 17 November 2012 at the age of 86. He died of the cardio-respiratory arrest after suffering a long illness at his residence Matoshree, in Mumbai. Balasaheb Keshav Thackeray was an Indian Politician, who founded Shiv Sena a Political Party based in Mumbai, Maharashtra in the year 19 June 1966. Before turning up to politics, he was a cartoonist by profession with an English daily newspaper in Mumbai, named the Free Press Journal. His cartoons were also published in the Times of India. He resigned from the Free Press Journal in 1960 and founded his own political weekly, named Marmik. He also founded Samana, the Marathi language newspaper and the Dophar ka Samna a Hindi newspaper. His house at 97

The Shiv Sena Supremo

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Bandra, Mumbai is famous with the name Matoshree. Balasaheb was a leading face in the fight named Samyukta Maharashtra movement (United Maharashtra movement); to make Mumbai a place for Maharastrians that was witnessing the influence of South Indians, Gujaratis and Marwaris. IK Gujral Punjab Province). He belonged to a family of freedom fighters. He began his political career with the Quit India movement in 1942. He became vice-president of the New Delhi Municipal Committee in 1958. He formally joined Congress(INC) party. He elected for Rajya Sabha in April 1964 on Congress ticket. He became external affairs minister when national front government came to power in 1989 with VP Singh as the Prime Minister. He retired from active politics in 1999. During his tenure as the Prime Minister, IK Gujral resisted signing CTBT(Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty) paving the way for next government conducting the Pokhran nuclear tests. He provided a five-point roadmap to build trust between India and its neighbouring countries known a s Gujral Doctrine . K.C. Pant K.C. Pant, the ex-Defence Minister of India and former Planning Commission Deputy Chairman died on 15 November 2012. Krishna Chandra Pant was the son of the Bharat Ratna and former Chief Minister of Uttar Pradesh, Govind Ballabh Pant. Being a Member of Parliament for about 26 years, K.C. Pant held different key positions of Government of India like Finance Ministry, Defence Ministry, Atomic Energy and Science and Technology, Steel Ministry, Home Ministry and many more. Pant served Indian National Congress till 1998 and after that joined Bhartiya Janta Party. K.C. Pant for the first time was elected to the Lok Sabha in 1962 and then he was elected in 1967, 1971, and 1989. In 1978 he was elected as a member of Rajya Sabha and served it as its leader from 1979 to 1980. Kailashpati Misra

Inder Kumar Gujral, who served as the Prime Minister in United Front government in 1990s, died at the age of 92 on 30 November 2012. Following the resignation of HD Deve Gowda, he became the 13th Prime Minister of India on 21 April 1997 and held that post till 19 March 1998 in United Front government .The political party which he belonged to was Janta Dal. Gujral was a Rajya Sabha Member twice from 1964 to 1976 and a member of the Lok Sabha from 1989 to 1991. He was re-elected to Rajya Sabha from Bihar in 1992. He was reelected to Lok Sabha from Jalandhar in Punjab as an independent with help from Akali Dal in 1998. It is important to note that he was the Rajya Sabha member during his tenure as the Indian Prime Minister. He had written Matters of Discretion: An Autobiography which was released in February 2011. The golden jublee (50 years) of Indian Independence was celebrated during IK Gujrals tenure as the Prime Minister. About IK Gujral He was born on 4 December1919 in Jhelum (Pakistans 98

Gujral Doctrine The five principles of Gujral doctrine are: 1. With neighbors like Bangladesh, Bhutan, Maldives, Nepal and Sri Lanka, India does not ask for reciprocity, but gives and accommodates what it can in good faith and trust. 2. No South Asian country should allow its territory to be used against the interest of another country of the region. 3. No country should interfere in the internal affairs of another. 4. All South Asian countries must respect each others territorial integrity and sovereignty. 5. They should settle all their disputes through peaceful bilateral negotiations.

Veteran BJP leader, former governor of Gujarat and Rajasthan and former finance minister of Bihar, Kailashpati Mishra, passed away in State of Bihar on 3 November 2012. Kailashpati Misra, was of 90 years of age and was suffering from prolonged illness. Kailashpati Misra who was born at Dudharchak village in Buxar district in 1923 served as governor of Gujarat from 7 May 2003 to 7 July 2004 and for a brief period of Rajasthan too during the same duration. He was a bachelor and

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popularly known as the Bhishmapitamah of State BJP. Kailashpati Misra had taken part in the Quit India Movement at very early age when he was in school only. Later in young age he joined RSS in 1945 and became state organisation secretary of Jan Sangh in 1959. Kailashpati Misra was the first state BJP president in 1980. He then went to become Rajya Sabha MP from 1984 to 1990 and was BJPs national vice-president from 1995 to 2004. Dr. Joseph Edward Murray ods by transplanting the kidneys in dogs. First kidney transplant was performed in December 1954 on 23year old Richard Herrick as well as his identical twin Ronald Herrick. After operation, Richard got the functioning kidney transplantation from Ronald. Kamala Sadagopan The eminent Tamil writer and novelist Kamala Sadagopan died on 14 November 2012. She is survived by her husband Sadagopan who is also a screenplay writer known by the name of Chitralaya Gopu and four sons. Kamala worked in a journal run by novelist Vai Mu Kothainayaki Ammal named Jaganmohini. As a delegate to All India Congress Committee she attended its Avadi Session In 1955. Kadhavu a novel written by her bought her fame and for it she won Narayanasamy Iyer Award from Kalaimagal magazine. Her novel Padigal won the State Governments Prize in the year 1981. She was a deputy editor in Mangayar Malar a womens magazine T. Samuel Died a son. Samuel started his journey as a professional cartoonist before Independence from Lahore with a Military Gazette. After partition he came to Delhi as a refugee and joined Shankars weekly, where he contributed the Kalu and Meena, the silent strip cartoon and some more related to social life. As a staff cartoonist, he served Delhi edition of Times of India, where he became famous as the creator of the pocket cartoon named Babuji. After serving Times of India for a certain period of time, he joined Indian Express as a cartoonist and carried on with his featured cartoon Babuji and Garib, the next strip cartoon series. He was back with Times of India and served it and its Hindi daily Nav Bharat Times till 1985, the year of his retirement. Indravadan Ambalal Modi

Dr. Joseph Edward Murray, the first doctor to perform kidney transplant successfully died on 26 November 2012. The 93 year old doctor had received a Nobel Prize for the work. Murray had stroke at the suburban home in Boston on 22 November 2012 and eventually he died at Brigham and Womens Hospital. After he performed the first kidney transplant on the identical twins, various other transplants on different organs of the body were performed. Murray also shared Nobel Prize in Physiology in 1990 along with Dr. E. Donnall Thomas, who performed various bone marrow transplants. Earlier in 1950s human organ transplants were never successful. But Murray along with the associates in Bostons Peter Bent Brigham Hospital which is now called Brigham and Womens Hospital developed the surgical meth-

Veteran Cartoonist and the pioneer of pocket cartoons in India, T Samuel died on 2 October 2012 at the age of 86. Samuel is now survived by his wife, two daughters and

Founder of Cadila Pharmaceuticals and industrialist, Indravadan Ambalal Modi died on 26 November 2012 after suffering from a brief illness and respiratory disorder. The 87 year old industrialist was the Chairman of Cadila Pharmaceuticals. He ventured himself into the Pharma industry in the year 1951 by setting Cadila Laboratories. Modi was the representative in the National Working Group on Patent Laws, India (NWGPL) and Indian Drug Manufacturers Association (IDMA) and remained an active member in shaping the 1986 Drug Policy of Govern99

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ment of India. He is also referred as a Champion of Indian Patents Act, 1970 in the Indian Pharmaceutical Industry. P K Venukuttan Nair P K Venukuttan Nair, 81, a well known theatre personality as well as the Malayalam film actor died on 26 November 2012 at Thiruvananthapuram because of brief illness. Nair was a respected personality in theatre circles in the state of Kerala. Nair had also received state government award for the best drama director four times. Nair is survived by his wife. P K Venukuttan Nair was honoured by the Kerala Sangeetha Nataka Academy for contribution to drama field. He was also the former Vice-President of the Kerala Sangeetha Nataka Academy. Apart from this, he was also Kendra Sangeetha Nataka Academy member. Some of the renowned works of the artist include Oru Cheru Punchiri, Swayamvaram, Swapnadanam and Ulkatal. He acted in over 90 plays and gave direction in 20 dramas as well. Savita Halappanavar Savita Halappanavar a woman of Indian Origin and dentist by profession died on 28 October 2012 in Ireland after doctors refused to perform an abortion. The doctors denied the abortion with a claim that Ireland was a Catholic Country. S.K. Khaitan Shree Krishna Khaitan, the chairman of Khaitan group of companies, passed away on 4 November 2012. He was a native of Jhunjhunu village in Rajasthan and was born on 15 December 1939. It was S.K. Khaitan who had incorporated the Khaitan group of companies in 1975. Khaitan Group is one of the leading fan manufacturers in the country with interests in home appliances and lightings business. S.K. Khaitan was also a philanthropist and was also involved in several philanthropic activities in the fields of education and healthcare. He was also the Founder Trustee of Seth Chiranjilal Khaitan Trust and Shree Krishna Foundation among others. S.K. Khaitan was a visionary man and was greatly inspired by the exploits of visionary giants like Henry Ford, Thomas Bata, Soichairo Honda and J. N Tata who built great brands around their own names. He had started entrepreneurship in very young age. During his lifetime, S K Khaitan was honoured by many industry associations, Central and State governmen

Savita the Indian dentist was suffering from miscarriage when she was 17 weeks pregnant and the Irish law at the University College Hospital Galway denied abortion to her. This led to septicemia (blood poisoning), multiple organ failure leading to her death. IRISH LAW According to the Person Act 1861 of Irish Law on abortion and offences, abortion has is considered illegal in the country. This denial on abortion that took life of Savita created a widespread outrage, to make the Irish Government take a clear stand on Irish Laws on Abortion.

BS Yeddyyurappa ter of Karnataka on 30 November 2012 announced his resignation from Legislative Assembly and from primary membership of BJP party. Yeddyurappa submitted his resignation to the Speaker of the Assembly, KG Bopaiah. Yeddyurappa represented Shikaripura in his home district Shimoga, which is about 280 km north of Bangalore. Yeddyurappa resigned from chief Ministership in 2011 in the wake of allegations of corruption. He started his political career when he was elected as President of the Shikaripura Taluk erstwhile Jana Sangha in 1972. He won his first Assembly election in 1983 as BJP candidate. He belongs to Lingayat community. He became the first BJP chief minister in South India. At present, Jagadish Shettar is the Chief Minister of Karnataka. George Entwistle BBC Director General George Entwistle on 10 November 2012 re-

B.S.Yeddyurappa( Bookanakere Siddalingappa Yeddyurappa), former Chief Minis100

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signed from the job after the broadcaster put out a program which was denounced by the corporations chairman as shoddy journalism as a British politician was depicted in child sex abuse. George Entwistle in a statement asserted that he had decided that the honourable thing to do is to step down as director general after just eight weeks in the job. the director-general is also the editor-in-chief and ultimately responsible for all content. George Entwistle was facing widespread criticism since a rival broadcaster carried charges in October 2012 that a former BBC star, the late Jimmy Savile, was one of Britains most prolific sex offenders and had sexually abused hundreds of children over four decades. Thereafter the BBCs flagship news program Newsnight aired a mistaken allegation that an ex-politician sexually abused children. The programme did not identify the politician in the report, but he was widely named on the Internet as former Tory party treasurer Alistair McAlpine. Tim Davie, who is currently the BBCs director of audio and music, is going to take over as acting director general. Marc Grossman The US special envoy to Af-Pak (Afghanistan-Pakistan), Marc Grossman on 27 November 2012 announced his resignation after being at the helm of diplomatic affairs in the volatile region for two years from 2010 to 2012. His resignation would come into effect from 14 December 2012. Grossman would be succeeded by his Deputy Special US Representative for Afghanistan and Pakistan, David D Pearce. Grossman, a former State Department diplomat, Grossman was roped in after the sudden death of Richard Holbrooke in 2010.

He also asserted the fact that

Brahma Chellaney October 2012 won the 2012 Asia Society Bernard Schwartz Book Award for his recently published book Water: Asias New Battleground. Brahma Chellaney is going to be honoured with $20,000 prize money at a special event to be held at Asia Societys headquarters in New York City on 23 January 2012. The book Water: Asias New Battleground by Brahma Chellaney was selected from nearly 90 nominations submitted by US and Asia-based publishers for books published in 2011. Asia Society Bernard Schwartz Book Award was established in 2009 and is the only award that recognizes non-fiction books for their outstanding contributions to the understanding of contemporary Asia or US-Asia relations.

Indias leading strategic thinker and analyst, Brahma Chellaney on 25

Victory India-A Key to Quality Military Leadership The Air Chief Marshal NAK Browne on 20 November 2012 released a book titled Victory India A Key to Quality Military Leadership authored by Colonel Vinay B Dalvi (Retd) at the Air Headquarters. The book has tried to present the process of identification, selection and training of the youths for moulding them into effective and inspiring military leaders of the nation. The book is a compilation of well written contributory articles by military experts that includes Admiral Arun Prakash, Lieutenant General Arun Chopra, Lieutenant General Gautam Banerjee, Air Marshal TS Randhawa and different technologists, professors, sports medicine specialists and psychologists. 101

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Colonel Vinay B Dalvi (Retd) In the 37 years of his distinguished service of the Indian Army, Colonel Vinay B Dalvi has served almost every sector and commands of the Indian Army which also includes National Defence Academy, Instructional Training at Indian Military Academy and Officers Training Academy. Yuvi The book on Indian Cricketer Yuvraj Singh named Yuvi was released in third week of November 2012. Kapil Dev and Dilip Vengsarkar, the former cricketing legends were invited at the launch ceremony to offer insight on the cricketing star. Yuvi, the book on Yuvraj Singh is published by Harper Sport and written by Makarand Waingankar. The book illustrates the brilliance of cricket shown by Yuvraj Singh in his career as a cricketer and the way he recovered from Cancer. Behind the Beautiful Forevers: Life, Death, and Hope in a Mumbai Undercity Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist and writer Katherine Boo on 14 November 2012won the national book award for nonfiction for Behind the Beautiful Forevers: Life, Death, and Hope in a Mumbai Undercity, which sheds light on the lives of Indias poor as well as government corruption. Behind the beautiful forever is a story of an ambitious woman who has set her sights on being slumlord in Annawadi, a large slum close to Sahar International Airport in Mumbai the story also revolves around a boy and the harsh and illuminating after effects of crime or perceived crime. More broadly, the book explores themes of inequality and the perseverance of families striving for something better. The National Book Foundation, which administers the awards, nominated five writers in each of four categories: fiction, nonfiction, poetry and young peoples literature.

