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THE CITIZEN REGISTERS Here’s what I think ut \w Some piecemaker Blames it on 70 THE EDITOR: 11 is bitter irony that Rascia, the sole supe grain to Russia flier of arms to warsing Arab and Asin ne lions ‘and to terrorist groups who use the ‘weapons to hijack planes. kidnap people TorThe Baitor: NO" ONE WISHES to 500 tarder thom all over the world 15 siting in avo 9 any al te fc caer aerial ete ptt of hunger pala With the blood money cared trom arms from ‘Toverieh Wana Fox, sales: sia comes 10 us to Duy fod fF 1S ee Oe erie tea Doct ft een el 90a hungry people who. 5é years aficr the Revol oe 1 fart tat go much eran is being shipped to Russia at tier hoxton at alt food high Itking ‘prices eres Ifthe ion, still do not have erough (os at. And there lies the joker. The Soviet government con- stantly criticizes Israel as a militaristic. land rabbi. expansions! nation nen! cncoloe eters of ate hae. iam and rac and oer chuce epiiets Kiser guises for feed, that all of which better descrite Mother Russia rings up the price of beef, {ho ‘swallowed up ons Inde verarsente Tarn pore, retry sts such aes Lata, wana, sti wae a ha ih cha renctiy Part terrible exterminating wat to supe Fi ttn, sac wi igor a lant and forced ts power on Poland Caeena- a “Genes anda slevakia. Hungary and. Rumama, redecing Sone? miftlemes and Teale them to satellites and colonel af the USSR ane ‘he Resan Kothor canna farting pre fram isnot working al these years an se AND THERES 18 where we foreéd te by grain irom the bated USA” Da comuver fins hiasa Ba thir systom fa not mach hffereat from te the cmsumer le neta mss Sorat Kibute"whieh 18 also a commraat inset The conan x farming system but which i very succor Tu re, San of te ‘The difference is that the Kibbutz has free- pewertal teometors! wale, ‘dom which Ivan does tol bave inthe Koln feoeries ee eens. tie tebe member ot The two erat socialist republics of Hassla treat” caee “ann: and to and Chine sweat bythe teard of Koll Mart meee withe seers es that eon alm i to help the workang Boe aee aha proceed Oy 8 people. Vet they derive their only existe: Sung union, and 80. are the from blood money manufacturing ind 3 barbers, the’ teachers 46d po on meee “supoling Secale from x ee ee te warm ee ‘youth of the werd, ‘ually ta the current price 33e. ABRAHAM COHEN " So aera, v recipients of pensions and So- ~ Gal Security but.who cares for Good and bad pe ertenc me tones Jast 4 thougnt from an average citizen, It Dieting just to lowe prices ca a nea oes Secon ot luck \o our new President. Mr. Ford. May ‘Ossining the good Lord lead him ia the right path and ' ‘cep our land strong nd proud adjust. But at the same time, let us noi turn ints wwalves who devour a member of the pack as s00n a he is wounded, Let us have cornpas. ‘so that when we judge former President ‘Nixon for his bad deeds that we slso remern ber his good deeds as well ABR: 2 Farest Ave.

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