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The United Nations Security Council have approved a resolution to send an emergency military force to the eastern Ituri area of the Democratic Republic of Congo. U-N Secretary General Kofi Annan called off the measure earliest this month to end ethnic violence in the main town of Bunia. France will lead the U-N force of about one-thousand-four-hundred troops. Half of the troops will be French. Belgium, Germany, Spain, Italy, Britain, Canada and South Africa have said they will also take part. The United States says it will not send troops, but will consider requests for financially aid. The first troops are to arrive in Congo next week. The emergency peacekeeping effort is designed to stop ethnic violence in Ituri. Opposing Lendu and Hema tribe armies are fighted for control of Bunia. The fighting has killed at least four-hundred people in recent weeks. Many of the dead was civilians. U-N aid official Carolyn McAskie recent returned from the area. She says the violence in Ituri province is widespread. She says ethnic leaders are inciting hatred. Men, woman and children have killed. Others have had their arms or legs cut down. Many women have been sexually attacked. She says most of the citizens of Bunia have fled the city to U-N military camps or to poorly equipped refugee camps. The latest violence follows the withdrawal of Ugandan forces earlier this month from Bunia. The withdrawal was part of a U-N led peace agreement reached in December. The recent fighting is part of a larger civil war in Congo that begun in nineteen-ninetyeight. More than three-millions people have died since the war began. The war involved opposing Congolese rebel armies with support from troops from five countries. Uganda and Rwanda had occupying armies in eastern Congo. Foreign forces have withdrawal from Congo under a series of peace deals. Rebels and the government signed a power-sharing agreement in December. But eastern Congo still remains a battle area. About seven-hundred U-N troops from Uruguay are currently in Ituri. But they have been able to stop the fighting around Bunia. The French-led troops will work with the peacekeepers to protect the airport, refugees and people in the city. Rwanda and Uganda support the U-N deployment. The force will be deployed only until September. It would then be replaced by about onethousand U-N peacekeepers from Bangladesh. Some observers have compared the situation in Congo to a smaller version of the mass ethnic killings in Rwanda in nineteen-ninety-four. The United Nations was criticized for not do enough to stop the killings of more than five-hundred-thousand Tutsis and moderate Hutus in Rwanda.

(Cynthia Kirk, VOA Special English, In the News, May 31, 2003: United Nations Troops Sent to Congo)

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