Bangladesh The worst industrial fire accident took place on 24 November 2012 in Bangladesh at Ashulia at Savar which is approximately 30 km away from Dhaka. In the history of Bangladesh, this is the most devastating fire accident which claimed several lives. The fire which broke out due to unexplained reasons started at Tazreen Fashion near the Dhaka Export Processing Zone and soon engulfed the ground floor and first floor of the multi-storey building. The government of Bangladesh constituted inquiry committee in order to find out the cause of this worst-ever fire accident. Concerned authorities were directed for proper medical treatment to the injured. DRDO The Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO) conducted its eighth ballistic interceptor missile. Scientific Adviser to 102 the Defence Minister, K. Saraswat, had asserted that the attacker, a modified Prithvi missile, would take off from the Integrated Test Range at Chandipur district of Odisha, mimicking an enemy missile while the interceptor would blast off from the Wheeler Island and pounce on the attacker in endo-atmosphere at an altitude of 15 km to 16 km. The interceptor missile is called Advanced Air Defence (AAD) system and it race at a supersonic speed to intercept the attacker and destroy it. Out of the seven interceptor missiles tests conducted by the DRDO so far, six was successful. The first interceptor mission took place in November 2006 in exo-atmosphere at an altitude of 48 km and it was successful. The second test, which took place in December 2007, in endo-atmosphere at an altitude of 15 km was again successful. Out of the seven tests, five took place in endo-atmosphere at a height less than 20 km. The interceptor is around 7.5-meter long single stage solid rocket propelled guided missile which is equipped with a navigation system, a hi-tech computer and an electro-mechanical activator. The interceptor missile had its own mobile launcher, secure data link for interception, independent tracking and homing capabilities and sophisticated radars. Mohammed Ajmal Amir Kasab Mohammed Ajmal Amir Kasab, the Pakistani National and the lone surviving terrorist of 26/11 Mumbai Terror Attacks, was hanged on 21 November 2012 at Punes Yerwada Jail at 7:30 am. The Home Minister of Maharashtra R.R. Patil confirmed that Kasab was hanged. The President of India Pranab Mukherjee rejected the mercy plea of Kasab. He was hanged five days before the

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fourth anniversary of the brutal terror attack on Mumbai that claimed 166 lives and sieged Mumbai for continuous three days. In the topsecret operation, the sole surviving terrorist of 26/11 Mumbai terror attacks Mohammed Ajmal Amir Kasab was hanged till death in Yerwada jail, Pune, on 21 November 2012. Kasab had killed 166 people on 26 November 2008 along with 9 other terrorists from Pakistan. Ajmal Kasabs Execution Chronology 26 November 2008- Kasab as well as 9 terrorists launched a commando raid in Mumbai 27 November 2008- Kasab caught and arrested 30 November 2008- Kasab confessed before police 16 January 2009- Arthur Road Jail selected for trial of Kasab 20/21 February 2009- Kasab confessed before the magistrate 22 February 2009- Ujjwal Nikal appointed as the Special Public Prosecutor 20 April 2009- Prosecution charged Kasab on 312 counts 6 May 2009- Kasab was awarded death sentence by the trial court 21 February 2011- Bombay High Court upheld the decision of the trial court March 2011- Kasab wrote to Supreme Court challenging high courts decision 10 October 2011- Supreme Court stayed execution of the death sentence 25 April 2012- Supreme Court reserved its verdict after going through a lot of hearing over two and a half months 16 October 2012- Union Home Ministry recommended to president for rejecting mercy plea of Kasab 5 November 2012- President rejected mercy petition of Kasab 8 November 2012Maharashtra Government was informed about the decision of President 21 November 2012- Kasab was hanged at 7.30 A.M. in Yerwada Jail, Pune Background of Kasab Kasab was a Pakistani militant and belonged to Lashkar-e-Taiba terrorist group. He was born on 13 July 1987 at Faridkot, Pakistan and is 25 years old. Kasab was found guilty in 80 offences which included murder, possession of explosives, waging a war against India and many more. The Supreme Court of India upheld the death sentence of Kasab on 29 August 2012. The defense lawyers on Kasabs side are Defense lawyers Amin Solkar, Farhana Shah and Abbas Kazmi. Kasabs execution is second-fastest in the history Kasabs execution is said to be the second fastest in the history of India, only after Banswara-based Ramchandra a.k.a Raoji. Raoji was executed in just 3 years after murdering his family. Raoji was put to death on 4 May 1996. Comparing the two, Kasabs execution is the second-fastest as he was hanged 4 years after his heinous terror attack in Mumbai. It is quite significant to note that the President Pranab Mukherjee decided to reject Kasabs mercy plea while 14 other petitions till October 2012 were pending and this also included Parliament attack terrorist- Afzal Guru besides other important names. South Pacific Island Australian scientists from the University of Sydney discovered in the third week of November 2012 that the South Pacific Island which is located between Australia and New Caledonia in South Pacific is not in existence. The island is shown on the marine charts, world maps as well as Google Earth, but in reality it has no existence. Geologists from the University of Sydney became suspicious about its existence when navigation charts which are used by ships showed 1400 metres depth in the area while the scientific maps as well as Google Earth showed large island at that place. When the geologists sailed through the place, they found nothing except the blue ocean. The error had broadcasted through to world coastline database, which is responsible for making a lot of maps. It is notable that the island which does not exist at all has also appeared in the scientific publications since 2000. India International Trade Fair The 32nd season of Indian International Trade Fair started on 14 November 2012 at Pragati Maidan in New Delhi. The annual fair that would conclude after 14 days on 27 November 2012 was inaugurated by the President of India Pranab Mukherjee. Mikhail V Myasnikovich, the Prime Minister of Belarus was the Guest of Honour to the inauguration ceremony and he also inaugurated the Belarusian pavilion at the fair. Belarus has been selected as the partner country to the event, whereas South Africa is selected as the Focus Country for the 32nd edition of the International Trade Fair. In the state category, Uttarakhand 103

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has been opted as the Partner State and Andaman and Nicobar Islands was opted as the Focus State for the event. Theme The theme selected for the 32nd edition of the India International Trade Fair is Skilling India and the event would focus on the initiatives undertaken by different agencies, government departments and other private participants for development of skills among the youths. To make the event successful and pass on the idea behind the theme, several seminars and workshops were also organized. A total of 6000 participant exhibitors from across the world and the country have participated in the trade fair. The first five days of the trade fair would be open for business visitors only and from 19 November 2012 to 27 November 2012, the fair would be open for the general public from 9:30 am to 7:30 pm every day. For the senior citizens and the physically challenged people, there would be no fee. To make the event a ecofriendly one, the India Trade Promotion Organisation have made the complete venue a no smoking zone and have not allowed use of plastic bags at the organized venue, Pragati Maidan, New Delhi. Ami Bera Congressional election, making it House of t o US Representatives on 6 November, 2012 by defeating Republican Dan Lungren. On 6 November 2012, Bera had neck to neck competition with the opponent Lungren with just 184 votes lead. The lead increased to 3800 votes on 13 November 2012. Later, on 15 November 2012, it was announced by The Sacramento County Registrar of Voters that the lead of Bera had increased by 5696 votes or 2.2 percent. Gradually the lead widened and Bera won the seat to the House of Representatives. Bera at present is in Washington for the orientation course that is organized for the new lawmakers. This is incidentally led by the opponent Lungren. Previously, Dalip Singh Saund created history when he became the 1st Indian-American elected to the House in 1950s. Saund was the mathematician with interests in farming. The 2nd Indian-American to be elected was Bobby Jindal in 2005 and 2008, the health-policy expert. He is now the Governor of Louisiana. Democrat Bera now has become the third Indian-American to repeat the deed by defeating Republican Dan Lungren in the Seventh Congressional District of California. Ami Bera is a renowned physician. DSC South Asian Literature Prize 2013 Three Indian writers- Uday Prakash, Amitav Ghosh and Jeet Thayil were shortlisted for the US Dollar 50,000 DSC South Asian Literature Prize 2013. The names of shortlisted candidates were announced on 21 November 2012 in London. Others who were shortlisted for the prize include Pakistani novelists Jamil Ahmad and Mohammed Hanif as well as Tahmina Anam of Bangladesh. Only contender from beyond the boundaries of Indian Subcontinent is Jason Grunebaum who is the American Writer, academic and translator. Amitav Ghosh has been chosen for River of Smoke, Jeet Thayil for the debut novel Narcopolis and Uday Prakash for The Walls of Delhi. Well known litterateur K. Satchidanandan chairing the jury said that the list represented diversity of the South Asian fiction in terms of idiom and theme. These works, according to the jury member were stylistically innovative, thematically fresh and have a definitive contribution to the genre of novels. Another member of Prize Steering Committee, Manhad Narula, described these novels as well balanced and excellent which represent finest writing of South Asian region. The winner of the prize is scheduled to be announced on 25 January 2013 at DSC Jaipur Literature Festival. Daw Aung San Suu Kyi Daw Aung San Suu Kyi, Chairperson of the National League of Democracy of Myanmar visited India from 13 November 2012 to 18 November 2012. Daw Aung San Suu Kyi spent several years in India during her early days when her mother Daw Khin Yi was Ambassador to India. She also spent some time as a Fellow at the Institute of Advanced Study in Shimla in 1987. Besides her engagements in Delhi, travelled to Bangalore where she visited the Indian Institute of Science and the Infosys Campus. She also toured rural areas in Andhra Pradesh to gain a firsthand impression of the rural development and womens empow-

Ami Bera, 47, California-based, Indian-American has become the only 3rd of the community to win 104

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erment programmes being undertaken in India. Ram Jethmalani He had sworn in as the President of Sierra Leone on the same day, when the results were declared. He won the Presidential elections by securing 58.7 percent votes in his favour. Julius Maada Bio, the top rival of Koroma won 37.4 percent votes. The incumbent President managed to save himself from the second round of voting by securing more than 55 percent votes in his support. To support the growth of the country and make it one of the fastest growing economies of the world, the President of the warscarred nation asked all the opposition parties that included Sierra Leone Peoples Partys (SLPP) to unite with each other and work for the cause of overall development of the nation. Christiana Thorpe, the Chief of the National Elections Commission on 23 November 2012 declared that any citizen of the nation can challenge the validity of the Presidential Elections by filing a petition in the Supreme Court of Sierra Leone within seven days of result declaration. Joaquim Barbosa ernment. Barbosa is famous for his tough stand against political corruption. Brazil has the second largest non-White population in the world after Nigeria, but few of them achieve high office. Hamid Karzai

The BJP(Bhartiya Janta Party) on 25 November 2012 suspended senior leader and Rajya Sabha member Ram Jethmalani from the party for gross indiscipline. Ram Jethmalani recently, openly attacked the party for criticizing the appointment of the new CBI chief. He had also challenged the party to take action against him on the issue. The party had also taken strong exception Ram Jethmalanis public outburst against senior party leaders Sushma Swaraj and Arun Jaitley who had written to Prime Minister expressing their reservations over the appointment of Ranjit Sinha as the new Director of the CBI. Ernest Bai Koroma

Sierra Leone, the incumbent President Ernest Bai Koroma, leader of the All Peoples Congress was reelected as the President of the nation on 23 November 2012 after the electoral body declared results of the elections that took place in the country in third week of November.

Joaquim Barbosa was swornin as Brazils Supreme Courts first non-White President on 23 November 2012 at a packed ceremony in the capital Brazilia. Barbosa became famous in Brazil after overseeing one of the countrys biggest corruption trials involving key members of the former President Lula Da Silvas gov-

Hamid Karzai, the President of Afghanistan paid a state visit to India from 9 November to 13 November 2012 following the invitation of the President of the Republic of India Pranab Mukherjee. On his visit to India he was accompanied by a high-level delegation to India. The Afghani President held delegate level bilateral discussions on various regional and international issues that are relevant for both the nations with the Prime Minister of India. During his India Visit the Afghanistans President attended a business meet at Mumbai on 10 November 2012 participated by the business leaders of India. On 12 November 2012, he delivered a Maulana Abul Kalam Azad Memorial lecture that was organised by the Indian Council of Cultural Relations (ICCR) in New Delhi. The geographical conditions of both the countries make them natural strategic partners of each other to create a common platform for the virtue of peace and cooperation in all fields. The good relations started between the two nations after the two signed a Strategic Partnership Agreement in October 2011 for creation of strong ties between both the nations. 105

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Mount Tongariro Volcano The Mount Tongariro Volcano erupted on 21 November 2012 at Tongariro National Park, New Zealand. The volcano left behind the cloud of ashes that spread across three-kilometer in the Skies of the North Island. The eruption took place about 300 kilometers from Wellington and the reported time at which the volcano grumbled was recorded as 1:25 pm on 21 November 2012. The volcano was used as the backdrop of many scenes and sequences of the film Lord of the Rings.


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Taking a Hard look at Soft Power
The Copyright Act (Amendment) Bill, 2012 passed recently by Parliament, is a landmark beginning for the Indian creative sector. In an era that is overwhelmed by global commercial interests for short-term gains, the collective consciousness of a mighty heritage, perhaps involuntarily, heard the voice of the individual artist who has been central to the ethos of its civilization. The very fact that this Amendment got passed reflects a larger need to focus on the creative sector not merely as a tool for profitability but as an organic agency for human development and sustainability. The General Conference of the UNESCO, recognising the role of soft power in human development as early as its fourteenth session in 1966, proclaimed in Article I that: 1. Each culture has a dignity and value which must be respected and preserved; 2. Every people has the right and the duty to develop its culture; 3. In their rich variety and diversity, and in the reciprocal influences they exert on one another, all cultures form part of the common heritage belonging to all mankind. But Indias ambition to be a superpower by 2020 at the cost of her soft power heritage has run into tangible trouble: between 1997 and 2006, at least 1,66,304 farmers committed suicide in India, resulting in recent farmer uprisings against the usurping of land by corporates and the state. In Andhra Pradesh alone, at least 2,000 weavers committed suicide between 2006 and 2011. Kerala saw an uprising against a Coca-Cola factory on the grounds that it diverted groundwater from primary needs. And protests, ranging from Kudankulam to the Narmada valley, only reflect the widening conflict between the excluded majority and the benefitting minority in a skewed state developmental agenda. hilly state of Manipur is being industrialised at a heavy cost due to its topography. The crafts sector could be revitalised as a nerve centre of Manipurs development as its soil is congenial to growing bamboo, and since it has traditionally produced master craftsmen of bamboo products. While this rehabilitation is integral to peace and development in the State, it equally calls for radical transformation in governance.

