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By: Ruth Garca and Paula Ferrer

In this conscience project we have talked about the importance of a good communication. Communication process is the transmission and reception of ideas by any means. There are three types of communication: verbal, nonverbal and corporal. Most of people when think in communication think in the verbal one but the nonverbal and the corporal have more importance. Our aim in this project is increase the conscience of people to realize of the importance for a good communication. That is why first we have explained them what is communication through the five W theory, which is based in five questions: What? Why? When? Where? and Who? Nowadays communication is undervalued, and this is because our educative system is deficient. The most important is not the knowledge that you get during your formation. Have a large knowledge have the same importance than to know express yours ideas. The science and the world have discovered that few people can communicate from the heart and these people who have reach it has been prominent in society. We have examples of people who have used a great communication to convey their message and change the world. This, are people like Martin Lutter King and Obama. To improve your communication you have to appeal to the emotional intelligence of the person and listen to the others. You have to know that if the others do not understand you it is your fault. You must have a good attitude, connecting with my emotions, with the others emotions and talking about you feelings. Your attitude is very important, for this reason you must have always a smile. Doing this you will enjoy the communication with the others but with yourself too. This was our aim in this project, show that communication is not only a definition, it is a lifestyle and we have to do the possible to improve our communication and the other communication. We can be heroes using in the best way as possible the communication, speaking always from the heart.

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