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Running head: COM 203 FINAL PAPER 1

Jillian Walinski

Learning Outcome #1

Communication focuses on how people use messages to generate meanings within and

across various contexts, and is the discipline that studies all forms, modes, media, and

consequences of communication through humanistic, social scientific, and aesthetic inquiry

(What is Communication?). People use verbal and nonverbal messages to create meaning within

different contexts and through a wide variety of channels. Messages can be received by a single

person or a mass audience.

There are many aspects of communication to study. These include verbal, nonverbal,

identities, personal relationships, family, groups, ethics, mass, media, intercultural, persuasion,

health, and gender communication. However, there are many other topics that can be connected

to communication.

Verbal communication involves language and the act of speaking. An example of verbal

communication is interpersonal communication. Interpersonal communication involves the

sending and receiving messages between two people (Rayo). Verbal communication is also

symbolic. Symbols are given meaning by representing something random. The meaning of a

symbol could be denotative, which is the general meaning of a word, or connotative, which

refers to the implications of a word. Nonverbal communication involves anything that conveys a

message other than words. An example of nonverbal communication is proxemics. Proxemics

refers to the space and distance around you. The more comfortable you are with someone, the

closer you will allow them to be, physically. Identity refers to who a person is. Identity can be

how you see yourself, how others see you, or how you present yourself to others. There is a

theory stating that people do not possess a core self, but that identity is simply a perception.

Personal relationships involve people that have an irreplaceable bond and communicate in a

close way. Examples of personal relationships are the ones you share with friends, family, and

romantic partners. When it comes to family, there are many different ways that people describe

it. Family consists of members within a close structure. Some may be part of a nuclear family,

which includes two parents and their genetically related children, but others may be part of a

chosen family, which can involve adoption or just the people that you decide are your true

family. However, family is not limited to a certain definition. Groups involve a collection of

people that have a relation through communication. Types of groups include formal, advisory,

creative, support, and networking. A formal group is generally task oriented and formally

structured. An advisory group is task specific and has the intention of producing a focused

outcome. A creative group evaluates concepts and creates approaches to complex problems. A

support group is comforting, advising, and raises awareness about issues. A networking group is

about obtaining, building, and sustaining relationships. Ethics in communication involve societal

rules about what is just and unjust (Mukherjee). Ethics depend on culture and society. Things

that are considered right and wrong differ in different countries. Mass communication involves

the interactions between mass media and their audiences. This type of communication isn’t as

direct or immediate as interpersonal communication. It is also very relevant with regards to

social media. Technology and media can be used to communicate messages to individuals or

larger audiences. Technology is used all over the world as a way to communicate to those that

aren’t in close proximity to you. Media is very influential and can influence people in positive or

negative ways. Intercultural communication focuses on the similarities and differences among

individuals of different cultural backgrounds (Communication as an Academic Discipline).


Different countries have different languages, but they also possess different means of

communicating. When traveling to another country, it is important to learn the proper manners

of that specific culture. Persuasion involves shaping or changing someone’s viewpoint. An

example of persuasion is compliance gaining which involves trying to influence someone else’s

behavior. Health communication involves informing and influencing individual and community

decisions that enhance health. An issue in health communication is that health literacy, the

degree in which an individual can understand basic health information, is not common among

the average person. Gender communication involves how you express your identity, whether

you are more feminine or masculine. Unlike sex, gender is a social construct.

After discussing the surplus of topics within communication, we can delve into career

pathways for students who want to pursue a career in communication. With a degree in

communication, some careers you can pursue include a human resources manager, a public

relations manager, a director in marketing or advertising, an event planner, a social media

manager, a business reporter, a health educator, a brand manager, or a sales representative. As a

human resources manager, your responsibilities will include recruiting new staff, raising

awareness about training and development programs, and ensuring company guidelines are

regulations are properly communicated (Tucker). A public relations manager is responsible for

writing press releases, organizing press conferences, and convincing the media that the stories

about the organization have journalistic merit (Profita). The responsibilities of a marketing or

advertising director include writing advertising scripts and producing company presentations or

print campaigns (Tucker). Being an event planner requires a detail-oriented person. Event

planners need to effectively promote events, have organizational skills, and public speaking

skills (Profita). Social media managers must have good writing skills for composing posts and

persuasive abilities in order to pitch plans to staff and have interesting content online (Profita).

Business reporters must have journalistic writing skills and good interpersonal skills in order to

convey information to the public (Profita). The responsibility of a health educator is to formulate

programs to address and resolve the health issues relating to the public (Profita). Brand

managers must have interpersonal skills in order to analyze consumer reactions to their products

(Profita). Brand managers are responsible for supervising the development of campaigns in

order to promote sales (Profita). A sales representative can use oral and written communication

skills to deliver a persuasive pitch to customers (Profita).

Communication is involved in everything. Experts in communication are able to assist

professionals in helping them express themselves creatively and efficiently (Communication

Experts). Businesses need people to take care of finances, but they also need people to take care

of the communicative side. Companies are able to run smoothly because of professionals in the

communication field. Careers relating to human resources or public relations help a company

maintain relationships with people. Brand managers and marketing directors know how to

connect to a consumer because of their knowledge of communication. Communication expertise

is important in career development because it is needed in order to balance the personal and

professional aspects of work. Expertise in communication opens the door for many careers,

helps you navigate different relationships, and assists in learning new things. It also allows you

to understand others better and give you an insight on ways to improve your community. This

gives it importance relating to civic engagement.

Throughout this semester, I have enjoyed learning about all of the topics that pertain to

communication. The topic I enjoyed the most would have to be gender communication. This

was the last topic of the semester, but the most important to me. This topic largely pertains to

the LGBTQ+ community, which I am an ally of and advocate for. I am also someone that

believes in being your true self and support everyone’s way of expressing themselves, whether

that be through gender communication or not. From an early age, I enjoyed dressing more like a

boy than a girl, and nobody ever questioned it. Perhaps that is why I am so open-minded and

supportive of others. Trying to educate others on matters pertaining to gender communication

can be difficult, which is why I enjoyed someone else properly informing others. I was able to

feel relief knowing that people were learning that sex and gender are two completely different


The topic I found the most challenging to understand this semester was family

communication because there were so many similar terms. There are many different types of

families, so it was tough to remember all of them. For example, there is nuclear family,

extended family, family of origin, family of descent, family of generativity, family of choice,

blended family, binuclear family, and single-parent family. There are also family rules and

family norms which sound like they could be interchangeable. Along with family secrets and kin

keeping, also sounding like they could be interchangeable.

This semester was a great learning experience. The plethora of knowledge, pertaining to

communication, that I have absorbed is astonishing. This course has taught me that I am on the

right path toward a fulfilling career. Without taking this course, I would have never known how

broad of a subject communication is. I am eager to continue my journey of communication



“Communication as an Academic Discipline.”, NCA,


“Communication Experts: Why Companies Need Them: USC Online MCM.” USC Online

Communication Degree, 13 May 2019,


Mukherjee, Koustav. “Comparison Between Social Communication Ethics and Social Media

Communication Ethics: A Paradigm Shift.” Ebsco Host, June 2017,



Profita, Mike. “Top 10 Best Jobs for Communication Majors.” The Balance Careers, The

Balance Careers, 18 Nov. 2019,


Rayo, Agustin. “Four Types of Verbal Communication – Agustín Rayo.” Agustn Rayo, 21 Apr.


Tucker, Laura. “What Can You Do with a Communications Degree?” Top Universities, 6 Mar.



“What Is Communication?” National Communication Association, 21 Mar. 2019,

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