As diplomatic bridge
Arts and culture build bridges like nothing else. Take Indias complex relations with her neighbours. She has a history of turbulent political relations with Pakistan; border issues with China; ethnic links to Sri Lankas political crisis; and issues of democracy with Nepal and Bhutan. One common theme that has enabled India to sustain Track 2 non-official dialogue with neighbours, through non-diplomatic channels, has been culture. Exchange programmes in art, music and dance, and bilateral film productions sustained the India-Pakistan dialogue even when the two countries were at war. The power of cultural and creative expressions has been skilfully hijacked and exploited by commercial superpowers to sell themselves successfully. As Simon Evans of Creative Clusters Ltd. says, Companies like Nike and CocaCola do not manage factories, they man-

Three characteristics
Is this superpower model going against the very fundamentals of Indias soft power? Three characteristics distinguish India: a 5,000-year-old extant, unbroken, well-documented, civilizational, cultural heritage; an overwhelming population of no less than 1.2 billion; and a living laboratory for pluralistic development without a common spoken language. While other countries may share some of these characteristics, India is unique in having to factor all of them into any developmental plan, thus necessitating an original blueprint. The Indian arts and cultural sector has the inherent capacity to create the desirable models of development. Indian crafts alone can potentially employ about 25 per cent of Indias population. For example, the north-eastern 107

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age narratives. And the language that they use is not analytic and impersonal, but intuitive and aesthetic. It is the language of the storyteller, the entertainer, the artist. Creativity is the birth of an idea or thought that architectures the cultural enterprise to be understood as a spiritual, emotional, experiential, even abstract experience. Within the globalisation agenda itself, the Creative Industries bring back to the table, the natural human urge to explore ones own creativity. This is perhaps becoming less possible in other sectors, which are far more institutionalised and corporatised than the creative industry sector. But this trend has also created a new hierarchy where the dominant commercial forces appropriate and exploit human creativity, exploit intellectual property of the less advantaged and generate a business sector that excludes the very sources of its business. Yoga, ayurveda and ancient philosophical, spiritual and knowledge traditions are some of the biggest commercial moneyspinners in the western world, which even claims patent rights over some of these traditions. At the other end of the spectrum, creative models have emerged in India, seeking to synergise lifestyle, the environment and the aesthetic. Islands of excellence, small-scale entrepreneurial enterprises, and performing arts movements, such as DakshinaChitra, Dastkar, the Self Employed Womens Association (SEWA), the Prakriti Foundation and Rupayan Sansthan have mushroomed around the country to nurture traditional arts and crafts while enabling their innovation, livelihoods, business and trade in these sectors. with the challenge of addressing a 5,000year-old continuous cultural heritage that is caught between the superpower and soft power paradigms. India is crying itself hoarse for the state to veer away from the ugliest twinmanifestations of its corporatisation agenda corruption and environmental destruction and to waste no time in engaging with the Indian creative industries sector, in a trailblazing longterm sustainable way. some stunning good news last week. Long condemned as a basket case, the State buried that image once and for all with a chartbuster GDP growth of 13 per cent. Remarkably, Chief Minister Kumar achieved this in just seven years, setting an example for other leaders struggling to lift their States out of crushing poverty and economic backwardness. Yet only days after scaling this wonderful statistical peak, Bihar would return with a vengeance to its badlands past, with mayhem and worse following the murder of Brahmeshwar Singh, the unofficial chief of the outlawed Ranvir Sena. The violence rekindled memories of an earlier Bihar, where lawlessness was a given, and the Sena, an upper caste Bhumihar-led private militia, plundered and killed as it pleased. Formed in the early 1990s, the Sena ruled unchecked for a decade, leaving its bloody imprints on large swathes of central and south Bihar, where its primary adversaries were the Naxals led by the Communist Party of India (Marxist Leninist-Liberation) and the Maoist Communist Centre. And yet, the victims of this class war were almost always the landless Dalits, newly awakening to Bihars gross caste inequalities but nonetheless rendered doubly vulnerable by their poverty and their social exclusion. The Senas signature was evident in over 40 massacres, with the landmark cases of Bathani Tola, Laxmanpur Bathe and Shankarbigha accounting for the murders of over 100 Dalits and Muslims. The Senas sadistic trait was revealed in the fact that it did not just kill randomly, it acted by design, picking women and children as its targets. Bitter memories of that period were stirred again when the Patna High Court in April this year acquitted all 23 men charged with the Bathani Tola carnage. The court cited lack of prosecutable evidence against the accused but for the families of the victims, this was no consolation. Indeed, the release of the men, among them Brahmeshwar Singh himself, was a warning that Bihar could yet relive the caste nightmare of the 1990s. Tragically, the Nitish Kumar government failed to anticipate the violence inherent in the situation. The regime ought to have exercised vigil, and all the more in view of the perception that the Janata Dal (United) is a patron of the Bhumihars. In his time, Lalu Prasad was wont to boast that he had given swar (voice) to

Short-term is negative
For example, although there are potentially 50 million people who are employable in the Indian crafts sector, a fast-diminishing number of less than 25 million people are sub-optimally employed, and Indian crafts constitute only two per cent of the world trade. This sector suffers from underemployment, a lack of organisation, and is preyed upon by a few big players with short-term market targets that eclipse long-term sustenance. Therefore, institutions like the Crafts Council of India and the Zonal Cultural Centres have their work cut out. The golden era of Indian cinema which was considered an extension of Indian art and culture in the international market was largely propelled by the National Film Development Corporation of India (NFDC) up to the early 1980s. Ironically, it was the Indian state that supported independent cinema! Today, commercial Bollywood is amusingly patronised, and Indian cinema is characterised more for its synthetic presence, mostly through shallow red carpet posturing than its core cinema. The NFDC-model of state support needs to be urgently reinvented to produce great cinema and build capacity to reach latent audiences. Recognition of the individual artist by these institutions churned out artistic excellence and set standards in Indias sustainable soft power sectors. India also needs to revisit its cultural history with renewed imagination to rediscover its reservoir of knowledge traditions. And the artist and artist-driven cultural movements must be central to chartering these new pathways not for tourists or for travellers but for seekers.

A culture policy
It has been argued that a culture policy is required to nurture Indias cultural sector. Independent India has been discussing a culture policy but found no feasible mechanism to implement it. This is perhaps because the states policy constructs are centralised and monolithic, but the cultural sector is inherently diverse and devolved to communities. However, in an act of coping with the global trend, the Planning Commission set up a national committee for creative industries in 2004. While the committee has produced a preliminary report that is in cold storage, it is faced

Courtesy-The Hindu

Bihars caste curse

Bihar under Nitish Kumar received


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the Dalits of Bihar and he would give them swarg (heaven) too. The caste massacres showed up the emptiness of his words. Under Mr. Kumar, Bihar has admittedly come a long way from the hopelessness of that period. It would be a pity if the feel-good vibes were to escape the Dalits and the landless who form the lowest rung of the social ladder. corrupt. Was it not George Orwell who had warned us against how political language was designed to make lies sound truthful and murder respectable? Old George would have admired Team Annas homicidal finesse. Manmohan Singh is not corrupt, but he is definitely guilty. He can be easily charged along with his political partner, Mrs. Sonia Gandhi of pursing a politics of decency and of elevating reconciliation to a matter of state policy. Anna, rather Mob Anna, has not dared to test the Gujarat waters. I remember another conversation with Manmohan Singh last year. Like every sensible student of statecraft, I too was baffled and dismayed that four senior ministers should have gone to the airport to receive and talk to Baba Ramdev. I was lectured on the virtue of reconciliation There is no dishonour in seeking reconciliation, remarked the Prime Minister. Manmohan Singh, and Mrs. Sonia Gandhi, are guilty of making a virtue of seeking reconciliation to the extent of avoiding confrontation; a luxury, statecraft does not permit a prime minister. Not being a politician or a lawyer or a policeman or a revenue officer or a businessman, Manmohan Singh happily assumes attributes of reasonableness, fair play and decency in everyone else. That is precisely his fault and his undoing. Historians will wonder how a man can be so unsparingly unsentimental and bloody-minded in pursuit of national interests vis--vis external interests; yet the same man allows his decent instincts to becloud his judgment about fellowcitizens. Manmohan Singh is guilty of making the grievously erroneous assessment that Mob Anna was just a bunch of wellmeaning civil society busybodies; he is guilty of not seeing through their incurable political agenda. And, he is definitely guilty of underestimating Mob Annas cunning ability to manipulate the medias penchant to promote and project anyone masquerading as a modern-day Savonarola.

Courtesy-The Hindu

Guilty on many counts, not corrupt

Last fortnight I had cloistered myself away in the hills for a spot of reflection and writing. I had chosen to deprive myself of blessings like newspapers, the television and internet; telephone connectivity was at best erratic and in any case it was turned off most of the time. During one occasional moment of connectedness I got a call from a television channel, seeking my comments on the Prime Ministers response to Team Annas charge. I politely excused myself but I was indeed shaken up by the sheer audacity of the charge. What kind of cultivated viciousness have we injected in our polity that a man like Dr. Manmohan Singh is to be labelled Corrupt?

Significance of 2004
Historically, this was the only wise course open to the United Progressive Alliance (UPA) leadership when in 2004 it found itself saddled with the responsibility of governing a country that had been kept on the edge of fear and insecurities during the National Democratic Alliance (NDA) regime. The country including both the (Hindu) majority and the minorities had been jolted out of its civilizational equanimity over what happened rather what was allowed to happen in Gujarat in 2002; and, that too despite Atal Bihari Vajpayees moderating presence. So shaken up was shining India that it decided the only way to restore national sanity was to show the NDA the door. Not since 1977 had any incumbent government been as decisively spurned as the BJP-led regime. Never before did a new government have its mandate so unambiguously spelt out: restore sobriety, sanity and decency in public life and among its political leaders. India needed a healing touch and Manmohan Singh the decent, non-politician was the man to provide it. In partnership with Sonia Gandhi, Manmohan Singh calmed the nations frayed nerves. We all basked in the sunshine of Manmohan Singhs decent impulses and inclinations. Decency is an ephemeral virtue; it is neither easily identifiable nor quantifiable; but, its absence can be felt acutely. Just look at Gujarat; or, ask Medha Patkar, perhaps the only one in Team Anna with a threedecade record of pro-poor struggle. An activist who cut her teeth on the struggle for Narmada rehabilitation, Medha ben cannot today pitch her tent in Gujarat. The absence of decency at the top has converted Gujarat into a part of India totally inhospitable to any kind of democratic dissent, leave alone protest. It is no coincidence that Team

Demonisation game
My mind instantly recalled a conversation I had had with Prime Minister Manmohan Singh the day I joined him as Media Adviser in June 2009. That afternoon he spent an hour with me, sharing his views and thought-processes. At the end of the conversation, just as I was leaving, he beckoned me to sit down again and said: One more thing, Harish. If you ever hear anything about any member of my family engaging in any kind of hanky-panky, please come and tell it straight to me, however unpleasant or painful it may be. Now this man is being called corrupt by a bunch of self-appointed Shankaracharyas who have arrogated to themselves the licence to declare someone clean and someone else corrupt. The charge of corrupt carries with it a suggestion of active collusion in abuse of governmental discretion in exchange for a monetary consideration. Last year the argument was: So what, if you are honest? This season the demonisation game has been ratcheted up to declare Manmohan Singh to be

Second innings
Manmohan Singh began his second innings on a wrong note. He is guilty of not being ruthless enough to crack open the Nira Radia tape case, a rogue operation carried by unscrupulous corporate elements. Different segments of corporate Indian drew different inferences. This can of worms was the logical culmination of the corporate war that has now come to be known in popular folklore as the 2Gscam; in fact, it was the falling out among elegant thieves, who were (and are) resourceful enough to enlist the media and the ambitious eager-weaver among civil society activists, to convert their internecine corporate quarrels into a morality play. In the best traditions of Joseph Goebbels, 109

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the civil society crusaders have neatly diverted attention away from the corporate sharks to corrupt politicians. Manmohan Singh may be charged with having led the country on a path of development which could only produce a greedy and rapacious capitalism with all its attendant aberrations of inequity and injustices. He is certainly guilty of not going after the corporate charlatans who have used and exploited the very openness of the democratic system to weaken the legitimate state so that their thuggery goes undetected and unpunished. It is indeed how Mob Anna and other pretenders reserve their moral indignation only for the political class and never for the beneficiaries of the political class corruption. Manmohan Singh is guilty of not marshalling the intellectual and policy arguments to tell the nation that Vinod Rais maximalist interpretation of the Comptroller and Auditor General of India (CAG)s mandate has dangerously undermined the constitutional structure of equilibrium. A myopic political class has allowed a wayward CAG to take advantage of its divisions. Above all, Manmohan Singh is guilty of pursuing the noble quest for reconciliation at the expense of another maxim of statecraft: those who spurn the public authoritys hand of reconciliation must be made to learn the cost of confrontation. He is guilty of not learning the lesson from the mid-1970s and early 1990s when mobs were allowed to overwhelm the democratic institutions and their liberal ethos. A king who chooses to ignore the first principle of statecraft that the royal staff must be tapped and, tapped hard once in a while should be prepared to be called corrupt. Courtesy-The Hindu State police jointly liberated this area of West Singbhum district of Jharkhand from 11 years of Maoist control and domination. One of the very first things I did after becoming Union Rural Development Minister in July 2012 was to initiate discussions with the State government on how best to consolidate on the success achieved by the CPRF and launch development activities in this most backward area. In October 2011, the SDP was prepared by the district administration covering 56 villages in six gram panchayats of Manoharpur block. The population covered is around 36,000 (7,000 households). The main elements of the SDP are as follows: Building houses for 6,000 households under the Indira Awaas Yojana which have already been sanctioned in December 2011. Appointment of 56 Rozgar Mitras from local tribal youth for MGNREGA works for which over 6,000 job cards have already been issued and something like Rs.60 lakh in wages have been disbursed. 11 roads and one bridge to be constructed under the PMGSY for improving connectivity to all habitations, of which two roads are nearing completion. Implementation of the Forest Rights Act, 2006 under which 2,122 claims have been received and 176 titles have already been distributed. Distribution of 7,000 solar lanterns, 7,000 transistors and 7,000 bicycles paid for by SAIL which is to be completed by end-July 2012. Launch of five mobile health units, again as part of SAILs corporate social responsibility programme, of which three are in operation and two more will start by endJuly 2012. Start of six watershed development projects covering an area of around 36,000 hectares, which were sanctioned in February 2012. Improving access to drinking water supply for which 128 hand pumps have already been installed. I have personally visited Saranda twice in the last few months and in response to a suggestion made by a local human rights activist have set up a broad-based monitoring group to see how the SDP is being implemented. I have been receiving mixed feedback some local reports are positive but some others have raised questions. Now, to Mr. Sethis main charge that the main purpose of the SDP is to protect and enhance the interests of private mining companies. As the full picture of the SDP highlighted above will reveal, the daily concerns of deprived tribal communities are the very core of the SDP. It is true that a number of private mining companies have their eyes on the mineral wealth of Saranda. But I can categorically assert that there was never any thought given to private mining when the SDP was conceived. Indeed, I distinctly recall that when I was Environment and Forests Minister, the issue of mining in the Saranda area had come up repeatedly and I had taken the position that only SAIL should be allowed to mine. On February 9, 2011 I had, in a publicly available speaking order (as indeed were all such decisions of mine in that tenure), clearly laid out the reasons for this special treatment for SAIL and the conditions associated with the forest clearance. Subsequently I am on record as having opposed opening up Saranda to private mining. In Paderu in Andhra Pradesh, I have consistently taken the view that bauxite mining private and public should be banned. Regarding the expanded presence of the security camps in Saranda, I have been guided by the views of the district and State administrations who feel that it is premature to withdraw police personnel completely at this stage. It is true that I have facilitated with my erstwhile ministry clearances for setting up such camps. I make no apologies for it. The presence of the police is essential for enhancing public confidence. One Rozgar Mitra Srikrishna Mahato was killed by the Maoists on March 2, 2012. The Maoists and their many front organisations obviously do not want the atmosphere of fear and intimidation to be dispelled so that people can lead normal lives. The security camps are necessary so that rural roads that tribal people not private mining companies

Give the Saranda Development Plan a chance

I read Aman Sethis piece on the Saranda Development Plan (Nine months on, police camps sole development in Saranda plan, June 4) with great interest but with greater anguish.Before I deal with his main charge that private mining interests are behind the SDP I want to lay out what the SDP is all about. It is the first systematic experiment in combining a security-oriented and development-focussed approach in Maoist-affected areas on a large-scale. In July-August 2011, the CRPF and the


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want get constructed and MGNREGA works proceed unimpeded. ests. As the feminist movement has so clearly shown, humour is by no means exempt from prejudice. Cartoons and jokes can be vicious about minorities. Hate speech often masquerades as humour. Jokes and cartoons need to be subjected to critical scrutiny. Secondly, we do share the fear that in the name of handling the contentious cartoon on Dr. Ambedkar, the UPA government might attempt to remove many cartoons and other visual/ textual material from the textbooks. Crucially, these textbooks feature several posters from the womens movement, the Dalit movement and the environmental movement. Also to be commended is the inclusion of a wide range of literary texts by Dalit writers. However, the textbook writers must realise that they have not done a favour to Dalits by such inclusion, which was long overdue. Theres a lot that is good about these textbooks a result of the pressures that the womens movement, the Dalit movement, environmental and farmers movements, anti-SEZ mobilisations exerted that may be lost if the final say about what may or may not appear in a textbook is to be with the state. These textbooks have been drafted collectively by a wide range of social scientists, including some academicians who happen to be Dalit, and in consultation with activists, NGO representatives and educationists working at the field level. However, it is not as if these textbooks are completely errorproof. Besides the offensive cartoon, the text in the Class XI textbook does not ever properly introduce Dr. Ambedkar. The text does not inform the students that a Drafting Committee chaired by Dr. Ambedkar drafted the Constitution. In the absence of a proper discussion of Dr. Ambedkars role in the Constituent Assembly, the violence of the cartoon is all the more palpable. We urge the Thorat Committee to make the necessary changes in the text as well. We wish to express dismay over the adamantine attitude of some of our academic friends who seem to treat the cartoon as sacrosanct. The implication that dalit intellectuals have unwittingly played into the strategies of politicians is indefensible to say the least. The lack of understanding expressed by the intellectual classes towards the Dalit viewpoint has been saddening. The Dalit question has always been historically deflected and postponed in this manner. When Dr. Ambedkar and the early Dalit movements raised the question of caste, the nationalist movement said the anti-colonial struggle was more important; when the issue of caste was raised in the feminist or Left movements, it was considered divisive; when Adivasis raised the question of representation in the leadership of dam evictees movements, the stopping of the dam was made paramount. We wish to bring to your attention that many Dalit activists and scholars, including some young Dalit students in the University of Pune, not only condemned the act of vandalism at the office of Prof. Palshikar, but even guarded his office from further attacks. This went unreported in the media. We are also deeply saddened that because of this one aberrant act, the otherwise democratic and rational engagement with this issue that Dalits and some non-Dalit intellectuals opposed to the cartoon have engaged in through news media, blogs, Facebook, and the Internet has been portrayed as emotional and infantile. The Dalit movement has been one of the most democratic movements in this country. And for Dalits a whip is a vulgar reminder of everything feudal and casteist about this society. As the dalitbahujan feminist blog Savari says: The whip is inseparable from violence against slaves, dalits, women, animals and children. Almost all histories of protest against injustice, be it feminism, anti-slavery, anti-caste or anti-apartheid movements have protested and continue to protest the symbolic violence in imagery that uses instruments of violence such as the whip, noose or chains. That the advocates of critical pedagogy do not see this as such is regrettable. It is time we realised that there is a permeable boundary between the symbolic violence of such a cartoon and the tolerance of such cartoons by academics on the one hand, and atrocities like Bathani Tola, Melavalavu, Chunduru or Khairlanji on the other. Quite often the iconicity of Dr. Ambedkar has been used by Dalits to assert their democratic rights. And the struggle against the cartoon is indeed a democratic struggle even if the mainstream and alternative media have portrayed it as otherwise. At this stage, we petition the

Courtesy-The Hindu

Humour is by no means exempt from prejudice

When NCERTs Class XI Political Science textbook, Indian Constitution at Work , came to the attention of some Dalit activists, they objected to the manner in which the Chairman of the Drafting Committee of the Constitution, Dr. B.R. Ambedkar, had been depicted riding a snail representing the Constitution, with Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru wielding a whip behind him and an entire crowd smiling and watching the spectacle. Six weeks later, the issue was raised in Parliament and a chorus of MPs cutting across party lines sought the withdrawal of the cartoon, and some even of the NCERT textbooks. Many sections of the public had not been privy to the contents of the textbooks in the past six years. It is only now that these textbooks are being debated. We, the undersigned, are dismayed by the two polarised sets of reactions that have emerged. Firstly, many members who were part of the textbook advisory committee for the senior secondary level, including Chairman of the committee Prof. Hari Vasudevan, and Chief Advisors Suhas Palshikar and Yogendra Yadav, have since protested against the demand for reconsidering the use of this insensitive cartoon. Subsequently, many members who have been part of various textbook development committees have argued that the textbooks should remain unchanged; and have been silent about the violence of the cartoons. This is a rather untenable position. We find it insulting when some intellectuals suggest that people protesting the cartoon fail to understand the productive power of laughter or that theres a fear of cartoons. The textbooks, however good they are and even if they mark a radical departure from past efforts, cannot be above criticism, discussion and improvement. This logic, in fact, goes against the stated aim of these textbooks: to engage sceptically and critically with what one reads. Indeed, each of the new NCERT textbooks solicits feedback, criticism and suggestions. The textbook writers may have tried their best to overcome their caste bias, but none of us is exempt from the baggage of caste, gender or other inter- 111

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Thorat Committee set up to examine the textbooks to reconsider the Ambedkar cartoon (and possibly other such insensitive material). While we demand that the NCERT take into account the wide range of criticisms and feedback the textbooks have elicited, we also urge Kapil Sibal, the Union HRD Minister, to desist from seeking any major overhaul of the basic NCF framework of the textbooks. We also think this is the occasion to seek fair representation of Dalits and other social minorities in NCERTs various committees, as well as in the Senates and Syndicates of Central and State Universities; and to introspect on why Dalits and Adivasis, despite constitutional provisions for 22.5 per cent reservation, occupy less than three per cent of faculty positions . Courtesy-The Hindu

WGEEP mandate
The MoEF constituted WGEEP in March 2010 with a mandate to demarcate areas within the Western Ghats Region which need to be notified as ecologically sensitive, and make recommendations for conservation, protection and rejuvenation of the Western Ghats following consultations involving people and State governments. It was also required to recommend the modalities for the establishment of the Western Ghats Ecology Authority (WGEA) under the Environment (Protection) Act, 1986 (EPA).

Ecologically sensitive areas

The concept of ecologically sensitive areas is very much an Indian invention, rooted in attempts by civil society to use the EPA to promote sustainable development alongside protection of the natural heritage. The term Ecologically Fragile Area was first used in 1991 for Dahanu Taluka in Maharashtra, followed by the declaration of other ESAs like Mahabaleshwar-Panchgani and Matheran. These are all initiatives of civil society organisations or are a consequence of a resolution of the Indian Board for Wildlife in 2002 to protect areas up to 10 kilometres from the boundaries of wildlife sanctuaries and national parks. Initially, there were no guidelines available on what areas may be considered ecologically sensitive, nor on working out an appropriate management regime. These issues were addressed in 2000 by the Pronab Sen Committee. The Sen Committees foremost criterion for identification of ESA is endemism. Western Ghats harbours well over two thousand endemic species of flowering plants, fish, frogs, birds and mammals amongst the better known groups of organisms, and thousands more amongst less studied groups. Amongst themselves these span the entire Western Ghats and all conceivable habitats, including highly disturbed ones. The Western Ghats region also qualifies as an ESA under several other Sen Committee criteria.

To know is to protect
On May 23, the Ministry of Environment and Forests (MoEF) posted the report of the Western Ghats Ecology Expert Panel (WGEEP) on its website honouring a landmark judgment of the Central Information Commission triggered by an activist seeking access to the material. In this judgment, the CIC noted that the Ministry argues that the release of the report, containing the methodology for demarcation of ecologically sensitive areas (ESA), to the public without adequate consultations at governmental level to refine the boundaries may lead to an influx of public proposals for declaration of eco-sensitive zones. The Ministry contended that this would impact economic progress and interests. The CIC noted that implementation of ESA proposals, before or after the finalisation of the WGEEP report, is an executive decision. Mere apprehension of proposals being put forth by citizens committed to environmental protection cannot be said to prejudicially affect the scientific and economic interests of the country. Given this background, we are being naturally asked to explain the whole issue of ESAs. While the Report discusses this in detail, we attempt to provide here a brief explanation. While doing so, we wish to emphasise that WGEEP has not come up with a set of rigid prescriptions, but seeks to provide a basis for informed discussion involving the various levels of governance including the gram sabhas/ward sabhas.

economic conditions in the region led WGEEP to follow a layered approach: firstly, to recognise three levels of ecological sensitivity over the region, designated as ESZ1, ESZ2 and ESZ3; secondly, to suggest that the final delimitation of the zones as well as formulation of locality specific management regimes be undertaken by involving local bodies. This requires going beyond the Sen Committees qualitative criteria and assigning quantitative sensitivity scores to specific localities. In its 2000 report, the Sen Committee had called for systematically mapping and recording baseline ecological data for the country, as also to design and operationalise a comprehensive ecological monitoring programme and network through a participative approach. Unfortunately, neither had happened. There had, however, been one development of significance, that of district-wise Zoning Atlases for Siting of Industries (ZASI) by Central and State Pollution Control Boards. However, MoEF has not released this exercise; as a result, WGEEP had to start from scratch.

Manifold challenges
WGEEP thus needed to address manifold challenges; formulate the nonstandard concept of ESAs, solicit suggestions from civil society and gram sabhas on constituting ESAs, develop a database on ecological parameters for the Western Ghats region, assign Ecological Sensitivity scores and delineate zones of different levels of Ecological Sensitivity over the region, suggest management strategies and, finally, suggest mechanisms for building upon what was necessarily a preliminary exercise. WGEEP attempted this in a fully transparent, participatory mode, at the same time observing due scientific discipline. Ecological Sensitivity being a nonstandard concept, WGEEP began by organising a web-based discussion, and publishing a paper in Current Science . The following working definition was arrived at: ESAs as those areas that are ecologically and economically important, but vulnerable even to mild disturbances and hence demand careful management. Since sensitivity scores had to be arrived at within a year over this extensive tract, our focus was on accessing pertinent computerised databases. Fortunately, several were available: the Western Ghats boundary, boundaries of

A layered approach
WGEEP fully endorsed the conclusion that the entire Western Ghats tract should be considered ecologically sensitive. However, the tremendous heterogeneity of environmental, social and


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States, districts, talukas, Shuttle Radar Topographic Mission (SRTM) 90 m resolution data, Protected Areas, forest types of India, percent forest, unique evergreen elements, forest with low edge, Enhanced Vegetation Index of MODIS, riverine forests derived through drainage and forest cover, data on endemic plants, vertebrates, and dragonfliesdamselflies, Red list Mammals, Important Bird Areas, and Elephant Corridors. Such exercises, like the globally accepted Important Bird Areas, naturally involve subjective elements, but we sought to put it on an objective scientific basis by explicitly stating the methodology and making public the nature and quality of the information used, along with its limitations. Amongst the major lacunae in our information base was of habitat continuity, and weakness of information on streams, rivers, wetlands, and ground water and leaving out issues of significance for the coast and coastal plains, such as mangrove forests and khajan lands. Using the most readily quantifiable of the data, we have assigned gridwise scores. Thus, the highest maximum altitude within any grid for a State is assigned the maximal score, and all other grids are ranked relative to this score. An average of scores for all other quantifiable parameters is then calculated to assign a sensitivity score to each grid. The scores are calculated separately for each state since there is a marked northsouth gradient in terms of ecological variables from river Tapi to Kanyakumari. Grids with scores at the level of Protected Areas and above within the same State were assigned to ESZ1 category. This threshold is appropriate since the government has accepted since 2002 that areas adjoining Protected Areas need to be constituted as ESZs. About 25 per cent of grids with scores at the lower end were assigned to ESZ3 category to cater to development needs, and the balance to ESZ2. This implied a decision to treat up to 60 per cent of grids as belonging to PAs and ESZ1, and about 75 per cent of the grids as belonging to PAs, ESZ1 or ESZ2. Given that the national goal is to maintain 66 per cent of area under forest cover in all hill tracts and that the Western Ghats is a region of special significance, we considered it appropriate to aim at 75 per cent being treated as areas of high or highest significance.

Next steps
The data base, methodology and conclusions of WGEEP relating to ESZs need to be widely exposed to scientific, as well as public scrutiny. All this material should be made available in all regional languages as well, communicated to every local body and feedback obtained from people at grass roots. Such an exercise is not a pipe-dream; it was successfully accomplished for Goa Regional Plan 2021. The feedback should then be compiled, assimilated and appropriate decisions arrived at to ensure that the rich natural heritage of the Western Ghats is protected and utilised in a sustainable fashion, while equitably sharing in the benefits that flow.

Courtesy-The Hindu

Ability more than a sevenletter word

A loud round of applause for Aamir Khan for bringing together diverse views on disability in his Satyamev Jayate programme. Sprinkled with satire and humour, the TV show was a comment about the wider world from the viewpoint of disabled individuals with exceptional achievements. That said, it is important to evaluate what was, and more importantly, what was not articulated in the programme about disability in the Indian context. Let us begin with the term differently-abled. Differently-abled is increasingly being accepted as an umbrella-term to denote a disabled population whose bodily capacities are said to differ from an average norm. The disabled themselves embrace such a label because it caters to a view that they possess abilities which are not quite the same as the rest, but nonetheless similar in potential and scope. It is claimed that the differently-abled deploy different abilities to muster their sensory and cognitive faculties to achieve things which others appear to do with ease. In this connection, there is also an unstated view that the label differently-abled does not suit people with intellectual disabilities because they lack the cognitive capacity to muster inner abilities. Given such a bias, the electronic media finds it hard to offer them equal space on the stage. I certainly do not mean to take a dig at those role models who did appear on the stage. In fact, their contri-

butions are significant. In so many ways, they convey the reality that disability activism relies on humour to capture nuances of social discrimination. The visually impaired interviewees for example, rightly criticised the popular view that blindness is intrinsically linked to karma and sin; asexuality; isolation; mendicancy; and for that matter, a talent for music. Where they, and others too falter is in thinking that they can demolish such a linkage by a mere labelling tactic. I may be flattered by the remark that inspite of your you are able to achieve so much. For a moment, I may feel tempted to give myself a pat on the back for being a differentlyabled achiever. This is so self-defeating because many a million so-called differently-abled citizens do badly because a certain kind of ability-enhancing training is unavailable to them. Clearly, we need a terminology that does not bank on the idea that the disabled are those who possess a set of abilities that are uniquely available to them, and nobody else. One of the participants, much to the amusement of the host, said it all when he said: Tendulkar is differently-abled than Dravid, and Manmohan Singh is differently-abled than the other two!

Body and disability

It also appears to me that our idea of bodily defect is not merely derived from experiences of disability. The notion is very much attached to the idea of appearance. How do I know this? I know this because I had the luxury to learn from little Nisha, who has a rare skin-thickening condition. On Satyamev Jayate, her parents narrated an interesting anecdote. Once Nisha and her mother were in a shop. The mother gets the shock of her life when a woman suddenly spits on Nishas face, calling her an ugly creature. What Nisha said to her mom to console her is telling. She explained that the problem of ugliness was not with her, but with the woman who committed the assault. Yes, I agree wholeheartedly. In fact, the woman, and those who are in her position, inherit ideas of ugliness, bodily defect, and the like from a consumer culture like ours which promotes beautification as a primary occupation. Shameless though it may sound, there are a wealth of cosmetic industries that spread the idea that a fair com- 113

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plexion is an absolute requirement. Even worse, they spread such an ideal through a host of symbolic narratives that trap everybody into believing that they need an appearance-lift after all. The phrase black heart and white skin for example, does not do the rounds as an innocent kolaveri idiom which one can use and discard by will. Instead, such symbolic idioms shape our internal images, the very impressions of our fellow beings that we carry on in our heads. When confronted by someone who seemingly appears different, such dormant symbols launch themselves readily into a viral action. For example, the internal image of an ugly creature may provoke someone to spit on, verbally abuse, and even annihilate those who look different from a standard norm. I am afraid this is bound to increase since men, women, and those with all kind of orientations and abilities, are increasingly lining themselves up at the devils anvil, where an absolute appearance ideal is manufactured. appreciating a disabled sky-diver as we did during the programme, we can identify deficits in cultural and institutional infrastructures of the sport. They may actually deter many other disabled people from pursuing sky-diving. To look for only role models such as a disabled sky-diver is tantamount to celebrity culture, and not disability activism. In fighting a market-oriented individual lifestyle, disability activism may promote a society that deems mutual care as a valued good. Third, a disability rights movement should remain critical of the medical establishment. It should also endeavour to reform medical education. A socially responsible medical education can in fact complement disability activism. And fourth, disability activism should be a socially transformative enterprise. The attitudes that undermine people with disability are also the same as those that contribute to gender stereotypes. People who fight for gender justice for example, vouch for the fact that structural alterations do not transpire in isolation. When it comes to structural transformation, disability is particularly in an advantageous position since it is not tied to a specific identity such as a race or a caste. After all, only three per cent are born with a disability, the rest drift into it during the course of their lives. was getting it all wrong in its approach to solving the crisis. He also left the gathering in no doubt about his displeasure on the impact of the crisis on the developing countries due to disruption in capital flows. The Prime Minister was probably reflecting the collective views of the developing countries in general and the BRICS grouping in particular when he said: An expansion of investment in infrastructure in developing countries is only possible if they can get access to long-term capital to finance such investment. This is difficult at a time when capital flows are disrupted. His comment that liquidity must be provided along with an effective adjustment programme is also a reflection of the general discontent in the rest of the world with the way eurozone leaders are attacking the sovereign debt crisis. Promising and providing massive funds without a structural adjustment of the economies in the crisis-afflicted countries is not going to solve the problem. Most if not all of the bailout money has been used to rescue banks in the troubled countries. Dr. Singh also dived into the debate over austerity in the eurozone and the impact that it was having on recovery. Germany has held out strongly in favour of stringent austerity measures in the bailed out countries and those measures are now actually hindering the recovery process. Calling the relationship between austerity and growth contentious, Dr. Singh pointed out that synchronised austerity across many countries is not the right medicine when the growth impulse is weak.

Four points
So what do we do now? More precisely, what kind of disability politics do we need? First, we need a nuanced understanding of the idea of ability. Rather than treat it as an innate faculty, ability (differently or otherwise), should be seen as a sort of a cultural investment. Reading Braille, Assistive Technology usage, musical appreciation, orientation and mobility, and others, which disabled people appear to do with the aid of a mysterious inner ability, are in fact learnt over a period of time. These skill sets appear natural and not cultivated as such since they are acquired from institutions that are tucked away from public view. All the same, the disabled may display a certain clumsiness in the performance of abilities of every day life such as eating, speaking, body language modulation, sporting, making love, and caring. Such clumsiness is symptom of a long-term institutional isolation, and not ability difference. Insights like these may lead us to a policy thinking that one needs to invest a certain amount, culturally and financially, to cultivate abilities that are amenable to all. Second, disability activism should work against aggressive individualism. Such an ideal treats disability only as a market category. For example, while

Courtesy-The Hindu

Manmohans sermon at Los Cabos

Indian Prime Ministers are probably more used to being lectured to on economic policy than sermonising themselves. It was therefore a surprise to see Dr. Manmohan Singh deliver some home truths to a gathering of Heads of State representing 80 per cent of global GDP at the G-20 summit in Los Cabos on Monday. To boot, he donned the role of a global philanthropist, pledging $10 billion to the International Monetary Fund (IMF) firewall for the eurozone. The wheel has indeed turned full circle for a nation that merrily sought assistance from the Bretton Woods twins till as recently as the 1990s. But more on that later. The speech delivered by Dr Singh must have stunned the audience, especially leaders from the eurozone, as he bluntly told the gathering that Europe

$10 billion contribution

Germany and its stubborn Chancellor Angela Merkel, therefore, got a piece of sane economic advice from the economist Prime Minister: Austerity in the debt-ridden members of the eurozone can work only if surplus members are willing to expand to offset contraction elsewhere in the currency area. Germany, the strongest economy in the eurozone, has to loosen up and even be prepared to face an elevated level of inflation if the crisis-ridden countries are to turnaround. That seems to have been Dr. Singhs thrust. Lest his advice be seen as gratuitous, the Prime Minister backed it up with a hefty $10 billion commitment to


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the $430 billion IMF eurozone fund. This is part of the overall $75 billion including $43 billion from China that the BRICS nations have committed to the fund. But it already has raised eyebrows in the country. Why should India, a developing economy enmeshed in its own economic problems, cough up such a huge sum to the rich Europeans, is the question many are asking. The question is understandable but to agree with it would be taking a narrow view. First, this is a commitment only and it is not as if hard cash is about to flow out of India into the IMFs coffers. The commitment will be called upon only if the fund is required to be used. The IMF fund is in itself a comfort scheme for the eurozone aimed at calming the market. Second, this assistance is part of the overall BRICS portfolio and India has to play its role with the others in the group. Third, this is not philanthropy but enlightened assistance because the eurozone is Indias largest trading partner and the country can ill afford a collapse there. Already the crisis has manifested itself in lower trade volumes with exports slowing down. India needs a return of stability in the eurozone for its own benefit. It could be argued that $10 billion will hardly make a difference in the overall scheme of things but the answer is that India can only do what is possible within its capacity. The idea is to help a trading partner in distress, no more, no less. Fourth, though the sum appears big, it is hardly so for a trillion-dollar economy growing at 6.5 per cent. Yes, there are economic problems that India faces and they are serious but to use that as an argument to question the assistance would amount to belittling the role that the country plays in the global scheme of things. Finally, it must also be remembered that the IMF lends only what it gets from its members. India has used IMF assistance in the past. Now when it is in a position where it can be of help, it needs to play its part. $10 billion is a small sum to pay for being a responsible member of the global club. And dont forget, it is also a signal of Indias economic strength to all those naysayers, not the least of whom are the ratings agencies. Courtesy-The Hindu

Chinas star trek, steadily paced

China has taken another major step forward in its human spaceflight programme when Shenzhou-9, a capsule carrying three crew, one of them the countrys first space woman, docked with an orbiting laboratory, Tiangong1, recently. The Asian giant becomes the third nation that can send humans to rendezvous, dock with and then move into another orbiting spacecraft. This capability is essential for achieving its goal of establishing a full-fledged space station, which will be permanently manned, by early next decade. Chinas first woman astronaut, Liu Yang, a 33-year-old Air Force pilot, made her voyage on the 49th anniversary of the Soviet Unions Valentina Tereshkova becoming the first woman to go to space. In that intervening period, there have been over 50 women in space, including Indian-born Kalpana Chawla who lost her life when space shuttle Columbia disintegrated during re-entry in 2003.

Manned spaceflight
Drawing on Chinese-language histories of the space programme, he, along with Jeffrey G. Lewis of the Monterey Institute of International Studies in California, had published a paper in 2009 titled A Place for Ones Mat: Chinas Space Program 1956-2003. He has recently written another article, Why China is Building a Space Station. Having a space station as the ultimate objective was never a point of contention among those who wanted the country to send humans into space, observed Dr. Kulacki in the latter piece. The countrys leaders felt compelled to build a space station because their space experts believed that the U.S., the Soviet Union, Europe and Japan were investing heavily in technologies for that purpose. They also thought that South Korea and India, might join as partners or develop space stations of their own. From the beginning, and throughout the development of the Chinese human spaceflight programme, the goal was never to catch up or surpass other nations but to avoid falling too far behind, he remarked. But there were vigorous internal debates on whether to have a manned space programme at all. Issues of whether the country had the necessary financial, human and technological resources for such an ambitious effort came up. A minister for aeronautics and astronautics voiced concern that a manned programme would hinder the development of ballistic missiles and application satellites that were needed. The debate finally ended only in September 1992 when the Standing Committee of the Politburo approved the human spaceflight programme with the space station as its ultimate objective. Interestingly, according to Dr. Kulacki, there were also arguments about the space transportation system that should take astronauts to space and back. A group at the Chinese Academy of Launch Vehicle Technology (CALT) wanted to see a reusable space shuttle being developed. They took the view that sending humans in a space capsule would only disgrace the nation. However, the development of a powerful variant of the Long March rocket so that foreign satellites could be launched on commercial terms settled the matter in favour of a capsule.

Plan 863
China launched its first satellite, the 173-kg Dong Fang Hong 1, in April 1970. A few months later, the countrys top leadership gave the go-ahead for a project to send humans into space. But that effort soon fizzled out, given the daunting technological complexity involved and the cost of mastering it. However, the idea was resurrected in 1986 when the Chinese government embarked on Plan 863 so that the country could rapidly close the gap with advanced nations in chosen areas of science and technology. Aerospace was one such field that was selected. The following year, experts on a committee, which was set up to develop a detailed plan for the space sector, decided that a manned effort should have the construction of a space station as its long-term goal. The goal of constructing a space station, as opposed to going to the moon or some other longterm objective, was set very early in Chinese deliberations, according to Gregory Kulacki, a China expert with the Union of Concerned Scientists, a U.S.based non-profit science advocacy group. 115

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From 2003
China demonstrated its capability for manned spaceflight when Shenzhou5 took Yang Liwei aloft in 2003. Two years later, two astronauts circled the earth for nearly five days in Shenzhou6. Then, in 2008, three men went on a three-day mission aboard Shenzhou-7, with one of them coming out of the capsule to carry out a space walk. The experimental space laboratory, Tiangong-1, was put into orbit in September last year. In preparation for the present mission, an uncrewed Shenzhou-8 spacecraft was sent in November to dock automatically with the orbiting lab. The Shenzhou-9, with its three astronauts, docked with the Tiangong-1 on June 18. Soon afterwards, video images of the astronauts entering and floating about in the lab were beamed back to earth. The 8.5-tonne space lab was quite modest, observed analyst Marcia S. Smith, founder and editor of the website, It was only about half the mass of the worlds first space station, the Soviet Unions Salyut-1. Skylab, Americas first space station that was launched in the 1970s, had weighed about 77 tonnes. Nevertheless, occupying a space station will be a significant achievement for China, she pointed out, writing before the astronauts left Earth. The Shenzhou-9 is expected to remain in space for 13 days, according to a report from the Xinhua news agency. During this time, it will undock and attempt a second docking under manual control (the first had been done using automatic systems). The Tiangong-1 has a life of two years. Another set of crew will be sent to the lab on the Shenzhou-10 either later this year or in 2013. The Tiangong1 will be followed by a larger Tiangong2 and, subsequently, by Tiangong-3. While Tiangong-1 is intended to support a crew for only about two weeks at a time, later space labs will allow longer duration stay onboard. Assembly of a permanently manned space station, made up of multiple modules and weighing about 60 tonnes, will be taken up only after these missions are successfully completed. It will be another decade before China completes its space station, with difficult and dangerous work remaining to be done, observed Dr. Kulacki. The leadership of Chinas space programme does not appear to be in a hurry and is not rushing to beat the United States to the moon or anywhere else. lief camp. A six-year-old boy came up to me, held both my hands and said, Rashtrapati ji , I want my mother and father. I was speechless. There itself, I held a quick meeting with the District Collector. The Chief Minister also assured me that the boys education and welfare would be taken care of by the government. All through my visit only one thought occupied my mind Should not development be our only agenda? Any citizen following any faith has the fundamental right to live happily. No one has the right to endanger the unity of minds, because unity of minds is the lifeline of our country, and makes our country truly unique. After all what is justice, what is democracy? Every citizen in the country has a right to live with dignity; every citizen has a right to aspire for distinction. To access the large number of opportunities, through just and fair means, in order to attain that dignity and distinction is what democracy is all about. That is what our Constitution is all about. And that is what makes life wholesome and worth living in a true and vibrant democracy, the essence of which is tolerance for peoples belief systems and lifestyles The increasing intolerance for the views of others and increasing contempt for the way of life or religion of others, or the expression of these differences through lawless violence against people cannot be justified in any context. All of us have to work hard and do everything to protect the rights of every individual

Courtesy-The Hindu

A difficult journey, some difficult decisions My visit to Gujarat

One of the pillars of development that I have thought a lot about is that we have to create a nation where poverty has been totally eradicated and illiteracy removed. Alongside, we need to evolve a society where crimes against women and children are absent and none in the society feels alienated. These thoughts were prominent in my mind during my visit to Gujarat in August 2002, which I took up as my first major task immediately after becoming President. The State had been hit by riots a few months earlier, and their impact had left thousands of lives in disarray. It was an important and sensitive task, because it took place under unique circumstances, in a politically charged atmosphere. I decided that my mission was not to look at what had happened, not to look at what was happening, but to focus on what should be done. What had happened was already a point of discussion by the judiciary and the Parliament and continues to be discussed even now. As no President had ever visited an area under such circumstances, many questioned the necessity of my visit to the state at this juncture. At the ministry and bureaucratic level, it was suggested that I should not venture into Gujarat at that point of time. One of the main reasons was political. However, I made up my mind that I would go and preparations were in full swing at Rashtrapati Bhavan for my first visit as President. The Prime Minister, Atal Bihari Vajpayee, asked me only one question, Do you consider going to Gujarat at this time essential? I told the PM, I consider it an important duty so that I can be of some use to remove the pain, and also accelerate the relief activities, and bring about a unity of minds, which is my mission, as I stressed in my address during the swearing-in ceremony. I visited twelve areas three relief camps and nine riot-hit locations where the losses had been high... I remember one scene, when I visited a re-

Returning the Office of Profit Bill

Broadly, the Parliament (Prevention of Disqualification) Act 1959, stipulates that certain offices of profit under the government shall not disqualify the holders thereof for being chosen as, or for being, Members of Parliament. During mid 2006, I received a number of complaints from MPs about certain fellow members holding office of profit. I had to deal with these complaints. I sent these to the Chief Election Commissioner to study and conduct an inquiry wherever considered essential Meanwhile I received the Office of Profit Bill from the Parliament for approval. I studied the Bill and found that it had many anomalies. In the proposed Office of Profit Bill, I did not find a sys-


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tematic approach towards deciding the question of what constituted an office of profit. Instead exemption was given to only the existing offices which were occupied by MPs. I also discussed the anomalies and my concerns with three former Chief Justices of the Supreme Court. I prepared a letter in consultation with my team and the three CJIs The Office of Profit Bill was not sent by the Cabinet for my approval but by Parliament. Hence, I returned the Bill to the Secretary-General of the Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha for reconsideration by both the Houses of Parliament. This was the first time in the history of Parliament or Rashtrapati Bhavan that a President returned a Bill for reconsideration. The Bill was reconsidered and sent back for my approval. The Prime Minister met me and he was surprised, as I normally send the approved Bill the next day. Why were weeks rolling by with no action taken, he wondered. I said some action is needed from Parliament and I have not heard anything about it. The Prime Minister said the Parliament has already decided on the constitution of a Joint Parliamentary Committee (JPC) for going into all aspects of the Office of Profit Bill as per my suggestions. I was on tour to the North-East and received a message that the formation of a JPC on the Office of Profit Bill had been approved by Parliament. Once I got the confirmation about the action by Parliament, I immediately signed the Office of Profit Bill. After a few months, Parliament approved the JPC report which was not complete and did not address the problem which I had suggested. Parliament has to deal with such issues with care, otherwise it would be construed that the highest body of the nation is promoting wrong practices which may set a national trend in different echelons of the government Recently, we saw two fasting movements against corruption and many more may get inspired. I was asking myself, why are such movements taking place in our democratic country. This is basically due to the dilution of standards by Parliament itself awarded by the courts after exhausting all processes of appeals. As a substantial number of cases have been pending in Rashtrapati Bhavan for many years, it is one inherited task that no President would feel happy about. I thought I should get all these cases examined from a normal citizens point of view in terms of the crime, intensity of the crime and the social and financial status of the individuals who were convicted and awarded capital punishment. This study revealed to my surprise that almost all the cases which were pending had a social and economic bias. This gave me an impression that we were punishing the person who was least involved in the enmity and who did not have a direct motive for committing the crime. Of course there was one case where I found that the lift operator had in fact committed the crime of raping and killing the girl without doubt. In that case I affirmed the sentence We are all the creations of God. I am not sure a human system or a human being is competent to take away a life based on artificial and created evidence. ing me at 12.15 in the afternoon of 18 May. She came in time but instead of coming alone she came with Dr. Manmohan Singh and had a discussion with me. She said that she had the requisite numbers but she did not bring the letter of support signed by party functionaries. She would come with the letters of support on the 19th, she said. I asked her why do you postpone. We can even finish it this afternoon. She went away. Later I received a message that she would meet me in the evening, at 8.15 p.m. While this communication was in progress, I had a number of emails and letters coming from individuals, organisations and parties that I should not allow Mrs Sonia Gandhi to become the Prime Minister of our country. I had passed on these mails and letters to various agencies in the government for their information without making any remarks. During this time there were many political leaders who came to meet me to request me not to succumb to any pressure and appoint Mrs Gandhi as the Prime Minister, a request that would not have been constitutionally tenable. If she had made any claim for herself I would have had no option but to appoint her. At the allotted time, 8.15 p.m., Mrs Gandhi came to Rashtrapati Bhavan along with Dr. Manmohan Singh. In this meeting after exchanging pleasantries, she showed me the letters of support from various parties. Thereupon, I said that is welcome. The Rashtrapati Bhavan is ready for the swearing-in ceremony at the time of your choice. That is when she told me that she would like to nominate Dr. Manmohan Singh, who was the architect of economic reforms in 1991 and a trusted lieutenant of the Congress party with an impeccable image, as the Prime Minister. This was definitely a surprise to me and the Rashtrapati Bhavan Secretariat had to rework the letter appointing Dr. Manmohan Singh as the Prime Minister and inviting him to form the government at the earliest. Finally, the swearing-in took place on 22 May with Dr. Manmohan Singh and sixty-seven Ministers in the splendid Ashoka Hall. I breathed a sigh of relief that this important task had finally been done. However, I did puzzle over why no party had staked a claim for three days.

On Sonia Gandhi as Prime Minister

One of the responsibilities of the President is to appoint the Prime Minister after every general election or whenever an occasion arises for change of the incumbent. On these occasions the President has to satisfy himself there is a party or a coalition which has the required number of members to form a stable government. The process of selection becomes more complex when there is more than one contender laying claim to government in view of none of the parties having a clear majority in the House. In this context, the 2004 election was an interesting event. The elections were over, the results had been announced and none of the parties had the strength to form the government on their own. The Congress party had the largest number of members elected. In spite of that, three days had passed and no party or coalition came forward to form the government. It was a cause of concern for me and I asked my secretaries and rushed a letter to the leader of the largest party in this case the Congress to come forward and stake the claim for forming the government. I was told that Sonia Gandhi was meet-

On the death penalty

One of the more difficult tasks for me as President was to decide on the issue of confirming capital punishment

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Obamacare wins
The endorsement by the United States Supreme Court of a key provision in President Barack Obamas health reform law requiring most individuals to purchase health insurance or pay a penalty, is a progressive decision. As all provisions in the law go into effect, it is bound to strengthen the call for a nonprofit universal health care system in America. That the majority verdict delivered by the Chief Justice and four liberal judges chose to lean to the left in a cliffhanger case is a watershed moment in U.S. constitutional history. To those who have campaigned for tax-based health coverage for all, the new law may still fall short, but what it does provide is health protection to millions of uninsured Americans through more affordable insurance choices. It also prevents insurers from refusing to cover people with pre-existing conditions. In spite of such progressive features, the law is not universal in its coverage, exempting prisoners, undocumented aliens, and some poor families. Four years ago, the agenda for the U.S. presidential election virtually centred around health reform, and the Obama presidency has weathered the fierce backlash from Tea Party and Republican conservatives. The legal denouement has now vindicated the President as he pursues a re-election bid, and sustained much of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act of 2010. For sheer scale, President Obamas health reform evokes comparisons with Franklin Roosevelts New Deal. Despite Thursdays ruling, though, it faces challenges. These arise from the courts rejection of a portion of the law that requires States to use more federal funds to protect the health of less affluent citizens through the Medicaid programme. Importantly, the principle on which the health reform law has survived is the power of the government to levy a tax (in this case, on those who are eligible but do not take out health insurance). The Affordable Care Act also stipulates the percentage of funds that insurance companies must spend on actual care, thus capping administrative costs. These aspects are of particular interest to India, which has a fast-growing profit-seeking health and insurance industry, and is simultaneously trying to formulate a tax-funded universal health coverage plan over the next five years. A Planning Commission panel here has submitted its report calling for regulatory structures to standardise health care, with a contracted-in role for the private sector. Unlike the U.S., and in spite of the impoverishing levels of outof-pocket payments for healthcare incurred by citizens, health reform has not become a central issue in Indian politics. As Americans celebrate their constitutional victory, it is a moment for India to think of its own universal health system. sowing of rice, coarse cereals, pulses and oilseeds have been hit. Much could depend on what happens in the Pacific Ocean. The temperature at the surface of its central and eastern tropical waters has risen. The worry is that the temperature rise might continue and result in an El Nio, which could adversely affect the monsoon. According to the IMD statistics, there have been 36 El Nio years since 1875. Of these, the nationwide monsoon rainfall was between 90 per cent and 100 per cent of the longperiod average in 14 years and above 100 per cent in six years, including in 1997 that saw one of the strongest El Nios of the last century. But there were deficient monsoons, with nationwide rainfall falling below 90 per cent, in 16 El Nio years. One hopes that if an El Nio does develop this year, it will be the benign variety. The government would, however, do well to plan ahead and get prepared to meet any contingency.

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Reading the rains

This year, not only did the monsoon reach India a few days late but its progress thereafter has been alarmingly lackadaisical. While Assam has been deluged and is reeling from the resulting floods, over 85 per cent of the country is suffering from far too little rain. The result is that the nationwide rainfall deficit stood at a grim 29 per cent at the end of June. Rainfall data for the past 140 years shows that even with a June deficit of that magnitude or greater, there is still a 60 per cent chance of the monsoon turning into a normal one where nationwide rainfall for the season falls between 90 per cent and 110 per cent of the long-period average. The government, which has been pinning its hopes on a good monsoon to help propel economic growth, will undoubtedly be hoping for such an outcome. Even if the monsoon does turn out to be normal, it is likely the rains will be at the lower end of that range. The probabilistic forecast in the India Meteorological Departments updated monsoon prediction issued in late June has indicated that this is just what could happen. The forecast divides the traditional normal range into three below normal (90 per cent to 96 per cent), normal (96 per cent to 104 per cent) and above normal (104 per cent to 110 per cent). The current monsoon has, according to the IMD, a 35 per cent chance of becoming below normal, which is twice the climatological probability based on the outcome in past years. After its poor showing in June, it is important that the monsoon revives quickly. Good rains in both July and August are essential for a normal monsoon that is needed to sustain the kharif crop. July will be particularly important for agriculture. As it is, the

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Ill blow the trade winds

Indias external economy, for long considered to be the one bright spot in the entire macro economy, has been repeatedly coming under stress recently. While still not a cause for alarm, the latest balance of payments (BoP) data released by the Reserve Bank of India on Friday is deeply disquieting. The current account deficit (CAD) the sum of the balance of trade and invisibles including earnings from software exports and workers remittances has risen to the highest ever level of 4.5 per cent of GDP, or $21.7 billion, during the fourth quarter of fiscal 201112. This is sharply higher than the 1.3 per cent recorded over the same period in the previous year. That in turn has pushed up the CAD for the whole year to $78.2 billion, or 4.2 per cent of GDP, which is again a record. Any hope of containing the CAD to within reasonable levels depends on global commodity prices as well as economic activity in India. Although falling petroleum prices have afforded a measure of relief, the depreciating rupee has neutralised some of the gains. The economic slowdown, though an undesirable feature from the growth perspective, can also moderate the CAD by limiting the import bill relating to capital and intermediate goods. The falling rupee can dis-


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courage imports and, over the medium term, at least, boost export competitiveness, consequently shrinking the CAD. That has not happened so far because some imports, notably petroleum, are inelastic. Also, exporters have not derived the full benefit of the rupee depreciation mainly because of lower demand from the principal markets of the European Union and the U.S. Obviously, for policy makers, the real challenge is to fund the CAD on a sustainable basis. In sharp focus is the fact that the widest ever CAD has kept Indias BoP in negative territory for the second quarter in a row, forcing the RBI to dip into its foreign exchange reserves. Once again, the BoP data highlights the huge risks in depending on volatile portfolio capital flows. A related development contributing to the economys vulnerability is the high level of external debt, especially of the short-term variety. Key vulnerability indicators like the debt-GDP ratio and debt-service ratio deteriorated during last year. However, despite being aware of the serious pitfalls, the government and the RBI have shown a penchant for short-termism. Recent relaxation of rules relating to external commercial borrowings and greater incentives for non-resident Indians and foreigners to invest in government paper can all be justified only on the ground of expediency. policymakers and the media. A new research piece by the United Nations Development Programme contributes to the public debate by arguing that at present there is no uniform approach to understanding macroeconomic vulnerability or resilience in the context of financial and economic crises in developing countries. economy to shocks.

Major factor
A major determinant of macroeconomic vulnerability that is either totally neglected or barely mentioned by these studies is that of rising income inequality. The staggering escalation in inequality contributes to global and domestic economic and financial instability by fostering a political environment that lends itself to risky investment behaviour and the emergence of asset bubbles. The critical importance of inequality as a driver of crisis is clear when one is confronted with the fact that the average income of the worlds richest five per cent is 165 times higher than the poorest five per cent. In a world where the richest five per cent earn in 48 hours as much as the poorest in one year, understanding the linkages between rising income inequality and the greater frequency and severity of the financial and economic crises is central to proposing policies that build systemic resilience and enable a less volatile growth process. In traditional thinking, there is no disagreement on the need for policies that help economies cope with or counteract the impacts of shocks. Indeed, this is how resilience is defined in the economics literature.

Two approaches
Broadly, two distinct approaches can be identified: the first addresses macroeconomic vulnerability principally in relation to financial crises currency, debt or banking crises. Currency crises, for instance, are seen as being driven mainly by macroeconomic imbalances in the financial sector of developing economies and by fragile domestic financial systems. Hence, policy recommendations to build resilience to such shocks are focused on containing credit growth and the money supply, ensuring flexible exchange rates and guarding against expansionary fiscal policies. However, the empirical and theoretical assumptions underlying many of the studies and articles that support this approach have been long questioned in particular, the assumption that markets are self-regulating and inherently efficient. A second approach frames macroeconomic vulnerability in the context of both economic and financial crises. The focus here is on identifying the structural determinants and transmission channels through which an economy is exposed to crises, reflecting the rapid integration of developing countries in international trade and finance. This broader perspective argues that the growing dependence of many developing countries on exports specifically primary commodity exports, their increased dependence on foreign investment for economic growth, coupled with limited fiscal and institutional capacity renders them vulnerable to economic and financial shocks. Yet, there is no clear agreement on which structural determinants and transmission channels are the primary drivers of macroeconomic vulnerability. Some argue that the size and location of an economy are critical determining factors, whereas others focus on trade dependency or dependency on international private capital flows as the primary conditions that expose an

A relook
The recent and lasting, economic and financial crisis, along with renewed calls for a rethink on traditional approaches to economic growth and development, offers us the opportunity to embark on a more comprehensive framework for the assessments of macroeconomic vulnerability in developing countries. Such a framework should allow for a comprehensive mapping of all the structural conditions and transmission channels that drive the vulnerability of developing economies, and that expose them to the virulent impacts of crises. Calls for a rethink of existing approaches should ultimately help us deliver policies for resilience that build coping capacities to withstand and counteract a shock and reduce exposure to shocks, while advocating for global coordination mechanisms to minimise the frequency of global crises themselves.

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From crisis to resilience: why inequality matters

The frequency of global financial and economic crises has increased over the past decade-and-a-half, and they appear to have become a systemic feature of the international economy. The risk of economic growth and human development achievements being undermined by such volatile international developments is fostering an overall rethink about the inner nature of crises, the growing vulnerability of developing countries and their capacity to be resilient in the face of these shocks. As the 2015 Millennium Development Goals deadline approaches, the debate around a new framework for understanding macroeconomic vulnerability and resilience is gaining momentum among a wide array of stakeholders, ranging from academia, civil society and grassroots movements, to international organisations, development

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Remembering GP, the gentle colossus
Gopalaswami Parthasarathi, or GP as he was known to all, was born a hundred years ago today, July 7, 2012. He was the quintessential intellectual. His father, N. Gopalaswami Ayyangar, had served with distinction in the Provincial Civil Service in the Madras Presidency and later as Dewan of Kashmir, as a member of the Constituent Assembly and then as a Minister in the first Cabinet of Jawaharlal Nehru. GP was associated with a range of activities during his long, productive and distinguished life spanning six decades. He was almost always disarmingly modest and unassuming about his achievements in the numerous important positions of national responsibility he held. And even when things didnt go the right way, his sangfroid saw him through. player. At Oxford, he was a double blue, in cricket and hockey. Behind his mild manner, there lay a streak of dogged determination. This was in evidence, among other instances, in his wooing and winning the hand of Subur Mugaseth, a Parsi co-student. She had been in college with him in Madras and in Oxford. That was at a time when such cross-religious alliances were not only rare but also frowned upon. (Subur Mugaseth became a member of the Rajya Sabha after working for some two decades as a college teacher.) One of his known adversaries once exclaimed in exasperation that GP somehow always managed to radiate wisdom, without ever saying a word. That was, indeed, a unique gift which stood him in good stead throughout his career as a diplomat and an interlocutor of Indian national interest in the various international and domestic assignments he was entrusted with. He had the distinct advantage of enjoying the trust and confidence of both Jawaharlal Nehru and Indira Gandhi. In the latters case, GP was adviser and troubleshooter in virtually all areas of policymaking. Jawaharlal Nehru University, and as its first Vice-Chancellor. His vision was reflected in JNUs academic programmes. The School of International Studies owes an everlasting debt to him. JNUs structure as Indias first institution of inter-disciplinary and trans-disciplinary studies was innovative, indeed unique, and it has had far-reaching impact on the Indian higher education system. He was Chairman of the Indian Council for Social Science Research from 1980 to 1990. During that tenure he transformed the ICSSR through his special ability to be firm while at the same time using gentle persuasion. He got its budgetary allocation tripled, and the Council set up several institutions. GP endeared himself to the nations entire social science community, within and outside the university system. One aspect of his diplomatic skills emerged as the Chairman of the IndoU.S. Sub-Commission on Education, Culture and Science. Three sub-commissions were set up. Through these, an active programme of Indo-U.S. exchanges was initiated in fields such as science, museums, art history and natural history. A generation of Indian museum specialists thus got opportunities to interact with U.S. museums, especially the Lawrence Hall of Science in California. Serving on Unescos executive board for a decade, he contributed significantly to programmes in education, science, culture, media and communication. His voice was heard with attention and respect at many delicate moments of crisis between, and among, member-states. Very few people have had such wide-ranging involvement in domestic and international affairs, as diplomat, negotiator and educationist and journalist. A man of many parts, he was internationally known, and operated at multiple levels at home and abroad. In each sphere, he displayed astuteness coupled with depth of thinking and foresight. GP passed away on August 1, 1995. He was truly a man for all seasons. Men like him come rarely in a nations history.

As diplomat
In 1962, he came to South Block from China for consultations, where he was the Ambassador. The possibility of armed conflict loomed over Sino-Indian relations. The Report of the Officials of India and China on the Border had just been concluded, but no solution was in sight. Indias Forward Policy of setting up pickets in Aksai Chin in the Western Sector to prevent Chinese incursions, had not helped. Yet, GP appeared to be his normal, imperturbable self. However, when the Sino-Indian conflict broke out later in September 1962, those close to GP could feel his palpable sadness at what he ever-afterwards termed the Chinese betrayal of the Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence (Panchsheel) that Nehru and Zhou en Lai had signed in 1954. His role as a diplomat was acknowledged by a range of leaders from Nehru to Indira Gandhi, Henry Kissinger to Zhou en Lai. He was appointed Ambassador to Indonesia in 1957, until he went to Peking (Beijing) in July 1958, where he served for a full term of three years. In 1962, he was appointed High Commissioner to Pakistan. It was considered to be a very tough assignment. GP was Indias Permanent Representative to the U.N. during the eventful 19651969 period.

Political assignments
He undertook several tough political assignments. He had a role in the Kashmir accord of the 1970s that brought Sheikh Abdullah back into mainstream politics. He helped finalise the terms of the Mizo accord that Rajiv Gandhi signed, after holding protracted talks with Laldenga. He never involved himself in party politics, yet played his own role in forging alliances among certain like-minded parties. In 1982, GP led a delegation of social scientists to Beijing. It was during his two-hour meeting with Deng Xiaoping that the Chinese supreme leader proposed a Package Deal to settle the border dispute. It involved India accepting the Chinese territorial claim in the Western Sector (Ladakh) and China doing likewise in the Eastern Sector (Arunachal Pradesh).

Realm of education
GPs contributions to the fields of higher education and social science research were also impressive, too. He was associated with many educational institutions. But above all, he will be remembered as the architect of

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On the field
A noted sportsperson, he was a Ranji Trophy cricketer, and also a Test

Meaningful autonomy is the only realistic solution

Uncertainty surrounds the future of the Tibetan movement as the 14th


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Dalai Lama, Tenzin Gyatso , turns 77. Last year, the Tibetan spiritual leader announced he would relinquish his political roles, a position the Dalai Lamas have enjoyed since the 5th Dalai Lama, Lobsang Gyatso (1617-82). The decision came at a time of new challenges facing the Tibetan movement. More than 40 Tibetans in Tibetan areas across China have set themselves on fire in the past year to protest Chinese policies, with some calling for the exiled leaders return. The self-immolations have triggered accusations from Beijing of a plot being instigated by the Dalai Lama. Negotiations with China have stalled after the Tibetan leaders envoys resigned last month, citing a hardening Chinese stand. The 14th Dalai Lama discussed these challenges in a wide-ranging interview with Ananth Krishnan in his residence in the hill-station town of McLeod Ganj, Dharamsala, in Himachal Pradesh, on July 6, his 77th birthday. Following his decision to devolve power to a leader elected by the exiled Tibetan community, the Dalai Lama said he was, for the first time, sleeping soundly. At a time when some Tibetans are calling for more radical ways to voice concerns, he spoke of his determination to follow the Middle Way approach of finding a solution to the Tibetan question within the framework of the Chinese Constitution. He said it was in Tibetans own interest to remain within China in order to modernise, provided Beijing guaranteed meaningful autonomy. If China was thinking in a more realistic way, the Dalai Lama said, then we are always ready. Excerpts. After you made the decision of relinquishing your political authority, how has the adjustment been, for you and for Tibetans? I am very happy. In fact, one of my secrets is that the day I formally announced or handed over all my political responsibility, that night I had very unusual sound sleep. No dreams. Just very sound sleep. I really feel, in any case, I am getting older. Our struggle is an issue or struggle for the rights of a nation. That responsibility should be carried on by the Tibetan people themselves, and should not rely on one person. During our election, I noticed that in the Tibetan community, they are really showing genuine interest and a sense of responsibility... This is also not
only my own retirement but also that of a four-century-old Tibetan tradition. Now that has ended. Proudly, voluntarily, happily. Your special envoy in talks with Beijing, Lodi Gyari, resigned last month. Do you share his concerns that China is moving further away from trying to reach a solution? In the last 10 years, we have had nine meetings. Because their policy is something fixed, there has been no effect. Therefore, the two envoys also feel frustrated and they resigned. That does not mean we have no interest to talk. Now there is a new elected leader [Lobsang Sangay]. As soon as he was elected, he made it clear that as far as our relationship with the Chinese government is concerned, the Middle Way approach will continue. There is no change on our side. Once the [Chinese] leadership is thinking in a more realistic way, then we are always ready. Following recent problems, such as the 2008 riots in Tibet and now the self-immolations, Beijing has claimed the incidents were planned in Dharamsala. You have said there needs to be a fact-finding mission. That is very important. After the 2008 crisis, even Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao, who is usually considered more moderate, blamed all these crises as being instigated from Dharamsala. Then I immediately responded, saying please send some Chinese officials and check all of our records. But there was no response. When the first self-immolation happened, again I expressed that. The Chinese still blame everything on us. If the Chinese have the confidence, they must allow the international community to see the truth. That is very important. If they do not allow, it is an indication that they have the feeling of guilt, that they have something to hide. Since 2008, local conditions are much worse On the other hand, I met a number of Chinese who told me that after the 2008 crisis, they paid more attention about the crisis and feel genuine sympathy. In that respect, there is some benefit. The Chinese propaganda always says the Tibetan people are very happy, that they were liberated from the feudal system under the Dalai Lama. So now their propaganda is on shaky ground. Following the immolations, more people may be aware of problems, but on the other hand, some Tibetan poets and writers have expressed a concern that young Tibetans must be encouraged to cherish their life and not give it away. Do you share their view? This is a very, very delicate political issue. Now, the reality is that if I say something positive, then the Chinese immediately blame me. If I say something negative, then the family members of those people feel very sad. They sacrificed their own life. It is not easy. So I do not want to create some kind of impression that this is wrong. So the best thing is to remain neutral. Right from the beginning, when this sort of event happened, what I said, and still I am insisting, is this is not happening due to alcohol or family quarrels. Now the Chinese government must carry thorough research, what is the cause of this, and not pretend that nothing is wrong. Like [former Chinese leader] Hu Yaobang said in the early 1980s when he came to Lhasa, he publicly apologised about what they had done, the past mistakes. He promised they would follow a more realistic policy. Now for that kind of courage, that kind of spirit, the time has come. Do you still have the belief that a solution to the Tibetan issue could be found within the Chinese Constitution, for meaningful autonomy? That is the only way, the only realistic way. Number one, many Tibetans inside Tibet want independence, but according to the circumstance, the Dalai Lama supports the Middle Way approach, which is the best, realistic way. I have met, personally, quite a number of Tibetan intellectuals, some old, some young, and they all express to me they fully realise that our approach is the best approach. Second, in order to find the solution to the Tibetan problem, Chinese support is very important. The solution must be found between Chinese and Tibetans. We have to find understanding or support from our Chinese brothers and sisters. Also, at this moment, [Tibetans] have never had the experience of democracy. Even in the refugee community, the Khampas, Amdos, UTsang [the three traditional Tibetan regions] people sometimes have unnecessary competition. Tibet is a huge area and a majority of Tibetans are uneducated and never experienced democ- 121

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racy. And most important [Tibet is], materially backward. Tibetans also want to modernise Tibet. In order to modernise Tibet, remaining within the Peoples Republic of China is in our own interest, provided they must give us meaningful autonomy so that we can carry any activity regarding preservation of our culture, we can promote our language and carry out full protection of the environment. \So that is a mutual benefit. Realistically speaking, separate Tibet, at this moment, I dont think it is really a benefit to us. Our approach for meaningful autonomy is not only for the Tibet Autonomous Region but for the entire area where the Tibetan population exists [in Sichuan, Gansu, Qinghai and Yunnan provinces]. The Chinese Constitution itself recognises Tibetan areas Tibetan autonomous regions, prefectures or counties. So we are asking the Chinese government that all the areas that the Constitution recognises as a Tibetan area should have the same right of meaningful autonomy. Some Tibetans feel India is going too far to accommodate Chinas concerns on Tibet, especially after Hu Jintaos visit to New Delhi this year when many Tibetans were detained and not allowed to protest. Do you feel so? No. I think maybe in the late 20th century and beginning of 21st century maybe [the Indian government was] overcautious and had a reconciliatory attitude. For example, my visit to Tawang [in 2009], in a Cabinet meeting they had a discussion on whether I should go, but ultimately I was able to go. Now the government of India has a more realistic position than in the past. For some period, there were no significant people supporting Tibet or expressing consideration for Tibet. Now, more and more people express support. I told [a meeting of groups] that this is due to Chinese pressure, so we should thank the Chinese! I also told the Tibetans now we, whether Amdo or Khampa, have a very remarkable unity. That is also due to Chinese suppression, so we must thank the Chinese government. On the issue of reincarnation, when the next, the 15th, Dalai Lama is chosen, China has said it will not accept your choice. In fact, the Communist Party has issued regulations on reincarnation. If China chooses its own Dalai Lama, will there be a division in the Tibetan community? After a meeting with Tibetan religious leaders [last year] we had a consensus and I made a formal statement where I made very clear that when my age reaches around 90, then I will convene a bigger meeting. Then I will decide [on the issue]... In order for the Chinese government to take responsibility for the Dalai Lamas reincarnation, then the Chinese Communists should first accept religion and particularly Buddhism, and they should accept the theory of rebirth. If the Dalai Lama becomes 100 per cent pro-Chinese, then Tibetans will not respect the Dalai Lama. Like what happened with the Panchen Lama. [China appointed a Panchen Lama in 1995 in place of Gendun Choekyi Nyima, who was chosen by the Dalai Lama as the 11th reincarnation and was subsequently disappeared.] I think the Panchen Lama himself now knows that. Recently during these crises, he has remained very silent. He is quite wise. It looks like the Chinese Panchen Lama is more wise than the Chinese leaders. immediate action when Indian students come under attack in Australia or other countries. But when it comes to offering help to foreign students in a similar situation in India, the official machinery is depressingly slow to act. Sadly, the situation is worse when the students are from Africa or poorer Asian countries. Like the shabby prevarication we saw in Australia earlier, the Punjab administration would like us to believe racism was not a factor in the attack on the young Burundian. Even if it wasnt, it is hard to believe Yannicks race and African origin were not factors in the tardy response of the system. Indeed, the Central and State governments woke up to the issue only after wide coverage in the media. The callous attitude of government authorities in such cases betrays a mindset that concerns itself only with the concerns of the rich and the powerful. All projections of a rising India count for nothing if the country cannot ensure the rule of law and the safety and security of its citizens and residents, including overseas visitors and students. India is becoming an attractive destination for higher education, especially for students from countries in the global south. If a repeat of the Jalandhar-type attack is to be avoided, the authorities will have to learn to be responsive and quick. And universities and colleges, whether private or State-funded, will have to work with the government to strive to create a welcoming and nurturing environment for foreign students.

Courtesy-The Hindu

India must look inward

Everything about the heart-rending story of Yannick Nizhanga, an African student who was attacked by local youths in Jalandhar in April and who now lies in a coma in a Patiala hospital, should be a cause for national outrage. The vicious attack on the 24-year-old from Burundi was unprovoked. That affluent youngsters could indulge in such violence, that too against a foreign student, for next to no reason is a matter for concern, but what calls for serious national introspection is the story that unfolded subsequently. The police took a long time to take action against the attackers, one of whom was the son of a police officer. In the days and weeks following the attack, Yannicks father, Nestor Ntibateganya, was left struggling to meet medical expenses, and for ways to take his son, who may never recover, back to Burundi. Last week, more than two months after the attack, the Punjab government ordered a probe and financial aid and the Ministry of External Affairs began the process of assisting Mr. Ntibateganya to take his son home. Indian officialdom and civil society are quick to cry hoarse and demand

Courtesy-The Hindu

The growth model has come undone

What has been called the golden age of Indias economic growth was underpinned by global integration, high rates of investment and savings growth and low current account deficits. The slowdown is characterised by a sharp deceleration in investment growth on the demand side and in agriculture, manufacturing and construction on the supply side, alongside high and unprecedented current account deficits. The governments argument that this is the result of the global economic slowdown and related uncertainty is only partly true. The deeper reason, which the government is either unwilling or unable to come to grips with, is


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the unravelling of the underlying growth model partly due to structural change engendered by globalisation and partly because the investment subsidy implicit in under-pricing assets is no longer feasible.

Investment growth
One of the more remarkable aspects of the golden age was that demand growth was investment-led, both in absolute and relative terms. In constant terms, over the period 2003/42007/8 gross investment grew at 17 per cent per annum, more than twice the rate of private consumption expenditure. What is historically unprecedented was that gross investment accounted for more than 50 per cent of demand growth at the margin. If the high growth phase was investment-led, so is the slowdown. Investment (gross) growth slowed down to 10 per cent p.a. for the period 2009/10-2011/12. The slowdown in fixed investment was even sharper, to 7 per cent p.a. over the same period, less than 50 per cent of that in the highgrowth phase. The depth of the deceleration is brought home by the fact that in 2011/12 gross and fixed investment grew only at 5.8 and 5.6 per cent respectively. And, more worryingly, consumption has decelerated much less and, as a result, over the last couple of years, it has grown faster than investment, resulting in the decline of the critical investment-to-consumption ratio.

The speed and depth of global integration accelerated sharply in the first decade of the 21st century. The average international trade (exports+imports) ratio which for the period 1992/3-94/95 stood at 19 per cent rose to 27 per cent by 2000/01-02/03. However by 2008/9-2010/11 this ratio had shot up to 48 per cent. But in this phase of rapid integration import elasticities of both total imports as well as non-oil imports have more than doubled. As a result, even as GDP growth has decelerated, goods export growth has slowed faster than both total goods import and non-oil import growth, resulting in a widening current account deficit, given that service sector exports growth dropped off as well. The manufacturing sectors trade ratio in 1994/95 was 92 per cent. By 2000/01-2002/03 the ratio had risen to 112 per cent with the import ratio slightly higher than exports. This increase pales into insignificance as compared with that of the next decade when the average manufacturing trade ratio had risen to 180 per cent, with export and import ratios at 68 and 112 per cent. Therefore not only has integration increased sharply for the manufacturing sector but it has also been asymmetric import penetration has almost doubled whereas export integration has increased by 20 per cent. Of the three sectors, however, manufacturing is the only one that runs a trade deficit. The deficit is substantial, the average for the period 2008/092010/11amounting to 44 per cent of manufacturing GDP and rising the average was only 9 per cent for the period 2000/01-2002/03. Little wonder then that, in the face of continuing import competition, manufacturing growth has witnessed a sustained slowdown. And, as one would therefore expect, capacity utilisation has declined significantly, well off its third-quarter 2009/10 peak, as Reserve Bank of India surveys indicate.

Under-priced assets
If the nature and pattern of integration has affected investment growth, Keynesian animal spirits have been dampened due to a factor quite unrelated to globalisation. During both the NDA and UPA-I regimes, an important driver of investment growth has been access to undervalued assets, whether those of the public sector, mineral and forest resources, land or the ability to influence the allocation of scarce spectrum resources. During the NDA regime, privatisation of public sector assets at fire sale prices stalled in the face of widespread political and social opposition. With privatisation off table, the UPA-I chose to use all other modes listed above to ensure that animal spirits were kept in ruddy health. The investment boom of the golden age, which roughly coincides with the UPA-I term, therefore, was primed by access to a wide variety of undervalued assets, ranging from land (SEZs, PPP infrastructure, etc.) to spectrum. In UPA-II, however, this dynamic

has largely run aground, hemmed in by protests from below and corruption scandals. Widespread and sustained protest against the public acquisition of land for private purposes Singur, Nandigram, POSCO, Jaitapur, just to name an iconic few has made it a political hot potato which is to be relegislated and at least for the moment is off-limits. The implementation of the Forest Rights Act (FRA) and introduction of new legislation to govern the distribution of benefits from mining suggests that mining leases may not be as easy to get nor as lucrative as earlier. Add to this the Niira Radia revelations, the 2G scandal, the Anna Hazare movement, the CAGs observations and Supreme Court rulings and it is not easy (at least as of the moment) to use elite access to influence the underpricing of assets. Therefore, all mechanisms used during UPA-I to under-price assets and give animal spirits a sufficiently conducive environment have become infructuous, being caught up in unintended political economy consequences. The nub, therefore, is that the investment-led growth model of the golden age has come undone and like Humpty Dumpty, the PMs men and women cannot put it back together again. The undoing is only partly the result of the global financial crises and the related slowdown. There are two other important reasons which the government does not talk about: globalisation has led to unsustainable import competition in the manufacturing sector, leading to a slowdown in manufacturing growth and hence in investment; second, the investment subsidy implicit in the under-pricing of assets in high demand is no longer feasible due to political economy reasons. As C.P. Chandrasekhar has articulated in earlier columns, it is of course possible to chart an alternate path and revive growth and investment. For that we would need to stop genuflecting before the fallen gods of finance capital. But that was too much to expect of the former finance minister or of the incumbent. There is, then, little else to do but to wait for the monsoons, capricious foreign investment or other such manna from heaven. Courtesy-The Hindu 123

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DEVELOPMENT, according to many analysts, is the best contraceptive. But if we look at India, there seems to be some doubt about the statements truth. In India, planned development and family planning have been going on for over four decades now. But our population problem has only become more disturbing over the time. The fruits of development are seen on the food front where production has gone up three and a half times since 1951. Life expectancy has increased, so has the gross domestic product. We are among the first 15 countries in industrial production. Schools have proliferated. However, population growth has not slowed down much. The increase in population, in fact, dilutes every improvement in Indias national development. The gap between GDP and per capita income indicates the adverse effect of a large population on standard of living. Another aspect of development in India is the skewed 124 distribution of the GDP, which has denied any effective rise in the living standards of most Indians. Nearly 30 per cent of the people still live below the poverty line and many more just hover over the border. line. The benefits of development have been mostly cornered by a small per-centage of people, with only some small portions trickling down to the majority. The existing standard of living is just about maintained so that there is a low death rate but no appreciably high reduction in the birth rate. An economist would say there has been failure on the population front rather than in development. Then, surely, development cannot be the best contraception. A popu-lation expert would say that if the development efforts have not led to any significant reduction in the population growth, it is because of the low rate of economic or production growth vis-a-vis the rapid population growth and the unequal distribution of the small benefits. The 25 or so per cent of our people who have benefited from the development process have generally shown a significant fall in birth rate to maintain a substantial rise in their living standards. For the remaining 75 per cent, the rise in the living standards is so marginal that it has simply resulted in lowering of the death rate without a corresponding decline in the birth rate. Thus it is not development per se, but the rate of development and the distributive factor of its benefits that are critical for the development process to be effective in controlling the population growth. Two ways are possible to overcome this problem. Either increase the economic growth rate to at least three or four times the present population growth rate even while ensuring equitable distribution, or reduce the population growth drastically to one-third or so of what exists now, again keeping in mind the distribution aspect. Raising the economic growth rate substantially poses some difficulties.

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Harnessing our natural resources further will take much effort and discipline. A high growth rate is also bound to cause serious damage to the ecological balance, for we are not technologically so advanced or so well endowed financially to buy environmental-friendly development processes. However, when we talk of development, we may enlarge the terms meaning to include human development. It is only through developing human beings-through literacy, education, better health facilities-that we can hope to have an impact on population growth. Mere economic development will not do. If the State concentrates on what is called the social sectors and provides for development with a human face, only then can we have healthy and aware human beings who will have a stake in keeping the size of their families small.

S. K. Singh


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The term Sex Education, also known as sexuality education or sex and relationships education, is widely used to depict education about reproductive system, sexual interaction and other facets of human sexual behavior. It is the procedure of gaining knowledge and developing mind-set as well as ideas about sex, sexual identity, human relations, closeness, gender roles, contraception methods and prevention of Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV)1 and Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STD)2. It is also an effective way to respect ones partner, wife, husband and also a means to admire sexual preferences. The misinterpretation of the people that are generally kept under the wraps should be cleared and they should be convinced about the need for sex education in this rapidly changing era. It is important that youth should be familiar with the purpose of providing education in order to develop an open and healthy approach towards sex and sexuality in order to 126 assist them to make well-thought judgments. A parliamentary committee, with a varied political membership, recently recommended that there should be no sex education in schools. Sex even if done at the proper time, with a proper person, in a proper place, is a topic that makes many Indians uncomfortable. The committee itself refused a power point presentation on the question after going through the hard copy because of its explicit contents. The Committee felt that it was not comfortable with it and could be embarrassing especially to the lady Members and other lady staff present. The committee has recommended that chapters like Physical and Mental Development in Adolescents and HIV/AIDS and other Sexually Transmitted Diseases be removed from the general curriculum. Instead, they want these topics to be included in biology syllabus for school leaving classes. This leaves the students of the non-Biology streams at sea. In school, two years before school leaving exams, I remember waiting expectantly as our Biology teacher reached the last page of a chapter on the Skin, which ended with a description of the anatomy of the female breast. The teacher, a female, was an old hand and probably sensed the collective eagerness. She promptly skipped the page and went on to the questions at the end of the chapter. A couple of years later as a Biology student in my school leaving year, the most dog eared pages in our Biology text book described the physiology of the female orgasm and the female reproductive system. These pages too were skipped on the plea of self study. At home, any discussion of these was possible only in hushed tones with my brother. Involving your parents was out of question. Nice kids are not supposed to take any interest in these things. Its a given. Jyoti Bajpai, a development professional working in the field of

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reproductive and sexual health, recalls her own experience on sex education. She and her female class mates at school were called away for a session on sex education on a pretext. What information we were imparted was limited to menstruation and menstrual hygiene and little else. Its amazing that boys in my class were kept completely out of this. We were expressly warned against discussing any thing with them. When my mother was growing up her parents did their best to postpone the acknowledgement of the fact. She had to turn to her friends. Things were much the same for my parents and my generation, but are they finally going to change for the coming generation? But many Indians dont see it as reason to deny adolescents the right knowledge, especially with 2.47 million cases of HIV infected persons in the country and with sexual transmission being the predominant mode of HIV transmission. The NACO website says, Most young people become sexually active during adolescence. In the absence of right guidance and information at this stage they are more likely to have multi-partner unprotected sex with high risk behaviour groups With increasing exposure to television and internet sex education does not imply teaching kids about sex, which knowledge they will pick up anyways, but for many proponents of sex education it definitely means teaching them about what safe, healthy and acceptable sexual behaviour is. A whole political culture has been built upon sexual mores- ranging from the Congress-led government calling homosexuality a disease to Hindu fundamentalist groups equating women visiting pubs as loose. With two phases of elections to go it remains to be seen if this is going to earn political dividends. Are our representatives in the parliament providing us leadership or abdicating it by following and mobilising their followers on their less informed instincts? Why India should go all the way The lesson that Indian leaders seem to take from sex education: Prevention is better than cure. But this may not be the best formula for a country with a high incidence of child marriages and teenage pregnancies. Experts say that the case for sex education in India is quite different from in the West because it is legitimate here for young people to have sex. According to the National Family Health Survey conducted by the International Institute for Population Sciences (IIPS) and Macro International in 2005-06, 12% women aged between 15-19 years are mothers. The survey said that one in six Indian women aged 15-19 starts to have children. Dr Sunil Mehra, director of the MAMTA Health Institute for Mother and Child, says, Youth in India needs sex education more than in any other country since child marriage ensures that you not only have sex at a young age, you also have teenage pregnancy. Contrast this with the received wisdom of our politicians. The Committee on Petitions headed by the BJPs Venkaiah Naidu is a crossparty group up of nine Rajya Sabha members. The Committee has said there should be no sex education in schools because it promotes promiscuity and Indias social and cultural ethos are such that sex education has absolutely no place in it. The Committee directed its outrage at the human resource development ministrys (HRD) Adult Education Programme (AEP). Launched in 2005 and backed by the National Aids Control Organization (NACO), the AEPs focus is safer sex, as well as the physical and mental development of 14-18-year-olds. But the Committee said that it was highly embarrassed by the HRD ministrys curriculum and insisted that premarital sex, together with sex outside marriage, is immoral, unethical and unhealthy. It also said that consensual sex before the age of 16 amounts to rape. But Mehra is one of many who point to the facts. Child marriage means huge numbers of adolescent Indians indulge in legal sexual activity. The IIPS says that 47.4% of all women aged 20 to 24 are married by the time they are 18. About 18% are married by the time they are 15. Mehra says politicians have long promoted regressive policy on the pretext of culture. It is due to this so-called culture that many young girls are forced into marriage and sex and early pregnancy, he says. Sex education can also help with Indias fight against Aids. Government statistics indicate that 40% of new sexually transmitted infections are in the 15-29 age group. More than 31% of all reported Aids cases occur in this age group, which indicates that young Indians are a high-risk demographic. But all is not lost. A four-year study by MAMTA underlines the difference good sex education classes can make. The study was conducted in four schools in Haryana from 2004. Two schools were in urban Rewari; 127

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the other two in rural Bawal. Fivehundred students participated. Sex education classes led 78% of the rural schoolgirls and 33% of the urban to declare they would decline sex without a condom. It was a startling rise in condom-awareness. Before the classes, just 5% of the rural schoolgirls and 10% of the urban knew about the need for a condom. Ranjana Kumari, director of the Centre for Social Research says sex education achieves many goals missed by a blinkered Parliamentary Committee. Not least sexual abuse. A nationwide study by the Department of Women and Child Development says that 53.2% children have faced one or more forms of sexual abuse and at least half the perpetrators were known to the child. Awareness of sex is the most significant factor necessary to lead a secure life. Usual educational practices are very simple to learn, but we cannot consider sex education on the same line. It comprises of physiological, psychological and social issues, especially when we think of including it as a part of academic syllabus. As these complications occur, a question may arise in the mind of people about the need for sex education providing to the children. While children reach teenage level, lack of sex education may lead the way to their unusual behavior. If not corrected at the exact time, it may generate problems of immature misbehaviors in these childrens life.

Gyanesh Pandey


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